AC 21-11 Eligibility, Quality and Identification

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N o M o R : SK~~/46/11/1998
3f3 E&%:~-i--l-99{1-------

Advisory Circular




Advisory Circular 2 1- 1 1


1. Purpose : This Advisory Circular (AC) provides information and guidance

for use in determining the quality, eligibility and traceability of
aeronautical parts and materials intended for installation on
Indonesian type-certificated products and to enable
compliance with the applicable regulations.

2. References: This Advisory Circular only and should be used in accordance

with the applicable regulations.

3. Revisions: Revisions of this Advisory Circular will be approved by the

Director of Airworthiness Certification, Directorate General of
Air Communications.

Director General of Air Communications



Salinan sesuai dengan aslinya

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~ e t d i t j-e~1
a ~ e r h u b u n ~Udara
Advisory Circular 21-1 1


1. Purpose : This Advisory Circular (AC) provides information and guidance

for use in determining the quality, eligibility and traceability of
aeronautical parts and materials intended for installation on
Indonesian type-certificated products and to enabie
compliance with the applicable regulations.

2. References: This Advisory Circular only and should be used in accordance

with the applicable regulations.

3. Revisions: Revisions of this Advisory Circular will be approved by the

Director of Airworthiness Certification, Directorate General of
Air Communications.

Director General of Air Communications



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Salin sesuai dengan aslinya

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NIP. 120106077
Advisory Circular 2 1-11

Advisory Circular 21-1 1

Table of Contents


Table of Contents


2.Related Regulatory Sections


4.Related Reading Materials

5. Discussion

6,ldentification of Replacement Parts

7.lnformation Relevant to Used Parts


9.Condition for Safe Operation

10. Electrical Parts and Components

I1 .Know your Suppliers

12.Reporting Suspected Unapproved Parts (SUP)

13. Summary
Advisory Circular 21-1 1





Eligibility, Quality and ldentification o f Approved

Aeronautical Replacement Parts.

1. Purpose.

This advisory circular (AC) provides information and guidance for use in
determining the quality, eligibility and traceability of aeronautical parts and
materials intended for installation on Indonesian type-certificated products
and to enable compliance with the applicable regulations.

2. Related Regulatory Sections.

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) :

a. Part 1, Definitions and Abbreviations.

b. Part 21, Certification Procedures for Products and Parts.
c. Part 39, Airworthiness Directives.
d. Part 43, Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, Rebuilding, and
e. Part 45, ldentification and Registration Marking.
f. Part 91, General Operating and Flight Rules.
9. Part 121, Certification and Operations: Domestic, Flag and
Supplemental Air Carriers and Commercial Operators of Large

3. Definitions

The following definitions apply to this AC:

a. Directorate General of Air Communications (DGAC)-Approved

Parts. Under CASR part 21, section 21.305, parts which were
produced under an DGAC-approved production system and conform
with DGAC-approved data, may be approved under the following:
Advisory Circular 21-1 1

(1) A Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA) issued under section

(2) A Technical Standard Order Authorization (TSOA) issued by
the Director General.
(3) In conjunction with type certification procedures for a product.
(4) In any manner approved by the DGAC, such as Part 21,
subpart F, Parts Produced Under a Type Certificate (TC), and
subpart G, Production Certificate (PC). In addition, subpart N
provides for the acceptance of a new part produced in a
country with which the Indonesia has an agreement for the
acceptance of parts for export and import. The pari is
approved when the country of manufacture issues a certificate
of airworthiness for export for the part.

b. Acceptable Parts. The following parts may be found to be

acceptable for installation on a type-certificated product:

(1) Standard parts (such as nuts and bolts) conforming to an

established industry or INDONESIAN specification.

(2) Parts produced by an owner or operator for maintaining or

altering their own product and which are shown to conform to
DGAC-approved data.

