L&a Strategy BSB42415 2020.2
L&a Strategy BSB42415 2020.2
L&a Strategy BSB42415 2020.2
Table of Contents
CRICOS Course Code...............................................................................................................2
Description of Qualification.......................................................................................................2
Units of Competency..................................................................................................................2
Volume of Learning.....................................................................................................................3
Justification for amount of learning.............................................................................................3
Licensing, legislative and regulatory information...........................................................................3
Entry Requirements.....................................................................................................................4
Target Groups.............................................................................................................................5
Job Outcomes..............................................................................................................................5
Trainer Requirements.................................................................................................................5
Legislative Requirements............................................................................................................5
Access and Equity.......................................................................................................................6
Industry Engagement...................................................................................................................6
Delivery Process.........................................................................................................................6
Delivery Timetable......................................................................................................................6
Identifying Individual Learning Needs of Students......................................................................9
Reasonable Adjustment..............................................................................................................9
Assessment Strategy and other Information..............................................................................9
Assessment Strategy...................................................................................................................9
Modes of Assessment...............................................................................................................10
COVID 19 Safe Plan………………………………………………………………………...…...12
Duration 52 weeks
Course Code
Description of This course has been designed for people who want to work within an organisation’s
marketing team or department and use well developed marketing and communication
skills and knowledge based in a wide variety of contexts. It is also suitable for
candidates planning to establish their own company. Candidates will learn how to
research, present and debate ideas, analyse the market and customer behaviour,
promote products and services, develop and apply marketing communication as well as
develop general supervisory skills.
This course will provide them also with the opportunity to obtain knowledge and skills
to apply solutions to a defined range of unpredictable problems and analyse and evaluate
information from a variety of sources. It will allow them to provide leadership guidance
to others with limited responsibility for the output of others.
Units of This qualification is made up of 12 units including 5 core units and 7 elective units.
Unit Code Unit Title
Core Units
BSBCMM401 Make a presentation
BSBCRT401 Articulate, present and debate ideas
BSBMGT407 Apply digital solutions to work processes
Apply marketing communication across a convergent
Develop and apply knowledge of marketing communication
Elective Units
BSBCUS401 Coordinate implementation of customers service strategies
BSBMKG401 Profile the market
BSBMKG413 Promote products and services
BSBMKG419 Analyse consumer behaviour
BSBRES411 Analyse and present research information
BSBWRT401 Write complex documents
BSBRSK501 Manage risk
All teaching, learning and assessment activities are required to be undertaken by the
targeted student to achieve the learning outcomes of this qualification.
If students have previous relevant experience, where RPL is awarded, the total volume of
learning may be reduced below the Australian Qualifications Framework Indicators.
For this qualification:
1. Delivery is face-to-face
2. Students are also required to commit to unsupervised home study consisting of
independent research, assessment preparation and independent review of delivery
3. The training hours comprises the formal learning activities provided to the student.
4. The training hours plus the hours required for the student to complete
assessments will equal the total volume of learning required for the student to
achieve the learning outcomes for this qualification.
Categories Hours
Training hours 632
Assessment hours 168
Total Volume of Learning 800
Justification for
Australian Academy of Commerce in conjunction with industry consultation feels this
amount of
learning volume of learning is sufficient based on the student cohort and the breadth and complexity
of the skills and knowledge to be acquired in this course. Students for this course may have
worked in a business environment previously and have developed business knowledge and
skills prior to entering the course. The international students have recently completed
studies and are well practised in study and learning. The English abilities of these students
have been demonstrated prior to entering the course. Adequate time has been set for work
related practice. The delivery mode for this course is face to face and will allow students to
develop their knowledge through classroom-based learning with our trainers/assessors and
other students in the course.
Licensing, This unit has no licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at
legislative and the time of publication.
