Mtu - Valueservice Technical Documentation: J1939 and Canopen
Mtu - Valueservice Technical Documentation: J1939 and Canopen
Mtu - Valueservice Technical Documentation: J1939 and Canopen
Technical Documentation
Data protocols
J1939 and CANopen
Application: Marine
Printed in Germany
E 2010 Copyright MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH
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Data protocols J1939 and CANopen -- GenoLine LOP 10 Part 1
Table of contents Page I
MTU also uses data packets with less than 8 data bytes, therefore an evaluation of the data field length is vi-
¯ Source address
This is a unique device address with 8 bits (0...253).
¯ DA: Destination Address
¯ DP: Data Page
¯ EDP: Extended Data Page
¯ GE: Group Extension
¯ LSB: Least Significant Bit
¯ PDU: Protocol Data Unit
¯ PF: PDU Format
¯ PGN: Parameter Group Number
¯ PS: PDU Specific
¯ Res: Reserved
The maximum length of the data field is 8 bytes. However, MTU also uses shorter data fields to reduce the
volume of data transmitted, or longer messages transmitted by transport protocol (e.g. DM1, DM2, TTI2,
EC1, see also SAE J1939S21). Therefore the Dlc (Data length code) must be evaluated.
A request message then has, for example, the following structure (see also SAE J1939--21 Section
“Data from 0 to 8 Bytes”):
The System Index can vary for the two applications MDEC and ADEC. The system number varies depen-
ding on the application engineering. The PV Number of the process variables comprises a System Index and
a System Number. These PV Numbers vary on the basis of the information given above. Their purpose is
exclusively to provide a rough orientation. The designations (e.g. engine speed, stop or start) are uniquely
The table below defines the usable signal ranges (source: SAE J1939--71, January 2008).
The value ranges summarized under ”Fault indicator” have the following meanings:
¯ The relevant data are currently unavailable.
¯ Fault in sensor
¯ Fault in subsystem
¯ Fault in module
The ”Unavailable” ranges are indicated when a data request is made for an inexistant signal or if the requested signal is not supported in this module.
”Not requested” summarizes ranges for which no responses are expected from the receiving device, or if receiving devices transmit a response without a request.
Parameter--specific information Decimal 251 64 256 -- 64 511 4 211 081 216 -- 4 227 858 431 none
Reserved for future bits Decimal 252 -- 253 64 512 -- 65 023 4 227 858 432 -- 4 261 412 863 none
Fault indicator Decimal 254 65 024 -- 65 279 4 261 412 864 -- 4 278 190 079 0
Unavailable or not requested Decimal 255 65 280 -- 65 535 4 278 190 080 -- 4 294 967 294 255
The “SPN--PV mapping” table below only lists the values of the norm range, i.e. upper and lower limit values.
R PV600904 Override J1939 1029 2 Engine Shutdown Override 1237 65265 S 10 8 7 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
R PV600901 Start Command J1939 1029 0 Engine Start 0 65325 P 10 1 1 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV410002 Engine Speed (ECU) 1000 1 Engine Speed 190 61444 S 2 4 0 16 Speed 0.125 rpm/bit 0 0 rpm
80320 64255 rpm
T PV410026 P--Lube Oil (ECU) 1001 0 Engine Oil Pressure 100 65263 S 2 4 0 8 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 0 kPa
1000000 250 kPa
T PV410031 P--Crankcase 1001 5 Crankcase Pressure 101 65263 S 2 5 0 16 Pressure 128kPa/bit --250000 0 kPa
251000 64128 kPa
T PV410036 P--Coolant 1001 10 Coolant Pressure 109 65263 S 2 7 0 8 Pressure 2kPa/bit 0 0 kPa
500000 250 kPa
T PV410046 P--Fuel 1001 20 Engine Fuel Delivery 94 65263 S 2 1 0 8 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 0 kPa
1000000 250 kPa
T PV410049 P--Charge Air (a) 1001 23 Engine Turbocharger Boost 102 65270 S 2 2 0 8 Pressure 2kPa/bit 0 0 kPa
500000 250 kPa
T PV410056 HI Fuel Leakage 1002 5 Fuel Leakage 1 1239 65169 S 2 1 1 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV410057 ETC 1 Speed 1002 6 Turbocharger 1 Speed 103 65245 S 2 2 0 16 Speed 4 rpm/bit 0 0 rpm
2570200 64255 rpm
T PV410115 ECU Operat.Hours 1004 14 Total Engine Hours 247 65253 S 2 1 0 32 Hours 0.05 hr/bit 0 0 h
1073741 21474 h
82 83640
T PV410126 T--Coolant (ECU) 1005 0 Engine Coolant Temperature 110 65262 S 2 1 0 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --4000 0 degC
--40C offset
21000 250 degC
T PV410131 T--Charge Air 1005 5 Turbocharger 1 Compressor 2629 64979 S 2 1 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
Outlet Temperature deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV410140 T--Lube Oil 1005 14 Engine Oil Temperature 175 65262 S 2 3 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV410145 T--Exhaust Combined A 1005 19 Engine Exhaust Exhaust Gas 2434 65031 S 2 3 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
Temperature -- Left Manifold deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV410148 T--Exhaust Combined B 1005 22 Engine Exhaust Exhaust Gas 2433 65031 S 2 1 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
Temperature -- Right Manifold deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV410151 T--Intake Air 1006 0 Intake Manifold 1 Tempera- 105 65270 S 2 3 0 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --4000 0 degC
ture --40C offset
21000 250 degC
T PV410152 T--Fuel 1006 1 Fuel Temperature 174 65262 S 2 2 0 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --4000 0 degC
--40C offset
21000 250 degC
T PV412026 P--Lube Oil (EMU) 1016 0 Transmission Oil Pressure 127 65272 S 2 4 0 8 Pressure 16 kPa/bit 0 0 kPa
4000000 250 kPa
T PV412126 T--Coolant (EMU) 1016 1 Auxiliary Temperature 1 441 65164 S 2 1 0 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --4000 0 degC
--40C offset
21000 250 degC
T PV412201 T--Exhaust A1 1025 16 Exhaust Gas Port 1 Tempera- 1137 65187 S 2 1 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
