SSPC WJ 4 01-17
SSPC WJ 4 01-17
SSPC WJ 4 01-17
This SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings/NACE information on all standards and other SSPC/NACE joint
International joint surface preparation standard represents a publications by contacting the organizations at the addresses
consensus of those individual members who have reviewed below:
this document, its scope, and provisions. Its acceptance does
not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he or she has SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings
adopted the standard or not, from manufacturing, marketing, 800 Trumbull Drive
purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not Pittsburgh PA 15205-4365
in conformance with this standard practice. Nothing contained +1-412-281-2331
in this SSPC/NACE standard is to be construed as granting
any right, by implication or otherwise, to manufacture, sell, NACE International
or use in connection with any method, apparatus, or product 15835 Park Ten Place
covered by letters patent, or as indemnifying or protecting Houston, TX 77084
anyone against liability for infringement of letters patent. +1 281-228-6200
This standard represents minimum requirements and should
in no way be interpreted as a restriction on the use of better Foreword
procedures or materials not discussed herein. Neither is this
standard intended to apply in all cases relating to the subject. This SSPC/NACE joint standard defines the Light Cleaning
Unpredictable circumstances may negate the usefulness of degree of surface cleanliness of coated or uncoated metallic
this standard in specific instances. SSPC and NACE assume substrates achieved by the use of waterjet cleaning prior to the
no responsibility for the interpretation or use of this standard application of a protective coating or lining. Waterjet cleaning is
by other parties, and accept responsibility for only those offi- the use of pressurized surface preparation water for removing
cial SSPC or NACE interpretations issued by SSPC or NACE coatings and other materials, including hazardous materials,
in accordance with their governing procedures and policies, from a substrate to achieve a defined degree of surface clean-
which preclude the issuance of interpretations by individual liness. Waterjet cleaning includes various methods such as
volunteers. low-pressure water cleaning (LP WC), high-pressure water
Users of this SSPC/NACE standard are responsible for cleaning (HP WC), high-pressure waterjetting (HP WJ), and
reviewing appropriate health, safety, and regulatory docu- ultrahigh-pressure waterjetting (UHP WJ).
ments and for determining their applicability in relation to this
standard prior to its use. This SSPC/NACE standard may not The four degrees of surface cleanliness achieved by
necessarily address all potential health and safety problems waterjet cleaning, which are addressed in separate standards,
or environmental hazards associated with the use of mate- are as follows:
rials, equipment, and/or operations detailed or referred to
within this standard. Users of this SSPC/NACE standard also Degree of Surface Cleanliness Designation
are responsible for establishing appropriate health, safety,
Clean to Bare Substrate WJ-1
and environmental protection practices, in consultation with
appropriate regulatory authorities if necessary, to achieve Very Thorough Cleaning WJ-2
compliance with any existing applicable regulatory require- Thorough Cleaning WJ-3
ments prior to the use of this standard. Light Cleaning WJ-4
CAUTIONARY NOTICE: SSPC/NACE joint surface prep-
aration standards are subject to periodic review, and may be Light Cleaning (WJ-4) provides a a lesser degree of
revised or withdrawn at any time in accordance with SSPC/ cleaning than Thorough Cleaning (WJ-3).
NACE technical committee procedures. SSPC and NACE
require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this Waterjet cleaning to achieve the Light Cleaning (WJ-4)
standard no later than five years from the date of initial publi- degree of surface cleanliness is used when the objective is
cation and subsequently from the date of each reaffirmation to allow as much of the tightly adherent rust and other corro-
or revision. The user is cautioned to obtain the latest edition. sion products, coating, and mill scale to remain as possible,
Purchasers of SSPC/NACE standards may receive current but when the extra effort required to remove more of these
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materials is determined to be unwarranted. Discoloration of the and procedures necessary to achieve and verify the end condi-
surface may be present. tion, as determined by visual inspection. This standard also
Waterjet cleaning does not provide the primary anchor may be used in situations in which the degree of cleanliness is
pattern on the metallic substrate known as “surface profile.” required, but protective coatings or linings are not immediately
The coatings industry uses waterjet cleaning primarily for applied. (Paragraphs A1 and A2 of Appendix A provide addi-
recoating or relining projects in which there is an adequate tional information.) Waterjet cleaning does not establish but
pre-existing surface profile. The degrees of surface cleanli- may reveal an existing surface profile on a metallic substrate.
