EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide
EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide
EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide
EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide Legal notice
This publication is for informational purposes only, and its content does not represent a contract or
agreement, in any form. Chase reserves the right to alter product specifications without notice. No part of
this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without Chase’s
All brand names and product names used in this document are trade names, service marks, or registered
trademarks of their respective owners. No part of this publication shall be construed as any license,
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affiliates and shall not be used or furnished as any reference and/or in connection with any
advertisement, announcement, release or promotional materials by any persons other than such
respective owners.
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide What’s new
What’s new
The following updates have been made since version
• Under EMV Testing Parameters > UnionPay via Discover Integration Testing Parameters.
changed the Contactless CVM Required Limit values to $250 CAD and $100 USD for both
UnionPay Credit and UnionPay Debit in the following topics:
The following updates have been made since version
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide Contents
EMV Implementation ................................................................................................................................... 1
What’s new................................................................................................................................................... 3
Contents ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Purpose ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Scope....................................................................................................................................................... 10
Audience .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Integrated solutions.............................................................................................................................. 11
Standalone solutions............................................................................................................................ 12
US Debit .................................................................................................................................................. 22
Development Process............................................................................................................................... 32
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Training .................................................................................................................................................... 40
Pilot .......................................................................................................................................................... 47
EMV............................................................................................................................................................. 55
Completions ......................................................................................................................................... 61
Return .................................................................................................................................................. 61
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Contactless .............................................................................................................................................. 64
Application Selection............................................................................................................................ 90
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UnionPay Quasi Credit and US Common Contact Testing Parameters ........................................... 248
UnionPay Quasi Credit and US Common Contactless Testing Parameters ..................................... 250
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide Overview
This document is the Merchant Services EMV Implementation Guide specific to Point of Sale
environments. The information that follows encompasses the Merchant Services ISO, UTF and Stratus
host environments, which are referred to as the “host” or “Merchant Services host” throughout the
This document provides guidelines for developing a Merchant Services EMV POS Solution:
• Terminal Configurations
This document also includes EMV reference material useful during the development and integration
testing process:
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide Overview
This document is intended for Software Developers, Gateway Providers, Merchants, 3rd Party
Developers and Project Managers.
It is intended to provide a basic understanding of how Merchant Services handles EMV chip card
processing and how best to integrate their products to the Merchant Services host.
EMVCo LLC is the regulator agency, originally formed by Europay International, MasterCard International
and Visa International, to manage, maintain and enhance the EMV Integrated Circuit Card specification
for Payment Systems. EMVCo is responsible for the EMV type approval process and compliance testing.
It is imperative that developers are familiar with the EMVCo requirements when developing their EMV
POS Solution. Current active EMVCo members are Amex, Discover, JCB, MasterCard, UnionPay via
Discover, and Visa.
This EMV Implementation Guide provides insight into EMVCo requirements and outlines the expected
EMV transaction flow. However, because EMV rules differ for each card brand and include rules specific
to the PIN Pad and related EMV chip interaction, it is not possible to provide all EMVCo and integration
testing requirements; nor is it possible to ensure this document always reflects the most current EMVCo
requirements. For the most current EMV information and to keep up to date with all EMV regulatory
updates, please refer to the EMVCo web site at emvco.com
Note: Within this document all EMV and contactless configurations are generically referred to as an “EMV
POS Solution”.
Integrated solutions
Integrated solutions generally have an Electronic Cash Register (ECR) directly connected to an external
PIN Pad which provides the EMV and contactless functionality. The smartcard reader, PIN entry
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capability and EMV kernel all reside within the external PIN Pad. There are three supported integrated
configurations each of which are detailed in following sections.
Standalone solutions
Standalone solutions consist of a POS terminal that utilizes a PIN Pad to provide the EMV and
contactless functionality. The smartcard reader, PIN entry capability and EMV kernel all reside within the
PIN Pad. All standalone solutions must adhere to PCI requirements and require full EMV integration
testing. There are two supported standalone solutions described later in this section.
Within this document all EMV and contactless configurations are generically referred to as an “EMV POS
• PCI is in scope for the ECR as the ECR handles the card track data (PCI scope may be reduced
or eliminated if P2PE and tokenization are implemented. Refer to Safetech Encryption.)
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For Fully Integrated implementations the ECR is within PCI scope (if not using Safetech Encryption and
Safetech Tokenization) as the ECR can see non-encrypted card data. EMV integration testing of the
complete solution is required.
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• PCI is in scope for the ECR as the ECR handles the card track data (PCI scope may be reduced
or eliminated if P2PE and tokenization are implemented. Refer to Safetech Encryption.)
Partially Integrated mode is generally used when the ECR wants to control the host interface and see
card data without having to implement the host request and response message logic. This
implementation is ideal for companies with ECR applications that connect to multiple Merchant Services
hosts as the ECR application can remain consistent and only the PIN Pad logic would need to differ.
Paymentech Host
Visa payWave
For Partially Integrated implementations the ECR is within PCI scope (if not using Safetech Encryption
and Safetech Tokenization) as the ECR can see non-encrypted card data. EMV integration testing of the
complete solution is required.
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• PCI is not in scope for the ECR as the ECR does not see the card data
• EMV integration testing of the complete solution is not required as the PIN Pad contains the full
payment application
In Semi-Integrated mode the PIN Pad interface generally consists of high level commands that are simple
to implement on an ECR. This is ideal for companies with multiple ECR vendors (or types) as most of the
host and EMV functionality is contained within the PIN Pad, meaning that host and EMV development
would not need to be replicated on each type of ECR supported.
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Note: For Semi-Integrated implementations the ECR is not within PCI scope as the transaction is
controlled by the external PIN Pad and the ECR does not see cardholder data. EMV integration testing of
the complete solution is not required as the PIN Pad contains the complete payment application. The PIN
Pad requires full EMV integration testing.
This is often the simplest and most cost effective EMV POS Solution.
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Note: Standalone internal PIN Pad implementations are within PCI scope (if not using Safetech
Encryption and Safetech Tokenization). EMV integration testing of the complete solution is required.
This is a cost effective EMV POS Solution for environments where the merchant and cardholder cannot
easily share the same device, or if you have an existing terminal base that is not EMV compliant and you
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide Overview
wish to add EMV functionality by simply adding an EMV certified PIN Pad.
Note: Standalone external PIN Pad implementations are within PCI scope and EMV integration testing of
the complete solution is required.
Safetech Encryption
Safetech Encryption is a point-to-point encryption (P2PE) technology that protects the primary account
number (PAN) on a payment card from the moment of capture at the point of sale (POS) until it reaches
the Merchant Services host, without requiring the cardholder to process, transmit or store unprotected
card account data.
Using Safetech Encryption may reduce or eliminate PCI requirements as your EMV POS Solution does
not see unencrypted card data. Please contact your Account Representative for more information.
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Safetech Tokenization
Safetech Tokenization provides cardholder data security by returning a token in the transaction response
message. By returning tokens to merchants, no cardholder data needs to be passed in subsequent
transactions as the token serves as a proxy for the original account number. Merchants can also use
tokens in lieu of clear card numbers in their internal systems as well.
Using Safetech Tokenization may reduce or eliminate PCI requirements as your EMV POS Solution does
not see unencrypted card data. Please contact your Account Representative for more information.
• The ability to download EMV parameters. The methods used to manage and download EMV
parameters are the responsibility of the developer. For a list of required EMV parameters, refer to
the EMV Testing Parameters section
• The ability to download Certificate of Authority (CA) Public Key (CAPK) information. The CA
Public Key file cannot be hardcoded as it will change. For more information on downloading
CAPK information, see Certificate of Authority Public Keys (CAPK) section.
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The migration to EMV is expected to take a considerable amount of time. Cards with a magnetic stripe will
continue to be issued and used for the foreseeable future. Therefore, all EMV POS Solutions must
continue to support magstripe transactions.
Merchant Services EMV Best Practices (CMS EMV BP) 00101Contactless should be supported
• Merchant Services recommends that all EMV POS Solutions support contactless transactions.
Merchant Services EMV Requirement (CMS EMV RQ) 00101 All EMV POS Solutions must support
MSR transactions
• Merchant Services requires that the EMV POS Solution includes support for magstripe only cards
and fallback magstripe transactions.
CMS EMV RQ 00102 Debit on chip enabled EMV POS Solutions must support EMV and MSR debit
• It is optional for clients/merchants to accept debit. Merchant Services requires that if debit will be
accepted on chip enabled EMV POS Solutions, those devices must be capable of supporting
EMV PIN debit and magstripe PIN debit.
The EMV architecture supports several configuration modes for EMV POS Solutions. Currently, Merchant
Services is an Online-Only acquirer which means that all transactions must go online for authorization.
The following table defines the EMV configuration modes and for each mode identifies whether it is
supported by the Merchant Services host.
Online Only Transactions are always sent to the host for authorization. Yes
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Note: Merchant Services is an Online-Only acquirer. However, during integration testing, EMV POS
Solutions may be required to perform and pass non-zero EMV Floor Limit (Offline) test cases. This is to
ensure the EMV POS Solution supports a non-zero EMV floor limit in the future.
The following table shows the EMV Terminal Types and identifies whether they are supported by the
Merchant Services host.
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Note: The EMV Terminal Type (Tag 9F35), Terminal Capabilities (Tag 9F33) and Additional Terminal
Capabilities (Tag 9F40) tags are used to set and identify the current EMV kernel configuration.
US Debit
To meet the requirements of the Durbin amendment to the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and
Consumer Protection Act (“Durbin regulations”), which enables merchants and acquirers to choose to
route transactions from debit and prepaid card programs via unaffiliated networks, Visa© and Mastercard
have introduced the following AIDs (commonly referred to as the “US Common Debit AIDs”).
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In addition to Mastercard and Visa, the Debit Network Alliance (DNA) and other individual debit networks
will offer their own US Debit AIDs that will only reside on non-Visa and non-Mastercard branded cards.
Visa, Mastercard, and Discover branded chip cards issued in the US under debit and prepaid card
programs, will support both a US Common Debit AID and a Global AID (either the standard Visa AID, the
standard Discover AID, the standard Mastercard AID or the Maestro® AID).
• If a Global AID (Visa, Mastercard, Global Maestro, or Discover) is used to initiate the chip
transaction, the transaction will be routed via the appropriate Visa, Mastercard, or Discover credit
network. The network used is based on the card IIN.
• If a US Common Debit AID is used to initiate a chip transaction, the resulting transaction may
also be routed via unaffiliated networks that have executed the necessary access agreement with
Visa, Mastercard, or Discover.
For both contact and contactless transactions, EMV POS Solutions should use the standard Application
Selection process described for EMV transactions. The merchant may filter the resulting Candidate List to
remove multiple AIDs which access the same underlying funding account. EMV POS Solutions must not
assume that if a US Common Debit AID is present, that this AID can be automatically selected to the
exclusion of all other AIDs on the card, as those AIDs may relate to alternative products which the
cardholder may wish to use (such as a credit product which is issued together with a debit product).
All AIDs which relate to debit or prepaid programs will be identified in the data read during Application
Selection. The presence of the following two data elements identifies the AID as relating to a US Debit or
prepaid program:
• Issuer Country Code (Tag 5F55). Two alpha digits with a value of 0x5553 (“US”)
• Issuer Identification Number (Tag 42). Contains the Bank Identification Number (BIN)
1. The card has two or more AIDs where these data elements are present and the values of the
Issuer Identification Number (IIN) are the same (Scenario One in the table below):
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o The EMV POS Solution may assume that the AIDs with the same IIN access the same
underlying funding account and can eliminate all but one of those AIDs from the
Candidate List.
o When these are the only AIDs present in the card, the EMV POS Solution may
automatically select the remaining AID in the Candidate List.
2. The card has two or more AIDs where these data elements are present and the values of the
Issuer Identification Number (IIN) are the same. There are also one or more other AID(s) present
on the card that have a different IIN or the IIN is not present (Scenario Two in the table below):
o The EMV POS Solution may assume that the AIDs with the same IIN access the same
underlying funding account and can eliminate all but one of those AIDs from the
Candidate List.
o For contact transactions the EMV POS Solution should present the remaining Candidate
List choices to the cardholder in accordance with Final Selection processing.
o For contactless transactions, the EMV POS Solution should automatically select the AID
in the Candidate List with the highest Application Priority Indicator (Tag 87).
3. When a card has two or more groups of AIDs where these data elements are present and each
group has two or more AIDs with the same IIN (Scenario Three in the table below):
For each group of AIDs with the same IIN, the EMV POS Solution may assume the AIDs access the
same underlying funding account and can eliminate all but one of those AIDs from the Candidate List -
leaving only one AID for each IIN.
o For contact transactions, the EMV POS Solution should present the remaining Candidate
List choices to the cardholder in accordance with Final Selection processing.
o For contactless transactions, the EMV POS Solution should automatically select the AID
in the Candidate List with the highest Application Priority Indicator (Tag 87).
4. When a card has multiple AIDs where these data elements are present and all AIDs have the
same IIN, and there are multiple US Common Debit AIDs present (Scenario Four in the table
o The EMV POS Solution should assume that each US Common AID relates to a different
underlying funding account.
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o The EMV POS Solution should eliminate either of the following from the Candidate List:
o For contact transactions, the EMV POS Solution should present the remaining Candidate
List choices to the cardholder in accordance with Final Selection processing.
o For contactless transactions, the EMV POS Solution should automatically select the AID
in the Candidate List with the highest Application Priority Indicator (Tag 87).
US Common Debit Scenarios One, Card accesses single debit funding account
Scenario AID Country IIN Tag Candidate List Choice for the Merchant
Code 42
Tag 5F55
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US Common Debit Scenarios Two, Combo card accessing a credit account and a single funding
debit account
Scenario AID Country IIN Tag Candidate List Choice for the Merchant
Code 42
Global A00000000X1010AA01 N/A N/A Global Credit AID will remain in the
Credit Candidate List for cardholder selection as
AID described in EMV.
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US Common Debit Scenarios Three, Card accesses two debit funding accounts, Accounts have
different IINs
Scenario AID Country IIN Tag Candidate List Choice for the Merchant
Code 42
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Scenario AID Country IIN Tag Candidate List Choice for the Merchant
Code 42
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US Common Debit Scenarios Four, Card accesses two debit funding accounts, Accounts have
same IINs
Scenario AID Country IIN Tag Candidate List Choice for the Merchant
Code 42
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Scenario AID Country IIN Tag Candidate List Choice for the Merchant
Code 42
For each of the scenarios described above, the method used by the EMV POS Solution to identify the
AID(s) to eliminate from the Candidate List is described in more detail in the Credit / Debit section and US
Debit Processing section.
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CMS EMV BP 00103 Select US Common Debit AIDs when present on card
• Merchant Services recommends that when both US Common Debit and Global AIDs are present
for the same funding account, that the Global AIDs be removed from the Candidate List. Using
the US Common Debit AID provides the maximum flexibility in debit routing options.
CMS EMV BP 00104 Allow Cardholder to select AID when more than one funding source
• If more than one funding source is present, the cardholder must be able to choose which account
to pay from.
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide Development Process
Development Process
Development and Testing
Please be aware that implementing an EMV POS Solution is a much more difficult and time consuming
process than implementing a traditional magstripe solution. EMV solutions are more complex and are
subject to an extended and more rigorous integration testing process which, in addition to the standard
Merchant Services integration testing, includes certification by the card brands and possibly a pilot.
Note: It Is important that your development timelines reflect the development complexity and the
additional time required to complete all integration testing.
The table below outlines the development and integration testing components that will be used when
developing an EMV POS Solution with Merchant Services. The information that follows encompasses the
Sales, Account Executive and Relationship Management team, which will be generically referred to as the
“Account Representative” and the Technical Implementation team which will be generically referred to as
the “Implementation Manager”.
Client Consulting Merchant Services performs a “Discovery” process to define and understand
Discovery the client’s project business requirements. The team will interface with the
client management and business decision makers to determine:
• Project timing
• Connectivity requirements
• Security implementations
• Funding windows
In some cases, this step may involve more technical discussions on some
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Contract The Account Representative will initiate the client setup process:
• A contract will be put into place for the client development project.
Client Setup The Account Representative will engage the boarding team to configure the
client’s business parameters:
• Merchant information
• EMV Parameters
• Technical Specifications
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Technical Profile The Technical Profile Questionnaire (TPQ) is completed by the client, with
Questionnaire the assistance of their Implementation Manager. The TPQ is used to ensure
that the client is implementing a valid, supportable EMV configuration that
meets Merchant Services requirements.
• Terminal Type
• Terminal Capabilities
• Generate Proof of Readiness (POR) test cases and email them to the
EMV Training EMV projects are considerably more complex than traditional magstripe
applications. For this reason, Merchant Services highly recommends that
first time EMV developers receive EMV training before beginning an EMV
development project.
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EMV Integration The Collis Merchant Test Suite (MTS) contains all required card brand
Testing Test Tools certification test cases, as well as Merchant Services specific EMV test
cases that must be completed during EMV integration testing.
For more information about the Collis Merchant Test Suite, see EMV
Contact and Contactless Test Tools section.
Merchant Services has also partnered with ICC Solutions to offer the ICC
Test Suite Bundles for Certification tools as an option to the Collis MTS for
thorough and complete EMV integration testing.
For more information about ICC Solutions’ Test Suite Bundles for
Certification Collis Merchant Test Suite, see ICC Solutions Test Suite
Bundles for Certification section.
Development and The client develops their EMV POS Solution based on the project
Testing information provided to Merchant Services and performs standalone testing.
During this process the client can submit their questions into the support
email box.
If during development the project goes dormant and Merchant Services has
no communication with the client, the project may be closed. If that occurs,
the project will have to be reopened by the client when ready to proceed.
• If the project is closed, the client will need to contact their Account
Representative to have the project reopened
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Proof of Readiness Proof of Readiness (POR) testing must be performed by the client and
(POR) Testing reviewed by Merchant Services before any formal integration testing can
The purpose of POR testing is to ensure that the client has host connectivity
and is ready to begin self-testing and integration testing.
At the completion of POR testing Merchant Services will review the results.
If there are any issues, they will have to be corrected by the client and POR
testing will have to be redone.
Test Case Document Merchant Services creates a test case document that must be completed by
the client to Class “B” test the EMV POS Solution. This document will
Class “B” Integration The client will execute the magstripe and EMV test cases defined in the Test
Testing Case document:
When all test cases have been completed, Merchant Services will review the
test case results and create an issues document. If there are any issues, the
errors will have to be corrected and the failed test cases must be rerun.
Note: This process generally requires multiple passes over a 2-3 month
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Class “B” Integration Once all Class “B” magstripe and EMV test cases have been passed,
Testing Summary Merchant Services will issue a Class “B” integration testing summary.
At this point, the client may begin to deploy the solution as a magstripe
solution only. The deployed solution may include End-to-End Encryption and
EMV Card Brand EMV Card Brand Certification must be performed once for each combination
Certification card brand / kernel configuration supported.
• The client is responsible for running the card brand EMV test cases
If any test cases fail, your Implementation Manager will determine, based on
the type and complexity of the error, whether only the current brand test
cases must be rerun or if all test cases for all card brands must be rerun.
Note: The time required to complete EMV Card Brand Certification varies
depending on the number of card brands supported and the complexity of
the EMV POS Solution. It is a lengthy process, so be sure the EMV POS
Solution is ready before beginning this process. Failed certification
submissions greatly increase the time required to complete.
EMV Certification Letter Once all EMV card brands have been certified, EMV Card Brand
Certification is complete and Merchant Services will issue an EMV
integration testing summary.
The EMV POS Solution may now be deployed as an EMV capable solution.
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Pilot Merchant Services does not require a pilot before beginning a rollout of an
EMV POS Solution; however:
• Merchant Services does recommend that the rollout begin slowly with a
few test locations so results can be analyzed by the client before
beginning a full rollout
For more information on pilot and ETED requirements see Pilot section.
The TPQ allows Merchant Services an opportunity to review the proposed implementation, validate that
the configuration is currently supported and document the configuration, including all associated
certification documents, for future reference.
To complete the TPQ, the client must supply information relating to the PIN Pad and PIN Pad kernel
being implemented. This includes but is not limited to:
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CMS EMV RQ 00201 Notify Merchant Services of all PIN Pad kernel configurations being used
• Merchant Services requires the client to notify their Account Representative of all PIN Pad kernel
configurations being used by the EMV POS Solution as all kernel configurations must be
documented in the TPQ.
The client will be required to provide the following PIN Pad certification letters for the PIN Pad model and
kernel configuration being used. These letters can generally be obtained from the PIN Pad vendor.
PIN Pad and PIN Pad kernel certifications do expire. It is the developer’s responsibility to ensure that the
PIN Pad and PIN Pad kernel are current and that none of the certification letters have expired. The
following table identifies the required PIN Pad certification letters and their duration.
Brand Contactless Level 2 Letters of Approval Typically, 2 years after date of approval
(one per supported brand)
PCI PTS Certification Letter PCI PTS certification expiry is dependent on the PTS
version the device was certified under.
CMS EMV RQ 00202 Provide PIN Pad Certification Letters of Approval (LOA)
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• Merchant Services requires the client to provide all certification Letters of Approval (LOA) for the
EMV PIN Pad being implemented. Failure to do this will cause the project to be delayed until the
required certification letters have been provided.
• Merchant Services requires that all EMV certification letters be current and not about to expire.
An EMV POS Solution will not be tested if any of the certification letters is scheduled to expire
within 90 days of the date of integration testing.
It is important that everyone involved in the development and testing of an EMV project receive EMV
training before beginning. Although this is not considered mandatory by Merchant Services, it is highly
recommended as EMV and contactless solutions are considerably more complex than traditional
magstripe solutions. Beginning EMV projects without proper training will lead to extended project
timelines and integration testing issues that could require extensive time and redevelopment to resolve.
Merchant Services cannot provide low level EMV, contactless or PIN Pad kernel integration support. It is
the developer’s responsibility to obtain this information from other third party sources.
There are several external sources where EMV training may be obtained:
• b2ps.com/education
• ul-ts.com/catalog/elearning
• emv-connection.com
• smartcardalliance.org
• acquirer.com
• clear2pay.com
• fime.com
• galitt.us
• iccsolutions.co.uk/emv-in-the-usa/4591022695
Please check with your Implementation Manager for other possible EMV and contactless training options.
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CMS EMV BP 00201 Obtain EMV Training before beginning an EMV project
• Merchant Services highly recommends that everyone involved in EMV development and testing
receive EMV training prior to beginning an EMV project.
Technical Support
The intent of this document is to provide developers who are familiar with EMV, the necessary information
to be self-supporting while developing their EMV POS Solution. Your Implementation Manager can
provide some additional EMV implementation information and recommendations. However, Merchant
Services cannot provide low level EMV, contactless or PIN Pad kernel integration support. It is the
developer’s responsibility to obtain this information from other sources:
• EMV requirements and guidelines can be obtained from the EMVCo website emvco.com
• For PIN Pad kernel technical support, refer to the PIN Pad vendor’s documentation or contact the
PIN Pad vendor to inquire about the availability of PIN Pad integration training and support
Merchant Services does not recommend or endorse any specific external support service.
EMV integration testing is an extensive multi-step process which involves completing Merchant Services
Class “B” integration testing, which includes both magstripe and EMV testing, and then completing EMV
card brand certification for each card brand and kernel configuration supported.
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• Class “B” integration testing validates message format adherence to the Merchant Services host.
• EMV card brand certification validates EMV functionality adherence to the card brands.
EMV integration testing is extremely rigorous and far more time consuming than traditional magstripe
integration testing. This additional complexity should be accounted for in your project implementation
The integration testing process cannot begin until development and self-testing has been completed. The
integration testing process is performed per the steps below. All steps must be completed before
integration testing is considered complete.
Note: Merchant Services does not charge for integration testing. However, any certification fee dictated
by the card brands will be passed directly on to the client.
Proof of Readiness Before integration testing can begin, Proof of Readiness (POR) testing must
Testing be performed by the client and reviewed by Merchant Services, to ensure
the EMV POS Solution is ready.
• One EMV contact transaction for each of the card brands supported (e.g.
Visa, Mastercard, Amex, etc.)
