Abe 33-37

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REXROTH-NORMEN, Pump mounting bracket rigid motor frame size 71 to 400 (to VDMA 24561) AB-E 33-37 Sheet Page 119 IMANNESMANN IREXROTH Dinensors wm Not considered when changes ae made! 4 Area of application Pump mounting brackets to this standard are used as the connecting element between electric motors and hydraulic pumps. Dimensions of the pump mounting bracket are to VDMA 24561. 2 Suitability ‘The brackets are of aluminium alloy and are resistant to mineral oll HL-P to 51524. Operating temperature -20°C to +100°C. 3 Selection table overview ‘Components reffering to the brackets are to be found within Pos. 6 of the selection table. RaFSO 4 Ordering example/match code Pump mounting bracket for a V7/100 pump and a 226 frame size electric motor: Pumpentraeger AB33-37/A450/0-V7/100 Selection table: see AB-E 33-37 sheet 2 5 Ordering code Example Pumpentraeger AB 33-37 / A 480/0 - V7/100 AB-standard Pump mounting bracket Motor mounting flange see Pos.7.2 Pump short code Mannesmann Rexroth Grn Jahnstrae 3 Dis7e16 - Lahr ER psre13- Lohr a Mak Page 2/9 _AB-E 33-37 Pump mounting bracket rigid, sheet 1 € Selection table Pump | Motor | Power in kW. Type Dimensions BG _|r000/min [1500/min AB 33-37/ dy dy 74 (025/0,37 | _AT60/0-GFI-P1 ri-p1 [80 [055/0,75| A200/0-GF1-P1 " 80 4.11.5 | A200/0-GFI-P1 i071 73] 2,2/8/4 | A250/0-GF1-P4 120 | 48 7“ (0.25/0,37| _A160/0-G2-4X/B(075) 751) | 13 80 [o,55/0,75| A200/0-G2-4X/B(095) 95 | 17 80 1.471,5 | A200/0-G2-4X/6(095) 801] me | 4) 5 Hoot 2,2/8/4 | A260/0-G2-4X/B(116) 16 4] 22 132 5,577.5 | A300/0-G2-4X/B(132) 132 )] 24 160 4115_| A350/1-G2-4x/8 188 | 26 80 [0,8570,75| AZ00/0-G3-3x/S 90 4.4715 | A200/0-G3-3N/8 froort 72] 2.2104 | A250/0-G3-3XI5 80,1 132 5.5/7.5 | A300/0-63-3xS AR60/1-G2-4N5 0.58/0,75] A200/0-GC2-E4 90 1.1/15 | A200/0-G02-E6 cercn2-es fi00172 22/4 | A250/0-6C2-E4 as | 63,1 132 5.5/7.5 | Ad00/0-GC2-E4 760 1118 | A3s0r1-Go2-E4 20 0.5670,75| A2000-V710 90 4.1/1,5 | A20000-V7A0 root] 2.27814 | A250/0-V70 103 | 00,1 132 8.5/7.5 | A3000-V7/I0 160 1115 | A3s0/1-Gc3.E4 188 | 26 180 18,5722 | A360/2-G03-E4 204 80 [o,85/0,75| AZ00/0-V7N6 [124 [16 90 11715 | A20000-V776 ~ Hoot] 2.21314 | A250/0-V7/6 75 [19 132 5.5/7.5 | A200/0.V7716 125 |100,1] wo [755 | 20] 2 160 11/15 | A36000-V716 180 18,5722 | A350/0-V7/16 204 | 26 200 30 | Ad00/0-V7N6 Hroorr72] 2270/4 | A250/-PGNAES 148 [19 132 5,517.5 | A300/0-PGN4-E4 768 | 20 pone-es [7160 11/18 | A3s00-PGNAE4 | 125 |100,1| M10 10 pons-es [180 78,6722 | A350/0-PGN4-E4 204 | 26 200 30___| A4O0/0-PGN4-E4 225 ST/4S_|AASOIO-PGNA-EA 234 20 1.1715 | A200/0-G05-E4 140 [16 ro0rr73} 2.2/8/4 |_A250/0-6C5-E4 160 {125,1| m2 [148 | 19 | 10 one 5.5/7.5 | AS00/0-605-4 468 | 20 1) Dimension I does not correspond to VOMA standard Fae ‘AB-E 33-37 Pump mounting bracket rigid, sheet 1 ce Wotor [Power in kW Type Dimensions tr] 86 [roo0min[sso0min| Basar) [a [ae | | To | fa. 160 115 _| —ASs0/0-GC5-E4 180, 78.572 | —aas0-Ges.e4 | 160 |125,1] m2| 204 | 20 | 10 ccs.es [7200 30 | aoo0-ccs-e4 | 225 37145 A450/0-V7/40_ 160 |125,1| M12 | 234 | 26] 10 250 37 55 A550/1-V7/40 248 -— Zara | — A2s0/0-G00-E% 175 [7 132 5.5/7.5 | A3001-GC8-E4 198 | 20 160 ANS A350/0-GC6-E4 ecees [160 78.5722 | Ass00-Gcs-E4 228 pense | 200 30 | Adoore-cee-e4 | 200 |160,1| wie 28 | 10 pcus.es [7225 37745 | A45O70-V7TTO0 262 250 37 55 ASS0/0-V7/100 265 220 | 48/55 | 760 | As6010-V7/100 315 | 75/00 | v10rt92| —Assovt-vz7100 a0 [a 200 30 | _As0o0-

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