Single-Longitudinal-Mode Broadband Tunable Random Laser
Single-Longitudinal-Mode Broadband Tunable Random Laser
Single-Longitudinal-Mode Broadband Tunable Random Laser
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Received 17 May 2017; revised 7 July 2017; accepted 25 July 2017; posted 26 July 2017 (Doc. ID 296118); published 15 August 2017
In this work, we demonstrate a broadband tunable single- itself as random reflections from random Bragg gratings in-
longitudinal-mode (SLM) random laser based on Rayleigh scribed along a fiber core or Rayleigh backscattering along a
backscattering in a standard single-mode fiber. The wide Raman amplifying fiber [10–13]. The second category includes
tuning range of this SLM fiber laser over 1500–1570 nm random lasers with passive scattering sources and a regular
is demonstrated with a linewidth of 4.5–30 kHz. The tun- separate gain medium [14–18]. The randomly distributed
ing is achieved using a tunable bandpass Fabry–Perot filter, Rayleigh backscattering from a long optical fiber cable is con-
and a semiconductor optical amplifier is used as the wide- sidered as an interesting low-cost passive scattering source to
bandwidth gain medium. The laser is able to operate in the generate SLM lasers. Random lasers based on erbium-doped
S + C + L band. © 2017 Optical Society of America fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) have been successfully implemented
OCIS codes: (140.0140) Lasers and laser optics; (140.3510) Lasers,
to achieve SLM with kilohertz linewidths [10,14–18]. The out-
put power of that laser is in the range of milliwatts, obtained by
fiber; (140.3570) Lasers, single-mode; (140.3600) Lasers, tunable;
commercially available optical components. Tunable SLM ran-
(250.5980) Semiconductor optical amplifiers.
dom lasers with very limited bandwidths (gigahertz range) were also previously demonstrated using laser cavities with EDFAs as
the gain media and Bragg grating filters were used for tuning
[15]. A wider tuning range, of the order of a few nanometers,
has been demonstrated using a Raman amplifier with a wider
Single-longitudinal-mode (SLM) fiber lasers with broad tuning
gain bandwidth product. However, it requires a pump laser
ranges have many applications in telecommunication systems,
power of the order of a few watts [11–13], which makes it more
high-resolution spectroscopy, optical precision metrology, opti-
complicated and much more expensive.
cal fiber sensing, and many other applications [1].
In this study, we report a novel structure to implement a
Increasing the length of the optical cavity is one of the tech-
broadband tunable SLM random laser using a semiconductor
niques used for the reduction of the laser linewidth. However,
long-cavity fiber lasers usually have multilongitudinal mode op- optical amplifier (SOA) as the gain medium and a simple tunable
eration [2]. Many techniques have been reported in the liter- Fabry–Perot (FP) filter. The SOA can be integrated with other
ature to keep SLM operation [3–8]. Coupled-cavity-based fiber optical devices on the same substrate; it has a small size, wide
lasers can operate in SLM operation, depending on the free bandwidth, and can be produced with low cost in mass produc-
spectral range (FSR) of the cavities [4–8] if the resultant tion [19,20]. In addition, the SOA can be easily modulated for
FSR of the system is wider than the gain spectrum of the used telecommunication and sensing applications. A tuning range of
amplifier. This can be achieved for certain ranges of the cavity greater than 70 nm is demonstrated by this technique, keeping at
lengths as reported by Terentyev et al. [8] using the Vernier the same time a SLM operation with a linewidth as low as few
effect. However, the implementation of the fiber reflection kHz. The random reflections from the scattering points in the
interferometer with very narrow linewidth was quite compli- fiber interfere constructively at some frequencies separated by
cated [8]. On the other hand, random lasers have proven their random locations in the spectral domain. The amplitude and
capability to generate SLM lasers. In these lasers, the Rayleigh phase of the reflected light at these frequencies are quite different
backscattering from the randomly distributed reflecting points due to the random places and reflection coefficients of the scat-
act as an optical filter with ultranarrow bandwidth [9]. This tering points. They could be distributed over a wide range of
usually results in a mirror with reduced a reflection coefficient wavelengths due to the wide spectral gain of the amplifier.
that in turn increases the total loss of the laser cavity. Many The use of a narrow filter limits the constructive oscillations
techniques are used to obtain a random laser. However, they for only one frequency within the filter passband response that
can essentially be classified into two categories. The first cat- satisfies the gain and phase conditions. This results in single-
egory includes random lasers with disordered gain media. In mode operation. Also, the gain saturation of the amplifier assists
this case, the scattering points are present within the gain media the occurrence of the single-mode operation [11].
Fig. 4. Variation of the tunable filter insertion loss with the tuning
Fig. 6. Self-heterodyne spectra measured by the electrical spectrum
analyzer (ESA) at a lasing wavelength of 1542 nm at different SOA bias
Fig. 5. Wavelength tuning of the laser measured by the optical Fig. 7. Variation of the linewidth of the laser with the SOA bias
spectrum analyzer. current at different tuning wavelengths.
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