Design Glass Beam - Deflection

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• Special Applications
Guide for the Performance Requirements
of Eaves Beams for Conservatories 5.7.3 F E B R UA RY 2 0 0 0
Licensed copy from CIS: Watermanpart, Waterman Partnership, 12/04/2016, Uncontrolled Copy.

Foreword 2 Definition will bind. In order to limit the deflection

This guide is confined to conservatories Conservatory of the Eaves Beam to these levels, it will
which are exempt from the Building A predominately glazed construction, almost certainly require that intermediate
Regulation 1985, i.e. the Building either attached to a building or free- load “Bearing Strutts” are used to
Regulations which apply in England and standing, used for any purpose other than support the Eaves Beam.
Wales Schedule 3 of the Regulation, solely as a greenhouse.This definition
Exempt Building and Works, gives includes any glazed area which provides 4 Calculation Procedure for Eaves Beams
exemption to the following:- access to a building.
4.1 The snow load anticipated on the
1 Detached buildings having a floor area conservatory should be calculated using
3 Requirements
which does not exceed 30m2 which the methods shown in the “Guide to the
The need for sufficient Eaves Beams
contains no sleeping accommodation and Performance Requirements of Roof
Strength, especially in “lean-to”
is either:- Glazing Bars for Conservatories”, Section
conservatories, is of paramount
4.2 and Figure 2 and Table 6 and 7. If the
a) Situated more than 1 metre from the importance. It is therefore essential that
figure thus derived is lower than
boundary or its curtilage, or conservatory suppliers calculate the
600N/m2, then 600N/m2 should be used.
required Eaves Beam Strength, bearing in
b) A single storey building constructed
mind the proposed design of the 4.2 The formula for the central
wholly of non-combustible materials.
conservatory, and the local weather deflection caused by a point load from a
2. The extension of a building by the conditions. glazing bar is:-
addition, at ground floor level of:-
3.1 As wind loadings on a conservatory F = 1000W x L3 x (3 (A/L) - 4 (A/L(3)
a) A greenhouse, conservatory, porch, roof are upwards, and as normal 48 x E x 1
covered yard or covered way, or conservatory design runs the glazing
Where W equals point load in Newtons
vertically down the roof, it is rarely
b) A carport open on at least two sides, L = Length of Eaves Beams in metres
necessary to consider the Eaves Beam
where the floor area of the extension
Strength under wind loadings.Therefore A = Offset from end in metres
does not exceed 30m2.
the design loading on an Eaves Beam is a (maximum value = L)
Essentially, therefore, this Guide covers snow load, plus the self weight of the 2
small conservatories at ground level, roof structure. BS 6399 gives the
either free standing or in the form of an minimum load to be used for calculation E = Modules of elasticity - 65500N/mm2
extension, where the floor area does not purposes as 600N/m2. for aluminium
exceed 30m2. I = Moment of inertia cm4
3.2 The amount of deflection that the
Although formal planning permission is Eaves Beam can permit should be F = Deflection in m.
rarely required, it is recommended that assessed by the conservatory supplier, as
the purchaser should consult the Planning this will depend on the glazing method 4.3 The point load is derived by
Department of his Local Authority before and hardware used. Steel constructions multiplying the distance between the span
proceedings. generally use a value equal to 1/360ths of of half their length and in turn multiplied
the span of the beam, but with a 5m by the snow load in N/m2. (e.g. 0.6m x
1 Scope wide conservatory, this would equal a 1.5 100N/m2)
This guide applies to the selection of central deflection of almost 14mm, which
Eaves Beams which are capable of would cause problems with glazings units, 4.4 The tables illustrate an alternative
supporting both single and double glazing and would lock up or distort almost all approach to that of using the formula,
sheet materials.These recommendations door and window hardware. giving the required moment of inertia of
assume that both the Glass and Plastics the Eaves Beam. In compiling the table it
3.3 For these reasons it is strongly
Glazing sheet material, as well as the has been found that marginally different
recommended that the deflection of an
Glazing Bars, have been selected in results may be derived, but it should be
Eaves Beam be limited to a maximum of
accordance with the guidance given in the noted that these have negligible effect as
5mm, and it must be appreciated that at
GGF Data Sheet 5.7.1 Part 1, and 5.7.2. the resulting moment of inertia.
this deflection, many doors and windows

While every attempt is made to present up to date

information, this data sheet, produced by the Glass
44-48 Borough High Street and Glazing Federation, is issued for guidance but
London SE1 1XB without responsibility for any advice given therein or
Tel 020 7403 7177 omission therefrom or for the consequences of acting
in reliance thereon and all liability on the part of the
Fax 020 7357 7458 Glass and Glazing Federation however arising in
Glass and Glazing Federation connection therewith is expressly disclaimed.
Guide for the Performance Requirements of Eaves Beams for Conservatories

