Tutorial 2

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Title Tutorial 2


Error, e = Yn - Xn

% error =

% error =

Relative accuracy, A = 1 -
% accuracy, a =A × 100%

R.D(X) = x 100%

Where P is Precision
Xn= value of nth measurement
= average set of measurement

1. The expected value of the voltage across a resistor is 100V. However the measurement
gives a value of 95V. Calculate
a. absolute error
b. % error
c. relative accuracy and
d. % accuracy

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2. A 20 k variable resistance has a linearity of 0.2% and the movement of contact arm is
300°. Find the maximum position deviation in degrees and the resistance deviation in
ohms. For using this device as a potentiometer with a linear scale of 0 to 2.0 V,
determine the maximum voltage error.

3. Table 1 gives the set of 10 measurement that were recorded in the laboratory.
Calculate the relative deviation.

Measurement value
Measurement number
1 98
2 101
3 102
4 97
5 101
6 100
7 103
8 98
9 106
10 99
Table 1

4. The data in Table 2 below shows the value of temperature in °C obtained after 5 times
reading. Find the relative deviation to determine the precision of the measurement

Number of temperature (°C)

1 20.91
2 20.55
3 20.87
4 21.01
5 21.03
Table 2

5. The following resistance values of a platinum resistance thermometer were recorded at

a range of temperature. Determine the measurement sensitivity of the instrument.
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Temperature in C Resistance in ohm
200 305
225 310
250 315
300 325
Table 3

6. An ammeter has 100 divisions on its index scale and is provided with range multiplier
switches of 1, 10 and 100. Find the range of the instrument and scale range.

7. A set of independent current measurements were recorded as 10.03, 10.10, 10.11 and
10.08 A. Calculate the average current and the range of error.

8. A load cell is calibrated in an environment at a temperature of 20°C and has the

following deflection characteristic

Load in Kg 0 1 2 3
Deflection in mm 0 20 40 60

It is then used in an environment at a temperature of 40°C and the following deflection load
characteristic is measured.

Load in Kg 0 1 2 3
Deflection in mm 4 26 48 70

Determine the zero drift and sensitivity drift per °C change in ambient temperature.

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