Is 15804 2008
Is 15804 2008
Is 15804 2008
~ crrg;:r - ~1' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Indian Standard
ICS 43.040.65
© BIS 2008
This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft final ized by the Automotive
Electrical Equipment and Instruments Sectional Committee had been approved by the Transport Engineering
Division Council.
Windscreen wiping and washing systems are meant to ensure good visibility under adverse weather conditions.
In the formulation of this standard, considerable assistance has been derived from the following :
AIS-OI9/2001 Automotive vehicles - Windscreen wiping and washing system for M1 category of vehicles
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960
'Rules for rounding otfnumerical values (revised)'. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 15804 : 2008
Indian Standard
1 SCOPE for situating the vehicle relative to the grid is specified
in Annex A. all coordinates referred to ground zero
This standard specifies requirements for windscreen
shall be based on a vehicle in running order plus one
wiping and washing systems for M I class of vehicles.
front-seat passenger, the mass of the passenger being
The requirements of this standard are so worded as to 75 kg ± I percent.
apply to category M I vehicles in which the driver is
Vehicles fitted with suspension enabling their ground
on the right.
clearance to be adjusted shall be tested under the
2 REFERENCE normal conditions of use specified by the manufacturer.
The following standard contains provisions which. 3.3 Primary Reference Marks - These are holes,
through reference in this text constitute provisions of surfaces, marks and identification signs on the vehicle
this standard . At the time of publication, the edition body. The type of reference mark used and the position
indicated was valid. All standards are subject to revision of each mark relative to X, Yand Z co-ordinates of the
and parties to agreements based on this standard are three-dimensional reference grid and to a design
encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying ground plane shall be specified by the vehicle
the most recent edition of the standard indicated below: manufacturer. These marks may be the control points
used for body assembly purposes.
IS No. TItle
3.4 Actual Torso Angle - The angle measured
14272 (Part I) : Automotive vehicles - Types - between a vertical line through the 'H' point and the
1995 Terminology: Part I Three and four torso line using the back angle quadrant on the 3 DH
wheelers machine . The actual torso angle corresponds
3 DEFINITIONS theoretically to the design torso angle.
For the purpose of this standard, definitions given in 3.5 Design Torso Angle - The angle measured
IS 14272 (Part I), and the following shall apply. between a vertical line through the' R' point and the
torso line in a position which corresponds to the design
3.1 Vehicle Type with Regard to Its Windscreen-
position of the seat-back establi shed by the vehicle
Wiper and Windscreen-Washer Systems - Vehicle
type with regard to its windscreen-wiper and
windscreen-washer system means vehicles , which do 3.6 'V' Points - Points whose position in the passenger
not differ in such essential aspects as: compartment is determined by vertical longitudinal
planes passing through the centres of the outermost
a) The external and internal forms and
designated seating positions on the front seat and in
arrangements within the area which may
relation to the R point and the design angle of the seat-
affect visibility;
back, which points are used for verifying compliance
b) The shape, dimensions and characteristics of with the field of vision requirements (see Annex B).
the windscreen and its mounting; where these
are likely to affect the vision areas; and 3.7 'R' Point or Seating Reference Point - Design
c) The characteristics of the windscreen-wiper point defined by the vehicle manufacturer for each
and windscreen-washer systems. seating position and established with respect to the
three-dimensional reference system .
3.2 Three-Dimensional Reference Grid - A
reference system which consists of a vertical
3.8 'H' Point - Pivot center of the torso and thigh of
the 3 DH machine installed in the vehicle seat in
longitudinal plane X-Z._a horizontal plane X-Y and a
accordance with clause 6.
vertical transverse plane Y-Z (see Annex A). The grid
is used to determine the dimensional relationships 3.9 Windscreen Datum Points - Points situated at the
between the positions of design points on drawings intersectionwiththe windscreenoflines radiatingforward
and their position on the actual vehicle. The procedure from the V points to the outer surface of the windscreen.
IS 15804 : 2008
3.10 Transparent Area of a Windscreen - Area of a 4.1.2 The windscreen-wiper field shall cover not less
vehicle windscreen or other glazed surface who se light than 80 percent of vision area B as a defined in B 2.3
transmitt ance, measured at right angles to the surface of Annex B.
is not less than 70 percent. In addition the windscreen-w iper field shall
3.11 Horizontal Seat-Adjustment Range - Ran ge cover not less than 98 percent of vision area A as
of normal driving positions designated by the vehicle defined in B-2.2 of Annex B.
manufacturer for the adj ustment of the driver's seat in
4.1.3 The windscreen-wiper shall have at least two
the direction of the X-axi s (see 3.3).
sweep frequenc ies.
3.12 Extended Seat-Adjustment Range - Range a) One of not less than 45 cycles/min (a cycle
de signated by the vehicle manufacturer for being the forward and return movement of the
the adjustment of the seat in the direction of X-axis wind screen wiper).
(see 3.3) beyond the range of normal driving positions
b) One of not less than 10 and not more than 55
and used for converting seats into beds or facilitating
,entry into the vehicle .
c) The difference between the highest and at
3.13 Windscreen-Wiper System - System consisting least one of the lower sweep frequencies shall
of adevice for wiping the outer face of the wind screen, be at least 15 cycles/min.
together with the acces sories and control necessary for
starting and stopping the device. 4.1.4 The sweep frequencies prescribed in 4.1.3 shall
be achieved as indic ated in 5.1 to 5.1.5 and 5.1.7.
3.14 Windscreen-Wiper Field - The area of the outer
4.1.5 Intermittent operation windscreen-wiper system
face of a wet windscreen that is sw ept by th e
may be used for the purposes of complying with the
wind screen-wiper.
requirements of 4.1.3 provided th at one of the
3.15 Windscreen-Washer System - The sys tem frequencies complies with the requirements of 4.1.3 (a)
consisting of a device for storing a fluid and applyin g and that one of the other frequencies obtained when
it to the outer face of the wind screen, together with the the main frequency is interrupted is not less than 10
control s necessary for starting and stopping the device. cycles/min.
3.16 Windscreen-Washer Control - A device or 4.1.6 When the wind screen-wiper system is stopped
acce ssory for start ing and stopping the wind screen by the use of the winds creen-wiper control, the blades
wa sher sys tems. Starting and stopping may be should return autom atically to their position of rest.
coordin ated with the operation of the windscreen-wiper
4.1.7 The system shall be capable of withstanding
or be totally independent of it.
stalling for 15 s. The use of automatic circuit protection
3.17 Windscreen-Washer Pump - A device for device is allowed, provided that for pos sible resettin g
transferring the windscreen-washer fluid from the no ac tion is required on con tro ls other than the
reservoir to the outer face of the windscreen . windscreen-wiper control. The test procedure and
conditions are set out in 5.1.6.
3.18 Nozzle - A device which serves to direct the
windscreen-washer fluid to the windscreen. 4.1.8 The windscreen-wiper field shall meet the
minimum requirements of 4.1.2 when the wipers are
3.19 Performance of a Windscreen-Washer System tested at a sw eep fr equency conformin g to the
- The ability of a winds creen-wa sher ~ y s te m to apply provisions of 4.1.3(b) und er the conditi ons set out
fluid to the target area of the windscreen without in 5.1.9.
leakage or disconnection of a tube of the washer system
occurring when the system is used normally. 4.1.9 The aero-dynarnic effects associated with the
wind screen's size and shape, and the efficiency of the
4 REQUIREMENTS windscreen-wiper' system , shall be determined under
the following conditions.
4.1 Windscreen-Wiper System When subjected to a relative air speed equal to
4.1.1 Every vehicle shall be equipped with at least one 80 percent of the vehicle's maximum speed but not
autom atic wind screen-wiper system, that is a system exceeding 1.6Q--1(nVh, the wind screen-wiper systems,
which when the vehicle's engine is running is able to operating ,at maximum frequency, shall continue to
function without any action by the driver other than sweep a field as specified in, with the same
that needed for starting and stopping the windscreen- efficiency and under the some conditions as set out in
wiper. item
IS 15804 : 2008
4.1.10 The wiper-arm mounting shall enable the wiper- 5.1.4 Compressed air operated or vacuum operated
arm to be displaced from its position on the windscreen windscreen-wiper systems shall be able to function
so as to allow the windscreen to be manually cleaned. continuously at the prescribed sweep frequencies
This requirement does not apply to devices which, whatever the engine speed or engine load.
when parked, are in an area of the windscreen which
is hidden from view by parts to the vehicle (such as 5.1.5 The sweep frequencies of windscreen-wiper
the bonnet, instrument panel , etc). systems shall comply with the requirements of 4.1.3 after
a preliminary operating time of20 min on a wet surface.
4.1.11 The windscreen-wiper system shall be capable
of operating for two minutes on a dry windscreen with 5.1.6 The requirements of 4.1.7 shall be satisfied when
the outside temperature at -10 ± 2°e under the the wiper-arms are restrained in their vertical position
conditions specified in 5.1.10. for a period of 15 s with the windscreen-wiper control
set at the maximum sweep frequency.
4.2 Windscreen-Washer System
5.1.7 The outer face of the windscreen shall be
4.2.1 Every vehicle shall be fitted with a windscreen- thoroughly degreased by means of methylated spirit
washer system which is capable of withstanding the or an equivalent degreasing agent. After drying, a
loads produced when the nozzles are plugged and the solution of ammonia of not less than 3 percent and not
system is actuated in accordance with the procedure more than 10 percent shall be applied. The surface shall
set out in 5.2.1 and 5.2.2. be allowed to dry again and shall then be wiped with a
4.2.2 The performance of the windscree~-washer dry cotton cloth.
system shall not be adversely affected by exposure to 5.1.8 A coating of the test mixture (see Annex D) shall
the temperature cycles laid down in points in 5.2.3 be applied uniformly to the outer surface of the
and 5.2.4. windscreen and allowed to dry.
4.2.3 The windscreen-washer system must be capable
5.1.9 For the purpose of measuring the field of
of delivering sufficient liquid to clear 60 percent of
the windscreen-wiper system, prescribed in 4.1.2
the area defined in B-2.2 of Annex B under the
and, the outer face of the windscreen shall be
conditions described in 5.2.5.
treated as indicated in 5.1.7 and 5.1.8 or by some
4.2.4 The capacity of the reservoir containing the liquid other equivalent method.
must not be less than one litre . A trace of the windscreen-wiper field shall be
4.2.5 Test procedure and test requirements for made and compared with a trace of the vision areas
windscreen-wiper blade are given in Annex C. specified in 4.1.2 and in order to verify that the
requirements are met.
5 TEST PROCEDURE Where the outer face of the windscreen has been
5.1 Wlndscreen-Wiper System prepared as described in 5.1.7 and 5.1.8 the windscreen
The tests described below shall be carried out under washer may be used in all of the tests.
the following conditions, unless otherwise specified.
5.1.10 The requirements of 4.1.11 shall be met after the
5.1.1 The ambient temperature shall not be less than vehicle has been in an ambient temperature of -1 0 ± 2°C
lOoC and more than 40°C. for a minimum of 4 h. The windscreen-wiper system is
5.1.2 The windscreen shall be kept constantly wet. set to operate under the conditions set out in 5.1.3 with
the control at the position of maximum frequency. There
5.1.3 In the case of an electric windscreen-wiper system are no requirements regarding the field swept.
the following additional conditions shall be met.
I 5.2 Windscreen-Washer System The battery shall be fully charged. The engine shall be running at 30 percent of 5.2.1 Test No. I
the speed at which it develops maximum power. The windscreen-washer system shall be filled The dipped-beam headlamps shall be switched with water, fully primed, and placed in an ambient
on. temperature of 25 ± 100 e for a minimum of 4 h. All
the nozzles shall be plugged and the windscreen- The heating and/or ventilation systems, if fitted, washer control actuated six times in 1 min, each time
shall be operating at maximum electrical consumption.
for at least 3 s. If the system is powered by the muscular The defrosting and demisting systems, if fitted, energy of the driver, the force applied shall be that
shall be operating at maximum electrical consumption. shown in the following table:
IS 15804 : 2008
IS 15804 : 2008
6.2 The vehicle attitude is kept as per the co-ordi nates 6.7 Apply lower leg and thigh weights and level the 3
of ' Fid uc ia l marks ' (ho les , surfac e s, marks or DH machine.
indentations on the veh icle body as defined by the
6.8 Tilt the back pan forward again st the forward stop
manufacturer) in the three-dimensional reference
and draw the 3 DH machine away from the seat-back
using the T-bar. Repo sition the 3 DH machine on the
6.3 The seat, if it is adju stable, sha ll be adju sted first seat by one of the following methods.
to the rearmost normal driving or riding po sition, as
6.8.1 If the 3 DH machine tends to slide rearward, use
ind icated by the vehicle manufacturer, taking into
the following procedure. Allow the 3 DH machine to
consideration only the longitudinal adju stm ent of the
slide rearward until a for ward hor izontal restraining
seat, excluding seat travel used for purp ose other than
load on the T-bar is no longer required, that is, until
normal driv ing or riding posit ion s. Where other mode s
the seat pan contacts the seat-bac k. If necessary,
of seat adju stment exists (vertical , angular, seat-back,
repo sition the lower leg.
etc) these will be then adjusted to the po sition specified
by the vehicle manufacturer. For sus pension seats, the 6.8.2 If the 3 DH machine does not tend to slide
vertical positionshall be rigidly fixed corresponding rearward, use the following procedure. Slide the 3 DH
to a normal driving position as specified by the machine rearward by applying a horizontal rearward
manufacturer. load to the T-bar until the seat pan contacts the seat-
6.4 Place the seat and back assembly of the 3 DH
mach ine so that the centre plane of the occupant 6.9 Apply a 100 ± 10 N load to the back and pan
(CILO) coin cides with the centre plane of the 3 DH assembly of the 3 DH machine at the intersection of
mach ine. At the manufacturer's request, the 3 DH the hip ang le quadrant and the T-bar hou sing . The
machine may be mo ved inboard with respect to the direction o f the load application shall be maintained
CILO if the 3 DH machine is located so far outboard alo ng a line pa ssing by the above intersection to a
that the seat edge will not permit levelin g of the 3 DH point ju st a bo ve the thigh bar housing . Then
machine. carefull y return the back pan to the seat-back. Care
sha ll be exercised throughout the remainder of the
6.5 Attach the foot and lower leg assemblies to the
pro cedure to pre vent the 3 DH machine from sliding
scat pan ass embly, either individually or by using the
forward .
T-bar and lower leg assembly. A line throu gh the 'H'
point sight buttons shall be parallel to the ground and 6.10 Install the right and left butto ck wei ght s and then .
perpendicular to the lon gitudinal centre plane of the alternately, the eight torso weights. Ma intain the 3 DH
seat. machine level.
6.6 Adju st the feet and leg po sitions of the 3 DH
6.11 Take all measurements.
machine as follows .
6.11.1 The co-ordinates of the ' H ' point are measured
6.6.1 Designated seating position ; driver and outside
with respect to the three-dimensional reference system.
front passenger.
6.11.2 The actual torso angle is read on the back angle Both feet and leg assemblies shall be moved
quadrant of the 3 DH machine with the probe in its
forward in such a way that the feet take up natural
fully rearw ard position.
positions on the floor, between the operating pedals, if
neces sary. Where possible the left foot shall be located 6.12 If a re-run of the installation of the 3 DH machine
appro ximately the same distance to the left of the centre is desired, the seat assembly should remain unloaded
plane of the 3 DH machine as the right foot is to the for a minimum period of 30 min prior to the re-run .
right. The spirit level verifying the tran sverse The 3 DH machine sho uld not be left loaded on the
orientation of the 3 DH machine is brought to the seat assembly longer than the time requ ired to perform
horizontal by readjustment of the sea t pan, if nece ssary the test.
or by adju sting the leg and foot assemblies towards
6.13 If the seals in the same row can be rega rded as
the rear. The line passing through the ' H' point sight
similar (bench seal, identical seats , etc) only o ne ' H'
button shall be maintained perpendicular to the
point and one 'actual tor so angle ' shall be determined
longitudinal centre plane of the scat.
for each row of sea ts. left leg cannot be kept parallel to the right
6.13.1 In the ca se of the front row, the dri ver's seat.
leg and the left foot cannot be supported by the structure
move the left foot until it is supported. The alignment 6.13.2 In the ca se of the rear row or rows. an outer
of the sight button shall be maintained. seat.
IS 15804 : 2008
(Clause 3.2)
IS 15804 : 2008
L- -jz(-
Ground zero
Scales positioned 90° to "each other and
fastened securely to tHe ground
Vertical median
Longitudinal plane
IS 15804 : 2008
(Clauses 3.6. 4.1.2, , 4.2.3 and
B-1.1 The positions of the •V' points in relation to the B-2.1 Two vision areas shall be determined from the
R point. as indicated by XY2coordinates from the three- V points .
