Asl 18 - 30 (Aii 297500)
Asl 18 - 30 (Aii 297500)
Asl 18 - 30 (Aii 297500)
Parts list
• Use only authorized parts. Any damage or malfunction caused by the use
of unauthorized parts is not covered by Warranty or Product Liability.
Parts list
Contents Indice
Inhoud Innholdsfortegnelse
Innehåll Índice
Inhaltsverzeichnis Indholdsfortegnelse
Table des matières Sisällysluettelo
2 2930 1341 03
Parts list
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Drive arrangement 1
Up to serial No. : API-419 999 From following serial No. onwards: API-420 000
Tot serienummer: Geldig vanaf volgend serienummer:
T.o.m. tillverkningsnummer: Fr.o.m. tillverkningsnummer:
Bis Seriennummer: Gültig ab Seriennummer:
Jusqu’au numéro de série: Valable à partir du numéro de série suivant:
Hasta el número de serie: A partir del siguiente número de serie:
Fino al numeri di serie: Dai seguenti numeri di serie in avanti:
Gælder til følgende serienumre: Gælder fra følgende serienumre:
Até o número de série: A partir do número de série:
Til følgende serienummer: Fra og med følgende serienummer:
Seuraavaan valmistusnumeroon asti, No.: Alkaen valmistusnumerosta
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 1616 6712 90 1 Service stage 1010 1616 6712 90 1 Service stage
2010 1622 0007 00 1 Gear casing 2010 1622 0007 00 1 Gear casing
2015 0663 2103 22 1 O-ring 2015 0663 2103 22 1 O-ring
2020 0147 1364 03 8 Hexagon bolt 2020 0147 1364 03 8 Hexagon bolt
2025 0101 1951 40 2 Pin 2025 0101 1951 40 2 Pin
2030 1622 0138 00 1 Spacer 2030 1622 0138 00 1 Spacer
2035 0147 1368 03 1 Hexagon bolt 2035 0147 1368 03 1 Hexagon bolt
2040 0337 0009 42 1 Parallel key 2040 0337 0009 42 1 Parallel key
2041 0337 0009 45 1 Parallel key 2041 0337 0009 45 1 Parallel key
2045 1622 0009 00 1 Bushing 2045 1622 0009 00 1 Bushing
2050 1622 0919 00 1 Lipseal 2050 1622 0919 00 1 Lipseal
2055 1622 0010 00 1 Washer 2055 1622 0010 00 1 Washer
2060 0147 1478 03 1 Hexagon bolt 2060 0147 1478 03 1 Hexagon bolt
2065 0147 1475 03 4 Hexagon bolt 2065 0147 1475 03 4 Hexagon bolt
2070 1613 6752 01 2 Antivibr.pad 2070 1613 6752 01 2 Antivibr.pad
2075 0147 1363 03 2 Hexagon bolt 2075 0147 1363 03 2 Hexagon bolt
2080 0301 2344 00 2 Washer 2080 0301 2344 00 2 Washer
2115 1619 6032 00 2 Nipple(spm) 2115 1619 6032 00 2 Nipple(spm)
3010 1622 0051 00 1 Gear wheel 3010 1622 0051 00 1 Gear wheel
3015 1622 0052 00 1 Gear wheel 3015 1622 0052 00 1 Gear wheel
4010 1 El.motor 4010 1 El.motor
1080 4163 01 GA 18 VSD 1080 4239 03 GA 18 VSD 200V
1080 4164 01 GA 30 VSD 1080 4239 01 GA 18 VSD 400V
1080 4239 02 GA 18 VSD 500V
1080 4239 06 GA 22 VSD 400V
1080 4239 13 GA 30 VSD 200V
1080 4239 11 GA 30 VSD 400V
1080 4239 12 GA 30 VSD 500V
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Parts list
6 2930 1341 03
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1015 0147 1323 03 4 Hexagon bolt 1155 0686 3716 01 1 Hexagon plug
1020 0301 2335 00 4 Washer 1160 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
1025 1613 8948 00 1 Expander 1165 0686 3716 30 1 Hexagon plug
1030 0663 7142 00 2 O-ring 1170 0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer
1035 0147 1335 03 4 Hexagon bolt 1175 1622 0910 00 1 Hose ass’y
1040 0301 2335 00 4 Washer 1180 0663 3134 00 1 O-ring
1045 1622 0916 00 1 Nozzle 1185 0147 1325 03 2 Hexagon bolt
1050 0362 2000 06 1 Palm grip 1190 0663 7136 00 1 O-ring
1055 1622 0018 00 1 Hose assembly 1195 0147 1325 03 2 Hexagon bolt
1060 0347 6114 00 3 Hose clip 1200 0301 2344 00 2 Washer
1065 1079 6034 11 1 Nipple 1225 1622 0590 00 1 Hose ass’y
1070 0653 1062 00 1 Flat gasket 1622 0909 80 1 Air inlet valve