4.5 In calculating the table a figure of 4.1. Assume the conservatory is 3.5m The right hand bar is identical.
1000N/m2 has been used as the total wide with an unsupported span is 2.4m For the central bar, where A = L/2 the
design loading, as well as a figure of 1m and projects 2.5m from the wall. Assume expression in brackets simplifies to I, and
for the length of the roof glazing bar and the glazing bars are at 0.6m centres, so the calculation becomes:
variations in these two figures may be therefore over the unsupported span of
obtained by referral to paragraph 4.6 and 2.4m there will be 3 glazing bars.The 1 = 100 x W x L3
Licensed copy from CIS: Watermanpart, Waterman Partnership, 12/04/2016, Uncontrolled Copy.

4.7. ridge height = 3 metres.The glazing is 48 x E x F

6mm single glass.
I = 100 x 567 x 2.43
4.6 If, as is likely, the total design load
48 x 65500 x 0.005
differes from 1000N/m2 then the The formula is:-
required value can be obtained by = 783821
multiplication.Therefore divide by 1000 F = 100 x W x L3 x (3 (A/L) - 4 (A/L)(3) 15720
and multiply by loading required. 48 x E x F
= 49.86 cm4
4.7 Similarly glazing bar lengths that Where:-
So summing for all three bars:-
differ from the 1m given in the table, may
W =Point load in Newtons = 600N
be handled in a similar way.Therefore Ixx = 34.28 + 34.28 + 49.86
divide by 1m and multiply by the glazing L = Unsupported length of Eaves Beam
= 118.42 cm4
bar length required. in metres e.g. 2.4m
A = Offset from the nearest end in Worked Example Tabular Method
4.8 The table used aluminium as the
metres = 0.6m From the table, at a width of 2.4m and a
material for the Eaves Beams, in the case
deflection of 5mm, the value is 61. As the
of uPVC section reinforcement. If steel is E = Modulus of elasticity = 65500N/mm2
snow load used in the table is 1000N/m2
used, then the required moment of
I = Required moment of inertia adjustment is necessary.
inertia can be reduced by a factor of 3.2,
(Refer to Section 4.6)
but if Red Cedar is used, the moment of F = Deflection in metres = 0.005m
inertia should be increased by a factor of
61 ÷ 1000 x 756 = 4612
9.1.Therefore if the required moment of The point load (W) is:-
inertia in aluminium is 157, then the Multiplying this value x 2.5
(600 + 156) x 0.6 x 2.5 x 1/2 = 567N
requirement moment of inertia in steel (refer to Section 4.7)
would be 49, and Red Cedar it would be A/L will equal 0.6/2.4 = 0.25
46.12 x 2.5 = 115.3 cm4.
For the left hand glazing bar:-
Worked Example of Snow Loading I = 100 x 567 x 243 x (3 x 0.25 - 4 (0.253)
Calculation 48 x 65500 x 0.005
A Conservatory on the outskirts of
= 783821 x 0.6875
Norwich, the design snow load is
474N/m2.Therefore use 600N/m2 and
156N/m2 self weight as recommended in = 34.28 cm4

Unsupported Beam Defection in mm

Width in mm 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1500 14 10 8 7 6 5 5
1600 19 14 11 9 8 7 6
1700 23 17 14 12 10 9 8
1800 30 22 18 15 13 11 10
1900 37 28 22 19 16 14 12
2000 48 36 29 24 21 18 18
2100 59 44 36 30 25 22 20
2200 71 53 43 36 31 27 24
2300 85 64 51 43 37 32 28
2400 102 76 61 51 44 38 34
2500 122 92 73 61 52 46 41
2600 144 108 86 72 62 54 48
2700 167 125 100 83 71 63 56
2800 194 145 116 97 83 73 65
2900 222 167 133 111 95 83 74
3000 256 192 153 128 110 96 85
3100 292 219 175 146 125 109 97
3200 331 249 199 166 142 124 110
3300 375 281 225 188 161 141 123
3400 428 321 257 214 183 160 143
3500 481 361 289 241 206 181 160
3600 540 405 324 270 231 202 180
3700 602 451 361 301 258 226 201
3800 674 506 404 337 289 253 225
3900 748 561 449 374 321 281 249
4000 828 621 497 414 355 310 276
4100 916 687 549 458 392 343 305
4200 1008 756 605 504 432 378 336
4300 1107 831 664 554 475 415 369
4400 1218 913 731 609 522 457 406
4500 1331 999 799 666 571 499 444

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