Ipr Law
Ipr Law
Ipr Law
SESSION: 2022-23
The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and assistance from
many people and I am extremely privileged to have got this all along the completion of my
Working on this topic was a very knowledgeable experience and we owe our deep thanks to sir
for allowing us to work on this interesting topic.
At the end I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to the above mentioned whose
guidance, encouragement and constructive criticism have contributed immensely to the evolution
of our ideas
A patent is an exclusive right granted by the Government to the inventor to
exclude others to use, make and sell an invention is a specific period of time. A
patent is also available for improvement in their previous Invention. The main
motto to enact patent law is to encourage inventors to contribute more in their
field by awarding them exclusive rights for their inventions. In modern terms,
the patent is usually referred to as the right granted to an inventor for his
Invention of any new, useful, non-obvious process, machine, article of
manufacture, or composition of matter. The word “patent” is referred from a
Latin term “patere” which means “to lay open,” i.e. to make available for public
inspection. There are three basic tests for any invention to be patentable:
Under the Indian patent law, a patent can be obtained only for an invention
which is new and useful. The invention must relate to the machine, article or
substance produced by a manufacturer, or the process of manufacture of an
article. A patent may also be obtained for innovation of an article or of a
process of manufacture. In respect to medicine or drug and certain classes of
chemicals, no patent is granted for the substance itself even if it is new, but the
process of manufacturing and substance is patentable. The application for a
patent must be true and the first inventor or the person who has derived title
from him, the right to apply for a patent being assignable.
The first step of the patent in India was Act VI of 1856. The main objective of
the legislation was to encourage the respective inventions of new and useful
manufactures and to induce inventors to reveal their inventions and make
available for public. The Act was repealed by Act IX of 1857 as it had been
enacted without the approval of the British Crown. Fresh legislation was enacted
for granting ‘exclusive privileges’ was introduced in 1859 as Act XV of 1859.
This legislation undergoes specific modifications of the previous legislation,
namely, grant of exclusive privileges to useful inventions only, an extension of
priority period from 6 months to 12 months. The Act excluded importers from
the definition of an inventor. The Act was then amended in 1872, 1883 and
The Indian Patent and Design Act, 1911 repealed all previous acts. The Patents
Act 1970, along with the Patent Rules 1972, came into force on 20 April 1972,
replacing the Indian Patent and Design Act 1911. The Patent Act is basically
based on the recommendations of the report Justice Ann. The Ayyangar
Committee headed by Rajagopala Iyengar. One of the recommendations was
the allowance of process patents in relation to inventions related to drugs,
drugs, food and chemicals. Again The Patents Act, 1970 was amended by the
Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 regarding extending product patents in all
areas of technology including food, medicine, chemicals and microorganisms.
Following the amendment, provisions relating to exclusive marketing rights
(EMR) have been repealed, and a provision has been introduced to enable the
grant of compulsory licenses. Provisions related to pre-grant and anti-post
protests have also been introduced.
Innovation is an important criterion in determining the patent potential of an
invention. Under Section 2(l) of the Patent Act, a novelty or new Invention is
defined as “no invention or technology published in any document before the
date of filing of a patent application, anywhere in the country or the world”. The
complete specification, that is, the subject matter has not fallen into the public
domain or is not part of state of the art”.
Simply, the novelty requirement basically states that an invention that should
never have been published in the public domain. It must be the newest which
have no same or similar prior arts.
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Capable of industrial application:
Industrial applicability is defined in Section 2 (ac) of the Patents Act as “the
invention is capable of being made or used in an industry”. This basically means
that the Invention cannot exist in the abstract. It must be capable of being
applied in any industry, which means that it must have practical utility in
respect of patent.
These are statutory criteria for the patent of an invention. In addition, other
important criteria for obtaining a patent is the disclosure of a competent patent.
A competent patent disclosure means a patent draft specification must
adequately disclose the Invention, so as to enable a person skilled in the same
field related to carrying out the Invention with undue efforts.
Right to exploit patent: A patentee has the exclusive right to make
use, exercise, sell or distribute the patented article or substance in
India, or to use or exercise the method or process if the patent is for a
person. This right can be exercised either by the patentee himself or by
his agent or licensees. The patentee’s rights are exercisable only
during the term of the patent.
Right to grant license: The patentee has the discretion to transfer
rights or grant licenses or enter into some other arrangement for a
consideration. A license or an assignment must be in writing and
registered with the Controller of Patents, for it to be legitimate and
valid. The document assigning a patent is not admitted as evidence of
title of any person to a patent unless registered and this is applicable
to assignee not to the assignor.
Right to Surrender: A patentee has the right to surrender his patent,
but before accepting the offer of surrender, a notice of surrender is
given to persons whose name is entered in the register as having an
interest in the patent and their objections, if any, considered. The
application for surrender is also published in the Official Gazette to
enable interested persons to oppose.