1075 1619 5819 00 1 Sintered disk 2010 1622 0909 00 • 1 Valve seat
1080 1613 7912 01 1 Indicator 2015 1613 8959 00 • 1 Piston
1085 0657 5742 00 1 Flat gasket 2020 1079 3353 01 • 1 Self lock. ring
1090 1613 8947 00 1 Oil stop check 2025 1202 8466 00 • 1 Spring
1095 1613 2359 00 1 Piston 2030 1613 9345 00 • 1 Spacer
1096 0661 1000 44 1 Seal washer
1098 0605 8303 03 1 Bushing 1) Up to serial No. :
1100 1613 8907 00 1 Valve body Tot serienummer:
1105 1613 2357 00 1 Compr.spring T.o.m. tillverkningsnummer:
1110 1622 0911 00 1 Nozzle oil inje Bis Seriennummer:
1115 0661 1000 44 1 Seal washer Jusqu’au numéro de série:
1120 0686 3716 07 1 Hexagon plug Hasta el número de serie:
1125 1613 8951 00 1 Valve Fino al numeri di serie:
1130 1616 6055 00 1 Spring Gælder til følgende serienumre:
1135 0663 2107 78 3 O-ring Até o número de série:
1140 0663 2109 68 1 O-ring Til følgende serienummer:
1145 0147 1332 03 4 Hexagon bolt Seuraavaan valmistusnumeroon asti, No.:
1147 0301 2335 00 4 Washer API 419 999
1150 0180 1204 00 1 Set screw slott
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Parts list
8 2930 1341 03
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1005 1622 2900 00 1 Inlet arrestor 1160 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
1010 0663 7142 00 1 O-ring 1165 0686 3716 30 1 Hexagon plug
1015 0147 1343 03 4 Hexagon bolt 1170 0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer
1020 0300 0275 01 4 Plain washer 1175 1622 0910 00 1 Hose assembly
1025 1622 2901 00 1 Valve housing 1180 0663 3134 00 1 O-ring
1030 1622 2902 00 1 Nozzle 1185 0147 1325 03 2 Hexagon bolt
1035 0147 1254 03 2 Hexagon bolt 1190 0663 7136 00 1 O-ring
1040 0301 2321 00 2 Washer 1195 0147 1325 03 2 Hexagon bolt
1045 0663 7119 00 1 O-ring 1200 0301 2344 00 2 Washer
1050 1088 1301 03 1 Cable strip 1225 1622 0590 00 1 Hose assembly
1060 0347 6114 00 3 Hose clip 1622 1788 80 1 Hose assembly
1090 1613 8947 00 1 Oil stop / check valve 2005 1622 1788 00 • 1 Hose
1095 1613 2359 00 1 Piston 2010 1615 6960 00 • 1 Nipple
1096 0661 1000 44 1 Seal washer 2015 1613 7912 01 • 1 Indicator
1098 0605 8303 03 1 Bushing
1100 1613 8907 00 1 Valve body 2) From following serial No. onwards:
1105 1613 2357 00 1 Compr.spring Geldig vanaf volgend serienummer:
1110 1622 0911 00 1 Nozzle oil injection Fr.o.m. tillverkningsnummer:
1115 0661 1000 44 1 Seal washer Gültig ab Seriennummer:
1120 0686 3716 07 1 Hexagon plug Valable à partir du numéro de série suivant:
1125 1613 8951 00 1 Valve A partir del siguiente número de serie:
1130 1616 6055 00 1 Spring Dai seguenti numeri di serie in avanti:
1135 0663 2111 35 3 O-ring Gælder fra følgende serienumre:
1140 0663 2109 68 1 O-ring A partir do número de série:
1145 0147 1332 03 4 Hexagon bolt Fra og med følgende serienummer:
1147 0301 2335 00 4 Washer Alkaen valmistusnumerosta
1150 0180 1204 00 1 Set screw slott API 420 000
1155 0686 3716 01 1 Hexagon plug
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Parts list
10 2930 1341 03
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 1622 0933 80 1 Plate ass’y 1) 1065 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
1619 2758 00 • AR Seal 1070 0581 0000 33 1 Coupling
1015 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon bolt 1075 0653 1046 00 1 Flat gasket
1016 0147 1325 03 4 Hexagon bolt 1085 0686 3716 01 2 Hexagon plug
1017 0301 2335 00 4 Washer 1095 0661 1000 38 2 Seal washer
1020 1613 8224 80 1 WSD 25 1100 1622 0928 00 1 Hose ass’y
2901 0712 00 •• 1 Drain valve kit 1105 0663 3133 00 2 O-ring
2901 0748 00 •• 1 Separation kit 1170 0571 0035 22 1 Ball nipple
1025 0147 1961 84 2 Hexagon bolt 1175 1622 0935 00 1 Nipple closed
