Tattered FAQ
Tattered FAQ
Tattered FAQ
@.tatteredtwo @.tatteredtanner on TT / @tanner.tattered on IG / @.tattered on L8
BPC-157 (Body Protective Compound 157) - How do you use BPC-157 for injuries?
● Get sterile alcohol swabs, scientific syringes, a vial of powder BPC-157, and a vial of
bacteriostatic water (aka “BAC water”, 50ml or 10ml)
● Crack off the BPC-157 vial and the BAC water vial lids, they just pop off
● Sanitize the BAC rubber stopper
○ Wipe the top of the BAC water vial with an alcohol swab, then wait several
seconds for the alcohol to dry
● Sanitize the BPC-157 rubber stopper
○ same deal as above
● Draw 2mL of BAC water with a syringe
○ Or 1mL at a time if using a 1mL syringe
● Reconstitute the BPC-157 by injecting the BAC water into the BPC-157 vial
○ Note: you only need to do this step once
● Use researchem’s peptide calculator to find out how much you need to fill the syringe to
get your desired dose
○ Low: 100mcg per day
○ Average: 200-250mcg per day
○ High: 400+mcg per day
● Note: If you want to heal your injury even faster, draw TB500 into the same syringe
○ BPC-157 is even more effective at healing injuries when combined with TB500
● Perform a subcutaneous injection (aka subQ; tutorials available online)
○ BPC-157 is slightly more effective when administered subQ closer to the injury
○ This is sometimes NOT worth the slight benefit, for example: injecting your ankle
injury directly is extremely risky, you would be better off doing a belly fat subQ
● Put the cap on your needle and dispose of it responsibly. Do NOT reuse needles
● Put your vial of BPC-157 in the fridge to prolong shelf life
Cardarine (GW-501516) - How do you use Cardarine for cardio benefits / athletic
● Get a bottle of Cardarine
● Shake the bottle hard before every administration
● Determine your desired dose
○ Low: 5mg daily
○ Average: 10mg daily
○ High: 20mg daily
● Measure out your desired dose in the dropper
○ Researchem’s Cardarine is 10mg/ml, which means there are 10mg in 1mL
○ So for a dose of 5mg, you would fill the dropper halfway (to the 0.5mL mark)
● Administer sublingually
○ Drop the liquid under your tongue, swallow after 10-30 seconds
● Consider chasing with orange juice / etc
○ The solution needed to liquify the compound doesn’t taste very good
So this is going to give me a six pack while I eat whatever I want, right?
● Completely wrong, to get the crazy benefits people see from clenbuterol, you need to eat
what is required to reach your goals
● Remember: drugs don’t work unless you do
Can I take a non-selective beta blocker to keep myself healthier while on Clen?
● If you try to prevent clenbuterol’s beta-2 receptor agonism (with non-selective beta
blockers for example), you lose the fat loss benefits of clenbuterol
○ Note: Nebivolol is a cardio-selective beta blocker
● Taking a lower dose of clen would have the same effect as a higher dose + ns beta
blocker for the vast majority of people, obviously there are some exceptions
Can I take a selective beta blocker (like Nebivolol) to keep myself healthier while on
● Yes. Nebivolol is cardioselective, meaning at the effective dose it acts only on the beta-2
receptors relevant to the heart
● This allows clenbuterol’s effects to persist everywhere except the heart, where it persists
to a lesser or nonexistent degree
Will Enclomiphene suppress my natural test levels / Do I need to PCT if I stop using?
● No, Enclomiphene increases your natural test levels - unlike injectable testosterone,
which suppresses and replaces them
● You do not need to PCT, your testosterone levels will return to where they were before
when you stop using
Can I combine Enclomiphene with other natural testosterone boosters like Fadogia
Agrestis / Ashwagandha / Tongkat Ali / etc?
● Yes, there’s no direct negative interactions
● However, your increased testosterone results in increased estrogen that can potentially
cause unwanted high estrogenic effects
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) - How do you use HCG to boost natural
testosterone or maintain fertility while on cycle?
● Get sterile alcohol swabs, scientific syringes, a vial of powder HCG, and a vial of
bacteriostatic water (aka “BAC water”, 50ml or 10ml)
● Crack open the HCG vial and the BAC water vial lids, they just pop off
● Sanitize the BAC rubber stopper: Wipe the top of the BAC water vial with an alcohol
swab, then wait several seconds for the alcohol to dry
● Sanitize the HCG rubber stopper: same deal as above
● Draw 2mL of BAC water with a syringe
○ Or 1mL at a time if using a 1mL syringe
● Reconstitute the HCG by injecting the BAC water into the HCG vial
○ Note: you only need to do this step once
● Use researchem’s peptide calculator to find out how much you need to fill the syringe to
get your desired dose
○ Safety first dosing protocol: start at 100IU weekly, and then increase by 100 each
week as long as no unwanted effects arise
○ Low: 250IU per week
○ Medium: 100IU per day / 200IU every other day / 250IU every other day
○ High: 200IU per day
● Perform a subcutaneous injection (aka subQ; tutorials available online)
● Put the cap on your needle and dispose of it responsibly. Do NOT reuse needles
● Put your vial of HCG in the fridge to prolong shelf life
Will HCG suppress my natural test levels / Do I need to PCT if I stop using?
