RZL Module 3
RZL Module 3
RZL Module 3
Week No: 14 – 15
This module will cover Rizal's novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. Rizal's
journey in writing the novels will be tackled, including how he triumphantly completed them
despite threats and inadequacies. The novels' content and context will be discussed and
analyzed in order to determine their relevance and quality not just as literary works but also as
instruments for awakening the readers' national consciousness, which was Rizal's primary
Expected Output: Reflective Essay
Module Time Allotment (weeks or hours): 2 weeks / 6 hours
Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
Cite at least 3 to 5 symbols you find in the pictures below. In three sentences, explain the
meaning of the symbols that you have identified.
• This activity will be done through graded oral recitation.
Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
Realizing the need for the Filipinos and the country to be known
in Europe, Rizal presented a proposal on writing a novel about the
Philippines to the Circulo-Hispano Filipino on January 02, 1884.
This idea was unanimously approved by the organization's members.
Unfortunately, the idea never materialized since those expected to work
Retrieved from: slideshare.net
with Rizal failed to provide anything on the subject. Additionally, many of
his fellow expatriates were indifferent in the project, preferring to write more about women. Due
to the aforementioned factors, the project died a natural death.
Pedro Paterno published his book Ninay a year later, under the
subtitle Costumbres Filipinas (Philippine Customs). Rizal was very happy,
considering that his purpose was partly fulfilled. Due to the fact that Paterno's
book focused only on one element of Filipino culture, Rizal became more
determined to write his own novel about the Philippines. PEDRO PATERNO
Retrieved from: en.wikipedia.com
Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
The Writing of the Noli Me Tangere
At the outset, the novel was untitled. Later on, he decided to call his
first literary masterpiece Noli Me Tangere. The title can be translated into
English as “Touch Me Not”. The aforementioned label to this novel has a
biblical basis, as those words were the ones uttered by Jesus Christ to
Magdalene when the latter visited His tomb before sunrise of Easter
Sunday. Rizal deemed it appropriate to use the said title as his novel Retrieved from: amazon.com
contained delicate things nobody wanted to talk about or touch during his time. He, therefore, trod
where angels fear to tread by exposing the evils of the Church and the State, which were
hazardous to touch.
Notable among his purposes for writing this novel were the following:
To picture the past and the realities in the To unmask the hypocrisy that have
Philippines impoverished and brutalized the Filipinos
To reply to insults heaped on the Filipinos To stir the patriotism of the Filipino
and their country people
Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
The Publication of the El Filibusterismo
In order to defray the initial payment for the printing of the Fili, Rizal
had to pawn his Jewels. Thus, he became very desperate thinking that the
novel will not come off the press, as funds expected from friends did not
arrive. He, therefore, decided to suspend its printing, until his friend Valentin
Ventura in Paris came to the rescue. With the financial assistance extended
by Ventura, the publication of the book was completed on September 1891. VALENTIN VENTURA
Retrieved from: geni.com
Rizal shipped to Hong Kong all copies of the Ghent edition, which were smuggled into the
Philippines, except those copies sent to his friends in peninsular Spain.
Political Novel:
Romantic Novel:
Work of the head and a book of
GENRE Work of heart and a book of feeling
Dedicated to the memory of
DEDICATION Dedicated to Rizal’s motherland
CHAPTERS 64 chapters 38 chapters
Diagnosis of the Filipino Society A Revolution that Failed
The novel uncompromisingly The novel reveals that the present
THEME / exposes Spaniards in the system of government in the
MESSAGE Philippines. The government was Philippines through corrupt officials,
administered by self-seekers, dominated by the friars can lead to
motivated by the desire to enrich the downfall of Spain. From the
Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
themselves at the expense of the foregoing, Rizal was very certain
people. Honest and sincere officials that because of the nature and
were quite few. Corruption became operation of the government, those
so rampant, as a consequence. who are intelligent, generous, hard-
Banditry became a way of life for working courageous and loyal
many due to the corruption and citizens were driven into opposition,
brutality of the Guardia Civil. The crime and subversion.