ness cited above to be achieved by waterjet cleaning methods If the existing surface profile is not acceptable for subsequent
are not intended to require that a surface profile be present or coating application, alternative surface preparation methods to
defined prior to coating application. create the required surface profile must be considered. (Para-
Waterjet cleaning reduces and may completely remove graph A3 of Appendix A provides additional information.)
water-soluble surface contaminants, notably those contami-
nants found at the bottom of pits on the surface of corroded 1.1.1 Light Cleaning (WJ-4) is essentially equivalent to the
metallic substrates. Waterjet cleaning also helps remove oil, International Organization for Standardization (ISO)(1) 8501-42
grease, rust and other corrosion products, and other foreign degree of cleanliness Wa 4, light cleaning. . ISO 8502-4 notes
matter (for example, shotcrete spatter) from the surface, and is the use of various common terms for methods of waterjet
used when it is a more feasible method of surface preparation cleaning: water jetting, water blast cleaning, hydrojetting, aqua-
than, for example, abrasive blast cleaning, power or hand tool jetting, hydroblasting, aquablasting, and “cleaning by directing
cleaning, or chemical stripping. Waterjet cleaning may be used a jet of pressurized water onto the surface to be cleaned.”
when the application of high-performance coatings requires
extensive surface preparation, surface decontamination, or 1.2 Although carbon steel is the metallic substrate most
both. frequently cleaned in the field using waterjetting technology,
This standard is intended for use by coating or lining waterjet cleaning may be used on metallic substrates other
specifiers, applicators, inspectors, or others who have respon- than carbon steel, including other ferrous substrates such
sibility to define a standard degree of surface cleanliness to be as alloy steels, stainless steels, ductile iron and cast irons,
achieved by waterjet cleaning methods. nonferrous substrates such as aluminum, and copper alloys
This standard was prepared by SSPC/NACE Joint Task such as bronze. For convenience, the written definitions of the
Group (TG) 278, “Surface Preparation of Metals to WJ-4 (Light degrees of surface cleanliness of the metallic substrate use
Cleaning) by High-Pressure Waterjetting.” TG 278 is adminis- the general term “rust and other corrosion products.” The term
tered by Specific Technology Group (STG) 04, “Coatings and “rust” is intended to apply to carbon steel substrates and the
Linings, Protective—Surface Preparation,” and is sponsored term “other corrosion products” (such as surface oxides) is
by STG 02, “Coatings and Linings, Protective—Atmospheric,” intended to apply to metallic substrates other than carbon steel
and STG 03, “Coatings and Linings, Protective—Immersion that are being waterjet cleaned. “Flash rust” is an oxidation
and Buried Service.” This standard is issued by SSPC Group product that forms as a wetted carbon steel substrate dries.
Committee C.2 on Surface Preparation, and by NACE under The visual guides and comparators referenced for cleanliness
the auspices of STG 04. This standard is one of a set of four and flash rust only illustrate carbon steel substrates.
standards on degrees of surface cleanliness to be achieved
by waterjet cleaning that are intended to replace SSPC-SP 1.3 This standard does not address surface preparation of
12/NACE No. 5,1 which includes all four degrees of surface concrete. Information on surface preparation of concrete can
cleanliness. be found in SSPC-SP 13/NACE No. 6.3
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2.1.1 Coatings, mill scale, and foreign matter are consid- 2.1 include variations caused by composition of the metallic
ered tightly adherent if they cannot be removed by lifting with a substrate, original surface condition, thickness of the metal,
dull putty knife. (Paragraphs A4 and A5 of Appendix A provide weld metal, mill or fabrication marks, heat treating, heat-
additional information.) affected zones, and differences resulting from the initial
abrasive blast cleaning abrasives or the abrasive blast pattern
2.1.2 The gray to brown-black discoloration remaining on if previously blast cleaned, or waterjet cleaning pattern.
corroded and pitted carbon steel that cannot be removed by
further waterjet cleaning is allowed. Carbon steel surfaces cleaned by waterjet cleaning
initially exhibit a matte finish with a color that can range from
2.1.3 SSPC-VIS 4/NACE VIS 74 or other visual guide or light gray to dark brown-black but immediately acquires a
comparator may be specified to supplement the written defini- golden hue unless a corrosion inhibitor or environmental
tion. In any dispute, the written standard shall take precedence controls are used. The matte finish on older carbon steel
over the visual guide or comparator. (Paragraph A6 of Appendix surfaces that have areas from which coating was removed and
A provides additional information.) areas that were coating-free at the time of cleaning varies even
when all visible surface material has been removed.
