Grade 8 Mathematics Platinum Navigation Pack

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Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Print ISBN: 9781485720355
Print GUID: 13C210E6-8877-4AC2-8701-A393AF292330
EPDF ISBN: 9781485720362
EPDF GUID: AC2C27D2-EE6A-402C-8712-47E24B917292


MyPedia Assessments Maths Grade 8, Preetha Sooknanan, (Ed) 2019. Reprinted by permission of Pearson South
Africa Pty (Ltd)

Cover design by Pearson Media Hub

Typesetting by Laura Brecher
Find us online .............................................................................. 4
Dear Teacher ............................................................................... 5
Covid-19 safety guidelines ......................................................... 6
How to use this Navigation Pack .............................................. 9
Navigation Guide ...................................................................... 11
Term 1 . ................................................................................................. 14
Term 2 . ................................................................................................. 16
Term 3 . ................................................................................................. 18
Term 4 . ................................................................................................. 21
Targeted Worksheets ............................................................... 23
Worksheet 1 ........................................................................................ 24
Worksheet 2 ........................................................................................ 27
Worksheet 3 ........................................................................................ 30
Targeted Worksheets Memoranda ......................................... 33
Exemplar Assessments ............................................................ 37
Task: Mid-year Test ............................................................................ 38
Task: Term 3 Test ............................................................................... 41
Task: Final Year Test .......................................................................... 44
Exemplar Assessments Memoranda ...................................... 48

Introduction 3
Dear Teacher
The National State of Disaster due to the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the disruption
of Education in South Africa and the loss of valuable teaching time and disruption of the
school calendar.
As a result of this, the DBE has created and released revised Annual Teaching Plans (ATPs)
to assist schools and teachers in ensuring the 2021 school year is completed. The 2021
ATPs are based on the revised ATPs that were developed in 2020. It is important to note
that fundamental and core topics are retained in the 2021 ATPs. Some of the strategies that
have been used in the process of developing the 2021 DBE ATPs are:

• reduction of content covered in certain topics

• merging of topics
• deleting topics
• revising the assessment guidelines
• reduction in teaching time for certain topics
• resequencing of topics/concepts

At Pearson South Africa, we believe that education is the key to every individuals’ success.
To ensure that despite the challenges, teachers and learners can meet all the necessary
learning outcomes for the year, we have created the Navigation Guide, a free resource to
support teachers and learners during this challenging time.
The Navigation Pack aims to summarise and highlight the changes in the 2021 DBE ATP
and provide teachers and learners with worksheets that focus on impacted topics in the
Due to resequencing of topics, the order of topics in the textbook that is currently used
in the classroom may not be aligned to the new sequence of topics in the ATP. Pearson
has included page numbers from one of our tried and tested series, Platinum, to guide
the teacher and learners as they navigate through the textbook, with the 2021 ATP. The
Navigation Pack has a set of assessments based on the Section 4 changes and the revised
assessment guidelines.

Introduction 5
COVID-19 safety guidelines for teachers and
Gatherings at school
Where schools are open for learning, it is up to management to take decisive action to
ensure sites are not simultaneously used for other functions such as shelters or treatment
units in order to reduce the risk.
Implement social distancing practices that may include:

• A staggered timetable, where teachers and learners do not arrive/leave at the same
time for the beginning and end of the school day.
• Cancelling any community meetings/events such as assemblies, cake sales, market d y,
tuckshop, after-care classes, matric dance, Eisteddfod and other events.
• Cancelling any extra-mural activities such as ballet classes, swimming lessons, sport
games, music class and other events that create a crowd gathering.
• Teaching and modeling creating space and avoiding unnecessary touching.
• Limiting movement and interaction between classes.
• Schools with an established feeding scheme plan are to ensure that hygiene and social
distancing is always implemented. Teachers and staff members assisting with food
• distribution are to wear masks, sanitise prior to issuing food items and learners are to
stand 1,5m apart in the queue.

Wear a mask at all times.

1. Restrooms/toilets
Hand washing

Washing hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based

hand sanitisers is one of the most important ways to help
everybody stay healthy at school. Critical to this is preparing and
maintaining handwashing stations with soap and water at the toilet
and in each classroom.

Teachers and learners should always wash their hands after:

• eating
• entering the classroom
• using the toilet
• blowing your nose or coughing
• touching tears, mucous, saliva, blood or sweat.

6 Pearson Navigation Pack

2. Premises and classroom setting

When schools open, classroom settings should be altered in order to promote hygiene,
safety and social distancing.

Changed classroom settings may include:

• Cleaning and disinfecting school buildings, classrooms and especially sanitation of

facilities at least once a day, particularly surfaces that are touched by many people
(railings, lunch tables, sports equipment, door and window handles, toys, teaching and
learning tools etc.).
• Ensure the proper ventilation and fresh flow of air through classrooms.
• Providing learners with vital information about how to protect themselves by
incorporating the importance of hygiene, handwashing and other measures of
protecting themselves, into the lessons.
• Promoting best handwashing and hygiene practices and providing hygiene supplies.

• Prepare and maintain • Ensure teachers

handwashing stations and learners wear a
with soap and water, mask at all times.
and if possible, place
alcohol-based hand
sanitisers in each
classroom, at entrances
and exits, and near
lunchrooms and toilets.

Social distancing

• Space the learners out • Learners should

in the classroom (or not share cups,
outdoors) – try to keep eating utensils, or
learners separated by a food
minimum of 1,5m.
• Do not let learners
• Create space for eat items that fall
on the floor or chew
learner’s desks to be at
least 1,5m apart on pencils or other

• Learners are not to • Avoid close contact,

exceed 30 per class or like shaking hands,
50% of original class hugging or kissing

Introduction 7
3. Social behaviour
It is extremely vital during a pandemic that focus is not only directed towards optimal
physical health and hygiene but fi nding ways to facilitate mental health support.

• Treat everybody with respect and empathy – no teasing about COVID-19.

• Encourage kindness towards each other and avoid any stereotyping when talking about
the virus.
• Stay home if you have a temperature or are ill.
• Do not touch people who are ill, but be empathetic.

Wear a mask at all times.

8 Pearson Navigation Pack

How to use this Navigation Pack
Moved decimal fractions from Term 3 to Term 1 and overlapped to Term 2 due to time increased from 6 hours to 9 hours.
Navigation Plan: Link
to the Platinum series,
as well as additional
Revised DBE Teaching Plan: resources in the
Comprehensive summary of the CAPS topics according to the revised ATPs. Navigation Pack.


