Tattered FAQ

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@.tatteredtwo @.tatteredtanner on TT / @tanner.tattered on IG / @.tattered on L8

☆ frequently asked questions ☆

Who are you sponsored by? Discount code?

● Use code TAT for discounts at:
● Researchem.store, research chemicals
● Retaliation Project, gym apparel
● 38th Apparel, handmade gym clothing
● Amino Asylum, research chemicals
○ Backup if Researchem.store products are out of stock
● Klout Pwr, supplements & apparel

Where can I find your content?

● Tiktok, .tattered (banned at 48k)
● Tiktok, .tatteredtwo
● Tiktok, tanner.tattered (banned at 5k)
● Tiktok, .tatteredtanner
● Lemon8, .tattered
● Instagram, tanner.tattered
● YouTube, (under construction)

Gear, peptides, & other compounds

I encourage you to learn from the men I learned from in the list below.

Where do I go to learn about & research gear?

● Broderick Chavez (@teamevilGSP on IG)
○ Join his team evil members site
○ Buy his e-books
○ My personal favorite (just for his personality). I love Broderick
● Alex Kikel (@alex_kikel on IG)
○ Watch his interviews online
○ Buy his e-books
○ Learned a lot of what he knows from Broderick Chavez
● Leo & Longevity (@leoandlongevity on IG)
○ Watch his youtube videos
○ Leo has sadly passed away, but his content is still very valuable
● Vigorous Steve (@vigoroussteve on IG)
○ Watch his youtube videos
○ Buy his e-books
● Chase Irons (@chaseirons on IG)
○ Watch his Q&A streams on youtube
○ Attend his streams and ask Qs
○ Learned a lot of what he knows from Vigorous Steve
● Human Frontiers
○ Read the Augmented Textbook
● Victor Black (@victorblackmasterclass on IG)
○ Join his masterclass members group
○ Join prep coach academy
● John Jewett (@johnjewett3 on IG)
○ Take his J3 university course at https://j3university.com/
○ Learned a lot of what he knows from Victor Black
● Become comfortable reading and comprehending studies. Start with this one:
○ PMID - 11701431
● To access full studies, type the PMID number of the locked study into sci-hub.se
○ Try it with the PMID above
Other info sources
● Derek MPMD (More Plates More Dates)
○ This is where I started learning about PEDs, but nowadays Derek’s content is
primarily entertainment and less evidence-based
○ Learned a lot of what he knows from Victor Black
● William Lewellyn’s “Anabolics” book
○ There is a fair amount of info in this book that we now understand to be flat out
○ However, it’s still worth reading to get a basic understanding of what testosterone
& AAS do to the human body
● Reddit (r/Steroids, r/moreplatesmoredates, etc)
○ Some of the content on that site is useful, but do NOT take it as gospel
○ Most of it is just personal experience with certain compounds. What works for
some random dude on the internet might not work for you
Am I ready for gear/steroids/anabolics/PEDs/peptides?
Clarification - this applies to serious compounds such as Anabolic Androgenic Steroids and
potentially other injectables. Not to tadalafil, sildenafil, etc
● Are you willing to be on TRT for life?
○ “I can just PCT and be fine” wrong, PCT is not 100% successful in returning
PED-using males fully back to baseline testosterone levels
○ Yes, even if you use enclomiphene or clomiphene or nolvadex—“But it worked for
[person] so it’ll work for me” wrong you could respond poorly and not fully recover
● Is your diet & training perfected?
○ How many calories do you need to eat to reach your goal?
○ How many grams of protein/fats/carbs do you need to eat to reach your goal?
○ How will the above numbers change as you progress?
● Have you had bloodwork done before using PEDs?
○ Do you know what blood markers to test for before cycling?
○ Can you interpret your own blood work results?
● Have you had a semen analysis done before using PEDs?
● Do you live in a place of your own, outside the supervision of parents/guardians/adults
who would not approve of your use?
● Do you have a stable income stream that will allow you to pay for compounds,
bloodwork, medical bills, etc?
● Do you understand everything your compound of choice will do to your body?
○ Do you know what 5-alpha-reduction is?
○ Do you know what aromatization is?
● Do you understand the brain health risks of using before the age of 25?
● If you are a woman, do you understand how use may affect your femininity?
● Do you know where to acquire these compounds?
● Do you have multiple sources to acquire these compounds in case some shut down?
● If ordering illegally, do you know how to handle a federal seizure letter?
● If ordering illegally, are you willing to accept legal punishment for your use?
● If your compound is crystallized or cloudy, do you know how to fix it?
● Do you know where to acquire sterile injecting equipment?
● Do you understand your injecting equipment?
○ Do you know what unit the notches & numbers on an insulin syringe represent?
○ Do you know what unit the notches & numbers on a standard syringe represent?
● Do you know what proper intramuscular injection procedures look like?
● Do you know what size syringe, drawing needle, and injecting needle you will use?
● If you hit a nerve or blood vessel while injecting, do you know what to do?
● If you start to develop gynecomastia, do you know what to do?
● Do you know how frequently you should get blood work done?
○ Do you know what blood markers to test for while on cycle?
○ Can you interpret your own blood work results?
● Are you aware of how this will affect your ability to have children in the future?
○ “Oh I can just take HCG” wrong, HCG and other similar therapies may not be
fully effective after using PEDs for a significant amount of time
● If it is something you care about, do you have a hair loss prevention plan?
● Are you aware of how this will affect your cardiovascular health?
● Do you know how to mitigate cardiovascular complications (high blood pressure, left
ventricular hypertrophy, elevated resting heart rate, cholesterol)?
● Are you aware of how this will affect your hepatic health?
● Do you know how to mitigate hepatic complications (NAFLD, tumors, failure)?
If you answered no to any of these questions, you are not ready for gear.

I disavow the practice of purchasing and/or using the below products

without proper understanding and acceptance of the risks.

Arimidex (Anastrozole) - How do you use Arimidex as an AI to control estrogen?

● Get a bottle of Adex
● Shake the bottle hard before every administration
● Measure out the desired dose in the dropper
○ On average, users will divide their weekly testosterone dose in milligrams by 500
○ That number is the weekly dose of Arimidex in milligrams
○ Divide that number across the user’s injecting days
■ Example: 500mg/wk testosterone, so 500 divided by 500 = 1mg Adex/wk
■ User injects testosterone on Monday and Thursday: 0.5mg Arimidex on
Monday, 0.5mg Arimidex on Thursday
○ NOTE: This is just an estimate. Everyone’s body is different and you will likely
need to increase or decrease your dose to better handle your estrogen
■ Increase dose if unwanted high estrogenic effects persist after 1-2 weeks,
decrease dose if experiencing unwanted low estrogenic effects
● Drop the liquid under your tongue 24h after administering your aromatizing compound
○ Consider chasing with orange juice / etc, the solution needed to liquify the
compound doesn’t taste very good
● Seal your bottle and store at room temperature in a cool, dark place

How do I know if I need an AI like Arimidex?

● See the “do I have high estrogen” section of my FAQ
● I defer to John Jewett’s opinion on estrogen: if you are taking an AI just because the
estradiol number on your bloodwork is high, you are fixing a problem that doesn’t exist
○ The case of “high E2, no symptoms” is NOT a problem and does NOT require AI

What’s the difference between Arimidex and Aromasin?

● Aromasin is scientifically considered a suicidal AI, which means it binds to the aromatase
enzyme, permanently disables the enzyme, then destroys it
○ If you dose Aromasin too high, your estrogen will be crashed for a longer time
than if it was crashed on a non-suicidal means of lowering estrogen
● Arimidex is a non-suicidal AI, which means it binds to the aromatase enzyme and blocks
it, preventing it from converting testosterone into estrogen

…so does that mean Arimidex is always better?

● No, everyone responds to aromatase inhibitors differently
● Despite achieving the same serum estradiol levels on both compounds, some users
report feeling much better on Aromasin, or vice versa
● There are also individuals who are non-responders to Arimidex; their estrogen is not
lowered at all when using it
○ My peers have not seen this happen with Aromasin users

Aromasin (Exemestane) - How do you use Aromasin as an AI to control estrogen?