1030 0301 2335 00 2 Washer 1180 0581 0000 43 1 Coupling
1035 0070 6002 05 AR Plastic tube
1040 0581 0000 35 1 Coupling 1) Lined with / Bekleed met / Beklädd med / Ausgekleidet
1045 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer mit / Garnir de / Rivestido de / Allineato con / Foret
1050 0581 0000 55 1 Pipe coupling med / Revestido com / Kledd med / Vuorattu :
1055 0070 6002 04 AR Plastic tube Foam : 0395 6001 67 (AR) 30 x 2040 x 1650 self-
1060 0581 0000 34 1 Coupling adhesive
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Up to serial No. : API-419 999 From following serial No. onwards: API-420 000
Tot serienummer: Geldig vanaf volgend serienummer:
T.o.m. tillverkningsnummer: Fr.o.m. tillverkningsnummer:
Bis Seriennummer: Gültig ab Seriennummer:
Jusqu’au numéro de série: Valable à partir du numéro de série suivant:
Hasta el número de serie: A partir del siguiente número de serie:
Fino al numeri di serie: Dai seguenti numeri di serie in avanti:
Gælder til følgende serienumre: Gælder fra følgende serienumre:
Até o número de série: A partir do número de série:
Til følgende serienummer: Fra og med følgende serienummer:
Seuraavaan valmistusnumeroon asti, No.: Alkaen valmistusnumerosta
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
2930 1341 03 13
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1005 0147 1325 03 4 Hexagon bolt 1060 0070 6002 04 AR Plastic tube
1010 0301 2335 00 4 Washer 1065 0581 0000 34 1 Coupling
1020 1622 0929 00 1 Plate 1070 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
1025 1613 8224 80 1 WSD 25 1075 0581 0000 33 1 Coupling
2901 0712 00 •• 1 Drain valve kit 1080 0653 1046 00 1 Flat gasket
2901 0748 00 •• 1 Separation kit 1085 0686 3716 01 2 Hexagon plug
1040 0070 6002 05 AR Plastic tube 1090 0661 1000 38 2 Seal washer
1045 0581 0000 35 1 Coupling 1095 0663 3133 00 2 O-ring
1050 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer 1145 0581 0000 43 1 Coupling
1055 0581 0000 55 1 Pipe coupling
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Air receiver 7
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
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Oil system 8
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
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Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
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Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
20 2930 1341 03
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer 2010 1613 7064 01 1 Thermostat 60°C
1015 1622 0915 00 1 Nozzle 2020 1088 0031 30 1 Connector
1020 0581 2000 42 1 Tee coupling 3005 0852 0010 15 1 Ball valve
1025 1615 3624 00 1 Nozzle 3010 0661 1000 44 1 Seal washer
1030 0661 1000 42 1 Seal washer 3015 0070 6002 04 AR Plastic tube
1035 1089 0575 20 1 DP transducer 3020 Coupling
1038 0605 8300 85 1 Bushing 0581 0000 33 1 WorkPlace
1039 1089 0580 01 1 Solenoid valve 0581 0000 33 2 WorkPlace Full feature
1040 0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer 3025 0070 6002 05 AR Plastic tube
1045 1079 5840 03 1 Nipple 3030 1613 6532 01 1 Oil can
1050 0574 9917 07 1 Hose assembly 3035 1 Elbow
1055 1079 5840 05 1 Nipple 0697 9750 20 IEC
1057 0661 1000 42 1 Seal washer 3040 1 Threaded nipple
1060 1079 5840 01 1 Nipple 1622 0153 01 IEC
1075 0574 9914 16 1 Hose assembly 3045 1 Nut
1080 1079 5840 19 1 Nipple 0697 9808 00 IEC
1085 0661 1000 39 1 Seal washer 3050 Cock
1090 1089 0575 51 1 Press.transducer 1619 7336 00 1 WorkPlace
1100 1089 0574 04 1 Temp.sensor 1619 7336 00 2 WorkPlace Full feature
1105 1900 0710 11 1 Regulator elekt 3055 1 Adaptor
1106 0147 1169 03 4 Hexagon bolt 0603 4100 25 NPT