NUMERIC AND • Extend, investigate and extend numeric and geometric patterns looking
GEOMETRIC for relationships between numbers, including patterns represented
PATTERNS algebraically
(continued) • Describe and justify the general rules for observed relationships between
numbers in own words or in algebraic language
FUNCTIONS Input and output Revise, determine input values, output values or rules for patterns and 7 hours Platinum LB Pages 52–55
AND values relationships using: Platinum TG Pages 23–25
RELATIONSHIPS • flow diagrams
• tables
• formulae
Extend determine input values, output values or rules for patterns and
relationships using equations
Equivalent forms Revise, determine, interpret and justify equivalence of different descriptions of Platinum LB Page 56
the same relationship or rule presented: Platinum TG Page 24
verbally Navigation Pack:
• in flow diagrams Targeted Worksheet 1 Page 24
• in tables
• by formulae
• by number sentences
Extend determine, interpret and justify equivalence of different descriptions
of the same relationship or rule presented by equations
ALGEBRAIC Algebraic • Recognise and identify conventions for writing algebraic expressions 4.5 Platinum LB Page 58
Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Mathematics Grade 8
EXPRESSIONS language • Identify and classify like and unlike terms in algebraic expressions hours Platinum TG Page 27
• Recognise and identify coefficients and exponents in algebraic expressions
Expand and Use commutative, associative and distributive laws for rational numbers and Platinum LB Pages 58–64
simplify algebraic laws of exponents to: Platinum TG Pages 27–30
expressions • Add and subtract like terms in algebraic expressions
ASSESSMENTS Term 2 Test*5 Navigation Pack:

Term 2
Term 2 Test Exemplar Page 35


June Exam P1 and P2 is now a test with all topics for Term 1 and Term 2.

Link to a targeted worksheet in

Assessments for the Term as per the Navigation Pack, that focus on
the revised ATPs and the Section impacted or challenging topics in the
4 amendments. curriculum.

Link to an exemplar assessment

in the Navigation Pack, that
Footnotes provide any additional was created with Section 4 and
information. curriculum changes in mind.

Targeted Worksheet Page 50

Introduction 9

Mathematics Phase overview


7 42 174

8 33 132

9 42 175


WHOLE NUMBERS Revision; calculation Revision; calculation techniques; Revision; properties of
techniques; multiples and multiples and factors; solve numbers; calculations using
factors; solve problems problems whole numbers; multiples
and factors; solve problems
EXPONENTS Mental calculations; Comparing and representing Calculations using numbers
comparing and representing numbers in exponential form; in exponential form: Revise
numbers in exponential calculations using numbers and extend to include
form; calculations using in exponential form; solve integer exponents
numbers in exponential problems
INTEGERS Counting; ordering and Revise calculations with Revise calculations with
comparing integers; integers; properties of integers integers; revise properties of
calculations with integers integers
COMMON Ordering; comparing Calculations with fractions; Removed as a stand-alone
FRACTIONS and simplifying common calculation techniques; topic but to be incorporated
fractions; calculations percentage; solve problems into Expressions (Page 122 &
with fractions; calculation 123 of CAPS)
techniques; percentages;
solve problems
DECIMAL Ordering and comparing Calculations with decimal Removed as a stand-alone
FRACTIONS decimal fractions fractions; calculation techniques topic but to be incorporated
into Expressions (Page 122 &
123 of CAPS)
PATTERNS Investigate and extend Revise, investigate and extend Investigate and extend
patterns numeric and geometric numeric and geometric
patterns; investigate and patterns; describe and
extend numeric and geometric justify the general rules
patterns; describe and justify for observed relationships
the general rules for observed between numbers in own
relationships between numbers words or in algebraic
in own words or in algebraic language
FUNCTIONS AND Input and output values; Input and output values; Input and output values;
RELATIONSHIPS equivalent forms equivalent forms equivalent forms
ALGEBRAIC Recognise and interpret Algebraic language; expand and Algebraic language; expand
EXPRESSIONS rules or relationships simplify algebraic expressions and simplify algebraic
represented in symbolic expressions; factorise
form; identify variables and algebraic expressions
constants in given formulae
and equations

12 Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Mathematics Grade 8


ALGEBRAIC Number sentences Equations Revision, extend solving
EQUATIONS equations to include
factorisation and equations
of the form: a product of
factors = 0
GRAPHS Removed Interpreting graphs; drawing Interpreting graphs; drawing
graphs graphs
CONSTRUCTION Measuring angles; Removed as a stand-alone Removed as a stand-alone
OF GEOMETRIC constructions (Provide topic and part of it has been topic and part of it has been
FIGURES learners with accurately incorporated into Geometry of incorporated into Geometry
constructed figures); 2D shapes of 2D shapes
geometry of straight lines
GEOMETRY OF 2D Classifying 2D shapes Classifying 2D shapes Revise classifying 2D shapes
SHAPES (triangles; quadrilaterals); (Triangles; Quadrilaterals); (triangles; quadrilaterals);
similar and congruent 2D constructions; investigating constructions
shapes; solving problems properties of geometric figures;
solve problems; similar and
congruent 2D shapes
GEOMETRY OF 3D Removed Removed Removed
GEOMETRY OF Part of Construction of Angle relationships; Solving Revise angle relationships;
STRAIGHT LINES geometric figures problems Solving problems
TRANSFORMATION Transformations; Transformations Transformations
GEOMETRY enlargements and
THEOEREM OF N/A Develop and use the Theorem Use the Theorem of
PYTHAGORAS of Pythagoras Pythagoras to solve
problems involving unknown
lengths in geometric figures
that contain right-angled
AREA AND Area and perimeter; Area and perimeter; calculations Use appropriate formulae
PERIMETER OF 2D calculations and solving and solving problems and conversions between SI
SHAPES problems units to solve problems and
calculate perimeter and area
of polygons and circles
SURFACE AREA Surface are and volume; Removed Use appropriate formulae
AND VOLUME OF calculations and solving and conversions between
3D OBJECTS problems SI units to solve problems
and calculate the surface
area, volume and capacity of
rectangular prims; triangular
prisms and cylinders
DATA HANDLING Collect data (provide Removed Removed
learners with data to
save time); Organise and
summarise data; Represent
data; Interpret data; Analyse
data; Report data
PROBABILITY Removed Removed

Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack 13

Term 1

REVISION 2,5 hours
WHOLE Calculations Revise: 9 hours Platinum LB*1 Page 8
NUMBERS using whole Calculations using all four operations on whole numbers, estimating and Platinum TG*2 Pages 3–7
numbers using calculators where appropriate
Calculation Use a range of strategies to perform and check written and mental Platinum LB Pages 4–9
techniques calculations with whole numbers including: Platinum TG Pages 3–7
• estimation
• adding, subtracting and multiplying in columns
Mathematics Grade 8

Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

• long division
• rounding off and compensating using a calculator
Multiples and Revise: Platinum LB Pages 10–12
factors*1 • Prime factors of numbers to at least 3-digit whole numbers Platinum TG Pages 6–7
• LCM and HCF of whole numbers, by inspection or factorisation
Solving Revise: Platinum LB Page 13
problems*2 Solve problems involving whole numbers, including: Platinum TG Pages 7–8
• comparing two or more quantities of the same kind (ratio)
• comparing two quantities of different kinds (rate)
• sharing in a given ratio where the whole is given
• Extend to increasing or decreasing of a number in a given ratio
• Solve problems that involve whole numbers, percentages and decimal
fractions in financial contexts
INTEGERS Calculations Revise: 9 hours Platinum LB Pages 21–25
with integers • addition and subtraction with integers Platinum TG Page 12
• Multiply and divide with integers
• Perform calculations involving all four operations with integers
• Perform calculations involving all four operations with numbers that
involve squares, cubes, square roots and cube roots of integers
Properties of Recognise and use commutative, associative and distributive properties Platinum LB Pages 25–26
integers of addition and multiplication for integers Recognise and use additive and Platinum TG Page 12
multiplicative inverses for integers