● Get a bottle of Asin
● Shake the bottle hard before every administration
● Measure out the desired dose in the dropper
○ On average, users will divide their weekly testosterone dose in milligrams by 20
○ That number is the weekly dose of Aromasin in milligrams
○ Divide across user’s injecting days
■ Example: 500mg/wk testosterone, so 500 divided by 20 = 25mg Asin/wk
■ User injects testosterone on Monday and Thursday: 12.5 Mon, 12.5 Thu
○ NOTE: This is just an estimate. Everyone’s body is different and you will likely
need to increase or decrease your dose to better handle your estrogen
■ Increase dose if unwanted high estrogenic effects persist after 1-2 weeks,
decrease dose if experiencing unwanted low estrogenic effects
● Drop the liquid under your tongue 24h after administering your aromatizing compound
○ Consider chasing with orange juice / etc, the solution needed to liquify the
compound doesn’t taste very good
● Seal your bottle and store at room temperature in a cool, dark place

How do I know if I need an AI like Aromasin?

● See the “do I have high estrogen” section of my FAQ
● I defer to John Jewett’s opinion on estrogen: if you are taking an AI just because the
estradiol number on your bloodwork is high, you are fixing a problem that doesn’t exist
○ The case of “high E2, no symptoms” is NOT a problem and does NOT require AI

What’s the difference between Arimidex and Aromasin?

● Aromasin is scientifically considered a suicidal AI, which means it binds to the aromatase
enzyme, permanently disables the enzyme, then destroys it
○ If you dose Aromasin too high, your estrogen will be crashed for a longer time
than if it was crashed on a non-suicidal means of lowering estrogen
● Arimidex is a non-suicidal AI, which means it binds to the aromatase enzyme and blocks
it, preventing it from converting testosterone into estrogen

…so does that mean Arimidex is always better?

● No, everyone responds to aromatase inhibitors differently
● Despite achieving the same serum estradiol levels on both compounds, some users
report feeling much better on Aromasin, or vice versa
● There are also individuals who are non-responders to Arimidex; their estrogen is not
lowered at all when using it
○ My peers have not seen this happen with Aromasin users

BPC-157 (Body Protective Compound 157) - How do you use BPC-157 for injuries?
● Get sterile alcohol swabs, scientific syringes, a vial of powder BPC-157, and a vial of
bacteriostatic water (aka “BAC water”, 50ml or 10ml)
● Crack off the BPC-157 vial and the BAC water vial lids, they just pop off
● Sanitize the BAC rubber stopper
○ Wipe the top of the BAC water vial with an alcohol swab, then wait several
seconds for the alcohol to dry
● Sanitize the BPC-157 rubber stopper
○ same deal as above
● Draw 2mL of BAC water with a syringe
○ Or 1mL at a time if using a 1mL syringe
● Reconstitute the BPC-157 by injecting the BAC water into the BPC-157 vial
○ Note: you only need to do this step once
● Use researchem’s peptide calculator to find out how much you need to fill the syringe to
get your desired dose
○ Low: 100mcg per day
○ Average: 200-250mcg per day
○ High: 400+mcg per day
● Note: If you want to heal your injury even faster, draw TB500 into the same syringe
○ BPC-157 is even more effective at healing injuries when combined with TB500
● Perform a subcutaneous injection (aka subQ; tutorials available online)
○ BPC-157 is slightly more effective when administered subQ closer to the injury
○ This is sometimes NOT worth the slight benefit, for example: injecting your ankle
injury directly is extremely risky, you would be better off doing a belly fat subQ
● Put the cap on your needle and dispose of it responsibly. Do NOT reuse needles
● Put your vial of BPC-157 in the fridge to prolong shelf life

Cardarine (GW-501516) - How do you use Cardarine for cardio benefits / athletic
● Get a bottle of Cardarine
● Shake the bottle hard before every administration
● Determine your desired dose
○ Low: 5mg daily
○ Average: 10mg daily
○ High: 20mg daily
● Measure out your desired dose in the dropper
○ Researchem’s Cardarine is 10mg/ml, which means there are 10mg in 1mL
○ So for a dose of 5mg, you would fill the dropper halfway (to the 0.5mL mark)
● Administer sublingually
○ Drop the liquid under your tongue, swallow after 10-30 seconds
● Consider chasing with orange juice / etc
○ The solution needed to liquify the compound doesn’t taste very good

Clen (Clenbuterol) - How do you use Clen for fat loss?

● Get a bottle of Clenbuterol
● The dosing protocol is titrated up by 10-20mcg every two weeks, for 6-8 weeks
○ Example dosing protocol:
■ Weeks 1-2: 30mcg/day
■ Weeks 3-4: 50mcg/day
■ Weeks 5-6: 70mcg/day ***this is a dangerous dose for many people***
■ Weeks 7-8: 90mcg/day ***this is a dangerous dose for most people***
○ Starter doses:
■ Low: 10-20mcg/day, probably won’t even feel the clen shakes
■ Average: 30-40mcg/day, should definitely feel clen
■ High: 50+mcg/day, far too aggressive for most non-competitors
● Shake the bottle hard before every administration
● Measure out the desired dose in the dropper
○ Researchem Clenbuterol is 100mcg/ml, if your desired dose is 50mcg, you would
fill to the 0.5ml line
● Drop the liquid under your tongue in the morning before eating
○ Consider chasing with orange juice / etc, the solution needed to liquify the
compound doesn’t taste very good
● Clenbuterol’s acceleration of your heart is, by nature, extremely dangerous
○ If you overdose or use for too long, you will end up in a hospital
○ This drug is no joke

So this is going to give me a six pack while I eat whatever I want, right?
● Completely wrong, to get the crazy benefits people see from clenbuterol, you need to eat
what is required to reach your goals
● Remember: drugs don’t work unless you do

Why does the dose change every 2 weeks?

● Your body’s beta-2 receptors become desensitized after prolonged exposure to a beta-2
agonist like Clenbuterol
● To avoid getting diminished results, the dose needs to increase

Do I need to PCT after using Clen?

● No, clenbuterol isn’t hormonal. Your natural testosterone levels are unaffected by it
● You don’t need to PCT from clen

Can I take a non-selective beta blocker to keep myself healthier while on Clen?
● If you try to prevent clenbuterol’s beta-2 receptor agonism (with non-selective beta
blockers for example), you lose the fat loss benefits of clenbuterol
○ Note: Nebivolol is a cardio-selective beta blocker
● Taking a lower dose of clen would have the same effect as a higher dose + ns beta
blocker for the vast majority of people, obviously there are some exceptions

Can I take a selective beta blocker (like Nebivolol) to keep myself healthier while on
● Yes. Nebivolol is cardioselective, meaning at the effective dose it acts only on the beta-2
receptors relevant to the heart
● This allows clenbuterol’s effects to persist everywhere except the heart, where it persists
to a lesser or nonexistent degree

Can I take caffeine with Clenbuterol?

● Yes, although it would be unwise to have a daily caffeine intake of 600mg or more while
using Clenbuterol

Is this better for fat loss than Semaglutide?

● In my opinion, no - Semaglutide and other GLP-1 agonists are the kings of fat loss
● Semaglutide is much safer than clenbuterol because you don’t need to worry about your
heart exploding
● However, for trying to get freaky lean on contest prep, clenbuterol is often better than

CJC-1295 - How do you use CJC-1295 for gains?

● Coming soon

DMAA (1,3-Dimethylamylamine) - How do you use DMAA pre-workout?