1107 0301 2315 00 4 Washer
1110 1622 0931 00 1 Wire harness
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Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
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24 2930 1341 03
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1 Cubicle 2170 1089 9526 04 • 1
Circuit breaker
1900 2032 01 GA 18 VSD 2175 • 1
Circuit breaker
1900 2032 05 GA 30 VSD 1089 9526 61 GA 18 VSD
1010 9820 3596 11 • 1 Service diagram 1089 9526 63 GA 30 VSD
1030 1079 9906 09 • 1 Label 2180 1089 0577 12 • 1 Terminal
1034 1088 0031 13 • 1 Connector 2185 1089 0577 31 • 1 Terminal 4mm
1035 1088 0031 29 • 1 Connector 1 Converter ass’y
1040 1088 0031 49 • 1 Connector 1622 0913 80 GA 18 VSD
1045 1089 0577 12 • 24 Terminal 1622 0902 80 GA 30 VSD
1050 1089 0577 31 • 3 Terminal 4mm 3010 1622 0904 00 • 1 Panel
1055 1089 0577 61 • 3 Fuseholder 3015 1622 0905 00 • 1 Door
1060 1089 0577 70 • 1 Terminal 3025 • 1 Converter (Box)
1065 1089 0577 80 • 3 Barrier 1622 0913 00 GA 18 VSD
1075 1089 0609 05 • 1 Terminal 1622 0902 00 GA 30 VSD
1080 1089 9037 02 • 3 Fuse link 3030 1619 7704 00 • 2 Lock
1085 1089 9489 31 • 1 Contactor 3050 1613 9532 00 • 2 Pin
1095 1089 9513 04 • 1 Contact block 3055 0129 3270 29 • 2 Blind rivet
1105 1089 9513 18 • 1 Contact block 3060 1613 9525 00 • 2 Hinge
1110 1089 9514 01 • 1 Transformer 3065 1202 6584 00 • AR Seal
1115 1089 9514 02 • 1 Transformer 3070 1089 9556 04 • 1 Air inlet
1120 1613 6639 00 • 1 Data plate 1089 9556 22 •• 1 Filter
1125 1622 0070 02 • 1 Plate 1 Dryer rail
1135 • 1 Circuit breaker 1900 2032 96 400V-N
1089 9551 06 GA 18 VSD 1900 2032 98 IEC
1089 9551 07 GA 30 VSD 4030 1089 0577 12 • 2 Terminal
1140 1089 9551 99 • 1 Aux. switches 4035 1089 0577 31 • 1 Terminal 4mm
1145 1089 9513 09 • 1 Emergency stop 4036 • 1 Terminal
1150 1089 0577 20 • 5 Terminal 6mm 1089 0577 70 400V-N
1155 1088 0031 02 • 1 Connector 4040 1089 9489 31 • 1 Contactor
1 Converter 4065 1089 0577 21 • 1 Terminal end
1900 2032 51 GA 18 VSD
1900 2032 61 GA 30 VSD 1) Up to serial No. :
2035 1079 9901 68 • 1 Warning label Tot serienummer:
2040 1079 9906 09 • 1 Label T.o.m. tillverkningsnummer:
2045 1079 9911 01 • 1 Label Bis Seriennummer:
2050 1089 0577 71 • 1 N-terminal Jusqu’au numéro de série:
2080 • 1 Contactor Hasta el número de serie:
1089 9489 37 GA 18 VSD Fino al numeri di serie:
1089 9489 39 GA 30 VSD Gælder til følgende serienumre:
2085 • 1 Frequency convertor Até o número de série:
1089 9549 01 GA 18 VSD Til følgende serienummer:
1089 9549 11 GA 30 VSD Seuraavaan valmistusnumeroon asti, No.:
2095 1613 3431 00 • 1 Label API 419 999
2110 1614 8949 01 • 1 Data plate 2) Lined with / Bekleed met / Beklädd med /
2145 1622 0930 00 • 1 Wire harness Ausgekleidet mit / Garni de / Revestido de /Allineato
2155 1089 9345 02 • 2 Hf-screen con / Foret med / Revestido com / Kledd med /
2160 • Therminal extensions Vuorattu
1089 9489 80 1 GA 18 VSD Foam: 0395 6001 66 (AR) 25 x 2040 x 16
1089 9489 80 3 GA 30 VSD
2165 • Therminal extensions
1089 9489 81 1 GA 18 VSD
1089 9489 81 2 GA 30 VSD
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28 2930 1341 03
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1089 9338 54 GA 18 VSD 500-575V 1) Lined with / Bekleed met / Beklädd med /
1089 9338 48 GA 22 VSD 380-460V Ausgekleidet mit / Garnir de / Rivestido de / Allineato
1089 9338 46 GA 30 VSD 200-230V con / Foret med / Revestido com / Kledd med /
1089 9338 49 GA 30 VSD 380-460V Vuorattu :
1089 9338 55 GA 30 VSD 500-575V Foam : 0395 6001 66 (AR) 25 x 2040 x 1650
3115 2908 0094 00 • 1 Bop control panel self-adhesive
3135 • 1 Filter 2) From following serial No. onwards:
1089 9219 10 GA 18 VSD 200-230V Geldig vanaf volgend serienummer:
1089 9339 42 GA 18 VSD 500-575V Fr.o.m. tillverkningsnummer:
1089 9219 11 GA 30 VSD 200-230V Gültig ab Seriennummer:
1089 9339 52 GA 30 VSD 500-575V Valable à partir du numéro de série suivant:
• 1 Assembly cubicle A partir del siguiente número de serie:
1622 3400 20 GA 18 VSD 200-230V Dai seguenti numeri di serie in avanti:
1622 3400 20 GA 18 VSD 380-460V Gælder fra følgende serienumre:
1622 3400 20 GA 18 VSD 500-575V A partir do número de série:
1622 3400 20 GA 22 VSD 380-460V Fra og med følgende serienummer:
1622 3437 00 GA 30 VSD 200-230V Alkaen valmistusnumerosta
1622 3400 20 GA 30 VSD 380-460V API-420 000
1622 3400 20 GA 30 VSD 500-575V
4020 •• 1 Assembly cubicle
1622 3400 14 GA 18 VSD 380-460V
1622 3400 14 GA 18 VSD 500-575V
1622 3400 14 GA 18 VSD 200-230V
1622 3400 14 GA 22 VSD 380-460V
1622 3416 00 GA 30 VSD 200-230V
1622 3400 14 GA 30 VSD 380-460V
1622 3400 14 GA 30 VSD 500-575V
4025 1622 1272 00 •• 1 Panel front
4030 1622 3400 17 •• 1 Assembly door
4035 1613 9525 00 •• 2 Hinge
4040 1089 9556 02 •• 1 Air inlet
4050 0129 3270 29 •• 4 Blind rivet
4055 1613 9532 00 •• 2 Pin
4060 1619 7704 00 •• 2 Lock
4065 1202 6584 00 •• AR Seal
1 Dryer rail
1900 2032 94 200-230V
1900 2064 91 400-500V
5005 • End bracket
1089 0506 30 2 400-500V
1089 0577 82 1 200-230V
5010 • 1 Terminal
1089 0577 21 200-230V
5020 • 1 Terminal 4mm²
1089 0577 31 200-230V
5030 • 1 Contactor
1089 9489 31 200-230V
1089 9415 16 400-500V
5035 • 1 Connector 3pole
1088 0031 53 400-500V
5040 • 1 Plug 5-pole
1088 0015 05 400-500V
5045 • 4 Connector socket
1088 0015 36 400-500V
5100 9139 5000 16 • AR Rail
6005 1088 0015 26 • 1 Connector 5pole
6010 1088 0015 16 • 4 Connector pin
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Parts list
30 2930 1341 03
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1 Cubicle 2165 • Therminal extensions
1900 2032 11 GA 18 VSD 1089 9489 81 1GA 18 VSD
1900 2032 15 GA 30 VSD 1089 9489 81 2GA 30 VSD
1010 9820 3596 12 • 1 Service diagram 2170 1089 9526 04 • 1Circuit breaker
1025 1079 9906 09 • 1 Label 2175 • 1Circuit breaker
1030 1079 9911 01 • 1 Label 1089 9526 61 GA 18 VSD
1035 1088 0031 13 • 1 Connector 1089 9526 63 GA 30 VSD
1040 1088 0031 29 • 1 Connector 2180 1089 0577 12 • 1 Terminal
1045 1088 0031 49 • 1 Connector 2185 1089 0577 31 • 1 Terminal
1050 1089 0577 12 • 24 Terminal 1 Converter ass’y
1065 1089 0577 31 • 3 Terminal 1622 0913 80 GA 18 VSD
1070 1089 0577 70 • 1 Terminal 1622 0902 80 GA 30 VSD
1075 1089 0577 80 • 3 Barrier 3010 1622 0904 00 • 1 Panel
1085 1089 0609 05 • 1 Terminal 3015 1622 0905 00 • 1 Door
1090 1089 9489 31 • 1 Contactor 3025 • 1 Converter (Box)
1095 1089 9513 04 • 1 Contact block 1622 0913 00 GA 18 VSD
1100 1089 9513 09 • 1 Emergency stop 1622 0902 00 GA 30 VSD
1105 1089 9513 18 • 1 Contact block 3030 1619 7704 00 • 2 Lock
1110 1089 9514 01 • 1 Transformer 3050 1613 9532 00 • 2 Pin
1115 1089 9514 02 • 1 Transformer 3055 0129 3270 29 • 2 Blind rivet
1120 1089 9526 05 • 1 Circuit breaker 3060 1613 9525 00 • 2 Hinge
1125 1089 9526 73 • 1 Circuit breaker 3065 1202 6584 00 • AR Seal
1130 • 1 Circuit breaker 3070 1089 9556 04 • 1 Air inlet
1089 9551 06 GA 18 VSD 1089 9556 22 •• 1 Filter
1089 9551 07 GA 30 VSD 1900 2032 99 1 Dryer rail
1140 1089 9551 99 • 1 Aux. switches 4025 1089 0577 12 • 2 Terminal
1145 1614 8949 01 • 1 Data plate 4030 1089 0577 31 • 1 Terminal
1150 1622 0070 02 • 1 Plate 4035 1089 9489 31 • 1 Contactor
1155 1089 0577 20 • 5 Terminal 4040 1089 9526 09 • 1 Circuit braker
1160 1088 0031 02 • 1 Connector 4050 1089 0577 21 • 1 Terminal end
