40 Values Checklist
40 Values Checklist
40 Values Checklist
Values are your heart’s deepest desires for how you want to behave as a human being. They describe how you
want to treat yourself, others, and the world around you. This is not a list of “the right” values; there are no
“right” or “wrong” ones. It’s like your taste in ice cream. If you prefer chocolate but someone else prefers vanilla,
that doesn’t mean their taste is right and yours is wrong—or vice-versa. It just means you have different tastes.
So these aren’t the right or best values; they’re just to give you some ideas. And if your values aren’t listed,
there’s room at the bottom to add them.
Pick an area of life you want to enhance, improve or explore (e.g., work, education, health, leisure, parenting,
friendship, spirituality, intimate relationship). Then consider which values in the list below best complete this
sentence: In this area of my life, I want to be …
Read through the list, and if a value seems very important in this area of life, put a V by it. If it’s somewhat
important, put an S. And if it’s not that important, put an N.