Research Proposal

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Osmeña Colleges

City of Masbate, 5400 Philippines

Title of Research Proposal “Assessing Digital Literacy Skills of Grade 6 Students

in Mahayahay Elementary School”

Author Roselyn C. Andrin

I. Research Questions/Statement of the Problem

A. Main Research Problem/s

The study seeks to assess the digital literacy skills of Grade 6 students in Mahayahay
Elementary School and determine the factors influencing their proficiency in
utilizing digital tools for learning.

B. Sub-Problem/s

1. What are the current digital literacy skills possessed by Grade 6 students in
Mahayahay Elementary School?
2. What are the factors that contribute to the proficiency of Grade 6 students in
utilizing digital tools for learning?
3. What are the challenges faced by Grade 6 students in developing digital literacy
4. What are the effective strategies and interventions that can be implemented to
enhance the digital literacy skills of Grade 6 students in Mahayahay Elementary

II. Scientific/Theoretical Background of the Study

The researcher’s theory on this study that the digital literacy skills of a learner is dependent
on how determined he/she in acquiring skills in digital literacy and on the extent to which
a teacher is devoted to aiding students in realizing their maximum capabilities can be
viewed as a progression or elaboration of the following educational theories:

Information Processing Theory: The Information Processing Theory is cognitive theory

that uses a metaphor for workings of the human brain. Initially proposed by George A.
Miller and other American psychologist (1950s), the theory describes on how individuals
engage in a series of cognitive processes to acquire, store, retrieve, and use information.
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(056) 333-2778
This theory can be applied to the assessment of digital literacy skills by examining how
individuals process and interact with digital information, including their ability to search,
evaluate, and synthesize digital content.

Socio-cultural Theory: Socio-cultural theory grew from the work of psychologist Lev
Vygotsky who believed that parents, guardians, peers, and the culture at large are
responsible for developing higher-order functions. He emphasizes the role of social
interactions and cultural contexts in shaping individuals' learning and development. In the
context of digital literacy assessment, this theory highlights the influence of social and
cultural factors on individuals' digital skills acquisition and application. It recognizes the
importance of considering the socio-cultural context when assessing digital literacy skills,
as individuals' digital competencies are shaped by their social interactions and cultural

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Framework: The TPACK

framework was established by Punya Mishra and Mathew J. Koehler (2006). It focuses on
the intersection of technological knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and content
knowledge. It emphasizes the integration of technology into educational contexts and the
development of pedagogical strategies to enhance learning outcomes. When assessing
digital literacy skills, the TPACK framework provides a lens through which to consider
how individuals' technological knowledge, pedagogical approaches, and understanding of
content areas influence their digital literacy proficiency.

Multiple Intelligences Theory: The Multiple Intelligences Theory was first proposed by
Howard Gardner in his book “Frame of Mind” (1983), where he broadens the definition
of intelligence and outlines several distinct types of intellectual competencies. He proposes
that individuals possess different types of intelligence, including linguistic, logical-
mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and
naturalistic intelligences. When assessing digital literacy skills, this theory suggests that
individuals may excel in different aspects of digital literacy based on their unique
intelligence profiles. Understanding these diverse intelligences can inform the design of
assessments that cater to individuals' strengths and foster a more inclusive assessment of
digital literacy skills.

Digital Divide Theory: The Digital Divide Theory examines the unequal access to and
use of digital technologies among different populations. This theory highlights the
disparities in digital literacy skills resulting from unequal access to technology, education,
and socio-economic factors. Assessing digital literacy skills within the context of the
Digital Divide Theory enables researchers to identify and address the gaps in digital
competencies among various groups, thereby promoting digital inclusion and equitable
opportunities for all.
III. Knowledge Gap to be Filled

No studies have been conducted yet in Placer East District that deals with assessing digital
literacy skills and their proficiency in utilizing digital tools for learning.

IV. Materials and Methods

A. Research Design

This study will adopt a quantitative research approach to assess the digital literacy
skills of Grade 6 students in Mahayahay Elementary School. It will involve gathering
numerical data through questionnaire surveys or assessments to obtain a clear
understanding of the students' digital literacy proficiency, adapted from Doe and Smith
(2018) and Johnson and Brown (2019), this questionnaire will assess various aspects
of digital literacy skills, such as information literacy, media literacy, and digital
communication skills.

B. Respondents and Sampling

The respondents are the Grade 6 Learners of Mahayahay Elementary School. 11 or

45.83 percentage of male and 13 or 54.17 percentage of female

Mahayahay Elementary School is located in Brgy. Mahayahay, Placer East District of

the province of Masbate. It is composed of 14 public school teachers with an estimated
student population of approximately 223 students.

Placer is a coastal municipality in Masbate province, with a land area of 193.03 square
kilometers or 74.53 square miles. Its population, according to the 2020 Census, was
56,340, making up 6.20% of Masbate's total population and 0.93% of the Bicol
Region's population. The population density is approximately 292 inhabitants per
square kilometer or 756 inhabitants per square mile.