ture deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV412202 T--Exhaust A2 1025 17 Exhaust Gas Port 2 Tempera- 1138 65187 S 2 3 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
ture deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV412203 T--Exhaust A3 1025 18 Engine Exhaust Gas Port 3 1139 65187 S 2 5 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
Temperature deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV412204 T--Exhaust A4 1025 19 Engine Exhaust Gas Port 4 1140 65187 S 2 7 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
Temperature deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV412205 T--Exhaust A5 1025 20 Engine Exhaust Gas Port 5 1141 65186 S 2 1 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
Temperature deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV412206 T--Exhaust A6 1025 21 Engine Exhaust Gas Port 6 1142 65186 S 2 3 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
Temperature deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV412207 T--Exhaust A7 1025 22 Engine Exhaust Gas Port 7 1143 65186 S 2 5 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
Temperature deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV412211 T--Exhaust B1 1025 24 Engine Exhaust Gas Port 11 1147 65185 S 2 5 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
Temperature deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV412212 T--Exhaust B2 1017 0 Engine Exhaust Gas Port 12 1148 65185 S 2 7 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
Temperature deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV412213 T--Exhaust B3 1017 1 Engine Exhaust Gas Port 13 1149 65184 S 2 1 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
Temperature deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV412214 T--Exhaust B4 1017 2 Engine Exhaust Gas Port 14 1150 65184 S 2 3 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
Temperature deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV412215 T--Exhaust B5 1017 3 Engine Exhaust Gas Port 15 1151 65184 S 2 5 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
Temperature deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV412216 T--Exhaust B6 1017 4 Engine Exhaust Gas Port 16 1152 65184 S 2 7 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
Temperature deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV412217 T--Exhaust B7 1017 5 Exhaust Gas Port 17 Tempe- 1153 65183 S 2 1 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
rature deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV412218 T--Exhaust B8 1017 6 Exhaust Gas Port 18 Tempe- 1154 65183 S 2 3 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
rature deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV414411 AL Water in Fuel Prefilter 1019 22 Water In Fuel Indicator 97 65279 S 2 1 1 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV414420 P--Start Air 1013 13 Air Start Pressure 82 65246 S 2 1 0 8 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 0 kPa
1000000 250 kPa
T PV414550 T--Winding U Generator 1013 20 Alternator Winding 1 Tempe- 1124 65191 S 2 3 0 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --4000 0 degC
rature --40C offset
21000 250 degC
T PV414555 T--Winding V Generator 1013 21 Alternator Winding 2 Tempe- 1125 65191 S 2 4 0 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --4000 0 degC
rature --40C offset
21000 250 degC
T PV414560 T--Winding W Generator 1013 22 Alternator Winding 3 Tempe- 1126 65191 S 2 5 0 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --4000 0 degC
rature --40C offset
21000 250 degC
T PV414570 T--Bearing Driven End 1013 23 Alternator Bearing 1 Tempe- 1122 65191 S 2 1 0 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --4000 0 degC
Generator rature --40C offset
21000 250 degC
T PV414575 T--Bear. Non Driven End 1013 24 Alternator Bearing 2 Tempe- 1123 65191 S 2 2 0 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --4000 0 degC
Generat rature --40C offset
21000 250 degC
T PV414580 T--Cooling Air Outlet 1014 0 Auxiliary Temperature 2 442 65164 S 2 2 0 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --4000 0 degC
Generator --40C offset
21000 250 degC
T PV414595 Gen Actual Power in KW 1021 11 Electrical Load 1204 65171 S 2 1 0 16 0--32,127.5 kW 0 0 kW
0.5 kW/bit
3212750 64255 kW
T PV410027 L1L P--Lube Oil (ECU) 1001 1 L1L P--Lube Oil Limit 0 65300 P 2 1 0 8 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 0 kPa
1000000 250 kPa
T PV410028 L2L P--Lube Oil (ECU) 1001 2 L2L P--Lube Oil Limit 0 65300 P 2 2 0 8 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 0 kPa
1000000 250 kPa
T PV410032 U1L P--Crankcase 1001 6 U1L P--Crankcase 0 65300 P 2 5 0 8 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 0 kPa
1000000 250 kPa
T PV410033 U2L P--Crankcase 1001 7 U2L P--Crankcase 0 65300 P 2 6 0 8 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 0 kPa
1000000 250 kPa
T PV410037 L1L P--Coolant 1001 11 L1L P--Coolant after Pump 0 65301 P 2 1 0 8 Pressure 2kPa/bit 0 0 kPa
500000 250 kPa
T PV410038 L2L P--Coolant 1001 12 L2L P--Coolant after Pump 0 65301 P 2 2 0 8 Pressure 2kPa/bit 0 0 kPa
500000 250 kPa
T PV410060 HI ETC 2 Speed 1002 9 HI ETC 2 Speed 65297 P 2 1 7 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV410069 ETC 2 Cut In 1002 18 ETC 2 Cut In 65297 P 2 2 7 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV410071 SS ETC 2 Overspeed 1002 20 SS ETC 2 Overspeed 65297 P 2 3 1 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV410075 ECU Failure Codes 1002 24 Actual Failure Codes 0 65284 P 2 1 0 16 0--255 pro byte 1:1 0 0
65535 65535
T PV410078 Rated Speed Reached 1003 2 Rated Speed Reached 65297 P 2 3 3 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV410127 U1L T--Coolant (ECU) 1005 1 U1L T--Coolant 0 65302 P 2 1 0 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --4000 0 degC
--40C offset
21000 250 degC
T PV410128 U2L T--Coolant (ECU) 1005 2 U2L T--Coolant 0 65302 P 2 2 0 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --4000 0 degC