friars, on the other hand, used the
Catholic Church to amass wealth The Spanish colonial government
and to perpetuate themselves into for Rizal was arbitrary, cruel, lacking
power. Instead of teaching the in a sense of justice and
Filipinos true Catholicism, they responsibility, without interest in the
controlled the government and people under its tutelage. While
opposed all progress. Rizal described the government in a
very negative way, his picture of the
While Rizal condemned the friars in the El Filibusterismo was
Spaniards for their abuses and more harsh. In this novel, Rizal
insidious practices, Filipinos were painted them as abusing their power
not spared in his criticism of Filipino to satisfy their evil desires, to
society. He criticized his fellow preserve their control of education,
countrymen for their blind, religious to rob men of their land, and to seek
fanaticism, corruption, passion for their own interests.
gambling, subservience of the
wealthy Filipinos toward the friars While Rizal lambasted the friars in
and government officials, and their the El Filibusterismo and the
ridiculous efforts to distance Spanish corruption, greed,
themselves from the common exploitation, and injustice, he did not
people. spare his fellow Filipinos from his
harsh criticism of the regime. He
To balance Rizal’s portrait of Filipino condemned them for their greed,
society, the virtues and good corruption, hypocrisy, and
qualities of the Filipino people were cowardice, which contributed so
highlighted in the novel. Notable much to the abuses of the civil
among the virtues and values officials and the friars.
emphasized by Rizal in the Noli Me
Tangere were the following: (1) the Another message communicated by
open-handed hospitality of the Rizal was on the course of action of
Filipino family; (2) the devotion of the Filipinos should take should Spain
parents to their children and children not listen to his warning. As Filipinos
to their parents; and the deep sense had desired assimilation for a long
of gratitude of the Filipino peasants. time, Spain should grant it. Should
Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
Spain not accede to the clamor for
assimilation, the people may
eventually prefer to die rather than
endure the miseries any longer.
Violent means to effect change
would thus become inevitable to
achieve them.
The story of the Noli Me Tangere The story in El Filibusterismo
followed the life of Juan Crisostomo revolves around its main character
Ibarra after he returned to the Simoun who is an affluent jeweler.
Philippines from studying in Europe. Simoun is actually Crisostomo
The novel opened with Capitan Ibarra of the Noli whom everyone
Tiago preparing a homecoming thought had been killed by the
gathering for the young ilustrado. Guardia Civil at Laguna de Bay. He
Throughout the pages of the novel, had in fact escaped, fled to Cuba,
the characters could be seen become wealthy, and made
navigating the complex realities of connections with influential Spanish
colonial Philippines. Ibarra was officials. Upon his return to the
shown to be rekindling links with his Philippines after many years, he
betrothed Maria Clara. But not becomes very influential as the
everything was fine and dandy for governor general, who owes so
Ibarra. Upon his return, he learned much to him, consults him in making
about the ills that plagued his town decisions.
as well as the abuses of the friars to However, the planned revolt one
which his late father fell victim to. night was not carried out because
Ibarra found an antagonist in Padre Simoun, upon hearing that Maria
Damaso, the former curate of San Clara died in the nunnery, decided
Diego who ordered that the corpse not to give the signal for the
of his father be exhumed and outbreak of the uprising.
reburied in the Chinese cemetery. Another plan was made some
Despite these personal travails, months later. At the venue of the
Ibarra preserved to fulfill the plan of wedding reception of Juanito In
building a school in San Diego, reality however, everything Simoun
staying true to his belief that does is just part of his grand plan to
education was a crucial for his take revenge against the Spanish
nation’s progress. Ibarra almost got officials and rescue Maria Clara
killed had it not for Elias, a boatman, from the convent. Planning to stage
who saved him. Elias also previously a revolution, he smuggles arms and
cautioned Ibarra about his actions looks for followers, mainly from the
that could anger the friars. After the exploited and abused natives. One
incident, Ibarra organized a of his recruits is Basilio, the son of
Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
luncheon. Here, another Sisa, who with Capitan Tiago’s help
confrontation occurred between was able to study in Manila. Simoun
Ibarra and Damaso who attended also makes an alliance with the
the luncheon uninvited. In a fir of revolutionary group of Kabesang
anger, Ibarra took a knife against Tales, a former ‘cabeza de
Damaso’s neck and threatened to barangay’ who suffered
slit his throat as he told everyone of maltreatments from the hands of the
the abuses committed by Damaso friars. Using his influence, Simoun
and the desecration he did to encourages corruption, decadence,
Ibarra’s father. Maria Clara calmed and more oppressive government
Ibarra and prevented him from killing policies so that the citizens may
the friar. Damaso, in an act of become more infuriated.