At the completion of POR testing Merchant Services will review the results. If
there are any issues, the issues will have to be corrected and POR testing
must be rerun.
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Process Description
Class “B” Magstripe The client will execute the Class “B” magstripe test cases as defined in the
Integration Testing Merchant Services Test Case document.
Note: This process generally requires multiple passes over a 2-3 month
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Process Description
Card Brand Card Brand Certification must be performed once for each card brand /
Certification kernel configuration combination supported.
• The client will execute the required test cases for the specific card brand
and submit the results to Merchant Services including:
• card logs
• completed questionnaires
• receipts
• Merchant Services will review the results to ensure they are complete and
submit them to the appropriate card brand for approval
To decrease the time required to complete this process, the EMV Card
Brand Certification steps will be performed one card brand at a time with the
client and Merchant Services working in parallel.
• While the client tests the next card brand, Merchant Services will review
and submit the completed card brand test case results for card brand
If any test cases fail, Merchant Services will determine, based on the type
and complexity of the error, whether only the current brand test cases must
be rerun or if all test cases for all card brands must be rerun.
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• EMV POS Solutions require considerably more time to certify than traditional magstripe solutions.
Please ensure that you budget at least 6-8 weeks to complete Pre-Certification and 3-5 weeks to
complete Final (Card Brand) Certification. This length of time varies based on the complexity of
the implementation and the number of card brands and kernel configurations being certified.
CMS EMV RQ 00204 EMV Test Tool is required for Card Brand Certification
• Merchant Services requires that an approved EMV Test Tool be used to perform Card Brand
Certification. For information about the recommended EMV Test Tools, see EMV Contact and
Contactless Test Tools section.
The following Card Brand Certification Test Suites must be used when performing card brand
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Note: Per the Visa Inc. US EMV Chip Terminal Testing Requirements, qVSDC DM test results are no
longer required in Visa CCRT when a dual-interface integrated terminal is selected. The qVSDC DM
testing is still required for a standalone contactless-only device.
CMS EMV RQ 00205 qVSDC certification is required for contactless-only Visa EMV POS
• Visa requires that a qVSDC certification be completed when implementing a Visa contactless-
only EMV POS Solution. This is in addition to the Visa CDET certification that must be completed
for all contactless implementations.
As each Card Brand Certification is completed, the results, including all card logs and receipts must be
forwarded to Merchant Services. Merchant Services will review the results and forward them to the card
brands for formal analysis and approval. If multiple PIN Pad kernel configurations are being certified, the
certification timeframe will increase accordingly.
If any EMV Card Brand Certification test case fails, EMV Card Brand Certification must be redone for the
failing card brand. Depending on the severity and type of failure, it is possible that another entire EMV
Card Brand Certification will be required for all card brands supported. Merchant Services will determine
what must be done based on the severity of the failure and the complexity of the changes required to
• Card Brand Certification is a time consuming and costly process. If your EMV POS Solution fails
Card Brand Certification, it will have to be redone which means additional time and cost. So do
not perform Card Brand Certification until you are confident that your EMV POS Solution will pass
all test cases.
CMS EMV RQ 00206 Multiple certifications required if multiple kernel configurations supported
• The card brands require that a card brand certification be performed for every kernel
configuration supported. Therefore, multiple certifications may be required for each card brand.
One for each kernel configuration supported.
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Merchant Services does not require a pilot before beginning a full rollout of an EMV POS Solution.
However, due to the complexity of EMV applications it is recommended that a short pilot be run at a few
locations before beginning a rollout. This will help ensure that the EMV POS Solution is properly
configured for production and that EMV transactions are being processed and settled properly.
In some situations, Mastercard will require that the EMV POS Solution undergo End-to-End
Demonstration (ETED) testing. When required:
• Mastercard will perform a few live online transactions while connected to the production Merchant
Services host
When ETED testing is required, it must be completed to Mastercard’s satisfaction before a full rollout may
• Although not required Merchant Services recommends that a single device or store be tested in
production before a rollout, or even a pilot, begins.
1. Changes to an EMV parameter, other than a parameter that is downloaded from the Merchant
Services host
2. Expiring certifications (PIN Pad hardware or kernel); check with your Account Representative to
determine if re-testing is required
3. Inter-operability issues
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When a situation occurs that affects your EMV POS Solution, it will be necessary to make the required
changes and to re-test your solution. How quickly this must be completed depends on the reason re-
testing is required:
• A date may be set by which time the EMV POS Solution must be re-tested using updated EMVCo
or card brand approved hardware or software
• It may be possible to continue using the EMV POS Solution as is, until the next scheduled client
modifications are made, and a re-test is required
It is the client’s responsibility to know when EMV certifications are expiring (see PIN Pad Certification
Letters table in Technical Profile Questionnaire section).
• Merchant Services recommends that the client act quickly when an EMV POS Solution must be
re-tested to meet new regulatory requirements. When regulatory changes are mandated, many
deployed solutions will require re-testing and the integration testing queue will fill quickly.
CMS EMV RQ 00207 Keep track of the EMV POS Solution certification status
• Merchant Services requires the client to ensure that their deployed EMV POS Solutions are using
supported EMVCo or card brand certified hardware and software. The US Payments Forum
(formerly EMV Migration Forum) has relevant information that can assist in this effort.
CMS EMV RQ 00208 Merchant Services must be notified of changes to EMV functionality
• Merchant Services requires the client to notify their Account Representative before a change is
made to a deployed EMV POS Solution that will alter the EMV payment functionality.
To complete Merchant Services certification the EMV Test Tool used must support:
• The EMV Card Brand Certification test cases for all card brands supported by the EMV POS
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Merchant Services currently supports the following EMV test tools for EMV and contactless certification.
UL (Underwriters Collis For details see Collis Merchant Test Suite below.
Laboratories) (formerly Merchant Test
known as Collis) Suite (MTS)
ICC Solutions Test Suite For details see ICC Solutions Test Suite Bundles for
Bundles for Certification (ICC TS) below.
CMS EMV BP 00205 The Collis MTS or ICC Solutions TS are recommended
• Merchant Services recommends that the Collis Merchant Test Suite (MTS) or the ICC Solutions
Test Suite Bundles for Certification (TS) be purchased for use during card brand certification and
when executing the Merchant Services EMV test cases. By using the Collis MTS or ICC TS, a
client can reduce their overall integration testing timeframe based on the enhanced validation
The Collis MTS supports both Point of Sale (POS) terminals and Automated Teller Machines (ATM) and
includes detailed scripts that guide the user through the testing process, eliminating much of the
complexity and confusion associated with EMV and contactless brand certifications.
The Collis MTS includes all the hardware and software required for contact and contactless EMV
certifications and comes in a robust carrying case so the complete MTS kit can be easily taken to
wherever you need it.
The Collis MTS includes two unique boxes (SmartLink™ and SmartWave™) to emulate both contact and
contactless cards. The MTS software provides true card simulation by emulating all the functions of actual
EMV and contactless cards.
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• Collis Brand Test Tool (BTT). Supports all major US card brand contact and contactless
certification test scripts, and it not only guides you through the certification process, it also tells
you if each test case passed or failed. Once certification testing is complete, the BTT allows you
to extract all information and reports required for card brand submission.
• Collis Card Simulator. Simulates physical contact and contactless EMV cards allowing
developers to perform ad hoc testing. Developers and testers can also alter existing simulated
card profiles or create their own test specific EMV conditions.
• Collis Card Spy. Inspects, measures performance and reports on the flow of data between the
EMV chip (contact and contactless interfaces) and acceptance devices such as terminals and
PIN Pads.
All of the Collis MTS software applications provide a comprehensive interface that displays and interprets
all of the commands being passed between an EMV capable device and the EMV chip card. This
information is invaluable to developers and testers when debugging EMV applications.
• SmartLink™ Box. Physical box and probe used for contact EMV testing
• SmartWave™ Box. Physical box and contactless probe used for contactless EMV testing
• Magstripe Test Cards. Physical cards used to perform Fallback card testing
• License Dongle. Secures access to the software and allows the Collis MTS to be run on any PC
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All required accessories such as cables, probes, power supplies etc. are included.
The real key to the Collis MTS is the Collis Brand Test Tool (BTT) software. Using the Collis BTT
software, you can test EMV devices within the environment in which they will be operated and test them
using the actual brand settings that will be used for development, certification, and production.
The Collis BTT software produces reports that can be used for local examination and documentation of
the test cases. The reports can also be easily saved and exchanged with other parties involved in the
certification process.
Using the Collis BTT software results in a more robust, repeatable, and well-documented development
environment which leads to a contact and contactless-compliant, brand-certified payment device that can
perform trouble-free EMV transactions within the payment infrastructure.
The BTT is constantly being improved and upgraded to keep up with the latest brand certification
requirements. It currently supports the following certification suites:
• Amex AEIPS
• Diners E2E
• UnionPay UCA
• Interac Flash™
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Collis is constantly updating their products to add functionality, improve usability and to keep pace with
ever changing card brand certification requirements. The Collis product roadmap can be found at
More information about the Collis MTS can be found at b2ps.com/acquirer_merchant.html or email
[email protected].
The ICC Solutions contact and contactless test suite bundles are qualified by all payment brands to
perform EMV Chip Terminal level 3 brand accreditation tests for integration testing with Merchant
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ICCSimTMat uses standard EMV chip card form factor ICCSim cards onto which each individual test case
is downloaded via the ICCSim card reader prior to running the test. The ICCSim card is also used to
capture the transaction log without any need for complex box of electronics, restrictive card paddle,
expensive spy hardware or huge deck of cards and is also suitable for creating your own test cards.
Operation of ICCSimTMat to perform EMV chip terminal accreditation testing is very straightforward and
can be performed by a non EMV expert. Operational assistance is also included in the purchase price
which is provided remotely by phone or email which includes product training conducted over the internet
using WebEx available upon request. A user guide with clear step–by–step instructions is available after
The Test Suite Bundle comprises a single software license featuring full set of the latest test cases for
each ICCSimTMat test suite, 1x Dual I/F ICCSim Card Reader / Writer, full set of ICCSim Cards for each
ICCSimTMat test suite plus USB License key enabling access to the test suites.
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Support & Maintenance (S&M) is included in the purchase price for 12 months which entitles you to
receive ICCSimTMat test tool upgrades and test script release updates free of charge for each test suite
purchased as well as access to technical support.
The Test Suite Bundle software can be installed on multiple computers; however, it is only the one having
the USB license key connected at any point in time that is able to perform / run the tests. It is possible to
run different test suites in parallel by purchasing additional USB license keys priced along with additional
ICCSim readers.
Additional ICCSim cards are available suitable for creating your own test card packs for regression / QA
testing or training / confidence testing etc.
ICC Solutions Ltd provides powerful, efficient, and simple solutions through automated Testing Tools for
ease of use for the client.
Further information about ICC Solutions’ products and services can be found at:
In these cases, Merchant Services may only require a confidence test be performed. This could be done
by running a small number of Merchant Services selected card brand test cases (interop test) using an
EMV Test Tool (i.e. Collis Merchant Test Suite) or by purchasing a set of test cards and running test
cases that will be supplied.
Note: Physical test cards can also be very useful for development, testing, training, and demonstration
purposes as multiple sets of cards are often required and physical cards are the most economical
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EMV Benefits
EMV is an international payment system standard for the use of an integrated chip card. Because EMV
utilizes a smart card chip, EMV card transactions, depending on how the issuer personalizes the card,
can be processed either online or offline and validated using NO CVM, Signature or PIN.
• Counterfeiting and skimming of cards is much more difficult than with existing magstripe cards
• Lost & stolen cards are more difficult to use as EMV cards can require a PIN to be used
• Transactions can be approved offline (if the issuer personalizes the card parameters to allow it)
The EMV references in this document are based on the EMV 4.3 specification.
CMS EMV RQ 00300 Enablement / Disablement of EMV functionality within the point-of-sale
• Merchant Services requires that if EMV functionality is disabled within an EMV-tested application,
causing chip cards to be processed using its magstripe, the host request message Data Entry
Source or POS Entry Mode and Terminal Capability Code be set to indicate a magstripe swipe
transaction from a non-chip capable terminal.
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• Request the transaction be sent to the issuer host for online authorization
If the EMV chip approves or declines the transaction, it is considered an “Offline” transaction. If the EMV
chip requests the transaction be sent to the issuer’s host for authorization, it is considered an “Online”
The card makes the final authorization decision for all online and offline full EMV transactions (e.g. Sale,
Return, etc.). Even if a transaction is sent for online authorization, the issuer authorization decision
returned must be sent to the card for a final authorization decision by the card.
Note: Merchant Services is an Online-Only acquirer. This means that all transactions initiated by
deployed EMV POS Solutions must go online for authorization. During integration testing, Merchant
Services may run additional non-zero floor limit test cases in special scenarios such as client request.
• Merchant Services requires that all transactions go online to the host for issuer authorization.
• Full EMV Transaction. EMV chip is used to read card data and the chip participates in the
authorization decision
• Partial EMV Transaction. EMV chip is used to read card data but, the chip does not participate
in the authorization decision and no cryptogram is generated (sometimes referred to as non-EMV
transactions that use EMV functionality)
For information relating to the Full EMV and Partial EMV transaction flows see EMV Transaction Flow
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Transaction Initiation Y Y
Application Selection Y Y
Offline Data Y N
Processing Y N
Cardholder Verification Y N
Terminal Risk Y N
1st Generate AC Y Y* Includes Terminal Action Analysis and Card Action Analysis
Online Processing Y N
External Authenticate Y N Some cards do not support this step as they include the
Issuer Authentication Data as part of 2nd Generate AC (in
CDOL 2 (Tag 8D), when the AIP is set to support Issuer
Authentication (Tag 82 Byte-1 bit-3)
2nd Generate AC Y N Some cards include the Issuer Authentication Data as part
of the 2nd Generate AC (in CDOL 2 (Tag 8D) - when the
AIP is not set to support Issuer Authentication (Tag 82 Byte-
1 bit-3))
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Partial EMV transactions request an AAC at the 1st Generate AC to terminate the card usage.
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(1) Column indicates if the final EMV cryptogram (TC Transaction Certificate) should be stored with an
approved transaction.
(2) The EMV chip is only used to obtain the card PAN.
(3) The EMV cryptogram will be required when performing the Pre-Authorization Completion.
(4) The card must be presented if the Pre-Authorization transaction did not store the PAN.
(5) The final Pre-Authorization cryptogram is used for the Pre-Authorization Completion.
(6) The original transaction PAN is read from the transaction database. If desired that card may also be
used to validate that the cardholder is present by comparing the original PAN to the card PAN.
(7) Return is also known as a Refund. A Return can be generated as an offline or an online transaction.
• Returns (Online) must use a Full EMV transaction as these are sent to the Issuer for approval.
See your Account Representative before implementing this function.
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*Column indicates if the final EMV cryptogram (TC Transaction Certificate) should be stored with an
approved transaction.
Transaction Processing
The following sections identify EMV transaction specific processing rules.
Sale Transactions
Credit and debit Sale transactions should be processed as Full EMV transactions. Prior Sale and Forced
Sale transactions should be processed as Partial EMV transactions.
CMS EMV BP 00301 Prior/Forced Sale transactions should be Partial EMV transactions
• Merchant Services recommends that the Prior/Forced Sale transaction be a Partial EMV
transaction and only use the chip to obtain the chip Track 2 data. Once obtained the chip
interaction should be terminated by requesting a decline (AAC) at the 1st Generate AC. The
transaction should then continue as a magstripe transaction.
• Merchant Services requires that all credit and debit Sale transactions be processed as Full EMV
transactions and that the cryptogram requested at the 2nd Generate AC be based on the issuer
authorization decision.
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CMS EMV RQ 00303 Auth and Pre-Auth transactions must be processed as Full EMV
• Merchant Services requires that Authorization and Pre-Authorization transactions be Full EMV
transactions and that the cryptogram requested at the 2nd Generate AC be based on the issuer
authorization decision.
Incremental Authorization
Incremental Authorizations are required when a transaction amount exceeds the original authorization
limits. Incremental Authorizations are not EMV transactions and do not require chip data.
• Merchant Services requires that Incremental Authorizations be sent to the host in keyed format
and do not include any other card data obtained from the original Authorization transaction.
Completions (including tip adjustments) are Partial EMV transactions that use EMV data from the original
Pre-Authorization transaction. The cardholder is not required to present their card when the Completion is
CMS EMV RQ 00305 Completions without cardholder present require Pre-Authorization chip
• Merchant Services requires that the Completion request message includes all chip data from the
original Pre-Authorization transaction including the final Pre-Authorization cryptogram.
Return, also known as a Refund, transaction processing differs depending on the type of return being
CMS EMV RQ 00307 Credit Return (Online and Offline) EMV transactions
• Merchant Services requires that Credit Return (Offline) transactions are Partial EMV transactions
and request a decline (AAC) at the first Generate AC to terminate the card interaction.
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• Merchant Services requires that Credit Return (Online) transactions are Full EMV online
transactions and that the cryptogram requested at the 2nd Generate AC be based on the issuer
authorization decision. Before implementation, refer to your Account Representative.
• Merchant Services requires that Debit Return transactions be Full EMV online transactions and
that the cryptogram requested at the 2nd Generate AC be based on the issuer authorization
decision. See your Account Representative before implementing this function.
For traditional magstripe Quick Service transactions, receipt printing is optional if the transaction amount
is below the no signature floor limit. However, “no signature floor limit” processing does not apply to Full
EMV transactions. EMV transactions must follow CVM processing rules to determine if a signature or PIN
is required.
Quick Service Restaurants may wish to have a floor limit under which NO CVM is used and over which a
Signature or PIN CVM is used. To do this, multiple selectable kernel configurations must be implemented.
One kernel configuration would include a standard configuration supporting multiple CVMs (i.e. PIN,
Signature or NO CVM) and the other would only include NO CVM. The kernel configuration to be used
would be selected at the beginning of each transaction by the EMV POS Solution based on the
transaction amount.
Note: EMV POS Solutions that implement a selectable kernel configuration must undergo multiple EMV
card brand certifications. One certification for each kernel configuration implemented.
CMS EMV RQ 00309 CVM processing must be performed for QSR transactions
• Merchant Services requires that Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) processing be performed
for EMV QSR transactions. If the CVM selected is ‘Signature’, a receipt must be printed
regardless of the transaction amount. If printing a receipt is not desired, using a selectable NO
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CVM only kernel configuration will allow the transaction to be performed as a NO CVM
transaction which does not require a receipt to be printed.
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Contactless Benefits
For the consumer and merchant there are three benefits to contactless transactions:
• Efficiency. There is no need for consumer verification (i.e. no PIN required) for low value
payments. It becomes ‘Tap and Go’.
• Security. With the chip, there can be dynamic security. The consumer receives the same level of
fraud protection on contactless payments that they would for contact payments. This means the
consumer is not liable for any losses.
• Speed. Using contactless technology there is no need for swiping or inserting the payment card,
therefore transaction throughput can be increased. In many cases, a receipt is only printed at the
cardholder’s request.
These benefits create an advantage for merchants as consumers tend to spend more. When merchants
can accept a payment method that encourages consumers to spend more, and the transaction speed is
faster, there is an incentive to invest in the technology.
1. MSD. Contactless magstripe cards use the Track 2 with dynamic data embedded within the track
2. EMV. contactless or dual interface cards that use EMV technology (i.e. cryptograms) to secure
the transaction
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Scheme Specifications
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*This column indicates whether the final EMV cryptogram (TC Transaction Certificate) should be stored
with an approved transaction.
***The CFF is used interactively only up until the 1st Generate AC or until the magstripe data has been
received by the reader.
****The final EMV cryptogram is required when sending offline approved transactions to the host. After
the authorization, the cryptogram can be handled in the same manner as Online Sale transactions.
***** The original Pre-Authorization EMV cryptogram is required when performing the Pre-Authorization
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Process Description
Tender Initialization Transaction type is selected, and the transaction amount is determined
• Tax
• Tip
• Cashback
• Set Language
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Process Description
Application Selection A Candidate List is created of AIDs that are mutually supported by both
the card and the EMV POS Solution:
Read Data Records EMV POS Solution reads data records for the AID selected:
• Etc.
Card Validation Checks (IIN, MOD10, etc.) are performed on data read.
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Process Description
Risk Management The kernel and chip perform multiple risk management processes. The
results are stored in the TVR (Tag 95) and CVR part of the Issuer
Application Data (Tag 9F10), and are transmitted to the issuer as part of
the authorization request:
• Processing Restrictions
Apply Card Discounts The final transaction amount is determined by applying applicable card
discounts based on the type of card presented (if any).
For contact transactions there are two options. The EMV POS Solution
can either:
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Process Description
1st Generate AC The EMV POS Solution requests an authorization from the chip. The
EMV chip will respond with an Application Cryptogram:
Host Authorization If online authorization is required, the EMV POS Solution sends the
transaction to the Merchant Services host for authorization.
Transaction Completion The authorization decision is sent to the EMV chip for final processing
Processing including.
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Process Description
Host Reversal Processing If the issuer approves the transaction and any of the following occurred
(if required) during Transaction Completion Processing (previous step), a reversal
must be sent to the Merchant Services host:
Store Transaction Results The transaction results including the Application Cryptogram should be
stored in the transaction database.
Receipt Printing The EMV transaction receipt is printed. The receipt must contain the
following EMV information:
• Card Entry Indicator (to indicate how cardholder data was obtained)
• “Verified by PIN” (if the CVM was one of the PIN types)
Transaction Upload If the transaction was locally authorized, it is sent to the host prior to or
at settlement.
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CMS EMV RQ 00501 Mastercard requires issuer decision be used for 2nd Generate AC chip
• Mastercard requires that the transaction be approved or declined based on the issuer
authorization decision returned in the host response when a chip malfunction occurs at the 2nd
Generate AC.
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Process Description
Tender Initialization Transaction type is selected, and the base transaction amount is
determined including:
• Tax
• Tip
• Cashback
• Set Language
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Process Description
Application Selection A Candidate List is created of AIDs that are mutually supported by both
the chip and the EMV POS Solution:
Read Data Records EMV POS Solution reads data records for the AID selected:
• Etc.
Apply Card Discounts The final transaction amount is determined by applying applicable card
discounts based on the type of card presented (if any).
1st Generate AC The EMV POS Solution requests an AAC from the card to terminate the
chip interaction.
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Process Description
Store Transaction Results The transaction results are stored in the transaction database.
Receipt Printing The EMV transaction receipt should be printed. The receipt must
contain the following EMV information:
• Chip Indicator (to indicate cardholder data was read from a chip)
Transaction Upload If the transaction was locally authorized, it is sent to the host prior to or
at settlement.
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• Not accept contactless at all (if amount is over the contactless transaction limit)
• Approve offline
• Decline offline
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The contactless form factor sends the authorization decision, optionally the cryptogram (depending on
which type of contactless application has been selected, MSD or EMV) and any CVM options that may be
processed based on the contactless CVM limits and conditions, to the payment application for further
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Tender Processing
For EMV transactions the full transaction amount must be known prior to card entry. This includes the
base transaction amount plus any cashback that may be added. Tip may be included as part of the full
transaction amount or adjusted later. Refer to Tip Transaction Flow section for more information on Tip
If card discounts are applicable based on the card presented, then card discounting must occur after card
entry and before the 1st Generate AC.
Suggested amount confirmation display text can be found in Amount Confirmation Prompting section.
Note: For contactless transactions, Transaction Amount (Tag 9F02) cannot be changed once the card
has been presented.
CMS EMV RQ 00601 Total transaction amount must be known before the card is presented
• Merchant Services requires that all EMV POS Solutions complete the tendering process before
prompting for card entry.
CMS EMV RQ 00602 Transaction Amount (Tag 9F02) must be set to total transaction amount
• For single message transactions it is required that the Transaction Amount (Tag 9F02) be set to
the total transaction amount (including cashback and tip) before performing the 1st Generate AC.
It is optional whether applicable card discounts (if any) are applied to Transaction Amount (Tag
• Merchant Services does not require that cardholder confirm transaction amount. However, if a
confirmation amount screen is presented and cardholder does not confirm the transaction
amount, then the transaction must be cancelled.
