Hiv-12-87 Male Involvement Towards PMTCT
Hiv-12-87 Male Involvement Towards PMTCT
Hiv-12-87 Male Involvement Towards PMTCT
Mohammed Ayalew Background: Male partner involvement is an important and crucial determinant of prevention
Melese Gebrie of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV. It creates an opportunity to reverse the
Ephrem Geja transmission of HIV during pregnancy, labor, and breastfeeding. Thus, involving male partners
Bereket Beyene during HIV screening of pregnant mothers at ANC is the key to fight against MTCT of HIV.
Objective: This study was designed to assess the magnitude and factors associated with
School of Nursing, College of Medicine
male partner’s involvement on PMTCT service utilization among pregnant women who
and Health Sciences, Hawassa University,
Hawassa, Ethiopia attended focused antenatal care (FANC) in Southern Ethiopia.
Methods: An institutional-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 420 ran-
domly selected pregnant women who enrolled in PMTCT service at ANC clinics. Pre-
tested and structured self-administered questionnaires were used to collect the data.
Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to determine the presence of statistically
significant associations between the outcome variable and the independent variables
with a p-value less than 0.05.
Results: A total of 409 pregnant women who had ANC follow-up have participated in
this study. The majority 160 (39.1%) of the participants were in the age group of 25–29
years. The magnitude of male involvement in PMTCT service was 129 (29.8%).
Number of ANC visits (3rd visit (AOR=2.36, CI=1.09, 5.10), 4th visit (AOR=3.49,
CI=1.65, 7.38), birthplace interest (AOR=3.01, CI=1.16, 7.84), awareness about partner
monthly income (AOR=2.17, CI=1.15, 4.11), source of family saving scheme (partner
(AOR=2.99, CI=1.39, 6.43), self (AOR=8.59, CI=3.92, 18.82), both (AOR=5.13,
CI=2.21, 11.92), maternal perception about the importance of consulting partner before
HIV testing (AOR=9.30, CI=2.65, 32.64), and kinds of partner support (psychological
(AOR=0.08, CI=0.02, 0.29), financial (AOR=0.33, CI=0.17, 0.68) were found to be
significantly associated with male involvement in PMTCT.
Conclusion: This study found out that male partner involvement in PMTCT is low.
Therefore, improving male partner involvement in PMTCT is recommended for improving
maternal FANC service utilization and adherence with notification of their partner and
provision of psychological and financial support.
Keywords: male partner, PMTCT, ANC service utilization, Ethiopia
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women and children and has serious impacts on women’s challenges such as little involvement by men.15 As
life.2 According to the UNAIDS report by 2019, it is pro- studies done in Ethiopia found out that male partners’
jected that more than 33.3 million people globally are living involvement in PMTCT ranges from 10% to 53%.16–18
with HIV and of whom 2.5 million will be infants and The studies show male involvement may be underuti-
children.3 About 92% of HIV infected pregnant women are lized public health intervention to address both infant
living in the region of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).4 HIV infection and mortality in resource-poor setting.16
The majority of children living with HIV are infected Therefore, the lack of male involvement in ANC/
via mother to child transmission (MTCT).5 About 90% PMTCT of HIV programs, in particular, have been
of new HIV infections among infants occur through identified as major bottlenecks to effective program
MTCT. Without any intervention, the risk of MTCT implementation.16–18 Several factors such as fear of
ranges from 20% to 45%. However, with an evidence- disclosure of HIV results, lack of male partner support,
based set of comprehensive intervention, this transmis- fear of violence, abandonment, and stigmatization
sion rate can be reduced to less than 2%.6 affect PMTCT service utilization.12
Prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) is an As most low- and middle-income countries, male
essential step and intervention strategy to ensure no child is involvement in PMTCT service utilization is said to
born with HIV and safeguard HIV/AIDS-free generation.6 be very low in many health facilities in Ethiopia.
Therefore, ART should be maintained after the delivery and Therefore, this is one of the impending program gap
completion of breastfeeding for life. All infants born to HIV- negatively affecting PMTCT services uptake.19 A study
positive mothers should receive a course of treatment as soon conducted in Hadiya zone southern Ethiopia showed
as possible after birth.7,8 that only 29.2% of male partners were accompanying
World Health Organization (WHO) launches the partner to ANC clinics and 28.0% male partners
a comprehensive approach to the PMTCT program, were counselled and tested for HIV during their part-
i.e. primary prevention of HIV infection among child- ners’ pregnancy.20 Hereafter, previously in a country, it
bearing age women, prevention of unintended pregnan- was underlined as involving male partners in PMTCT
cies among women living with HIV, prevention of HIV can be considered as an opportunity for the delivery of
transmission from HIV infected woman living to her further PMTCT services particularly partner testing,
infant, and providing comprehensive treatment, care condom use, and infant feeding recommendations.21
and psychosocial and rehabilitative support to women Furthermore, male involvement in PMTCT has been
living with HIV, their children, and families.9 In inadequate and many pregnant women attend maternal
resource-limited settings with high rates of MTCT, health services unaccompanied and unsupported by
due to their key decision-making role on the health of their partners.13 Despite this, male involvement in
women and their children, including use of PMTCT PMTCT in Ethiopia is not well known. Hence, infor-
interventions, family planning, and access to medical mation on male involvement and associated factors of
care, male partners must be considered as part of the pregnant women are urgently needed for prioritiz-
PMTCT program.10 Studies showed that low male par- ing, designing, and initiating intervention programs
ticipation in PMTCT services is strongly associated aimed at reducing MTCT rate of HIV and producing
with high MTCT risk in exposed infants.11 a healthy and productive child. In addition, male invol-
Male partner involvement in PMTCT intervention has been vement is an important determinant factor of PMTCT
associated with an increase in uptake of intervention by preg- service uptake. Therefore, this study was aimed to
nant women, facilitates ART initiation and adherence, assess the magnitude and factors associated with male
increases health facility delivery, and enables a good choice partner’s involvement in PMTCT service utilization
of breastfeeding plan.12 Various studies have demonstrated that among pregnant women who attend FANC in selected
male partner involvement can have a positive impact on the institutions found in Hawassa town.