● Get a bottle of DMAA or a powder bag of DMAA, and a bottle of Tadalafil or a bottle of
○ Using Tadalafil (cialis) or Sildenafil (viagra) with DMAA prevents DMAA’s blood
flow restriction
○ More blood flow = better gains, and much healthier for your organs
● Measure out the desired dose in the dropper
○ Low: 12.5mg of DMAA and 5mg of Tadalafil
○ Average: 25mg of DMAA and 10mg of Tadalafil
○ High: 50mg of DMAA and 20mg of Tadalafil
● Bottle:
○ Shake the bottle hard before every administration
○ Drop the liquid under your tongue pre workout
○ Consider chasing with orange juice / etc, the solution needed to liquify the
compound doesn’t taste very good
● Powder bag:
○ Use an ultrasensitive milligram scale to measure your desired dose
○ Add to water / pre workout and sip 10-30 minutes before working out
● DMAA is strongly discouraged for use more than twice per week

Ecdysterone - How do you use injectable Ecdy for strength gains?

● Get sterile alcohol swabs, a bottle of Ecdysterone, a multi-use vial access spike
(optional), a scientific syringe, and your intramuscular injection needle of choice
○ Multi-use access spike saves money since you won’t need to use drawing
needles. Just twist on your syringe (no needle) and then draw normally
● Crack open the Ecdysterone vial lid, it just pops off
● Sanitize the rubber stopper of the Ecdysterone vial
○ Optional: insert the multi-use vial access spike
● Sanitize the injection sites of the muscle that will be trained today
○ Recommended: Ventroglutes / Gluteus, Delts, Quads, Lats
● Draw half of your desired dose
○ Low: 0.5ml/day (0.25 in each administration)
○ Medium: 1ml/day (0.5 in each administration)
○ High: 1.5+ml/day (0.75+ in each administration)
● Switch to your injection needle
○ Hold the syringe upright, needle-up, and push on the plunger to remove the air
bubble. Don’t worry about tiny air bubbles
● Perform intramuscular injections on both injection sites (tutorials available online)
○ For example: 0.5ml in left delt and 0.5ml in right delt
● Put the cap on your needle and dispose of it responsibly. Do NOT reuse needles
● Repeat every training day for 16-20 weeks

Enclomiphene (Enclomiphene Citrate) - How do you use Enclo to boost natural

● Get a bottle of Enclomiphene
● Shake the bottle hard before every administration
● Measure out the desired dose in the dropper
○ Low: 12.5mg twice per week, total 25mg per week
○ Average: 12.5mg every other day, total 43.75mg per week
○ High: 12.5mg every day, total 87.5mg per week
● Drop the liquid under your tongue in the morning
● Consider chasing with orange juice / etc, the solution needed to liquify the compound
doesn’t taste very good
● * The only known side effect is the very rare eye floater effect
○ If you experience bothersome blurry circles in your vision / “eye floaters”, lower
your dose or stop using. The effect will go away

How long do I run Enclomiphene for?

● Every day, you can use it forever as long as you aren’t experiencing eye floaters
● You can stop whenever you’d like without any side effects

Do I need to get blood work when running Enclomiphene?

● No, but it would be good data to get your test levels checked after 8 weeks to see how it
affected your levels

Does Enclomiphene work even if my testosterone levels are normal / high?

● Yes, but the effects may not be as dramatic as they are for people with low natural

If I stop using Enclomiphene, will my testosterone stay high?

● No, there is nothing you can take that will permanently increase testosterone
● In order to continue to get the testosterone boost from Enclomiphene, you need to
continue taking it

Will Enclomiphene suppress my natural test levels / Do I need to PCT if I stop using?
● No, Enclomiphene increases your natural test levels - unlike injectable testosterone,
which suppresses and replaces them
● You do not need to PCT, your testosterone levels will return to where they were before
when you stop using

I’m a teenager, can I use Enclomiphene to boost testosterone safely?

● I would only recommend you consider Enclomiphene if you have had your hormones
tested and found low natural testosterone production
● Going off the scientific literature that we have, yes - you can use Enclomiphene safely as
long as you do not experience any unwanted effects

Do I need to do a “loading phase” or “front load” when starting Enclomiphene?

● No, using a large dose upon first exposure massively increases the risk of side effects
with minimal additional benefits

Is it safe to drink alcohol while using Enclomiphene?

● Yes, there are no direct negative interactions between enclomiphene and alcohol

Can I combine Enclomiphene with other natural testosterone boosters like Fadogia
Agrestis / Ashwagandha / Tongkat Ali / etc?
● Yes, there’s no direct negative interactions
● However, your increased testosterone results in increased estrogen that can potentially
cause unwanted high estrogenic effects

Can I pass a drug test if I take Enclomiphene?

● On WADA tests or for natural bodybuilding / powerlifting purposes, you will likely fail their
● For workplace drug tests (which are usually only interested in hard drugs), you will likely
pass their tests
○ Organizations are required by law in the US to disclose what they test for. You
can ask them and they must tell you

Am I natty / natural if I take Enclomiphene?

● In the eyes of tested competitions like WADA, no - Enclomiphene is banned under
category S4
● It will not give you the physique of a steroid user, so many people consider it natural

Enclomiphene (Enclomiphene Citrate) - How do you use Enclo to PCT?

● Get a bottle of Enclomiphene
● Wait 5 half-lives of the longest half-life ester you are using
○ Example: The Decanoate ester of Nandrolone (Deca) has a half life of 10 - 14
days, 5 half lives is 50 - 70 days, and then you can start taking Enclo
● Shake the bottle hard before every administration
● Measure out the desired dose in the dropper
○ Low: 12.5mg daily, total 87.5mg per week
○ High: 25mg daily, total 175mg per week
■ Run your desired dose for 6-8 weeks
● Drop the liquid under your tongue in the morning
● Consider chasing with orange juice / etc, the solution needed to liquify the compound
doesn’t taste very good
● * The only known side effect is the very rare eye floater effect
○ If you experience bothersome blurry circles in your vision / “eye floaters”, lower
your dose or stop using. The effect will go away

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) - How do you use HCG to boost natural
testosterone or maintain fertility while on cycle?
● Get sterile alcohol swabs, scientific syringes, a vial of powder HCG, and a vial of
bacteriostatic water (aka “BAC water”, 50ml or 10ml)
● Crack open the HCG vial and the BAC water vial lids, they just pop off
● Sanitize the BAC rubber stopper: Wipe the top of the BAC water vial with an alcohol
swab, then wait several seconds for the alcohol to dry
● Sanitize the HCG rubber stopper: same deal as above
● Draw 2mL of BAC water with a syringe
○ Or 1mL at a time if using a 1mL syringe
● Reconstitute the HCG by injecting the BAC water into the HCG vial
○ Note: you only need to do this step once
● Use researchem’s peptide calculator to find out how much you need to fill the syringe to
get your desired dose
○ Safety first dosing protocol: start at 100IU weekly, and then increase by 100 each
week as long as no unwanted effects arise
○ Low: 250IU per week
○ Medium: 100IU per day / 200IU every other day / 250IU every other day
○ High: 200IU per day
● Perform a subcutaneous injection (aka subQ; tutorials available online)
● Put the cap on your needle and dispose of it responsibly. Do NOT reuse needles
● Put your vial of HCG in the fridge to prolong shelf life

Will HCG suppress my natural test levels / Do I need to PCT if I stop using?
● No, HCG increases your natural test levels - unlike injectable testosterone, which
suppresses and replaces them
● HCG does suppress natural LH production, but this returns to normal LH production
rapidly after stopping HCG use
● You do not need to PCT from HCG, your testosterone levels will return to where they
were before when you stop using

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) - How do you use HCG to PCT?