(3) Parts for which inspections and tests have been accomplished
by appropriately certificated persons authorized to determine
conformity to DGAC-approved design data.

c. Class I Product. A complete aircraft, aircraft engine, or propeller that

has been type-certificated in accordance with the applicable
regulations, and for which DGAC Specifications or TC data sheets
have been issued.

d. Class II Product. A major component of a Class I product (e.g.,

wings, fuselages, empennage assemblies, landing gears, power
transmissions, or control surfaces, etc.), the failure of which would
jeopardize the safety of a Class I product; or any part, material, or
appliance, approved and manufactured under the Technical Standard
Order (TSO) system in the "C" series.

e. Class Ill Product. Any part or component that is not a Class I or

Class II product, including standard parts. Class Ill products are
considered to be parts.
Advisory Circular 21 -11

Standard Part. Is a part manufactured in complete compliance with

an established International Standard or industry-accepted
specification, which includes design, manufacturing, and uniform
identification requirements. The specification must include all
information necessary to produce and conform the part. The
specification must be published so that any party may manufacture
the part. Examples include, but are not limited to the International
recognized standard, such as National Aerospace Standards (NAS),
Air Force-Navy Aeronautical Standard (AN), Society of Automotive
Engineers (SAE), SAE Aerospace Standard (AS), Military Standard
(MS), etc.

g. New. Products, accessory, part, or material that has no operating

times or cycles.

NOTE: There could be timelcycles on a newly typecertificated product (e.g..

use of a manufacturer's test cell or certification requirements).

h. Surplus. Describes a product, assembly, part, or material that has

been released as surplus by the military, manufacturers.
ownersloperators, repair facilities, or any other parts supplier. These
products should show traceability to an DGAC-approved
manufacturing procedure.

I. Overhauled. Describes an aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller.

appliance, or component part using methods, techniques, and
practices acceptable to the DGAC, which has undergone the

(1) Has been disassembled, cleaned, inspected, repaired when

necessary, and reassembled to the extent possible.

(2) Has been tested in accordance with approved standards and

technical data, or current standards and technical data
acceptable to the DGAC (i.e., manufacturer's data), which
have been developed and documented by the holder of one of
the following:

(a) Type Certificate (TC).

(b) Supplemental Type Certificate (STC), or material, parts.
processes, or appliance approvals under section
(c) Part Manufacturer Approval (PMA).
Advisory Circular 21 -1 1

j. Rebuilt. Describes an aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, or

appliance, using new or used parts that conform to new part
tolerances and limits or to approved oversized or undersized
dimensions that has undergone the following:

(1) Has been disassembled, cleaned, inspected, repaired as

necessary, and reassembled to the extent possible.

(2) Has been tested to the same tolerances and limits as a new

k. Return t o Service Inspection Records. The person approving or

disapproving for return to service a type-certificated product must
ensure that the required maintenance record entries comply with
CASR part 43, and therefore must include the following information:

(1) Type of inspection and a brief descripiion of the extent of the


(2) Date

(3) Product hours, cycles, or life limits as applicable.

(4) Signatures, certificate number, and kind of certificate held by

the person approving or disapproving for return to service.

(5) The appropriate certifying statement that the product or part

thereof, is approved or disapproved for return to service, a s

I. As Is. Describes any airframe, aircraft engine, propel!er, appliance.

component part, or material, the condition of which is unknom.

m. Appropriately Certificated Person. As related to return to service

after maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, or alteration,
can include the holder of an:

(1) Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence. May perform

maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations as
provided in CASR part 65.
Advisory Circular 21-11

(2) Inspection authorization. May inspect and approve for return

to service any aircraft or related part or appliance (except
aircraft maintained in accordance with a continuous
airworthiness program under part 121) after a niajor repair or
alteration as provided in CASR part 43 if the work was done in
accordance with technical data approved by the DGAC.
Perform an annual, or supervise a progressive inspection
according to CASR part 43, sections 43.13 and 43.1 5.

(3) Approved Maintenance Organization certificated under CASR

part 145. May perform maintenance, preventative
maintenance, or alterations as provided in CASR part 145.

(4) Air Operator Certificate holder may perform maintenance,

preventive maintenance, or alterations as provided CASR part

(5) Manufacturer's type or production certificate. May rebuild or

alter any aircraft, aircraft engine, or propeller, or appliance
manufactured by him under a TSOA, PMA, or Product or Parts
Specification, or perform any inspection required under CASR
part 91 while currently operating under a production certificate
or approved production inspection system.

n. OwnerIOperator Produced Part. Parts that were produced by an

ownerloperator for installation on their own aircraft (e.g., by an air
operator). An ownerloperator is considered a producer of a part, if the
owner participated in controlling the design, manufacture, or quality
of the part. Participating in the design of the part can include
supervising the manufacture of the part or providing the manufacturer
i the following: the design data, the materials with which to make
the part, the fabrication processes, assembly methods, or the quality
control procedures.

