Quick Start HYPERSIM
Quick Start HYPERSIM
Quick Start HYPERSIM
HYPERSIM® Simulator
1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. REQUIRED MATERIAL ...................................................................................................................................................1
2. FIRST STEPS WITH HYPERSIM® ................................................................................................................................ 2
2.1. CREATE A SCHEMATIC...................................................................................................................................................2
2.2. DRAW A POWER SYSTEM ..............................................................................................................................................3
2.3. OPEN A MODEL, LOAD SENSORS AND START A SIMULATION ..................................................................................................7
2.4. MONITOR SIMULATION RESULTS WITH SCOPEVIEW..........................................................................................................13
3. USING ANALOG AND DIGITAL I/O IN HYPERSIM® .................................................................................................. 16
3.1. HARDWARE SETUP.....................................................................................................................................................16
3.1.1. Analog loopback ..........................................................................................................................................16
3.1.2. Digital loopback ...........................................................................................................................................17
3.2. INTERFACING INPUTS AND OUTPUTS TO THE SIMULATION ..................................................................................................17
3.2.1. Analog output sensors .................................................................................................................................19
3.2.2. Analog input sensors ...................................................................................................................................22
3.2.3. Digital output sensors..................................................................................................................................23
3.2.4. Digital input sensors ....................................................................................................................................25
3.2.5. Task mapping and simulation start .............................................................................................................26
3.2.6. Acquisition and graph modification ............................................................................................................27
4. CONTACT AND SUPPORT ....................................................................................................................................... 31
5. TROUBLESHOOTING .............................................................................................................................................. 32
5.1. BLOCKS CANNOT BE MOVED, ADDED OR EDITED...............................................................................................................32
5.2. MAP TASKS DO NOT WORK WHEN USING I/O..................................................................................................................32
5.3. NO ANALOG OR DIGITAL INPUT SIGNAL IS RECEIVED IN SCOPEVIEW......................................................................................33
6. ANNEX A: COMMON KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS ....................................................................................................... 34
7. ANNEX B: OVERVIEW OF THE HYPERVIEW TOOLS ................................................................................................. 36
8. ANNEX C: OVERVIEW OF SCOPEVIEW.................................................................................................................... 37
Signal selection window ................................................................................................................................................37
Signal display window ...................................................................................................................................................38
7. To delete all selected signals (highlighted in yellow), press ‘Delete’ on your keyboard or use the
right-click menu.
8. To remove only one branch of a signal, use the Zap tool in the Home toolbar. The Tools group
includes common operations for signals.
11. For more on practical keyboard and other shortcuts, see Annex B.
That’s all you need to know for now. Let’s open an existing demo model.
Note: The block inside the red rectangle is called a Point-On-Wave (POW) and is mandatory in all
models with network components. It is required for time synchronization of the acquisition. It works by
monitoring one phase signal of the bus to which it is attached, so ensure that the system is always
stable at that location. Placing it adjacent to a generator helps for stability of the voltage sine wave.
5. To visualize and edit sensors, right-click the block and click Open Sensors Form. For this
example, let’s use Di1.
9. Add the OPAL-RT Simulator to the target list by clicking Tools/Target Manager > Target.
12. If the HyCore version is set to ‘Unavailable’, refer to the document ‘How to install HYPERSIM®
on a target’.
13. Click Simulation/Settings on the HYPERSIM® ribbon.
14. Under Target, choose the target IP previously entered in Target Manager. Under Simulation
mode, choose Real-time then click OK.
15. By clicking Simulation/Start in the HYPERSIM® toolbar, the tasks are mapped automatically to
the various cores, the code is compiled, and the simulation starts running. This can take anywhere
from a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on the size of the model. Once it is started, the
Start button is greyed out, and the Stop button is available to stop the simulation.
2. See Annex D for a detailed description of ScopeView options. For this tutorial, open a pre-prepared
template. Click the folder icon with a T in the upper right corner and browse to the directory
C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\HYPERSIM, and select the xml template file
3. The acquisition parameters are saved along with the template, so there is no need to apply changes
for this tutorial. However, here are the basics for the acquisition parameters:
You can bring up the Acquisition Parameters by pressing the designated button on the tool bar.
Start Time: Time at which the acquisition starts, after pressing the ‘Play’ button, in seconds.
Time Length: Duration of the acquisition, in seconds.
Sampling Rate: Number of samples per second used to represent a signal. This number must
be an integer multiple of the step size. Otherwise, a linear interpolation of the data points is
processed by the acquisition spooler before sending the data to ScopeView (i.e., before the
graphs appear).
A fault occurs on Bus WED7 on phase A at 0.028 second. The protection system isolates the line by
opening line breakers at 0.1 second. The fault is cleared and the line is brought back to service at 0.2
2. At the back of the simulator, connect both ends of this cable to group 1, slot A, connector P1 (analog
output) and group 1, slot B, connector P1 (analog input) as shown here:
Figure 28: Loopback kit with external power for digital signals
2. Connect the end with the Molex cable to group 4, slot B, connector P1 (digital output) and the other
end to group 4, slot A, connector P1 (digital input). Then connect the power supply to the wall
outlet, as shown in the figure below. The DC voltage output of the power supply is the voltage
level to be measured when the digital signal is high.
2. The information required to map signals to I/O channels is found, in HyperView, in the Real-Time
tab. On the left-hand side of this page, you find all processors available for simulation. On at least
one of the icons, you should see a green square in the upper right corner labeled I/O. This is the
core that processes tasks linked to I/O signals. Expand it to find a series of I/O types and numbers
that you’ll use in the sensor configuration to output signals.