utilization of services such as antenatal care (ANC), facility-
based delivery, HIV testing, and PMTCT.13 It may reduce the Study Area, Design, and Period
risk of (MTCT) by more than 40%.14 An institutional-based cross-sectional study design was
Even though Ethiopia started to implement PMTCT/ conducted among pregnant women who enrolled in
ANC services since 2001, programs face different PMTCT service in randomly selected health facilities
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Study Population 1. Did your male partner know your appointment for
All sampled pregnant women who enrolled in PMTCT ANC the last time you were pregnant?
2. Did you discuss with your male partner about coun-
service at ANC clinic in randomly selected government
seling and testing for HIV the last time, you were
health facilities of Hawassa town during the study period
were the source population.
3. Have you ever gone together with your male partner
to an ANC/PMTCT clinic?
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria 4. Have you ever counseled and tested for HIV
Pregnant women with age 18 and above were included in together with your male partner at an ANC/
the study. However, those who were seriously ill to give PMTCT clinic?
personal information during the interview were excluded 5. Did your male partner support your antenatal visits
from the study. financially?
6. Do your male partner accept if health professionals
inform you to use a condom during the time of your
Sample Size Determination and Sampling
The sample size was calculated using a single population
proportion formula;
The total score of the items ranges from 0 to 6. A score
ðzα=2 Þ2 p ð1-pÞ of 4–6 was considered as “high involvement in
d2 PMTCT” and 0–3 as “low involvement in PMTCT”
where the estimated prevalence of 53.0% was taken from service utilization.23
the study conducted in Arbaminch, Ethiopia17 with 5%
marginal error (d) and 95% CI (Zα/2=1.96) and adding Data Quality Control
a 10% non-response rate, the total sample size for this Data were collected by trained clinical nurses and
research was 420. Four health facilities were selected supervised by BSc Nurses. Two-day training for data
through random sampling technique. Secondly, the overall collectors and supervisors were given about data col-
sample was proportionally allocated to the selected health lection methods and how to handle ethical issues. Pre-
facilities. Then, sampling frame was prepared for each test was conducted on 5% of the study sample size
selected health facility based on registration book appoint- before the main study was conducted to identify
ment. Finally, a simple random sampling technique was impending problems on data collection instruments
used to select the required number of participants. and to check consistency of the questionnaires, and
Table 1 Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Pregnant Women Table 2 Pregnancy and Decision Making Related Characteristics
and Their Male Partner Who Came to ANC Clinic for ANC/PMTCT of Pregnant Women Who Came to ANC Clinics in the Selected
Service in Hawassa Town, Southern Ethiopia, 2018 (N= 409) Health Centers for ANC/PMTCT Service in Hawassa Town,
Variable Description Frequency Percentage
Southern Ethiopia, 2018 (N= 409)
(n) (%) Variable Description Frequency Percentage
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Table 3 PMTCT and HIV Care and Support Related Characteristics of Pregnant Women Who Came to ANC Clinics in the Selected Health
Centers for ANC/PMTCT Service in Hawassa Town, Southern Ethiopia, 2018 (N= 409)
Variable Description Frequency Percentage
(n) (%)
Kinds of life time HIV risk behaviour of women (N=14) Multiple Sexual partner 6 42.8
Sexual contact without condom 6 42.8
Sexual contact with HIV positive 2 14.2
Women’s willingness and testing HIV test in current pregnancy Yes 398 97.3
No 11 2.7
Women’s reason for current HIV test refusal (N=11) Inability to cope stress of being positive 5 45.5
Fear of rejection/stigma by community 6 54.5
Women’s disclosure of current test result to male partners Yes 370 93.0
(N=398) No 28 7.0
Women’s who consult partner before testing current HIV test Yes 349 87.7
(N=398) No 49 12.3
Partner disclosure history of HIV test result (N=349) Yes 304 87.1
No 45 12.9
Partner reason for current HIV test refusal (N= 35) Inability to cope stress of being positive 18 51.4
Fear of community rejection or stigma 14 40.0
I do not know 3 8.6
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Table 4 Association Between Male Partner Involvement in ANC/PMTCT and Each Explanatory Variable (Crude & Adjusted OR) of
Pregnant Women Who Came to ANC Clinics in the Selected Health Centers for ANC/PMTCT Service in Hawassa Town, Southern