1 Converter
1900 2032 51 GA 18 VSD 1) Up to serial No. :
1900 2032 61 GA 30 VSD Tot serienummer:
2035 1079 9901 68 • 1 Warning label T.o.m. tillverkningsnummer:
2040 1079 9906 09 • 1 Label Bis Seriennummer:
2045 1079 9911 01 • 1 Label Jusqu’au numéro de série:
2050 1089 0577 71 • 1 N-terminal Hasta el número de serie:
2080 • 1 Contactor Fino al numeri di serie:
1089 9489 37 GA 18 VSD Gælder til følgende serienumre:
1089 9489 39 GA 30 VSD Até o número de série:
2085 • 1 Frequency convertor Til følgende serienummer:
1089 9549 01 GA 18 VSD Seuraavaan valmistusnumeroon asti, No.:
1089 9549 11 GA 30 VSD API 419 999
2095 1613 3431 00 • 1 Label
2110 1614 8949 01 • 1 Data plate
2145 1622 0930 00 • 1 Wire harness
2155 1089 9345 02 • 2 Hf-screen
2160 • Therminal extensions
1089 9489 80 1 GA 18 VSD
1089 9489 80 3 GA 30 VSD
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Bodywork 17
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
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36 2930 1341 03
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
8092 2809 50 1 Energy recovery 1175 0663 3129 00 • 1 O-ring
1025 0226 0301 00 • 2 Tapping screw 1180 0147 1325 03 • 2 Hexagon bolt
1030 1613 7805 00 • 1 Heat exchanger 1185 0571 0035 11 • 1 Hose connection
1031 1613 7799 00 • 1 Plate 1190 0661 1000 44 • 1 Seal washer
1035 0147 1344 03 • 3 Hexagon bolt 1195 1622 0090 01 • 1 Pipe
1040 0301 2335 00 • 6 Washer 1200 0663 3129 00 • 1 O-ring
1045 0266 2110 00 • 3 Nut 1205 0147 1325 03 • 2 Hexagon bolt
1050 1613 7061 00 • 1 Bracket 1210 1622 0093 00 • 1 Hose assembly
1055 1619 2766 00 • 2 Bolt 1215 1622 0092 00 • 1 Hose assembly
1060 1202 7521 00 • 1 Therm.housing 1220 0663 3129 00 • 2 O-ring
1065 0147 1321 03 • 2 Hexagon bolt 1225 0147 1327 03 • 4 Hexagon bolt
1070 0301 2335 00 • 2 Washer 1230 0266 2110 00 • 4 Nut
1075 1614 6118 00 • 1 Flange 1260 1079 9913 69 • 1 Inform.label
1080 0663 2101 95 • 1 O-ring 1265 1079 9913 79 • 1 Inform.label
1085 0147 1246 03 • 2 Hexagon bolt 1270 0686 4201 00 • 1 Hexagon plug
1090 0301 2321 00 • 2 Washer 1275 0653 1046 00 • 1 Flat gasket
1100 1202 7522 00 • 1 4-way valve 1290 1622 0094 00 • 2 Pipe
2901 0100 00 • 1 4-way valve kit 1295 0295 3109 00 • 4 Nut
0663 2106 02 •• 1 O-ring 1622 0088 81 • 1 Support assembly
0663 2106 03 •• 1 O-ring 2010 •• 1 Support
1105 0663 3129 00 • 2 O-ring 2015 1079 9902 89 •• 1 Warning label
1110 0147 1325 03 • 4 Hexagon bolt 2020 1202 7682 00 •• 1 Label
1115 1202 7689 00 • 1 Handle 3060 1622 0663 03 • 2 Cable temp.sensor
1120 1202 7683 00 • 2 Label 3065 1622 0665 02 • 1 Din-rail
1125 0147 1321 03 • 1 Hexagon bolt 3070 1622 0661 01 • 1 Cable
1130 0301 2335 00 • 1 Washer 3075 1088 1305 01 • 3 Push mount
1145 0564 0000 64 • 2 Tee 3080 1088 1301 01 • 4 Cable strip
1150 0605 8700 51 • 2 Bushing 3085 1900 0710 41 • 1 Aie1 expansion
1151 0661 1000 44 • 2 Seal washer 3090 1088 0031 04 • 1 Connector
1155 1089 0574 40 • 1 Temp.sensor 4005 • 1 Thermostat
1160 0571 0035 11 • 1 Hose connection 1613 7064 01 60°C
1165 0661 1000 44 • 1 Seal washer 1619 7493 00 75°C
1170 1622 0089 00 • 1 Pipe
2930 1341 03 37
Parts list
38 2930 1341 03
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
8092 2810 40 1 Electronic water drain 2060 0653 1124 00 • 1 Flat gasket
1015 1613 8913 06 • 1 EWD 50 2065 0653 1124 00 • 1 Flat gasket
2010 0661 1000 38 • 1 Seal washer 2070 0605 8814 06 • 1 Bushing
2015 1622 0359 00 • 1 Straight pipe 2075 0581 1200 23 • 1 Elbow coupling
2020 0661 1000 38 • 1 Seal washer 2080 0070 6002 05 • AR Plastic tube
2025 0581 0000 45 • 1 Pipe coupling 2085 1613 8084 00 • 1 Pipe coupling
2030 0070 6002 06 • AR Plastic tube 2090 0661 1000 38 • 1 Seal washer
