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atte Nae Cit Se | Clr Question veratves Negnive Se ‘Question Body an A Marks | Noga PART-A mo “Te significant figure forthe number 0.0304 is 10 p00 A:3—(Coreect Alternative) Bee cs Dea 2 “Evaluate the following expression rounding of he answer tthe appropriate numberof siguiiant Sigur. To 000 ATT 96 ETRE A: 60355 ¢ B:03se ©1614 g~ (Correct Alternative) D:6083¢‘Wht way the magnitude of constant eros related the size and concanition ofthe sample? A indcpendent (Correct Alterative) Bs dependent Cro change Ds accurate 19 Joo “The maximum unceruny ofthe expression s:(I73 £02) -(.7 = 033) m+ (1.6 0.1) ml 10 000 A:19.0208 m1 Br 198s 06m 19.24 06.a1~ (Correct Alternative) D:199209 ml 10600 ‘In volumetie ization the relative er increases how many times if we se a5 al ppete in place of 25 ml ppete? AsTwotimes Bi Thre times Ten ines1D Five times ~ (Correct Alternative) “The pressure applied onthe inlet ofthe eoluna to overcome the slowness of fow of solvent in HPLC is 10000 1A: 600 psi 160i {6000 ps (Correct Alternative) 1: 60000 psi “The sequeneofon movement in TLC sing ca gels ie joo Aig Bi> Ca> Cu> Po B:Bi>He>ca>Po>Ca C:Ca> Bi>Hg> Po> Cu DHig> Bi> C&> Po> Cu~ (Correct Aternatve) “The DTA of elim oxalate monokyat shows munber of peaks 18 000 Asa€:3—(Conreet ternative) ba “Why doatoms combines ? ‘A: To acquie net tative foes between atoms 1B: Tolowerthe energy of combining atoms To abey ett le 1D To acquire net trative forces between atoms, To lower the energy of combining atoms and Te obey octet rule —(Correst Aternative) 10 000 dey the one which i not elite to hydrogen bond AsHCL- (Correct Alternative) B20 iN Dene a 000Which one ofthe following molecules is diamagnetic? ‘ACO molecule -(Correet Alternative) Bi: By molecule © 10; molecule D: NO molecle ‘Bond order of Hp moles is A:1—(Correct Alternative) '»-type exinse semiconductor is obtained whe ‘A: Carbon is added St 1B Bisadded Si (©: Pisadded Si—(Corret ANeroative)DLiis added Si “The strongest Bese is BoP 10% Deni Comect Answers ® “The combination of hard acd and hard base occur hough ‘A: Covalent Bonding Bi: Meallic Bonding Cs Tonie Bonding ~ (Correct Alternative) D : Coordinate Covalent Bonding ‘Bate soluon enA. alee the pH of solution 1B decreases the pH of solution (C+ imereases the pl of solution _D:resishe change in pl ofa solution —(Corret Alternative) Radioactive disintegration ae A: Iroversible—(Correst Alternative) 1B: Reversible (Cs tmequibriom _D: Non-Spontancous "Nocler reaction sin accordance with ‘A: Panck’s constant 1B: de-Brogleeqution (C:Botuemann disbuton 'D Binsin mass-energy tclationsip (Correct Alternative)19 [19 [The maximuon chain length of nitogen is e000 AQ Bs cu Des Conest Anwar * 20° tye borin diborane formed by to 00 As (sp')! Is! (sp 1B Gp)! 1s! 1999) ©2669)! Ia! tsp? (Correct Alternative) De (spy! - Is! (sp?) a et ‘Structure of [By2 Hal is, f° joo AntsBot Cs Pentagon bipyramidal 1D :Ieosahedron (Correct Alternative) 2 ‘Borazne nat — A: Teter Plana trigonal Cs Hexagonal Planar hexagonal ~ (Correct Alternative) 10 000 B 0s seats with 3 molecules of HzO to for ‘A: Metaphosphoric acid 'B: Orhophosphoic acid ~ (Correct Alternative) (C:Hypoposphorc acid D : Phosphorus aid 10 000 "Which one ofthe following is slphurous acid anhydride?A: 80; (Correct Alternative) Br 805 C2H,805 D:H,804 B ‘Which ssuonges ligand? AGNHy B20 ©: CNY = (Correct Alternative) pie 10 000 ‘Song Jaa - Tel effec expected in Aso and (igh Spin) Bsa 48, (Low Spin) (Correct Alternative) 2a? a aigh Spin) ro 000ae Dd qtigh spin) The most suitable route to prepare the rans-isomer of [PUPy}PEA)CI] is Lo 000 A IPICK|* with PEI: folowed by the reaction with PY _ correc aerate) [PICL]* with Py folowed by the reaction with PEt IPICL]* with HCI followed by the reaction with PEt, = IPECL|* with PEt; followed by the reaction with HCl 10000 The order of CO Stretching frequency in the following complex is : (i) Cr(CO)., (il), (VCO). 1° (ill) [Mn(CO),}*A410 a=a<«i) © 69 <(0
OH> NO,> COR> CHO (Correct ARernative) 1B: SH> NO, > OH > CHO> COR €:SH> ONO,» CHO> COR 1D: 0H> SH>No,> COR> CHO Choose the coect configuration for the following compound28,38 23K, 28 1D: 2R, 38 (Correct Alternative) 15 38 “The eonvenion of dsterevisomerc 4rom--hutano 1 isomer 2 +-bromebutane sre the following atest 10 000 ‘A: Theo--tromobutan2- gives mes produst 1B Threo-Bromobutan-2-l gives Racemic product (Correct Alternative) (C:ytro-3-Bromobutan-20l gives Rasemi mixture ‘Both Threo-3-tromebutn-?- gives meso product and Threo-3-Bromuabutan-2-a gives Racemic product are coast 39 10000 OH (NaOH aaa Predict the product in the Sx2 reactions 2 ciOH OH OH { )=2 = (Correct Alternative) OHOH A: Bost fom 1B: Chai form (Correct Alternative) CTs boat D Hatt tair H 4040 Acstolysis of exo and endo-norbomy osylates found that 19 000 ‘A: The Solvolysis of endo isomer is faster than exe isomer [The Solvoysis of exo iomer ie fster than endo isomer ~ (Correct Alternative) (C+ oth endo and ex isomer are eats ist Both eno and exo isomer are reacts slow iT /41 | Which conformation structure of eyclohexane ie moveable? 10 000What is the major product of the following reaction @ CH (4 CHy wee CH, a Z ICH [How many Seoisomers ae possible for 2iopropy/-}-methy-eyelobexanal ? 10 Jono Ad Bis ca D:8—(Corret Alternative) s 8 to 600CH, My My “CH, CHy ICH, = (Correct Alternative) aoWhich of the following best desctibes the sigmatropic rearrangement that occurs in the reaction shown below 2 Ch > ois CH, CHy ‘A: (1, 3] sgmatopi earangement 1B [2,3] sigmaropc rearrangement (€13,3] simatic rearangement [1,5] sigmatopic rearrangement ~(Correet Alternative)Select the conect classification for the following reaction from options I to IV. H ‘CH3 ‘CH. Yay (| — Conrotatory electrocyclic reaction | (i!) Distotatory electrocyclic reaction Wl) Valence isomerisation (vy) (rf + 23) cyclo addition As@andam Beabaay) {© and) ~ (Corre Alternative) D:@anéqvy to 00> CH, ° In the following reaction, °X’ will be = Ht —x OH ‘CHy CHy ~ (Correct Alternative) CHyCHy Predict the suitable product HsSCOOOH to eo° ~ (Correct Alternative) DP: COOH ‘Aliptti arsines upon ueatment with nous acid form highly unstable dazonium salts which readily lose nitroges wo give ‘cuocations followed by rearangement, This ype of reatangement is called 35 ‘A: Wagner Mocrwsin earangement 'B: Pinacol - Pinacolonerearangement (C Demjanoy earangement—(Correet Alternative) 1D: None ofthe options ® ro 000> = (Correct AMernative) Hy c, OCH, 's F Cots ° The most favoured product in the following reaction is : OCH, F fi) Phui ——# (i) HO + OCH, . Cosor Identity the product abtoined in the following reaction : — \ a es N i ‘A: 1 Sbutadiene— (Correct Alternative) Bs Lene :2-Bitene Bane Predict the product in the following reaction . FIOOCN_ZN~ es‘C> a of (D)-covene = (Correct Akeni) “The reagents added in Wolf Kiser reduction is A: NaBHy, KOHEbyene glycol 1B: Nip Nip, KOH Bthylene glycol ~(Correst Alternative) Cs LiAlHg KOH! Etiylee gyeot 1D: Nu, KOHIBtayene‘Gilman reagents A:H03N20H 1B: (CIHACHg SiC ©: (CHHjy CuLi~ Correct Alternative) (Cli SiCH,COOH, ‘Knoevenagel reaction involves the interaction of n aromatic aldehyde and an active methylene compound in the peseace of A: Methylamine 1B Aniline Azole 1D Pyridine ~ (Correct Alternative) Hydrogenation of eelopropene inthe presence of Raney nickel yives A: Cyelopropane 1B propane — (Correct Alternative)C Bthene and methine 1D: Bttene and Ethane What will be the ye = O stretching band in IR of HC = CHCOCH; compound 2 A 1700 net 1780 em? c:1710em 1D 1680 emt —(Corvect Alternative) R ‘N The compound NCH, CH CORzis called R P ‘As Lew be B:Lowisacit(Cs Mannichbase~ (Correct Alternative) 1D: Mannich ac “The reagents sed inthe oxidation of primary or secondary alcohol othe coresponding carbonyl compound in Swern oxidation is A salaline 61,0, Brake, KMn0y €:COCL, DMSOLT8°C, EAN— (Correct Alternative) D:cus73K “The reaction which combines both the Mishasl ion and the All condensation ie ‘A: Robinson Annulation (Correct Alternative) 1B: Rosenmund:Von Braun Reaction ©: Rubottom Oxidation 1D: Refarmatsky Reaction 0 000The name of the pyrrole derivative HC. CoHs [ ow N“ *CH3 ‘A: Opsopyrole 1B: Haemopyrole © Cryptpytote - (Correct Alternative) D :Phyllopyrole ‘Pytle on chloriaton with S0;Ci(4 moles inthe presence of eter at MC to form : A: 234.S-tachloro pyrole— (Correct Alternative) 1B: 2chlow pyrole €:2,Sdiclor pyro D:Nechloro pyeolea NgCHCOOCH- ( SS weconers, « ‘A: Muconaldchyde— (Correct Alternative) 1B Forti C:2-Aceyliran D:2S-ninofuan (When stone is edt fran photochemical, the rot is 18000 As Oxeene B:Onirne C xctane= (Correct Akernativ) D: Asin. “ aco ‘Reduction of Indole wits zinc and hydrochloric acd gives A: Benzene'B Indotine— (Correct Alternative) C:Pytole D:Cycloherane a6 In Isoguinline, elecuophilic attack occurs preferentially at. AsCyandcy B:Cyand Cy (Correct Alternative) C2Cyand es D:Cyand Ce Dipole moment vale of aelene ‘A:08 D~ (Correct Alternative) Bro cr06D DsosD to 600 ca oem)"Topylium Cations A: aromatic (Correct Alternative) 1B: nonstomatie Cr antaromatie D aliphatic os (Cyeloetateraene is A: Aromatic 1B Ansaromatic (©: Nonaromatic~ (Correct Alternative) 1D: non conjugated diene In Compton experiment when X-rays of wavelength 1 A is used, the scattering angle is found to be 180°. The Compton shifts:= (Correct Alternative) The Hermite polynomial of -~— degree. Hai =(-1f ei (e’) then the value of Holy) i C41 (Correct Alternative) Dia “The effective nuclear charge for 3 electro in suiphr is: Actose162 cr6s 1D: 5.45~ (Correct Alternative) A: 152.6V— (Correct Alternativ) BiMaev 7272 The valence bond wave function i given by to 00 Wa = Fonte Bp = Peovatent ©: Wp = Peovaient * 2 Ys “ Fert ASUS (Cornet Alternative) > ¥y, Wa foric “Feovelent 7373 Calelate the enrgy ofthe eleron in the fist excited state of one dimensional box of eng LA 1900crakev D:s0R ev a “The number of microstates of a carbon atom having p? configuration is As Bias C:15— (Correct Alternative) D:120 10 000 Which is true in Harmonic Oscillator @ (l) The energy levels are equally spaced ll) Allenergy levels are degenerate {ill} The zero point eneray is hw ‘A: honly B: aD only ©: 4) only1D : (and (IN only (Correct Alternative) 7% 76 “The number average molecular weights determined by ‘A: Osmmometry ~ (Correct Alternative) 'B : Sedimentation eur method Ligh Setting Method D: Viscometry “Absolute Reaction Rete Theory also known as ‘A: Colision theory Lindemans theory Cs Hinsbelwoods theory _DTeamition state theory ~ (Correct Alternative) 10 000 7 ‘many reversible reactons, the forward as well at the backward reactions mast be A: Third onder 1B: Second order(Cit oner— (Correct Alternative) Zero onder Linear fee energy rslaton are als calle relations Ascibbs 'B: Hammes — (Corret Alternative) Ct Anbenius Di Lewis “The molecle which act deci onan enzyme to lowers ctalyie astvy ie A. Inhibitor -(Correet Alternative) 2B: Promotor ©: Modulator D Regulator “The mechanism of adsorption presented by Langmuir explains sdsorpton.A: Physical [8 Chemical (Correct Alternative) (C:Both Physial and Chemis! D: Muliayer ‘Which of the following law sates hati is impose 1 convert het into work without compensation? A: Fit law of thermodsnamies 1 Zeroth law of thermodyamice (€:Thind lw of thermodynamics 1D: Second law of thermodynamics ~ (Correct Alternative) ro 000 ‘Whi of the following sation x coret Asi == 18 + Pav. to 00‘Paral molar Gibbs fee energy of constituent ina miatue a constant temperature and petsure i given he name A: Fugacity Bi Aatvity (©: Chemical pote (Correct Alternative) D Activity co-ticient e000 ‘Whats the ied ubseved in coe eleetun (3d binding energy n Xe, Xe, XeF and Xe while recording the photoleeeon spect ? ‘A. Tnezeases fom Xe to XoF~ (Correct Alternative) 1B : Decreases fom Xe to XeFe (Cs Icreases ftom Xe to Xela then decreases Remains constant fom Xe to Xe e600 “They value of transition metal ions can differ apprevably fom the ie electron value of 2.0023 beause ‘A: Spinotbit coupling is greater in many transition metal on complexes than in organic eral. - (Correct Alternative) 'B Spn-obit couplings lesser many transition metal ion complexes than inorganic fe radicals to 600(C: Spin-spin coupling is lesser in many transition metal ion complexes than inorganic fee radicals 1D: Spinspin coupling i rete in many tanstion meal jon complexes than in organic fee radicals a 8 to ooo Slatement (I): The magnitude of the zero eld sping in transition metal ons can generally be described as arising from the crystal fied. Statement (2): Mn2* (d5] which has a spherically symmettic electron distbution so that the 5 ground state is not spit by the crystal field also shows @ zero-field sping, ‘A. statement (1) is tue and statement (2) false 18: statement (1)and (2) are tue — (Correct Alternative) (statements (and (2) ae fase 1D: statement (1) false and statement (2 is true em 1 000 "The lowest nergy, highest wavelength anion that oeurs in fomalcyde is Aono Bins Crna (Correct Alternative)Diesat 89 (8 Whieh among the molecules, Hz, NO, NO and CH can have pure rotational peru ? 10000 Atlan NO. BeMpand CH (C:NO and NyO = (Correct Alternative) D:N,0 and CH, 90 90 The permited encigy stats oF ¢ molecule which ia simple bamonicosilatr is given by the expression; [vie the vibrational 100.00 «geatum number B WY T2195 correct Alernatve) © [v+1/2} joules D hy [v+ 1/2} joules "91 Te symmety oan, "Oneonta is wih yey enon? iaA. Improper axis of symmetry B Cente of symmetry ©: Proper ais of symmetry (Correct Alternative) 1D: Plane of symmetry ” hybridisation nC atom in Cig ‘A: Syametcaly lowed a energy favoured 1B: Symmerialy slowed but energetically ot oor :Symmevicly nt alowed but cnretaly four _D: Symmetricaly not allowed and energticaly not favoured. Correct Answer: ® ro 000 aa ‘According e Helmholtz Peria mode, the shape of eleewocapllary curves ‘A: Paabola~ (Correct Alternative) B Blipse©: Hyperbota A A= Ay +(A4+BAgNC a Amdo (A+BAGIC 1 Sesigh ine STherehton between ionic sength and mean onc sty coon is 18 ow A log 72=-AlZo ZelI9? logrs=—Alzo Zell? D: log ys=—AlZo Zell"? ~(Corret Arman) ps ‘The Debye-Huckel Onsager equation is 100.00Ap -(A+BAg]C Ap “(A+ BAg 2 (Correct Alternative) ‘Which s Hydrogen depolriser? Asc B:0;—(Correet Alternative) C2Catly D:D, "Nowradiave ransiion the tansiton from A: Ground sate to first excited sate 1B Higher excite state o frst excited state — (Correct Alternative) CF exsted tate ground state 1D: Lower excited stat to higher excited state To 000om Im incersystem crossing, which is rue? ‘A. :the triplet state of donor is higher in energy tha ile state of acceptor 1 the ile sate of donors lower in energy than pelle of acceptor Cpt tte of donor an acceptor hve sme enerey 1D singlet sate of donor and acceptor have same energy Comest Answers * 19 Joo Consider the quenching process Athy at Atk) Achy Atk A A OK A+Q’ Itky=2 and k. , then the life-time of Ais A:dawe Bike 110 see 10.1 see—(Correet Alternative) to 000A Isher B 1=-b emer © Hip ean eho i=-be a ~ (Correct Alternative) ‘During later Chol’ period the dancing gis in temple were called ax ‘A Tabicher Penal (Correct Alternative) 1B: Koranas (¢NriyaPerayan 1D: Aadal Magalir Te the tree angles of wingleae i the ato 2:3. What was the pests angle?Actos p20 css 1D: 96° (Correct Alternative) “The SL unit of Power i A: watt (Correct Alternative) Boule Which one ofthe followings «biodegradable co-polymer? Ac inyon (C:PHBY — (Correct Alternative) D Dacron‘Which one isthe bith place of "Boothathalvar"? A: Kanchipuram 1B: Thasjavur (C: Mamallapuran ~ (Correct Alternative) D :Gangsikonda Cholapuram ‘Kanchi Vakunda Perumal temple was bul by ‘A: Rajsinhan (Correct Alternative) 1B Simavarman (©: Nandivarman Sima Viena "Which Pandiya King excavated the Rosk-cut cave temple at Malayaibkuruehi? A: Kadungon 1B Arkesti Maras(C:Macan Senda (Correct Alternative) 1D Maravarman Avanisulamsni ‘Who was the fst epuy Prine Minster of Ina? A: Dr Rajendra Prasad 1B: Motilal Nea (Cs Sardar Valabai Patel = (Corret Alternative) Lond Mountten "Sargasso se’ is found inthe ‘A: North Atlantic Ocean - (Correct Alternative) South Adanie Ocean s Indian Ocean D :Pasfic Ocean "Where was he Fit rock pining discovered in Tamil Nada? AL Nila1B: Mallupai (Correct Alternative) (C: Atrapakkam D: Paduka "Find the significant umber 0.3000. AS 1B: (Correct Alternative) pa or tivatng 10 lof solution with th help of mirobures the volume of tran sed ar 9.98, 9.9, 9.98, 9.95, 10.00 a 10.02 a (Calculate he sandad deviation As 23280 psoas ©: 002324 ~(Correet Alternative) D220“The choice of adsorbent in adsorption Chromatography depends on ‘A: Natu ofthe sulvent Nature ofthe substance —(Corret Alternative) ©: Nature ofthe chromatography _D: Nature ofthe tatonary phase The order of basicity of the conjugate bases, CH, F, OH” and NH3 is “YCHy>NHS>OH >” corer Ateranine) 8 CHy>F->OH >NHp ©: NH5-
()— (Correct Alternative) ‘Nuclear patcle with mas ia between that of electon and proton and mass 970 times thu of eecron charge which may bea positive negative or Zero is ale A y-mesons Bpi-meson| (C:k-meson ~ (Correct Alternative) D :hyperons Fission process of ¢9U2°° by neutron without excited state how much neutron released ? A:25- (Correct Alternative) 20000“Ammonia with aniston tal mostly forme ‘A: double salt 1B: complex ~(Coreect Alternative) sionpsir D: precipitate ‘Choose the allowed twansiin. By gts ‘yd, ~ (Correct Atternative)MD ‘deni the correct statement about [Ni(H,O}g]* and [Cu(H,O)4)"" A: AIL: — 0 bond lengths are equal whereas Cu-— 0 (equtrial bonds are shorter than Cu — 0 (axial) bonds. - (Correct ‘Aternative) [B: AllNi— O bond lengths ar equal whereas Cu —O (axial) honds ate longer tan Cu— 0 (equatorial bonds. ~ (Correet Alternative) (€:Ni—0 (equatorial) and Cu — 0 (equatorial) bond lengths are shorter than Ni — O (aval) and Cu — 0 (axial ones respectively. 1D: All Cu— 0 bond eagths are equal Ni— 0 bond Ieagths ar unequal. 20 a0 “The comet order of energy levels of aban ferrocene is A 22 =dy >d2=do. de hy =, yo >the =Cye > Ae = (Correct Alternative) a> de > Oye > thy = G22dp >dy>de_2>d,2> de “The catalyst used forthe oxidation of etaylene lo wetldehyde i= A: [RHCKRA) 1B [RugpptagCt) (©: 0,0}, ~ (Correct Alternative) DTiCl,AKCaHISh The compound (Ij and {il} are : OO-O UU) A: Bantomess B :Diastereomers— (Correct Alternativ) CaleneD:Bpimers Select the correct structure of Fischer projection structure of the given compound “ cl cH, | b——}— CH cl 8 a H—+— cry H—1— cx, erx cl 4c —}— 1 Br (Correct ternative) 2 cl — CHs yc —— br © 6 The major product and configuration of the following reaction is ° ° Da (i) UA, CoHs_ ———~> i) ho®1H H or male CéHs and 2R, 3S CHy Hac BE Hy OH rie Cells and 2R. 38 4 CHg = (Correct Alternative) cy OH eh Cas and 25, 3R HyC CHg Pe CHs OH H Cts and 25, 38 H CHy ‘Which sconce?of = 7-configuration \ = E-configuration = (Correct Alternative) cH F Ne=cY = configuration wf Ng mH F Neac% = configuration wf Ng Find out the product of the following reaction. +||(Correct Alternative) ae cH, Confotatory 2 3 motion@ =. 2 e CHsH Q = '3_ (Correct Alternative) JC CHy q hv 2.-CO= (Correct Alternative) Qood NS PhNHy Q NHPh 58 oo” c co ‘NHPh CS N = (Correct ternative) 2 000 2p The reaction is cn example of Oo CY + Php =ci, DMSO, CY A: Wittig eaction~(Correct Alternative) 1B Wolf-Kishnorredustion (Cs SandmeyerreaetionD Michel reaction BB ‘Aldehydes and ketones to yield ehydroxy phosphine oxide, which on teatment with sodium hydride to give te alkene is? ‘A: Wittig Homer reation (Correct Alternative) Dickmann condensation (C:Kaovenagel rection 1 Stork Enamine reaction “The decreasing oder of Grignard reagent formation amang following alkyl haies i. ASCqHGX> CHX> C3tEX BiCHLAX> CALX> CHL C:CathyX> CAHoX > CHLX D:CHX > CaHX > CylhX— (Correct Alternative) ‘Which one ofthe following on reduction with Ni Hy undergoes destruction ofthe rng? A: Furan[B Thiophene - (Correct Alternative) C:Pyidine D:Pyrole Consider the following fulvene, which is stabilised by resonance involving a dipolar form, ( <>([ 4€ In the above resonance : ‘A: Both 1 and I rings are aromatie (Correct AMermative) [Both and IT ings are nor-aromatic (©: Ring is aromatic while rng It is non aromatic 'D: Ring His aomatic while sing I is ntiaromatic Pyridine behaves as highly deactivated aromatic muleus towards electrophilic subtttion reaction, becauseA: Greater lectone ity of ivogen decreases th electron density ofthe tng ~ (Correct Alternative) 1B a effec ofthe sng nitrogen decreases the electon density ofthe ring (C Resonance forming ability ofthis compound decreases the electron density of the ing 1D Greate elecronegatvity of nitrogen decreases the electton density ofthe ring, #1 effet ofthe rng mitogen decreases the eeston density ofthe ing end Resonance forming ability ofthis compound decreases the electron deasity ofthe ting The product of the following reaction is Ow +CH;O+ [CoHs) NH —> | H 0 crate oO J Sten N= (Catsle = = (Correct Alternative) 20 ooooO 7 ceaNnCals N= (CoHs}: Oo ] (CHsto = » “The zero point energy of «pate when pled ine one-dimensional box of length IA was found to be 25 eV. Wher the same particle is placed Ina ebic box of side 1A i 70 point oreey 8 Ans 1:75 —(Corret Alternative) c:s0 D:100A pariicle in one dimensional box is subjected fo a perturbation such that the perturbed Hamiltonian H =x. If the wave function is E sin PP. its fist order correction to ground state energy is L given fx sin? Bax = vere Arey Beolsey ©: 0.5 eV (Correct Altermative) Dstsev The commutator of z*, and 4 with respect fo the function ' is, Ae BeseDez Comact Answer BH +S = SH +8 SH’ +H70 > P +30" is the mechanism of catalysis A: Base catalysis 1 Acid catalysis (Correct Altes (C2 Bnayme cualysis D: Metabion catalyse BO The easton mux consists of nation, propagation and emination eps. 20000 ‘A. Chain easton — (Correct Alterative) Bs Revers reaction € Conseeutve rettion : Opposing eation Bs > Jonesa oa “The fugacity of gas ina minture i qu othe produ fis mole faction and its fugacity in hepa lat tthe wot pressre of ‘the mintre™, Tis A: Gibbs - Helm statement 1B: Lewis - Randall le (Correct Alternative) C:Heny’s aw D Planck's statement aS “The characterise Raman active species of Cp point soup is CiMg DA, By~ (Correct Alternative) 3 36 \Which one ofthe following doesnot form a group () Seto integers with multiplication as binary operation (a) Se of integers with ison as binary operation (i) Set of matces 2 2. with matix mulipliation a binary operation (Gv) Sete, (= positive integers) with multpiation a binary operation60) B:@.00 6, Gd, 0) 1D 49, fi iv) = (Correct Alternative) ST 37 The selection re or pare rotational Raman spectrum of ditomie malsue 0000 Asal-os1 1B: AJ “0, £2~(Corret Alternative) craroetar D:A1=0 only se 0000 pair formation was suggested by A: Debyetuckel 1B Helmolt-Perin (©: Guoy-Chapman 1D: Bicum ~ (Correct Alternative)Which is not itue according to Gouy-Chapman model @ () The excess charge density on the OHP is equivalent to that on the metal WW) The excess charge density in the solution decreases with distance. (Wt) Sufficient for distance. the net charge density vanishes. -A-l) only = (Correct Alternativ) Bl) only ©) only 1D: and (tp oalyConeeniration A0s bia €:0.2-(Corret Alternative) pals From the following graph find the Value of Onsager constant A’. If Onsager Constant B is equal to 2 units. Equivalent Conductance “Indicate all the options are incoret, marks wil be awarded forthe espestve questions during the evaluation.
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Jeannette Walls
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (1739)
Sing, Unburied, Sing: A Novel
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Sing, Unburied, Sing: A Novel
Jesmyn Ward
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1238)
Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race
From Everand
Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race
Margot Lee Shetterly
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (937)
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
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Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
Angela Duckworth
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (619)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Stephen Chbosky
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (2120)
Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
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Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
Phil Knight
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (546)
The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
Ben Horowitz
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (358)
Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
Ashlee Vance
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (478)
Bad Feminist: Essays
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Bad Feminist: Essays
Roxane Gay
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1062)
The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
Siddhartha Mukherjee
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (275)
Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (814)
The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1953)
Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
Frank McCourt
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (443)
The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2281)
The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
Sarah M. Broom
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (99)
Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1961)
Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Gilbert King
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (273)
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (4264)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (1934)
A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
Dave Eggers
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (232)
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (235)
Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (805)
On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
Naomi Klein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Jay Sekulow
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
Jennifer Egan
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
George Packer
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John Adams
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John Adams
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Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
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