Section 3: Additional Technical Considerations
3.2.2 Metallic substrates show variations in texture,
3.1 Flash Rust shade, color, tone, pitting, flaking, and mill scale that should be
considered during the waterjet cleaning process. (Paragraph
Flash rust is an additional consideration when a carbon A6 of Appendix A provides additional information.)
steel substrate is subjected to waterjet cleaning. Gray or brown-
black discoloration remaining in the pits of waterjet cleaned 3.2.3 Direct correlation to existing dry abrasive
carbon steel is not the same as flash rust. Metals other than blasting standards and visual comparators is inaccurate or
carbon steel can manifest discoloration as well. Degrees of inappropriate.
flash rust may be qualitatively described as follows:
Section 4: Associated Documents
3.1.1 No flash rust: A carbon steel surface that, when
viewed without magnification, exhibits no visible flash rust. 4.1 Documents associated with this standard and cited in
its mandatory sections include:
3.1.2 Light (L) flash rusted surface: A carbon steel
surface that, when viewed without magnification, exhibits Document Title
small quantities of a rust layer through which the carbon steel SSPC-SP 7/NACE No. 45 “Brush-Off Blast Cleaning”
substrate may be observed. The rust or discoloration may
“Surface Preparation
be evenly distributed or present in patches, but it is tightly SSPC-SP 13/NACE No. 6
of Concrete”
adherent and not easily removed by lightly wiping with a cloth.
“Guide and Visual Reference
3.1.3 Moderate (M) flash rusted surface: A carbon steel SSPC-VIS 4/NACE VIS 7 Photographs for Steel Cleaned
surface that, when viewed without magnification, exhibits a by Waterjetting”
layer of rust that obscures the original carbon steel surface. SSPC-SP 16 “Solvent Cleaning”
The rust layer may be evenly distributed or present in patches,
but it is reasonably well adherent and leaves light marks on a 4.2 If there is a conflict between the requirements of any
cloth that is lightly wiped over the surface. of the documents listed in Paragraph 4.1 and this standard, the
requirements of this standard shall govern.
3.1.4 Heavy (H) flash rusted surface: A carbon steel
surface that, when viewed without magnification, exhibits a Section 5: Procedures Before Waterjet Cleaning
layer of heavy rust that hides original carbon steel surface
completely. The rust may be evenly distributed or present 5.1 Precleaning: Visible deposits of oil, grease, foreign
in patches, but it is loosely adherent, easily comes off, and matter, and other contaminants shall be removed by waterjet
leaves significant marks on a cloth that is lightly wiped over cleaning, by methods in accordance with SSPC-SP 1, or as
the surface. specified. (Paragraphs A4, A5, and A10 of Appendix A and
(Paragraphs A6, A9, and A10 of Appendix A provide addi- Paragraph C2.6 of Appendix C provide additional information.)
tional information. Appendix B provides additional information
on methods of assessing the degree of flash rust.) 5.2 Prior to beginning waterjet cleaning, surface imper-
fections such as sharp fins, sharp edges, weld spatter, or
3.2 Appearance Variations burning slag shall be addressed to the extent required by the
procurement documents (project specifications). (Paragraph
3.2.1 Acceptable variations in appearance that do not A12 of Appendix A provides additional information.)
affect the degree of surface cleanliness defined in Paragraph
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5.3 CAUTION: Waterjet cleaning can be destructive to Section 7: Procedures Following Waterjet Cleaning
nonmetallic surfaces. Wood, rubber, insulation, electric instal- and Immediately Prior to Coating
lations, instrumentation, etc., must be protected from direct
and indirect impingement of water streams. 7.1 Visible deposits of oil, grease, foreign matter, and
other contaminants shall be removed by waterjet cleaning,
5.4 If a visual guide or comparator is specified to supple- by methods in accordance with SSPC-SP 1, or as specified.
ment the written standard, the condition of the substrate prior (Paragraphs A4, A5, A10, and A11 of Appendix A and Para-
to waterjet cleaning should be determined before the waterjet graph C2.6 of Appendix C provide additional information.)
cleaning commences. (Paragraph A6 of Appendix A provides
additional information.) 7.2 The existing surface profile shall be assessed to
determine conformance with the requirements of the procure-
Section 6: Waterjet Cleaning Methods ment documents. (Paragraphs A3 and A14 of Appendix A
provide additional information.)