LB is Learner’s Book
TG is Teacher’s Guide
COMMON Calculations • Divide whole numbers and common fractions by common fractions 9 hours Platinum LB Pages 150–158
FRACTIONS with fractions • Calculate the squares, cubes, square roots and cube roots of common Platinum TG Pages 72–74
• Calculate amounts if given percentage increase or decrease
• Calculations and solving problems
Calculation Use knowledge of reciprocal relationships to divide common fractions Platinum LB Page 159
techniques Platinum TG Pages 72–74
Percentage Calculate amounts if given percentage increase or decrease Platinum LB Pages 162–164
Platinum TG Pages 76–77
Solving • Solve problems in contexts involving common fractions and mixed Platinum LB Page 165
problems numbers, including grouping, sharing and finding fractions of whole Platinum TG Page 77
• Solve problems in contexts involving percentages
DECIMAL Calculations • Multiplication of decimal fractions by decimal fractions not limited to 4 hours Platinum LB Pages 166–174
FRACTIONS*3 with decimal one decimal place Platinum TG Pages 78–83
fractions • Division of decimal fractions by decimal fractions
• Calculate the squares, cubes, square roots and cube roots of decimal

Calculation • Use knowledge of place value to estimate the number of decimal places Platinum LB Page 175
techniques in the result before performing calculations Platinum TG Page 83
• Use rounding off and a calculator to check results where appropriate
ASSESSMENTS Assignment 3 hours
Term Test 1


Concept of LCM and HCF has been modified.
Financial Maths removed.
Moved decimal fractions from Term 3 to Term 1 and overlapped to Term 2 due to time increased from 6 hours to 9 hours.

Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Term 1
Mathematics Grade 8

Term 2

DECIMAL Calculations with Revise: 5 hours Platinum LB Pages 166–174
FRACTIONS*4 decimal fractions • Multiplication of decimal fractions by decimal fractions not limited to one Platinum TG Pages 78–83
decimal place
• Division of decimal fractions by decimal fractions
• Calculate the squares, cubes, square roots and cube roots of decimal
Solving problems Solve problems in context involving decimals Platinum LB Page 175
Platinum TG Page 83
Mathematics Grade 8

Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

EXPONENTS Comparing and • Revise, compare and represent whole numbers in exponential form 10 hours Platinum LB Pages 32–34
representing • Compare and represent integers in exponential form Platinum TG Pages 16–17
numbers in • Compare and represent numbers in scientific notation, limited to positive Navigation Pack:
exponential form exponents Targeted Worksheet 1 Page 20
Calculations Establish general laws of exponents, limited to: Platinum LB Pages 35–40
using numbers in am × an = am + n Platinum TG Pages 18–19
exponential form am ÷ an = am – n if m > n Navigation Pack:
(am)n = am × n Targeted Worksheet 1 Page 20
(a × t)n = an × tn
a0 = 1
• Recognise and use the appropriate laws of operations using numbers
involving exponents and square and cube roots
• Perform calculations involving all four operations with numbers that involve
squares, cubes, square and cube roots of integers
• Calculate the squares, cubes, square and cube roots of rational numbers
Solving problems Solve problems in contexts involving numbers in exponential form Platinum LB Pages 38–40
Platinum TG Page 19
Navigation Pack:
Targeted Worksheet 1 Page 20
NUMERIC AND Investigate and Revise, investigate and extend numeric and geometric patterns looking for 9 hours Platinum LB Pages 44–56
GEOMETRIC extend patterns relationships between numbers, including patterns: Platinum TG Pages 21–26
PATTERNS • represented in physical or diagram form
• not limited to sequences involving a constant difference or ratio
• of learner’s own creation
• represented in tables

Moved decimal fractions from Term 3 to Term 1 and overlapped to Term 2 due to time increased from 6 hours to 9 hours.
NUMERIC AND • Extend, investigate and extend numeric and geometric patterns looking
GEOMETRIC for relationships between numbers, including patterns represented
PATTERNS algebraically
(continued) • Describe and justify the general rules for observed relationships between
numbers in own words or in algebraic language
FUNCTIONS Input and output Revise, determine input values, output values or rules for patterns and 7 hours Platinum LB Pages 52–55
AND values relationships using: Platinum TG Pages 23–25
RELATIONSHIPS • flow diagrams
• tables
• formulae
Extend determine input values, output values or rules for patterns and
relationships using equations
Equivalent forms Revise, determine, interpret and justify equivalence of different descriptions of Platinum LB Page 56
the same relationship or rule presented: Platinum TG Page 24
• in flow diagrams
• in tables
• by formulae
• by number sentences
Extend determine, interpret and justify equivalence of different descriptions
of the same relationship or rule presented by equations
ALGEBRAIC Algebraic • Recognise and identify conventions for writing algebraic expressions 4.5 Platinum LB Page 58
EXPRESSIONS language • Identify and classify like and unlike terms in algebraic expressions hours Platinum TG Page 27
• Recognise and identify coefficients and exponents in algebraic expressions
Expand and Use commutative, associative and distributive laws for rational numbers and Platinum LB Pages 58–64
simplify algebraic laws of exponents to: Platinum TG Pages 27–30
expressions • Add and subtract like terms in algebraic expressions
ASSESSMENTS Term 2 Test*5 Navigation Pack:
Term 2 Test Exemplar Page 35


Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Term 2
Mathematics Grade 8

June Exam P1 and P2 is now a test with all topics for Term 1 and Term 2.

Term 3

ALGEBRAIC Expand and Use commutative, associative and distributive laws for rational 8 hours Platinum LB Pages 74–81
EXPRESSIONS*6 simplify numbers and laws of exponents to: Platinum TG Pages 36–38
algebraic • Add and subtract like terms in algebraic expressions
expressions Multiply integers and monomials by:
• monomials
• binomials
• trinomials
Divide the following by integers or monomials:
Mathematics Grade 8

Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

• monomials
• binomials
• trinomials
Simplify algebraic expressions involving the above operations
Determine the squares, cubes, square roots and cube roots of single
algebraic terms or like algebraic terms
Determine the numerical value of algebraic expressions by substitution

ALGEBRAIC Equations Use substitution in equations to generate tables of ordered pairs 9 hours Platinum LB Pages 82–86
EQUATIONS*7 Extend solving equations to include: Platinum TG Pages 39–41
• using additive and multiplicative inverses
• using laws of exponents

GEOMETRY Angle Recognise and describe pairs of angles formed by: 8 hours Platinum LB Pages 91–97
OF STRAIGHT relationships • perpendicular lines Platinum TG Pages 44–45
LINES • intersecting lines
• parallel lines cut by a transversal

Solving Solve geometric problems using the relationships between pairs of Platinum LB Pages 98–101
problems angles described above Platinum TG Pages 45–47

GEOMETRY Classifying 2D Identify and write clear definitions of triangles in terms of their sides 12.5 hours*9 Platinum LB Pages 102–105
OF 2D shapes and angles, distinguishing between: Platinum TG Pages 48–49
SHAPES*8 • equilateral triangles Navigation Pack:
• isosceles triangles Targeted Worksheet 2 Page 23
• right-angled triangles
GEOMETRY Constructions Provide learners with accurately constructed figures to investigate the Platinum LB Pages 124–142
OF 2D properties of triangles Platinum TG Pages 56–67
SHAPES*8 Navigation Pack:
(continued) Targeted Worksheet 2 Page 23