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• The cardholder must confirm the cashback amount prior to card entry
• For Mastercard transactions, transaction Type (Tag 9C) must be set to ‘09’ indicating a “Purchase
with Cashback”
CMS EMV RQ 00604 Transaction Amount (Tag 9F02) must include the cashback amount
• Merchant Services requires that the cashback amount be included in the full transaction amount
stored in Transaction Amount (Tag 9F02).
CMS EMV RQ 00605 Other Amount (Tag 9F03) must contain the cashback amount
• Merchant Services requires that the cashback amount be stored in Other Amount (Tag 9F03) and
sent to the host as part of the authorization message.
CMS EMV RQ 00606 Cashback is only allowed for online debit and Discover AIDs
• Merchant Services requires that the transaction be cancelled if a cashback amount is entered and
the AID selected for the transaction is not a debit or Discover AID.
CMS EMV RQ 00607 Transaction Type must be set to ‘09’ for Mastercard debit cashback
• It is required that Transaction Type (Tag 9C) be set to ‘09’ for all Mastercard purchase with
cashback transactions.
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There are three basic acceptance models for card-based tip and gratuity payments, all of which are
supported by Merchant Services.
• Tip Allowance. Merchant authorizes for ticket amount only, excluding tip. A receipt is printed for
the cardholder to sign and optionally add a tip. Settlement may be adjusted to include the tip.
• Counter. When paying at the counter, the cardholder may add a tip to their total as part of the
checkout process. The merchant authorizes for the total amount of the transaction including both
the ticket amount, tip amount and cashback amount.
• Table Pay. Using portable or wireless terminal solutions the merchant can bring a payment
device directly to the cardholder allowing them the opportunity to add a tip amount. The merchant
authorizes for the ticket amount plus the actual amount of the tip. This is recommended if the
terminal supports PIN CVM.
CMS EMV BP 00601 If PIN CVM is supported use Table Pay for restaurant tipping
• For environments such as Restaurants that require tipping it is recommended that a Pay at Table
solution be implemented so that an EMV purchase transaction with a tip prompt and PIN entry
can be used.
“Faster EMV” is a term generally used to describe the optimized online-only EMV transaction processing
solutions announced separately by American Express (Quick Chip), UnionPay via Discover (Quick Chip),
Discover (Quick Chip), Mastercard (M/Chip Fast), and Visa (Quick Chip). These solutions retain the
counterfeit protection security features of EMV, while removing issuer validation dependencies which can
negatively impact the cardholder perception of transaction time.
The Faster EMV solutions are ideal for multi-lane retailers that support a “swipe-ahead” option for
magnetic swipe transactions as the Faster EMV transaction flow will provide a similar user experience.
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The swipe-ahead option allows a cardholder to swipe their card prior to the final amount of the transaction
being known.
• Use a pre-determined amount to obtain the 1st Generate AC ARQC prior to determination of the
final transaction amount (check with your Merchant Services Implementation Manager for a
recommended amount or we recommend using the merchant’s average ticket amount rounded
up to the nearest $10). After this all the standard EMV transaction steps are performed including
application selection, cardholder verification, processing restrictions, terminal risk management
and offline data authentication.
• The chip card transaction is finalized by requesting a termination cryptogram (AAC) at the 2nd
Gen AC with tag 8A set to “Z3” (Unable to go Online), to complete EMV processing. This must be
done before the authorization response is received by the terminal. Request the 2nd Gen AC
before the authorization message is sent to the host. At settlement (required for TCS batch
upload and file processing), tag 8A must be updated and sent with the correct value per the
transaction’s final authorization status (approved), refer to the section Host Message Processing
> Host Message EMV Tags > Settlement EMV Tags.
• Once the final transaction amount is known, the terminal authorizes the transaction online. The
authorization request message should have:
o the original pre-determined amount in tag 9F02 of the EMV Data Field (also known as
DE55 or Field 55)
The issuer host uses the Transaction Amount to score and approve the transaction and tag 9F02 for
cryptogram validation.
• The terminal indicates whether the transaction was approved or declined according to the issuer’s
decision and captures the cardholder’s signature when necessary.
• If the host response message contains EMV tags (71, 72 or 91) these can be ignored.
• Refer to the diagram on the following page for the visual transaction flow.
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• Card Insertion or Card Tap. Must be attempted first for all EMV chip cards.
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• Card Swipe. If a card is swiped, the Service Code must be interpreted to determine if the card
contains a chip. If the Service Code indicates a chip card, the swipe must be discarded and a
prompt to insert or tap (if contactless EMV is supported) must be displayed. A card swipe is only
allowed for EMV cards when in fallback. For more information on Fallback see Fallback
Processing section.
EMV chip cards contain a Track 2 Service Code beginning with “2 or “6”. The Service Code value must be
checked to determine if a chip read is required.
CMS EMV RQ 00608 Service Code ‘2xx’ and ‘6xx’ must force a chip usage
• The card brands require that when a card is swiped with Service Code ‘2xx’ or ‘6xx’ (indicating
that a chip is present), that the EMV POS Solution prompts for the card to be inserted into the
chip reader.
If a card with an EMV Service Code (‘2xx’ or ‘6xx’) is swiped, the swipe must be rejected, and the
cardholder must be prompted to use the chip reader. For suggested text see Card Entry Prompting
The following table shows the actions that should be taken when issues occur while reading card data
from the chip and magstripe.
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Condition Action
Card Blocked (card returns “6A81”) Reject card. Prompt for another card
Application Blocked (card returns Reject card. Prompt for another card or cancel
Condition Action
EMV Service Code ‘2xx’ or ‘6xx’ If a fallback swipe. Continue with fallback
Non-EMV Service Code (not ‘2xx’ or ‘6xx’) Proceed with magstripe transaction
CMS EMV RQ 00609 Cancel transaction if card accepted but removed before host authorization
• Merchant Services requires that the transaction be cancelled when an EMV card is successfully
read but is removed before performing the online authorization.
CMS EMV RQ 00610 Reverse and cancel if host approves but card removed before 2nd Gen AC
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• Merchant Services requires that the transaction be cancelled if the card is removed before the
2nd Generate AC completes. If the host approved the transaction, a reversal must also be sent to
the Merchant Services host.
CMS EMV RQ 00611 Decline transaction if host declines and card removed before 2nd Gen AC
• Merchant Services requires that the transaction be declined when a host authorization is
performed and the transaction is declined by the issuer, and the card is removed before the 2nd
Generate AC completes.
CMS EMV RQ 00612 Only one card interface may be active once a read has begun
• Merchant Services requires that once a read has begun using one of the device interfaces
(swipe, contact or contactless), all other card interfaces be deactivated (e.g. when a contact read
is being performed the swipe and contactless interfaces should be deactivated).
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Fallback Processing
For the purposes of this document, the term “Fallback” is defined as the acceptance of chip cards via
magnetic stripe processing at a chip-enabled device. EMV POS Solutions must accept both chip and
magstripe cards and thus have both chip and magnetic-stripe readers.
When a chip card is presented, the card information must be obtained via the chip reader (or EMV
contactless interface) and not the magnetic-stripe reader, if the chip and the chip reader are both
functioning. In situations where either the chip or the chip reader is not functioning, card information may
be obtained by reading the magstripe. The resulting transaction is referred to as a “Fallback” transaction.
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These transactions are deemed less secure because magnetic-stripe acceptance circumvents the control
and risk management protection available with chip acceptance.
There are two primary reasons why fallback occurs. The difference is based on where in the transaction
flow it is determined that a chip transaction cannot proceed and that a magstripe transaction must be
Several terms are used in the US market pertaining to fallback including MSR Fallback and Technical
Fallback. Using this nomenclature creates confusion therefore this section will focus on the reason for the
fallback rather than on any given name. The term “Fallback” refers to any transaction where the
magstripe on a chip card is used to process a transaction on a chip enabled terminal.
CMS EMV RQ 00613 Service Code ‘2xx’ and ‘6xx’ must be accepted for fallback card swipes
• It is required when in fallback that the magnetic-stripe reader accepts a swiped EMV card and
processes it as a non-chip card (i.e. as a standard magstripe card) even though the Service Code
is ‘2xx’ or ‘6xx’.
CMS EMV RQ 00614 Fallback must be cancelled when a card is inserted at fallback card entry
• While waiting for a fallback card swipe, if an EMV card is inserted or tapped, fallback processing
must be discontinued, and the transaction proceeds as an EMV transaction.
CMS EMV RQ 00615 Fallback must be cancelled if a non-EMV card is swiped during fallback
• When waiting for a fallback card swipe, if the swiped card does not have a ‘2xx’ or ‘6xx’ Service
Code, fallback must be discontinued, and the transaction is performed as a traditional magstripe
transaction from a chip enabled terminal.
Fallback Acceptance
Fallback is used when a chip enabled device is unable to read a chip card due to either a chip read failure
or unsupported AID. In these cases, the card information must be obtained by reading the magnetic
stripe. There are several situations when Fallback occurs:
• When the chip on the card is inoperative (no ATR received from the chip)
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CMS EMV RQ 00618 Fallback transactions must be identified in the host message
• Merchant Services requires that the proper values* be used in the host message when a swiped
transaction is performed on a chip card from a chip enabled device. *Refer to the host message
specification applicable to your implementation.
• The card is removed prematurely, before the transaction has been completed
Fallback Prompting
If fallback is required, the cardholder should be prompted to use the magnetic-stripe reader followed by a
standard card entry prompt indicating that a card may be inserted, swiped, or tapped (if supported). Even
though fallback is active the cardholder should be allowed to either insert or tap the same or a different
EMV card.
CMS EMV BP 00602 Fallback Prompting should only be allowed for a limited time
• Merchant Services recommends that when a fallback prompt is displayed, it only be enabled for
60 seconds. After that period, if a card is swiped with an EMV Service Code (‘2xx’ or ‘6xx’), the
prompt to use the chip reader should be displayed.
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CMS EMV RQ 00619 Fallback must be cancelled when card is inserted during fallback card entry
• Merchant Services requires that fallback processing be discontinued and the transaction
proceeds as an EMV transaction, when an EMV card is inserted or tapped while waiting for a
fallback card swipe.
CMS EMV RQ 00620 Service Code ‘2xx’ and ‘6xx’ must be accepted for fallback card swipes
• It is required that when in fallback the EMV POS Solution accepts a swiped EMV card (Service
Code ‘2xx’ or ‘6xx’) and processes it as a standard magstripe card.
Fallback Timeline
Fallback is a temporary practice that may only be allowed for a limited time, after which fallback
transactions may not be permitted. EMV POS Solutions must have the technical capability to allow or
disallow fallback transactions by card scheme and must be able to activate/deactivate this capability
based on rules established by the card brand and as subsequently directed by Merchant Services.
When fallback is discontinued for a card scheme, the EMV chip cards for that scheme may no longer be
processed as magstripe cards. At this time, the US has not set a date by when Fallback is no longer
Note: The Merchant Services EMV Parameter Download includes a Fallback Flag for each card scheme
(AID). For more information, refer to the EMV Parameter Download section.
CMS EMV RQ 00621 Fallback Flag must be downloaded from the host and used
• Merchant Services requires that the Fallback Flag included in the Merchant Services EMV
Parameter Download be used by the EMV POS Solution.
CMS EMV RQ 00622 Fallback is not allowed if not supported by card scheme
• It is required that fallback only be allowed when permitted by the card scheme. If a fallback
situation occurs and fallback is not allowed for the card presented, the transaction must be
Exception to Fallback
There are exceptional circumstances where a terminal is deployed into the US market that is only partially
enabled for EMV. These situations should be rare and only under a waiver facilitated by Merchant
Services. A common example of a partially enabled terminal is one that was integration tested for EMV
credit but continues to process PIN-Debit through magnetic stripe interface.
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If a terminal has in place code that will intentionally ignore the 2XX or 6XX service code on the mag stripe
and allow the transaction to be processed as mag stripe, then the terminal is considered partially enabled.
In the scenario where the service code is ignored upon swiping a chip card, the terminal is considered
non-chip capable for that particular transaction. When this situation occurs, the terminal must dynamically
alter its capability indicator and reflect in the authorization request that it is a mag-stripe terminal.
CMS EMV RQ 00617 Transactions sent as swiped because EMV was not enabled must not be
sent as Fallback
• Merchant Services requires that if a terminal intentionally ignores the service code and forces a
chip card to be processed using its magstripe, the host request message Data Entry Source or
POS Entry Mode and Terminal Capability Code be set to indicate a magstripe swipe transaction
from a non-chip capable terminal.
Application Selection
An EMV card may support more than one application (AID). When a card with multiple applications is
presented, Application Selection must be performed to select the AID to be used for the transaction.
Note: The Application Selection process differs slightly for Canadian Interac transaction processing. For a
description of the differences see the Canadian Application Selection section in Appendix A.
The EMV POS Solution must be configured with the AIDs of all chip payment applications it supports. If
none of the AIDs supported by the EMV POS Solution match an AID supported by the card, a chip
transaction cannot be performed. In this case MSR fallback processing must be initiated.
• Registered Application Identifier (RID). Represents the payment scheme (e.g. Visa, Mastercard,
• Proprietary Application Identifier Extension (PIX). Represents the payment brand (i.e. credit,
debit, prepaid, ATM-only, etc.)
• Issuer Suffix. Optional suffix sometimes added to the end of the AID by the issuer
An Application Selection Indicator associated with each AID designates how application matching is
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• Full Selection. The EMV POS Solution AID must exactly match the entire card AID, including any
issuer assigned suffix, to be selected
• Partial Selection. The EMV POS Solution can select an AID based on only its AID matching the
card AID excluding the issuer assigned suffix (if any)
• It is required that Partial Selection be supported for all card schemes. This ensures that all chip
applications for a supported AID can be selected regardless of any issuer assigned suffix.
The following table shows the EMV AIDs supported by Merchant Services.
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Note: The ChaseNet card is defined as a Visa card and therefore uses the Visa RID (AID and PIX).
Note: Interac EMV AID is only permitted with Canadian POS solutions at this time. US POS solutions
must not be coded to support the Interac AID until further notice from Merchant Services. Interac
transactions originated through US POS solutions, where the presented Interac card supports Visa Debit,
will process as EMV using the Visa Global AID. Interac cards that do not support Visa Debit must
continue to be processed by magnetic stripe.
• Merchant Services requires that EMV POS Solutions only accept AIDs allowed based on the
Merchant Services merchant agreement. Any AID that has not been approved for use should be
rejected by the EMV POS Solution without being sent to the Merchant Services host for
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List. The method used is dependent on whether the card has a Payment System Environment (PSE)
• Implicit Application Selection Method: used when PSE is present on the chip
• Explicit Application Selection Method: used when PSE is not present on the chip
Note: The Payment System Environment (PSE) is a list of all payment applications (AIDs) that exist on
the card.
Implicit or Explicit Application Selection is performed by the kernel, not by the EMV POS Solution. It is up
to the kernel to determine which selection method to use and to build the initial Candidate List of
commonly supported AIDs.
Implicit Application Selection is the most efficient selection method, but it can only be used when the chip
contains a Payment System Environment (PSE). Therefore, the first step of Application Selection is for
the kernel to read the PSE from the card. If a PSE is returned, Implicit Application Selection will be
performed. If no PSE is returned, Explicit Application Selection will be performed.
CMS EMV RQ 00625 AID list must be loaded into the kernel at kernel initialization
• It is required that as part of kernel initialization, all AIDs supported by the EMV POS Solution be
loaded into the kernel for use during Application Selection.
To perform Implicit Application selection, the kernel reads the PSE from the card to obtain the list of AIDs
supported by the card. This list is then compared to the list of AIDs supported by the EMV POS Solution.
AIDs supported by the EMV POS Solution and found in the PSE application list are added to the
Candidate List.
To perform Explicit Application Selection, the kernel uses the list of AIDs supported by the EMV POS
Solution. For each supported AID, the kernel attempts to select the AID from the card. If successful, the
AID is added to the Candidate List. If unsuccessful, the AID is not eligible.
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1. Prompt the cardholder to enter the PIN (commonly referred to as “PIN Preferring Merchants”).
2. Prompt the cardholder to select either “Credit” or “Debit” (commonly referred to as “Credit / Debit
button supporting merchants”). In this situation:
Note: During integration testing, Merchant Services may test the EMV POS Solution’s support of both the
“PIN Preferring” and “Credit / Debit” selection methods. Please check with your Implementation Manager
to determine if this is a requirement for your implementation.
US Debit Routing
This section describes how to perform Application Selection for EMV US Debit so that the routing choice
of the merchant is retained, and the expected cardholder verification is performed based on merchant or
cardholder preferences.
The following assumptions have been made when describing the Application Selection process for US
o All CVM Config. Terminal Capabilities (Tag 9F33) is set to support all CVMs the
merchant wishes to support (e.g. PIN, Signature, NO CVM)
• When using a configurable kernel, the Terminal Type (Tag 9F35) and Additional Terminal
Capabilities (Tag 9F40) values will remain the same regardless of the value used for Terminal
Capabilities (Tag 9F33).
The steps required to manipulate the Candidate List to fully support US Debit are:
1. For each transaction the final amount for the transaction must be known prior to manipulating the
Candidate List.
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2. Once the final amount is known and the Candidate List is created, the card type will be identified
based on the list of AIDs in the Candidate List. If the:
o Candidate List does not contain any US Common Debit AIDs. This is either an
international or domestic credit card, or an international debit card. In this case, there are
no additional steps required and the application can continue to Final Selection.
o Candidate List contains one or more US Common Debit AIDs. This is a US Debit card.
3. For US Debit cards, the EMV POS Solution must determine which AIDs should remain in the
Candidate List, based on the various options described in the US Debit section. The next
processing step depends on the number of AIDs in the Candidate List. If the:
o Candidate List contains more than one AID. Perform Final Selection.
4. If the Candidate List contains only the US Common Debit AID, the following should be performed
based on the cardholder verification process supported by the merchant:
o PIN Preferred Merchants. Set the Terminal Capabilities (Tag 9F33) to All CVM Config.
Later during Cardholder Verification, the application will prompt for a PIN.
o Credit / Debit Button Merchants. Prompt the cardholder to select either Credit or Debit.
o Credit Selected: In this case the transaction will be defined as a NO CVM transaction. As
the transaction is over the NO CVM limit, the application should print a signature line on
the receipt.
o Debit Selected. Set the Terminal Capabilities (Tag 9F33) to the All CVM Config and
proceed to the Final Selection step.
CMS EMV BP 00604 When prompting use “No PIN” / “PIN” rather than “Credit” / “Debit”
• Merchant Services recommends that when using the Cardholder Selection method, the
cardholder be presented a “No PIN” / “PIN” prompt rather than the traditional “Credit” / “Debit”
CMS EMV BP 00605 PIN Preferring and Credit / Debit selection methods should be supported
• Merchant Services recommends that EMV POS Solutions support both the “PIN Preferring” and
“Credit / Debit” selections methods.
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Final Selection
Once the Candidate List has been built and US Common Debit processing has been performed, Final
Selection can begin. During this process the AID to be used for the transaction is selected.
If the Candidate List only contains one application it is automatically selected, Final Selection ends and
Cardholder Application Confirmation is performed.
If the Candidate List contains two or more mutually supported applications (AIDs), the application list
should be presented to the cardholder for selection.
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When presenting Candidate List for selection, the application names may be displayed all on one screen
or with one application name per screen, using navigation buttons to traverse the list (e.g. ‘Next’ and
‘Previous’). Regardless of the method used to display the Candidate List, the application names displayed
are determined as follows:
1. Display Application Preferred Name (Tag 9F12) if it is stored in a character set supported by the
display. This can be determined by checking Issuer Code Table Index (Tag 9F11). A value of “1”
indicates that the Application Preferred Name is encoded using the Latin character set (i.e.
contains standard English alphabetic characters).
2. Display Application Label (Tag 50) if the Application Preferred Name is not present or cannot be
3. If the Application Preferred Name and Application Label are not present or cannot be displayed,
display a default application name assigned to the AID by the EMV POS Solution.
Once the application has been chosen, the kernel may relay the application information back to the
payment application so the following can be performed:
• Set the Terminal Capabilities (Tag 9F33). This will be based on the NO CVM limit set for the AID
selected (either the All CVM Config or the NO CVM Only Config). If the:
o Transaction is over the NO CVM limit. Select the All CVM Config
o Transaction is under the NO CVM limit. Select the NO CVM Only Config
The kernel can now select the card AID and Final Selection ends.
Note: In some implementations, it may not be feasible to perform cardholder Application Selection. For
these implementations an EMV transaction should not be performed if the chip card contains multiple
applications unless there is a method to inform the cardholder which application is being used.
Note: Brand certification will test that up to five mutually supported applications can be supported in the
Candidate List.
CMS EMV BP 00606 A default application name should be assigned for all AIDs
• Merchant Services recommends that a default application name be assigned to each supported
AID. These names will be used to display and print the application name when Application
Preferred Name (Tag 9F12) and Application Label (Tag 50) are not present or cannot be used.
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CMS EMV RQ 00626 Final Selection application names must be displayed to cardholder
• It is required that the list of application names displayed during Final Selection be displayed to the
If cardholder confirmation is required, the cardholder must be prompted to confirm that the application
may be used. To do this, Application Preferred Name (Tag 9F12) or Application Label (Tag 50) is
displayed to the cardholder who must confirm the selection.
Value Action
1 The EMV POS Solution must request confirmation from the cardholder before using the
application for the transaction.
CMS EMV RQ 00627 Transaction must be cancelled if Cardholder Application Confirmation fails
• It is required that the transaction be cancelled if during Cardholder Application Confirmation the
cardholder indicates that the application should not be used.
When performing this validation any field padding (e.g. hex ‘F’) should be stripped before the check is
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CMS EMV RQ 00628 Application Expiration Date must match Track 2 Equivalent Data Expiry
• It is required that the Application Expiration Date (Tag 5F24) be the same as the Expiry Date
included as part of Track 2 Equivalent Data (Tag 57). If they are different the card must be
CMS EMV RQ 00629 Service Code must not be validated against Track 2 Equivalent Data
• It is required that the Service Code (Tag 9F30) not be validated against the Service Code
included as part of the Track 2 Equivalent Data (Tag 57).
• If there are multiple common languages, the language with the highest preference based on the
order the languages are listed in the Language Preference tag should be used.
• If none of the languages in the Language Preference tag are supported by the EMV POS
Solution, the cardholder should be prompted to select one of the EMV POS Solution supported
languages. If the EMV POS Solution only supports one language, it may be auto-selected.
Until the card is presented the EMV POS Solution default language should be used for cardholder display
and prompting.
CMS EMV BP 00607 If multiple languages supported, cardholder should be prompted to select
• Merchant Services recommends that when the EMV POS Solution supports multiple languages
and none of the supported languages matches a language in the Language Preference (Tag
5F2D) list, that the cardholder be prompted to choose one of the EMV POS Solution supported
CMS EMV RQ 00630 Merchant prompts and receipts must be in default merchant language
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• Merchant Services requires use of the default merchant language for all merchant prompting and
receipt printing even if the selected cardholder language is different.
CMS EMV RQ 00631 Cardholder prompts and receipts should be in selected cardholder
• Once selected, Merchant Services requires all cardholder prompting and receipt printing in the
selected cardholder language.
CMS EMV RQ 00632 If Language Preference Indictor is not present use merchant language
• Merchant Services requires that when Language Preference Indicator (Tag 5F2D) is not present
on the card, that the cardholder be prompted to select one of the languages supported by the
EMV POS Solution. If only one language is supported, it may be auto selected.
Cardholder Prompting
This section outlines the Merchant Services recommended card entry, PIN entry and amount confirmation
prompting. These prompts are not mandated and should be considered as guidelines only.
Merchant Services recommends that the following prompts be used for card entry.
Chip card is swiped with Service Code ‘2xx’ “Use Chip Reader”
or ‘6xx’
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• Merchant Services highly recommends that the prompt informing the cardholder to leave the card
inserted does not include the word “remove”. Doing this often leads to confusion with the remove
card prompt displayed at the end of the transaction, causing the EMV card to be removed
prematurely (i.e. avoid using the prompts such as “Do Not Remove Card”).
PIN Prompting
Several prompts are required during PIN entry to inform the cardholder of the PIN entry status.
Only one PIN try remaining before card is “Last PIN Try”
PIN tries exceeded and card may be blocked “PIN Tries Exceeded”
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Tip $xxxx.xx
Total $xxxx.xx
Cashback $xxxx.xx
Tip $xxxx.xx
Total $xxxx.xx
Processing Restrictions
Processing Restrictions must be performed to determine if the transaction should be allowed. Failure of
any check does not result in the transaction be cancelled. The failed result is logged in the Terminal
Verification Results (TVR) and Processing Restrictions continues.
• That the effective date for the card has been reached
• That the application versions of the EMV chip and application match
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Note: An Issuer may use Application Usage Control (Tag 9F07) to restrict a card’s use for domestic or
international transactions; as well as cash, goods, services, or cashback.
1. Check Card Application Version Number (Tag 9F08) to ensure it matches one of the application
versions supported by the kernel. Some kernels support a primary and a secondary application
version number and others support just the primary version. The table below shows the
Application Version Numbers currently supported for each brand.
Amex 0x0001
Diners 0x0001
Discover 0x0001
Interac 0x0001
Mastercard 0x0002
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2. Verify that the type of transaction (POS, cash advance, purchase, cashback) is in domestic or
international mode and is compatible with the card’s Application Usage Control. The Application
Usage Control (Tag 9F07) bits are checked as follows:
Valid at EMV POS Solutions other than ATMs (Byte-1 bit-1) must be ‘1’
i. Issuer Country Code (Tag 5F28) = Terminal Country Code (Tag 9F1A)
ii. Goods and Services (Byte-1 bit-6, Byte-1 bit-4) must be ‘1’
iii. Issuer Country Code (Tag 5F28) ≠ Terminal Country Code (Tag 9F1A)
iv. Goods and Services (Byte-1 bit-7, Byte-1 bit-5) must be ‘1’
3. Verify that Application Effective Date (Tag 5F25) is on or before the current date.
4. Verify that Application Expiration Date (Tag 5F24) is after the current date.
The results of these tests are stored in the Terminal Verification Results (Tag 95).
CMS EMV RQ 00633 AID list must be supported with associated Application Version Numbers
• It is required that the EMV POS Solution maintains a list of supported AIDs and corresponding
Application Version Numbers.
This EMV transaction step may or may not be performed automatically by the kernel (i.e. without being
requested to do so by the EMV POS Solution). Please refer to the PIN Pad EMV specification to
determine how this function is performed.
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• Dynamic Data Authentication (DDA). Has all the benefits of SDA and additionally protects
against copying of chip data by generating a dynamic signature for each transaction.
• Combined DDA/Application Cryptogram Generation (CDA). Has all the benefits of DDA and
additionally assures that the transaction data is not altered between the card and kernel, by
including transaction data as part of the DDA calculation.
CMS EMV RQ 00634 All Offline CAM failures must be sent for online authorization
• Merchant Services requires that the TAC settings have each of the offline CAM failure TVR bits
set to ensure the transaction is selected for online authorization.
CMS EMV RQ 00635 If offline CAM is not performed transaction must go online
• Merchant Services requires that the TAC settings ensure that the transaction is sent for online
authorization when offline CAM is not performed and there is no other reason to offline decline
the transaction.
CMS EMV RQ 00636 All Offline Card Authentication Methods must be supported
• Merchant Services requires that all three offline Cardholder Authentication Methods be supported
(SDA, DDA and CDA).
Cardholder Verification
Cardholder Verification is used to ensure that the cardholder is legitimate and that the card has not been
lost or stolen. The kernel uses the Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List from the card to determine
the type of verification to be performed (e.g. Signature or PIN). The CVM List establishes a CVM priority
to be used relative to the capabilities of the PIN Pad and characteristics of the transaction.
If the card does not support CVM processing or if NO CVM is selected, the EMV POS Solution must
perform the cardholder verification as specified for magstripe transactions:
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Note: Visa recommends merchants retain CVM information for 180 days to assist in chargeback
To ensure that EMV transactions are submitted to the credit card brands or debit networks properly, the
following mapping must be applied to choose the type of Merchant Services transaction to submit when a
particular AID is selected following normal EMV processing rules.
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The Transaction Type refers to the host message to formulate and the appropriate PNS ISO Processing
Code, UTF Transaction Code or Stratus MOP Code that must be used.
Transaction Tandem PNS ISO Bit Tandem UTF Stratus Online Method of Payment
Type 3 Processing Code Transaction Code (MOP) Code
From Account
Canadian 97 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, n/a. Canadian Debit processes only to
Debit 32, 33, 38, 39, 48, the Tandem Front End
44, 45, 47, 49, 92
Credit 91 01, 02, 03, 06, 07, AX, CR, CZ, DD, DI, IM, JC, MC, MR,
09, 16, 17, 41, 46, VI, or VR
A merchant’s or integrator’s terminal application must allow for maintenance of unique configuration
values for each AID that they support. Among those unique configuration values, the CVM Limit that
applies for a given AID must be supported. At this time, the values set for the US Debit AIDs shown
above must be set to zero. When a chip read presents a No CVM Method, follow the EMV CVM List
processing rules which state the CVM Limit of zero must be considered resulting in a failure of that CVM
Method. By requiring this configuration, Merchant Services prevents issues that could occur from sending
a transaction without PIN data to a Debit network that cannot support it.
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PIN Bypass is a concept of allowing the cardholder to exit from a PIN prompt and continue with an EMV
transaction. While this practice is encouraged to allow cardholders to complete transactions in the US
market where PIN entry on Credit transactions is new, this is not applicable to US Debit transactions.
If a terminal is processing a transaction with a US Common Debit AID and the cardholder chooses to
bypass PIN entry, one of two actions can be performed by the point-of-sale:
• Restart the EMV transaction to select a Global AID and format a Credit Type transaction to the
Merchant Services host
o The PIN Pad should display a message acknowledging the PIN Bypass choice and
prompting for the cardholder to choose to continue as Credit (or displaying the Global
AID preferred name or label) or exit.
o The format of this transaction mirrors the “Signature Debit” Credit processing that is
commonly done for Magnetic Stripe, except the transaction includes defined EMV
o Selection of a Global AID will present a broader CVM List that will include non-PIN
methods that are fully supported in Credit type transactions. This option is highly
recommended by Merchant Services.
• Optionally, continue to use the selected US Common Debit AID, but reformat the EMV
transaction from ‘Debit’ to ‘Credit’ before submitting the request to the Merchant Services host
o The PIN Pad should display a message acknowledging the PIN Bypass choice and
prompting for the cardholder to choose to continue as Credit or exit.
o The format of this transaction mirrors the “Signature Debit” Credit processing that is
commonly done for Magnetic Stripe, except the transaction includes defined EMV
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CVM Description
Offline Plaintext The PIN Pad prompts the cardholder for a PIN and transmits the cardholder-
entered PIN to the card in the clear. The card then compares the cardholder-
(also known as
entered PIN to the Reference PIN stored secretly in the chip.
Clear Text PIN)
Offline The PIN Pad prompts the cardholder for a PIN, encrypts it with public key
Enciphered PIN technology and sends it to the card, where it is card decrypted. The card then
compares the cardholder-entered PIN to the Reference PIN stored secretly in the
Online PIN The PIN Pad prompts the cardholder for a PIN and encrypts it using the same
DUKPT key used for magstripe debit PIN encryption. The encrypted PIN block is
sent to the host in the online authorization message.
Signature This method is optionally supported and operates in the same manner as in the
magstripe environment. The cardholder signs the transaction receipt and the
merchant compares this signature to the signature on the card.
NO CVM This method operates in the same manner as in the magstripe environment where
transaction authorization is independent of cardholder verification.
The EMV POS Solution should use CVM Results (Tag 9F34) to determine if a signature line is required
on the receipt. For more information on receipt CVM requirements see EMV Receipt Guidelines section.
Note: A failed CVM does not mean that the transaction has failed or is declined. The CVM failure is
logged in the Cardholder Verification Results (CVR) and forwarded along with the Terminal Verification
Results (TVR) to the host during online authorization.
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide EMV
• Merchant Services recommends that the choice of which Cardholder Verification Methods (Online
PIN, Offline Plaintext PIN, Offline Enciphered PIN, Signature and NO CVM) to support is carefully
considered and weighed against business needs, environment, and risk factors.
CMS EMV BP 00610 Allow opportunity for cardholders who don’t know their PIN to continue
with the transaction
• Merchant Services recommends some form of PIN Bypass be utilized to allow the transaction to
continue in the event the cardholder does not know (or prefers not to enter) their PIN.
CMS EMV RQ 00637 If PIN CVM is supported then both Online and Offline PIN must be
• Merchant Services requires that both Online and Offline PIN CVM be supported when choosing
to support PIN.
CMS EMV RQ 00639 NO CVM must be supported for unattended solutions with no PIN Pad
• Merchant Services requires that unattended EMV POS Solutions with no PIN Pad support NO
PIN Prompting
PIN CVM is not required by Merchant Services. If the EMV POS Solution supports PIN prompting, several
rules must be followed:
1. The prompt text displayed for offline and online PIN entry should be identical
3. The PIN Try Counter (Tag 9F17) value must be obtained before Offline PIN entry begins and its
value must be used as the maximum number of PIN attempts allowed
4. The cardholder must be notified before the last Offline PIN attempt and when the card is blocked
because the maximum Offline PIN tries have been exceeded
Note: The PIN Try Counter (Tag 9F17) is reset every time a valid Offline PIN is entered.
CMS EMV RQ 00640 Maximum number of PIN tries must not exceed PIN Try Counter (Tag 9F17)
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• It is required that the number of Offline PIN tries allowed does not exceed the initial PIN Try
Counter (Tag 9F17) value.
CMS EMV RQ 00641 Cardholder must be notified of last offline PIN attempt
• It is required that the cardholder be notified when only one invalid Offline PIN attempt remains
before the card is blocked.
CMS EMV RQ 00642 Cardholder must be notified when maximum Offline PIN tries is exceeded
• It is required that the cardholder be notified when the Offline PIN tries have been exceeded.
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
x x 0 1 1 1 1 0 Signature (paper)
x x 0 1 1 1 1 1 NO CVM
Value Meaning
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Value Meaning
EMV Floor Limit Mandatory Required for all EMV POS Solutions.
Performed by the EMV kernel.
Random Transaction Mandatory Required for EMV POS Solutions capable of both offline and
Selection online transactions.
Transaction Velocity Mandatory Required for EMV POS Solutions capable of offline
Checking transactions. Checks if the card’s consecutive offline
transaction or cumulative offline spend limit has been
New Card Verification Mandatory Required for EMV POS Solutions capable of offline
The following EMV Risk Management parameters control the EMV 1st Generate AC offline approval
process. These parameters are described in more detail in the following sections:
• EMV Floor Limit. Defines the maximum transaction amount that can be approved offline at the
1st Generate AC
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• EMV Random Selection. Defines values used to force transactions online even if the transaction
amount is below the EMV Floor Limit
• Merchant Services recommends that all EMV Terminal Risk Management features be supported
regardless of the offline capabilities of the terminal.
Only transactions with amounts below the EMV Floor Limit can be approved by the card offline at the 1st
Generate AC. A transaction can also be approved offline at the 2nd Generate AC if the host is
unavailable and the transaction amount is below the EMV Floor Limit.
Note: Even if the transaction amount is below the EMV Floor Limit the card can decline the transaction
offline for other reasons.
• Merchant Services requires that the EMV Floor Limit be set to zero. Therefore, the production
Merchant Services host download used by deployed EMV POS Solutions, will optionally return a
Floor Limit record to set in a device. When no Floor Limit record is returned in the host download,
the device should default to a zero value.
• Merchant Services requires that all EMV POS Solutions be capable of supporting a non-zero
EMV Floor Limit. This capability will be tested during EMV integration testing to future proof the
EMV POS Solution in case Merchant Services begins to support non-zero EMV Floor limits in the
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Parameter Value
Note: Most kernels interpret 99% as being 100% but that should be confirmed with your PIN Pad vendor.
CMS EMV RQ 00645 Random Selection parameters must ensure transaction is attempted
• Merchant Services recommends that the Target Percentage, Maximum Target Percentage and
Threshold for Biased Random Selection values be set to ensure transactions are always selected
to go online.
• Card Risk Management Data Object List 1 (CDOL1) (Tag 8C). List of data objects (tag and
length) to be passed to the card in the first GENERATE AC command
• Card Risk Management Data Object List 2 (CDOL2) (Tag 8D). List of data objects (tag and
length) to be passed to the card in the second GENERATE AC command
• Dynamic Data Object List (DDOL) (Tag 9F49). List of data objects (tag and length) to be
passed to the chip in the INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command
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• Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL) (Tag 9F38). List of terminal-related data objects
(tag and length), requested by the card and transmitted to the card in the GET PROCESSING
OPTIONS command
• Transaction Certificate Data Object List (TDOL) (Tag 97). List of data objects (tag and length)
to be used by the EMV POS Solution to generate the TC Hash Value
CMS EMV RQ 00646 A Default DDOL is required for EMV POS Solutions that support DDA
• Merchant Services requires that EMV POS Solutions supporting DDA, have a Default DDOL
defined that can be used when the chip does not contain a DDOL. The default DDOL must
contain Unpredictable Number (Tag 9F37) only.
CMS EMV RQ 00647 The Visa Default TDOL (if used) must include Transaction Amount only
• Merchant Services requires that when the EMV POS Solution supports a Default TDOL for Visa
that includes Transaction Amount (Tag 9F02) only.
CMS EMV RQ 00648 The Mastercard Default TDOL (if used) must include multiple tags
• Merchant Services requires that when the EMV POS Solution supports a Default TDOL for
Mastercard that contains the Transaction Amount (Tag 9F02), Currency Code (Tag 5F2A),
Transaction Date (Tag 9A), Transaction Type (Tag 9C), TVR Results (Tag 95) and Unpredictable
Number (Tag 9F37) only.
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• Issuer Action Codes (IACs). Rules set by the issuer in the card
• Terminal Action Codes (TACs). Rules set by the payment system in the kernel
• Terminal Verification Results (TVR). Contains the current transaction results generated by the
Processing Restrictions, Offline Data Authentication, Cardholder Verification and Terminal Risk
Management steps
The IACs and TACs are applied against the results stored (bits set) in the TVR to determine if the
transaction should be approved offline, declined offline or sent online for an authorization.
The results from Terminal Action Analysis will determine the cryptogram to be requested by the kernel
from the card in the 1st Generate AC.
• Merchant Services requires that the EMV POS Solution not enable/use the kernel “force online”
feature to force transactions to go online. Using this kernel feature results in the TVR Merchant
Forced Online bit (Byte-3 bit-4) to be set indicating a suspicious transaction.
When an IAC bit and the corresponding TVR bit are both set to ‘1’, the action specified by the IAC is
taken. There are three possible actions: decline offline, go online for an authorization, and decline offline
if online authorization is unable to complete:
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• IAC-Denial (Tag 9F0E). The issuer sets the IAC bits to ‘1’ that correspond to the TVR bits for
conditions which the issuer wants to result in a 1st Generate AC offline decline.
• IAC-Online (Tag 9F0F). The issuer sets the bits to ‘1’ that correspond to the TVR bits for
conditions which the issuer wants to result in the 1st Generate AC requesting an online
• IAC-Default (Tag 9F0D). The issuer sets the bits to ‘1’ that correspond to the TVR bits for
conditions which the issuer wants to result in a 2nd Generate AC decline when online processing
was requested but was not possible.
When a TAC bit and the corresponding TVR bit are both set to ‘1’, the action specified by the TAC is
taken. There are three possible actions: decline offline; go online for an authorization; decline offline if
online authorization is unable to complete.
• TAC-Denial. The card scheme sets the TAC bits to ‘1’ that correspond to TVR bits for conditions
which the card scheme wants to result in a 1st Generate AC offline decline.
• TAC-Online. The card scheme sets the bits to ‘1’ that correspond to TVR bits for conditions
which the card scheme wants to result in the 1st Generate AC requesting an online authorization.
• TAC-Default. The card scheme sets the bits to ‘1’ that correspond to the TVR bits for conditions
which the card scheme wants to result in a 2nd Generate AC decline when online processing was
requested but was not possible.
1. Terminal Action Analysis. The kernel makes an authorization recommendation and then sends
a GENERATE AC command to the card with this recommendation
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2. Card Action Analysis. The card makes the initial authorization decision to; offline approve,
offline decline or request online authorization, and then returns the decision to the EMV kernel
2. Indicate the type of Application Cryptogram being requested based on the kernel’s preliminary
authorization decision:
AAC. Decline the transaction (this is generally used to terminate chip interaction for Partial EMV
transactions. e.g. Credit Return (Offline) after card data has been obtained)
3. Provide the transaction data required by the card to perform Card Risk Management
4. Provide transaction data required to calculate the Application Cryptogram (data required by the
chip is specified by CDOL1 (Tag 8C) retrieved from the chip during Read Data Records).
AAC. Declined
2. ARQC (Online authorization CID=80/90) Requested, card may respond with either:
AAC. Declined
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3. TC (Approval CID=40/50) Requested, card may respond with any of the following:
TC. Approved
AAC. Declined
Note: The Application Cryptogram returned by the card will always be the same or more restrictive than
the Application Cryptogram requested. For example, if the GENERATE AC command requests that the
transaction go online for authorization (requests an ARQC), the chip will either agree (return an ARQC) or
decline the transaction (return an AAC). The chip cannot offline approve the transaction (i.e. returns a
EMV transactions can be approved offline by the chip at the 1st Generate AC or at the 2nd Generate AC
when the host is unavailable. In both cases the transaction amount must be below the EMV Floor Limit.
When a transaction is offline approved by the card (without host authorization), the card returns a final
cryptogram called the Transaction Certificate (TC) and the EMV POS Solution should:
2. Store the cryptogram (TC) and Approval Code in the batch with the transaction details.
3. Send the transaction (including the TC) to the host prior to or at settlement.
Note: The final card decision is reflected in the Cryptogram Information Data and not in the Authorization
Response Code.
The following table shows the Authorization Response Code (Tag 8A) values used when processing
offline transactions.
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Offline approved Y1
Offline declined Z1
CMS EMV BP 00612 Generated Offline approval codes should be in the format “E999999”
• Merchant Services recommends offline approval codes generated by the EMV POS Solution
begin with an ‘E’ followed by six digits.
For host capture implementations the offline approved transactions must be sent to the host individually
or in a transaction batch using a capture request message.
For a list of EMV tags that must be uploaded with offline approved transactions see Settlement EMV Tags
The data elements required by the card to complete an online transaction are:
• Authorization Response Code (Tag 8A). If this is not returned by the Merchant Services host it
must be set based on the host response code.
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Approved 00 0x3030
Declined 05 0x3035
• Issuer Authentication Data (Tag 91). Used for External Authenticate (see EMV Offline
Approvals section) - as returned in the host response message
• Issuer Scripts (Tag 71 or Tag 72). Script commands are forwarded to the card by the EMV
kernel for execution - as returned in the host response message
The card will return one of the following in the 2nd Generate AC response:
• AAC (CID=00). The transaction was declined (If the transaction was originally approved by the
issuer, a Reversal must be sent to the host)
Note: A maximum of one Issuer Script will be returned in a Merchant Services host response message. A
host response message will never contain both Tag 71 and Tag 72.
CMS EMV RQ 00651 Authorization Response Code must be set based on host Response Code
• Merchant Services requires that when the Authorization Response Code (Tag 8A) is not present
in the host response message, it be set by the EMV POS Solution based on the host response
code returned in host response message. This must be done before the 2nd Generate AC is
• It is required that the EMV POS Solution be capable of extracting an Issuer Script from the host
response message and forwarding it to the EMV kernel for execution by the card.
Partial Authorizations
It is possible for the host to partially approve a transaction for an amount less than the amount requested.
When this occurs, the cardholder must be prompted to accept the lower authorization amount before the
External Authenticate or 2nd Generate AC processing is performed.
If the cardholder does not approve the authorized amount, the cardholder should be prompted to remove
the card, a host reversal should be sent, and the transaction should be cancelled.
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If the cardholder wishes to continue the transaction using the lower amount the EMV POS Solution must:
1. Store the lower authorized amount in Transaction Amount (Tag 9F02) and make sure it is
updated in the EMV kernel
2. Set Authorization Response Code (Tag 8A) = 0x3030 to indicate the transaction was approved
The transaction is now complete, and the receipt should be printed using the updated Transaction
Amount (Tag 9F02).
CMS EMV RQ 00653 Reversal must be sent if cardholder declines partial authorization
• Merchant Services requires that a host Reversal message be sent for a Partial Authorization
when the cardholder declines to continue the transaction using the lower authorized amount. In
this case the EMV POS Solution must set the Authorization Response Code (Tag 8A) to 0x3035,
request a decline (AAC) at the 2nd Generate AC and send a Reversal message to the Merchant
Services host.
CMS EMV RQ 00654 Transaction Amount (Tag 9F02) must reflect the partially authorized
• It is required for Partial Authorizations where the lower authorized amount is accepted by the
cardholder, that Transaction Amount (Tag 9F02) be updated to reflect the lower authorized
amount and sent to the kernel prior to the 2nd Generate AC.
CMS EMV RQ 00655 Partially authorized amount must be sent in the settlement message
• Merchant Services requires that Partial Approval settlement messages include the lower partially
authorized amount in Transaction (Tag 9F02).
Merchant Services host returns a Referral response when additional information is required, and a voice
authorization should be attempted. When this occurs, the current transaction must be cancelled. If the
voice authorization is successful another transaction can be processed to obtain the funds.
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• Merchant Services requires that when a Referral response is received, that the transaction be
declined by requesting a Decline (AAC) at the 2nd Generate AC.
External Authenticate
External Authenticate is used to validate that Issuer Authentication Data (Tag 91), included in an issuer
authorization response message, is valid and was created by the issuer.
An EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command must be sent to the card when the host response includes
Issuer Authentication Data (Tag 91) and the Application Interchange Profile (Tag 82) indicates that the
chip supports Issuer Authentication (Byte-1 bit-3).
Note: Some cards do not support the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command and will validate the ARPC
as part of the 2nd Generate AC processing. This is managed by the EMV kernel.
1. Indicate the type of Application Cryptogram being requested based on the host (or stand-in)
authorization decision:
2. Provide the transaction data required to calculate the Application Cryptogram as retrieved from
the chip during the initial Read Application Data processing (data required by the chip is specified
by CDOL2 (Tag 8D))
The EMV chip responds with one of two possible decisions based on the type of cryptogram requested in
the 2nd Generate AC command:
AAC. Declined
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TC. Approved
AAC. Declined
Note: The Application Cryptogram returned by the card will always be the same or more restrictive than
the Application Cryptogram requested by the Generate AC command.
For example, if the 2nd Generate AC command requests that the transaction be declined (requests an
AAC), the chip will always agree (return an AAC). In this case the chip cannot approve the transaction
(return a TC).
A host response will never include both Tag 71 and Tag 72 Issuer Scripts. A maximum of one Issuer
Script will be returned in each host response message.
CMS EMV RQ 00657 Issuer Scripts must be executed for approved and declined transactions
• It is required that Issuer Scripts returned in the host response message be sent to the card for
execution, regardless of whether the transaction was approved or declined.
CMS EMV RQ 00658 Must support Issuer Scripts up to 128 bytes in length
• It is required that the transaction continues when an error is returned by the kernel during Issuer
Script processing. However, no other issuer commands should be sent to the card. If a Tag 71
Issuer Script returns an error, the application should continue to the 2nd Generate AC command.
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Reversal Processing
There are several additional EMV reversal types that must be supported by the EMV POS Solution in
addition to the standard reversal processing required by traditional magstripe implementations. The
additional reversals are required because Full EMV transactions return the online authorization decision
to the card for final authorization.
EMV reversals are required when the transaction was approved by the host but the EMV POS Solution is
unable to complete 2nd Generate AC. When generating a reversal for an EMV transaction, EMV tags
must be included in the host reversal message. The following table identifies the additional EMV reversal
reasons and whether EMV tag data from the first or second Generate AC is required in the reversal
PIN Pad 1st Generate PIN Pad disconnected or malfunctioning when attempting 2nd
Unavailable AC Generate AC
Card Removed 1st Generate Cardholder removed card before 2nd Generate AC completes
Chip Error 1st Generate The card returned an error during 2nd Generate AC or External
AC Authenticate processing indicating the chip is malfunctioning
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Card Decline 2nd Generate The card declined the host approved transaction at the 2nd
AC Generate AC
CMS EMV RQ 00660 EMV transaction reversals must include EMV tags
• Merchant Services requires that all EMV host reversal messages include tag data from either the
1st or 2nd Generate AC. The list of tags sent must match the original authorization message but
must be updated to include 2nd Generate AC values (if performed).
CMS EMV BP 00613 Do not print receipt until the card has been removed
• Merchant Services recommends that the receipt not be printed until the cardholder has removed
the card. This decreases the incidence of the cardholder forgetting their card.
CMS EMV BP 00614 Sound audible beep while waiting for card to be removed
• Merchant Services recommends that there is an audible beep while waiting for the EMV card to
be removed. This decreases the incidence of the cardholder forgetting their card.
Transaction Storage
At the completion of a transaction EMV tag information must be stored to ensure it is available for
settlement or problem determination and reporting. The table below identifies the EMV tags that should
be stored in the transaction batch.
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4F Application ID
50 Application Label
8A Authorization Response Code Must match the final value from the host
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9A Transaction Date
9C Transaction Type
Note: The table above identifies the EMV tags that should be stored by the EMV POS Solution. This does
not represent the EMV tag information that must be sent to the Merchant Services host.
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CMS EMV RQ 00661 Last EMV transaction data must be available even if transaction is declined
• Merchant Services requires that the final EMV transaction tag data be retained so it can be
reprinted if necessary. This applies to both approved and declined EMV transactions. It is
preferred that EMV transaction data be available for every transaction in the batch.
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Different methods are used by the EMV POS Solution to obtain the Merchant Services EMV Parameters
depending on host interface being used:
The sections that follow outline the implementation for each host interface.
CMS EMV RQ 00701 Merchant Services EMV Parameters must be downloaded whenever new
version is available
• Tandem and Stratus SFTP solutions must download the parameter file whenever a new version
is available. During integration testing the client will be required to confirm to Merchant Services
that the EMV POS Solution includes this functionality.
CMS EMV RQ 00702 Download EMV parameters within nine Settlement periods of notification
• Merchant Services requires that EMV POS Solutions using the PNS ISO or UTF interfaces
download EMV parameters within nine settlement periods after being notified that a new
parameter download is required. After the 9th settlement period with no download transactions
will no longer be performed.
• Certificate of Authority Public Keys. Public Keys issued by each card brand used for Offline
Data Authentication and offline PIN validation. There is a maximum of six public keys per card
• Fallback Indicator. Flag indicating if fallback is supported for the card brand. There is one flag
per card brand.
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• EMV Offline Floor Limit. Floor limit used to determine when the chip can offline approve an
EMV transaction without going online for authorization. There is one EMV Offline Floor Limit for
each card brand.
Note: Currently the EMV Offline Floor Limits are always set to zero. Therefore, the host download may or
may not return a Floor Limit value in response messages. When the Floor Limit Subtag or token is not
present in the download response message, a default of zero should be used.
• Threshold for Biased Random Selection. Used in conjunction with the EMV Floor Limit to
determine when a transaction may be authorized offline by the chip without going online for
It is important that current CA Public Keys are always being used and that expired and revoked keys are
removed. Failure to remove expired and revoked keys could result in expired cards being approved.
Regulations state that Certificate Authority (CA) Public Key changes must be implemented within six
months of notification.
EMV POS Solutions must be capable of storing up to six CA Public Keys per card brand. The total
number of CA Public Keys required depends on the number of card brands supported by the EMV POS
• American Express
• Discover
• Interac
• Mastercard / Maestro
• Wright Express
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide EMV
The Merchant Services EMV Parameter Download will include CA Public Keys for all card brands
supported by Merchant Services. It is the responsibility of the EMV POS Solution to ignore CA Public
Keys for card brands that are not supported.
CMS EMV RQ 00703 Must be capable of storing six CA Public Keys per card brand
• Merchant Services requires that EMV POS Solutions be capable of storing up to six active CA
Public Keys per card brand.
Fallback Indicator
The Merchant Services EMV Parameter Download includes a Fallback Indicator for each AID. If the
Fallback Indicator indicates fallback is not allowed, then the EMV POS Solution must not allow cards with
Service Codes ‘2xx’ or ‘6xx’ to be processed as magstripe cards. If the EMV chip is not functional, and
fallback is not allowed, the card may not be used.
Note: The Chip Floor Limit is currently set to zero for all card brands. If the value is downloaded from the
host, it must be used by the EMV POS Solution and it may not be changed at the device. However, if a
value is not downloaded, the default of zero should be set.
For additional information, refer to the PNS ISO Format tandem developer guide.
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When the Download Required Indicator is received, it is up to the EMV POS Solution to initiate a
Merchant Services EMV Parameter Download. The parameter download does not have to occur
immediately, but it must be performed within nine settlement periods. After that time, the EMV POS
Solution will be unable to process transactions until a Merchant Services EMV Parameter Download is
Note: Even Terminal IDs that are set up as manual batch release will receive the Download Required
The parameter download requires multiple host request/response messages to download all EMV
parameters. At the completion of the download, the EMV POS Solution must send a final EMV Parameter
Download Request (1340) message to the host identifying the final status of the download.
The following data fields are used by the PNS ISO interface to download EMV parameters.
Parameter Field
To identify the current state of the download from the POS EMV Solution perspective, the EMV
Parameter Download Request (1340) message includes an EMV POS Parameter Download Request
Status (Subtag ‘C7’) that must be set on all download request messages:
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The EMV Parameter Download Response (1350) message includes Subtag ‘D9’ that identifies if the
download is complete or if additional parameter data is available:
Note: When the final EMV Parameter Download Response (1350) message (Subtag ‘D9’ = “F”) is
received, the EMV POS Solution must send a final EMV Parameter Download Request (1340) message
indicating the status of the download (Subtag ‘C7’ set to ‘Y’ = Successful or ‘N’ = Failed).
For additional information on the UTF message formats, refer to the UTF Terminal Capture and UTF Host
Capture tandem developer guides.
For additional information on the Token Data formats refer to the UTF Token Guide.
The following table identifies where the EMV Parameter Download Required flag is sent.
Message Field
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide EMV
Message Field
UTF - HCS Auto Close Transaction response (1st transaction of ‘DL’ Token
the day only)
When the Download Required Indicator is received, it is up to the EMV POS Solution to initiate an EMV
Parameter Download. The parameter download does not have to occur immediately, but it must be
performed within nine settlement periods. After that time, the EMV POS Solution will be unable to process
transactions until a Merchant Services EMV Parameter Download is performed.
Note: Even Terminal IDs that are set up as manual batch release will receive the Download Required
The EMV parameter data is sent in the Token Data section of EMV Parameter Download response
messages. The following table identifies the tokens used for each EMV parameter.
Parameter Token
Downloading EMV parameters requires multiple EMV Parameter Download Request messages. To
identify the state of the download each request message must include the Download Status field set as
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The EMV Parameter Download Response message includes a Parameter Download Status indicator
(‘DS’ token) that identifies if the download is complete or if additional parameter data is available. The
‘DS’ token is set as follows:
Note: When the final EMV Parameter Download Response message (‘DS’ Token = “F”) is received, the
EMV POS Solution must send a final EMV Parameter Download Request message indicating the final
Download Status (‘Y’ = Successful or ‘N’ = Failed).
For a description of the Stratus EMV parameter file format refer to the Chip EMV® Download
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For development and integration testing parameter values, refer to the EMV Testing Parameters section.
9F40 Additional Terminal Addl Indicates the data input and output capabilities of the
Capabilities Capability terminal.
Allow Fallback Flag Allow Controls whether fallback to swipe is allowed for a card
Fallback type when an error occurs while reading the chip.
Allow PIN Bypass Allow PIN Identifies if PIN entry can be bypassed by pressing the
Bypass Enter key without entering a PIN.
9F06 Application Identifier AID Uniquely identifies the application (RID + PIX).
9F09 Application Version App Ver Version number assigned for the application by the
Number (Primary) Num Pri payment system.
9F09 Application Version App Ver (Optional) Secondary version number assigned for the
Number Num Sec application by the payment system.
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide EMV
Default AID Label AID Label EMV POS Solution assigned AID Label.
EMV Random Rand Sel Percentage of transactions having a value greater than
Selection Target Target the EMV Random Selection Threshold that must be sent
Percentage online.
Numeric: 0 to 99
EMV Random Rand Sel The transaction amount which is used to determine
Selection Threshold Thresh when to apply random selection to go online.
Numeric, whole numbers.
9F15 Merchant Category Merch Cat Type of business being performed by the merchant’s
Code Code device, represented according to ISO standard
Partial Name Partial Used to determine whether the terminal‘s AID must
Selection Flag Select exactly match the entire card AID including issuer suffix
or whether only the AID portion must match to be
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide EMV
Terminal Action TAC Default Identifies conditions where the transaction should be
Code-Default offline declined at the 2nd Generate AC if unable to go
Terminal Action TAC Online Identifies conditions that cause a transaction to be sent
Code-Online for online authorization at the 1st Generate AC.
5F36 Terminal Currency Trans Curr Number of digits to the right of the decimal place in the
Exponent Exp currency.
9F1B Terminal Floor Limit Term Floor The amount indicating the lowest value at which EMV
(EMV) Lim transactions must seek authorization online.
9F35 Terminal Type Term Type Indicates the environment of the terminal, its
communications capability, and its operational control.
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide EMV
A: Automobile/Vehicle Rental
C: Cash Disbursement
F: Restaurant
U: Unique Transaction
X: Transportation
For development and integration testing parameter values, refer to the EMV Testing Parameters section.
Contactless CVM CTLS CVM Transaction amount above which a CVM is required
Required Limit Req Lim and the Contactless Terminal Capabilities CVM
Required setting should be used.
Contactless Floor CTLS Floor The number indicating the lowest value at which
Limit Limit contactless EMV transactions must seek authorization
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Contactless CTLS Trans Only amounts below this limit may be performed as
Transaction Limit Limit contactless transactions.
Amex only
Amex only
Mastercard only
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Mastercard only
9F6D MSD Version MSD Version Version number assigned by the payment system for
Number Num the specific PayPass. Magstripe functionality of the
Mastercard Only
9F66 Visa TTQ Visa TTQ Visa Only. Terminal Transaction Qualifiers.
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Note: The information provided in this section is provided for clarity and completeness. The PNS ISO,
UTF and Stratus specifications provide more complete and up to date information. Therefore, those
specifications should be used when developing an EMV POS Solution.
The following tables identify the standard credit and debit transaction sets used to process transactions
with the Merchant Services hosts. For information relating to the Canadian debit transaction set see
Appendix A - Canadian Processing section.
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Transaction ISO (TCS)* ISO (HCS)** UTF UTF Stratus Stratus Batch
Type (TCS)* (HCS)** Online (TCS)*
1200 01 01 DP
(Bit 3 = 11)
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Transaction ISO (TCS)* ISO (HCS)** UTF UTF Stratus Stratus Batch
Type (TCS)* (HCS)** Online (TCS)*
Return / Return Auth Return Credit Credit Refund Auth Refund Auth
Refund Return Return Action Code Action Code =
1100 1200
(online) = RA RA
06 06
Bit 3 Bit 3
Transaction Transaction
Type = 20 Type = 20
Bit 3 Original
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Transaction ISO (TCS)* ISO (HCS)** UTF UTF Stratus Stratus Batch
Type (TCS)* (HCS)** Online (TCS)*
Auth Only
Bit 3 Original
Bit 48
Auth Only
Bit 3 Original
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Transaction ISO (TCS)* ISO (HCS)** UTF UTF Stratus Stratus Batch
Type (TCS)* (HCS)** Online (TCS)*
Bit 3 = 31 Bit 3 = 31
Transaction ISO (TCS)* ISO (HCS)** UTF UTF Stratus Stratus Batch
* **
Type (TCS) (HCS) Online (TCS)*
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Transaction ISO (TCS)* ISO (HCS)** UTF UTF Stratus Stratus Batch
* **
Type (TCS) (HCS) Online (TCS)*
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Transaction ISO (TCS)* ISO (HCS)** UTF UTF Stratus Stratus Batch
* **
Type (TCS) (HCS) Online (TCS)*
EMV Data
Note: The information provided in this section is provided for clarity and completeness. The PNS ISO,
UTF and Stratus specifications provide more complete and up to date information. Therefore, those
specifications should be used when developing an EMV POS Solution.
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Cardholder Data
The following rules must be adhered to when sending EMV cardholder data read from the chip to the
Merchant Services host:
1. If Track 2 data is sent in the host message, the Track 2 data must be populated from Track 2
Equivalent Data (Tag 57).
2. The Track 2 Equivalent Data (Tag 57) uses a ‘D’ to delimit between the end of the cardholder
account number and the beginning of the expiry date. In the Merchant Services host message,
the ‘D’ should be replaced with an ‘=’ to match the format used when sending Track 2 data read
from a magstripe.
3. If the cardholder account number (PAN) is sent in the host message, the PAN must be populated
from Application PAN (Tag 5A).
4. Application PAN (Tag 5A) may be suffixed with one or more trailing ‘F’ (0xF) characters. The
trailing ‘F’ characters must not be sent in the host message.
The hex Tag Number is either 2 or 4 bytes in length. To determine the number of bytes used for the Tag
Number, check the last bit of byte one and all four bits in byte two, if they are all ‘1’, the tag number is four
(4) bytes in length (including the current byte).
Example 1: Tag 9F10 is a 4-byte Tag Number. This is known because the last bit of the first byte (‘9’) and
all bits in the second byte (‘F’) are all ones (‘10011111’)
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Example 2: Tag 72 is a 1-byte tag number. This is known because the last bit of the first byte (‘7’) and all
bits in the second byte (‘2’) are not all ones (‘01110010’)
The 2 or 4 bytes following the Tag Number contain the Tag Length. To determine the number of bytes
used for the Tag Length, check the first bit of byte one. If the first bit is:
• 0: bytes 1 and 2 are the actual length of the Tag Value that follows
• 1: the next 7 bits are a binary representation of the number of length bytes that follow
Example 1: If the first two length bytes are ‘0C’, the first bit is a zero (‘00001100’), so the tag data starts
in the next byte and is 12-bytes in length.
Example 2: If the first two length bytes are ‘82’ and are converted to hex (0x82), the first bit is a one
(‘10000010’) and the next 7 bits are ‘0000010’ (decimal 2), so the next two bytes contain the actual tag
data length followed by the tag data.
The Tag Length represents the length of the Tag Value that follows, when in hex format. When the Tag
Value is converted to ASCII in the host message, the resulting Tag Value becomes twice as long because
it requires two ASCII bytes to represent a single hex byte. Regardless, the Tag Length field should not
change. It should always contain the original hex length of the Tag Value that follows.
Example: Tag 9F08 is 8 hex bytes in length and is set to (0x41 0x42 0x43 0x44 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34).
When sending this tag in the host message it must be converted to ASCII. The Tag Length in ASCII is
‘08’ and the Tag Value in ASCII is “4142434431323334”. The Tag Length field in the host message
indicates the Tag Value is 8 bytes in length, but the Tag Value that follows is 16 ASCII bytes.
The following is an example of a Chip Card Data field containing tags (82, 95, 9A and 5F24). The field is
prefixed with a 3-byte ASCII decimal length (044) followed by one TLV field for each tag being sent.
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If the chip does not return PAN Sequence Number (Tag 5F34), this field should not be included in the
host message.
• Merchant Services recommends that EMV tags included in host request messages be sent in the
order; fixed length tags first, in ascending order by tag number, followed by variable length tags in
ascending order by tag number. This is will help resolve issues identified during integration
CMS EMV BP 00902 Authorization request messages must include all authorization EMV tags
• Merchant Services recommends that authorization request messages include all defined
authorization EMV tags, regardless of the transaction type or card used. If a tag is not required,
the Merchant Services host will ignore it. If a tag has no data, the TLV length must be set and
submitted with the Full Tag Length Value. Example: 9F03 Length 06 Value 000000000000
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9C Transaction Type Indicates the type of financial transaction, represented by the first two
digits of the ISO 8583: 1987 Processing Code.
5F2A Transaction Currency code used for the transaction according to ISO 4217.
Currency Code
840 = US Dollars
9F02 Transaction Contains the actual transaction amount used by the chip when calculating
Amount the cryptogram (amount + cashback + tip + surcharge).
This amount excludes any adjustments (e.g. tips) that were made to the
transaction amount after completion of the original EMV transaction.
9F09 Terminal Version number assigned by the payment system for the application.
Version Number
9F1A Terminal Country Indicates the country of the terminal, represented according to ISO 3166.
840 = United States
9F1E POS/Terminal A unique and permanent identification number of the chip POS / Terminal
Serial Number assigned by the manufacturer.
9F26 Application Cryptogram returned by the card in response to the 1st Generate AC
Cryptogram command
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9F27 CID Cryptogram Information Data which indicates the type of cryptogram
generated by the chip card.
00 = AAC (declined)
40/50 = TC (approved)
9F33 Terminal Indicates the card data input, CVM, and security capabilities of the
Capabilities terminal.
This field must match the value for the EMV kernel configuration being
used for the transaction.
9F35 Terminal Type Indicates the environment of the terminal, its communications capability,
and its operational control.
This field must match the value for the EMV kernel configuration being
used for the transaction
9F36 ATC Application Transaction Counter which is maintained by the chip card.
9F39 POS Entry Mode Indicates the method by which the PAN was entered, according to the first
two digits of the ISO 8583:1987 POS Entry Mode.
9F41 Transaction Counter maintained by the POS/Terminal that is incremented by one for
Sequence each transaction.
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9F10 Issuer Contains proprietary application data for transmission to the issuer in an
Application Data online transaction.
Some tags hold sensitive data that the card brands dictate must not be passed in authorization messages
as tags within the EMV chip data field. These fields are instead populated in equivalent existing sensitive
data fields within messages. This ensures that this data remains protected by current PCI Compliance
5F34 PAN Sequence Application Primary Account Number (PAN) Sequence Number.
• PNS ISO Bit 23: Card Sequence Number
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This tag must be provided to the kernel. If this tag is not present in the
response message, then the following values should be set in Tag 8A:
71 Issuer Script Contains proprietary Issuer Script commands to be executed by the chip
Template 1 before the 2nd Generate AC command.
The Issuer Script must be provided to the EMV kernel for both approved
and declined transactions.
72 Issuer Script Contains proprietary Issuer Script commands to be executed by the chip
Template 2 after the 2nd Generate AC command completes.
The Issuer Script must be provided to the EMV kernel for both approved
and declined transactions.
91 Issuer This tag contains the ARPC cryptogram used for online issuer
Authentication authentication.
This tag must be provided to the EMV kernel so that it can be
authenticated by the card.
CMS EMV BP 00903 Reversal messages should include all reversal EMV tags
• Merchant Services recommends that reversal messages include all defined reversal EMV tags,
regardless of the transaction type or card used. If a tag is not required, the Merchant Services
host will ignore it.
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9C Transaction Type Indicates the type of financial transaction, represented by the first two
digits of ISO 8583: 1987 Processing Code.
5F2A Transaction Currency code used for the transaction according to ISO 4217.
Currency Code
840 = US Dollars
5F34 PAN Sequence Application Primary Account Number (PAN) Sequence Number.
9F02 Transaction Contains the actual transaction amount used by the chip when calculating
Amount the cryptogram (amount + cashback + tip + surcharge).
This amount excludes any adjustments (e.g. tips) that were made to the
transaction amount after completion of the original EMV transaction.
9F09 Terminal Version number assigned by the payment system for the application.
Version Number
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9F1A Terminal Country Indicates the country of the terminal, represented according to ISO 3166.
840 = United States
9F1E POS/Terminal A unique and permanent identification number of the chip POS/Terminal
Serial Number assigned by the manufacturer.
9F26 Application Cryptogram returned by the card in response to the 1st Generate AC
Cryptogram command
9F27 CID Cryptogram Information Data which indicates the type of cryptogram
generated by the chip card.
00 = AAC (declined)
40/50 = TC (approved)
9F33 Terminal Indicates the card data input, CVM, and security capabilities of the
Capabilities terminal.
This field must match the value for the EMV kernel configuration being
used for the transaction.
9F35 Terminal Type Indicates the environment of the terminal, its communications capability,
and its operational control.
This field must match the value for the EMV kernel configuration being
used for the transaction
9F36 ATC Application Transaction Counter which is maintained by the chip card.
9F39 POS Entry Mode Indicates the method by which the PAN was entered, according to the first
two digits of the ISO 8583:1987 POS Entry Mode.
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9F41 Transaction Counter maintained by the POS/Terminal that is incremented by one for
Sequence each transaction.
9F10 Issuer Application Contains proprietary application data for transmission to the issuer in an
Data online transaction.
CMS EMV BP 00904 Settlement messages should include all settlement EMV tags
• Merchant Services recommends that settlement messages include all defined settlement EMV
tags, regardless of the transaction type or card used. If a tag is not required, the Merchant
Services host will ignore it.
8A Authorization Response code that indicates the final approved/declined status of the
Response Code transaction.
91 Issuer This tag contains the ARPC cryptogram used for online issuer
Authentication authentication.
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9C Transaction Type Indicates the type of financial transaction, represented by the first two
digits of ISO 8583: 1987 Processing Code.
5F2A Transaction Currency code used for the transaction according to ISO 4217.
Currency Code
840 = US Dollars
5F34 PAN Sequence Application Primary Account Number (PAN) Sequence Number.
9F02 Transaction Contains the actual transaction amount used by the chip when calculating
Amount the cryptogram (amount + cashback + tip + surcharge).
This amount excludes any adjustments (e.g. tips) that were made to the
transaction amount after completion of the original EMV transaction.
9F09 Terminal Version number assigned by the payment system for the application.
Version Number
9F1A Terminal Country Indicates the country of the terminal, represented according to ISO 3166.
840 = United States
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9F1E POS/Terminal A unique and permanent identification number of the chip POS/Terminal
Serial Number assigned by the manufacturer.
9F26 Application Cryptogram returned by the card in response to the 1st Generate AC
Cryptogram command.
9F27 CID Cryptogram Information Data which indicates the type of cryptogram
generated by the chip card.
00 = AAC (declined)
40/50 = TC (approved)
9F33 Terminal Indicates the card data input, CVM, and security capabilities of the
Capabilities terminal.
This field must match the value for the EMV kernel configuration being
used for the transaction.
9F35 Terminal Type Indicates the environment of the terminal, its communications capability,
and its operational control.
This field must match the value for the EMV kernel configuration being
used for the transaction.
9F36 ATC Application Transaction Counter which is maintained by the chip card.
9F39 POS Entry Mode Indicates the method by which the PAN was entered, according to the first
two digits of the ISO 8583:1987 POS Entry Mode.
9F41 Transaction Counter maintained by the POS/Terminal that is incremented by one for
Sequence each transaction.
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84 Dedicated File Identifies the name of the DF as described in ISO/IEC 7816-4. Usually the
Name same as AID (Tag 4F).
9F10 Issuer Contains proprietary application data for transmission to the issuer in an
Application Data online transaction.
9F5B Issuer The card records the results of scripts executed because Tag 71 or Tag
Script Results 72 was received in an authorization response message. These results are
sent to the host when the transaction is settled.
Mandatory for settlement if Issuer Script (Tag 71 or Tag 72) was received
from the issuer in an authorization response.
Note: In the examples that follow, all PAN values have been blacked out and EMV Tag Numbers have
been highlighted in grey.
The following is the request message sent by the EMV POS Solution.
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The following is the response message returned by the Merchant Services host.
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This is an example of a Mastercard Authorization transaction. The transaction is approved, and an Issuer
Script is returned.
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The following is a response message returned by the Merchant Services host. The response includes an
Issuer Script (Tag 71) that must be sent to the PIN Pad kernel for processing prior to the 2nd Generate
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The following is the Reversal Advice message sent by the EMV POS Solution.
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This is an example of a Mastercard Sale transaction. The transaction is approved, and an Issuer Script is
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The following is the request message sent by the EMV POS Solution.
In the raw trace below, grey text highlights an EMV Tag and a “^” represents an ASCII space (x’20’).
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The following is response message returned by the Merchant Services host. The response includes an
Issuer Script (Tag 71) that must be sent to the PIN Pad kernel for processing prior to the 2nd Generate
In the raw trace below, grey text highlights an EMV Tag and a “^” represents an ASCII space (x’20’).
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The following is the request message sent by the EMV POS Solution.
In the raw trace below, grey text highlights an EMV Tag and a “^” represents an ASCII space (x’20’).
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The host approves the transaction and sends the following response.
In the raw trace below, grey text highlights an EMV Tag and a “^” represents an ASCII space (x’20’).
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The following is the request message sent by the EMV POS Solution.
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In the raw trace below, grey text highlights an EMV Tag and a “^” represents an ASCII space (x’20’).
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The information in the table below identifies the optional and required EMV specific receipt information
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Field Description
Application Label The chip card application name (i.e. Visa, Mastercard, etc.) used to process the
or Name EMV transaction. The EMV tag value printed depends on the personalization of
the chip:
Application Preferred Name (Tag 9F12) should be printed if possible
If Issuer Code Table Index (Tag 9F11) indicates that Tag 9F12 is stored in an ISO-
8859 character set that is not supported by the printer, then Application Label (Tag
50) should be printed
The Payment brands mandate either the Application Label or the Application
Preferred Name be printed on the receipt
Note: If the Issuer Code Table Index (Tag 9F11) is set to ‘1’, it indicates that the
Application Preferred Name is encoded using the Latin character set (i.e. contains
standard English alphabetic characters).
Card Entry Mode Indicator identifying how the card information was obtained.
• Contactless
• Chip/Swiped
• Keyed or Manual
• Swiped
Transaction Total The receipt total line must reflect the final transaction amount including any card
discounts that may have been applied.
Note: If card discounts were applied, this amount may not match the amount
stored in Transaction Amount (Tag 9F02).
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Field Description
Cardholder Identifies the Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) used for the transaction:
• If a PIN was entered “Verified by PIN” may be printed
(OPTIONAL) • If NO CVM, “No Signature Required” may be printed
EMV Tag Data Several EMV tag values may be printed on the merchant copy of receipts to assist
in problem resolution. These fields must be printed in the order shown and should
be identified by their tag name. If not printed at the time of the transaction, then it
is recommended that the information be stored for later trouble shooting if needed.
EMV Tag Data The AID is required by EMVCo to be printed on all receipts.
The cardholder account number should be masked and expiration date suppressed on all receipts,
regardless of the card type or payment brand mandate. This applies to both US and Canadian receipts.
The merchant and cardholder receipts need not contain the same information.
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CMS EMV RQ 01001 Application Name or Label must be printed on the receipt
• Merchant Services requires that Application Preferred Name (Tag 9F12) be printed on the receipt
if it is stored on the chip in a character set supported by the printer. Otherwise, Application Label
(Tag 50) must be printed.
• Merchant Services requires that the receipt includes the final transaction amount including card
discounts (if any).
• Merchant Services requires that all receipts must contain the AID (Application Identifier)
information with the tag value.
Note: Merchant receipts may optionally contain "TVR," "TSI," "AC," "TSI" and "ARC" labels followed by
their tag values. If the optional data is not printed on the original merchant receipt, the data should be
stored to be able to include on a reprint for troubleshooting assistance. The optional EMV labels and tag
values must be printed in the order shown in the table in EMV Receipt Data section.
The receipt is a legal document that represents a transaction that has taken place. The receipt must
identify the financial details of the transaction as well as merchant and terminal information.
Sample EMV receipt layouts have been illustrated below. The exact receipt layout may differ as long as
the EMV requirements (shown above) have been met and the receipt conforms to all guidelines for non-
EMV receipts.
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• Application Preferred Name (Tag 9F12) is present on card in a supported character set so it must
be printed (VISA CREDIT)
• Card Entry Method indicates that card information was obtained from a contactless tap
• EMV Information must be printed in the order shown and identified by the tag names:
o AC (0123456789ABCDEF), Optional
• Merchant and Cardholder receipt copies should be identical except for the receipt copy indicator
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• Application Preferred Name (Tag 9F12) is not on the chip or present in an unsupported character
set, so the Application Label (Tag 50) must be printed (Visa Credit)
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• Card Entry Method indicates card was inserted and card information was read from the contact
chip (Chip)
• EMV Information must be printed in the order shown and identified by the tag names:
o AC (0123456789ABCDEF), Optional
• Cardholder Verification Method. A PIN was entered so “Verified by PIN” must be printed
• Merchant and Cardholder receipt copies should be identical except for the receipt copy indicator
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• Application Preferred Name (9F12) and Application Label (Tag 50) cannot be obtained from chip
so the BIN table name is printed (VISA)
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• Card Entry Method indicates that card information was obtained by swiping the card after a failed
chip read (Chip/Swiped)
• EMV Information section (AID, TVR, CVR, TSI and ARC) is not printed as the chip was not used
• Merchant and Cardholder receipt copies should be identical except for the receipt copy indicator
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• Card Entry Method indicates card was inserted and card information was read from the contact
chip (Chip)
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• EMV Information must be printed in the order shown and identified by the tag names:
o AC (0123456789ABEDEF), Optional
• EMV Offline Data block (i.e. Tag 50, Tag 5F2A, etc.) is printed in the order shown using the labels
• Merchant and Cardholder receipt copies should be identical except for the receipt copy indicator
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• Merchant Services must have a way to confirm that the production terminal configuration matches
the configuration that was tested and that all data (e.g. CA Public Keys) are current and accurate
• For problem determination the last transaction EMV tag values and terminal configuration are
• The merchant requires a way to track EMV card acceptance and fallback rates
Note: The card associations track fallback rates. It is in Merchant Services and the merchant’s best
interest to keep fallback rates as low as possible.
The following sample shows the recommended report format. Additional information may be printed if
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CMS EMV BP 01101 EMV Transaction Report should be available for last transaction
• Merchant Services recommends that the EMV POS Solution includes an EMV Transaction Report
that prints the EMV data element values. At a minimum, this report should be available for the last
transaction processed regardless of whether the transaction was approved or declined. It is
preferred that this report be available for all transactions in the current batch.
CMS EMV BP 01102 EMV Transaction Report includes data element name and tag number
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• Merchant Services recommends that the EMV Transaction Report show both the data element
name and the tag number (if assigned) for each field.
CMS EMV BP 01103 EMV Transaction Report information should be stored in journal
• Merchant Services recommends that the EMV Offline Decline information be stored in the system
journal (when available) and retained for six months. This will aid in resolving cardholder inquires
relating to why an offline transaction was declined.
The following sample report shows some EMV statistics that should be considered for this report. Other
statistics may be added at the client’s discretion.
Note: The statistic counts should reset to zero after each successful settlement.
• Merchant Services recommends that the EMV POS Solution includes an EMV Statistics Report to
shows EMV statistics accumulated since the last batch close.
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• Clerk Technical Fallback Report. Identifies clerks that have a high incidence of fallback
• PIN Pad Technical Fallback Report. Identifies PIN Pads that have a high incidence of fallback
A high number of Technical Fallback transactions are a sign of a problem. Having Technical Fallback
reports available makes it possible to identify if the issue is related to a specific clerk that may require
additional training or a PIN Pad that may require servicing.
• Merchant Services recommends that the EMV POS Solution includes Technical Fallback reports
to identify clerks and PIN Pads with high Technical Fallback rates. The card brands also monitor
fallback rates, so it is a best practice to keep them as low as possible.
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This report may be created by a store controller or back office system and contain statistics for multiple
terminals. In this case the ‘Term ID’ is not required and should be replaced with a site identifier.
Note: This report may be created by a store controller or back office system and include statistics for
multiple terminal IDs. In this case the ‘TID’ line is not required and should be replaced with a site
identifier. If created for a single terminal ID, the report would generally only list one PIN Pad unless the
PIN Pad was replaced during the period being printed.
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• Merchant Services recommends that the EMV POS Solution includes a POS Entry Mode Report.
This report provides good insight into how cardholder data is being obtained.
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Note: For a definition of the report field names refer to the EMV and Contactless Parameters section (see
EMV Contact and Contactless Parameters section).
CMS EMV RQ 01101 EMV Configuration Report is mandatory
• Merchant Services requires that all EMV POS Solutions include an EMV Configuration Report.
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Note: Each card association may have up to six active CA Public Keys at any time. Therefore, the RID /
Key Index / Key Modulus / Key Exponent section will repeat up to six times per card association.
• Merchant Services requires that all EMV POS Solutions include an EMV Public Key Load Report.
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The following table defines the EMV and contactless data elements and for each element provides the
tag number, data length, format, and description. The format of each element is defined as follows:
Value Description
an Alphanumeric
an x-y Variable length alphanumeric with a minimum length ‘x’ and a maximum length ‘y’
ans Alphanumeric Special data elements that contain a single character per byte (refer to
EMVCo Book4 Annex B)
b Binary
cn Compressed Numeric
(similar to BCD but left justified and padded with trailing hexadecimal ‘F’s)
n x-y Variable length numeric with a minimum length of ‘x’ and a maximum length of ‘y’
When the length defined for the data object is greater than the length of the actual data, the following
rules apply for each data element:
• ‘cn’ is left justified and padded with trailing hexadecimal ‘F’ (0xF).
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• ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘ans’ are left justified and padded with trailing hexadecimal zeroes.
When data is moved from one entity to another (e.g. card to terminal), it will always be passed in order of
high order to low order, regardless of how it is internally stored. The same rule applies when
concatenating data.
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Application Default Action Indicates actions for the ICC ICC b ‘9F52’ 4
to take for certain exception
Application File Locator Indicates the location (SFI, ICC Var. ‘94’ <= 252
(AFL) range of records) of the
AEFs related to a given
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Byte 2 - 5 : Card
Unpredictable Number
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Card Risk Management List of data objects (tag and ICC b ‘8C’ <= 252
Data Object List 1 (CDOL1) length) to be passed to the
ICC in the first GENERATE
AC command.
Card Risk Management List of data objects (tag and ICC b ‘8D’ <= 252
Data Object List 2 (CDOL2) length) to be passed to the
ICC in the second
GENERATE AC command.
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Byte 1
Byte 2
Cardholder Name Indicates cardholder name ICC ans 2-26 ‘5F20’ 2-26
according to ISO 7813.
Cardholder Name Indicates the whole ICC ans 27- ‘9F0B’ 27-45
Extended cardholder name when 45
greater than 26 characters
using the same coding
convention as in ISO 7813.
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Cardholder Exclusive Data Contains data for ICC b ‘9F7C’ var. <=
(CED) (Visa) transmission to the Issuer in 32
MSD transactions with a
cryptogram. Cardholder
Exclusive Data is both an
implementation and Issuer
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Dedicated File (DF) Name Identifies the name of the ICC b ‘84’ 5-16
DF as described in ISO/IEC
7816-4. Usually the same as
the AID.
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Directory Discretionary Issuer discretionary part of ICC var. ‘73’ var. <=
Template the directory according to 252
ISO/IEC 7816-5.
Dynamic Data List of data objects (tag and ICC b ‘9F49’ <= 252
Authentication Data Object length) to be passed to the
File Control Information Issuer discretionary part of ICC var. ‘BF0C’ <= 222
(FCI) Issuer Discretionary the FCI.
File Control Information Identifies the data object ICC var. ‘A5’ var.
(FCI) Proprietary Template proprietary to this
specification in the FCI
template according to
ISO/IEC 7816-4.
File Control Information Identifies the FCI template ICC var. ‘6F’ <= 252
(FCI) Template according to ISO/IEC 7816-
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide EMV
Form Factor Indicator (FFI) Indicates the form factor of ICC b ‘9F6E’ 4
(Visa) the consumer payment
device and the type of
contactless interface over
which the transaction was
conducted. The Form Factor
Indicator is an Issuer option.
If present on the card it must
be present in the
authorization message.
Third Party Data The Third Party Data ICC b ‘9F6E’ var 5-32
(Mastercard) contains proprietary
information from a third
party. If present in the
contactless card, the Third
Party Data is returned in the
File Control Information
Third Party Data (Voyager) The Third Party Data ICC b ‘9F6E’ var 5 -
contains proprietary 32
information from a third
party. If present in the
contact or contactless card,
the Third Party Data is
returned in the File Control
Information Template.
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Integrated Circuit Card Remaining digits of the ICC ICC b ‘9F2F’ NPE − NI
(ICC) PIN Encipherment PIN Encipherment Public + 42
Public Key Exponent Key Modulus.
Integrated Circuit Card Remaining digits of the ICC ICC b ‘9F48’ NPE − NI
(ICC) Public Key Public Key Modulus. + 42
Page 222
EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide EMV
Issuer Authentication Data Data sent to the card for Issuer b ‘91’ 8-16
online issuer authentication.
Issuer Code Table Index Indicates the code table ICC n2 ‘9F11’ 1
according to ISO 8859 for
displaying the Application
Preferred Name.
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide EMV
Issuer Public Key Issuer public key certified by ICC b ‘90’ NCA
Certificate a certification authority.
Issuer Public Key Exponent Issuer public key exponent ICC b ‘9F32’ 1-3
used for the verification of
the Signed Static Application
Data and the ICC Public Key
Issuer Script Command Contains a command for Issuer b ‘86’ <= 261
transmission to the ICC.
Issuer Script Results Indicates the result of the Terminal b ‘9F5B’ var.
card script processing.
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Issuer URL The URL provides the ICC ans ‘5F50’ var.
location of the Issuer’s
Library Server on the
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• Implementations may
support updating of the MSD
Offset via an Issuer Script
command. If the MSD Offset
is not personalized or
personalized with a value of
zero, Track 2 Equivalent
Data (Tag ‘57’) will be
returned exactly as it was
• If the implementation
supports insertion of the
ATC in Track 2 Equivalent
Data for qVSDC and MSD
transactions, the high-order
bit of the MSD Offset is used
to activate this functionality:
bit 8
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Short File Identifier (SFI) Identifies the SFI to be used ICC b ‘88’ 1
in the commands related to
a given AEF or DDF. The
SFI data object is a binary
field with the three high
order bits set to zero.
Static Data Authentication List of tags of primitive data ICC -- ‘9F4A’ var.
Tag List objects defined in this
specification whose value
fields are to be included in
the Signed Static or
Dynamic Application Data.
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Terminal Floor Limit Indicates the floor limit in the Terminal b ‘9F1B’ 4
terminal in conjunction with
the AID.
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Byte 1
8 '1' – Contactless
magstripe (MSD) supported
'0' – Contactless
magstripe (MSD) not
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Byte 2
6-1 – RFU
Byte 3
8-1 – RFU
Byte 4
8-1 – RFU
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Track 1 Data The Track 1 Data may be ICC ans ‘56’ var. <=
present in the file read using 76
command during a
PayPass. Magstripe
transaction. The PayPass
reader copies the required
digits of the UN (Numeric),
nUN into the discretionary
data field of the Track 1
Data and stores the
modified Track 1 Data in the
Data Record to be sent to
the terminal.
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide EMV
Track 2 Equivalent Data Contains the data elements ICC b ‘57’ <= 40
of the Track 2 according to
n, <= 40
ISO/IEC 7813, excluding
start sentinel, end sentinel
and LRC, as follows: n4
Service Code
Track 2 Data (Mastercard) The Track 2 Data is present ICC b ‘9F6B’ var. <=
in the file read using the 19
during a PayPass.
Magstripe transaction. The
PayPass reader copies the
required digits of the UN
(Numeric), CVC3TRACK2,
ATC and nUN into the
discretionary data field of
the Track 2 Data and stores
the modified Track 2 Data in
the Data Record to be sent
to the terminal.
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Transaction Certificate List of data objects (tag and ICC b ‘97’ var. <=
Data Object List (TDOL) length) to be used by the 252
terminal in generating the
TC Hash Value.
• Signature
• Online PIN
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Unpredictable Number The UDOL is the DOL that ICC b ‘9F69’ var.
Data Object List (UDOL) specifies the data objects to
be included in the data field
of the COMPUTE
CHECKSUM command. The
UDOL must at least include
the UN (Numeric). The
UDOL is not mandatory for
the card. There will always
be a Default UDOL,
including as its only entry
the tag and length of the UN
(Numeric) (Tag '9F6A').
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Reference Materials
Note: Some of the information is extracted from the EMV 4.3 specification.
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide EMV Testing Parameters
97 Default TDOL -
TAC, Default DC 50 FC 98 00
TAC, Denial 00 10 00 00 00
TAC, Online DE 00 FC 98 00
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TAC, Default DC 50 FC 98 00
TAC, Denial 00 10 00 00 00
TAC, Online DE 00 FC 98 00
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TAC, Default D8 40 00 A8 00 D8 40 00 A8 00
TAC, Denial 00 10 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00
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TAC, Online D8 40 04 F8 00 D8 40 04 F8 00
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide EMV Testing Parameters
TAC, Default D8 40 00 A8 00 D8 40 00 A8 00
TAC, Denial 00 10 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00
TAC, Online D8 40 04 F8 00 D8 40 04 F8 00
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide EMV Testing Parameters
97 Default TDOL -
TAC, Default FC 50 AC A0 00
TAC, Denial 00 00 00 00 00
TAC, Online FC 50 BC F8 00
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide EMV Testing Parameters
97 Default TDOL
TAC, Default DC 00 00 20 00 DC 00 00 20 00
TAC, Denial 00 10 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00
TAC, Online FC E0 9C F8 00 FC E0 9C F8 00
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide EMV Testing Parameters
97 Default TDOL -
TAC, Default FC 50 F8 A8 F0
TAC, Denial 10 10 58 00 00
TAC, Online FC F8 E4 B8 70
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TAC, Default 00 00 00 00 00
TAC, Denial 00 00 00 00 00
TAC, Online 00 00 00 00 00
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97 Default TDOL -
TAC, Default FC 60 24 A8 00
TAC, Denial 00 10 00 00 00
TAC, Online FC 60 AC F8 00
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide EMV Testing Parameters
TAC, Default FC 50 B8 A0 00
TAC, Denial 00 00 00 00 00
TAC, Online FC 50 B8 F8 00
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TAC, Default FC 50 80 88 00
TAC, Denial 00 00 00 00 00
TAC, Online FC 50 80 88 00
Enable MChip Y
Enable MStripe Y
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide EMV Testing Parameters
5F36 Transaction 2 2
TAC, FC 50 BC A0 00 FC 50 BC A0 00
TAC, Denial 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
TAC, Online FC 50 BC F8 00 FC 50 BC F8 00
EMV 99 99
Maximum %
Page 262
EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide EMV Testing Parameters
EMV 99 99
Target %
Partial Y Y
Allow Y1 Y*
Allow PIN N N
9F09 Application - -
TAC, Default FC 50 BC A0 FC 50 BC A0 00
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide EMV Testing Parameters
TAC, Denial 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
TAC, Online FC 50 BC F8 FC 50 BC F8 00
Enable MChip Y Y
Enable MStripe Y Y
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TAC, Default DC 40 00 A8 00 DC 40 00 A8 00
TAC, Denial 00 10 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00
TAC, Online DC 40 04 F8 00 DC 40 04 F8 00
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TAC, Default DC 40 00 A8 00 DC 40 00 A8 00
TAC, Denial 00 10 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00
TAC, Online DC 40 04 F8 00 DC 40 04 F8 00
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TAC, Default DC 40 00 A8 00 DC 40 00 A8 00 DC 40 00 A8 00
TAC, Denial 00 10 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00
TAC, Online DC 40 04 F8 00 DC 40 04 F8 00 DC 40 04 F8 00
EMV Random 99 99 99
Selection Maximum
EMV Random 99 99 99
Selection Target %
Partial Name Y Y Y
Selection Flag
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TAC, Default DC 40 00 A8 00 DC 40 00 A8 -
TAC, Denial 00 10 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 -
TAC, Online DC 40 04 F8 00 DC 40 04 F8 -
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TAC - Default BC 50 FC 80 00
TAC, Denial 00 00 00 00 00
TAC, Online BC D0 FC 98 00
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide EMV Testing Parameters
TAC - Default FE 50 BC 80 00
TAC, Denial 00 00 00 00 00
TAC, Online FE 50 BC 98 00
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide Appendix
List of appendices
Appendix A Glossary
Appendix B Reference
• Answer to Reset
• ASCII Chart
• Canadian Processing
Appendix A Glossary
Term Description
AC Application Cryptogram
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Term Description
CA Certificate Authority
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Term Description
Checksum Checksum
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Term Description
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Term Description
DF Dedicated File
EF Elementary File
ENC Encryption
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Term Description
IA Issuer Authentication
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Term Description
MF Master File
P1 Parameter 1
P2 Parameter 2
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Term Description
PK Public Key
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide Appendix
Term Description
RSA Rivest-Shamir-Adleman
TC Transaction Certificate
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide Appendix
Term Description
TLV Tag/Length/Value
UN Unpredictable Number
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Term Description
Application Default ADA is the Visa and Amex proprietary data element indicating issuer-
Action specified action for the ICC to take for certain exception conditions.
This data element is required for Issuer Authentication checks, offline PIN
verification checks, new card checks and Issuer Script processing checks. If
this data element is not present, the ICC behaves as if the value is all
Application Dedicated ADF contains application specific data for a specific AID (also see DF).
Acquirer Device ADVT is the tool kit used for end-to-end Visa contact transaction certification
Validation Tool Kit of deployed EMV devices. ADVT is the Visa brand level certification which
follows the device’s previous EMV level 1 (Hardware) and EMV level 2
(EMV kernel) certifications completed by the device vendor. This test suite is
supported by the Collis and ICC Solutions testing tools.
American Express AEIPS is the EMV test suite used for Amex EMV contact transaction
Integrated Circuit Card certification of deployed EMV devices. This test suite is supported by the
Payment Specification Collis and ICC Solutions testing tools.
Application File Locator AFL identifies the location and number of application records that contain
data that must be read by the CAD to conduct a transaction. In addition to
the location and number of records the AFL also indicates which data
elements have been signed by the issuer as part of the SDA process.
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Term Description
Application Identifier AID identifies the scheme and type of application(s) present on an ICC. The
AID is made up of two fields, the Registered ID (RID) which identifies the
scheme and the Proprietary Application Identifier Extension (PIX) which
identifies the application type. ICCs and CADs use AIDs to determine which
applications are mutually supported, as both the ICC and the CAD must
support an AID to initiate a transaction. Both ICCs and CADs may support
multiple AIDs.
Application Interchange AIP contains details of the ICC’s capabilities to support specific security
Profile functions in the application (e.g. SDA/DDA/CDA, Cardholder Verification
Application Protocol APDU is the command message sent from the interface device (in the CAD)
Data Unit and the response message returned by the ICC to the interface device.
Application Program API is a specification defining the communication protocol and commands
Interface used to interact with a device.
Authorization Response ARC is a two digit code generated by the issuer and sent to the CAD to
Code approve, decline, or refer a transaction. The most used ARC consists of
online approval (00), online decline (05) and referral (01). The CAD is
prohibited to alter the ARC from the issuer. The CAD can generate an ARC
in the following exception conditions:
Y1=Offline Approved
Z1=Offline Declined
Authorization Response ARPC is a cryptogram used for a process called Online Issuer
Cryptogram Authentication (IA). The ARPC is the issuer’s (or scheme in STIP)
authorization response cryptogram signed with a DES key. This cryptogram
is generated by the issuer in response to the Authorization Request
Cryptogram (ARQC) and is sent to the ICC in the authorization response
message. The ICC will validate the ARPC to confirm that the response was
sent by the true card issuer.
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide Appendix
Term Description
Authorization Request ARQC is a cryptogram used for a process called Online Card
Cryptogram Authentication. The cryptogram is generated by the ICC in response to the
FIRST GENEREATE AC command when the transaction requires online
authorization. It is the ICC, CAD and transaction result data signed with a
DES key. It is sent to the issuer in the authorization or full financial request
message. The issuer will validate the ARQC to ensure that the ICC is
authentic and ICC data was not copied from a skimmed ICC.