--40C offset
21000 250 degC
T PV410132 U1L T--Charge Air 1005 6 U1L T--Charge Air 0 65302 P 2 3 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV410141 L1H T--Lube Oil 1005 15 U1L T--Lube Oil 0 65303 P 2 1 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV410142 L2H T--Lube Oil 1005 16 U2L T--Lube Oil 0 65303 P 2 3 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV410146 U1L T--Exhaust Combined A 1005 20 UL T--Exhaust A 0 65305 P 2 5 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV410158 L1L P--Fuel 1006 7 L1L P--Fuel 0 65304 P 2 1 0 8 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 0 kPa
1000000 250 kPa
T PV410159 L2L P--Fuel 1006 8 L2L P--Fuel 0 65304 P 2 3 0 16 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 0 kPa
1000000 250 kPa
T PV410160 U1L ETC 1 Speed 1006 9 U1L Charger speed ETC1 0 65307 P 2 1 0 16 Speed 4 rpm/bit 0 0 rpm
2570200 64255 rpm
T PV410161 U1L ETC 2 Speed 1006 10 U1L Charger speed ETC2 0 65328 P 2 1 0 16 Speed 4 rpm/bit 0 0 rpm
2570200 64255 rpm
T PV410162 UL Engine Speed (ECU) 1006 11 UL Engine Speed 0 65307 P 2 7 0 16 Speed 0.125 rpm/bit 0 0 rpm
80320 64255 rpm
T PV410163 LL P--Charge Air (a) 1006 12 L1L P--Charger A--Side 0 65304 P 2 5 0 16 Pressure 2kPa/bit 0 0 kPa
500000 250 kPa
T PV410167 L2H T--Charge Air 1006 16 U2L T--Charge Air 0 65302 P 2 5 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV410172 U2L ETC 1 Speed 1006 21 U2L Charger Speed ETC1 0 65307 P 2 3 0 16 Speed 4 rpm/bit 0 0 rpm
2570200 64255 rpm
T PV410173 U2L ETC 2 Speed 1006 22 U2L Charger Speed ETC2 0 65328 P 2 3 0 16 Speed 4 rpm/bit 0 0 rpm
2570200 64255 rpm
T PV410187 AL ETC 2 Idle Speed High 1007 11 AL ETC 2 Idle Speed High 0 65297 P 2 3 5 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV410188 HI ETC Speed Difference 1007 12 HI ETC Speed Difference 0 65297 P 2 3 7 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV410190 AL Shutdown expected 1007 14 AL Shutdown expected 0 65297 P 2 4 3 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV410199 U2L T--Fuel 1007 23 U2L T--Fuel 0 65303 P 2 6 0 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --4000 0 degC
--40C offset
21000 250 degC
T PV410258 T--Charge Air Seq Ctrl Valve 1010 7 T--Charge Air Seq Ctrl Valve 0 65329 P 2 1 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV410259 U1L T--Charge Air Seq Ctr 1010 8 U1L T--Charge Air Seq Ctr 0 65329 P 2 3 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
Valve Valve deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV410260 U2L T--Charge Air Seq Ctr 1010 9 U2L T--Charge Air Seq Ctr 0 65329 P 2 5 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
Valve Valve deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV410261 U2L T--Exhaust Combined A 1010 10 U2L T--Exhaust A 0 65330 P 2 1 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV410262 U2L T--Exhaust Combined B 1010 11 U2L T--Exhaust B 0 65330 P 2 3 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV410291 Fuel Leakage Level Switch 1011 15 Fuel Leakage Level Switch 65297 P 2 4 5 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV410294 HI T--Charge Air Seq Ctrl 1011 18 HI T--Charge Air Seq Ctrl 65297 P 2 5 1 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
Valve Valve
1 1
T PV410298 U1L T--Fuel 1011 22 U1L T--Fuel 0 65303 P 2 5 0 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --4000 0 degC
--40C offset
21000 250 degC
T PV410300 UL T--ECU 1011 24 U1L T--ECU 0 65305 P 2 3 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV412002 Engine Speed (EMU) 1016 7 Engine Speed Crankshaft 0 65307 P 2 5 0 16 Speed 0.125 rpm/bit 0 0 rpm
80320 64255 rpm
T PV412006 SS Overspeed (EMU) 1016 8 SS Overspeed EMU 65297 P 2 4 7 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV412027 L1L P--Lube Oil (EMU) 1016 11 L1L P--Lube Oil EMU 0 65331 P 2 1 0 8 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 0 kPa
1000000 250 kPa
T PV412028 L2L P--Lube Oil (EMU) 1016 12 L2L P--Lube Oil EMU 0 65331 P 2 2 0 8 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 0 kPa
1000000 250 kPa
T PV412029 LO P--Lube Oil (EMU) 1016 13 LO P--Lube Oil (EMU) 65297 P 2 5 5 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV412030 SS P--Lube Oil (EMU) 1016 14 SS P--Lube Oil (EMU) 65297 P 2 5 7 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV412127 U1L T--Coolant (EMU) 1016 17 U1L T--Coolant (EMU) 0 65331 P 2 3 0 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --4000 0 degC
--40C offset
21000 250 degC
T PV412128 U2L T--Coolant (EMU) 1016 18 U2L T--Coolant (EMU) 0 65331 P 2 4 0 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --4000 0 degC
--40C offset
21000 250 degC
T PV412130 SS T--Coolant (EMU) 1016 20 SS T--Coolant (EMU) 65297 P 2 6 3 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV412162 UL Engine Speed EMU 1016 21 UL Engine Speed Internal 0 65328 P 2 5 0 16 Speed 0.125 rpm/bit 0 0 rpm
80320 64255 rpm
T PV412224 U1L T--Exhaust 1024 6 U1L T--Exhaust 0 65330 P 2 5 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV412225 L1L T--Exhaust 1024 7 L1L T--Exhaust 0 65330 P 2 7 0 16 Temperature 0.03125 --27300 0 degC
deg C/bit
173500 64255 degC
T PV412501 P--Raw Water 1016 2 P--Raw Water 0 65331 P 2 5 0 8 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 0 kPa
1000000 250 kPa
T PV412502 LL P--Raw Water 1016 24 L1L P--Raw Water 0 65331 P 2 6 0 8 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 0 kPa
1000000 250 kPa
T PV412503 LO P--Raw Water 1022 0 LO P--Raw Water 65297 P 2 7 5 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV412505 LL P--Oil Re--Fill Pump 1022 1 L1L P--Oil Re--Fill Pump 0 65331 P 2 8 0 8 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 0 kPa
1000000 250 kPa