Investigating Investigate the angles in a triangle, focusing on: Platinum LB Pages 106–108
properties • the sum of the interior angles of triangles Platinum TG Page 50
of geometric • the size of angles in an equilateral triangle Navigation Pack:
figures • the sides and base angles of an isosceles triangle Targeted Worksheet 2 Page 23

Classifying 2D Identify and write clear definitions of quadrilaterals in terms of their Platinum LB Pages 109–114
shapes sides and angles, distinguishing between: Platinum TG Pages 50–51
• parallelogram • rectangle Navigation Pack:
• square • rhombus Targeted Worksheet 2 Page 23
• trapezium • kite

Constructions Provide learners with accurately constructed figures to investigate the Platinum LB Pages 124–142
properties of quadrilaterals Platinum TG Pages 56–67
Navigation Pack:
Targeted Worksheet 2 Page 23

Investigating Investigate sides and angles in quadrilaterals, focusing on: Platinum LB Pages 109–114
properties • the sum of the interior angles of quadrilaterals Platinum TG Pages 50–51
of geometric • the sides and opposite angles of parallelograms Navigation Pack:
figures Targeted Worksheet 2 Page 23

Solving Solve geometric problems involving unknown sides and angles in Platinum LB Pages 110–111
problems triangles and quadrilaterals, using known properties and definitions Platinum TG Pages 65–66
Navigation Pack:
Targeted Worksheet 2 Page 23

Similar and • Identify and describe the properties of congruent shapes Platinum LB Pages 115–117
congruent 2D • Identify and describe the properties of similar shapes Platinum TG Pages 51–52
shapes Navigation Pack:
Targeted Worksheet 2 Page 23

Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Term 3
Mathematics Grade 8

Term 3

Solving Solve geometric problems involving unknown sides and angles in Platinum LB Pages 118–123,
problems triangles and quadrilaterals, using known properties and definitions 141–147
Platinum TG Pages 52–55,
Navigation Pack:
Targeted Worksheet 2 Page 23

REVISION 4.5 hours

Mathematics Grade 8

Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Project Navigation Pack:
Term Test Term 3 Test exemplar Page 38


Algebraic expressions (Term 2 and 3), merged, however part of the expressions has been moved to Term 3 due to time reduced from 13.5 hours. to 12.5 hours.
Algebraic equations (Term 2 and 3) merged and moved to Term 3.
Moved from Term 2 to Term 3.
Topic time increased from 8 hours to 12.5 hours since it incorporates part of constructions, with modification.


GRAPHS Interpreting Revise: Analyse and interpret global graphs of problem situations, with 8 hours Platinum LB Pages 254–257
graphs special focus on the following trends and features: Platinum TG Page 129
• linear or non-linear
• constant, increasing or decreasing
Analyse and interpret global graphs of problem situations, with a
special focus on the following trends and features:
• maximum or minimum
• discrete or continuous

Drawing graphs Draw global graphs from given descriptions of a problem situation, Platinum LB Pages 258–261
identifying features listed above Platinum TG Page 130
Use tables or ordered pairs to plot points and draw graphs on the
Cartesian plane

TRANS­ Transformations Recognise, describe and perform transformations with points on a 4.5 hours*11 Platinum LB Pages 262–270
FORMATION coordinate plane, focusing on: Platinum TG Pages 133–136
GEOMETRY • reflecting a point in the x-axis or y-axis Navigation Pack:
• translating a point within and across quadrants Targeted worksheet 3 Page 27
• Recognise, describe and perform transformations with triangles
on a coordinate plane, focusing on the coordinates of the vertices
• reflecting a triangle in the x-axis or y-axis
• translating a triangle within and across quadrants

THEOREM OF Develop and use • Investigate the relationship between the lengths of the sides of a 4,5 hours Platinum LB Pages 176–181
PYTHAGORAS the Theorem of right-angled triangle to develop the Theorem of Pythagoras Platinum TG Pages 84–91
Pythagoras • Determine whether a triangle is right-angled triangle or not if the
lengths of the three sides of the triangle is known
• Use the Theorem of Pythagoras to calculate the missing length in a
right-angled triangle, leaving irrational answers in surd form

Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Term 4
Mathematics Grade 8


Term 4


AREA AND Area and • Use appropriate formulae to calculate perimeter and area of: circles 9 hours Platinum LB Pages 182–193
PERIMETER OF perimeter • Calculate the areas of polygons, to at least 2 decimal places, by Platinum TG Pages 92–96
2D SHAPES*12 decomposing them into rectangles and/or triangles
• Use and describe the relationship between the radius, diameter and
circumference of a circle in calculations
• Use and describe the relationship between the radius and area of a
circle in calculations
Mathematics Grade 8

Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

AREA AND Calculations and • Solve problems, with or without a calculator, involving perimeter and Platinum LB Pages 194–195
PERIMETER OF solving problems area of polygons and circles to at least 2 decimal places Platinum TG Page 96
2D SHAPES*12 • Use and describe the meaning of the irrational number pi (π) in
(continued) calculations involving circles
• Use and convert between appropriate SI units, including:
mm2 cm2 m2 km2

REVISION Revision of Term 3 and Term 4 work 4.5 hours


ALL TOPICS Term 4 Test*14 Navigation Pack:

Final Year Test
Exemplar Page 40


Teach point plotting, translation and reflection (enlargements and reductions, and rotating a triangle around the origin have been removed).
Reduced from 6 hours to 4,5 hours.
3D Geometry is removed.
Data handling is removed.
The final examination is replaced by a term test.
Mathematics Grade 8


1 Exponents

2 Geometry of 2D shapes

3 Transformation geometry

Targeted Worksheet 1
Topic: Exponents

Content summary
Learners should know the following content.
1. Compare and represent whole numbers in exponential form: ab = a × a × a × … for b number
of factors.
2. Recognise and use the appropriate laws of operations with numbers involving exponents and
square and cube roots.
3. Perform calculations involving all four operations using numbers in exponential form, limited
to exponents up to 5, and square and cube roots.

Work with the content in the following order:

Comparing and representing numbers in exponential form

• Revise, compare and represent whole numbers in exponential form.

• Compare and represent integers in exponential form.
• Compare and represent numbers in scientific notation, limited to positive exponents.

Calculations using numbers in exponential form

• Establish general laws of exponents, limited to:
am × a n = am + n
am ÷ an = am – n if m > n
(am)n = am × n
(a × t)n = an × t n
a0 = 1
• Recognise and use the appropriate laws of operations using numbers involving exponents
and square and cube roots.
• Perform calculations involving all four operations with numbers that involve squares, cubes,
square and cube roots of integers.
• Calculate the squares, cubes, square and cube roots of rational numbers.

Solving problems
• Solve problems in contexts involving numbers in exponential form.

24 Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Mathematics Grade 8

Targeted Worksheet 1
Topic: Exponents
Name: Surname:

Marks: 35
Time: 60 minutes

Read the following instructions carefully before answering the questions.
1. This paper consists of 10 questions.
2. Answer ALL the questions.
3. Clearly show ALL calculations in the spaces provided.
4. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator.
5. Write neatly and legibly.

