FAO - 2017 - Agricultural Cost of Production Statistics

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Agricultural cost of production

statistics: main concepts

Short Training Course on

Agricultural Cost of Production

1 – Accounting approach

• Economic accounting is used ≠ business or tax accounting

• All costs are measured:
o Cash costs : costs generally resulting from an economic
o Non-cash costs:
 inputs supplied by the farm or the farmer (including land)
 Capital or fixed inputs
o Opportunity costs
• This is necessary to appropriately measure the productivity of
production factors, such as land, labor or capital
2 – Boundaries

• Cost of production or cultivation stops at the farm-gate. Strictly

speaking, it excludes:
o Transport costs : from the farm to the first selling point or to
the transformer
o Marketing costs : publicity, packing and conditioning going
beyond the basic form in which the commodities are usually
• These costs can be measured in an AgCoP program but should:
o Be presented separately in the tables
o Not be included in the computation of indicators such as net
or gross returns
3 – Opportunity costs (1/2)
• Def: The opportunity cost of a good or service can be defined
as its value in its next best alternative use (AAEA, 2000).
• Used to measure the cost of an input that:
o Has not been purchased, such as self-produced, supplied or
exchanged inputs:
 Non-paid family labor
 Self-produced seeds
 Own agricultural land, etc.
o Is missing or difficult to obtain
• Opportunity cost of capital: the revenue implicitly foregone by
the farmer by investing on the farm instead of off-farm
3 – Opportunity costs (2/2)
• Some examples:
o Non-paid family labor: salary rates paid in the non-farming
o Reused or self-produced seeds: their price if they had been
sold on the market
o Own agricultural land: the rental price that the farmer would
have received had he chosen to rent his land instead of
cultivating it himself
• Choosing the appropriate opportunity cost is complex, because:
o There are multiple alternative uses, depending on the context
and environment of the farm
o Markets may be too thin: rental markets for land, etc.
4 – Agricultural production

• Production quantity : physical quantities produced by the farm

and expressed in standard or specific units:
o Tons of maize, liters of milk, etc.
o Estimated by multiplying the yield by the appropriate
dimension unit, such as area for crops, trees for perennial
crops and heads for animal products
• Production value: product of physical quantities and the unit
producer price
• Marketable production: production quantities minus auto-
consumption and on-farm post harvest losses (linked to storage
for example)
4 – Production factors (1/2)
• Def: All factors (inputs) used by the farmer to produce
(outputs), irrespective of their acquisition mode:
o Purchased
o Self-supplied by the farmer or family members
o Produced on the farm
• We distinguish:
o Fixed production factors (capital), independent on the
short to medium-term from quantities produced, such as
o Variable production factors, function of quantities
produced, such as seasonal labor, fertilizers, custom services
(renting of farm equipment, outsourcing,…)
5 – Production factors (2/2)

• Inputs can be purchased through:

o The farm’s own savings
o Credit, contracted from a mortgage company or other
(cooperatives, government, other farmer, etc.) => Mortgage
costs (interests and other) have to be accounted for
o In accordance with the opportunity cost principle, inputs
have to be valued at their market price at the time of use
and not at the time of their purchase
6 – Reference period (1/3)
• It is important that costs and revenues be computed for a
common reference period:
o The cropping season for crops
o Calendar year, semester,...: for livestock and other activities
which are more uniformly spread throughout the year
• Farm expenses, selling/consumption of the product and data
collection occur at different points in time
• Adjusting the data to the common reference period is often
overlooked but is necessary to:
o Account for inflation throughout the year
o In theory, account for the opportunity costs (discounting
factor) associated with the holding of the inputs
6 – Reference period (2/3)

Preparation of soils and seeding Harvest

December period

Fertilizers, plant protection labor, packing material, etc.
INPUTS inputs, labor, etc.

- Inflation
- Opportunity costs
6 – Reference period (3/3)
There are in principle 3 adjustments to make:
Period Example Cost
A bag of 50 kg of
Input fertilizer at 50 Euros is
C1 = 50

25 kg used (not all the

Input fertilizer purchased is C2 = (C1/2)*(1+ r1)
USE necessarily used in the
same cropping season)

C3 = C2*(1+ r2)
r1, r2 = inflation (+ if possible a discounting factor)
7 – Different prices for different uses
• To value production:
o Producer prices (farm-gate prices)
o Price at the first selling point: transport expenses and
margins have to be deducted
• To estimate a missing price : the price of a similar (or
alternative) good or service on the market. Problem: if the market
is too thin…
• Accounting for subsidies, measuring both the prices net of
subsidies and inclusive, to:
o Measure the effective profitability (inclusive of subsidies)
o Measure the economic profitability (net of subsidy)
o Assess the economic relevance and efficiency of farm
8 – References

• AAEA Task Force on Commodity Costs and Returns (2000).

Commodity Costs and Returns Estimation Handbook. United States
Department of Agriculture: Ames, Iowa, USA.

• Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (2014),

Literature review on cost of production methodologies, Technical
Report Series GO-04-2014. FAO: Rome.

• Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (2016),

Handbook on Agricultural Cost of Production Statistics, Handbook and
Guidelines, pp.13-24. FAO: Rome.

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