4. Related Reading Materials

- AC 21-01, Production Certificate

- AC 21-143, Supplier Surveillance Procedures.
- AC 21-02, Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Product
- SI 21-06, Production Approval and Surveillance Procedures.
Advisory Circular 21-1 1

5. Discussion

The DGAC receive reports of replacement parts being offered for sale as
aircraft quality when the quality and origin of the parts are unknown or
questionable. Such parts may be advertised or presented as "unused," "like
new," or "remanufactured." These imply that the quality of the parts is equal
to an acceptable part. Purchasers of these parts may not be aware of the
potential hazards involved with replacement parts for which acceptability for
installation on a type-certificated product has not been established.

a. The performance rules for replacement of parts and materials used

in the maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alteration of aircraft
that have (or have had) a INDONESIAN airworthiness certificate, and
components thereof, are specified in CASR parts 43 and 145,
sections 43.13 and 145.57. These rules require that the installer of a
part use methods, techniques, and practices acceptable to the DGAC.
Additionally, the installer of a part must accomplish the work in such
a manner and use materials of such quality, that the product or
appliance worked on will be at least equal to its original or properly
altered condition with respect to the qualities affecting airworthiness.

b. The continued airworthiness of an aircraft, which includes the

replacement of parts, is the responsibility of the owner/operator, as
specified in CASR parts 91, 121. These rules require that the installer
determine that a part is acceptable for installation on a product or
component prior to returning that product or component to service
with the part installed. Those rules also require that the installation of
a part must be accomplished in accordance with data approved by
the DGAC, if the installation constitutes a major repair or alteration.

c. As part of determining whether installation of a part conforms with all

applicable regulations, the installer should establish that the part was
manufactured under a production approval pursuant to part 21, that
an originally acceptable part has been maintained in accordance with
part 43, or that the part is otherwise acceptable for installation (e.g.,
has been found to conform to data approved by the DGAC). This AC
addresses means to help the installer make the required

6. Identification of Replacement Parts

Acceptable replacement parts should be identified using one of the following

Advisory Circular 21-1 1

a. Airworthiness Approval Tag. DAC Form 21-18, Airworthiness

~ ~ ~ r oTag,
v a identifies
l a part or group of parts for export approval
and conformity determination from production approval holders. It
also serves as approval for return to service after maintenance or
alteration by an authorized part 145 Approved Maintenance
Organization, or a lndonesian Air Carrier having an approved
Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program under part 121.

b. Foreign Manufactured Replacement Parts. New foreign

manufactured parts for use on lndonesian typecertificated products
may be imported M e n the part meets the requirements under section

(1) The certification may be verified on a form similar to the DAC

Form 21-18 i.e., Joint Aviation Authority (JAA), JAA Form One,
used by European member countries of the JAA, and F M
Form 8130-3, Airworthiness Approval Tag issued by Federal
Aviation Administration, United States.

Used parts may be identified by the records required for

approval for return to service as set forth in section 43.5. DAC
Form 21-18 may be used for this purpose if the requirements
of section 43.5 are contained in or attached to the form and
approved for return to service by a DGAC-Approved
Maintenance Organization on air carrier under the requirement
of their Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program.
There is no set format or form required for a maintenance or
alteration record. However, the data or information used to
identify a part must be traceable to a person authorized to
perform and approve for return to service maintenance and
alteration under part 43. The records must contain as a
minimum those data that set forth in section 43.5.

(3) I he use of an authorization tag does not approve the


installation of a part on a type-certificated product. Additional

substantiated authorization for compliance with part 43 and the
DGAC-approved data for major repairs and alterations may be
required for installation on a type-certificated product.

c. DGAC TSO Markings. TSOA is issued under section 21.607, subpart

0 . A TSOA must be permanently and legibly marked with the
Advisory C i ~ u l a21-1
r 1

(1) Name and address of the manufacturer.

(2) The name, type, part number, or model designation of the
(3) The serial number or the date of manufacture of the article or
(4) The applicable TSO number.

d. DGAC-PMA Symbol. An DGAC-PMA is issued under section 21.303.

Each PMA part should be marked with the le!ters, "DGAC-PMA," in
accordance with CASR part 45, section 45.1 5:

(1) The name.

(2) Trademark, or. symbol.
(3) Part number.
(4) Name and model designation of each certificated product on
which the part is eligible for installation.