1. Write these numbers as powers.

1.1 100 (1)
1.2 16 (1)
1.3 8 (1)
1.4 81 (1)
1.5 121 (1)
1.6 1 000 000 (1)
2. Write these square and cube numbers as natural numbers.
2.1 34 (1)
2.2 122 (1)
2.3 10 3
2.4 82 (1)
2.5 2
2.6 43 (1)
3. Determine the square roots.
3.1 144 (1)
3.2 36 (1)
3.2 81 (1)
3.4 100 (1)

Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack 25

Mathematics Grade 8

4. Determine the cube roots.

4.1 3
8 (1)
4.2 3
1000 (1)
4.3 3
27 (1)
4.4 3
125 (1)
5. Lungile says that 32 = 6. Is this correct? Explain your answer. (2)
6. Calculate the values of these powers.
6.1 5 × 24 (1)
6.2 2 × 3 5
6.3 3 × 33 (1)
7. Simplify 103 − 102. (2)
8. Between which two whole numbers does 60 lie? (2)
9. Determine the value of 21 + 23 + 25. (2)
10. Copy and complete this table. (4)
Decimal notation 345,708 34 089

Scientific notation 2,3 × 105 1,5 × 103

Total: 35

26 Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Mathematics Grade 8

Targeted Worksheet 2
Topic: Geometry of 2D shapes

Content summary
Please note that Constructions has been integrated into this section given time constraints thus:
The learners should be able to:
• describe, sort, name and compare triangles according to their sides and angles, focusing on
equilateral, isosceles and right-angled triangles.
• describe, sort, name and compare quadrilaterals in terms of the length of sides, parallel and
perpendicular sides, size of angles (right angles or not)
• describe and name parts of a circle
• recognise and describe similar and congruent figures by comparing their shapes and sizes.

The topic is divided into two parts, viz. triangles and quadrilaterals. For each subtopic learners
should be able to classify and investigate their properties. Provide learners with accurately
constructed figures so that they can investigate the properties of triangles and quadrilaterals.
The learners should then be able to solve geometric problems involving unknown sides and
angles in triangles and quadrilaterals, using known properties and definitions.

Work with the content in the following order:

Classifying 2D shapes
• Allow learners to identify and write clear definitions of triangles in terms of their sides and
angles, distinguishing between equilateral, isosceles and right-angled triangles.
Investigating properties of geometric figures
• Investigate the angles in a triangle, focus on the sum of the interior angles of triangles, the
size of angles in an equilateral triangle and the sides and base angles of an isosceles triangle.
Classifying 2D shapes
• Identify and write clear definitions of quadrilaterals in terms of their sides and angles,
distinguishing between a parallelogram, rectangle, square, rhombus, trapezium and kite.
Investigating the properties of geometric figures
• Investigate sides and angles in quadrilaterals, focus on the sum of the interior angles of
quadrilaterals and the sides and opposite angles of parallelograms.
Similar and congruent 2D shapes
• Identify and describe the properties of congruent shapes.
• Identify and describe the properties of similar shapes.
Solving problems
• Solve geometric problems involving unknown sides and angles in triangles and quadrilaterals,
using known properties and definitions.
• Describe, sort, name and compare triangles according to their sides and angles.
• Describe, sort, name and compare quadrilaterals in terms of length of sides parallel and
perpendicular sides AND size of angles (right-angles or not).
• Describe and name parts of a circle.
• Recognise and describe similar and congruent figures by comparing shape and size.

Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack 27

Mathematics Grade 8

Targeted Worksheet 2
Topic: Geometry of 2D shapes
Name: Surname:

Marks: 40
Time: 60 minutes

Read the following instructions carefully before answering the questions.
1. This paper consists of 4 questions.
2. Answer ALL the questions.
3. Clearly show ALL calculations in the spaces provided.
4. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator.
5. Write neatly and legibly.

1. Classify each of these triangles, giving reasons for your answers.

5 cm

44° F
B C 68°
12 cm E
2. Calculate the values of w and x, then classify the triangle. Give reasons for your answers.

2w 3w 2x 2x
3. Classify each of these quadrilaterals, giving reasons for your answers. The sketches are not
drawn to scale.


28 Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Mathematics Grade 8

4. Calculate the values of w, x, y and z in each of these diagrams and classify the quadrilaterals.
Give reasons for your answers. The diagrams have not been drawn to scale.
2w – 30° w x x – 20° z
y + 45° N P
2y 2z
w + 40° 100°
70° C x – 20° 135° – y z 180° – z
90° L R (6)
Total: 40

Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack 29

Mathematics Grade 8

Targeted Worksheet 3
Topic: Transformation geometry
This topic is the baseline knowledge that learners require at every stage of FET, so educators
should teach it bearing in mind that it will assist with Co-ordinate or Analytical Geometry at a later
Reference can also be made to the future grades when teaching.

Concentrate on teaching the learners how to:

• recognise, describe and perform translations, reflections and rotations with geometric figures
and shapes on squared paper
• identify and draw lines of symmetry in geometric figures.

Work with the content in the following order:

Recognise, describe and perform transformations with points on a co-ordinate plane, focusing on:

• reflecting a point in the x-axis or y-axis

• translating a point within and across quadrants.

Recognise, describe and perform transformations with triangles on a co-ordinate plane, focusing
on the co-ordinates of the vertices when:

• reflecting a triangle in the x-axis or y-axis

• translating a triangle within and across quadrants using the shapes of a rectangle and a
square specifically.

30 Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Mathematics Grade 8

Targeted Worksheet 3
Topic: Transformation geometry
Name: Surname:

Marks: 40
Time: 60 minutes

Read the following instructions carefully before answering the questions.
1. This paper consists of 2 questions.
2. Answer ALL the questions.
3. Clearly show ALL calculations in the spaces provided.
4. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator.
5. Write neatly and legibly.

1.1 Copy this grid into your class workbook.

–5 5


1.2 Reflect A:
a) in the x-axis and label its reflection A’. (2)
b) in the y- axis and label its reflection A”. (2)
1.3 Copy and complete these statements:
a) A( ____ ; ____) A’( ____ ; ____) (4)
b) (x; y ) ( ____ ; ____) (2)

Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack 31

Mathematics Grade 8

1.4 Copy and complete these statements.

a) A ( ____ ; ____) A’’( ____ ; ____) (4)
b) (x; y ) ( ____ ; ____) (2)
1.5 Translate A 6 units down and 5 units to the left and label the translated point A’’’. (2)
1.6 Copy and complete this statement:
A( ____ ; ____) A’’’( ____ ; ____) and (x; y ) ( ____ ; ____). (2)
B'''' 8
B A''''
C 7 C''''

11 15

A 2
12 A'
–15 –10 –5 5 10 15
13 A'''' A''' 3

10 C''
–5 14
5 4
9 C'''


2.1 Name five pairs of figures that are reflections in the x-axis. (5)
2.2 Name three pairs of figures that are reflections in the y-axis. In each case, state the
coordinates of the points that are labelled. (9)
2.3 Which figure is a translation of figure 10?
Describe the translation in words and state the coordinates of the labelled points. (6)
Total: 40

