Excavation-Entry Checklis

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Site Location: Date:

Work Description: Contractor:

Note: This checklist must be completed whenever a worker is required to enter into an excavation of a depth >1.2m/4ft. The
worker can either be on foot or in the cab of a vehicle/machine

No. Description Yes No N/A

1 Have all legally required permits been completed and posted?   
2 Do Confined Space Entry requirements apply?   
3 Has the soil type been determined per OH&S regulation?   
Has appropriate sloping requirements been determined for safe excavation as per OH&S
  
4 What type of worker protection will be in place for workers at entry and egress points?   
a. Appropriate sloping as required   
b. Shoring   
c. Trench Box   
d. Other   
5 Are ladders properly deployed at entry/egress points?   
tied off at the top   
extend above shoring or box by 1m/3ft   
within 8m/26ft of where personnel are working   
6 Is the worker entry/egress area clear and free of debris?   
7 Will the worker be within the "Control Zone" area at any time (other than entry/egress)?
"Control Zone " is defined as a lateral distance inside the excavation extending   
0.5 x D from the top for firmer soils (1.5 x D for fewer firm soils) of the excavation. (D = depth
of excavation) Provides the same level of protection as at the entry/egress point above.
8 If the answer to No.7 is “yes”, what type of worker protection will be used for workers in this
  
Control Zone?
9 If shoring is used, has it been designed by a Professional Engineer, and is a design available on
  
10 Is the shoring system inspected daily (as a minimum)?   
11 Is excavation spoil kept > 1 meter from the edge of excavation?   
12 Are rescue procedures complete and on-site?
Are all workers familiar with rescue procedures?
Is a watch person required?

Completed by:

Contact Details:

Note: Where confined space activity is in conjunction with any critical task procedures the applicable procedures and
documentation must be used.

HSE Documents-C/PTW/P001 Rev00

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