● No, HCG increases your natural test levels - unlike injectable testosterone, which
suppresses and replaces them
● HCG does suppress natural LH production, but this returns to normal LH production
rapidly after stopping HCG use
● You do not need to PCT from HCG, your testosterone levels will return to where they
were before when you stop using
MT-II (Melanotan-II) - How do you use nasal spray MT-II to get tan?
● Get sterile alcohol swabs, a scientific syringe, a vial of powder melanotan-ii, a vial of
bacteriostatic water (aka “BAC water”, 50ml or 10ml), and an empty nasal spray bottle
● Crack open the melanotan-ii vial and the BAC water vial lids, they just pop off
● Sanitize the BAC rubber stopper: Wipe the top of the BAC water vial with an alcohol
swab, then wait several seconds for the alcohol to dry
● Sanitize the melanotan-ii rubber stopper: same deal as above
● Draw 2mL of BAC water with a syringe
○ Or 1mL at a time if using a 1mL syringe
● Reconstitute the melanotan-ii by injecting the BAC water into the melanotan-ii vial
○ Note: once you have injected a total of 2mL into your peptide vial, you don’t need
inject any more BAC water into it
● Gently roll the vial between your palms to mix thoroughly without damaging the peptide
● Open the nasal spray bottle
● Inject 8mL of BAC water into the nasal spray bottle
○ This will require multiple syringe fills and multiple injections into the nasal spray
○ For a 1mL syringe, you’ll need to fill it up to the 1mL mark and inject it into the
nasal spray bottle 8 times
○ The nasal spray bottle ignores the bottom 1mL, so you will lose a small amount
of compound
● Draw the reconstituted melanotan-ii into a syringe and deposit it into the nasal spray
○ Place the lid on and twist to seal the nasal spray bottle
● Wait until before bed to take melanotan-ii
○ This makes the potential dizziness, nausea, and lack of appetite easier to deal
○ I also recommend taking an over-the-counter antihistamine (such as Benadryl)
30-45 minutes before using to make the face flushing easier to deal with
● Remove the cap, insert the nasal spray nozzle into your nostril, and administer your
desired dose
○ Low: 1 spray = 125mcg/day
○ Average: 2 sprays = 250mcg/day
○ High: 4 sprays = 500mcg/day
● Put your bottle of Melanotan-ii in the fridge to prolong shelf life
● Tan regularly
● Effects to watch out for:
○ Common: Face flushing, dizziness, nausea, increased libido, increased erection
frequency + quality, darkening of moles
○ Rare (usually from extreme overdose): erectile dysfunction, elevated blood
■ If you experience any of these effects to an intolerable degree, simply
stop using. They fade within a few days / weeks
Meldonium (Mildronate) - How do you use Meldonium for athletic / physical activity
● Get a bag of Meldonium powder and an ultrasensitive milligram scale
● Place the scale cup on the scale and press the “TARE” button
○ The measurement should be set to grams, and the display should read 0.000
● Carefully dispense the Meldonium powder (via scooping with a spoon or pouring) into
the scale cup to reach your desired dose
○ Low: 5mg/kg per day
■ ex: for a 100kg person, 100kg*5mg = 500mg/day, so 0.500g/day
○ Average: 10mg/kg per day
■ ex: for a 100kg person, 1000mg/day, so 1.000g/day
■ If you would like to use this dose, start on “low” dose for 1 week and then
increase to “average”
○ High: 15-20mg/day
■ ex: for a 100kg person, 1500-2000mg/day, so 1.500-2.000g/day
■If you would like to use this dose, start on “low” dose for 1 week and then
increase to “average” for 1 week and then increase to “high”
● Remove the scale cup and dispense into a beverage of choice, drink quickly after
○ Alternatively, dispense orally and chase with a beverage of choice
Is Meldonium natty?
● It is non-hormonal and will not give you the physique of a steroid user, it’s natty
● However, be aware that WADA-tested competitions ban Meldonium
Minoxidil 10% (Loniten, Rogaine) - How do you use Minoxidil for beard / hair growth?
● Get a bottle of minoxidil 10% (1 bottle, 3 bottles w/ discount)
● Shake the bottle hard before every administration
● Unseal the lid and draw 0.5mL of minoxidil liquid into the dropper by squeezing the pipet
○ The full dropper is roughly 1mL
● Drop the liquid onto the areas where hair growth is desired
○ Refill the dropper and repeat as needed to cover the area in a thin layer
● Massage the liquid gently into the skin
● Do not rinse away for a minimum of 6-8 hours
○ If rinsed away too soon, it will exert less effects
Nebivolol (Nebilet, Bystolic) - How do you use Nebivolol to reduce heart strain?
● Get a bottle of nebivolol
● Shake the bottle hard before every administration
● Measure out the desired dose in the dropper
○ Low: 2.5mg daily
○ Average: 5mg daily
○ High: 10mg daily
■ Warning - if you use a dose of 10mg or higher, it loses cardioselectivity
● Drop the liquid under your tongue
○ Consider chasing with orange juice / etc, the solution needed to liquify the
compound doesn’t taste very good
● Each morning, check your resting heart rate
○ If it is too low (60 beats per minute or lower), reduce your dose of nebivolol
○ If it is still high (90-100 or more beats per minute), consider increasing dose
I’m using the 5 milligram daily dose but I’m not getting cardioselective effects. Why?
● Due to unique ethnic differences, roughly 1 in 10 europeans and even more africans are
poor metabolizers of nebivolol, meaning they benefit much less from its cardioselectivity
Why take Tadalafil on rest days, when I’m not working out?
● There’s a concept called “peak serum concentration”, where the longer you take a
compound, the more effective it becomes up until a certain point
○ That point is peak serum concentration; doing this maximizes effectiveness
TB-500 (Synthetic Thymosin Beta-4) - How do you use T-500 for injuries?
● Get sterile alcohol swabs, scientific syringes, a vial of powder TB500 (or 10 vials), and a
vial of bacteriostatic water (aka “BAC water”, 50ml or 10ml)
● Crack off the TB-500 vial and the BAC water vial lids, they just pop off
● Sanitize the BAC rubber stopper
○ Wipe the top of the BAC water vial with an alcohol swab, then wait several
seconds for the alcohol to dry
● Sanitize the TB-500 rubber stopper
○ same deal as above
● Draw 2mL of BAC water with a syringe
○ Or 1mL at a time if using a 1mL syringe
● Reconstitute the TB-500 by injecting the 2 total mL of BAC water into the TB-500 vial
○ Note: once reconstituted, you don’t need to reconstitute again. You only need to
do this step once
● Use researchem’s peptide calculator to find out how much you need to fill the syringe to
get your desired dose
○ Low: 100mcg per day
○ Average: 200-250mcg per day
○ High: 400+mcg per day
● Note: If you want to heal your injury even faster, draw BPC-157 into the same syringe
○ TB-500 is even more effective at healing injuries when combined with BPC-157
● Perform a subcutaneous injection (aka subQ; tutorials available online)
○ TB-500 is slightly more effective when administered subQ closer to the injury
○ This is sometimes NOT worth the slight benefit, for example: injecting your ankle
injury directly is extremely risky, you would be better off doing a belly fat subQ
● Put the cap on your needle and dispose of it responsibly. Do NOT reuse needles
● Put your reconstituted vial of TB-500 in the fridge to prolong shelf life
How much testosterone should I take per week for my first cycle?
● For the vast majority of beginners, 4 milligrams of testosterone enanthate/cypionate per
kilogram of body weight per week is a well-tolerated dose
○ This is roughly 300 mg - 350 mg for most people, some more some less
○ Ex: You weigh 80 kg. 80 kg * 4 mg = 320 mg of testosterone per week
● If you’re responding well and want to push your first cycle harder, after getting bloodwork
at week 8 you can increase the dose
○ 4mg/kg to 6mg/kg is a reasonable increase that some people can tolerate
○ Run your increased dose for another 8 weeks to assess tolerance
● The goal is to find your testosterone sweet spot. How much testosterone can you handle
without estrogen control intervention?
I think I’m not handling my dose very well. What should I do?
● If you’re getting unwanted high estrogenic effects, introduce an AI such as Arimidex or
● (NOTE: the following dosing protocols are intended to be loose guidelines. You may
need to adjust your dose)
○ Aromasin: Divide your weekly testosterone dose by 20. That is your weekly dose
of Aromasin in milligrams, divide across your injecting days
○ Arimidex: Divide your weekly testosterone dose by 500. That is your weekly dose
of Arimidex in milligrams, divide across your injecting days
○ Increase your dose if unwanted high estrogenic effects persist after 1-2 weeks,
decrease your dose if experiencing unwanted low estrogenic effects
● If you’re getting slightly high blood pressure, introduce Tadalafil 5mg/day
○ If your blood pressure is very high, see the Telmisartan guide
● If you’re getting nipple sensitivity (a precursor to gyno), introduce an AI as above
○ If you have developed gyno or your gyno is worsening, introduce Raloxifene at
● If you’re experiencing hair loss, introduce RU-58841 and Minoxidil 10%
○ See my hair loss guide for other hair loss options
Note: the low E2 anxiety seems most common in cases where Equipoise “EQ” / Boldenone
Undecylenate is used. This is likely due to EQ’s theorized aromatization into a large amount of
synthetic E1 (estrone) which competes with E2 for the estrogen receptor, thus giving the user
low E2 side effects. If you use enough of a compound that aromatizes into E2 (eg, testosterone)
you’ll avoid the anxiety.
● There’s no “best first cycle” for everyone; below is one model which can adjust to your
body’s response to gear
Wait, aren’t you natural? Why do you know so much about gear?
● Yes (well, I used to be natural)
● This assumes every person who runs their first cycle knows nothing about gear before
touching it, which is wildly problematic
● I’ve been researching PEDs thoroughly so that when I do start using, I’ll be able to use
them safely & effectively
Are you single?
● lol