32 Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Mathematics Grade 8

Targeted Worksheet 1 Memorandum

Marks: 35
1.1 102 ✓ (1)
1.2 4 or 2 ✓
2 4
1.3 23 ✓ (1)
1.4 3 (or 9 ) ✓
4 2
1.5 112 ✓ (1)
1.6 106 or 56 × 26 ✓ (1)
2.1 81 ✓ (1)
2.2 144 ✓ (1)
2.3 1 000 ✓ (1)
2.4 64 ✓ (1)
2.5 8 ✓ (1)
2.6 64 ✓ (1)
3.1 12 ✓ (1)
3.2 6 ✓ (1)
3.3 9 ✓ (1)
3.4 10 ✓ (1)
4.1 2 ✓ (1)
4.2 10 ✓ (1)
4.3 3 ✓ (1)
4.4 5 ✓ (1)
5. No ✓; 32 = 3 × 3 = 9 and 3 × 2 = 6 ✓ (2)
6.1 80 ✓ (1)
6.2 96 ✓ (1)
6.3 81 ✓ (1)

Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack 33

Mathematics Grade 8

7. 900 ✓✓ (2)
8. 7 and 8 ✓✓ (2)
9. 42 ✓ ✓ (2)

10. Decimal notation 345,708 230 000 ✓ 1 500 ✓ 34 089 (4)

Scientific notation 3,45708 × 10 ✓
2,3 × 10
1,5 × 10
3,4089 × 10 ✓

34 Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Mathematics Grade 8

Targeted Worksheet 2 Memorandum

Marks: 40
1. ∆ABC is a right-angled scalene triangle ✓ because B̂ = 90° ✓ and it has 3 unequal sides.
∆DEF is an acute-angled isosceles triangle with B̂ = Ê = 68° 3 and F̂ = 44°. ✓
2. 6w = 180° (∠ sum ∆MNP) ✓
M̂ = 30°, ✓ N̂ = 60° ✓ and P̂ = 90° ✓
So, ∆MNP is a right-angled scalene triangle. ✓
5x = 180° (∠ sum ∆QRS) ✓
x = 36° ✓
Q̂ = 30°, ✓ R̂ = Ŝ = 72° ✓
So, ∆QRS is an acute-angled isosceles triangle. ✓
3. ABCD is a parallelogram because both pairs of opposite sides are parallel. ✓✓
EFGH is a trapezium because one pair of opposite sides is parallel. ✓✓
JKLM is a square because it is a rhombus with a right angle. ✓✓
4. 4w + 80° = 360° (∠ sum quad ABCD) ✓
4w = 280° w = 70° ✓
 = Ĉ =100° and B̂ = D̂ = 70°
ABCD is a parallelogram because it is a quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite angles
equal. ✓✓
3x + 60° = 360° (∠ sum quad EFGH) ✓
3x = 300° x = 100° ✓
Ê and Ĝ =100° and F̂ = Ĥ = 80° ✓
EFGH is a parallelogram because it is a quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite angles
equal. ✓✓
2y + 270° = 360° (∠ sum quad JKLN) ✓
2y = 90° y = 45° ✓
Ĵ = K̂ = L̂ = N̂ = 90° ✓
JKLN is a rectangle because it is a quadrilateral with four right angles. ✓✓
3z + 180° = 360° 3 (∠ sum quad PQRT) ✓
3z = 180° z = 60° ✓
P̂ and R̂ =120° and Q̂ = T̂ = 60° ✓
PQRT is a parallelogram because it is a quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite angles
equal. ✓✓
Total: 40

Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack 35

Mathematics Grade 8

Targeted Worksheet 3 Memorandum

Marks: 40
1.1 5

–5 5




1.2 Plotted on grid. (4)

1.3 a) A(2; 4) A’(2; –4) ✓✓ each coordinate (4)
b) (x; y) (x; –y) ✓✓ each coordinate (2)
1.4 a) A(2; 4) A’’(–2; 4) ✓✓ each coordinate (4)
b) (x; y) (–x; y) ✓✓ each coordinate (2)
1.5 Plotted on grid. ✓✓ (2)
1.6 A(2; 4) A’’’(–3; –2) and (x; y) (x -5; y – 6) ✓✓ each coordinate (2)
2.1 1 and 5 ✓ each figure (1)
2 and 3 ✓ each figure (1)
7 and 9 ✓ each figure (1)
12 and 13 ✓ each figure (1)
14 and 15 ✓ each figure (1)
2.2 4 and 5 A’’’(1; –2) A’’’’(–1; –2) ✓ each pair, each coordinate and translated coordinate (3)
7 and 8 B(–6; 9) B’(6; –9) ✓ each pair, coordinate and translated coordinate (3)
11 and 15 C(–11; 7) C’’’’(11; 7) ✓ each pair, coordinate and translated coordinate (3)
2.3 Figure 9. The translation is 8 units to the right and 3 down.
B’’’(–14; –6) B’’(–6; –9) ✓✓ Description, each coordinate and translated coordinate (6)
Total: 40

36 Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Mathematics Grade 8

Exemplar Assessments

Mid-year Test
Name: Surname:

Time: 60 minutes
Marks: 60

Instructions and information

Read the following instructions carefully before answering the questions.
1. This paper consists of 9 questions.
2. Answer ALL the questions.
3. Clearly show ALL calculations in the spaces provided.
4. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator.
5. Write neatly and legibly.

Question 1
From the numbers 1, 3, 8, 15, 18, 23, 28 and 33 identify:
1.1 two prime numbers (2)
1.2 two numbers that are divisible by 4 (1)
1.3 two odd composite numbers (2)
1.4 multiples of 9. (2)

Question 2
Simplify the following.
2.1 x2 × x2 × x4 (1)
2.2 x2 ÷ x2 (1)
2.3 (3y3)2 (1)
2.4 4(27cd ) 0 (1)
2.5 Write 1 504 000 000 in scientific notation. (1)

Question 3
3.1 3x2y + 2x2y (2)

38 Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Mathematics Grade 8

3.2 2ac − 3cd + 4ac + 10cd (2)

3.3 Write down all the terms that are in the expression: 2x – 2 + 3x ÷ 2x. (3)
3.4 Solve for x.
3.4.1 3x − 1 = 8 (2)
3.4.2 2(x + 2) = 22 (2)
3.4.3 5x = 125 (2)

Question 4
Study the pattern and answer the questions.

4.1 Draw shape 4. (2)

4.2 What is the constant difference of the pattern in terms of the number of triangles? (3)
4.3 Write down the general rule. (2)
4.4 If each triangle is made up of three sticks, how many sticks will you need to draw the
12th shape? (2)

Question 5
5.1 Write the missing ouput values in the flow diagram.

Input Output
2x × 3 – 7
9 (4)
5.2 Given the flow diagram, determine the general rule used to find the output values.