T PV412506 LO P--Oil Re--Fill Pump 1022 2 LO P--Oil Re--Fill Pump 65297 P 2 7 7 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV412510 SS Request Power Reduction 1022 4 SS Request Power Reduction 65297 P 2 8 1 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV412513 AL Press Monitoring Fail 1022 6 AL Press Monitoring Fail 0 65297 P 2 8 3 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV412516 AL Security Channel Def 1022 8 AL Security Channel Def 0 65297 P 2 8 5 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV412519 TD P--Lube Oil 1022 10 TD P--Lube Oil 0 65282 P 2 2 3 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV414216 Injection in Rel. to DBR Scali 1026 19 Injection in Relation to DBR 65328 P 2 7 0 16 2 Byte 1:1 Range 0 0
0 to 64255
64255 64255
T PV414265 ML LOP Start 1019 2 ML LOP Start 0 65332 P 2 1 1 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV414270 ML LOP Stop 1019 3 ML LOP Stop 0 65332 P 2 1 3 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV414290 ML Ready for Start 1019 4 ML Ready for Start/Stop 0 65332 P 2 1 5 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV414408 AL Priming Pump Fail 1019 21 AL Priming Pump Fail 0 65332 P 2 1 7 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV414422 LL P--Start Air 1020 0 LL P--Start Air 0 65333 P 2 1 0 8 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 0 kPa
1000000 250 kPa
T PV414490 SS Emergency Stop 1013 17 SS SwB Emergency Stop 0 65282 P 2 1 7 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV414540 WB SwB monitoring Emerg. 1013 19 WB SwB monitoring Emerg. 0 65282 P 2 3 1 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
Stop Stop
1 1
T PV414551 U1L T--Winding U 1020 6 U1L T--Winding U 0 65333 P 2 2 0 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --4000 0 degC
--40C offset
21000 250 degC
T PV414552 U2L T--Winding U 1020 7 U2L T--Winding U 0 65333 P 2 3 0 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --4000 0 degC
--40C offset
21000 250 degC
T PV414554 HIHI T--Winding U 1020 9 HIHI T--Winding U 0 65332 P 2 2 3 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV414556 U1L T--Winding V 1020 10 U1L T--Winding V 0 65333 P 2 4 0 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --4000 0 degC
--40C offset
21000 250 degC
T PV414557 U2L T--Winding V 1020 11 U2L T--Winding V 0 65333 P 2 5 0 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --4000 0 degC
--40C offset
21000 250 degC
T PV414559 HIHI T--Winding V 1020 13 HIHI T--Winding V 0 65332 P 2 2 7 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV414562 U2L T--Winding W 1020 15 U2L T--Winding W 0 65333 P 2 7 0 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --4000 0 degC
--40C offset
21000 250 degC
T PV414564 HIHI T--Winding W 1020 17 HIHI T--Winding W 0 65332 P 2 3 3 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV414573 HI T--Bearing Driven End 1020 20 HI T--Bearing Driven End 0 65332 P 2 3 5 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV414574 HIHI T--Bearing Driven End 1020 21 HIHI T--Bearing Driven End 0 65332 P 2 3 7 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV414578 HI T--Bearing Non Driven End 1020 24 HI T--Bearing Non Driven End 0 65332 P 2 4 1 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV414579 HIHI T--Bearing Non Driven 1021 0 HIHI T--Bearing Non Driven 0 65332 P 2 4 3 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
End End
1 1
T PV414583 HI T--Cooling Air Outlet 1021 3 HI T--Cooling Air Outlet 0 65332 P 2 4 5 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV414584 HIHI T--Cooling Air Outlet 1021 4 HIHI T--Cooling Air Outlet 0 65332 P 2 4 7 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV414591 AL Diff Protection Tripped 1021 9 AL Diff Protection Tripped 0 65332 P 2 5 1 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV414594 Priming Pump Automatic 1014 4 Priming Pump Automatic 0 65332 P 2 5 5 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
Mode Mode
1 1
T PV416010 Combined Alarm (ECU) 1023 3 Combined Alarm (ECU) 0 65332 P 2 6 1 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV416011 Override Activated (Display) 1023 4 Override Activated (Display) 0 65332 P 2 6 3 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV416020 AL Safety System Fail (EMU) 1023 5 AL Safety System Fail (EMU) 0 65332 P 2 6 5 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV416032 Priming Pump On 1023 6 Priming Pump On 0 65332 P 2 6 7 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV416810 AL Shutdown expected 1023 8 AL Shutdown expected 2 0 65332 P 2 7 1 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
1 1
T PV616019 MCC1 Alarm Acknowledge 1023 13 Alarm Acknowledge 65297 P 2 8 7 2 Binary X--Y table 0 0
for ML
1 1
Explanation of columns:
¯ PDU--F Protocol Description Unit Format
¯ PDU--S Protocol Description Unit Specific (target address)
Name SPN PGN PDU--F PDU--S Data Normalization table Out-- Prenorm Prenorm Func- Func- Func- PDOs
type of-- -- -- tion tion tion
[bit] limit lower li- upper limit acti- Data 1 Data 2
value mit value value vate
AAI / Auxiliary Temperature 1 441 65164 254 140 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --40C offset 1 --1 255 0 0 0 1
AAI / Auxiliary Temperature 2 442 65164 254 140 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --40C offset 1 --1 255 0 0 0 1
AIR2 / Air Start Pressure 82 65246 254 222 8 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 --1 1000 0 0 0 1
AT / Alternator Bearing 1 Temperature 1122 65191 254 167 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --40C offset 1 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
AT / Alternator Bearing 2 Temperature 1123 65191 254 167 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --40C offset 1 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
AT / Alternator Winding 1 Temperature 1124 65191 254 167 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --40C offset 0 --1 256 0 0 0 1
AT / Alternator Winding 2 Temperature 1125 65191 254 167 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --40C offset 0 --1 256 0 0 0 1