revenge, persuaded Capitan Tiago, Pelaez and Paulita Gomez, Simoun
the father of Maria Clara, to not allow planted many explosives—enough
his daughter to marry Ibarra. to kill the invited guests, primarily
After sometime, a revolt was blamed the friars and government officials.
on Ibarra, which caused his According to the plot, the big
incarceration. With the help of Elias, explosion shall be started by the gift
he escaped and went to see Maria he would give to the newlyweds at
Clara who was soon marrying the the reception—a kerosene lamp
man her father chose for her. In with an explosive. When the lamp
heartbreaking confrontation, Ibarra flickers and someone turns the wick,
and Maria Clara exchanged it will result into a big explosion that
accusations and, in the process, it will become a signal to the
was revealed that Damaso was the revolutionary troops to
true father of Maria Clara. simultaneously attack all the
As turmoil and confusion engulfed government buildings in Manila.
the town, Maria Clara thought Ibarra During the reception, Simoun gives
had been killed. This caused her his gift to the newly-weds. Before
endless grief. She asked to be hurriedly leaving the venue, he
confined to a nunnery lest she take leaves a piece of mysterious paper
her own life. It was later revealed bearing the message “You will die
that Ibarra was not dead and that tonight” signed by Juan Crisostomo
Elias was waiting for Ibarra but Ibarra.
instead, met and talked to the young Meanwhile, Isagani, the rejected
Basilio. He instructed the orphaned lover of Paulita, is standing outside
boy to find the treasure of Ibarra the reception. His friend Basilio tells
buried in the cemetery and use it to him to leave the place because the
get an education. He reminded lamp will soon blow up.
Basilio to never lose hope and if one When Father Salvi identifies the
day, freedom and progress would handwriting in the note and confirms
Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
come to his country, to not forget that it was indeed Ibarra’s, the
who labored in the night. guests begin to panic. When the
Within this general contour of the lamp flickers, Father Irene tries to
narrative, Rizal wove a complex turn the wick up. But Isagani,
story and subplots. Reading the wanting to save Paulita’s life, rushes
novel, different characters and their into the house, grabs the lamp, and
corresponding stories unfolded as throws it into the river where it
told through the voice of unseen explodes.
narrator. Truly, the pages of the Noli Simoun’s revolutionary plot was
reflected the lives of people living in thus known and he is thus hunted
the complicated world of colonial by the law enforcers. He managed
Philippines. to escape but was seriously
wounded. Carrying his jewelry
chest, he finds shelter in the home
of Padre Florentino by the sea.
Learning of his presence in the
house of the priest, the lieutenant of
the Guardia Civil informs Padre
Florentino that he will come in the
evening to arrest Simoun.
Simoun then takes poison that he
would not be caught alive. As the
poison’s effects start to take toll on
his body, he confesses to Florentino
his true identity and his plan of
revenge through bloody revolution.
After the emotional and agonizing
confession of the dying man, the
priest absolves the dying man from
his sins, saying: “God will forgive
you Señor Simoun. He knows that
we are fallible. He has seen that you
have suffered … He has frustrated
your plans one by one … first by the
death of Maria Clara, then by a lack
of preparation, then in some
mysterious way. Let us bow to His
will and render Him thanks!”
The story ends with the priest
throwing Simoun’s treasures into
the sea so that they would not be
Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
used by the greedy. The priest
hopes that when the right time
comes, they would be recovered
and used only for the good.
Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
trained in a convent and immersed in society who have abandoned their noble
education basically religious in orientation. social ideals and have become thoroughly
She symbolizers the Filipino womanhood in self-seeking opportunist, serving only the
their fidelity, coyness, and modesty. interest of those who have hired them.
In the novel, Don Rafael was Crisostomo’s A young student who is inspired by high
father. He was jailed for helping a young boy ideals for his country but at critical moment
being harmed by an ignorant Spanish tax apparently and unwittingly forgets those
collector. Father Damaso considered him a ideals for selfish reasons, could be made to
heretic and a filibuster owing to his liberal and symbolize the untested and unreliable
independent views. Rizal used Don Rafael in idealism of a segment of the educated
the Noli to symbolize and affluent landlord Filipino youths of the time.
with a social conscience.