2035 0581 0000 45 • 1 Pipe coupling 2095 0607 1151 05 • 1 Reducing socket
2037 0605 8814 06 • 1 Bushing 2100 0581 1200 26 • 1 Elbow coupling
2040 0653 1124 00 • 1 Flat gasket 2105 0070 6002 05 • AR Plastic tube
2045 1503 2566 13 • 1 Tee 2110 1622 1020 00 • 1 Bracket
2050 1613 9029 00 • 1 Nipple 2115 0226 0301 00 • 2 Tapping screw
2055 0653 1124 00 • 1 Flat gasket
2930 1341 03 39
Parts list
40 2930 1341 03
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
8092 2810 57 1 Electronic water drain 2115 0226 0301 00 • 2 Tapping screw
1020 1613 8913 06 • 2 EWD 50 3010 0661 1000 38 • 1 Seal washer
2010 0661 1000 38 • 1 Seal washer 3015 1622 0359 00 • 1 Straight pipe
2015 1622 0359 00 • 1 Straight pipe 3020 0661 1000 38 • 1 Seal washer
2020 0661 1000 38 • 1 Seal washer 3025 0581 0000 45 • 1 Pipe coupling
2025 0581 0000 45 • 1 Pipe coupling 3030 0070 6002 06 • AR Plastic tube
2030 0070 6002 06 • AR Plastic tube 3035 0581 1200 29 • 1 Elbow
2035 0581 0000 45 • 1 Pipe coupling 3040 0653 1124 00 • 1 Flat gasket
2037 0605 8814 06 • 1 Bushing 3045 1503 2566 13 • 1 Tee
2040 0653 1124 00 • 1 Flat gasket 3050 1613 9029 00 • 1 Nipple
2045 1503 2566 13 • 1 Tee 3055 0653 1124 00 • 1 Flat gasket
2050 1613 9029 00 • 1 Nipple 3060 0653 1124 00 • 1 Flat gasket
2055 0653 1124 00 • 1 Flat gasket 3065 0653 1124 00 • 1 Flat gasket
2060 0653 1124 00 • 1 Flat gasket 3070 0605 8814 06 • 1 Bushing
2065 0653 1124 00 • 1 Flat gasket 3075 0581 0000 35 • 1 Coupling
2070 0605 8814 06 • 1 Bushing 3080 0070 6002 05 • AR Plastic tube
2075 0581 1200 23 • 1 Elbow coupling 3085 1613 8084 00 • 1 Pipe coupling
2080 0070 6002 05 • AR Plastic tube 3090 0661 1000 38 • 1 Seal washer
2085 1613 8084 00 • 1 Pipe coupling 3095 0607 1151 05 • 1 Reducing socket
2090 0661 1000 38 • 1 Seal washer 3100 0581 1200 26 • 1 Elbow coupling
2095 0607 1151 05 • 1 Reducing socket 3105 0070 6002 05 • AR Plastic tube
2100 0581 1200 26 • 1 Elbow coupling 3110 1622 1020 00 • 1 Bracket
2105 0070 6002 05 • AR Plastic tube 3115 0226 0301 00 • 2 Tapping screw
2110 1622 1020 00 • 1 Bracket
2930 1341 03 41
Parts list
42 2930 1341 03
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
8092 2400 14 1 Oil Separator condensate 3045 1613 7378 00 ••• 1 Strainer
Drain 3050 0653 0500 47 ••• 1 Gasket
1005 1622 0087 01 • 1 Support 3055 0686 3716 02 ••• 1 Hexagon plug
1010 0301 2335 00 • 1 Washer 3060 0653 9098 00 ••• 1 Flat gasket
1015 0333 3227 00 • 1 Lock washer 3065 1079 9913 69 ••• 1 Inform.label
1020 0266 2110 00 • 1 Nut 3070 1079 9912 28 ••• 1 Decal
1025 0147 1323 03 • 1 Hexagon bolt 3075 1079 9912 07 ••• 1 Decal
1035 0147 1322 03 • 1 Hexagon bolt 3080 1613 7945 00 ••• 1 Plug
1040 0301 2335 00 • 1 Washer 4010 1079 9912 11 • 1 Decal
1045 1613 7657 00 • 1 Oil can 4015 1613 7384 00 • 1 Data plate
1060 1622 0091 01 • 1 Support 4020 0129 3104 00 • 4 Blind rivet
1065 0301 2335 00 • 1 Washer 4025 1079 9912 38 • 1 Decal
1070 0333 3227 00 • 1 Lock washer 5015 1615 7264 00 • 1 Pressure gauge
1075 0266 2110 00 • 1 Nut 5020 0584 9904 00 • 2 Sleeve
1080 0147 1323 03 • 1 Hexagon bolt 5025 0070 6002 04 • AR Plastic tube
1613 7603 82 • 1 OSD assembly 5030 0581 2024 38 • 1 Elbow coupling
2015 1079 9909 06 •• 1 Label 5035 1613 7985 80 • 1 Elbow coupling
2020 0560 4400 83 •• 1 Pipe fitting 5040 0070 6002 14 • AR Plastic tube
1613 7603 80 •• 1 OSD sub assembly 5045 1613 7985 80 • 1 Elbow coupling
3020 1613 7603 00 ••• 1 Housing 5050 0070 6002 14 • AR Plastic tube
3025 1613 7604 00 ••• 1 Plug 5055 1613 7342 00 • 1 Elbow coupling
3030 1613 7299 00 ••• 1 Filter 5060 1613 7341 00 • 1 Pipe coupling
3035 1613 7601 00 ••• 1 Check valve 5065 0070 6002 05 • AR Plastic tube