6.1 Any of the following waterjet cleaning methods may
be used to achieve the Light Cleaning (WJ-4) degree of surface 7.3 Immediately prior to coating application, the entire
cleanliness. These waterjet cleaning methods all require the surface shall comply with the degree of surface cleanliness
use of surface preparation water (hereinafter referred to as “SP specified herein, and to the extent established, the procure-
water”) in accordance with Paragraph 6.2. The presence of ment document (project specification) requirements, and
toxic metals in a coating being removed can place restrictions degree of flash rust.
on the methods of cleaning permitted. The chosen method
shall comply with applicable regulations. (Paragraph A13 of 7.4 Flash rust shall be mitigated in accordance with the
Appendix A and Paragraph C2.3 of Appendix C provide addi- requirements of the procurement documents. An example
tional information.) of a specification statement is provided in Paragraph A10 of
Appendix A. It is common practice to remove heavy flash rust
6.1.1 Water cleaning (WC): Use of pressurized SP water by LP WC, HP WC, or dry abrasive sweep blasting.
discharged from a nozzle to remove unwanted matter from a
surface. 7.5 Dust and loose residues shall be removed from
cleaned surfaces by brushing; blowing off with clean, dry Low-pressure water cleaning (LP WC): Water air; vacuum cleaning; or other specified methods. Moisture
cleaning performed at pressures less than 34 MPa (5,000 psig). separators, oil separators, traps, or other equipment may
This is also called “power washing” or “pressure washing.” be necessary to achieve clean, dry air. (Paragraph A13 of
Appendix A provides additional information.) High-pressure water cleaning (HP WC): Water
cleaning performed at pressures from 34 to 70 MPa (5,000 to References
10,000 psig).
1. SSPC-SP 12/NACE No. 5 (latest revision), “Surface
6.1.2 Waterjetting (WJ): Use of SP water discharged Preparation and Cleaning of Metals by Waterjetting Prior
from a nozzle at pressures of 70 MPa (10,000 psig) or greater to Recoating” (Pittsburgh, PA: SSPC and Houston, TX:
to prepare a surface for coating or inspection. The velocity of NACE).
the SP water exiting the orifice is greater than 340 m/s (1,100
ft/s). 2. ISO 8501-4 (latest revision), “Preparation of steel
substrates before application of paints and related prod- High-pressure waterjetting (HP WJ): Waterjet- ucts—Visual assessment of surface cleanliness—Part 4:
ting performed at pressures from 70 to 210 MPa (10,000 to “Initial surface conditions, preparation grades and flash
30,000 psig). rust grades in connection with high-pressure water jetting”
(Geneva, Switzerland: ISO). Ultrahigh-pressure waterjetting (UHP WJ):
Waterjetting performed at pressures greater than 210 MPa 3. SSPC-SP 13/ NACE No. 6 (latest revision), “Surface Prep-
(30,000 psig). aration of Concrete” (Pittsburgh, PA: SSPC and Houston,
6.2 Surface preparation water (SP water): Water
of sufficient purity and quality that it does not prevent the 4. SSPC-VIS 4/NACE VIS 7 (latest revision), “Guide and
surface being cleaned from achieving the WJ-4 degree of Visual Reference Photographs for Steel Cleaned by
surface cleanliness or nonvisible contamination criteria when Waterjetting” (Pittsburgh, PA: SSPC and Houston, TX:
contained in the procurement documents. SP water should not NACE).
contain sediments or other impurities that are destructive to 5. SSPC-SP 7/NACE No. 4 (latest revision), “Industrial Blast
the proper functioning of the cleaning equipment. (Paragraph Blast Cleaning” (Pittsburgh, PA: SSPC and Houston, TX:
A7 of Appendix A provides additional information.) NACE).
March 10, 2012
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6. SSPC-SP 1 (latest revision), “Solvent Cleaning” (Pitts- supplementary information or guidance. The user of this stan-
burgh, PA: SSPC). dard is not required to follow, but may choose to follow, any or
all of the the provisions herein.
7. SSPC-PA Guide 4 (latest revision), “Guide to Maintenance
Repainting with Oil Base or Alkyd Painting Systems” A1 Function: Light Cleaning (WJ-4) provides a lesser
(Pittsburgh, PA: SSPC). degree of cleaning than Thorough Cleaning (WJ-3). The hier-
archy of waterjet cleaning standards is as follows: WJ-1, WJ 2,
8. SSPC-Guide 15 (latest revision), “Field Methods for WJ-3, and WJ-4. Light Cleaning (WJ-4) should be used when
Retrieval and Analysis of Soluble Salts on Steel and Other the service environment is mild enough to permit tight mill
Nonporous Substrates” (Pittsburgh, PA: SSPC). scale, coating, rust, and other foreign matter to remain on the
surface. WJ-4 is typically used when a compatible coating is
9. SSPC-SP COM (latest revision), “Surface Preparation to be applied over existing coatings. The primary functions of
Commentary for Steel and Concrete Substrates” (Pitts- waterjet cleaning before coating are:
burgh, PA: SSPC).