Right to sue for infringement: The patentee has a right to institute
proceedings for infringement of the patent in a District Court having
jurisdiction to try the suit.
Government use of patents: A patented invention may be used or even
acquired by the Government, for its use only; it is to be understood
that the Government may also restrict or prohibit the usage of the
patent under specific circumstances. In case of a patent in respect of
any medicine or drug, it may be imported by the Government for its
own use or for distribution in any dispensary, hospital or other medical
institution run by or on behalf of the Government. The aforesaid use
can be made without the consent of the patentee or payment of any
royalties. Apart from this, the Government may also sell the article
manufactured by patented process on royalties or may also require a
patent on paying suitable compensation.
Compulsory licenses: If the patent is not worked satisfactorily to meet
the reasonable requirements of the public, at a reasonable price, the
Controller may grant compulsory licenses to any applicant to work the
patent. A compulsory license is a provision under the Indian Patent Act
which grants power to the Government to mandate a generic drug
maker to manufacture inexpensive medicine in public interest even as
a patent in the product is valid. Compulsory licenses may also be
obtained in respect of related patents where one patent cannot be
worked without using the related patent.
Revocation of patent: A patent may be revoked in cases where there
has been no work or unsatisfactory result to the demand of the public
in respect of the patented invention.
Invention for defence purposes: Such patents may be subject to
certain secrecy provisions, i.e. publication of the Invention may be
restricted or prohibited by directions of Controller. Upon continuance of
such order or prohibition of publication or communication of patented
Invention, the application is debarred for using it, and the Central
Government might use it on payment of royalties to the applicant.
Restored Patents: Once lapsed, a patent may be restored, provided
that few limitations are imposed on the right of the patentee. When the
infringement was made between the period of the date of infringement
and the date of the advertisement of the application for reinstatement,
the patent has no authority to take action for infringement.
Step 1: Write about inventions (idea or concept) with each and every
Collect all information about your Invention such as:
1. Field of Invention
2. What does the Invention describe
3. How does it work
4. Benefits of Invention
If you worked on the Invention and during the research and development
phase, you should have some call lab records which are duly signed with the
date by you and the concerned authority.
Step 2: It must involve a diagram, drawing and sketch explains the
Drawings and drawings should be designed so that the visual work can be
better explained with the invention work. They play an important role in patent
1. Filing date.
2. 12 months time for filing full specification.
3. Lesser cost.
After filing a provisional application, you secure the filing date, which is very
important in the patent world. You get 12 months to come up with the complete
specification; your patent application will be removed at the end of 12 months.
When you have completed the required documents and your research work is at
a level where you can have prototypes and experimental results to prove your
inventive move; you can file the complete specification with the patent
Filing the provisional specification is an optional step if you are in the stage
where you have complete knowledge about your Invention you can go straight
to the full specification.
If you do not wish to wait until the expiration of 18 months from the filing date
to publish your patent application, an initial publication request may be made
with the prescribed fee. The patent application is usually published early as a
one-month form request.
1. Patent subject
2. Newness
3. Lack of clarity
4. Inventory steps
5. Industrial application
6. By enabling
The examiner makes the first examination report of the patent application upon
a review for the above conditions. This is called patent prosecution. Everything
that happens for a patent application before the grant of a patent is usually
called patent prosecution.
The first examination report submitted to the Controller by the examiner usually
includes prior art (existing documents prior to the filing date) that are similar to
the claimed invention and is also reported to the patent applicant.
This is an opportunity for an investor to communicate his novelty over the prior
art in examination reports. Inventors and patent agents create and send a test
response that tries to prove that their Invention is indeed patentable and meets
all patent criteria.
Step 9: clearance of objections
The Controller and the patent applicant is connected for ensuring that all
objections raised regarding the invention or application is resolved and the
inventor has a fair chance to prove his point and establish novelty and inventive
steps on other existing arts.
Upon receiving a patent application in order for grant, it is the first grant for a
patent applicant.
Step 10:
Once all patent requirements are met, the application will be placed for the
grant. The grant of a patent is notified in the Patent Journal, which is published
Patent infringement is a violation which involves the unauthorized use,
production, sale, or offer of sale of the subject matter or Invention of another’s
patent. There are many different types of patents, such as utility patents,
design patents, and plant patents. The basic idea behind patent infringement is
that unauthorized parties are not allowed to use patents without the owner’s
When there is infringement of patent, the court generally compares the subject
matter covered under the patent with the used subject matter by the
“infringer”, infringement occurs when the infringer Uses patent material from in
the exact form. Patent infringement is an act of any unauthorized manufacture,
sale, or use of a patented invention. Patent infringement occurs directly or
Patents can provide great value and increased returns to individuals and
companies on the investment made in developing new technology. Patenting
should be done with an intelligent strategy that aligns business interests to
implement the technology with a wide range of options in the search for how,
where and when to patent. As an example, with a focus on international
considerations and regulations in specific countries, it is possible for a company
to achieve significant savings and improve the rights gained using patents.