● Get sterile alcohol swabs, scientific syringes, a vial of powder HCG, and a vial of
bacteriostatic water (aka “BAC water”, 50ml or 10ml)
● Crack open the HCG vial and the BAC water vial lids, they just pop off
● Sanitize the BAC rubber stopper: Wipe the top of the BAC water vial with an alcohol
swab, then wait several seconds for the alcohol to dry
● Sanitize the HCG rubber stopper: same deal as above
● Draw 2mL of BAC water with a syringe
○ Or 1mL at a time if using a 1mL syringe
● Reconstitute the HCG by injecting the BAC water into the HCG vial
○ Note: you only need to do this step once
● Use researchem’s peptide calculator to find out how much you need to fill the syringe to
get your desired dose
○ Option 1: Use HCG while on cycle and leading up to SERM as PCT.
■ This is the best option. Use 250IU every other day
● Refer to the HCG to maintain fertility while on cycle guide
○ Option 2: Use HCG 6 weeks before the end of your cycle.
■ Second best. General dosing protocol:
● Weeks 6-4: 500-1000 IU 3x/week
● Weeks 3-1: 250-500 IU 3x/week
● Week 0: Start a SERM; see Enclo or Nolva PCT guides
○ Option 3: Use HCG 1-2 weeks before starting a SERM for PCT
■ Third best. May require an AI due to the excess amounts of HCG.
● Weeks 2-1: 1000-1500 IU EOD
● Perform a subcutaneous injection (aka subQ; tutorials available online)
● Put the cap on your needle and dispose of it responsibly. Do NOT reuse needles
● Put your vial of HCG in the fridge to prolong shelf life

IGF-1 LR3 - How do you use IGF-1 LR3 for gains?

● Coming soon
Ipamorelin - How do you use Ipamorelin for gains?
● Coming soon

MK-677 (Ibutamoren) - How do you use MK-677 for growth?

● Get a bottle of MK-677 and a blood glucose monitor
● Shake the bottle hard before every administration
● Understand the bottle’s concentration: 20mg/mL
○ One full dropper (1mL) is 20mg, 0.5mL is 10mg, etc
● Measure out the desired dose in the dropper
○ Low: 5mg daily
○ Average: 10mg daily
○ High: 20mg daily
● Drop the liquid under your tongue before eating your first meal
○ Consider chasing with orange juice / etc, the solution needed to liquify the
compound doesn’t taste very good
● Each morning, before you’ve eaten anything, check your fasted glucose levels
○ Healthy: 89 or below
○ Fine, but keep checking: 90-100mg/dl
○ At risk of diabetes: 100-125mg/dl
○ You have diabetes: 126 or above
● If your levels are getting too high, consider stopping use or lowering dose

Do I need to get blood work done while using MK-677?

● No, but getting blood work done is never a bad idea if you have the money to spare
● It is much more important to track your fasted blood glucose with a blood glucose
monitor while using MK-677

I’m X years old. Can I use MK-677 to grow taller?

● There are extreme side effects to using MK-677 during developmental years to grow
taller, mainly that it permanently alters your brain chemistry when used before age 25
○ It can predispose you to PTSD, anxiety, and sleep disorders which will persist
after you stop using
● It may make users taller by an inch or so, but is that worth sacrificing mental health?
○ Doctors prescribe legitimate GH (not GH secretagogues like MK-677) to
idiopathic short stature patients before they even enter puberty
○ People asking this question are often too old to see much height gains from it

Do I need a test base for MK-677?

● No, MK-677 at the doses I’ve listed above are extremely unlikely to cause significant
testosterone suppression to the point of needing a testosterone base
○ At doses higher than 20mg daily, the likelihood of suppression increases
Do I need to PCT if I stop using MK-677?
● No, MK-677 at the doses I’ve listed above are extremely unlikely to cause significant
testosterone suppression to the point of needing PCT
○ At doses higher than 20mg daily, the likelihood of suppression increases

MT-II (Melanotan-II) - How do you use injectable MT-II to get tan?

● Get sterile alcohol swabs, scientific syringes, a vial of powder melanotan-ii, and a vial of
bacteriostatic water (aka “BAC water”, 50ml or 10ml)
● Crack open the melanotan-ii vial and the BAC water vial lids, they just pop off
● Sanitize the BAC rubber stopper: Wipe the top of the BAC water vial with an alcohol
swab, then wait several seconds for the alcohol to dry
● Sanitize the melanotan-ii rubber stopper: same deal as above
● Draw 2mL of BAC water with a syringe
○ Or 1mL at a time if using a 1mL syringe
● Reconstitute the melanotan-ii by injecting the BAC water into the melanotan-ii vial
○ Note: once you have injected a total of 2mL into your peptide vial, you don’t need
inject any more BAC water into it
● Use researchem’s peptide calculator to find out how much you need to fill the syringe to
get your desired dose
○ Low: 100mcg/day
○ Average: 150mcg/day
○ High: 250mcg - 500mcg/day
● Perform a subcutaneous injection (aka subQ; tutorials available online) preferably before
○ This makes the potential dizziness, nausea, and lack of appetite easier to deal
○ I also recommend taking an over-the-counter antihistamine (such as Benadryl)
30-45 minutes before using to make the face flushing easier to deal with
● Put the cap on your needle and dispose of it responsibly. Do NOT reuse needles
● Put your vial of Melanotan-ii in the fridge to prolong shelf life
● Tan regularly

Can I take Melanotan-ii by itself?

● Yes
● You don’t need any other compounds with it to get safe and effective results

Am I natty if I use Melanotan-ii?

● Yes
● In the eyes of WADA, the world anti-doping association, melanotan-ii is not a prohibited
substance - that’s about as natty as it gets

What are the side effects?

● Side effects are dose dependent, if you take a smaller dose you’ll experience easier side
effects. Commonly, people note face flushing, dizziness, mild nausea, increased libido,
increased erection frequency + quality, darkening of moles
● Rare (from extreme overdose): erectile dysfunction, elevated blood pressure /
hematocrit, nephrotoxicity. In studies, these effects have only been seen when users
administer melanotan-ii at doses up to ONE HUNDRED TIMES the usual dose at once,
such as 10mg injections - see PMID 31953620

I heard this causes skin cancer, is that true?

● No
● You may have seen headlines describing skin cancer occurrence in melanotan-ii users.
Understand that skin cancer is the result of intolerable UV damage to your DNA & mRNA
in your skin, and that skin cancer will not occur unless the individual is overexposed to
UV light to the degree of DNA damage
○ For example, tanning bed overuse, which can load the skin with drastically more
UV radiation than natural sunlight - see PMID 24355990, correlation ≠ causation
● Melanin, the pigmentation that is produced after exposure to sunlight, is the body’s
protective adaptation against UV damage. It allows the body to tolerate more UV rays
(ex: Africans being so dark-skinned historically due to Africa’s harsh sunlight)
● Melanotan-ii was designed to prevent skin cancer. By accelerating your body’s ability to
produce melanin via melanotan-ii, you are less at risk for skin cancer than you would be
○ PMID 7983590, 31968661, 28703311, 8637402

I heard this reverses autism, is that true?

● Potentially
● As unbelievable as it is, there is actually evidence to support this in rodent models - see
PMID 30629642

MT-II (Melanotan-II) - How do you use nasal spray MT-II to get tan?
● Get sterile alcohol swabs, a scientific syringe, a vial of powder melanotan-ii, a vial of
bacteriostatic water (aka “BAC water”, 50ml or 10ml), and an empty nasal spray bottle
● Crack open the melanotan-ii vial and the BAC water vial lids, they just pop off
● Sanitize the BAC rubber stopper: Wipe the top of the BAC water vial with an alcohol
swab, then wait several seconds for the alcohol to dry
● Sanitize the melanotan-ii rubber stopper: same deal as above
● Draw 2mL of BAC water with a syringe
○ Or 1mL at a time if using a 1mL syringe
● Reconstitute the melanotan-ii by injecting the BAC water into the melanotan-ii vial
○ Note: once you have injected a total of 2mL into your peptide vial, you don’t need
inject any more BAC water into it
● Gently roll the vial between your palms to mix thoroughly without damaging the peptide
● Open the nasal spray bottle
● Inject 8mL of BAC water into the nasal spray bottle
○ This will require multiple syringe fills and multiple injections into the nasal spray
○ For a 1mL syringe, you’ll need to fill it up to the 1mL mark and inject it into the
nasal spray bottle 8 times
○ The nasal spray bottle ignores the bottom 1mL, so you will lose a small amount
of compound
● Draw the reconstituted melanotan-ii into a syringe and deposit it into the nasal spray
○ Place the lid on and twist to seal the nasal spray bottle
● Wait until before bed to take melanotan-ii
○ This makes the potential dizziness, nausea, and lack of appetite easier to deal
○ I also recommend taking an over-the-counter antihistamine (such as Benadryl)
30-45 minutes before using to make the face flushing easier to deal with
● Remove the cap, insert the nasal spray nozzle into your nostril, and administer your
desired dose
○ Low: 1 spray = 125mcg/day
○ Average: 2 sprays = 250mcg/day
○ High: 4 sprays = 500mcg/day
● Put your bottle of Melanotan-ii in the fridge to prolong shelf life
● Tan regularly
● Effects to watch out for:
○ Common: Face flushing, dizziness, nausea, increased libido, increased erection
frequency + quality, darkening of moles
○ Rare (usually from extreme overdose): erectile dysfunction, elevated blood
■ If you experience any of these effects to an intolerable degree, simply
stop using. They fade within a few days / weeks

Meldonium (Mildronate) - How do you use Meldonium for athletic / physical activity
● Get a bag of Meldonium powder and an ultrasensitive milligram scale
● Place the scale cup on the scale and press the “TARE” button
○ The measurement should be set to grams, and the display should read 0.000
● Carefully dispense the Meldonium powder (via scooping with a spoon or pouring) into
the scale cup to reach your desired dose
○ Low: 5mg/kg per day
■ ex: for a 100kg person, 100kg*5mg = 500mg/day, so 0.500g/day
○ Average: 10mg/kg per day
■ ex: for a 100kg person, 1000mg/day, so 1.000g/day
■ If you would like to use this dose, start on “low” dose for 1 week and then
increase to “average”
○ High: 15-20mg/day
■ ex: for a 100kg person, 1500-2000mg/day, so 1.500-2.000g/day
■If you would like to use this dose, start on “low” dose for 1 week and then
increase to “average” for 1 week and then increase to “high”
● Remove the scale cup and dispense into a beverage of choice, drink quickly after
○ Alternatively, dispense orally and chase with a beverage of choice

Are there any side effects?

● Meldonium is a rare supplement with essentially zero side effects (similar to Creatine)
● Rarely, some users notice gastric distress or very slight nausea

Does Meldonium require PCT?

● No, it is not hormonal and you can stop at any time safely

How long should I run Meldonium for?

● Low dose: As long as you like. No issues with running it year round
● Average dose: 15-20 weeks maximum / 105-140 days maximum
● High dose: 17 weeks maximum / 120 days maximum

Is Meldonium natty?
● It is non-hormonal and will not give you the physique of a steroid user, it’s natty
● However, be aware that WADA-tested competitions ban Meldonium

Minoxidil 10% (Loniten, Rogaine) - How do you use Minoxidil for beard / hair growth?
● Get a bottle of minoxidil 10% (1 bottle, 3 bottles w/ discount)
● Shake the bottle hard before every administration
● Unseal the lid and draw 0.5mL of minoxidil liquid into the dropper by squeezing the pipet
○ The full dropper is roughly 1mL
● Drop the liquid onto the areas where hair growth is desired
○ Refill the dropper and repeat as needed to cover the area in a thin layer
● Massage the liquid gently into the skin
● Do not rinse away for a minimum of 6-8 hours
○ If rinsed away too soon, it will exert less effects

I’ve seen 5% minoxidil, but what’s the difference with 10%?

● Minoxidil 10% is a much more potent per drop alternative to minoxidil 5%, which is not
normally available on shelves in-store
● If you would like to try 5%, you can find it at Costco (kirkland) or Walmart

Can I safely combine this with RU-58841 / Finasteride / Dutasteride / Kopexil?

● Yes, no negative interactivity between minoxidil and these compounds has been
reported in statistically significant numbers

How can I maximize my results on minoxidil?

● Microneedle with an automatic needler pen such as a Derminator 2 or a Dr Pen once per
● Do not use any topical compounds shortly before microneedling, rinse the intended area,
apply numbing cream if desired, and then microneedle thoroughly
● Wait 24 hours before administering any topical compounds to the microneedled area to
avoid the compound(s) going systemic and affecting your whole bodyS

Do I need to PCT from minoxidil?

● No, minoxidil is not hormonal and does not require PCT

How long should I cycle it for?

● Minoxidil does not need to be cycled
● You can use minoxidil as long as you like, it is safe to use year-round

Should I take this at night or in the morning?

● Either is good (I personally use before bed)
● Whichever allows you to keep the minoxidil on the desired region for a minimum of 6-8
hours without being rinsed away

Are there any side effects?

● Some men may experience discomfort, itchiness, or redness on the skin where it is
applied - if this is intolerable, use less minoxidil or stop using and it will go away
● If you microneedle, wait at least 24 hours after needling to apply minoxidil to avoid it
entering the bloodstream and exerting its effects throughout your entire body
○ This can result in irregular heartbeats, as Minoxidil is known for this behavior
from its research as a blood pressure medication

Nebivolol (Nebilet, Bystolic) - How do you use Nebivolol to reduce heart strain?
● Get a bottle of nebivolol
● Shake the bottle hard before every administration
● Measure out the desired dose in the dropper
○ Low: 2.5mg daily
○ Average: 5mg daily
○ High: 10mg daily
■ Warning - if you use a dose of 10mg or higher, it loses cardioselectivity
● Drop the liquid under your tongue
○ Consider chasing with orange juice / etc, the solution needed to liquify the
compound doesn’t taste very good
● Each morning, check your resting heart rate
○ If it is too low (60 beats per minute or lower), reduce your dose of nebivolol
○ If it is still high (90-100 or more beats per minute), consider increasing dose

Can I use this to minimize the heart strain from Clenbuterol?

● As long as your dose is cardioselective, yes
● Cardioselectivity seems to diminish in the 6-10 milligrams per day dosing range,
although this will vary person to person

I’m using the 5 milligram daily dose but I’m not getting cardioselective effects. Why?
● Due to unique ethnic differences, roughly 1 in 10 europeans and even more africans are
poor metabolizers of nebivolol, meaning they benefit much less from its cardioselectivity

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) - How do you use Nolva to PCT?

● Coming soon

Raloxifene - How do you use Raloxifene to eliminate, shrink, or slow gyno?

● Get a bottle of Raloxifene
● Shake the bottle hard before every administration
● Measure out the desired dose in the dropper
○ Clinical dose: 60mg/day
● Administer sublingually
○ Drop the liquid under your tongue, swallow after 10-30 seconds
● Consider chasing with flavored juice / flavored pre workout
○ The solution needed to liquify the compound doesn’t taste very good

Can I take Raloxifene during puberty?

● Yes, but if you are in puberty 30mg/day is safer

Do I need to PCT from Raloxifene?

● No, it does not affect your natural testosterone production signficantly

Semaglutide - How do you use Semaglutide to lose weight?

● Get sterile alcohol swabs, scientific syringes, a vial of powder semaglutide, and a vial of
bacteriostatic water (aka “BAC water”, 50ml or 10ml)
● Crack off the semaglutide vial and the BAC water vial lids, they just pop off
● Sanitize the BAC rubber stopper: Wipe the top of the BAC water vial with an alcohol
swab, then wait several seconds for the alcohol to dry
● Sanitize the semaglutide rubber stopper: same deal as above
● Draw 2mL of BAC water with a syringe
○ Or 1mL at a time if using a 1mL syringe
● Reconstitute the semaglutide by injecting the BAC water into the semaglutide vial
○ Note: you only need to do this step once
● Use researchem’s peptide calculator to find out how much you need to fill the syringe to
get your desired dose
○ Low: 0.25mg or 250mcg/wk
○ Average: 0.5mg or 500mcg/wk
○ High: 0.75 - 1mg/wk
● Perform a subcutaneous injection (aka subQ; tutorials available online)
● Put the cap on your needle and dispose of it responsibly. Do NOT reuse needles
● Put your vial of Semaglutide in the fridge to prolong shelf life

Sildenafil (Viagra) - How do you use Viagra as a pump pre workout?