3040 1613 7602 00 ••• 1 Oil separator 5070 0584 0080 10 • 1 Cutting ring
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Parts list
44 2930 1341 03
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
2930 1341 03 45
Parts list
23 Main switch
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 1089 9498 15 1 Power switch 1045 1613 9799 00 1 Nipple threaded
1020 0226 3343 17 4 Tapping screw 1050 0697 9809 19 2 Lock nut
1030 1619 3843 00 AR Seal 1080 1088 1001 03 1 Warning mark
46 2930 1341 03
Parts list
Rain protection 24
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
2930 1341 03 47
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
8092 2455 30 1 Heavy duty inlet filter 1622 0170 81 • 1 Air filter assy
1010 0347 6100 04 • 2 Hose clip 2025 1615 6958 00 •• 1 Support air filter
1015 1622 0018 00 • 1 Hose assembly 2030 1622 0173 00 •• 1 Adapter
1030 0147 1327 03 • 2 Hexagon bolt 2035 1622 0174 00 •• 1 Elbow
1035 0301 2335 00 • 2 Washer 2040 0347 6114 00 •• 2 Hose clip
1040 0266 2110 00 • 2 Nut 1622 0170 80 •• 1 Air filter assy
1045 1503 1056 00 • AR Seal 3020 1622 0170 00 ••• 1 Air filter
3025 1622 0171 00 ••• 1 Filter element
48 2930 1341 03
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
8092 2454 25 1 DD/PD filter kit 1060 0583 8120 62 • 4 Push-in coupling
1010 1622 1292 00 • 1 Pipe 1065 0070 6002 20 • AR Plastic tube
1015 <<< >>> • 1 Filter DD 60 1070 0583 8120 10 • 4 Elbow coupling
1020 1622 1294 00 • 1 Pipe 1075 1617 7082 02 • 2 Quick coupling
1021 0661 1000 44 • 2 Seal washer 1079 0661 1000 38 • 2 Seal washer
1022 2250 4983 00 • 2 Nipple 1080 0581 0000 35 • 2 Coupling
1025 1622 0096 00 • 1 Bracket 1085 0070 6002 05 • AR Plastic tube
1030 0147 1323 03 • 2 Hexagon bolt 1090 0581 2000 18 • 2 Coupling
1035 0266 2110 00 • 2 Nut 1095 <<< >>> • 1 Filter PD 60
1040 1617 7098 00 • 2 Support 1100 0215 0003 73 • 2 Hex.socket screw
1045 0160 6060 00 • 4 Screw 1101 0266 2110 00 • 2 Nut
1055 1622 0098 80 • 2 Wire assembly 1105 0663 2101 97 • 1 O-ring
2930 1341 03 49
Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
50 2930 1341 03
Parts list
DD/PD filter
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
2930 1341 03 51
Parts list
29 Service Kits
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
2901 0245 01 1 Oil can 2901 0748 00 1 Kit WSD 25, -40
ROTO-INJECTFLUID 5 l 0291 1108 00 • 1 Lock nut
0663 9289 00 • 1 O-ring
2901 0522 00 1 Oil can 1613 9225 00 • 1 Clamp
ROTO-INJECTFLUID 20 l 1613 9226 00 • 1 Ring
52 2930 1341 03
Atlas Copco Stationary Air Compressors
Parts list
What sets Atlas Copco apart as a company is our
conviction that we can only excel in what we do if we
provide the best possible know-how and technology to
really help our customers produce, grow and succeed.
There is a unique way of achieving that - we simply
call it the Atlas Copco way. It builds on interaction, on
long-term relationships and involvement in the customers’
process, needs and objectives. It means having the
flexibility to adapt to the diverse demands of the people
we cater for.
It’s the commitment to our customers’ business that
drives our effort towards increasing their productivity
through better solutions. It starts with fully supporting
existing products and continuously doing things better, but
it goes much further, creating advances in technology
through innovation. Not for the sake of technology, but
for the sake of our customer’s bottom line and peace-of-
That is how Atlas Copco will strive to remain the first
choice, to succeed in attracting new business and to
maintain our position as the industry leader.
No. 2930 1341 03 / DC 2006.05