(a) To remove material from the surface that can cause
10. NACE SP0178 (formerly RP0178) (latest revision), early failure of the coating system;
“Design, Fabrication, and Surface Finish Practices for (b) To enhance the adhesion of the new coating system;
Tanks and Vessels to Be Lined for Immersion Service” (c) To expose the surface profile of the substrate that
(Houston, TX: NACE). is underneath the existing coating or rust and other
corrosion products. (Paragraph A3 provides addi-
11. SSPC-PA 2 (latest revision), “Measurement of Dry Coating tional information.); and
Thickness with Magnetic Gages” (Pittsburgh, PA: SSPC). (d) To reduce or remove nonvisible contamination.
12. “Recommended Guidelines for Evaluating Flash Rust” Light Cleaning (WJ-4) is used when the objective is to
(Charleston, SC: National Shipbuilding Research Program allow as much of the tightly adherent rust and other corrosion
[NSRP],(2) 2009). (Available from SSPC and NACE.) products, coating, and mill scale to remain as possible. Discol-
oration of the metal substrate may be present. Discoloration of
13. ISO 8502-3 (latest revision), “Preparation of steel the metal substrate surface may be present. Waterjet cleaning
substrates before application of paints and related prod- reduces and may completely remove water-soluble surface
ucts—Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness contaminants, notably those contaminants found at the bottom
– Part 3: Assessment of dust on steel surfaces prepared of pits on the surface of corroded metallic substrates.
for painting (pressure-sensitive tape method)” (Geneva, Light Cleaning (WJ-4) allows as much of the tightly
Switzerland: ISO). adherent matter to remain as possible. Thorough Cleaning
(WJ-3) allows staining or tightly adherent matter to a maximum
14. ASTM(3) D 3359 (latest revision), “Standard Test of 33 percent of each unit area of the surface. Very Thorough
Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test” (West Cleaning (WJ-2) allows staining or tightly adherent matter to
Conshohocken, PA: ASTM). a maximum of 5 percent of each unit area of the surface, and
a Clean to Bare Substrate (WJ-1) surface is free of all visible
15. “Recommended Practices for the Use of Manually Oper- rust and other corrosion products, dirt, previous coatings, mill
ated High-Pressure Waterjetting Equipment” (latest scale, and foreign matter.
revision) (St. Louis, MO: WaterJet Technology Associa-
tion [WJTA]).(4) A2 Maintenance Coating Work: When this standard
is used in maintenance coating work, specific instructions
16. D.A. Summers, WaterJetting Technology (London, UK: should be provided on the extent of surface to be waterjet
Chapman and Hall, 1995). cleaned or spot-waterjet cleaned to this degree of surface
cleanliness. In these cases, the surface cleanliness should be
17. SSPC-Guide 6 (latest revision), “Guide for Containing achieved across the entire area specified. For example, if all
Debris Generated During Paint Removal Operations” weld seams are to be cleaned in a maintenance operation,
(Pittsburgh, PA: SSPC). the degree of surface cleanliness applies to 100 percent of
all weld seams. If the entire structure is to be cleaned, this
Appendix A: Explanatory Notes degree of surface cleanliness applies to 100 percent of the
(Nonmandatory) entire structure. SSPC-PA Guide 47 provides a description of
accepted practices for retaining old sound coating, removing
This appendix is considered nonmandatory, although it unsound coating, feathering, and spot cleaning.
may contain mandatory language. It is intended only to provide
A3 Surface Profile: Waterjet cleaning reveals the
National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP), Advanced Technology International
(ATI), 5300 International Blvd., Charleston, SC 29418-6937. surface profile (roughness) of the substrate that exists under
ASTM International (ASTM), 100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. the original coatings or rust and other corrosion products.
WaterJet Technology Association (WJTA), 906 Olive St., Suite 1200, St. Louis, MO
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When a coating is specified, another surface preparation measurement is another method for testing for water-soluble
method may be needed in addition to the waterjet cleaning to salts.
achieve the surface profile suitable for the specified coating
system. A8.3 Other nonvisible contaminants (e.g., oil, acid, base,
silicone, wax) may have an effect on coating performance.
A4 Rust Scale: If rust scale is present, it must be Coatings manufacturers should be consulted for recommenda-
removed. Rust scale is not a suitable substrate over which to tions of maximum surface contamination allowed. The specifier
apply coatings, and, if not removed, may also prevent removal should determine what level of nonvisible contaminants may
of water-soluble salts that may accelerate corrosion. Methods remain.
other than waterjet cleaning may be used.
A8.4 The test method or procedure to be used for
A5 Mill Scale: Mill scale is that dark blue-black layer of determining the level of remaining nonvisible contaminants
iron oxide on the surface of hot-rolled steel. Over time, the should be addressed in the procurement documents (project
adherence of the mill scale can change. Older mill scale might specification).
be removed easily in the field with waterjetting at 100 MPa
(15,000 psi) and above. Waterjetting at pressures greater than A8.5 The level of nonvisible contaminants found in an
240 MPa (35,000 psig) is capable of removing tightly adherent extraction from the surface that may remain on the surface is
mill scale, but production rates are not always cost effective. usually expressed as mass per unit area; for example, µg/cm2
When the mill scale comes off, the steel surface under the mill or mg/m2 (1 µg/cm2 = 10 mg/m2).
scale has whatever surface profile is under the mill scale.
A8.6 The following is an example specification for salt
A6 Reference Photographs: Photographs may be contamination based on concentration measurements:
specified to supplement the written definition. SSPC-VIS 4/
NACE VIS 7 depicts various precleaning conditions and the “Immediately prior to the application of the coating, the
appearance of a carbon steel surface that is consistent with the surface extract shall not contain more than xx µg/cm2 of the
Light Cleaning (WJ-4) degree of surface cleanliness defined in specific contaminant (e.g., chloride) when tested with a speci-
this standard. In any dispute, the written standard shall take fied method.”
precedence over the visual guide. The visual appearance of
carbon steel that has heavily flash rusted after initial waterjet A8.7 The following is an example specification for salt
cleaning and is then recleaned by LP WC has a different contamination based on conductivity measurements:
appearance from the original light flash-rusted steel depicted
“Immediately prior to the application of the coating, the
conductivity of the surface extract shall not exceed xx µS/cm
A7 Quality of Water: SP water used by waterjet cleaning when tested with a specified method.”
equipment should be clean and free of erosive silts or other
A9 Use of Corrosion Inhibitors: It may be advantageous
contaminants that damage pump valves and/or prevent the
to add corrosion inhibitors to the SP water or apply them to
surface from achieving the specified degree of surface cleanli-
the surface immediately after waterjet cleaning to temporarily
ness. A general rule is that the cleaner the water, the longer
prevent rust formation. Some corrosion inhibitor treatments
the service life of the waterjet cleaning equipment. The use of
may interfere with the performance of certain coatings systems.
deionized water may be detrimental to some water pumps and
The coatings manufacturer should be consulted to ensure the
care should be taken to ensure compatibility.
compatibility of corrosion inhibitors with the coatings.
A8 Nonvisible Contamination (NV)
A10 Specification Statement:
A8.1 Nonvisible contamination (NV): Nonvisible
contamination is the presence of organic matter, such as thin A10.1 The specifier should use the degree of surface
films of oil and grease, and inorganic and/or soluble ionic mate- cleanliness and one of the degrees of flash rust to specify the
rials such as chlorides, ferrous salts, nitrates, and sulfates that required end condition. The following are examples of a speci-
may be present on the substrate. (Paragraphs A6, A7, and A8 fication statement:
provide additional information.)
“All surfaces to be recoated shall be waterjet cleaned to
A8.2 Steel contaminated with water-soluble salts (e.g., SSPC-SP WJ-4 L/NACE WJ-4/L, Light Cleaning, Light Flash
sodium chloride and potassium sulfate) rapidly develops rust- Rust.”
back. Rust-back can be minimized by removing these salts
from the steel surface and eliminating sources of recontami- “At the time of the recoating, the degree of flash rust shall
nation during and after cleaning. These contaminants, along be no greater than moderate (M).”
with their concentrations, may be identified using laboratory
and field tests as described in SSPC Guide 15.8 Conductivity A10.2 In addition, the specifier should consider whether a
surface should be cleaned as required to achieve a particular,
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not to exceed maximum, level of nonvisible contamination A14 Film Thickness: It is essential that ample coating
(NV) prior to recoating. A suggested specification statement be applied after waterjet cleaning to adequately cover the
for nonvisible contamination (NV) is given in Paragraph A8. peaks of the surface profile. The dry film thickness of the
coating above the peaks of the surface profile should equal
A11 Flash Rust: An oxidation product that forms as a the thickness known to be needed for the desired protection.
wetted carbon steel substrate dries. With the exception of If the dry film thickness over the peaks is inadequate, prema-
stainless steel surfaces, any steel surface may show flash ture rust-through or coating failure will occur. To ensure that
rust within 30 minutes or longer while the substrate is drying coating thicknesses are properly measured, the procedures in
(water evaporation) after waterjet cleaning, depending on SSPC-PA 211 for verification of accuracy of Type 1 and Type 2
environmental conditions. Flash rust has the appearance of gauges should be used.
rust bloom. Flash rust quickly changes the appearance of the
waterjet cleaned surface and may be reduced or eliminated by Appendix B:
physical or chemical methods. The color of the flash rust may Methods of Assessing the Degree of Flash Rust
vary depending on the age and composition of the steel and (Nonmandatory)
the time-of-wetness of the substrate prior to drying. With time,
the flash rust changes from a yellow-brown, well adherent, light This appendix is considered nonmandatory, although it
rust to a red-brown, loosely adherent, heavy rust. Appendix B may contain mandatory language. It is intended only to provide
contains additional information on methods of assessing the supplementary information or guidance. The user of this stan-
degree of flash rust. dard is not required to follow, but may choose to follow, any or
all of the the provisions herein.
A12 Surface Imperfections: The degree of flash rust is related to the quantity of
loose, clean rust dust that is present on the surface. One of
A12.1 Surface imperfections that can cause premature the following alternative methods may be used to assess the
failure are often present. Coatings tend to pull away from sharp degree of flash rust, or other methods may be used if specified.
edges and projections, leaving little or no coating to protect
the underlying steel. Other features that are difficult to prop- B1 Wipe Test
erly cover and protect include crevices, weld porosities, and
laminations. The following procedure is suggested to standardize the
amount of pressure used to perform a wipe test on a flash-
A12.2 Poorly adhering fabrication defects, such as weld rusted surface:
slag residues, loose weld spatter, and surface laminations (a) Neatly wrap a white, lint-free, woven cloth around a
may be removed during the waterjet cleaning operation. Other standard 100 mm (4 in) nylon paint brush, and hold
surface defects, such as steel laminations, weld porosities, or it in place in a manner that prevents the cloth from
deep corrosion pits may not be evident until the surface prepa- slipping.
ration has been completed. Therefore, proper planning for (b) Swipe the cloth-wrapped paint brush across the
such surface repair work should be given prior consideration flash-rusted surface in one motion, using pressure
because the timing of the repairs may occur before, during, equivalent to that used to apply house paint to a door.
or after the waterjet cleaning operation. The SSPC-SP COM9 The length of the swipe should be consistent (e.g.,
and NACE SP017810 contain additional information on surface one pass covering 1,500 mm [6 in] in length).
imperfections. (c) Remove the white cloth from the paint brush and
evaluate the color and amount of rust on the cloth.
A12.3 The high cost of the methods to remedy surface
“Recommended Guidelines for Evaluating Flash
imperfections (e.g., edge rounding and weld spatter removal)
Rust,”12 issued by the NSRP, provides guidance to
should be compared with the benefits of preventing premature
perform this evaluation of flash rust.
coating failure. Therefore, those responsible for establishing
If lint deposition is a concern, the project specification may
the requirements and those responsible for performing the
require use of an alternate technique to determine the degree
work should agree on the procedures to be used to repair
of flash rust.
surface imperfections to the extent required in the procure-
ment documents (project specification).
B2 Tape Pull Test
A13 Removal of Coatings with Hazardous Compo-
The tape pull test is a modification of the pressure-sensi-
nents—Hygiene: Waterjet cleaning is often used to remove
tive tape method in ISO 8502-3.13 The procedure is as follows:
coatings with hazardous components. Because the particles
(a) Select a test area on the flash-rusted surface to
are wetted, respiratory protection requirements for waterjet
perform the test.
cleaning may be less stringent than for other methods of
(b) Place a 50 mm (2 in) long piece of tape (as specified
surface preparation. However, the wetted particles tend to
in ASTM D 335914) on the selected test area and rub it
stay on the skin. Applicable industrial hygiene tests should be
thoroughly with a fingertip (not a fingernail) to ensure
performed to determine the destination of the wetted particles.
that the tape adheres firmly. Then peel the tape off
Good industrial hygiene should be followed.