NOTE: Parts that are too small or otherwise impractical to be marked

may, as an alternative, be marked showing the above information on
an attached tag or labeled container. If the marking on the tag is too
extensive to be practical, the tag attached to a part or container may
refer to a readily available manual or catalog for part eligibility
information. Under a licensing agreement, when the applicant has
been given the right to use the TC holder's design, which includes the
part number, and a replacement part is produced under that
agreement, the part number may be identical to that of the TC holder,
provided that the PMA holder includes the letters, "DGAC-PMA," and
the PMA holder's identification symbol is on the part. In all other
cases, the PMA holder's part number must be different from that of
the TC holder.

e. S h i p p i n g Ticket, Invoice, o r Other Production Approval Holder

(PAH) Documents o r Markings. These may provide evidence that
a part was produced by a manufacturer holding a DGAC-approved
manufacturing process.

f. Direct Ship Authority. In order for INDONESIAN manufactured parts.

with "direct ship" authority to be recognized as being produced under
a manufacturer's DGAC production approval, the manufacturer must
specifically authorize the shipping supplier, in writing, and must
establish procedures to ensure that the shipped parts conform to the
approved design and are in condition for safe operation. A statement
to the supplier from the certificate holder authorizing direct shipment
Advisory Circular 21 -1 1

and date of authorization should be included on the shipping ticket,

invoic6, or other transfer document. It should contain a declaration
that the individual part was produced under a production certificate.

g. Maintenance Release Document. A release, signed by an

appropriately certificated person, qualified for the relevant function
that signifies that the item has been returned to service, after a
maintenance or test function has been completed. This type of
documentation could be in the form of a Approved Maintenance
Organization tag, containing adequate information (section 43.5),
work order, DAC Form 21-18, or a maintenance record entry, which
must include an appropriate description of the maintenance work
performed, including the recording requirements of section 43.5 and
Appendix 6.

NOTE: When a noncertificated person certifies that they are shipping

the correct part ordered, the only thing they are stating is that the part
number agrees with the purchase order, not the status of DGAC
acceptability of the part.

7. Information Relevant to Used Parts

The following information may be useful when assessing maintenance

records and part status.

a. Documentation. If the part has been rebuilt, overhauled, inspected,

modified, or repaired, the records should include a maintenance
release, retu'rn to service tag, repaired parts tag, or similar
documentation from an DGAC-certificated person. Documentation
describing the maintenance performed and parts replaced must be
made for the part (i.e., DAC Form 21-18 or DGAC Approved
Maintenance Organization work order). (Reference section 43.5 and
Appendix 6).

b. Information that should be obtained. The records should include

information, either directly or by reference, to support documentation
that may be helpful to the user or installer in making a final
determination the airworthiness and eligibility of the part. Listed are
examples of information that should be obtained, as applicable:

(1) Airworthiness Directive (AD) status.

(2) Compliance or noncompliance with service bulletins.

Advisory Circular 2 1- 1 1

(3) LifeJcycle limited parts status (i.e., time, time since overhaul,
cycles, history) should be substantiated. If h e part is serialized
and life-limited, then both operational time and/or cycles
(where applicable) must be indicated. Historical records that
clearly establish and substantiate time and cycles must be
provided as evidence.

(4) Shelf-life data, including manufacturing date or cure date.

(5) Return to service date.

(6) Shortages applicable to assemblies or kits.

(7) Import or export certification documents.

(8) The name of the person who removed the part.

(9) Major Repair or Alteration, DAC Form 43-337.

(10) Maintenance Manual standards used for performing


c. Unusual Circumstances. If a particular part was obtained from any

of the following, then it should be so identified by some type of
documentation (i.e., maintenance record entries, removal entries,
overhaul records).

(1) Noncertificated aircraft (aircraft without airwol-thiness

certificate, i.e., public use, non-INDONESIAN, and military
surplus aircraft).

(2) Aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers or appliances subjected to

extreme stress, sudden stoppage, heat, major failure or

(3) Salvaged aircraft or aircraft components.

d. Seller's Designation. The seller may be able to provide

documentation that shows traceability to an DGAC-approved
manufacturing procedure for one of the following:

(1) Parts produced by a DGAC Production approval holder (Under

TC Only, PC, PMA and TSOA).
Advisory Circular 21-1 1

(2) Parts produced by a foreign manufacturer in accordance with

CASR part 21, subpart N.