AT / Alternator Winding 3 Temperature 1126 65191 254 167 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --40C offset 0 --1 256 0 0 0 1
CCVS / Engine Shutdown Override Switch 1237 65265 254 241 2 Binary XY_table 0 --1 4 0 0 0 1
CCVS / Engine Shutdown Override Switch 1237 65265 254 241 2 Binary XY_table 0 --1 4 0 0 0 1
EBC1 / Auxiliary Engine Shutdown Switch 970 61441 240 1 2 Binary XY_table 0 --1 4 0 0 0 1
EEC1 / Engine Speed 190 61444 240 4 16 Speed 0.125 rpm/bit 0 --1 65535 0 0 0 1
EES / Electrical Load 1204 65171 254 147 16 0--32,127.5 kW 0.5 kW/bit 65535 --1 65535 0 0 0 1
EFL/P1 / Coolant Pressure 109 65263 254 239 8 Pressure 2kPa/bit 1 --1 501 0 0 0 1
EFL/P1 / Crankcase Pressure 101 65263 254 239 16 Pressure 128kPa/bit 1 --1 64256 0 0 0 1
EFL/P1 / Engine Fuel Delivery Pressure 94 65263 254 239 8 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 --1 255 0 0 0 1
EFL/P1 / Engine Oil Pressure 100 65263 254 239 8 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 --1 255 0 0 0 1
Name SPN PGN PDU--F PDU--S Data Normalization table Out-- Prenorm Prenorm Func- Func- Func- PDOs
type of-- -- -- tion tion tion
[bit] limit lower li- upper limit acti- Data 1 Data 2
value mit value value vate
EPT3 / Engine Exhaust Gas Port 11 Tempera- 1147 65185 254 161 16 Temperature 0.03125 deg C/bit 1 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
EPT3 / Engine Exhaust Gas Port 12 Tempera- 1148 65185 254 161 16 Temperature 0.03125 deg C/bit 1 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
EPT5 / Exhaust Gas Port 17 Temperature 1153 65183 254 159 16 Temperature 0.03125 deg C/bit 1 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
EPT5 / Exhaust Gas Port 18 Temperature 1154 65183 254 159 16 Temperature 0.03125 deg C/bit 1 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
ET / Engine Exhaust Exhaust Gas Temperature 2434 65031 254 7 16 Temperature 0.03125 deg C/bit 0 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
-- Left Manifold
ET / Engine Exhaust Exhaust Gas Temperature 2433 65031 254 7 16 Temperature 0.03125 deg C/bit 0 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
-- Right Manifold
ET1 / Exhaust Gas Port 1 Temperature 1137 65187 254 163 16 Temperature 0.03125 deg C/bit 0 --1 64257 0 0 0 1
ET1 / Exhaust Gas Port 2 Temperature 1138 65187 254 163 16 Temperature 0.03125 deg C/bit 0 --1 64257 0 0 0 1
ET1 / Engine Coolant Temperature 110 65262 254 238 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --40C offset 0 --1 255 0 0 0 1
ET1 / Fuel Temperature 174 65262 254 238 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --40C offset 0 --1 255 0 0 0 1
ET1 / Engine Exhaust Gas Port 3 Temperature 1139 65187 254 163 16 Temperature 0.03125 deg C/bit 1 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
ET1 / Engine Exhaust Gas Port 4 Temperature 1140 65187 254 163 16 Temperature 0.03125 deg C/bit 1 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
ET1 / Engine Oil Temperature 175 65262 254 238 16 Temperature 0.03125 deg C/bit 0 --1 64257 0 0 0 1
ET2 / Engine ECU Temperature 1136 65188 254 164 16 Temperature 0.03125 deg C/bit 0 --1 64257 0 0 0 1
HOURS / Total Engine Hours 247 65253 254 229 32 Hours 0.05 hr/bit 0 0 210554060 0 0 0 1
IC1 / Engine Turbocharger Boost Pressure 102 65270 254 246 8 Pressure 2kPa/bit 0 --1 255 0 0 0 1
IC1 / Intake Manifold 1 Temperature 105 65270 254 246 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit --40C offset 0 --1 255 0 0 0 1
IC1 / Engine Exhaust Gas Temperature 173 65270 254 246 16 Temperature 0.03125 deg C/bit 0 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
Name SPN PGN PDU--F PDU--S Data Normalization table Out-- Prenorm Prenorm Func- Func- Func- PDOs
type of-- -- -- tion tion tion
[bit] limit lower li- upper limit acti- Data 1 Data 2
value mit value value vate
TC / Turbocharger 1 Speed 103 65245 254 221 16 Speed 4 rpm/bit 0 --1 2570200 0 0 0 1
TCI1 / Engine Turbocharger 2 Speed 1169 65179 254 155 16 Speed 4 rpm/bit 1 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
TCI6 / Turbocharger 1 Compressor Outlet 2629 64979 253 211 16 Temperature 0.03125 deg C/bit 0 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
TF / Transmission Oil Pressure 127 65272 254 248 8 Pressure 16 kPa/bit 0 --1 256 0 0 0 1
WFI / Water In Fuel Indicator 97 65279 254 255 2 Binary XY_table 0 --1 4 0 0 0 1
Explanation of columns:
¯ PDU--F Protocol Description Unit Format
¯ PDU--S Protocol Description Unit Specific (target address)
Name SPN PGN PDU--F PDU--S Data Normalization table Out--of--limit Prenorm Prenorm Func- Func- Func- PDOs
type value -- -- tion tion tion
[bit] lower limit upper limit acti- Data 1 Data 2
value value vate
Prop_Po / SS SwB Emergency Stop 0 65282 255 2 2 Binary XY_table --2147483647 --2147483646 2147483646 0 0 0 1
Prop_Po / TD P--Lube Oil 0 65282 255 2 2 Binary XY_table --2147483647 --2147483646 2147483646 0 0 0 1
Prop_Po / WB SwB monitoring Emerg. Stop 0 65282 255 2 2 Binary XY_table --2147483647 --2147483646 2147483646 0 0 0 1
PropA / Actual Failure Codes 0 65284 255 4 16 0--255 pro byte 1:1 0 --1 4 0 0 0 1
PropF / AL Priming Pump Fail 0 65332 255 52 2 Binary XY_table --2147483647 --2147483646 2147483646 0 0 0 1
PropF / AL Safety System Fail (EMU) 0 65332 255 52 2 Binary XY_table 0 --2147483646 4 0 0 0 1
Name SPN PGN PDU--F PDU--S Data Normalization table Out--of--limit Prenorm Prenorm Func- Func- Func- PDOs
type value -- -- tion tion tion
[bit] lower limit upper limit acti- Data 1 Data 2
value value vate
PropF / HI T--Bearing Non Driven End 0 65332 255 52 2 Binary XY_table 0 --2147483646 4 0 0 0 1
PropF / HIHI T--Bearing Driven End 0 65332 255 52 2 Binary XY_table 0 --2147483646 4 0 0 0 1
PropF / HIHI T--Bearing Non Driven End 0 65332 255 52 2 Binary XY_table 0 --2147483646 4 0 0 0 1
PropF / HIHI T--Cooling Air Outlet 0 65332 255 52 2 Binary XY_table 0 --2147483646 4 0 0 0 1
PropF / L1L P--Lube Oil EMU 0 65331 255 51 8 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 0 255 0 0 0 1
PropF / L1L P--Lube Oil Limit 0 65300 255 20 8 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 0 255 0 0 0 1
PropF / L1L P--Oil Re--Fill Pump 0 65331 255 51 8 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 0 255 0 0 0 1
PropF / L2L P--Lube Oil EMU 0 65331 255 51 8 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 0 255 0 0 0 1
PropF / L2L P--Lube Oil Limit 0 65300 255 20 8 Pressure 4kPa/bit 0 0 255 0 0 0 1
PropF / ML LOP Start 0 65332 255 52 2 Binary XY_table --2147483647 --2147483646 2147483646 0 0 0 1
PropF / ML LOP Stop 0 65332 255 52 2 Binary XY_table --2147483647 --2147483646 2147483646 0 0 0 1
PropF / ML Ready for Start/Stop 0 65332 255 52 2 Binary XY_table --2147483647 --2147483646 2147483646 0 0 0 1
Name SPN PGN PDU--F PDU--S Data Normalization table Out--of--limit Prenorm Prenorm Func- Func- Func- PDOs
type value -- -- tion tion tion
[bit] lower limit upper limit acti- Data 1 Data 2
value value vate
PropF / Priming Pump Automatic Mode 0 65332 255 52 2 Binary XY_table 0 --2147483646 4 0 0 0 1
PropF / U1L T--Coolant (EMU) 0 65331 255 51 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit 0 0 255 0 0 0 1
--40C offset
PropF / U2L T--Coolant (EMU) 0 65331 255 51 8 Temp. 1 deg C/bit 0 0 255 0 0 0 1
--40C offset
PropG / L1L P--Coolant after Pump 0 65301 255 21 8 Pressure 2kPa/bit 0 0 255 0 0 0 1
PropG / L2L P--Coolant after Pump 0 65301 255 21 8 Pressure 2kPa/bit 0 0 255 0 0 0 1
PropH / T--Charge Air Seq Ctrl Valve 0 65329 255 49 16 Temperature 0.03125 0 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
deg C/bit
Name SPN PGN PDU--F PDU--S Data Normalization table Out--of--limit Prenorm Prenorm Func- Func- Func- PDOs
type value -- -- tion tion tion
[bit] lower limit upper limit acti- Data 1 Data 2
value value vate
PropH / U1L T--Charge Air 0 65302 255 22 16 Temperature 0.03125 0 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
deg C/bit
PropH / U1L T--Charge Air Seq Ctr Valve 0 65329 255 49 16 Temperature 0.03125 0 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
deg C/bit
PropH / U2L T--Charge Air 0 65302 255 22 16 Temperature 0.03125 0 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
deg C/bit
PropH / U2L T--Charge Air Seq Ctr Valve 0 65329 255 49 16 Temperature 0.03125 0 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
deg C/bit
PropI / U1L T--Lube Oil 0 65303 255 23 16 Temperature 0.03125 0 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
deg C/bit
PropI / U2L T--Lube Oil 0 65303 255 23 16 Temperature 0.03125 0 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
deg C/bit
PropJ / L1L P--Charger A--Side 0 65304 255 24 16 Pressure 2kPa/bit 0 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
Name SPN PGN PDU--F PDU--S Data Normalization table Out--of--limit Prenorm Prenorm Func- Func- Func- PDOs
type value -- -- tion tion tion
[bit] lower limit upper limit acti- Data 1 Data 2
value value vate
PropM / Engine Speed Crankshaft EMU 0 65307 255 27 16 Speed 0.125 rpm/bit 0 --1 2147483646 0 0 0 1
PropM / Injection in Relation to DBR 65328 255 48 16 2 Byte 1:1 Range 0 to --2147483647 --2147483646 2147483646 0 0 0 1
PropM / U1L Charger speed ETC1 0 65307 255 27 16 Speed 4 rpm/bit 0 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
PropM / U1L Charger speed ETC2 0 65328 255 48 16 Speed 4 rpm/bit 0 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
PropM / U2L Charger Speed ETC1 0 65307 255 27 16 Speed 4 rpm/bit 0 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
PropM / U2L Charger Speed ETC2 0 65328 255 48 16 Speed 4 rpm/bit 0 --1 65536 0 0 0 1
PropM / UL Engine Speed 0 65307 255 27 16 Speed 0.125 rpm/bit 0 --1 2147483646 0 0 0 1
PropM / UL Engine Speed Internal EMU 0 65328 255 48 16 Speed 0.125 rpm/bit 0 --1 2147483646 0 0 0 1
PropZ / AL ETC 2 Cut in Fail 0 65297 255 17 2 Binary XY_table --2147483647 --2147483646 2147483646 0 0 0 1
PropZ / AL ETC 2 Idle Speed High 0 65297 255 17 2 Binary XY_table --2147483647 --2147483646 2147483646 0 0 0 1
PropZ / AL Press Monitoring Fail (EMU) 0 65297 255 17 2 Binary XY_table --2147483647 --2147483646 2147483646 0 0 0 1
PropZ / AL Security Channel Def EMU 0 65297 255 17 2 Binary XY_table --2147483647 --2147483646 2147483646 0 0 0 1
PropZ / AL Shutdown expected 0 65297 255 17 2 Binary XY_table --2147483647 --2147483646 2147483646 0 0 0 1
Name SPN PGN PDU--F PDU--S Data Normalization table Out--of--limit Prenorm Prenorm Func- Func- Func- PDOs
type value -- -- tion tion tion
[bit] lower limit upper limit acti- Data 1 Data 2
value value vate
PropZ / Fuel Leakage Level Switch 65297 255 17 2 Binary XY_table --2147483647 --2147483646 4 0 0 0 1
PropZ / HI ETC 2 Speed 65297 255 17 2 Binary XY_table --2147483647 --2147483646 2147483646 0 0 0 1
PropZ / HI ETC Speed Difference 0 65297 255 17 2 Binary XY_table --2147483647 --2147483646 2147483646 0 0 0 1
PropZ / HI T--Charge Air Seq Ctrl Valve 65297 255 17 2 Binary XY_table --2147483647 --2147483646 4 0 0 0 1
PropZ / LO P--Lube Oil (EMU) 65297 255 17 2 Binary XY_table --2147483647 --2147483646 4 0 0 0 1
PropZ / LO P--Oil Re--Fill Pump 65297 255 17 2 Binary XY_table --2147483647 --2147483646 4 0 0 0 1
PropZ / Rated Speed Reached 65297 255 17 2 Binary XY_table --2147483647 --2147483646 4 0 0 0 1
PropZ / SS P--Lube Oil (EMU) 65297 255 17 2 Binary XY_table --2147483647 --2147483646 4 0 0 0 1
PropZ / SS T--Charge Air Seq Ctrl Valve 65297 255 17 2 Binary XY_table --2147483647 --2147483646 4 0 0 0 1
Name SPN PGN PDU--F PDU--S Data Normalization table Out--of--limit Prenorm Prenorm Func- Func- Func- PDOs
type value -- -- tion tion tion
[bit] lower limit upper limit acti- Data 1 Data 2
value value vate
PropZ / Stop Activated 65297 255 17 2 Binary XY_table --2147483647 --2147483646 2147483646 0 0 0 1
The Process Data Objects (referred to below as PDOs) which may be up to 8 bytes long having a total of
64 bits can transmit the following values:
¯ Binary values
¯ Analog values
¯ Diagnostic messages
¯ Binary setpoints/values
¯ Analog setpoints/values
Physical specifications
¯ CAN specification: ISO11898, CAN 2.0A/B, electrically isolated, 3 core
¯ The following values are set for node number and baud rate on the GenoLine LOP 10:
-- Node no.: 2
-- Baud rate: 125 kB
¯ 11 bit identifier
¯ Start/stop CANopen devices
MTU uses data packages with less than 8 data bytes. The definition is recorded in the
DCF/EDS file compiled by MTU (supplied on request).
¯ Analog values:
-- MD value: 0x7FFFFFFF
-- SD value: 0x80000001
¯ Boolean values
The standard dictates that in the case of PDOs which transmit binary values, bytes 0 to 3 con-
tain the user data and bytes 4 to 7 the status values:
Measured value in byte 1 is 0
The associated status is given in byte 5:
0 for measured value is OK
1 for measured value is MD/SD
Receiving objects
Transmission objects
T/R PV Index PV Name CAN ID Mux MCS Index Subindex Pos. in PG CAN ID
T PV410056 HI Fuel Leakage 1002 5 0xA080 0x1C 108 0x181
T PV410057 ETC 1 Speed 1002 6 0xA1C0 0xD 48 0x18B
T PV410058 HI ETC 1 Speed 1002 7 0xA080 0x1E 116 0x181
T PV410059 ETC 2 Speed 1002 8 0xA1C0 0xE 52 0x18B
T PV410060 HI ETC 2 Speed 1002 9 0xA080 0x20 124 0x181
T PV410064 LO P--Fuel (Common Rail) 1002 13 0xA080 0x22 132 0x181
T PV410065 HI P--Fuel (Common Rail) 1002 14 0xA080 0x24 140 0x181
T PV410068 Engine Running 1002 17 0xA080 0x26 148 0x181
T PV410069 ETC 2 Cut In 1002 18 0xA080 0x28 156 0x181
T PV410070 SS ETC 1 Overspeed 1002 19 0xA080 0x2A 164 0x181
T PV410071 SS ETC 2 Overspeed 1002 20 0xA080 0x2C 172 0x181
T PV410075 ECU Failure Codes 1002 24 0xA1C0 0xF 56 0x18C
T PV410078 Generator Load On 1003 2 0xA080 0x2E 180 0x181
T PV410115 ECU Operat.Hours 1004 14 0xA1C0 0x10 60 0x18C
T PV410116 AL ECU Defect 1004 15 0xA080 0x30 188 0x181
T PV410122 LO ECU Power Supply Voltage 1004 21 0xA080 0x32 196 0x181
T PV410123 HI ECU Power Supply Voltage 1004 22 0xA080 0x34 204 0x181
T PV410126 T--Coolant (ECU) 1005 0 0xA1C0 0x11 64 0x18D
T PV410127 U1L T--Coolant (ECU) 1005 1 0xA1C0 0x12 68 0x18D
T PV410128 U2L T--Coolant (ECU) 1005 2 0xA1C0 0x13 72 0x18E
T PV410129 HI T--Coolant (ECU) 1005 3 0xA080 0x36 212 0x181
T PV410130 HIHI T--Coolant (ECU) 1005 4 0xA080 0x38 220 0x181
T PV410131 T--Charge Air 1005 5 0xA1C0 0x14 76 0x18E
T PV410132 U1L T--Charge Air 1005 6 0xA1C0 0x15 80 0x18F
T PV410133 HI T--Charge Air 1005 7 0xA080 0x3A 228 0x181
T PV410140 T--Lube Oil 1005 14 0xA1C0 0x16 84 0x18F
T PV410141 L1H T--Lube Oil 1005 15 0xA1C0 0x17 88 0x190
T/R PV Index PV Name CAN ID Mux MCS Index Subindex Pos. in PG CAN ID
T PV410142 L2H T--Lube Oil 1005 16 0xA1C0 0x18 92 0x190
T PV410143 HI T--Lube Oil 1005 17 0xA080 0x3C 236 0x181
T PV410144 SS T--Lube Oil 1005 18 0xA080 0x3E 244 0x181
T PV410145 T--Exhaust Combined A 1005 19 0xA1C0 0x19 96 0x191
T PV410146 U1L T--Exhaust Combined A 1005 20 0xA1C0 0x1A 100 0x191
T PV410147 HI T--Exhaust Combined A 1005 21 0xA080 0x40 252 0x181
T PV410148 T--Exhaust Combined B 1005 22 0xA1C0 0x1B 104 0x192
T PV410149 U1L T--Exhaust Combined B 1005 23 0xA1C0 0x1C 108 0x192
T PV410150 HI T--Exhaust Combined B 1005 24 0xA080 0x42 260 0x182
T PV410151 T--Intake Air 1006 0 0xA1C0 0x1D 112 0x193
T PV410152 T--Fuel 1006 1 0xA1C0 0x1E 116 0x193
T PV410158 L1L P--Fuel 1006 7 0xA1C0 0x1F 120 0x194
T PV410159 L2L P--Fuel 1006 8 0xA1C0 0x20 124 0x194
T PV410160 U1L ETC 1 Speed 1006 9 0xA1C0 0x21 128 0x195
T PV410161 U1L ETC 2 Speed 1006 10 0xA1C0 0x22 132 0x195
T PV410162 UL Engine Speed (ECU) 1006 11 0xA1C0 0x23 136 0x196
T PV410163 L1L P--Charge Air (a) 1006 12 0xA1C0 0x24 140 0x196
T PV410167 U2L T--Charge Air 1006 16 0xA1C0 0x25 144 0x197
T PV410168 SS T--Charge Air 1006 17 0xA080 0x44 268 0x182
T PV410170 HI T--ECU 1006 19 0xA080 0x46 276 0x182
T PV410172 U2L ETC 1 Speed 1006 21 0xA1C0 0x26 148 0x197
T PV410173 U2L ETC 2 Speed 1006 22 0xA1C0 0x27 152 0x198
T PV410177 SS Engine Speed too low 1007 1 0xA080 0x48 284 0x182
T PV410178 AL ECU Error/Check Error Code 1007 2 0xA080 0x4A 292 0x182
T PV410185 AL Common Rail Leakage 1007 9 0xA080 0x4C 300 0x182
T PV410187 HI ETC 2 Idle Speed 1007 11 0xA080 0x4E 308 0x182
T PV410188 HI ETC Speed Difference 1007 12 0xA080 0x50 316 0x182
T/R PV Index PV Name CAN ID Mux MCS Index Subindex Pos. in PG CAN ID
T PV410189 AL ETC 2 Cut in Fail 1007 13 0xA080 0x52 324 0x182
T PV410199 U2L T--Fuel 1007 23 0xA1C0 0x28 156 0x198
T PV410200 HIHI T--Fuel 1007 24 0xA080 0x56 340 0x182
T PV410216 Injection in Relation to DBR 1008 15 0xA1C0 0x29 160 0x199
T PV410258 T--Charge Air Seq Ctrl Valve 1010 7 0xA1C0 0x2A 164 0x199
T PV410259 U1L T--Charge Air Seq Ctr Valve 1010 8 0xA1C0 0x2B 168 0x19A
T PV410260 U2L T--Charge Air Seq Ctr Valve 1010 9 0xA1C0 0x2C 172 0x19A
T PV410261 U2L T--Exhaust Combined A 1010 10 0xA1C0 0x2D 176 0x19B
T PV410262 U2L T--Exhaust Combined B 1010 11 0xA1C0 0x2E 180 0x19B
T PV410270 LOLO ECU Power Supply Voltage 1010 19 0xA080 0x58 348 0x182
T PV410271 HIHI ECU Power Supply Voltage 1010 20 0xA080 0x5A 356 0x182
T PV410290 Coolant Level Switch 1011 14 0xA080 0x5C 364 0x182
T PV410291 Fuel Leakage Level Switch 1011 15 0xA080 0x5E 372 0x182
T PV410294 HI T--Charge Air Seq Ctrl Valve 1011 18 0xA080 0x60 380 0x182
T PV410295 SS T--Charge Air Seq Ctrl Valve 1011 19 0xA080 0x62 388 0x182
T PV410296 SS T--Exhaust Combined A 1011 20 0xA080 0x64 396 0x182
T PV410297 SS T--Exhaust Combined B 1011 21 0xA080 0x66 404 0x182
T PV410298 U1L T--Fuel 1011 22 0xA1C0 0x2F 184 0x19C
T PV410299 HI T--Fuel 1011 23 0xA080 0x68 412 0x182
T PV410300 UL T--ECU 1011 24 0xA1C0 0x30 188 0x19C
T PV412002 Engine Speed (EMU) 1027 4 0xA1C0 0x31 192 0x19D
T PV412006 SS Overspeed (EMU) 1027 7 0xA080 0x6A 420 0x182
T PV412026 P--Lube Oil (EMU) 1027 8 0xA1C0 0x32 196 0x19D
T PV412027 L1L P--Lube Oil (EMU) 1027 9 0xA1C0 0x33 200 0x19E
T PV412028 L2L P--Lube Oil (EMU) 1027 10 0xA1C0 0x34 204 0x19E
T PV412029 LO P--Lube Oil (EMU) 1027 11 0xA080 0x6C 428 0x182