March 10, 2012
Editorial Revisions January 5, 2017
the surface and place it on a piece of white paper for C1.1 All waterjet cleaning units normally use a hydraulic
reference. hose with a minimum bursting strength of 2.5 times the capa-
(c) Repeat the procedure in (b) nine times (for a total of bility of its maximum-rated operating strength.
10 times) using a fresh piece of tape applied to the
same spot on the surface (selected test area) each C1.2 Waterjet streams are produced by orifices, or tips,
time. that can have different forms–the higher the pressure, the
(d) Assess the appearance of the 10th tape and the more limited is the choice of forms. Round jets are most
appearance of the test area on the flash-rusted commonly used, but orifices of other shapes are available.
surface after the 10th tape is pulled off in accordance Tips can be designed to produce multiple jets of water that
with Table B1. are normally rotated to achieve higher material-removal rates.
Interchangeable nozzle tips should be used to produce the
Appendix C: desired streams. The manufacturer should be consulted for
Waterjet Cleaning Equipment and Operating specific recommendations.
Parameters (Nonmandatory)
C1.3 Effect of Corrosion Inhibitors and Detergents on
This appendix is considered nonmandatory, although it Equipment: If corrosion inhibitors are to be used with the SP
may contain mandatory language. It is intended only to provide water, the manufacturer of the waterjet cleaning equipment
supplementary information or guidance. The user of this stan- should be consulted to ensure compatibility of corrosion inhibi-
dard is not required to follow, but may choose to follow, any or tors with the equipment. Compatibility of detergents with the
all of the the provisions herein. special seals and high-alloy metals of the waterjet cleaning
equipment should be carefully investigated to ensure that the
C1 Waterjet Cleaning Equipment cleaning equipment is not damaged.
March 10, 2012
Editorial Revisions January 5, 2017
time, traverse rate, pressure, flow, stand-off distances, the
150 mm (1.0 to 6.0 in) for coatings removal. Typical stand-off number of nozzles, and rotation speed all interact in deter-
distances range up to 600 mm (24 in) to remove foreign matter mining materials that remain and those that are removed.
that is not tightly adherent. Excessive stand-off distance does
not produce the desired cleaning. C2.5 Reuse of Effluent Water: If effluent water is
captured for reuse by the waterjet cleaning equipment, caution
C2.3 Threshold Pressure: The threshold pressure of a should be used to avoid introducing any removed contami-
coating can be determined. In general, the tougher, more resil- nants back onto the cleaned substrate. The effluent water
ient, or harder the coating (i.e., the more resistant to probing or may be placed in a clean holding tank and tested to determine
cutting by a pocket knife), the higher the threshold pressure; the the contaminant content prior to reintroduction into the water
softer and more jelly-like the coating, the lower the threshold supply stream to the waterjet cleaning equipment. The effluent
pressure. Threshold pressure is defined by Summers16 as the water should be monitored for suspended particulates, hydro-
minimum required pressure to penetrate the material. Once carbons, salts, hazardous materials, or other by-products of
the threshold pressure is achieved or exceeded, the produc- the surface preparation procedures.
tion rate increases dramatically. Therefore, waterjet cleaning
production rates can be classified according to two conditions: C2.6 Additives: Any detergents, degreasers, or other
(a) Relatively Slow—Erosion at pressures lower than the types of cleaners used in conjunction with the waterjet cleaning
threshold pressure; and method should be removed prior to applying a coating. If corro-
(b) Relatively Fast—Waterjet cutting and erosion at pres- sion inhibitors are to be used with the SP water, the coating
sures greater than the threshold pressure. manufacturer should be consulted to ensure compatibility of
Pressure loss is a function of the flow rate of the water corrosion inhibitors with the coating.
through the hose and the inside diameter of the hose. The
manufacturer should be consulted for specific information on C2.7 Containment Systems: Containment systems may
potential pressure loss for each type of equipment. consist of water-impermeable membranes or vacuum collec-
tion heads or the systems described in SSPC-Guide 6.17 The
C2.4 Depending on the initial condition of the area and containment design should consider the pressures used and
the materials to be removed, the choice of waterjet cleaning water volumes produced and if the process may be open or
method to achieve Light Cleaning (WJ-4) is ultimately based closed loop (with a single pass or multiple passes of the water
on the capabilities of the equipment and its components. Dwell through the system).
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SSPC and NACE International