Application Selection ASF is used by Interac during the Application Selection process enabling
Flag automatic selection of an application without using the highest API thus
allowing for different priorities between SCD and IDP.
Application Selection ASI indicates whether the associated AID in the CAD must exactly match
Indicator the AID in the ICC (including the length of the AID) or if it can be partially
selected based on the length of the AID specified in the CAD (even though
the card AID might be longer). There is only one Application Selection
Indicator per AID supported by the CAD.
Application Transaction ATC counts the number of transactions processed since the personalization
Counter of the ICC. The ATC increments by 1 when the Get Processing Options
command is issued at the start of each transaction.
Answer To Reset ATR is sent from the ICC to the CAD (after the supply voltage, the clock and
reset signal) containing various information related to the transmission
protocol supported by the ICC.
Application Usage AUC details the ICC’s processing restrictions. These restrictions relate to
Control the geographical settings (domestic vs international) and the support for
specific services (e.g. cash, cashback, goods and services, etc.).
Binary Coded Decimal BCD is a code that represents decimal digits in a binary format.
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide Appendix
Term Description
Bank Identification BIN is the first six digits of the PAN and is used to identify the issuer of the
Number card. It is comprised of a Major Industry Identifier (MII) (1st digit) and an
Issuer Identifier (up to 5 digits). The acronym IIN may be used
interchangeably with BIN.
Certificate Authority CA is a trusted central administration that issues, revokes and expires
certificates. A CA is responsible for ensuring that the identity of the user
requesting the certificate is legitimate.
Card Action Analysis CAA involves the analysis of the Card Risk Management (CRM) results and
responding to the CAD with an appropriate cryptogram (TC, AAC or ARQC).
CAA is performed by the ICC after the ICC completes the CRM process and
sets the CVR.
Card Acceptance CAD is any device capable of reading and processing data from a
Device magstripe, ICC (contact or contactless interfaces) or manual entry keyboard
for the purpose of performing a payment transaction.
Card Authentication CAM is the name given to the process of authenticating the ICC, either by
Method the Issuer (if it is on Online CAM) or by the CAD (if it is an Offline CAM).
Candidate List List of AIDs mutually supported by the ICC and EMV POS Solution.
Card Authentication CAP is a One Time Password application created by Mastercard. CAP uses
Program chip cryptography similar to the Mastercard payment application to create a
digital signature which can be authenticated by the Issuer in a CNP
transaction. To use CAP a low cost reader which supports the ability to
enter a PIN is required to generate the One Time Password.
Certificate Authority CAPK is the RSA Public key assigned by a card brand used by an EMV
Public Key kernel to decrypt chip information signed with a card brand private key.
CAPK File is a file containing the current card brand assigned RSA public
keys, key indexes, and expiry dates. The file is downloaded to the EMV
Page 285
EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide Appendix
Term Description
Cardholder Activated CATs are typically unattended CADs that accept various payment cards.
Terminal This type of CAD is frequently installed at rail ticketing stations, petrol
stations, toll roads, parking garages and other merchant locations. There
are four types of cardholder-activated terminals:
The CAT requirements specify related transaction liability for each CAT type
and maximum allowable transaction amounts as well as authorization,
clearing, chargeback and addendum record requirements.
Common Core CCD defines a common data element content and format for sending ICC
Definitions information between an ICC and the issuer via the acquirer. When CCD is
incorporated into an ICC specification, issuers of multi-branded cards can
achieve the benefits of the common issuer support system.
Chip Compliance CCRT is a Visa web portal that allows an acquirer to load or enter
Reporting Tool certification test results (e.g. from a Visa ADVT certification).
Combined Dynamic CDA is the most secure option for offline CAM as in addition to protection
Data against counterfeit and skimming it also protects against man-in-the-middle
Authentication/Generate attacks. During the CDA process the ICC uses its RSA Private Key to sign a
AC string of data. This string of data includes data produced by the ICC,
indicating the ICC’s decision to approve the transaction, the AC (Application
Cryptogram) and the transaction data.
Contactless Device CDET is the tool kit used for Visa contactless transaction certification of
Evaluation Toolkit deployed EMV devices. This test suite is supported by the Collis and ICC
Solutions testing tools.
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide Appendix
Term Description
Card Data Object List 1 CDOL1 is the list of TLV data objects (tags / lengths) personalized on the
ICC that are used for the generation of the first cryptogram. The CAD will
send these data object values to the ICC with the First Generate AC
Card Data Object List 2 CDOL2 is the list of TLV data objects (tags / lengths) personalized on to the
ICC that are used for the generation of the final cryptogram. The CAD will
send these data object values to the ICC with the Second Generate AC
Checksum Computed numeric value that represents a data element. Used to ensure
that the data has not been changed.
Card Issuer Actions CIAC specifies the ICC conditions that cause a transaction to be approved
Codes off-line, sent online, or declined if the CAD cannot go online. During card
risk management the ICC makes its decision by comparing the CVR with
the CIAC. There are three groups of CIAC (Denial, Online and Default).
Cryptogram Information CID indicates the type of cryptogram (AAC, TC and ARQC) and the actions
Data to be performed by the CAD (e.g. Advice required and the reason such as;
Service not allowed, PTL exceeded etc.).
Class Byte of the CLA is the first byte of five consecutive bytes that create the header in the
Command Message C-APDU. For this purpose, the CLA serves as the instruction class and may
take any value except 'FF'.
Contactless Frontend CLF is circuitry in the CAD which manages the analogue contactless
communication and the communication protocol layer of the contactless
transmission link to exchange data with the UICC.
Card Not Present CNP transactions are transactions that are conducted over an open network
(e.g. telephone, Internet, mail order) where a physical card is not present
and therefore the MSD or ICC data cannot be obtained and used.
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide Appendix
Term Description
Card Production Life CPLC is a Visa proprietary data element that provides auditability for the
Cycle ICC through the use of card life cycle data. It is composed of several data
elements (e.g. Operating system identifier, personalization machine and
date etc.)
CPLC is only used with the VIS 1.4 specs (it has been deleted from the VIS
1.5 specs) and is only supported on Global platform cards.
Card Personalization CPS is a specification that defines the card brand personalization
Specification requirements and chip card rules.
Card Personalization CPV is a process to ensure that a Technical Product (e.g. card chip) has
Validation been personalized in such a manner that it is compliant with the Mastercard
recommendations and mandates.
Certificate Revocation CRL is a list of certificates that have been revoked and therefore, should no
List longer be trusted or used.
Card Risk Management CRM is a process performed by the ICC to determine if the transaction
should be sent online, approved offline or declined offline. The output of the
CRM process is the setting of the CVR which is subsequently used in the
Card Action Analysis.
Cryptogram Numeric value used to validate data integrity. Cryptograms are calculated by
processing and signing specific data elements using a common algorithm.
Cryptograms are generated by the ICC in response to the “Generate AC”
command and by the Issuer in the authorization response message.
Card Status Update CSU contains data sent to the ICC to indicate whether the issuer has
approved or declined a transaction and to identify actions required by the
issuer (e.g. update counters). CSU is transmitted to the card in the Issuer
Authentication Data.
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide Appendix
Term Description
Card Transaction CTQ is a card value defining what actions will take place at the POS when a
Qualifiers transaction occurs.
Cumulative Total CTTAL is a Visa proprietary tag 9F54 specifying the maximum total amount
Transaction Amount of offline transactions in the designated currency or designated and
Limit secondary currency allowed for the card application before a transaction is
sent online.
Cumulative Total CTTAUL is a Visa proprietary tag 9F5C specifying the maximum total
Transaction Amount amount of offline transactions in the designated currency or designated and
Upper Limit secondary currency allowed for the card application before a transaction is
declined if an online transaction is unable to be performed.
Card Verification Rule CV Rule is a specific cardholder verification method which is part of the
CVM data element that contains the definition of which type of cardholder
verification should be used, under which conditions and the action to take if
the CV Rule is unsuccessful.
Card Verification Code CVC1 is the three digit field coded on the MSR of a Mastercard branded
1 card. The value is generated using TDES from the PAN, expiry date and
Service Code.
Card Verification Code CVC2 is the three digit field printed on the signature panel of a Mastercard
2 branded card. The value is generated using TDES from the PAN, Expiry
Date and Service Code ‘000’. CVC2 is used for CNP to prove the presence
of a legitimate card.
Card Verification Code Also referred to as Dynamic CVC. CVC3 is the process of generating a two
3 byte cryptogram returned by the card in the response to the COMPUTE
CRYPTOGRAPHIC CHECKSUM command. CVC3 is used by Mastercard
for the security of the PayPass contactless MSD application.
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide Appendix
Term Description
Cryptogram Version CVN informs the issuer about the algorithm and data used for the
Number Application Cryptogram computation during online transactions (in the
authorization request) and after transaction completion in the clearing
Card Verification Value CVV-1 is the three digit field coded on the MSR of a Visa branded card. The
1 value is generated using TDES from the PAN, expiry date and Service
Card Verification Value CVV-2 is the three digit field printed on the signature panel of a Visa
2 branded card. The value is generated using TDES from the PAN, Expiry
Date and Service Code. CVV2 is used for CNP to prove the presence of a
legitimate card.
Dynamic Card dCVV is the process of generating a dynamic CVV (using the same
Verification Value algorithm as CVV1 with the addition of the ATC). dCVV is used for security
by the Visa payWave contactless MSD application.
Dynamic Data DDA is an offline CAM option which protects against counterfeit and
Authentication skimming. During the DDA process the ICC uses its RSA Private Key to
sign an UN generated by the CAD.
Directory Dedicated File DDF is an entry point to another ADFsor DDF. Refer to Dedicated File.
Dynamic Data Object DDOL is the list of data objects (tags and lengths) that are personalized on
List the ICC and used to generate the ICC’s RSA digital signature during the
DDA or CDA process. The CAD will send the required data object values
with the Internal Authenticate command.
Data Encryption DES is a cryptography standard defined by the U.S government (NIST).
Standard DES is a symmetric algorithm meaning the keys for each of the
cryptography operations used is the same. DES uses a single length key
which is 16 bytes in length.
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide Appendix
Term Description
Developer Merchant, integrator, or developer who implements and tests an EMV POS
Dedicated File DF in EMV follows the ISO/IEC 7816-4 definition. The DF contains an FCI
and is mapped onto an ADF or a DDF. It may give access to Elementary
Files (EF) and DFs. The DF at the highest level of the card is the Master File
Dynamic Host Service DHS is a real time server option whereby clients or vendors can send
requests via IP, with minimal non-critical information, for DHS to determine if
the card is foreign-issued and if so, its supported currency. If eligible for
DCC, the response would contain all the information needed to provide a
choice to the consumer and process the transaction.
Derivation Key Index or DKI is a two digit hexadecimal field located on the card issuer host to
Key Derivation Index identify a set of Master DES keys used to generate cryptograms.
Data Object List DOL is a flexible list of data elements built be the CAD and passed to the
ICC under the ICC’s direction. To minimize processing within the ICC, such
a list is not TLV-encoded but is a single constructed field built by
concatenating several data elements together. Since the elements of the
constructed field are not TLV-encoded, it is imperative that the ICC knows
the format of this field when the data is received.
Dynamic Passcode DPA is based on the Mastercard CAP specification and is used along with a
Authentication One Time Password (see CAP).
D-Payment Application D-PAS is the Discover contactless payment card or device implementation.
Specification Also the name of the Discover EMV smartcard test suite used to certify that
EMV devices can process contact and contactless EMV Discover
transactions. This test suite is supported by the Collis and ICC Solutions
testing tools.
Derived Unique Key Per DUKPT is a key management scheme in which for every transaction a
Transaction unique key is used which is derived from a fixed key.
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Term Description
Electronically Erasable EEPROM is a type of memory used in ICCs to store all the personalization
Programmable Read data and other dynamic data specific to an ICC application. Data in the
Only Memory EEPROM is retained without power but can only be modified when power is
Elementary File In EMV, EF follows the ISO/IEC 7816-4 definition. The EF is accessed
through a specific DF and consists of one or more records (up to 256 bytes
for each record), identifying where the data is stored. An EF is never used
as an entry point to another file.
Europay, Mastercard, EMV is the Integrated Circuit Card (ICC) Specification for Payment Systems
Visa defines the functionality of credit / debit transaction processing at the CAD
level to ensure correct operation and interoperability.
EMV POS Solution Generic term used within this document to describe any integrated or
standalone EMV implementation being developed and tested.
Encryption ENC is a process whereby plaintext data is scrambled into data non-
readable to any entity which doesn’t have the key required to unscramble it
Electronic Point Of Sale EPOS is a Point of Sale device equipped with electronic equipment for
pricing and recording transactions. EPOS are normally installed in large
retailers (e.g. supermarkets).
Easy Test Cards ETEC is a test card used for Mastercard TIP processing. Mastercard ETEC
(Mastercard test card is suitable for any kind of terminal (POS, ATM, integrated-POS and others).
suite) ETEC are used in conjunction with the Mastercard host simulator for
authorizations. The ETEC are grouped into different subsets, each with a
specific objective to test different EMV criteria and terminal applications.
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Term Description
ExpressPay Amex contactless payment card or device implementation. Also the name of
the EMV test suite used for Amex EMV contactless transaction certification
of deployed EMV devices. This test suite is supported by the Collis and ICC
Solutions testing tools.
Fallback Process and rules, or use of, the magnetic-stripe reader of the CAD to
obtain card information when the ICC or EMV PIN Pad is inoperable or no
mutually supported AIDs are found.
File Control Information In EMV, FCI is part of a DF and contains information needed to select the
DF or the subsequent EF under it.
Fast Dynamic Data In most contactless payment environments, quick transaction speeds (one
Authentication second or below) are a business requirement. A DDA method called fDDA is
defined for Visa payWave offline protection against skimming, counterfeit (in
version 00 of fDDA) and man-in-the-middle attacks (in version 01 of fDDA
similar to CDA).
Field Identifier FID identifies a single data field inside various types of host messages.
Floor Limit Maximum transaction amount that can be locally authorized by the merchant
without receiving an authorization from the Issuer.
Get Processing Options GPO is the command sent by the CAD to initiate a transaction within the
ICC application. The ICC application returns the CAD the Application
Interchange Profile (AIP) and the Application File Locator (AFL). Each time
a GPO command is processed the ICC increments the ATC of the
application selected by one.
Hardware Security HSM is a secure, tamper evident device used to securely generate and
Module store keys (symmetric and asymmetric) and for performing cryptographic
Issuer Authentication IA is the process of authenticating the issuer by the ICC. During the IA
process the ICC will authenticate the issuer by validating the ARPC sent
from the issuer to make sure it has not been changed by any unauthorized
entity along the way.
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Term Description
Issuer Action Codes IAC is a set of three data fields, IAC denial, IAC online and IAC default,
defined in EMV, for use during Terminal Risk Management processing. IACs
are set by the issuer and loaded on to the ICC during the card
personalization process.
Issuer Application Data IAD contains proprietary application data that is required by the Issuer to be
transmitted as part of the online authorization request.
Integrated Chip Card ICC refers to a plastic card that contains a small electronic chip. Also known
as smartcards or chip cards.
Integrated Card iCVV is an alternate CVV defined for storage on a Visa EMV chip card. It is
Verification Value calculated using a SVC of ‘999’ instead of the SVC encoded on the
magstripe image of the chip. iCVV enables issuers to identify fraudulent use
of ICC data in magstripe read transaction processing.
ICC Dynamic Number IDN is a time-variant number generated by the ICC, to be captured by the
CAD. The first 3-8 bytes of the ICC Dynamic Data must be the
concatenation of the length and the value of the ICC Dynamic Number.
Issuer Identification IIN replaces the previously used Bank Identification Number (BIN). See BIN
Number for more information. The acronym IIN may be used interchangeably with
Instruction Byte of the INS is the second byte of 5 consecutive bytes that create the header in the
Command Message C-APDU. Instruction code within the instruction class. The INS is only valid if
the least significant bit is ‘0’ and the most significant nibble is not '6' or '9'.
Issuer Working Key IWK is a Visa key used exclusively to encrypt/decrypt PIN blocks being sent
between the Issuer and the Visa network.
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Term Description
JCB via American JCB cards that process through American Express in Canada.
JCB via Discover JCB cards that process through Discover in the US and US Territories.
Key Encryption Key KEK is a key used exclusively to encrypt / decrypt other keys.
Kernel Part of the PIN Pad application that contains all the EMV commands used
between the CAD and ICC and that has been EMV type approved (Level 2).
Lower Consecutive LCOL is the issuer-specified preference for the maximum number of
Offline Limit consecutive offline transactions allowed for the ICC application, before the
transaction should go online (if terminal has online capabilities).
Lower Cumulative LCOTA is the Transaction Amount. Issuer-specified preference for the
Offline maximum total amount of offline approved transactions in the supported
currency of the application before the transaction should go online (if
terminal has online capabilities).
Local Master Key LMK is the highest level administrative key, generated in the clear by an
HSM. The LMK is used to encrypt all ZMK and application keys (AC, MAC
and ENC keys) used in cryptographic processing by the HSM.
Last Online Application LOATC is a dynamic data field used by the ICC application. It is set equal to
Transaction Counter the ATC after every successful online transaction. The LOATC in
conjunction with the ATC can be used to detect how many offline
transactions have been conducted by the ICC since the last online
Longitudinal LRC is a mathematically calculated value at the end of data streams that
Redundancy represents the data that precedes it. LRC is a check used to ensure data
streams have been received exactly as transmitted.
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Term Description
Message Authentication MAC is a hexadecimal value used to provide data integrity. A MAC is used
Code when transferring data between two systems/entities to ensure the original
data has not been changed. As speed of this operation is critical, TDES is
used as the algorithm to generate the MAC.
Master DES Key MDK used to derive UDKs which are loaded on to the ICC application
during personalization. There are three types of MDKs: AC, MAC and ENC
Master File MF is the peak of the hierarchy of the ICC file structure. It contains
information and locations of the Dedicated Files (DF). DFs contain the
actual data files which are called Elementary Files (EF).
Major Industry Identifier MII is the first digit of the card PAN (or BIN / IIN) is the Major Industry
Identifier (MII), which represents the category of the entity which issued the
E.g. Visa uses ‘4’ and Mastercard uses ‘5’ which are both defined as
Banking and Financial categories.
Magnetic Stripe MSD or MSR Strip of magnetic tape, affixed to bank credit and debit cards,
encoded with cardholder identifying information, such as the PAN and card
expiration date, allowing for automated handling of transactions. The bank
card industry standard for magnetic stripes allows three separate tracks of
encoded data.
MSR Fallback Process and rules for the magnetic-stripe reader of the CAD to obtain card
information when the ICC or the EMV PIN Pad are operable but the
Candidate List is empty.
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Term Description
Mastercard Terminal M-TIP details the Mastercard processes and test cases that acquirers must
Integration Process successfully perform before a terminal can be certified and deployed in a
production environment. This test suite is supported by the Collis and ICC
Solutions testing tools.
Point to Point P2PE is a standard for encrypting cardholder data (usually the PAN) to
Encryption protect sensitive data.
Primary Account PAN is the 13 to 19 digit number used to identify a debit cardholder or a
Number credit account number.
Payment Card Industry PCI, or sometimes more specifically used to refer to the Payment Card
Industry Security Standards Council (PCI-SSC). An independent council
originally formed by Amex, Discover, JCB, Mastercard and Visa, with the
goal of managing the on-going evolution of the Payment Card Industry Data
Security Standard (PCI-DSS).
Payment Card Industry PCI-DSS is the standard created by PCI-SSC. The standard was created to
Data Security Standard help payment industry organizations that process card payments prevent
credit card fraud through increased controls around data and its exposure to
compromise. The standard applies to all organizations that hold, process or
exchange cardholder information from any card branded with the logo of
one of the card brands.
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Term Description
Payment Card Industry PCI-PTS is the specification that defines the physical and logical security
PIN Terminal Security requirements for PIN entry devices. Refer to .the PCI Security Standards
Position of CVC3 PCVC3 is the field that defines the location of the CVC3 in the Track-2 data
for a contactless MSD PayPass transaction.
Processing Data Object PDOL is a list of terminal-related data objects (tags and lengths), requested
List by the ICC, to be transmitted in the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS
PIN Entry Device PED is a secure device used by a consumer to enter their PIN.
PIN Encryption Key PEK is a key used exclusively to encrypt PIN blocks between the various
Issuer card personalization environments (from Issuer host through Data
Preparation to Personalization).
Personal Identification PIN is the 4-12 digit string of numbers entered by the cardholder to provide
Number cardholder verification when specified by the CVM.
Personal Identification When a cardholder enters his PIN, the information is first encoded into a
Number Block plain text PIN block using one of several PIN Block formats defined.
Regardless of which format is used, once the PIN Block has been
constructed, the plain text PIN block can be encrypted using a standard
algorithm (when specified by the CVM).
Proprietary Application PIX is the second segment of the AID used to identify the specific
Identifier Extension application on the ICC. Each brand (e.g. Visa Credit, Cirrus, Plus, Maestro)
under a specific scheme (e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex) will normally have a
unique PIX to identify the brand under the specific scheme (scheme is
identified by the RID).
Public Key PK is a key used in RSA that does not have to be kept secret. It is used to
reverse any cryptographic operation that is performed using the Private Key.
The Public Key has a mathematical link to the Private Key which makes
them a key pair.
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Term Description
Public Key PKI is a set of hardware, software, people, policies, and procedures needed
Infrastructure to create, manage, distribute, use, store and revoke digital certificates. A
PKI is an arrangement that binds PKs with respective user identities by
means of a CA.
Point of Sale POS is a type of terminal which is used to process electronic transactions in
shops, restaurant etc. The POS may process offline or go online for
Authorization by the Issuer/Scheme when processing a transaction.
Proximity Payment PPSE has a fixed name of 2PAY.SYS.DDF01 and contains a directory of all
System Environment the contactless payment applications that exist on the ICC. PPSE is
mandatory in all contactless implementations.
Payment System PSE has a fixed name of 1PAY.SYS.DDF01 and contains a directory of all
Environment the payment applications that exist on the ICC. Although PSE is optional in
EMV it is highly recommended to enhance transaction performance.
PIN Try Counter PTC indicates the number of offline PIN tries remaining. The initial value is
set to the PIN Try Limit (PTL). The PTC is decremented by 1 each time an
incorrect offline PIN is entered. The PTC is reset to the PTL value when a
correct offline PIN is entered, when the PIN is changed or when the PIN is
unblocked by the issuer.
PIN Try Limit PTL is the issuer-specified maximum number of consecutive incorrect offline
PIN tries allowed before the card is blocked.
POS Terminal Security PTS Program is a Mastercard program to enhance the security of
Evaluation Program transactions originating at wireless and IP-enabled POS payment terminals.
Personalization PVT is a tool used by Visa and Visa members to ensure that a Technical
Validation Tool Product (e.g. chip card) has been personalized in such a manner that it is
compliant with the recommendations and the mandates of Visa.
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Term Description
PIN Verification Value PVV is a four digit field coded on the bank card MSR that can be used to
validate the online PIN. The PVV is generated using TDES algorithm using
the last eleven digits of the PAN (excluding the mod 10 check value), a one
digit PIN Verification Key Index (number 1-6) positioned before the PVV on
the MSR and the four left most digits of the PAN.
Quick Visa Smart Debit qVSDC is part of the Visa contactless payment specification.
Reserved for Future RFU represents space for a field that may be used in the future for new
Use functionality.
Registered Identification RID is the first part of the AID used to identify the scheme (e.g. Visa,
Number Mastercard, etc.).
Rivest-Shamir-Adleman RSA is an asymmetric algorithm used for cryptography named after its three
(Static) Signed SAD (SSAD) is a digital signature generated from critical card data elements
Application Data and personalized on the ICC.
Store and Forward SAF is a process used when a single host transaction message is used (i.e.
Host Capture) and the transaction has been completed offline (i.e. between
the ICC and CAD). The transaction is “stored” locally and then “forwarded”
to the host before settlement occurs.
Static Data SDA is an option for offline CAM which protects against counterfeit attacks.
Authentication During the SDA process the terminal will validate the SAD to ensure the
information on the ICC has not been changed since the ICC was
personalization by the Issuer.