Input Output
1 –4
5 ? –1
4 5 (3)

Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack 39

Mathematics Grade 8

Question 6
Calculate the following. Show all working.
6.1 −11 × (−3) − 50 ÷ (−5) + 43 (3)
6.2 (−14 − 4) ÷ (5 − 8) × (−2) + 20 (3)

Question 7
Is the statement true or false?
7.1 8 − (5 × 2) = (8 − 5) × (8 − 2) (2)
7.2 3 − 5(3 + 9) = 3 ÷ (−5 × 3) + (−5 × 9) (2)

Question 8
On a cold winter night, the temperature in Bloemfontein is −7 °C while the temperature
in Johannesburg is −3 °C. What is the difference between the temperatures in the cities? (3)

Question 9
Mercury is 5,79 × 107 km from the Sun. Mars is 1,08 × 108 km from the Sun and Earth is
1,5 × 10 km8 from the Sun.
9.1 How far is Mars from Mercury when both planets and the Sun are in a straight line? (3)
9.2 If Saturn is 1,28 × 108 km from Earth, how far from the Sun is Saturn when these
planets are in a straight line? (3)
Total: 60

40 Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Mathematics Grade 8

Exemplar Assessments

Term 3 Test
Name: Surname:

Time: 60 minutes
Marks: 50

Instructions and information

Read the following instructions carefully before answering the questions.
1. This paper consists of 7 questions.
2. Answer ALL the questions.
3. Clearly show ALL calculations in the spaces provided.
4. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator.
5. Write neatly and legibly.

Question 1
Determine if the following statements are true or false. Give reasons for your answers.
1.1 A square is a rectangle. (2)
1.2 A rectangle is a square. (2)
1.3 A parallelogram is a rhombus. (2)

Question 2
Calculate, without using a calculator.
2.1 4(x − 2) = 8 (2)
2.2 x + 5 = 11 (2)
2.3 3x + 3 = 2x + 8 (3)
2.4 x = 25 (2)
x +1
2.5 3 = 6 (3)
2.6 −(4x − 3) + 9 = −(5x + 6) (3)

Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack 41

Mathematics Grade 8

Question 3
Identify the relationship between the angles.

a b
c f

e d
g ℎ

3.1 a, b, e, f (1)
3.2 a and f (1)
3.3 b and f (1)
3.4 f and c (1)
3.5 a and c (1)

Question 4
Find the values of x, y and z.

A z

100° x
C (6)

Question 5
x and y are complementary angles and 2x = 180°. Determine the sizes of x and y respectively. (5)

Question 6
6.1 Determine the value of x.


42 Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Mathematics Grade 8

6.2 Determine the values of x and y in the diagram.


y x 64° (5)

Question 7
Prove that the following triangles are congruent.

5 cm 10 cm 10 cm

y 60°
5 cm (4)
Total: 50

Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack 43

Mathematics Grade 8

Exemplar Assessments

Final Year Test

Name: Surname:

Time: 60 minutes
Marks: 50

Instructions and information

Read the following instructions carefully before answering the questions.
1. This paper consists of 6 questions.
2. Answer ALL the questions.
3. Clearly show ALL calculations in the spaces provided.
4. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator.
5. Write neatly and legibly.

Question 1
Calculate the numerical value of the numbers in simplest form.
1.1 14 + 3 − 6 − (2 × 3) (1)
1.2 45 ÷ 43 (2)
1.3 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 (1)
1.4 Calculate the value of 3
64 – 3
27 . (2)
1.5 Write six hundred and fifty-two million in scientific notation. (1)
2 4
1.6 Calculate 8 3 ÷1 9 . (2)
1.7 Which of the following numbers are rational?
– 64 ; 9 ; –4 ; π; 9 35 ; 3 ; 0,3̇ (2)
1.8 Write these decimals in ascending order:
0,969; 0,099; 0,96; 0,09069; 0,961; 0,9639; 0,996 (2)
1.9 Increase 320 kg in the ratio 9 : 4. (1)
1.10 Decrease by R4 500 by 20%. (1)

Question 2
Simplify the expression.
2.1.1 3x2 − 2x + x2 + 4 + 8x − 20 (2)

44 Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Mathematics Grade 8

2.2 Solve for x in the equations.

2.2.1 2x + 5 = 9 (1)
2.2.2 x − 8 = −2 (1)
2.2.3 2(x + 3) = 3(x − 1) (3)
2.3 Find the value of 3x2 − 6x + 4 if x = 2. (2)

Question 3
The nth term of a sequence of numbers is n2 − 3.
3.1 Write down the sixth term of the sequence. (1)
3.2 Calculate the sum of the first three terms. (3)
3.3 Consider the following sequence:

Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Pattern 3 Pattern 4

3.3.1 How many small triangles will there be in patterns 5 and 6? (2)
3.3.2 Describe the rule for this sequence. (1)
3.4 Write down the values of the missing numbers.

1 a.
5 3(x) + 2 b.

9 c. (3)

Question 4
4.1 Name the obtuse angle in △ABC. (1)

4.2 Calculate the size of in the given figure, with reasons.

x + 60°
2x – 20°

Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack 45

Mathematics Grade 8

4.3 Calculate the size of x in the given figure, with reasons.


x x
4.4 In the diagram, AB || CD and EF is a transversal that cuts AB and CD. Write down the
size of the angles labelled x, y and z. (Give reasons.)
C (6)

Question 5
5.1 Which of the nets can be folded to form a cube?

a. b. c. d. e.
5.2 Write down the coordinates of the image of the shape in the diagram after
it is translated 3 units left and 1 unit down.
3 A
1 C
–1 1 2 3 4 5

Question 6
Convert the units:
6.1 4,75 cm into mm (1)
6.2 0,56 kg into grams. (1)
6.3 Find the perimeters of the shapes.
40 cm

50 cm

46 Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Mathematics Grade 8


36 cm
12 cm

6.4 A cooldrink can holds 340 ml of juice. The diameter of the can is 6 cm.
Determine the height of the can, rounded off to the nearest centimetre
(use π = 3,14).

6 cm
Total: 60

Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack 47

Mathematics Grade 8

Exemplar Assessments

Mid-year Test Memorandum

Marks: 60
1.1 3 ✓ and 23 ✓ (2)
1.2 8 and 28 ✓ (1)
1.3 15 and 33 ✓✓ (2)
1.4 18 ✓✓ (2)
2.1 x2 × x2 × x4
= x2 + 2 + 4
= x8 ✓ (1)
2.2 x2 ÷ x2
= x2 – 2
= x0
= 1 ✓ (1)
2.3 (3y3)2
= 32y3 × 2
= 9y6 ✓ (1)
2.4 4 × 1 = 4 ✓ (1)
2.5 1,504 × 109 ✓ (1)
3.1 3x2y + 2x2y
= 5x2y ✓✓ (2)
3.2 2ac − 3cd + 4ac + 10cd
= 6ac + 7cd ✓✓ (2)
3.3 The terms are 2x; –2 and (3x ÷ 2x). ✓ (3)
3.4.1 3x = 8 + 1 ✓
x = 3 ✓ (2)
3.4.2 2x = 22 − 4 ✓
x = 9 ✓ (2)
3.4.3 5x = 53 ✓
x = 3 ✓ (2)

48 Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Mathematics Grade 8


✓✓ (2)

4.2 Shape 1 2 3 4
Total triangles 1 3 5 7 ✓✓

The constant difference is 2. ✓ (3)