Entry While the unit does not list any formal entry requirements, the AAC applies the following
Requirements entry requirements to international & local students for all business (BSB) VET qualifications:
BSB42415-Certificate IV in Marketing & Communication
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A minimum of an IELTS band score of 5.5, or General English Upper Intermediate
(or equivalent) is required
A minimum of Year 12 (or overseas equivalent) or completion of Year 10 with
relevant work.
Applicants who cannot provide both a certified English score, or an AQF
Certificate IV (or higher) to the level specified for the course and a minimum of a
Year 12 Certificate (or equivalent) will be required to undertake LLN testing prior
to receiving an offer.
Applicants who will undertake LLN testing must achieve at minimum:
Learning 2; Reading 3; Writing 3; Oral Communication 2; Numeracy 2
Australian Academy of Commerce does not accept students less than 18 years of
Target This qualification is designed for international students who are existing workers
Groups seeking to gain a formal qualification.
Job Outcomes Candidates who achieve this qualification may gain employment in positions such as:
sales representative;
public relations officer;
product officer; or
Marketing/communication team supervisor.
Trainer We engage skilled and experienced Trainers and Assessors for this course. All Trainers
Requirements and Assessors require appropriate qualifications and experience in the Business Services
We recruit trainers and assessors who meet the requirements of the standards for
RTO’s 2015 and ensure they have:
The vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered and assessed
Current industry skills directly relevant to the training and assessment being
Hold TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
Current knowledge and skills in vocational training and learning that informs
their training and assessment.
We ensure that all trainers and assessors undertake professional development in the
fields of:
Knowledge and practice of vocational training, and
Learning and assessment including competency-based training and assessment.
The current trainers/assessors for this course are:
Nahid Taskin; and
Pinky Gazzar.
Legislative The following legislation and regulations affect the conducting of this qualification:
VET Quality Framework
Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015
Australian Qualifications Framework
Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000
National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas
Students 2018
Work Health and Safety Act NSW 2011
Age Discrimination Act 2004
Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Sex Discrimination Act 1984
Racial Discrimination Act 1975
BSB42415-Certificate IV in Marketing & Communication
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BSB42415-Certificate IV in Marketing & Communication
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Access and AAC provides learning opportunities that do not discriminate on the basis of age,
Equity gender, location, culture, disability or disadvantage in recruitment for programs and
services. All students, including those with disabilities, will be treated equally with
dignity and be able to enjoy the benefits of the educational experience in the same way
as those participants without disability. If there are students with special needs a
trainer/assessor will take into account the student’s disability and make appropriate
adjustments to the training environment, wherever feasible and practicable and in
consultation with Director of Studies.
Industry Industry consultations occur on an ongoing basis throughout the year. Evidence of
Engagement industry consultations and resulting actions is documented. Ongoing consultations with
industry assist in evaluating the course and identifying opportunities for improvement.
Delivery The course delivery mode for this course is face to face. International students are
Process required to undertake full time course work with a minimum 20 hours per week. This is
a requirement of the student visa. When first attending the college, all students undergo
an induction training. Students attend the college for the prescribed number of hours
for their allocated days of the week and receive face to face training using some
resources that are online: the student uses these resources as directed within the
training delivery period and may supplement that material with text book materials and
internet information. Learning is scaled to ensure that subsequent course contents is
built upon the knowledge already acquired.
Students complete learning activities in class to prepare them for the summative
assessments that follow at prescribed intervals as listed in the delivery timetable.
Students must demonstrate that they have the required knowledge and then undertake
the written assessment; once they have satisfactorily completed the written assessment,
they are allowed to move into the simulated business where they are required to
demonstrate their practical skills.
The face to face training sessions must be conducted in a timeframe consistent with the
timetable to ensure that the student is able to progress in their course.
Each Student must attend the classroom sessions as they cannot progress in their
course if working individually or away from the class; communication and interaction
are reflected in the foundation skills for this qualification. They are also an integral
aspect of the group work within the classroom.
Delivery AAC has carefully considered the knowledge and skills required for each unit of
Timetable competency to be delivered and assessed within this qualification. As part of our
considerations and, based on the identification of common or related knowledge and
skills within the unit, the timetable ensures that the students are able to develop their
own understanding of the concepts in a holistic way.
The training program is campus based and delivered over 52 weeks divided into 4
The scheduling has been done as recommended during the industry consultations and
ensures the course flows in a logical sequence.
11-14 Break 0 0
25-28 Break 0 0
39-42 Break 0 0
Those requiring support shall be communicated to the Academic Team who will
channel the student needs to the appropriate T&As to adjust the T&A program to
ensure implementation of the student’s needs. The Student Services Manager and the
Academic Team will survey that adequate support is implemented to ensure success in
the learning during the period of enrolment. Any written documentation will be kept in
the student’s personal file.
Reasonable To meet the needs of all students, adjustments can be made to the way assessments are
Adjustment conducted and to the requirements of the assessment. The purpose of these
adjustments is to enhance fairness and flexibility so that the specific needs of students
can be met.
Student needs are identified at enrolment. Trainers are informed of the requirements
and will make reasonable adjustments required to maximize a students’ opportunity to
demonstrate their competence.
The assessment methods used consider the methods as specified in the respective
training package requirement and assessment tools. Each student will be deemed
“Competent” or “Not Yet Competent” in each unit based on the outcomes of the
assessments where an assessor has gathered sufficient evidence of student’s
performance to make a judgement of competence. Evidence of competence includes the
assessment of essential knowledge and the associated skills, including work
Each student is provided an Assessment Cover Sheet which details the information
about the assessment. Each Assessor is provided an Assessor Guide which provides
benchmark / suggested answers to the assessments. This is to assist in a consistent
application of marking/judgement of competence principles by the relevant assessors.
Summative assessments cover learning that has occurred over a period of time and are
written to allow students to answer questions and perform tasks in the context of the
real environment. A competency determination is made after evidence is gathered,
based on practical application of skills and/or knowledge.
Context of Assessment
Students are assessed in a simulated business workplace. The simulated workplace will
have all the necessary resources to demonstrate practical skills. Students will
demonstrate their skills and be observed completing their summative assessments in the
simulated workplace
Assessment The processes used to validate assessment activity in this program are:
Process Assessment Guidelines from the BSB Business Services Training Package are used as
a guide
Assessment tools are to be validated after each running of a program. Courseware
and assessment tools are also reviewed by incoming trainers prior to delivery of
the relevant units of competency. These meetings will consist of the relevant
Trainer/Assessor as current industry experts, as often as possible in current
employment in relevant positions to the course within industry. These meetings
will examine and validate the Academy’s assessment: strategies, process, tools &
evidence. These meetings will be documented and improvements will be
implemented in line with the current improvement processes.
Moderation of Post-term moderation sessions will take place involving all T&As. These will
Assessment include the usage of benchmark assessments for T&As to see the expected
standards of acceptable assessments.
Moderation of assessments is also performed during the validation process in
conjunction with student or other stakeholder feedback. The assessment tool may
be changed in its delivery method but the outcome must remain in accordance with
all requirements.
All assessors have access to print and electronic copies of the assessment tools used in
this program. We will review the equipment and facility requirements for each unit of
competency in the qualification and has access to the facilities and equipment needed to
implement the program.
The full list of resources provided for assessment by AAC can be found in Appendix A.
Transitioning Transition from superseded packages or qualifications must be achieved by the T&A
Arrangements Manager within 12 months of their publication to meet the stated transitioning
arrangements set out by ASQA.
Upon receipt of new package or qualification information from the National Register,
the Director of Studies is required to complete a Transition Plan. Milestone dates for
completion of transition must be followed.
office equipment
business technology
organisational policies and procedures for
Coordinate implementation of customer service
customers service strategies examples of customer complaints and feedback
client satisfaction data
interaction with others.