T PV412030 SS P--Lube Oil (EMU) 1027 12 0xA080 0x6E 436 0x182
T/R PV Index PV Name CAN ID Mux MCS Index Subindex Pos. in PG CAN ID
T PV412126 T--Coolant (EMU) 1027 14 0xA1C0 0x35 208 0x19F
T PV412127 U1L T--Coolant (EMU) 1027 15 0xA1C0 0x36 212 0x19F
T PV412128 U2L T--Coolant (EMU) 1027 16 0xA1C0 0x37 216 0x1A0
T PV412129 HI T--Coolant (EMU) 1027 17 0xA080 0x70 444 0x182
T PV412130 SS T--Coolant (EMU) 1027 18 0xA080 0x72 452 0x182
T PV412162 UL Engine Speed 1027 19 0xA1C0 0x38 220 0x1A0
T PV412201 T--Exhaust A1 1028 0 0xA1C0 0x39 224 0x1A1
T PV412202 T--Exhaust A2 1028 1 0xA1C0 0x3A 228 0x1A1
T PV412203 T--Exhaust A3 1028 2 0xA1C0 0x3B 232 0x1A2
T PV412204 T--Exhaust A4 1028 3 0xA1C0 0x3C 236 0x1A2
T PV412205 T--Exhaust A5 1028 4 0xA1C0 0x3D 240 0x1A3
T PV412206 T--Exhaust A6 1028 5 0xA1C0 0x3E 244 0x1A3
T PV412207 T--Exhaust A7 1028 6 0xA1C0 0x3F 248 0x1A4
T PV412208 T--Exhaust A8 1028 7 0xA1C0 0x40 252 0x1A4
T PV412211 T--Exhaust B1 1028 10 0xA1C0 0x41 256 0x1A5
T PV412212 T--Exhaust B2 1028 11 0xA1C0 0x42 260 0x1A5
T PV412213 T--Exhaust B3 1028 12 0xA1C0 0x43 264 0x1A6
T PV412214 T--Exhaust B4 1028 13 0xA1C0 0x44 268 0x1A6
T PV412215 T--Exhaust B5 1028 14 0xA1C0 0x45 272 0x1A7
T PV412216 T--Exhaust B6 1028 15 0xA1C0 0x46 276 0x1A7
T PV412217 T--Exhaust B7 1028 16 0xA1C0 0x47 280 0x1A8
T PV412218 T--Exhaust B8 1028 17 0xA1C0 0x48 284 0x1A8
T PV412225 L1L T--Exhaust 1028 24 0xA1C0 0x4B 296 0x1AA
T PV412501 P--Raw Water 1032 9 0xA1C0 0x4C 300 0x1AA
T PV412502 LL P--Raw Water 1032 10 0xA1C0 0x4D 304 0x1AB
T PV412503 LO P--Raw Water 1032 11 0xA080 0x74 460 0x182
T PV412504 P--Oil Re--Fill Pump 1032 12 0xA1C0 0x4E 308 0x1AB
T/R PV Index PV Name CAN ID Mux MCS Index Subindex Pos. in PG CAN ID
T PV412505 LL P--Oil Re--Fill Pump 1032 13 0xA1C0 0x4F 312 0x1AC
T PV412506 LO P--Oil Re--Fill Pump 1032 14 0xA080 0x76 468 0x182
T PV412510 SS Request Power Reduction 1032 16 0xA080 0x78 476 0x182
T PV412512 AL Exhaust Monitoring Fail 1032 18 0xA080 0x7A 484 0x182
T PV412513 AL Press Monitoring Fail (EMU) 1032 19 0xA080 0x7C 492 0x182
T PV412516 AL Security Channel Def EMU 1032 22 0xA080 0x7E 500 0x182
T PV412518 TD T--Coolant 1032 24 0xA080 0x80 508 0x182
T PV412519 TD P--Lube Oil 1033 0 0xA080 0x82 516 0x183
T PV414001 Combined Alarm Red (Prio 2) 1026 1 0xA080 0x84 524 0x183
T PV414002 Combined Alarm Yellow (Prio 3) 1026 2 0xA080 0x86 532 0x183
T PV414265 ML LOP Start 1019 0 0xA080 0x88 540 0x183
T PV414270 ML LOP Stop 1040 9 0xA080 0x8A 548 0x183
T PV414290 ML Ready for Start 1019 3 0xA080 0x8C 556 0x183
T PV414354 MG External Start Interlock 1040 14 0xA080 0x8E 564 0x183
T PV414355 MG Not Ready for Operation 1040 16 0xA080 0x90 572 0x183
T PV414360 AL Barring Gear Engaged 1040 19 0xA080 0x92 580 0x183
T PV414380 Shutdown expected 1026 15 0xA080 0x54 332 0x182
T PV414405 Priming Pump On 1040 23 0xA080 0xD4 844 0x184
T PV414408 AL Priming Pump Fail 1041 0 0xA080 0x94 588 0x183
T PV414411 AL Water in Fuel Prefilter 1019 24 0xA080 0x96 596 0x183
T PV414416 AL Battery Charger Failure 1041 13 0xA080 0x98 604 0x183
T PV414420 P--Start Air 1040 10 0xA1C0 0x50 316 0x1AC
T PV414421 LO P--Start Air 1040 12 0xA080 0x9A 612 0x183
T PV414422 LL P--Start Air 1040 11 0xA1C0 0x51 320 0x1AD
T PV414431 HI T--Riser (switch) 1020 4 0xA080 0x9C 620 0x183
T PV414470 AL Override Activated 1020 5 0xA080 0x9E 628 0x183
T PV414489 SS Security Shutdown 1041 8 0xA080 0xA0 636 0x183
T/R PV Index PV Name CAN ID Mux MCS Index Subindex Pos. in PG CAN ID
T PV414490 SS Emergency Stop 1041 5 0xA080 0xA2 644 0x183
T PV414540 WB SwB monitoring Emerg. Stop 1018 15 0xA080 0xA6 660 0x183
T PV414550 T--Winding U Generator 1017 20 0xA1C0 0x52 324 0x1AD
T PV414551 U1L T--Winding U 1020 9 0xA1C0 0x53 328 0x1AE
T PV414552 U2L T--Winding U 1020 10 0xA1C0 0x54 332 0x1AE
T PV414553 HI T--Winding U 1020 11 0xA080 0xAA 676 0x183
T PV414554 HIHI T--Winding U 1020 12 0xA080 0xAC 684 0x183
T PV414555 T--Winding V Generator 1017 21 0xA1C0 0x55 336 0x1AF
T PV414556 U1L T--Winding V 1020 13 0xA1C0 0x56 340 0x1AF
T PV414557 U2L T--Winding V 1020 14 0xA1C0 0x57 344 0x1B0
T PV414558 HI T--Winding V 1020 15 0xA080 0xAE 692 0x183
T PV414559 HIHI T--Winding V 1020 16 0xA080 0xB0 700 0x183
T PV414560 T--Winding W Generator 1017 22 0xA1C0 0x58 348 0x1B0
T PV414561 U1L T--Winding W 1020 17 0xA1C0 0x59 352 0x1B1
T PV414562 U2L T--Winding W 1020 18 0xA1C0 0x5A 356 0x1B1
T PV414563 HI T--Winding W 1020 19 0xA080 0xB2 708 0x183
T PV414564 HIHI T--Winding W 1020 20 0xA080 0xB4 716 0x183
T PV414570 T--Bearing Driven End Generator 1017 23 0xA1C0 0x5B 360 0x1B2
T PV414573 HI T--Bearing Driven End 1020 23 0xA080 0xB6 724 0x183
T PV414574 HIHI T--Bearing Driven End 1020 24 0xA080 0xB8 732 0x183
T PV414575 T--Bear. Non Driven End Generat 1017 24 0xA1C0 0x5C 364 0x1B2
T PV414578 HI T--Bearing Non Driven End 1021 2 0xA080 0xBA 740 0x183
T PV414579 HIHI T--Bearing Non Driven End 1021 3 0xA080 0xBC 748 0x183
T PV414580 T--Cooling Air Outlet Generator 1018 0 0xA1C0 0x5D 368 0x1B3
T PV414583 HI T--Cooling Air Outlet 1021 6 0xA080 0xBE 756 0x183
T PV414584 HIHI T--Cooling Air Outlet 1021 7 0xA080 0xC0 764 0x183
T PV414591 AL Diff Protection Tripped 1021 12 0xA080 0xC2 772 0x184
T/R PV Index PV Name CAN ID Mux MCS Index Subindex Pos. in PG CAN ID
T PV414593 AL Coolant Leakage Generator 1021 13 0xA080 0xC4 780 0x184
T PV414594 Priming Pump Automatic Mode 1018 4 0xA080 0xC6 788 0x184
T PV414595 Gen Actual Power in KW 1021 14 0xA1C0 0x5E 372 0x1B3
T PV414601 AL Power Amplifier 1 Failure 1021 15 0xA080 0xC8 796 0x184
T PV414602 AL Power Amplifier 2 Failure 1021 16 0xA080 0xCA 804 0x184
T PV414603 AL Status Transistor Outputs 1021 17 0xA080 0xCC 812 0x184
T PV416010 Combined Alarm (ECU) 1022 6 0xA080 0xCE 820 0x184
T PV416011 Override Activated (Display) 1022 7 0xA080 0xD0 828 0x184
T PV416020 AL Safety System Fail (EMU) 1022 8 0xA080 0xD2 836 0x184
T PV416810 AL Shutdown expected 1022 12 0xA080 0xD6 852 0x184