2. To configure a specific I/O, click the ‘…’ (ellipses) button under the I/O Type column.
3. You can also directly enter the value in each field of the Sensors Form. Use right-click to copy or
paste values. You can also enter a sequence of I/O numbers by selecting multiple lines.
4. First select all three checkboxes on the left-hand side and set the values, as follows:
To display additional parameters use the + (plus) button on the column description bar.
4.1. The I/O-Type column can take 4 different values: DA for analog output, AD for analog input,
DO for digital output and DI for digital input. (DA stands for digital-to-analog converter and is
often used to refer to the process by which binary values are converted to a measurable
analog signal. AD is thus the inverse analog-to-digital conversion.) Let’s use DA for now.
4.2. The I/O-Number column contains the channel number from which the signal should be sent.
These are the numbers from step 2 in the Low to High range.
A. Connect one end of an RJ45 cable between the first connector of interface 1A.
B. Connect the other end of the RJ45 cable to the first BNC splitting interface, as seen
C. Connect the mini-BNC to BNC cable from any of the A, B or C connectors to the
oscilloscope. Note that a gain of 0.1 is applied to that interface.
2. Right-click the Target input, analog block and select Open Sensors Form to edit the sensors.
Input the values as below.
Since the voltage values were scaled down to adapt to the analog output limitations, it is necessary to
multiply these values again once they are received on the analog input side.
4. Taking into account the data format, we’ll set the DO sensors on the Data type, float to integer
block on the y signal. Since the square wave has an amplitude of one, no scaling is required. The
voltage measured at the output of the simulator is always the supply voltage (5 V or 12 V with a
loopback) when the value is 1.
1. Right-click the digital input block and select Open Sensors From to open the sensor parameters,
and set the values as shown.
2. Then look at the log window for the current network. The log window is very important; it provides
a lot of information on the model, I/O, error messages, etc. There are two consoles for a given
model: i) Model.ecf console gives information about operations in the model, and ii) Model.simout
console gives information from the simulation. When something does not work as expected,
always look at these windows first.
3. If your terminal output corresponds to the one from the last step, left-click to start your simulation.
3. All sensors configured are now available across various categories. Navigate the different signal
types and add the analog and digital signals we created in HYPERSIM®.
4. You should then see all signals in the list in the lower part of that window.
6. Selecting 2 of the 8 graphs and then clicking the Superimpose button highlighted below allows
you to compare the signal sent to the signal received. When selecting the graphs, the first one you
select is the first to be listed in the multi-signal graph.
That’s it for this tutorial. There are a lot of other features for you to discover in ScopeView. Here are a
few suggestions for you to try:
Change the acquisition parameters to better understand their impact.
Undo the overlay of one graph and redo it with the double abscissa option (this is the button
right next to the Superimpose button.
Use the cursor to measure the slope and time difference between two data points.
Use the right-click menu to change the axis names and scaling.
Use the right-click menu to change the page layout, title, legend, etc.
Overlay the three bus voltages and use the right-click menu to show phasor data.
Use the various mathematical functions.
Congratulations, you’ve made it through the Quick Start Guide!
Hardware Information:
Possible causes:
1. Simulation preference may be set to Offline instead of Real-Time.
2. Another simulation using I/O is already running. HyperView Real-Time Monitoring can be used
to verify whether this is the case.
3. I/O-type and/or I/O-Number do not correspond to the values in the .io I/O configuration file.
4. I/O configuration files are set incorrectly (also in the .io file).
AddPins - Ctrl+E
Auto Create Symbol - Ctrl+J
Bring to Front - Ctrl+B
Close Ctrl+W Ctrl+W
Copy Ctrl+C Ctrl+C
Create Subcircuit Block Ctrl+Shift+Q
Cut Ctrl+X Ctrl+X
Design Attributes Ctrl+Shift+D
Design Preferences Ctrl+J -
Draw Bundle Ctrl+Shift+B -
Draw Signal Ctrl+Shift+S -
Duplicate Ctrl+D Ctrl+D
Enlarge Ctrl+Shift+E Ctrl+Shift+E
Export F2 -
Find Ctrl+F -
Go to selected Ctrl+G -
Properties Ctrl+I -
Group - Ctrl+G
Magnify Ctrl+Shift+M -
Move to Grid - Ctrl+Shift+G
New Ctrl+N Ctrl+N
New Breakout Ctrl+B -
Normal Size Ctrl+Shift+N Ctrl+Shift+N
Normal Size Home -
Open Ctrl+O Ctrl+O
Open/Close Breaker Alt-Click -
Orientation (for device) Ctrl+Q -
Part Attributes - Ctrl+I
Paste Ctrl+V Ctrl+V
Paste Special Ctrl+Shift+V -
Pop Up (to parent circuit) Ctrl+Shift+U -
Print Ctrl+P -
Holding down the CTRL button while holding moving the mouse pointer is a quick way to navigate
around a drawing.
1. New template / Open template / Save template / Save template as / Export data.
2. Acquisition settings: Clicking the button opens a menu. Those settings are described in detail in
step 2.4.3.
3. Start acquisition: Clicking this button starts an acquisition.
4. ScopeView: Where the graphical representation is displayed.
5. Display tools: The user can zoom in or out, select one or multiple signals to display, overlay the
signals, use a cursor to follow the acquired values, calculate the slope and much more.
6. Pages: Display various graphs on multiple pages.
7. Columns: Specifies the number of columns to display. For a given page, signals can be displayed
on up to 6 columns. Depending on the type of signal and screen resolution, typically no more than
3 columns is suggested.
8. Start source acquisition: Clicking this button starts an acquisition for the source written on the
left side. Each new source is added to the right side.
9. Data source options: Various options depending on the data source type. These settings are
described in details in step 2.4.3.
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