● Get a bottle of Sildenafil
● Shake the bottle hard before every administration
● Measure out the desired dose in the dropper
○ Low: 12.5mg daily
○ Average: 25mg daily
○ High: 50mg daily
● Administer sublingually
○ Drop the liquid under your tongue 30 minutes to 1 hour before working out
○ Swallow after 10-30 seconds
● Consider chasing with orange juice / flavored pre workout
○ The solution needed to liquify the compound doesn’t taste very good
● Effects to watch out for:
○ Common: headache, upset stomach, stuffy or runny nose
○ Rare: flushing, abnormal vision, back pain, muscle pain, dizziness, rash
■ If you experience any of these effects, lower your dose or stop using

Can I take Sildenafil with my regular pre workout?

● Yes, this is safe to do for the majority of people
● If you have naturally low blood pressure, consider avoiding this combination
○ Combining high doses of L-Citrulline with Sildenafil can potentially lower your
already-low blood pressure to concerning levels

Can women take Sildenafil safely?

● Yes, women can safely use Sildenafil
○ Be advised: it does seem to make some women more sexually aroused

Tadalafil (Cialis) - How do you use Cialis as a pump pre workout?

● Get a bottle of Tadalafil
● Shake the bottle hard before every administration
● Measure out the desired dose in the dropper
○ 20mg/ml, 50ml bottle = 1000mg in the entire bottle
○ Example: 0.5ml is 10mg, 0.25ml is 5mg, etc
● Dosing protocols:
○ Low: 5mg daily
○ Average: 10mg daily
○ High: 20mg daily
● Administer sublingually
○ Drop the liquid under your tongue 30 minutes to 1 hour before working out
○ Swallow after 10-30 seconds
● Consider chasing with orange juice / flavored pre workout
○ The solution needed to liquify the compound doesn’t taste very good
● Effects to watch out for:
○ Common: headache, upset stomach, stuffy or runny nose
○ Rare: flushing, abnormal vision, back pain, muscle pain, dizziness, rash
■ If you experience any of these effects, lower your dose or stop using

Am I going to get an erection in the gym if I take this pre workout?

● No, this is a common misconception
● The blood is going to your muscles, not your penis - and users are generally not horny or
in a parasympathetic (stress-free) state which are the ideal conditions for an erection

Why take Tadalafil on rest days, when I’m not working out?
● There’s a concept called “peak serum concentration”, where the longer you take a
compound, the more effective it becomes up until a certain point
○ That point is peak serum concentration; doing this maximizes effectiveness

Can I take Tadalafil with my regular pre workout?

● Yes, this is safe to do for the majority of people
● If you have naturally low blood pressure, consider avoiding this combination
○ Combining high doses of L-Citrulline with Tadalafil can potentially lower your
already-low blood pressure to concerning levels

Do I have to PCT after using Tadalafil?

● No, tadalafil is not hormonal. You can stop using at any time without issue

Is it safe to drink alcohol while using Tadalafil?

● Yes, there are no direct negative interactions between tadalafil and alcohol

Can women take Tadalafil safely?

● Yes, women can safely use Tadalafil
○ Be advised: it does seem to make some women more sexually aroused

TB-500 (Synthetic Thymosin Beta-4) - How do you use T-500 for injuries?
● Get sterile alcohol swabs, scientific syringes, a vial of powder TB500 (or 10 vials), and a
vial of bacteriostatic water (aka “BAC water”, 50ml or 10ml)
● Crack off the TB-500 vial and the BAC water vial lids, they just pop off
● Sanitize the BAC rubber stopper
○ Wipe the top of the BAC water vial with an alcohol swab, then wait several
seconds for the alcohol to dry
● Sanitize the TB-500 rubber stopper
○ same deal as above
● Draw 2mL of BAC water with a syringe
○ Or 1mL at a time if using a 1mL syringe
● Reconstitute the TB-500 by injecting the 2 total mL of BAC water into the TB-500 vial
○ Note: once reconstituted, you don’t need to reconstitute again. You only need to
do this step once
● Use researchem’s peptide calculator to find out how much you need to fill the syringe to
get your desired dose
○ Low: 100mcg per day
○ Average: 200-250mcg per day
○ High: 400+mcg per day
● Note: If you want to heal your injury even faster, draw BPC-157 into the same syringe
○ TB-500 is even more effective at healing injuries when combined with BPC-157
● Perform a subcutaneous injection (aka subQ; tutorials available online)
○ TB-500 is slightly more effective when administered subQ closer to the injury
○ This is sometimes NOT worth the slight benefit, for example: injecting your ankle
injury directly is extremely risky, you would be better off doing a belly fat subQ
● Put the cap on your needle and dispose of it responsibly. Do NOT reuse needles
● Put your reconstituted vial of TB-500 in the fridge to prolong shelf life

Telmisartan - How do you use Telmisartan to protect your heart?

● Get a bag of Telmisartan powder and an ultrasensitive milligram scale
● Place the scale cup on the scale and press the “TARE” button
○ The measurement should be set to grams, and the display should read 0.000
● Carefully dispense the Telmisartan powder (via scooping with a spoon or pouring) into
the scale cup to reach your desired dose
○ Low: 20mg/day (0.020g/day)
○ Average: 40mg/day (0.040g/day)
○ High: 60-80mg/day (0.060-0.080g/day)
● Remove the scale cup and dispense into a beverage of choice, drink quickly after
○ Alternatively, dispense orally
● NOTE: If you have a high potassium intake, lower it while taking Telmisartan
○ If you do not do this, you are at risk for hyperkalemia, which can result in
abnormal heart rhythms, palpitations, muscle pain, muscle weakness, or

Is it safe to stop Telmisartan suddenly?

● It depends on the cause of your high blood pressure
○ If the root cause of high blood pressure has not been addressed, stopping
Telmisartan suddenly will result in a spike in blood pressure
● If caused by steroids, and your dose of steroids has not changed, your blood pressure
will spike to the high point it was at previously
○ If your dose has lowered, your BP will not spike as high
● To safely stop Telmisartan, address the root cause of your high blood pressure or slowly
titrate down your dose
Testosterone - How do you use Testosterone to gain muscle?
Shopping list - buckle up, you need a lot to use safely.
● Bloodwork (ex: Private MD Labs, Marek Health)
○ First few cycles, get bloodwork every 8 weeks; minimum 4 times per year
● Semen Analysis (ex: GiveLegacy)
● Required number of testosterone vials (plus one to two extra vials)
○ Required number of testosterone vials = (total milligrams needed for cycle +
cruise) divided by total milligrams per vial
○ If you want to do a 16 week cycle of 300mg/wk, you need 16*300mg = 4800mg
for the cycle
For an 8 week cruise after the cycle of 150mg/wk, you need 8*150mg = 1200mg
The total milligrams you need for the cycle + cruise is 6000mg
○ If your source sells 10ml vials concentrated at 300mg/ml, each vial is
10ml*300mg/ml = 3000mg
○ With this example, you need 2 vials - but always get extra vials in case you drop
and shatter one (I personally get 2 extra vials always)
● Sterile alcohol swabs
● Aromatase inhibitor (ex: Aromasin / Exemestane, Arimidex / Anastrozole)
○ Estrogen control if needed
● SERM with anti-gynecomastia activity (ex: Raloxifene, Nolvadex / Tamoxifen)
○ Gyno control if needed
● Blood pressure monitor
○ Check 3 times each morning, watch your weekly average blood pressure
● Angiotensin receptor blocker (ex: Telmisartan)
○ Blood pressure control if needed
○ Ultrasensitive milligram scale
● HCG or HMG (if you want to maintain testicle size or fertility)
● RU-58841, Minoxidil 10%, and/or Finasteride (if you want to prevent hair loss)
● Desired drawing needles (ex: 1” or 1.5”, 20g or thicker; I use 20g 1”)
● Desired injecting needles (ex: ½”, ⅝”, or 1”, 25g or thinner; I use 25g 1”)
○ Or if you would like to use insulin needles, see scientific syringes
● Desired syringes (1cc / 1ml, 3cc / 3ml if running large doses)

Where do I buy testosterone?

● “When you’ve done enough research to use it safely, you’ll know where to get it”
○ See my research section
● Legally, the only method to acquire it is to see a TRT clinic and qualify for a testosterone
prescription, or have it prescribed by your doctor
● It is federally illegal to purchase and use testosterone otherwise

How much testosterone should I take per week for my first cycle?
● For the vast majority of beginners, 4 milligrams of testosterone enanthate/cypionate per
kilogram of body weight per week is a well-tolerated dose
○ This is roughly 300 mg - 350 mg for most people, some more some less
○ Ex: You weigh 80 kg. 80 kg * 4 mg = 320 mg of testosterone per week
● If you’re responding well and want to push your first cycle harder, after getting bloodwork
at week 8 you can increase the dose
○ 4mg/kg to 6mg/kg is a reasonable increase that some people can tolerate
○ Run your increased dose for another 8 weeks to assess tolerance
● The goal is to find your testosterone sweet spot. How much testosterone can you handle
without estrogen control intervention?

How do I inject testosterone?

● Crack off the testosterone vial lid, it just pops off
● Sanitize the testosterone vial rubber stopper with the alcohol swab
● Sanitize the desired injection site with the alcohol swab
○ For possible injection sites, see SpotInjections. I feel ventrogluteal, delt, quad,
and lat are the better injection sites.
○ Google “[injection site] TRT” for more tutorials. Ex: “ventrogluteal TRT”
● Unpackage your drawing needle, injecting needle, and syringe
○ Attach the drawing needle to your syringe, it should twist on easily
● Remove the needle cap. Needle-down, insert the drawing needle through the rubber
stopper and into the testosterone vial
● Flip the vial + syringe needle-up, and pull the syringe plunger to reach your desired
○ There will likely be a small air bubble, don’t worry about getting rid of it now
● Flip the vial + syringe needle-down, remove the needle, set aside the testosterone vial
and place the cap on the drawing needle
● Twist off the drawing needle, set it aside, and attach the injecting needle to the syringe
● Warm the oil with your desired method to reduce post-injection pain
○ I prefer to hold the syringe horizontally and run hot water over the oil in the
syringe, being careful not to get any water near the injecting needle
○ Microwave a rice bag, remove it from the microwave, wrap it around the syringe,
wait for oil to warm
■ You’ll know the oil is warmed perfectly when you can touch the barrel of
the syringe to your lips and it’s not uncomfortably hot, nor too cold
● Remove the injecting needle cap, hold needle-up, and push on the plunger to remove
any air bubble(s)
○ Allow a droplet of oil to glide down the needle of the syringe. This helps lubricate
it and makes for an easier injection
● Perform an intramuscular injection in your desired injection site
○ Push the plunger of the syringe slowly. If you go too fast, you risk the chance of
an abscess or unneeded stress at the injection site
● Place the cap on the injecting needle
● Wipe the area with an alcohol swab to disinfect and clean up any blood
○ Apply a bandage if bleeding is persisting (that’s normal, don’t worry)
● Dispose of your needles, syringes, needle/syringe packaging, alcohol swabs, etc
● To further reduce virgin muscle soreness / post injection pain, do some light cardio
○ I prefer to inject each morning, and then do low intensity steady state fasted

How often do I inject testosterone?

● Depends on testosterone ester
○ Longer esters (cypionate, enanthate) can be injected 2x per week at minimum
○ Shorter esters (propionate) may need to be injected 3-4x per week at minimum
● You will experience less hormone fluctuations the more frequently you inject
○ Ex: Daily administrations are optimal for minimizing hormone flux
○ This helps reduce unwanted high estrogenic effects, reducing need for an AI

I think I’m not handling my dose very well. What should I do?
● If you’re getting unwanted high estrogenic effects, introduce an AI such as Arimidex or
● (NOTE: the following dosing protocols are intended to be loose guidelines. You may
need to adjust your dose)
○ Aromasin: Divide your weekly testosterone dose by 20. That is your weekly dose
of Aromasin in milligrams, divide across your injecting days
○ Arimidex: Divide your weekly testosterone dose by 500. That is your weekly dose
of Arimidex in milligrams, divide across your injecting days
○ Increase your dose if unwanted high estrogenic effects persist after 1-2 weeks,
decrease your dose if experiencing unwanted low estrogenic effects
● If you’re getting slightly high blood pressure, introduce Tadalafil 5mg/day
○ If your blood pressure is very high, see the Telmisartan guide
● If you’re getting nipple sensitivity (a precursor to gyno), introduce an AI as above
○ If you have developed gyno or your gyno is worsening, introduce Raloxifene at
● If you’re experiencing hair loss, introduce RU-58841 and Minoxidil 10%
○ See my hair loss guide for other hair loss options

I want to do a cycle of 12 weeks or shorter. Is this okay?

● Shorter cycles don’t allow for maximal results out of the compounds you’re using
○ Typically, 16 weeks is a good minimum cycle length, and 24 weeks maximum
depending on individual tolerance
● By doing a shorter cycle, you are effectively subjecting your body to a variety of side
effect risks, natural testosterone production shutdown, and systemic stress for
suboptimal physique/strength results

I want to do a lower dose than 4mg/kg per week. Is this okay?

● Your serum total testosterone levels in ng/dl typically respond at 4x - 6x your weekly
milligram dose of testosterone, some guys respond 3x or lower other respond 7x or
○ This serum response doesn’t necessarily indicate you’re a hyper responder for
muscle-building purposes
● If your natural levels are fairly high or even average, you could lose gains on a low dose
○ For example, your natural total test is 800ng/dl and you take testosterone at
150mg/wk: 150mg/wk * 4 = 600ng/dl
○ You lost 200ng/dl
● If your natural testosterone levels are very high, 1000ng/dl or above, you may want to
consider 5-6mg/kg of testosterone per week

General gear questions

What lifestyle changes should I make before starting gear?

● 6-8L of water daily
● Regular sunlight where possible
○ Supplement with Vitamin D if sunlight is rare
● Eat meals at similar times each day
● 10 minute walks after meals for digestion
● Cardio regularly
○ Duration & frequency determined by cardiac & lung health
○ Poor health = daily, more cardio; good = less frequent, less cardio)
● Eat fruits before breakfast (good options: pineapple, orange, blueberry, strawberry)
● Try to sleep 8h minimum
○ No caffeine within 8h of bed
○ No screens within 1h of bed
○ Try earplugs & face mask

Where do I buy gear?

● If you have to ask this question, you’re not ready to use
● “When you’ve done enough research to use it safely, you’ll know where to get it”
○ See my research section below

Where do I buy equipment to use gear?

● 1ml scientific syringes with 1/2" 27G needles are available at Researchem
○ Ideal for administering subcutaneous peptides
● If you are looking for something else, you may use GPZmedlab
○ Sanitation equipment, 1ml - 5ml syringes, various needles

What are the side effects of steroid use?

● Every androgenic anabolic steroid (AAS) has a general set of potential side effects:
estrogen imbalances, cardiovascular health issues, dyslipidemia, liver health issues,
kidney health issues, hair loss, and infertility.
● Estrogen imbalances have their own set of potential side effects.
○ For high estrogen: acne, oily skin, erectile dysfunction, low libido, lethargy,
gynecomastia, irritability, depression, water retention, high blood pressure,
enlarged prostate, shrunken testicles, and sugar cravings.
○ For low estrogen: dull / weak orgasms, dry skin / lips, low libido, lethargy, mood
swings, irritability, loss of appetite, dehydration, and fatigue.

Do I have high/low estrogen?