C. Data Gathering Instrument/s

The main instrument to be use in gathering data needed for the study consisted of
digital literacy skills questionnaire adapted from Eshet-Alkalai six-skill framework
(2004, 2009). The following digital literacy skills and application domain will be used:

Digital Literacy Application Domain

Photo-visual digital Internet/WWW & Word processing
Reproduction digital Internet/WWW,
skill Basic computer software,
& Social media
Branching digital skill Internet/WWW
Information digital Internet/WWW
Socio-emotional Email,
digital skill Word processing/ Presentation
& Social media
Real-time digital skill Basic computer software &
Social media

V. References

Title of Title of Journal/Book Author Problem and Major

Article Methodology Results/Findings
A digital eLearning Papers Guitert, M.; This study Project-based
literacy Romeu, T. proposes a higher- work in acquiring
proposal in Nº 12 February 2009 (2009) education program ICT skills enables
online Higher ISSN 1887-1542 in Digital literacy practical use of
Education the for other various tools with
UOC institutions. It the goal of
scenario emphasizes creating a project.
continuous Teamwork fosters
assessment and personal and group
interconnected commitment,
activities for online social interaction,
projects. Students work planning,
evaluate their information
progress and management, and
outcomes knowledge
individually and as building, which
a group, while the are essential in the
teacher facilitates net-based society.
group learning, This collaborative
provides feedback, process helps
and guides students students explore
in developing and apply the
essential potential of web
competences. 2.0 conceptually
Digital International Journal of Baterna, H.B., This study The study found
Literacy of Technology in Mina, T.D.G., examined the that STEM Senior
STEM Senior Education (IJTE), 3(2), & Rogayan, digital literacy of High School
High School 105-117. D.V. Jr. (2020) STEM students students have a
Students: using a descriptive-moderate level of
Basis for survey research digital literacy in
Enhancement design. Survey all domains.
Program questionnaires Significant
were employed to differences were
collect data. The observed when
study focused on students were
Grades 11 and 12 grouped by sex
senior high school and grade level. A
students from two moderate
government-owned significant
national schools in relationship was
Zambales, Central found across all
Luzon, Philippines. domains of digital
The respondents literacy. Based on
were selected the survey results,
through stratified an enhancement
and random program was
sampling designed to
techniques improve students'
digital literacy
Tools for Journal of Computers in Habok, A.; This study The findings
assessing Education (2023) Nguyen, L. A. systematically indicate that
teacher T. (2023) reviews and researchers
digital analyze existing primarily focus on
literacy: A assessment tools four aspects when
Review for evaluating assessing teacher
teacher digital digital
literacy. A review competence:
of 33 English- educational
language technology usage,
publications from teaching and
2011 to 2022 was learning,
conducted, professional
focusing on development, and
aspects, instrument learner support.
types, reliability However, there is
and validity, as limited emphasis
well as on teachers' use of
frameworks/models technology for
used in assessment. assessing student
The study aimed to learning outcomes
enhance evaluation and empowering
of teacher digital learners in the e-
competence. learning process.
Additionally, the
study highlights
the importance of
discussing digital
competence within
the context of
facilities, and
Assessing Review of Integrative Komlayut, S. The study assessed There is a need to
Digital Business and (2017) the digital literacy develop online and
Literacy Economics Research, skills of graduate- self-guided digital
Skills Using a Vol. 6, Issue 3 ISSN: level students and literacy assessment
Self- 2304-1013 (Online); lecturers at STOU. modules to
Administered 2304-1269 (CDROM); The study aims to facilitate skill
Questionnaire 2414-6722 (Print identify the development for
strengths and both students and
weaknesses in faculty members.
different areas of Future research
digital literacy. A will focus on
self-administered evaluating the
questionnaire outcomes of these
consisting of a set modules.
of questions was Additionally,
used to evaluate the STOU should
participants' digital adopt a
literacy skills. comprehensive
and widespread
digital literacy
agenda to improve
overall digital
literacy skills in
the long run.
Thinking in Issues in Informing Eshet, Y. (2012) The study The study's results
the Digital Science and Information introduced an show that younger
Era: A Technology, V.9 enhanced version participants
Revised ,2012,.267-276. of the skills-based outperformed
Model for theoretical older participants
framework for in photo-visual
Digital digital literacy, and branching
Literacy originally proposed literacy tasks,
by Eshet-Alkalai in while older
2004. The updated participants
model incorporates excelled in
a new skill called reproduction and
"real-time information
thinking" and literacy tasks. The
examines the paper also presents
framework in light insights into how
of recent research users' cognitive
on digital literacy. skills are
The revised model employed in
encompasses the digital
following skills: environments,
photo-visual skills, offering valuable
reproduction skills, guidelines for
branching skills, educators and
information skills, software
socio-emotional developers in
skills, and real-time creating user-
thinking. centered digital

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