dimensional reference grid . are as shown in Tables I
B-2.2 Vision area A is the area on the outer surface of
and 2. the windscreen bounded by the following four planes
B-l.2 Table I indicates the bas ic coordinates for a extending forw ard from the V point (see Fig . 4) :
design seat-back angle of 25°. The positive direction
for the coordinates is indicated in Fig. 3. a) A vertical plane passing through VJ and V2 and
at an angle of 13° to the left of the X-axis;
Table 1 Basic Coordinates for a Design
b) A plane parallel to the Y-axis. passing through
Seat-Back Angle of 25°
V, and at an upward angle of 3° from the
(Clauses B-1.I and 8-1.2)
SI V X Y Z c) A plane parallel to the Y-axis. passing through
No. Point mm mOl mm
V2 and at an downward angle of I ° from the
(I) (2) (3) (4) (5)
X· axis;
i) VI 68 +5 665
ii) 1'2 68 +5 589 d) A vertical plane passing through VI and V2and
at an angle of 20° to the right of the X-axis;
B-l.3 Correction for de sign seat-back angles other and
than 25°. e) A plane symmetrical to the former plane in
relation to the medi an longitudinal plane of
B-l.3.1 Table 2 shows the furth er corrections to be
the vehicle.
made to the X and Z coordinates of each V point when
the design seat-back angle is not 25°. The positi ve B-2.3 Vision area B is the area of the outer surface of
direction for the coordinates is shown in Fig. 3. the windscreen , which is more than 25 mm from the
Table 2 Corrections for Design and Seat-Back Angles Other than 25°
(Clauses B-I .I and B-I.3 .I )
SINo. Seat·Back Horizontal Vertical Seat -Back Horizontal Vertical
Angle Degree Coordinates Coordinates Angle I>egree Coordinates Coordinates
fiX liZ IiX liZ
mm mm mm mm
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
i) 5 - 186 28 23 -18 5
ii) 6 - 177 27 24 -9 3
iii) 7 - 167 27 25 0 0
iv ) 8 -157 27 26 9 -3
v] 9 -147 26 27 17 - 5
vi) 10 - 137 25 28 26 - 8
vii) II - 128 24 29 34 - 11
viii) 12 - 118 23 30 43 - 14
ix) 13 - 109 22 31 51 -1 8
x) 14 - 99 21 32 59 - 21
xi) 15 -90 20 33 67 -24
xii) 16 - 81 18 34 76 - 28
xiii) 17 -72 17 35 84 - 32
xiv) 18 -62 15 36 92 - 35
xv) 19 - 53 13 37 100 - 39
xvi) 20 -44 II 38 108 -43
xvii) 21 - 35 9 39 115 - 48
xviii) 22 - 26 7 40 123 - 52
IS 15804 : 2008
outer edge of the transparent area and is bounded by
the intersection of the following four planes with the V2 and at an downward angle of 5° from the
outer surface of the windscreen (see Fig. 5): X-axis;
a) A plane parallel to the Y-axis.passing through c) A vertical plane passing through V, and V and
VI and at an upward angle of 7° from the at an angle of 17° to the left of the X-axis;
and .
d) A plane symmetrical to the former plane in
b) A plane parallel to the Y-axis, passing through
relation to the median longitudinal plane of
the vehicle.
c= 589 mm
-z d= 665 mm
IS 15804: 2008
IS 15804 : 2008
(Clause 4.2.5)
(Clause 5.1.8)
D-I The test mixture referred to in 5.1.8 shall consider Table 4 Particle Size Distribution of
of the following (by volume) : 92.5 percent water (with Coarse-Grade Dust
a hardness of less than 205 g!tonne after evaporation) (Clause D-l)
5 percent aqueous saturated salt (sodium chloride)
solution and 2.5 percent dust constituted in accordance SINo. Pa rtiele Size Partide Size Distribution
11m Percent
with Tables 3 and 4.
(I) (2) (3)
Table 3 Analysis of Test Dust i) o-5 12 ± 2
ii) 5 • 10 12 ± 3
SINo. Constituent Pereeat by Mass iii) 10 .20 14 ± 3
(I) (2) (3) iv) 20 - 40 23 ± 3
v) 40 .80 30 ± 3
i) sio, 67 - 69 vi) 80 ·200 9 ± 3
ii) F~0J 3 -4
iii) Ah0J 15 - 17
iv) CaO 2 ·4
v) MgO 0.5 - 1.5
vi) Alkalis 3 ·5
vii) Ignition loss 2 ·3
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications . No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use , in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
'BIS Catalogue' and 'Standards: Monthly Additions' .
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. TED 11 (559).