Ethiopia, 2018 (N= 409)
Variable Male Partner Involvement COR (95% CI) AOR (95% CI)
Low High
Having birth preparedness plan Yes 204 (49.9%) 94 (23.0%) 1.37 (0.83, 2.24)
No 83 (20.3%) 28 (6.8%) 1
Awareness about partner Yes 168 (41.1%) 100 (24.4%) 3.22 (1.92, 5.40)* 2.17(1.15, 4.11)*
monthly income No 119 (29.1%) 22 (5.4%) 1 1
Maternal own monthly income Yes 115 (28.1%) 115 (28.1%) 2.47 (1.59, 3.82)*
No 172 (42.1%) 46 (11.2%) 1
Source of family saving scheme Partner saving 99 (24.2%) 35 (8.6%) 2.69 (1.34, 5.39)* 2.99 (1.39, 6.43)*
Self saving 52 (12.7%) 48 (11.7%) 7.03 (3.49, 14.14)* 8.59 (3.92, 18.82)*
Both partner saving 37 (9.0%) 26 (6.4%) 5.35 (2.49, 11.50)* 5.13 (2.21, 11.92)*
No saving 99 (24.2%) 13 (3.2%) 1 1
Consulting partner before HIV Yes 230 (57.8%) 119 (29.9%) 7.93 (2.42, 26.04)* 9.30 (2.65, 32.64)*
testing No 46 (11.6%) 3 (0.8%) 1 1
Kinds of partner support Psychological 37 (10.4%) 3 (0.8%) 0.11 (0.03, 0.38)* 0.08 (0.02, 0.29)*
Financial 64 (17.9%) 23 (6.4%) 0.50 (0.29, 0.86)* 0.33 (0.17, 0.68)*
Both psychological and financial 134(37.5%) 96 (26.9%) 1 1
Partner previous HIV testing Yes 229 (64.0%) 120 (33.5%) 15.2 (3.65, 63.29)*
history No 58 (14.2%) 2 (0.5%) 1
Disclosure of partner previous Yes 193 (55.5%) 111 (31.9%) 2.30 (1.07, 4.95)*
HIV test result (N=349) No 36 (10.3%) 9 (2.6%) 1
Abbreviation: NB: *Statistically significant at P < 0.05.
in ANC/PMTCT service utilization. Male partners did not ANC clinics.22 In most Sub-Saharan African countries,
have time to attend ANC with their partners since they the principal breadwinners in the family are men.
utilize the time to source money to take care of their Therefore, men mostly choose to spend their time at
families when they have socio-economic difficulties.27 work fending for their families, instead of waiting for
Distance, poor infrastructure, undeveloped transport sys- long hours at the clinics where for most of the time they
tem and cost of getting to the hospital restrain men from are not involved. This may contribute to their lack of
being engaged in PMTCT service.30 In addition, men with commitment at the clinics for PMTCT service.31
low-income levels opted to stay at home because they In this study, having consult of male partner by preg-
lacked enough money to travel with their partners to nant women also involves males nine times as those who
do not in PMTCT service. If the couples discuss the need Review Board. The study was conducted in accordance
for HIV testing, that means they are ready to accept the with the Declaration of Helsinki. All participants gave
test result and they are more likely to adhere to the written informed consent to participate in the study.
PMTCT treatment.27 Those women who disclosed their
HIV status to their male partners were more likely to Data Sharing Statement
engage in PMTCT services such as post-test counseling, The datasets generated and analyzed during the current
accept antiretroviral prophylaxis, modify infant feeding study are not publicly available due to the obligation to
practices and increase condom use.32 secrecy towards the participants.
Male partners who provide support for their pregnant
women both financially and psychologically are more likely
considered to be involved in PMTCT. This decreases stigma
The authors would like to thank all participants and data
on pregnant women and charging user fee also promote
collectors for devoting their time to contribute their ideas
pregnant women participating in PMTCT services.30 This is
during data collection.
because of the fact that men are decision-makers in many
societies and families. Therefore, supporting pregnant
mothers psychologically and financially promotes the invol- Author Contributions
vement of male partners in ANC/PMTCT. All authors made substantial contributions to conception
and design, acquisition of data or analysis and interpreta-
tion of data; took part in drafting the article or revising it
Limitation of the Study
critically for important intellectual content; gave final
This study does not completely guarantee the effect of
approval of the version to be published; and agree to be
confounding factors and there is a risk of biased responses
accountable for all aspects of the work.
such as social desirability bias by which pregnant women
either exaggerate or minimize the role of the male partner
for some reason. The situation may provide different Funding
results if male partners had been chosen for the interview. No funding was received for this research work.
Conclusions Disclosure
In this study, the magnitude of male partner involvement in The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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