(3) Standard parts produced by a named manufacturer

(4) Parts distributed with direct ship authority.

(5) Parts produced, for the work being accomplished, by an

Approved Maintenance Organization to accomplish a repair or
alteration on a specific type-certificated product.

(6) Parts produced by an owner or operator for installation on the

owner's or operator's aircraft (e.g., by a certificated air carrier).

(7) Parts with removal records showing traceability to a

Indonesian-certificated aircraft, signed by an appropriately
certificated person.

e. Manufactured. The manufacturer of the part should be identified; if

not identified it may be difficult to prove that the part is acceptable for
installation on a type-certificated product.

I. Certificates and Approvals Held.

(1) Manufacturers - The certificate or approval held by the

manufacturer, TC, PC, TSOA, or PMA may be listed; if not
known, state as unknown.

(2) Approved Maintenance Organization - The certificate held by

the Approved Maintenance Organization, CASR part 145.

(3) Air Operator - The certificate held by Air Operators, CASR

parts 121.

g. Part Description. Indicate the part's physical description for positive


h. Part Number. Document the manufacturer's part number or, if the

part has been modified, the amended part number.

I. Serial Number. Document the specific part's serial number, if so

marked. Determine if serialized part has any life or overhaul
Advisory Circular 2 1- 1 1

8. Surplus

Many materials, parts, appliances, and components that have been released
as Surplus by tlie military service or by manufacturers may originate from
obsolete or overstocked items. Parts obtained from surplus sources may be
used, provided it is established that they meet the standards to which they
were manufactured, interchangeability with the original part can be
established, and they are in compliance with all applicable AD'S. Such items,
although advertised as "remanufactured," "high quality," "like new,"
"unused," or "looks good," should be carefully evaluated before they are
purchased. The storage time, storage conditions, or shelf life of surplus
parts and materials are not usually known.

9. Condition for Safe Operation

Parts and materials should be properly stored, protected, and maintained to

ensure airworthiness. The following factors should be considered when
determining airworthiness:

a. Composite Materials. Generally, most com posite materials

(thermoses polymers) have a refrigeration shelf-life
recommended by the manufacturer. Composite materials must be
kept refrigerated in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommended temperature range and out-of-refrigeration time (out-
time) limitations. Records must be maintained of the cumulative total
of material out-time to prevent exceeding shelf-life.

b. Anti-friction Bearings. Anti-friction bearings that have been in

storage for a long period of time, or have been improperly stored, are
subject to the deteriorating effects of time and elements, unless they
were hermetically sealed. Such parts should be completely inspected
and lubricated before being placed in service.

c. Aircraft Fabric. Fabric and prefabricated covers should be used only

if they are identifiable as meeting aircraft standards. All fabric should
be examined or tested for freedom from deterioration, as determined
by an appropriately certificated person.

d. Dope, Paint, Sealants, and Adhesives. These items advertised as

aircraft quality may have deteriorated due to age or environmental
conditions, while in storage, and may require testing before use.
Advisory Circular 2 1- 1 1

e. Parts y i t h Internal Seals. Internal seals on parts such as pumps,

valves, actuators, motors, generators, and alternators are subject to
deterioration from long-term storage and are susceptible to early
failure in service. A procedure should be established for control of
shelf-life items in order to prevent possible premature failures of the
partslcomponents, unless other preventive procedures are in place.

f. Rotating Components. Rotating components, such as propellers,

engine parts, and rotor blades, may have a life-limit or retirement life.
Maintenance records should reflect a complete continuity of service
time and repair history. Information that indicates whether the
component has exceeded the life limit may, in some cases, be
obtained from the manufacturer or from an DGAC-Approved
Maintenance Organization that may have affixed a logo, decal, or
some other identification.

g. Heat and Fire. Parts that may have been exposed to heat or fire can
be seriously affected and are likely unserviceable.

h. Corrosives. Foreign or corrosive liquids can also be detrimental on

aircraft parts. Parts, appliances, and components that have been
submerged in salt water may be unserviceable parts.

