Tugas 8 - Defananda Arya Fadaldala - 2006576552

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Tugas 9

Sistem Informasi – 01

Defananda Arya Fadaldala


Defananda Arya Fadaldala

Chapter 8

8-1 Why are information systems vulnerable to destruction, error, and abuse?

When large amounts of data are stored in electronic form, they are vulnerable to many
kinds of threats. Through communications networks, information systems in
different locations are interconnected. The potential for unauthorized access or
damage is not limited to a single location but can occur at many access points in
the network.
• List and describe the most common threats against contemporary information systems.

Cryptolocker Ransomware/Trojan Hijacks users’ photos, videos, and text documents;

encrypts them with virtually unbreakable asymmetric encryption; and demands
ransom payment for them.

Conficker Worm First detected in November 2008 and still a problem. Uses flaws in
Windows software to take over machines and link them into a virtual computer that
can be commanded remotely. Had more than 5 million computers worldwide under
its control. Difficult to eradicate.

Sasser.ftp Worm First appeared in May 2004. Spread over the Internet by attacking
random IP addresses. Causes computers to continually crash and reboot and
infected computers to search for more victims. Affected millions of computers
worldwide and caused an estimated $14.8 billion to $18.6 billion in damages.

ILOVEYOU Virus First detected on May 3, 2000. Script virus written in Visual Basic
script and transmitted as an attachment to email with the subject line ILOVEYOU.
Overwrites music, image, and other files with a copy of itself and did an estimated
$10 billion to $15 billion in damage.

• Define malware and distinguish among a virus, a worm, and a Trojan horse.

A computer virus is a rogue software program that attaches itself to other software programs or
data files to be executed, usually without user knowledge or permission.
Worms are independent computer programs that copy themselves from one computer to other
computers over a network. Unlike viruses, worms can operate on their own without attaching to
other computer program files.

Many malware infections are Trojan horses. A Trojan horse is a software program that appears to
be benign but then does something other than expected. The Trojan horse is not itself a virus
because it does not replicate, but it is often a way for viruses or other malicious code to be
introduced into a computer system.

• Define a hacker and explain how hackers create security problems and damage systems.

A hacker is an individual who intends to gain unauthorized access to a computer system. Within
the hacking community, the term cracker is typically used to denote a hacker with criminal intent,
although in the public press, the terms hacker and cracker are used interchangeably. Hackers gain
unauthorized access by finding weaknesses in the security protections websites and computer
systems employ. Hacker activities have broadened beyond mere system intrusion to include theft
of goods and information as well as system damage and cybervandalism, the intentional disruption,
defacement, or even destruction of a website or corporate information system.

• Define computer crime. Provide two examples of crime in which computers are targets and two
examples in which computers are used as instruments of crime.

Most hacker activities are criminal offenses, and the vulnerabilities of systems we have just
described make them targets for other types of computer crime as well. Computer crime is defined
by the U.S. Department of Justice as “any violations of criminal law that involve a knowledge of
computer technology for their perpetration, investigation, or prosecution.”


1. Breaching the confidentiality of protected computerized data

2. Accessing a computer system without authority


Theft of trade secrets

Schemes to defraud
• Define identity theft and phishing and explain why identity theft is such a big problem today.

Identity theft is a crime in which an imposter obtains key pieces of personal information, such as
social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, or credit card numbers, to impersonate someone
else. The information may be used to obtain credit, merchandise, or services in the name of the
victim or to provide the thief with false credentials. Identity theft has flourished on the Internet,
with credit card files a major target of website hackers

• Describe the security and system reliability problems employees create.

In fact, company insiders pose serious security problems. User lack of knowledge is the single
greatest cause of network security breaches. Many employees forget their passwords to access
computer systems or allow coworkers to use them, which compromises the system.Malicious
intruders seeking system access sometimes trick employees into revealing their passwords by
pretending to be legitimate members of the company in need of information. This practice is called
social engineering, and it was used to gain access to the Clinton campaign system.

• Explain how software defects affect system reliability and security.

A major problem with software is the presence of hidden bugs or program code defects. Itis
virtually impossible to eliminate all bugs from large programs. The main source of bugs is the
complexity of decision-making code. A relatively small program of several hundred lines will
contain tens of decisions leading to hundreds or even thousands of paths. Important programs
within most corporations are usually much larger, containing tens of thousands or even millions
of lines of code, each with many times the choices and paths of the smaller programs. Zero defects
cannot be achieved in larger programs. Complete testing simply is not possible. Fully testing
programs that contain thousands of choices and millions of paths would require thousands of years.
Even with rigorous testing, you would not know for sure that a piece of software was dependable
until the product proved itself after much operational use.

8-3 What are the components of an organizational framework for security and control?

Information systems won’t be reliable and secure unless you know how and where to deploy them.
You’ll need to know where your company is at risk and what controls you must have in place to
protect your information systems. You’ll also need to develop a security policy and plans for
keeping your business running if your information systems aren’t operational.

• Define general controls and describe each type of general control.

General controls govern the design, security, and use of computer programs and the security of
data files in general throughout the organization’s information technology infrastructure. On the
whole, general controls apply to all computerized applications and consist of a combination of
hardware, software, and manual procedures that create an overall control environment.

• Define application controls and describe each type of application control.

Application controls are specific controls unique to each computerized application, such as payroll
or order processing. They include both auto- mated and manual procedures that ensure that only
authorized data are completely and accurately processed by that application. Application controls
can be classified as (1) input controls, (2) processing controls, and (3) output controls.

Input controls check data for accuracy and completeness when they enter the system. There are
specific input controls for input authorization, data conversion, data editing, and error handling.

Processing controls establish that data are complete and accurate during updating.

Output controls ensure that the results of computer processing are accurate, complete, and properly

• Describe the function of risk assessment and explain how it is conducted for information systems.

A risk assessment determines the level of risk to the firm if a specific activity or process is not
properly controlled. Not all risks can be anticipated and measured, but most businesses will be
able to acquire some understanding of the risks they face. Business managers working with
information systems specialists should try to determine the value of information assets, points of
vulnerability, the likely frequency of a problem, and the potential for damage.

• Define and describe the following: security policy, acceptable use policy, and identity

A security policy consists of statements ranking information risks, identifying acceptable

security goals, and identifying the mechanisms for achieving these goals.
An acceptable use policy (AUP) defines acceptable uses of the firm’s information resources and
computing equipment, including desktop and laptop computers, mobile devices, telephones, and
the Internet. A good AUP defines unacceptable and acceptable actions for every user and specifies
consequences for noncompliance.

• Explain how information systems auditing promotes security and control.

An information systems audit examines the firm’s overall security environment as well as controls
governing individual information systems. The auditor should trace the flow of sample transactions
through the system and perform tests, using, if appropriate, automated audit software. The
information systems audit may also examine data quality.

Security audits review technologies, procedures, documentation, training, and personnel. A

thorough audit will even simulate an attack or disaster to test the response of the technology,
information systems staff, and business employees.

The audit lists and ranks all control weaknesses and estimates the probability of their occurrence.
It then assesses the financial and organizational impact of each threat. It includes a section for
notifying management of such weaknesses and for management’s response. Management is
expected to devise a plan for countering significant weaknesses in controls.

8-4 What are the most important tools and technologies for safeguarding information resources?

They include tools for managing user identities, preventing unauthorized access to systems and
data, ensuring system availability, and ensuring software quality.

• Name and describe three authentication methods.

A token is a physical device, similar to an identification card, that is designed to prove the identity
of a single user. Tokens are small gadgets that typically fit on key rings and display passcodes that
change frequently. A smart card is a device about the size of a credit card that contains a chip
formatted with access permission and other data. (Smart cards are also used in electronic payment
systems.) A reader device interprets the data on the smart card and allows or denies access.

Biometric authentication uses systems that read and interpret individual human traits, such as
fingerprints, irises, and voices to grant or deny access. Biometric authentication is based on the
measurement of a physical or behavioural trait that makes each individual unique.
Two-factor authentication increases security by validating users through a multistep process. To
be authenticated, a user must provide two means of identification, one of which is typically a
physical token, such as a smartcard or chip-enabled bank card, and the other of which is typically
data, such as a password or personal identification number (PIN).

• Describe the roles of firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and anti-malware software in
promoting security.

Firewalls prevent unauthorized users from accessing private networks. A firewall is a combination
of hardware and software that controls the flow of incoming and outgoing network traffic. It is
generally placed between the organization’s private internal networks and distrusted external
networks, such as the Internet, although firewalls can also be used to protect one part of a
company’s network from the rest of the network

Intrusion detection systems feature full-time monitoring tools placed at the most vulnerable points
or hot spots of corporate networks to detect and deter intruders continually.

Anti-malware software prevents, detects, and removes malware, including computer viruses,
computer worms, Trojan horses, spyware, and adware. However, most anti-malware software is
effective only against malware already known when the software was written.

• Explain how encryption protects information.

Encryption is the process of transforming plain text or data into cipher text that cannot be read by
anyone other than the sender and the intended receiver. Data are encrypted by using a secret
numerical code, called an encryption key, that transforms plain data into cipher text. The message
must be decrypted by the receiver.

• Describe the role of encryption and digital certificates in a public key infrastructure.

A public key encryption system can be viewed as a series of public and private keys that lock data
when they are transmitted and unlock data when they are received. The sender locates the
recipient’s public key in a directory and uses it to encrypt a message. The message is sent in
encrypted form over the Internet or a private network. When the encrypted message arrives, the
recipient uses his or her private key to decrypt the data and read the message.
Digital certificates help establish the identity of people or electronic assets. They protect online
transactions by providing secure, encrypted, online communication.

The digital certificate system would enable, for example, a credit card user and a merchant to
validate that their digital certificates were issued by an authorized and trusted third party before
they exchange data. Public key infrastructure (PKI), the use of public key cryptography working
with a CA, is now widely used in e-commerce.

• Distinguish between disaster recovery planning and business continuity planning.

A public key encryption system can be viewed as a series of public and private keys that lock data
when they are transmitted and unlock data when they are received. The sender locates the
recipient’s public key in a directory and uses it to encrypt a message. The message is sent in
encrypted form over the Internet or a private network. When the encrypted message arrives, the
recipient uses his or her private key to decrypt the data and read the message.

• Describe measures for improving software quality and reliability.

Can improve system quality and reliability by employing software metrics and rigorous software
testing. Software metrics are objective assessments of the system in the form of quantified
measurements. Ongoing use of metrics allows the information systems department and end users
to measure the performance of the system jointly and identify problems as they occur. Examples
of software metrics include the number of transactions that can be processed in a specified unit of
time, online response time, the number of payroll checks printed per hour, and the number of
known bugs per hundred lines of program code. For metrics to be successful, they must be carefully
designed, formal, objective, and used consistently.

8-6 If you were developing a business continuity plan for your company, where would you start?
What aspects of the business would the plan address?

identify critical business processes and determines action plans for handling mission-critical
functions if systems go down. For example, Healthways, a well-being improvement company
headquartered in Franklin, Tennessee, implemented a business continuity plan that identified the
business processes of nearly 70 departments across the enterprise and the impact of system
downtime on those processes. Healthways pinpointed its most critical processes and worked with
each department to devise an action plan. Business managers and information technology
specialists need to work together on both types of plans to determine which systems and business
processes are most critical to the company. They must conduct a business impact analysis to
identify the firm’s most critical systems and the impact a systems outage would have on the
business. Management must determine the maximum amount of time the business can survive with
its systems down and which parts of the business must be restored first.

8-7 Suppose your business had an e-commerce website where it sold goods and accepted credit
card payments. Discuss the major security threats to this website and their potential impact. What
can be done to minimize these threats?

Data breach, leak. Might want to use firewalls, encryption, authentication, digital certificates,
Public key infrastructure (PKI).

8-8 Zynga is a leading online gaming company, offering web and mobile versions of games such
as Farmville, Zynga Poker, Hit it Rich!, and CSR Racing. Zynga’s games are available on a number
of global platforms, including Apple iOS, Google Android, Facebook, and Zynga.com, and have
been played by over 1 billion people. Prepare a security analysis for this Internet-based business.
What kinds of threats should it anticipate? What would be their impact on the business? What steps
can it take to prevent damage to its websites and continuing operations?’

Use public cloud computing because there’s a lot of users. Beware of data breach, leak. Might
want to use firewalls, encryption, authentication, digital certificates, Public Key Infrastructure.

How Secure is the Cloud? Laudon pp.324

1. What kinds of security problems does cloud computing pose? How serious are they?
Explain your answer.

Data leak. For example, Financial publisher Dow Jones & Co. confirmed reports in July 2017 that
it may have publicly exposed personal and financial information of 2.2 million customers,
including subscribers to The Wall Street Journal and Barron’s. The leak was traced back to a
configuration error in a repository in AWS S3 security.
2. What management, organization, and technology factors are responsible for cloud security
problems? To what extent is cloud security a management issue?

The biggest threats to cloud data for most companies involve lack of software patching or
misconfiguration. Companies have also experienced security breaches because they did not
configure aspects of cloud security that were their responsibility. Some users forget to set up AWS
bucket password protection.

Others don’t understand basic security features in Amazon such as resource-based access policies
(access control lists) or bucket permissions checks, unwittingly exposing data to the public

3. What steps can organizations take to make their cloud-based systems more secure?

Update its AWS dashboard, encasing public in bright orange on the AWS S3 console so that cloud
customers could easily see the status of access permissions to buckets and their objects. This helps
everyone see more easily when an Amazon S3 bucket is open to the public. Amazon also added
default encryption to all objects when they are stored in an AWS bucket and access control lists
for cross-region replication.

A tool called Zelkova examines AWS S3 security policies to help users identify which one is more
permissive than the others. Amazon Macie is a managed service that uses machine learning to
detect personally identifiable information and intellectual property, and has been available for S3
since August 2017.

4. Should companies use the public cloud to run their mission-critical systems? Why or why

Yes. A public cloud allows a business to have scalability, connectivity, and resource sharing. Cloud
vendors save businesses money by eliminating equipment and labour. What matters is that the
cloud is secure.

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