Short File Indicator SFI used to identify a file in the commands related to an application
Elementary File (EF). The SFI data object is a binary field with its three high-
order bits set to zero.
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Term Description
Secure Hashing SHA-1A is the secure hashing algorithm designed for use with the digital
Algorithm signatures. The SHA-1 algorithm output is always 20 bytes in length.
Signature Fallback Fallback of offline PIN to signature as the CVM for a particular ICC
transaction. The ability of an ICC to perform signature fallback is indicated in
the ICC’s CVM list.
Secure PIN Entry SPED is used by cardholders to securely enter their PIN in privacy. SPEDs
Device safeguard the PIN from the time the cardholder enters the number through
its processing in the POS system by encrypting the PIN before it leaves the
Stand-in Process STIP is the process where a third party entity stands in to authorize an
online electronic bank transaction on behalf of the Issuer.
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Term Description
Service Code SVC is the three digit code that follows the expiry date on Track 2. In EMV it
is used to identify the technology supported by payment card being swiped
(e.g. chip, MSR). The values for the three digits are as follows:
First Digit:
1: International interchange OK
9: Test
Second Digit:
0: Normal
Third Digit:
1: No restrictions
4: Cash only
7: Goods and services only (no cash), use PIN where feasible
Terminal Action TAA is a step that follows the completion of TRM and the setting of the TVR
Analysis the CAD will perform the TAA which involves the CAD analyzing the TRM
processes and requesting the appropriate cryptogram (AAC, ARQC or TC).
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Term Description
Terminal Action Code A set of three data fields, TAC Denial, TAC Online and TAC Default, defined
in EMV, for use during the Terminal Risk Management processing. TACs
are set by the schemes and must be loaded per AID to each CAD that
process EMV transactions. Merchants should receive the TACs from their
Tag Method used to exchange information with the EMV chip. Each EMV Tag is
assigned a Tag Number denoting the type of information it contains.
Terminal Check for TCI is the test suite used for JCB EMV contact transaction certification of
Implementation deployed EMV devices.
Triple Data Encryption TDES is a sophisticated implementation of DES, in which the procedure for
Standard encryption is the same but repeated three times. First, the DES key is
broken into three sub keys. Then the data is encrypted with the first key, the
result decrypted with the second key and finally encrypted again with the
third key. Triple DES offers much stronger encryption than DES. TDES uses
a double length key which is 32 bytes in length.
Transaction Certificate TDOL is a CDOL may request a TC Hash Value to be included in the
(TC) Data Object List command data of a GENERATE AC command. The TDOL is a list of the
data objects the CAD should use to generate the TC Hash Value. The ICC
may contain the TDOL, however there should also be a default TDOL in the
CAD, specified by the payment system, for use in cases where the TDOL is
not present in the ICC.
Technical Fallback The process and rules relating to using the magnetic-stripe reader of the
CAD to obtain card information if the ICC or the EMV PIN Pad is inoperable.
Terminal Integration TIP is a key testing process designed and mandated by Mastercard to test
Process the CAD, its intermediate connections and the interface with the acquirer
host system, in conditions that are as close as possible to its final
production environment.
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Term Description
Tag/Length/Value TLV is a variable length data format that uses a label (tag) to uniquely
identify a field followed by its field value length and then the field value.
Terminal Quality TQM is the Mastercard program that provides assurance to acquirers that
Management devices they certify are consistent with the card interface module approved
by EMVCo. The TQM process ensures that the smart card and contactless
hardware interfaces are EMV Level 1 compliant.
Terminal Risk TRM is a process performed by the CAD to determine if the transactions
Management should be sent online, approved offline or declined offline. The output of the
TRM is the setting of the TVR that is subsequently used in the TAA.
Terminal Status TSI identifies the functions performed by a CAD during transaction
Information processing (e.g. offline data authentication, CVM, CRM, TRM etc.).
Terminal Verification TVR is an EMV tag containing the status of several different EMV checks
Result performed by the PIN Pad kernel or the EMV POS Solution.
Upper Consecutive UCOL is the issuer-specified preference for the maximum number of
Offline Limit consecutive offline transactions allowed for the ICC application, before a
transaction must be approved online. Once this value is reached no offline
transactions are allowed for that application until an online transaction is
Upper Cumulative UCOTA is the issuer-specified preference for the maximum total amount of
Offline Transaction offline approved transactions, in the supported application currency, before
Amount a transaction must be sent online. Once this amount is reached no offline
transactions are allowed for that application until an online transaction is
Unique DES Key UDK is a unique key derived using the MDK, PAN and PAN Sequence
Number. The UDKs are loaded onto the ICC application during
personalization. There are three types of UDKs: AC, MAC and ENC keys.
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Term Description
Universal Integrated UICC is the smart card used in GSM network mobile terminals. The UICC
Circuit Card ensures the integrity and security of personal data. The UICC will typically
contain a few hundred kilobytes of personal data.
Unpredictable Number UN is a value used to provide variability and uniqueness when generating a
cryptogram or during an encryption process.
When used in the CAM process the PIN Pad generates the UN.
When used for offline encrypted PIN the UN is generated by the chip
UnionPay or UnionPay UnionPay cards that process through the Discover network in the US and
via Discover Canada.
Visa ICC Specification VIS is the Visa specific implementation of EMV credit / debit applications on
an ICC. The specification is often referred to as VSDC.
Visa Smart Debit Credit VSDC is an EMV based ICC application specified by Visa. In many cases
this is often used to refer to the VIS specifications.
Zone Master Key ZMK is a high level administrative key established manually between two
entities using key custodians under split knowledge. Once the ZMK is
exchanged it can be used to transfer secret data (e.g. keys) between the
two entities.
Appendix B Reference
Answer to Reset
Basic ATR for T=0 Cards Only
T0 ‘6x’ TB1 to TC1 present; x indicates the number of historical bytes present
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide Appendix
TC1 ‘00’ to ‘FF’ Indicates the amount of extra guard time required
T0 ‘Ex’ TB1 to TD1 present; x indicates the number of historical bytes present
TC1 ‘00’ to ‘FF’ Indicates the amount of extra guard time required
TD1 ‘81’ TA2, TB2 and TC2 absent; TD2 present; T=1 to be used
TD2 ‘31’ TA3 and TB3 present; TC3 and TD3 absent; T=1 to be used
TA3 ‘10’ to ‘FE’ Returns IFSI, which indicates initial value for information field size for
ICC and IFSC of 16-254 bytes
Dec Bin Hex Char Dec Bin Hex Char Dec Bin Hex Char
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Dec Bin Hex Char Dec Bin Hex Char Dec Bin Hex Char
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide Appendix
Dec Bin Hex Char Dec Bin Hex Char Dec Bin Hex Char
40 00101000 28 ( 84 01010100 54 T
41 00101001 29 ) 85 01010101 55 U
42 00101010 2A * 86 01010110 56 V
43 00101011 2B + 87 01010111 57 W
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide Appendix
To convert BCD to ASCII involves taking each binary digit or “nibble” and adding hexadecimal (0x30) to it.
The resulting ASCII field will be twice the length of the BCD field if all of the digits are used.
2. Isolate the 12 binary digits and add 0x30 to each one to obtain the equivalent ASCII digits
a. ‘0x30 0x30 0x30 0x30 0x30 0x30 0x30 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x35’ (Hex)
b. ‘000000012345’ (ASCII)
Canadian Processing
Interac Account Selection Prompting
When processing a Canadian Interac card, the cardholder must be prompted to select the account type
the funds should be debited from. The Account Selection prompt must be presented in the cardholder
language after Amount Confirmation and before PIN Entry.
Savings SAV EP
*EMV POS Solutions deployed in Canada must support displaying the Interac Account Selection Prompt
in French
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EMV Implementation Tandem Supplemental Guide Appendix
2. Perform cardholder prompting in the preferred cardholder language (see Cardholder Language
Selection section)
3. Print the cardholder receipt in the preferred cardholder language (see Sample Approved Receipt.
French section)
CMS EMV RQ 01601 Canadian EMV POS Solutions must support French cardholder prompting
• Merchant Services all EMV POS Solutions deployed in Canada support French prompting and
that cardholder prompting be performed in the cardholder’s preferred language (English/French).
CMS EMV RQ 01602 Canadian EMV POS Solutions must support French receipt printing
• Merchant Services requires that all EMV POS Solutions being deployed in Canada support
French receipt printing and that the cardholder receipt be printed in the cardholder’s preferred
language (English/French).
The following is an example of a receipt for a credit EMV purchase transaction approved online by the
host. The CVM used was online PIN and the card track data was obtained by reading the EMV chip.
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• Application Preferred Name (Tag 9F12) is on the chip in a supported character set, so it is printed
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• Card Entry Method indicates card was inserted and card information was read from the contact
chip (CHIP)
• EMV Information must be printed in the order shown and identified by the tag names:
o AID (A0000000031010)
o TVR (0000008000)
o TSI (F800)
o AC (0123456789ABCEDF)
o ARC (00)
• Cardholder Verification Method. A PIN was entered so “VERIFIE EN NIP” must be printed
• Merchant and Cardholder receipt copies should be identical with the exception of the receipt copy
The following is an example of a receipt for a credit EMV purchase transaction declined online by the
host. The CVM used was Signature and the Track 2 PAN was obtained by reading the EMV chip.
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• Application Preferred Name (Tag 9F12) is on the chip in a supported character set, so it is printed
• Card Entry Method indicates card was inserted and card information was read from the contact
chip (CHIP)
• EMV Information must be printed in the order shown and identified by the tag names:
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o AID (A0000000031010)
o TVR (0000008000)
o IAD (06010A03A40002)
o TSI (E800)
o ARC (05)
• Merchant and Cardholder receipt copies should be identical with the exception of the receipt copy
1. Credit / Debit Selection and US Debit Processing is not performed (see Credit / Debit Selection
and US Debit Processing section)
EMV POS Solutions supporting Interac must support Application Selection Flag (ASF) processing. This
processing is performed after Implicit / Explicit Application Selection has completed and before Final
Selection begins.
During Application Selection Flag processing, the EMV POS Solution must check for the presence of the
Issuer Country Code (Tag 5F56) and the Application Selection Flag (Tag DF62) in either of the following
1. When the card and EMV POS Solution both support the Payment System Environment (PSE):
a. Check the optional Directory Discretionary Template (Tag 73) of an Application Definition
File (ADF) directory entry in the Payment System Directory
2. Otherwise:
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a. Check the optional File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template (Tag
BF0C) of the ADF
If the Application Selection Flag (Tag DF62) is not present, and the Candidate List contains more than
one mutually supported application, then the Candidate List must be presented to the cardholder for
Application Selection.
Bit 6 = 1: RFU
Byte 3 RFU
This interpretation of the Issuer Country Code and Application Selection Flag occurs after the list of
mutually supported applications has been built. The EMV POS Solution must then interrogate the card for
the presence of the ASF and Issuer Country Code to create two sub-lists; a Primary sub-list and a
Secondary sub-list.
• If Tag 5F56 is not present, the PIN Pad adds the application (AID) to the Primary sub-list
• If Tag 5F56 is not present but Tag DF62 is present, the PIN Pad adds the application to Primary
• If Tag 5F56 is present for the application in question and value does not equal “CAN”, the PIN
Pad adds application to Primary sub-list
• If Tag 5F56 is present and is equal to “CAN”, the PIN Pad interrogates the chip card for the
presence of Tag DF62Application Selection Flag
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If the ASF data element is present, the PIN Pad will use it to determine if the application is intended for
use as Primary Application, a Secondary Application or if it should not be used. This is determined by the
ASF Byte 2 value.
The following table outlines the various Application Selection Flag scenarios.
Scenario Tag 5F56 Tag DF62 Byte 1 Tag DF62 Byte 2 (POS) POS Candidate
Issuer (ABM) Application Application Selection List
Country Code Selection Flag Flag
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Once the mutually supported applications have been categorized as Primary and Secondary, the PIN Pad
will present one of the lists for Application Selection and cardholder confirmation.
2. If the Primary sub-list is empty, but the Secondary sub-list is not empty, the Secondary is
3. If both the Primary and Secondary sub-lists are empty, the transaction must be terminated.
Note: If during selection the sub-list being presented (Primary or Secondary) becomes empty (e.g. all
applications in the sub-list are blocked), the transaction must be terminated.
If there is only one mutually supported application in the sub-list being used, the PIN Pad checks Bit-8 of
the Application Priority Indicator (Tag 87) for that application to see if cardholder confirmation is required.
If Bit-8 is:
• ‘0’. The application is selected automatically and cardholder confirmation is not required
Note: If there is only one mutually-supported application, the EMV POS Solution must check the
Cardholder Approval Indicator (Tag 87 bit-8) to determine if Cardholder Application Confirmation is
required. For more information on this process see Cardholder Application Confirmation section.
Note: Interac EMV AID is only permitted with Canadian POS solutions at this time. US POS solutions
must not be coded to support the Interac AID until further notice from Merchant Services. Interac
transactions originated through US POS solutions, where the presented Interac card supports Visa Debit,
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will process as EMV using the Visa Global AID. Interac cards that do not support Visa Debit must
continue to be processed by magnetic stripe.
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1. Transaction Amount (Tag 9F02) must include the total amount (Sale Amount + Cashback
This section contains commands that can be sent to the chip for processing. The commands are sent in
Application Protocol Data Unit (APDU) format consisting of a mandatory four byte header followed by a
conditional variable length body.
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• P1. Parameter 1
• P2. Parameter 2
• Le. Maximum length of expected data returned (when set to zero 256 bytes may be returned)
Note: The CLA, INS, P, P2, Lc, Data and Le values have been provided for each of the commands
described in the sections below.
Body Trailer
For a list of the SW1/SW2 status bytes see EMV Response Codes (SW1 SW2) section.
Application Block
The APPLICATION BLOCK command is a post-issuance command that invalidates the currently selected
• An invalidated application will return the status bytes SW1 SW2 = '6283' (‘Selected file
invalidated’) in response to a SELECT command.
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Code Value
CLA '8C' or '84'; coding according to the secure messaging specified in Book 2
INS '1E'
Le Not present
Application Unblock
The APPLICATION UNBLOCK command is a post-issuance command that rehabilitates the currently
selected application. Following the successful completion of an APPLICATION UNBLOCK command, the
restrictions imposed by the APPLICATION BLOCK command are removed.
Code Value
CLA '8C' or '84'; coding according to the secure messaging specified in Book 2
INS '18'
Data Message Authentication Code (MAC) data component; coding according to the secure
messaging specified in Book 2
Le Not present
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Card Block
The CARD BLOCK command is a post-issuance command that permanently disables all applications in
the ICC, including applications that may be selected implicitly. Following the successful completion of a
CARD BLOCK command, all subsequent SELECT commands will return the status bytes SW1 SW2 =
'6A81' (‘Function not supported’) and perform no other action.
Code Value
CLA '8C' or '84'; coding according to the secure messaging specified in Book 2
INS '16'
Data Message Authentication Code (MAC) data component; coding according to the secure
messaging specified in Book 2
Le Not present
External Authenticate
The EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command is used to request the ICC to verify a cryptogram returned
by the issuer after going online.
Code Value
CLA '00'
INS '82'
P1 '00'
P2 '00'
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Code Value
Lc 8-16
Le Not present
Code Value
Generate AC
The GENERATE AC command sends transaction-related data to the ICC, which computes and returns a
Code Value
CLA '80'
P2 '00'
Lc Var.
Le '00'
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
0 0 AAC
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b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
0 1 TC
1 0 ARQC
1 1 RFU
The data field of the response message consists of a TLV coded data object. The coding of the data
object will be according to one of the following two formats.
• Format 1. The data object returned in the response message is a primitive data object with tag
equal to '80'. The value field consists of the concatenation without delimiters (tag and length) of
the value fields of the data objects specified in the table below:
Value Presence
• Format 2. The data object returned in the response message is a constructed data object with
tag equal to '77'. The value field may contain several TLV coded objects, but will always include
the Cryptogram Information Data, the Application Transaction Counter and the cryptogram
computed by the ICC (either an AC or a proprietary cryptogram). The utilization and interpretation
of proprietary data objects which may be included in this response message are outside the
scope of these specifications. Format 2 will be used if the response is being returned in a
signature as specified for the CDA function described in section 6.6 of Book 2. The required data
elements for the response are shown in the appropriate tables in that section.
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b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
0 0 AAC
0 1 TC
1 0 ARQC
1 1 AAR
0 No advice required
1 Advice required
X X X Reason/advice/referral code
0 0 0 No information given
Get Challenge
The GET CHALLENGE command is used to obtain an unpredictable number from the ICC for use in a
security-related procedure. The challenge will be valid only for the next issued command.
Code Value
CLA '00'
INS '84'
P1 '00'
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Code Value
P2 '00'
Lc Not present
Le '00'
Get Data
The GET DATA command is used to retrieve a primitive data object not encapsulated in a record within
the current application. The usage of the GET DATA command is limited to the retrieval of the following
primitive data objects:
Code Value
CLA '80'
Lc Not present
Le '00'
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Code Value
CLA '80'
INS 'A8'
P1 '00'
P2 '00'
Lc Var.
Le '00'
The coding of the data object will be according to one of the following two formats.
• Format 1. The data object returned in the response message is a primitive data object with tag
equal to '80'. The value field consists of the concatenation without delimiters (tag and length) of
the value fields of the AIP and the AFL. The coding of the data object returned in the response
message is shown below:
• Format 2. The data object returned in the response message is a constructed data object with
tag equal to '77'. The value field may contain several TLV coded objects but always includes the
AIP and the AFL. The utilization and interpretation of proprietary data objects which may be
included in this response message are outside the scope of these specifications.
o The AIP specifies the application functions that are supported by the application in the
o The AFL consists of the list, without delimiters, of files and related records for the
currently selected application
Internal Authenticate
The INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command initiates the computation of the Signed Dynamic Application
Data by the card using all of the following:
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• ICC data
Code Value
CLA '00'
INS '88'
P1 '00'
P2 '00'
Le '00'
The ICC returns the Signed Dynamic Application Data to the terminal.
The data field of the response message consists of a TLV coded data object. The coding of the data
object will be according to one of the following two formats:
• Format 1. The data object returned in the response message is a primitive data object with tag
equal to '80'. The value field consists of the value field of the Signed Dynamic Application Data.
• Format 2. The data object returned in the response message is a constructed data object with
tag equal to '77'.The value field may contain several TLV coded objects but always includes the
Signed Dynamic Application Data. The utilization and interpretation of proprietary data objects
which may be included in this response message are outside the scope of these specifications.
Note: To ensure that the INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command response data length is within the 256
byte limit, the length of the Signed Dynamic Application Data plus the length of the TLV encoded optional
data (if present) will remain within the limits as specified in Book 2 Annex D.
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PIN Change/Unblock
The PIN CHANGE/UNBLOCK command is a post-issuance command. Its purpose is to provide the issuer
the capability either to unblock the PIN or to simultaneously change and unblock the reference (offline)
Code Value
CLA '8C' or '84'; coding according to the secure messaging specified in Book 2
INS '24'
P1 '00'
P2 00=Unblock the reference (offline) PIN by resetting the PIN Try Counter to the PIN Try
Limit. There is no PIN update, since the PIN CHANGE/UNBLOCK command does not
contain a new PIN value
Data Enciphered PIN data component, if present and MAC data component; coding
Le Not present
Upon successful completion of the command, the card will perform the following functions:
• The value of the PIN Try Counter will be reset to the value of the PIN Try Limit
• If requested, the value of the reference PIN will be set to the new PIN value
Note: The reference (offline) PIN, stored within the card, is the PIN associated with the application and is
the one the card uses to check the Transaction PIN Data transmitted within the VERIFY command.
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Read Record
The READ RECORD command reads a file record in a linear file. The response from the ICC consists of
returning the record.
Code Value
CLA '00'
INS 'B2'
P1 Record Number
Lc Not present
Le '00'
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
1 0 0 P1 is a record number
The data field of a successful READ RECORD command response message contains the record read.
For SFIs in the range 1-10, the record is a TLV constructed data object and is coded as shown below:
The SELECT command is used to select the ICC PSE, DDF or ADF corresponding to the submitted file
name or AID.
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Code Value
CLA '00'
INS 'A4'
Lc '05'–'10'
Le '00'
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
0 0 0 0 0
1 Select by Name
0 0
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
1 0 Next occurrence
The data field of the response message contains the FCI specific to the selected PSE, DDF or ADF. No
additional data elements will be present in the FCI template (Tag 6F) returned in the SELECT command
response, other than those contained in template 'BF0C'. Data elements present in templates '6F' or
'BF0C' that are not expected or understood by the terminal, because the terminal does not support any
issuer-specific processing, will be ignored.
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Tag level Tag level Tag level 3 Tag level 4 Value Presence
1 2
6F FCI Template M
84 DF Name M
Tag level Tag level Tag level 3 Tag level 4 Value Presence
1 2
6F FCI Template M
84 DF Name M
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Tag level Tag level Tag level 3 Tag level 4 Value Presence
1 2
Tag level Tag level Tag level 3 Tag level 4 Value Presence
1 2
6F FCI Template M
84 DF Name M
50 Application Label M
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Tag level Tag level Tag level 3 Tag level 4 Value Presence
1 2
The VERIFY command initiates in the ICC the comparison of the Transaction PIN Data sent in the data
field of the command with the reference PIN data associated with the application. The method of
comparison is proprietary to the application in the ICC.
The VERIFY command applies when the Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) chosen from the CVM
List is an offline PIN.
Code Value
CLA '00'
INS '20'
P1 '00'
Lc Var.
Le Not present
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b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Enciphered PIN
SW1 Description
61 xx xx = the number of response bytes still available. Use GET_RESPONSE (C0) to access
this data.
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SW1 Description
62 00 No information given
63 00 No information given
63 Cx Counter value is x
64 00 Execution error
65 00 No information given
66 xx Security error
67 xx Check error
68 00 No information given
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SW1 Description
69 00 No information given
6A 00 No information given
6A 88 Referenced data or reference data not found (exact meaning depending on the command)
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SW1 Description
6C xx Wrong L field; SW2 encodes the exact number of available data bytes
6F 00 No precise diagnosis
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
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b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
0 0 0 0 No Priority Assigned
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b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
1 Valid at ATMs
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
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b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
Range 000110-011101
0 1 1 1 1 0 Signature (paper)
0 1 1 1 1 1 No CVM required.
Range 100000-101111
Range 110000-111110
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Value Meaning
00 Always
01 If unattended cash
02 If not unattended cash and not manual cash and not purchase with cashback
04 If manual cash
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
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b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
Range 000110-011101
0 1 1 1 1 0 Signature (paper)
0 1 1 1 1 1 No CVM required
Range 100000-101111
Range 110000-111110
Value Meaning
00 Always
01 If cash or cashback
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Value Meaning
Value Meaning
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
0 0 AAC
0 1 TC
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b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
0 0 AAC
0 TC
1 0 ARQC
1 CDA Performed
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
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b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
1 Issuer-discretionary bit 1
1 Issuer-discretionary bit 2
1 Issuer-discretionary bit 3
1 Issuer-discretionary bit 4
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
1 Unable to Go Online
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
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b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
0 0 AAC
0 1 TC
1 0 ARQC
1 1 AAR
0 No Advice Required
1 Advice Required
X X X Reason/advice/referral code
0 0 0 No information given
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
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b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
1 Magnetic Stripe
1 IC with Contacts
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
1 Signature (paper)
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
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b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
1 Card capture
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
1 Cash
1 Goods
1 Services
1 Cashback
1 Inquiry
1 Transfer
1 Payment
1 Administrative
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
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b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
1 Numeric keys
1 Command keys
1 Function keys
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
1 Print, attendant
1 Print, cardholder
1 Display, attendant
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b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
1 Display, cardholder
1 Code table 10
1 Code table 9
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
1 Code table 8
1 Code table 7
1 Code table 6
1 Code table 5
1 Code table 4
1 Code table 3
1 Code table 2
1 Code table 1
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
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b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
1 SDA selected
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
1 Expired application
1 New card
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
1 Unrecognized CVM.
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b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
1 PIN entry required. PIN Pad present but PIN was not
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
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b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
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b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
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