I. Manufacturing Rejects. Parts that failed the manufacturers quality

assurance inspection criteria for conformity to type design, may be
offered for sale by the manufacturers as scrap without being mutilated
or destroyed rendering them unusable, and are unacceptable for

Damaged Aircraft. Parts removed from an aircraft involved in an

accident may have been subjected to undue stresses that may have
seriously effected structural integrity and rendered them permanently

k. Rebuilt Engines. Only engines that are rebuilt by a manufacturer

holding a DGAC production approval holder, or an appropriately rated
DGAC-Approved Maintenance Organization can be considered as
zero-timed (reference section 91.421).
Advisory Circular 21-1 1

10. Electrical Parts and Components

a. Electronic Kits. Kits assembled by noncertif'ited individuals are not

eligible for installation on type-certificated aircraft, until the part is
certified as airworthy and found eligible for installation, in accordance
with parts 21 and 43. During and after assembly. these kits should
receive documented conformity inspections, by properly certificated
persons, to ensure that they meet all applicable airworthiness
requirements, for use on the specific aircraft on W i c h they are to be
installed. The installation of these approved units should be
accomplished by or under the supervision of a properly certificated
person or agency in accordance with p a r h 21 and 43. When the
installation is a major alteration, the kit data and the data used for the
alteration of the product must be approved by a representative of the
DGAC. An appropriately certificated person must complete the
maintenance records to ensure that the aircraft is approved and
airwor?hyfor return to service.

b. Discrete Electrical and Electronic Component Parts. Electrical and

electronic parts, such as resistors, capacitors, diodes, and transistors,
if not specifically marked by the equipment manufacturers part
number or marking scheme, may be substituted or used as
replacement parts, provided that such parts are tested or it is
determined that they meet their published performance specifications
and do not adversely affect the performance of the equipment or
article into or onto W i c h they are installed. The performance of such
equipment or article must be equal to its original or properly altered
or repaired condition. Integrated circuits such as hybrids, large scale
integrated circuits (LSIC), programmable logic devices, gate arrays,
application specific integrated circuits (ASIC), memories, CPU's etc.,
are not included because their highly specialized functionality does
not readily lend itself to substitution.

c. Aircraft Instruments. lnstrurnents advertised as "high quality," "looks

good," or "remanufactured" or that were acquired from aircraft
involved in an accident should not be put in service unless they are
inspected, tested, andlor overhauled as necessary, by an
appropriately rated DGAC-Approved Maintenance Organization, and
the installer establishes that (for the aircraft in which) the instrument
installed will comply with the applicable regulations.
Advisory Circular 21 -1 1

NOTE: Instruments are highly susceptible to hidden damage caused by

rough handling or improper storage conditions; therefore, instruments that
have been sitting on a shelf for a period that cannot be established, should
be tested by an appropriately rated DGAC-certificated person.

11. Know your Suppliers.

a. Used and Repaired Parts. In addition to unapproved parts, used or

repaired parts may be offered for sale as "like new," "near new," and
"remanufactured." Such terms do not aid the purchaser in positively
determining whether the part is acceptable for installation on a type-
certificated product and do not constitute the legal serviceability and
condition of aircraft parts.

b. Caution. It is the installer's responsibility to ensure airworthiness.

Aircraft parts distributors, aircraft supply con~panies or aircraft
electronic parts distributors, unless they are a PAH, cannot certify the
airworthiness of the parts they advertise and/or sell; therefore, it is the
insta!lerls responsibility to request documentation establishing
traceability to a PAH.

12. Reporting Suspected Unapproved Parts (SUP)

a. SLIP'S are parts, components, or materials that may n o t be

approved or acceptable, as described i n paragraphs 3a and 3b.
Some appear to be as good as the part manufactured from an DGAC-
approved source; however, there may be manufacturing processes
that were not performed in accordance with DGAC-approved data or
possibly not performed at all, and would not be readily apparent to
the purchaser (e.g., heat treating, plating, or various tests and

b. Persons with possible knowledge of safety violations or other

circumstances that may affect aviation safety are encouraged to
report them to the DGAC office.
Advisory Circular 2 1-11

13. Summary

The approval for return to service after maintenance of aircraft, engines,

propellers, appliances, and materials and parts thereof, is the responsibility
of the person who performs the maintenance and who signs the record for
approval for return to service. The ownerloperator (as noted in paragraph
5b) is responsible for the continued airworthiness of the aircraft. To ensure
continued safety in civil aviation, it is essential that appropriate data is used
when inspecting, testing, and determining the acceptability of all parts and
materials. Particular caution should be exercised when the origin of parts,
materials, and appliances cannot be established or when their origin is in

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