4.3 y = 2x − 1 ✓✓ (2)
4.4 y = 2x − 1
= 2(12) − 1
= 23 ✓
Total sticks = 23 × 3 = 69 ✓ (2)
5.1 2(1)×3 − 7 =− 1 ✓
2(2) × 3 − 7 = 5 ✓
2(5) × 3 − 7 = 23 ✓
2(9) × 3 − 7 = 47 ✓ (4)
5.2 The common difference is 3. ✓
Therefore, the general rule is 3x – 7. ✓✓ (3)
6.1 −11 × (−3) − 50 ÷ (−5) + 43
= –33 + 10 + 43 ✓✓
= 86 ✓ (3)
6.2 (−14 − 4) ÷ (5 − 8) × (−2) + 20
= −18 ÷ (−3) × (−2) + 20 ✓
= 6 × (−2) + 20 ✓
= 8 ✓ (3)
7.1 8 − (5 × 2) = (8 − 5) × (8 − 2)
8 − 10 ≠ 3 × 6
False ✓✓ (2)

Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack 49

Mathematics Grade 8

7.2 3 − 5(3 + 9) = 3 ÷ (−5 × 3) + (−5 × 9)

−57 = −57
True ✓✓ (2)
8. Difference in temperature is: −3 °C – (−7) °C ✓✓
= 4 °C. ✓ (3)
9.1 Distance apart would be:
(1,08 × 108 km8) − (5,79 × 107 km) ✓✓
= 5,01 × 107 ✓ (3)
9.2 Distance from the Sun = (1,28 × 109 km) – (1,5 × 108 km) ✓✓
= 2,78 × 108 km ✓ (3)
Total: 60

50 Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Mathematics Grade 8

Exemplar Assessments

Term 3 Test Memorandum

Marks: 50

1.1 True. ✓ A square is a special type of rectangle because it has all the properties
of a rectangle. ✓ (2)
1.2 False. ✓ A rectangle has two unequal pairs of parallel sides, unlike a square. ✓ (2)
1.3 False. ✓ A parallelogram has two unequal pairs of parallel sides, unlike a rhombus. ✓ (2)
2.1 4(x − 2) = 8
4x − 8 = 8 ✓
4x = 8 + 8
4x 16
4 = 4
x = 4 ✓ (2)
2.2 x + 5 = 11
x = 11 − 5
x = 6 ✓✓ (2)
2.3 3x + 3 = 2x + 8
3x − 2x = 8 − 3
x = 5 ✓✓✓ (3)
2.4 x = 25
x × 1 = 25 × 4
x = 100 ✓✓ (2)
x +1
2.5 3 =6
3 x +1
1 × b
l =6×3
x + 1 = 18
x = 18 − 1
x = 17 ✓✓✓ (3)
2.6 −(4x − 3) + 9 = −(5x + 6)
−4x + 3 + 9 = −5x − 6
5x − 4x = −3 − 9 − 6
x = −18 ✓✓✓ (3)

Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack 51

Mathematics Grade 8

3.1 Angles around a point (revolution) ✓ (1)

3.2 Vertically opposite angles ✓ (1)
3.3 Angles on a straight line ✓ (1)
3.4 Alternate angles ✓ (1)
3.5 Corresponding angles ✓ (1)
4. x = 180° − 100°
x = 80° (angles on a straight line) ✓✓
y = 180° − (80° + 80°) (angles of a triangle) ✓
y = 20° ✓
z = 180° − 20° (angles on a straight line) ✓
z = 160° ✓ (6)
5. 2x = 180° ✓
x = 90° ✓
x + y = 90° ✓ (complementary ∠s) ✓

90° + y = 90°
y = 0° ✓ (5)
6.1 x + x + 90° = 180° ✓ (∠ sum of △) ✓
2x = 180° − 90° ✓
2x = 90°
x = 45° ✓ (4)
6.2 x + 22° + 64° = 180° (∠ sum of △) ✓
x = 180° − 86°
x = 94° ✓
y = 22 + 64° ✓ (ext. ∠ of △ = sum of interior opposite angles) ✓
y = 86° ✓ (∠ sum of △) (5)
7. V̂ = Û = 60° ✓
VW = UT = 5 cm
VX = US = 10 cm ✓
∴ △VWX ≡ △UTS ✓ (SAS) ✓ (4)
Total: 50

52 Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Mathematics Grade 8

Exemplar Assessments

Final Year Test Memorandum

Marks: 60
1.1 14 + 3 − 6 − (2×3)
= 14 + 3 − 6 − 6
= 5 ✓ (1)
1.2 45 ÷ 43
= 4 5−3 ✓
= 42 = 16 ✓ (2)
1.3 21 + 22 + 23 + 24
= 90 ✓ (1)
1.4 3
64 – 3
= 1 ✓ (2)
1.5 6,52 × 108 ✓ (1)
1.6 8 23 ÷ 1 49
= 26 9
30 × 13 ✓
= 4 ✓ (2)
1.7 9 ✓✓ (2)
1.8 0,09069; 0,9639; 0,099; 0,961; 0,969; 0,996; 0,96 ✓✓ (2)
1.9 320 × 94 = 720 ✓ (1)
1.10 R3 600 ✓ (1)
2.1.1 3x2 − 2x + x2 + 4 + 8x − 20
= 4x2 + 6x − 16 ✓✓ (2)
2.2.1 2x + 5 = 9
2x = 4
x = 2 ✓ (1)
2.2.2 x − 8 = −2
x = 6 ✓ (1)
2.2.3 2(x + 3) = 3(x − 1)
2x + 6 = 3x − 3 ✓
−x = −9✓
x = 9 ✓ (3)

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Mathematics Grade 8

2.3 3(2)2 − 6(2) + 4 ✓

= 4 ✓ (2)
3.1 n2 − 3
(6)2 − 3 = 33 ✓ (1)
3.2 (1)2 − 3 = −2 ✓
(2)2 − 3 = 1
(3)2 − 3 = 6
Sum − 2 + 1 + 6 = 5 ✓✓ (3)
3.3.1 15 and 21 ✓✓ (2)
3.3.2 n2 – 1 ✓ (1)
3.4 8 ✓; 17 ✓; 26 ✓ (3)
4.1 AĈB ✓ (1)
4.2 x + 60° = 2x + 20° (vertically opposite angles) ✓
x − 2x = 20° − 60°

−x = −40° ✓
x = 40°✓ (3)
4.3 x = 180° − 128° (co-interior angles, parallel lines) ✓
x = 52° ✓ (2)
4.4 x = 56° ✓ (corresponding angles; AB || CD) ✓
y = 180° − 56° = 124° ✓ (∠s on a straight line) ✓
z = 56° ✓ (vertically opposite angles) (6)
5.1 d ✓ (1)
5.2 A(2; 3) A’(−1; 2) ✓
B(2; 1) B‘(−1; 0) ✓
C(4; 1) C’(1; 0) ✓ (3)
6.1 475 mm ✓ (1)
6.2 0,0056 g ✓ (1)
6.3.1 40 + 40 + 50 + 50 = 180 cm ✓ (1)

54 Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

Mathematics Grade 8

6.3.2 a2 = 362 − 122 ✓ (Theorem of Pythagoras) 2

a2 = 1 152 ✓
a = 33,94 ✓

Perimeter = 33, 94 + 12 + 36 = 81, 94 cm ✓ (4)
6.4 V = πr2ℎ
340 = (3,14)(6)2(ℎ) ✓

(3,14) (6) 2
= 3 cm ✓ (3)
Total: 60

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Mathematics Grade 8


56 Mathematics Grade 8 Navigation Pack

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