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Cab Booking System

BS in Computer Science

Project Group Members

Sr.# Registration ID- Sec Name email Signature



Department of Computer Science

University of Narowal
31 July 2023
Modeling RE for ABC Version: 1.0
Requirements Specification Date: 07/07/2023

Table of Contents
1. Introduction 3
1.1. Purpose 3
 Describe the purpose and goals of the system. 3
1.2. Scope 3

2. Overview 3

3. System Overview 4

4. Functional Requirements 4
FR01: New Customer Registration 4

5. Non-functional requirements 4
NFR01: Performance 4

11. Assumptions and Constraints 6

12. Project Timeline and Resources 6

13. Conclusion: 6

14. Group Member Contribution 6

15. Glossary 7

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Modeling RE for ABC Version: 1.0
Requirements Specification Date: 07/07/2023


1. Introduction

 CAB BOOKING is a cab management system available in iOS and android. The aim of this project is

 Provide an overview of the cab booking system project.

1.1. Purpose
 Describe the purpose and goals of the system.
1.2. Scope

 The scope of this document is to …. In this document we will cover:

 Functional requirements for …

 Non-functional requirements
 Constraints or assumptions of the specification

2. Overview

 What is the system

 Who are stakeholders

 How our your product is different from previously available product

 What problems of previous system you will be solving

 Explain the benefits and potential impact of the system.

 What are the musts in your system

 Different functions performed by stakeholders

 The customer can perform the following functions:

 The admin can perform the following functions:

 The Drivers can perform the following functions:

 System users
o Admin

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Modeling RE for ABC Version: 1.0
Requirements Specification Date: 07/07/2023

o Customer
o Driver

 Table describes effect of user characteristics on the system’s functionality.

User Level of Computer Level of Business Frequency of use

Knowledge Knowledge

3. System Overview
 Provide a high-level description of the cab booking system.
 Discuss the key features and functionalities of the system.
 Outline the main actors or user roles involved in the system.
4. Functional Requirements
At least 10 functional requirements
FR01: New Customer Registration

Req. No. Functional Requirements

The system shall enable customer to select the option whether he wants to be registered as a driver
or customer.

FR01-02 The system shall enable customer to select the option whether he wants to enter his username,
password, first name, last name, email, city, phone number

FR01-03 The system shall enable customer to accept the privacy policy and continue.

FR01-04 The system shall enable the admin to enter detail of customer to database and generate username
and password.

5. Non-functional requirements
At least 5 NFRs

NFR01: Performance

NFR01-01 Average load time of the starting page of the system must be less than 2 second.

NFR01-02 Average processing time taken by the system to complete a transaction/request should be less than
10 seconds.

NFR01-03 System Mean Time to Failure should not be more than 60seconds within 24 hours of use.

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Modeling RE for ABC Version: 1.0
Requirements Specification Date: 07/07/2023

NFR01-04 Average system response time should not be greater than 5 seconds.

NFR01-05 System must successfully run on a client machine with 256 MB RAM or above.

NFR01-06 100 customers should be able to simultaneously access the system and update the database.

6. Use Cases – atleast 10

Use case ID 001 Use case Name: Contacting

Priority medium
Actors: Customers, Drivers.
Use Case Summary The customer and driver are able to contact each other via SMS
or call.
Pre-condition: The ride was already confirmed by the driver and customer.
Contact number is available to the customer and driver.
Normal Flow of Events Alternative Path
1. The use case starts when the customer 1a: Uses: Contact Action
wants to contact the driver and vice
2. The customer/driver chooses the 2a. Uses: CALL Action
option (SMS or call) given by the system 2b. Uses: SMS Action
through which to contact each other.
3. The system responds by calling the
customer/driver or by sending SMS to the
4. The customer/driver receives the text
message or the call.
5. The customer/driver decides whether
to reply to the text, or to accept the call.
6. Once the customer/driver accepts the 6a. The customer/driver refuses to accept the
request for contact, they can talk to each call or reply back.
7. This use case ends.
Exceptions / Alerts

1. The system will not allow customer to call the driver if the driver is already calling the
customer and vice versa.

Post Conditions
Step# Description
The customer and driver are in contact with each other.
Use Case Cross References

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Modeling RE for ABC Version: 1.0
Requirements Specification Date: 07/07/2023

Includes None
Extends Call Action, SMS Action

7. UML Diagrams
 Lucid charts

8. Prototypes
 Include interactive prototypes or wireframes to showcase the user interface and user interactions.
 Demonstrate how different screens or components of the system will look and function.
 Highlight key functionalities and user flows through the prototypes.
 Justinmind

9. Implementation Details (hypothetical)

 Provide information on the technology stack or platform used for development.

10. Testing and Validation

 Describe the testing strategies and methodologies to ensure the system's quality and functionality.
 Explain how you plan to validate the system against the defined requirements.
 Include any test cases or scenarios to be executed during the testing phase.
11. Assumptions and Constraints

 The application can run only on windows environment.

12. Project Timeline and Resources

 Provide a high-level timeline or schedule for the project's different phases.

 Identify the resources, both human and technological, required for successful project completion.
 Consider any potential risks or challenges that may impact the project.
At Risk Task Name Status Assigned to Start Date End date

13. Conclusion:
 Summarize the key points covered in the document.
 Reiterate the importance and benefits of system.
 Mention any next steps or future enhancements that can be considered.

14. Group Member Contribution

Tasks Breakdown Group Member

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Modeling RE for ABC Version: 1.0
Requirements Specification Date: 07/07/2023

15. Glossary

CAB BOOKING: name of the app

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