See my high estrogen / low estrogen unwanted effects chart:

Note: the low E2 anxiety seems most common in cases where Equipoise “EQ” / Boldenone
Undecylenate is used. This is likely due to EQ’s theorized aromatization into a large amount of
synthetic E1 (estrone) which competes with E2 for the estrogen receptor, thus giving the user
low E2 side effects. If you use enough of a compound that aromatizes into E2 (eg, testosterone)
you’ll avoid the anxiety.

How do you prevent acne from gear?

Administer your gear daily, or every other day, to minimize hormone fluctuations. The acne on
my face improved due to more stable hormone levels.
● For more acne prevention, see:
○ https://youtu.be/Gyn6oLpKma4
○ https://youtu.be/8lHd8wnCT6c
● Accutane is a LAST RESORT.
○ If all of the above solutions do not work, then you can consider accutane. It is
very aggressive and can have very extreme side effects, so please consider it

How do you prevent hair loss from gear?

Depending on your genetics, you might not be able to fully prevent it - but you can slow it down
a lot. This is commonly done with topical products applied to the scalp, or products taken orally.
● Least to most aggressive:
○ Ketoconazole shampoo
○ Topical RU-58841
○ Topical Minoxidil
○ Topical Finasteride
○ Topical Dutasteride
○ Oral Dutasteride
○ Oral Finasteride
● I strongly recommend against oral finasteride, it ruins some guys’ lives
○ If you respond positively, it does work very well
The slight systemic effect of topical use is more appealing than the complete systemic effect of
orals, just for the purpose of avoiding side effects while still getting good (or even equal) results.
● Results with topical products improve significantly when you microneedle
○ 0.6 to 1.5 needling is most effective
○ Don’t apply topicals right after microneedling, this increases the chance they go
● The best microneedler is the Derminator 2.0
○ Or you can just get a derma roller

How do you prevent/reverse gynecomastia (gyno)?

● Note: this is a TEMPORARY measure
○ If you plan to continue to use gear, eventually you should get surgery to have
your gyno removed
● If you need a quick fix for pubertal gyno or gear-induced gyno (somewhat ineffective for
prolactin gyno), administer Raloxifene orally at 60mg/day
○ Study showing Raloxifene was more effective than Tamoxifen - PMID15238910
● If you only have access to Tamoxifen, it still works (preferably at 20mg/day)

How much does it cost to run gear?

● This differs a lot depending on your source
○ I do not give others my source info
● The average source online:
○ $40-$50 10ml 300mg/ml Testosterone enanthate
● I use GPZmedlab for syringes, needles, and sanitation equipment
○ Please only access this site if needles are legal to possess and use in your place
of residence
● I use Private MD Labs for bloodwork
What blood work / blood markers should I get?
● This depends on a lot of factors, like what compounds you’re running (ex: if running
19-nortestosterone derivatives, you should test your prolactin)
● General blood test for a beginner:
○ CBC, CMP + eGFR, Testosterone Free & Total LC/MS-MS, Estradiol
ultrasensitive, PSA, LH, FSH, Lipid Profile, IGF-1, Thyroid + TSH,
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

What’s the best first cycle?

2023 Update: This article is outdated. I’m going to update it under the “Testosterone” header in
my Gear, peptides, & other compounds section.

● See “am I ready for gear” question above

○ If you’re not ready, keep researching
○ If you’re ready, keep reading

● There’s no “best first cycle” for everyone; below is one model which can adjust to your
body’s response to gear

The best starting point: 3-4mg/kg testosterone enanthate per week

● Option 1 - Divided up across every other day injections:
○ How much do I pin on any given day? (Dose per week * 2) / 7
○ Example: 100kg male, 3mg/kg = 300mg per week. (300*2) / 7 = ~86mg every
other day
● Option 2 - Divided up across every 3.5 days (2x per week; ex: Monday & Thursday
○ How much do I pin on any given day? Dose per week / 2

● If you are interested in increasing your weekly dose of testosterone, consider:

○ Week 5 and onwards, increase weekly dose by 100mg every 4 weeks
(sometimes, but not always, estrogenic) EFFECTS
Side effects
● Once you start experiencing unwanted effects, lower the dose by 50 and stay there.
That’s your testosterone sweet spot
● It’s extremely unlikely someone will run 400+ per week on their first cycle without
unwanted effects
Why enanthate?
● Ester doesn’t really matter. If you want to try cypionate that’s fine too
Why no AI (Aromatase Inhibitor)?
● This is such a complex discussion I can’t even scratch the surface here
● Basically if you think you aren’t getting good enough gains but a higher dose of
testosterone would result in unwanted estrogenic effects, you’re better off stacking a
DHT derivative and slightly increasing your testosterone dose - but IMO this should be
reserved for your second cycle unless you want to compete

What’s the best PCT?

● I normally don’t like this site because the information is often low-quality, but r/steroids
has a good PCT explanation

Wait, aren’t you natural? Why do you know so much about gear?
● Yes (well, I used to be natural)
● This assumes every person who runs their first cycle knows nothing about gear before
touching it, which is wildly problematic
● I’ve been researching PEDs thoroughly so that when I do start using, I’ll be able to use
them safely & effectively


Do you offer coaching?

● Yes, to US residents
○ Reach out to my instagram. I’d be happy to help any of y’all
● All of my clients will receive:
○ Information about quality PED sourcing
○ Enhancement protocols tailored to your goals & your body’s needs
○ Bloodwork interpretation
○ Health & fertility advisory
○ Peptide / anabolic optimization
○ Bodybuilding posing guidance
○ Bodybuilding genetic assessment
● $450 which covers the first 2 months, $200/mo after
○ $450 is a lump sum payment, once paid coaching begins
○ All amounts are non-refundable, emergency cancellations may be eligible for
50% refund

Can I call you? I have a lot of questions.

● Yes, $100 30 minute consultations
○ I’d be happy to help out
● If I can’t answer your question in the moment, I’ll jot it down and do a deep dive into the
issue for you after the call
○ I value my supporters’ time greatly, this makes consultation calls much more

Are you single?
● lol

How tall are you?

● 5’9”

How long have you been lifting/training?

● I started lifting February 2021

Are you natural?

● Yes
● I plan to use steroids at some point
● Update: I’ve been on gear since 12/01/2022

Do you want to compete? What division?

● Yes
● Men’s Physique or Open Bodybuilding
● Depends on my genetics

What is your goal physique?

● Gavin Riddle (@g_Riddle on TT)
● Dawin Wachelka (@dawin_ifbbpro on IG)
● Regan Grimes (@regangrimes on IG)
● Nasser El Sonbaty
How do I get [muscle group] like you?
● It’s genetics, your best physique won’t look like my best physique

How do I become jacked?

● Eat more (oh but I eat so much) EAT MORE
● Train extremely, extremely hard
● You should be crippled after every leg day

What filters do you use on your photos?

● iPhone 13 camera, -1.3 exposure
● Adobe Lightroom preset

What music do you listen to in the gym?

● “House” / Bass & tech house: SoundCloud
● “Hardstyle” / Uptempo & Terrorcore: SoundCloud
● “Emo” / Post-hardcore: SoundCloud
● “Metal” / Deathcore, doom, sludge, stoner, etc: SoundCloud
● “Trap metal” / Extinction trap, screamo trap, etc: SoundCloud

How do I improve my appearance?

● Start with good habits:
○ Shower, shave, skincare routine daily
○ Pluck your eyebrows, groom body often
○ If you’re pale, start tanning
○ If your jawline is weak, lose fat and/or breathe through your nose
○ If your teeth need work, see an orthodontist

How do you tan?

● I don’t use sunscreen, I use Melanotan-ii (available at researchem) and I tan daily or as
weather allows
○ Ghostly white: 15min front/back
○ Kinda pale: 20min front/back
○ Kinda tan: 25min front/back
○ Tan: 30min front/back
No sunscreen? Are you worried about skin cancer?
● Melanotan-ii has cancer-preventing properties, so I’m less at risk than people who tan
with sunscreen & no melanotan-ii

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