She was the mother of Basilio and Crispin. The hapless object of Isagani’s affection, a
She symbolized a lot of things in the Filipino girl who is more free from the fetters of
society during Rizal’s time. In the novel, she convention than Maria Clara, can be made to
lost her mental balance upon knowing what represent that portion of Filipino womanhood
happened to Basilio and Crispin, her two – still half breed like Maria Clara – which is
sons. Through her, Rizal was able to illustrate relatively enlightened but which is itself
lack of concern in facing and resolving almost thoroughly bereft of love of country
problems confronting Filipino society. She and of a desire for the social good.
was also used by Rizal in the novel to
illustrate the typical characteristics of Filipino
mothers – fully cognizant of the attributes of
their sons and daughters; and willing to
defend them from all forms of injustice or
To the people of San Diego, he was Don He was the medical student who, despite the
Anastacio delos Santos. Just like Don Rafael extreme sufferings undergone by his family
Ibarra, he was a rich landlord. His wealth was as a result of clerical perfidy and cruelty,
derived from his involvement in the illegal refuses to entertain any revolution though
opium trade. To the common people, he was even in the face of rampant social injustices,
a symbol of the cacique mentality. Professing could be made to symbolize that segment of
to be religious, never did he pray to God even the educated Filipino society which has been
in the face of difficulties. Instead, he let his so brutalized that it has become insensible to
money pray for him. Moreover, Rizal the social welfare.
employed Capitan Tiago in the novel to
represent the subservient Filipino to the
authorities to protect his personal and
Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
business interest.
As a social climber, she married Don Tiburcio He is another young man who has been so
de Espedaña to support her claim of being a disillusioned by the state of affairs he finds
Spaniard. She despised everything Filipino himself in as a student, entertains the desire
and imitated what was Spanish. Thus, Rizal to go abroad. When shown by Simoun some
used her in the novel to symbolize colonial signs of a possible uprising, he becomes so
mentality among some Filipinos during his frightened that he could not make up his mind
time. whether to join or not join. He persuasively
could be made to symbolize those elements
of Philippine society, which had not yet been
infused with a national sentiment or social
As the mistress of the Alferez, she was noted A typical Spanish official in the country, who
to be imprudent, vulgar, cruel and occupies several positions despite the
quarrelsome. As such, she symbolized the absence of qualification, believes that any
mentality of the Guardia Civil. Being the only idea that does not come from him deserves
competitor of Capitan Tiago in godliness, she no consideration. As a character in the novel,
did everything to pretend that she was really Rizal portrayed him as one who finds
religious by showing off to the public what pleasure in developing a feeling of inferiority
she could contribute for the Church. among the people.
He represented Rizal’s epitome of a A victim of land grabbing by the friars, he
philosopher. He was perceived to be a sage became desperate and joined the outlaws for
by the educated and a weird or lunatic by personal revenge. He died of fever and found
those who did not know him. no justice in the courts.
He symbolized intellectual dissatisfaction in She was an innocent-looking and unaffected
the Filipino Society during Rizal’s time. As an daughter of Cabesang Tales and sweetheart
educated individual, he dreamed of changing of Basilio, took her own life because of her
the methods of teaching to facilitate greater love for honor and chastity rather than
learning on the part of the pupils then. surrender her womanhood to the mundane
desire of Father Camora.
Rusticated as a rebel for having
experimented teaching the Spanish language
to young children against the wishes of the
Spanish friars was pardoned due to the
influence wielded by Simoun. Later on, he
became Simoun’s gunpowder expert.
Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
• Mañebog, J., et al. (2018). Life and Works of Rizal: Biography, Writings, and
Legacies Of Our Bayani. 105 Engineering Road, Araneta University Village, Potrero,
Malabon City: Mutya Publishing House, Inc.
• Obias, R., Mallari, A., & Estella, J. (2018). The Life and Works of Rizal. 839
EDSA, South Triangle, Quezon City: C&E Publishing, Inc.
• Garcia, C., De Viana, A., & Cruz, C. (2015). Rizal and the Development of Filipino
Nationalism: A Textbook on the Life, Works, and Writings of Our National Hero. 707
Tiaga corner Kasipagan Streets Barangka Drive, Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp.
Publishing Corp.
Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph