Infancy Physical Development
Infancy Physical Development
Infancy Physical Development
Piaget called infancy as "Sensorimotor" stage because he recognized that infants learn about
their world by interacting with it through their senses. They don't understand their
environment very well at first, but are born exquisitely prepared to explore and learn. They
learn how to make purposeful movements, how to make sense of things, how to speak, and
how to perform other skills. All of these developments require babies to use all their senses:
touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight. As babies begin to mature, between ages 1 and 6
months, they are able to locate where sounds come from in their environment and to compile
sounds into more complex chunks, such as musical phrases. By age 6 months, babies begin
sorting out speech sounds from their own language and ignoring speech sounds that they
recognize as not from their own language. Unlike their abilities to smell or hear, babies are
not able to see as well as adults do.
Babies' eyes develop quickly, and by age 2 or 3 months they have the ability to see a full
spectrum, or range, of colors and can focus on objects just like adults.
When babies are born, they are equipped with a set of reflexes, or automatic actions
, for the first two months, babies will "step" with their legs if they are held vertically with
their feet touching a surface.
By around age 2 months, infants' backs continue to strengthen, and they are able to raise their
head and chest up off the ground and rest their body on their elbows when they're lying on
their stomachs. . Around age 4 months, they can maintain control of their head and hold it
steady while they're sitting up with help or lying on their belly
. Also around age 5 months, babies will wiggle all their limbs while they lie on their belly;
this strengthens their crawling muscles
. Around age 6 months, most infants can sit up by themselves for brief periods and can begin
to put some weight on their legs as they're held upright with some support.
. Babies may begin to crawl around age 7 months. At around 8 months, babies can sit up by
themselves for extended periods and can pull themselves to their feet while they hold onto
something for leverage and support, such as a table or the edge of a couch. By the next
month, age 9 months, babies can not only sit independently for a long time, but also reach
and play with toys while maintaining their balance. At this time, babies can pull themselves
up into a stand without support. Babies continue to build on their physical abilities, and
around age 10 months, they can stand on their own for extended periods. They are making
progress toward walking, picking up and putting down their feet while they stand. They may
make their first hesitant steps as they walk while holding onto something such as a crib rail.
The ability to walk improves as infants walk while holding onto caregivers' hands around age
11 months, and begin making their own first toddling steps around age 12 months.
. In the first 2 years, babies grow to almost half their adult height and can quadruple their
birth weight.
. When infants are born, most of their body mass is in their head. As they grow older, the rest
of their bodies catch up.
. Babies grow first in their chest and trunk and then in their arms and legs. Over the first year
of life, babies' bones and skeletons ossify, or harden. When babies are born, their bones are
softer and more like
cartilage. This allows them to be flexible, fit inside the mother's womb, and pass through the
birth canal. However, as their bones harden in the first year, the skeleton is better able to
support their weight during activities such as crawling and walking. Babies also have "soft
spots" in their skull because some parts of the skull haven't fused together yet. By age 2
years, babies' skulls are as hard as adult skulls,
On average, young children can expect to grow 2 to 3 inches in height per year
Throughout this stage, girls tend to develop slightly faster than boys.
Children who are 3 to 4 years old can climb up stairs using a method of bringing both feet
together on each step before proceeding to the next step
By ages 4 to 5, children can go up and down the stairs alone in the adult fashion (i
During ages 5 to 6, young children continue to refine earlier skills. They're running even
Their artistic skills improve, and they can draw simple stick figures and copy shapes such as
circles, squares, and large letters. Drawing more complex shapes, however, may take longer.
Adolescent development
During adolescence, young people go through many changes as they move into physical
maturity. Early, prepubescent changes occur when the secondary sexual characteristics
• Girls may begin to develop breast buds as early as 8 years old. Breasts develop fully
between ages 12 and 18.
• Pubic hair, armpit and leg hair usually begin to grow at about age 9 or 10, and reach
adult patterns at about 13 to 14 years.
• Menarche (the beginning of menstrual periods) typically occurs about 2 years after
early breast and pubic hair appear. It may occur as early as age 9, or as late as age 16.
The average age of menstruation in the United States is about 12 years.
• Girls growth spurt peaks around age 11.5 and slows around age 16.
• Boys may begin to notice that their testicles and scrotum grow as early as age 9. Soon,
the penis begins to lengthen. By age 17 or 18, their genitals are usually at their adult
size and shape.
• Pubic hair growth, as well as armpit, leg, chest, and facial hair, begins in boys at
about age 12, and reaches adult patterns at about 17 to 18 years.
• Boys do not start puberty with a sudden incident, like the beginning of menstrual
periods in girls. Having regular nocturnal emissions (wet dreams) marks the
beginning of puberty in boys. Wet dreams typically start between ages 13 and 17. The
average age is about 14 and a half years.
Boys' voices change at the same time as the penis grows. Nocturnal emissions occur with the
peak of the height spurt.
. Piaget believed that as babies begin to grow and learn about their environment through their
senses, they begin to engage in intentional, goal-directed behaviors. Piaget separated infancy
into six sub-stages, of Erickson's observation that young infants learn to either trust or
mistrust their environment. by about age 5 months, babies will track an object with their eyes,
even after it leaves their direct line of vision. They will turn their head or even their whole
body to continue watching something that grabs their attention. While they're taking in
information and practicing cause and effect experiments, their memory continues to grow
• , by about age 5 months, babies will track an object with their eyes, even after it
leaves their direct line of vision.
• Another major development during this period is that of object permanence, the
understanding that something still exists even if it can't be seen.
• , between the ages of 12 to 18 months
• toddlers continue to explore their environment and create experiments to see how
things work.
• , between the ages of 18 and 24 months,
• babies begin to be symbol-oriented, which means that they create a general image of
things in their minds and retain them as examples of some objects.
• . Around age 21 months, babies grasp the idea of past, present, and future.
• Around age 24 months, they develop the capacity to pretend and imagine things that
aren't there in front of them.
Biological changes in brain structure and connectivity within the brain interact with increased
experience, knowledge, and changing social demands to produce rapid cognitive growth (see
Changes in the brain above). The age at which particular changes take place varies between
individuals, but the changes discussed below begin at puberty or shortly after that and some
skills continue to develop as the adolescent ages.
Infancy Emotional
This section will discuss how babies learn not only to express their feelings and emotions, but
also how they learn to understand other people's feelings
They're beginning to make the connection that expressions match an inside feeling. It's
interesting to note some babies begin to exhibit jealousy at the end of this first year, around
age 12 months.
. In fact, by this age, toddlers can even fake some emotions in order to get what they want.
Childhood Emotional
As with emotional development, both internal and external variables can affect young
children's self-concept. For example, a child's temperament can affect how they view
themselves and their ability to successfully complete tasks. Children with easy temperaments
are typically willing to try things repeatedly and are better able to handle frustrations and
challenges. In contrast, children with more difficult temperaments may become more easily
frustrated and discouraged by challenges or changes in the situation.
Children who can better cope with frustrations and challenges are more likely to think of
themselves as successful, valuable, and good, which will lead to a higher self-esteem. In
contrast, children who become easily frustrated and discouraged, often quit or need extra
assistance to complete a task. These children may have lower self-esteem if they start to
believe that they can't be successful and aren't valuable.
Peers also have an impact on young children's self-concept. Young children who have
playmates and classmates that are usually nice and apt to include the child in activities will
develop a positive self-image. However, a young child who is regularly left out, teased, or
bullied by same-age or older peers can develop low self-esteem.
During early childhood, children typically start to develop self-conscious emotions as they
start evaluating themselves, instead of purely reacting to caregivers' or other adults'
• shows strong feelings and intense emotions at different times. Moods might seem
unpredictable. These emotional ups and downs can lead to increased conflict. Your child’s
brain is still learning how to control and express emotions in a grown-up way
• is more sensitive to your emotions: young people get better at reading and processing other
people’s emotions as they get older. While they’re developing these skills, they can
sometimes misread facial expressions or body language
• is more self-conscious, especially about physical appearance and changes. Teenage self-
esteem is often affected by appearance – or by how teenagers think they look. As they
develop, children might compare their bodies with those of friends and peers
• goes through a ‘bulletproof’ stage of thinking and acting as if nothing bad could happen to
him. Your child’s decision-making skills are still developing, and your child is still learning
about the consequences of actions.
Many people think that adolescence is always a difficult time, and that all teenagers have bad moods
and behave in challenging ways. In fact, some studies show that only 5-15% of teenagers go through
extreme emotional turmoil, become rebellious or have major conflicts with their parents. Social and
emotional changes are part of your child’s journey to adulthood. You have a big role to play in
helping your child develop grown-up emotions and social skills.
Changes in relationships
You might notice that your child:
• wants to spend less time with family and more time with friends and peers
• has more arguments with you: some conflict between parents and children during the
teenage years is normal, as children seek more independence. It actually shows that your
child is maturing. Conflict tends to peak in early adolescence. If you feel like you’re arguing
with your child all the time, it might help to know that this isn’t likely to affect your
relationship with your child in the longer term
• sees things differently from you: this isn’t because your child wants to upset you. It’s
because your child is beginning to think more abstractly and to question different points of
view. At the same time, some teenagers find it hard to understand the effects of their
behaviour and comments on other people. These skills will develop with time.
In terms of a macro-level influence, the child's nation of residence can also affect his or her
emotional development. A child growing up in a peacetime country may develop more
positive emotional responses and skills than a child growing up in a war-torn country
governed by martial law.