تغييرات طويلة الأمد في تجمعات الأسماك في خليج الصليبخات

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Long term changes in the fish assemblage of Sulaibikhat Bay, Kuwait

Article  in  Kuwait Journal of Science & Engineering · January 1996


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3 authors, including:

David Clayton
Sultan Qaboos University


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Kuwait J. Sci. & Eng. 23, 1996

Long term changes in the fish assemblage of Sulaibikhat Bay,



1 WS Atkins, Woodcote Grove, Ashley Road, Epsom, KT18 5BW, UK
2Zoology Department, Kuwait University, P.O. Box 5969, Safat 13060, Kuwait
3Biology Department, Faculty of Science, Sultan Qaboos University, PO Box 32486, Al-Khod,
Oman .

Between February 1986 and July 1990, a total of 47,761 fish representing 70 species from 38
families were captured using an otter trawl in Sulaibikhat Bay, Kuwait. Young of the year
dominated the catches. The assemblage can be characterised by depth and season, with depth
made up of intertidal and subtidal. Seasons consisted of winter, spring and summer. The 20
most numerous species can be placed into several categories with typical examples as follows:
regular species are: Leiognathus decorus (de Vis); spring and summer intertidal species Liza
carinata (Valenciennes); irregular species Terapon puta (Cuvier) and subtidal species Solea
elongata (Day). Fish abundance data showed considerable variation between years. The
long-term dominant species, Leiognathus decorus (de Vis), unlike most other species reported
here, was present in all life history stages and in consistent numbers every year. The two
numerical dominants, Liza carinata and Pomadasys stridens (Forsskal), showed marked
between-year differences in numbers, being present in large numbers in one year only.

Shallow coastal environments are recognised as important nursery areas in the
absence of estuaries (Blaber & Blaber 1980, Lennanton 1982, Wright 1989a).
Hyper-haline and semi enclosed Kuwait Bay and Sulaibikhat Bay (29°21'N,
47°52'E), a sub-system of Kuwait Bay, are probably Kuwait's most important and
productive nursery areas (Dames & Moore 1983; Wright 1988a, 1988b, -I989a, 1989b,
1989c, 1990; Abou-Seedo et al. 1990a, 1990b, Wright et al. 1990). The extensive
intertidal habitats of Sulaibikhat Bay are particularly important as prime habitat for
over-wintering birds and as nursery habitat in the spring and summer for fishes and
shrimps. Prior to the total ban on all (except intertidal stake traps) commercial fishing
in Kuwait Bay, Sulaibikhat Bay supported an active gill net fishery for mullet. The
Bay is an important roosting site in the spring and autumn for migratory wading
birds, and is particularly important for the crab plover, a species of restricted
distribution in the Gulf (Cowan 1990). The fish assemblage of Sulaibikhat Bay is
characterised by juvenile stages with relatively few dominants. These dominants are
48 J. M. Wright et al.
of two ecological types, being either relatively variable in numbers between years
as shown by Liza carinata (Valenciennes) and Pomadasys stridens (Forsskal), or
relatively stable between years as shown by Leiognathus decorus (de Vis) (Wright
1990). Depending on the species, juvenile fish on the nursery grounds migrate
depending on diurnal period, tidal condition and turbidity (Wright 1989a, Wright
et al. 1990, Abou-Seedo et al. 1990a).
Considerable work has been published on fish assemblage consistency (Claridge
et al. 1986; Potter et al. 1986). It is known that fishing activities may change tropical
demersal fish communities (Harris & Poiner 1991), but documentation of changes
due to other factors in non-estuarine tropical environments is rare (Rainer 1984).
In Sulaibikhat Bay, marked differences between 1987 and 1988 fish assemblages were
ascribed to differences of recruitment of Liza carinata (Wright 1990).
This study was undertaken to assess long term changes in the fish assemblage of
Sulaibikhat Bay by examining the consistency of seasonal trawl catches over 4~ years
from February 1986 to July 1990. A novel analytical approach has been employed
to examine this continuous data set. This approach reveals new insights into the
structure and function of the fish assemblage of Sulaibikhat Bay. Previous work was
limited to addressing monthly changes in the fish assemblage between September 1986
and September 1988 (Wright 1989a).


Sulaibikhat Bay is a non-estuarine, shallow «4 m deep at low tide) semi-enclosed
area covering approximately 46 km 2 surface area (Fig. 1). The maximum tidal range
of 4m and gradual sloping bottom result in extensive intertidal mudflats (Jones &
Clayton 1983). The tidal range is usually less than 3 m (Kuwait Ports Authority 1990).
Five minute tows, by an otter trawl at 0.5ms- 1 with a mouth width of 4m and
constructed of 13 mm stretch mesh with a 6.5 mm stretch mesh cod end, were used to
sample monthly fish populations at 12 fixed stations. Five stations were in the subtidal
zone and seven in the intertidal, reflecting the relative surface areas of the two zones.
Occasional inclement weather resulted in fewer than seven trawls in the intertidal
zone. Water depth of stations in the subtidal stations ranged between 4 and 8 m, and
depths in intertidal stations ranged between 0.6 and 2 m. All trawl samples were
collected during daylight within two hours of high tide. Stem thermometers and
refractometers measured to 0.5°C and 0.5%0 respectively. Bottom temperature and
salinity were measured between September 1988 and July 1990.
For each catch, fish were sorted by species using Fischer & Bianchi (1984), and
were enumerated. Algal volume was measured to the nearest 100ml using a 1000ml
graduated measuring cylinder.
The numbers of individuals of each species from September 1986 to May 1989
were subjected to analysis using two-way indicators species analysis (TWINSPAN)
and detrended correspondence analysis (DECORANA) (Hill 1979a, b). The results
from TWINSPAN for all samples were plotted as a dendrogram. The DECORANA
results for the 20 most abundant species were plotted as an ordination of samples
and species. The results from these analyses were used to formulate the approach
to the subsequent 3-way ANOV A analysis and graphical presentation of the
monthly data.
Unbalanced 3-way ANOV A, using SYSTAT, was undertaken on samples from
Long term changes in the fish assemblage of Sulaibikhat Bay, Kuwait 49

Arabian Gulf


State of Kuwait

20 Km

480 Saudi Arabia

Fig. 1. Map of Kuwait showing location of Sulaibikhat Bay.

November 1986 to October 1989 (SYSTAT 1988). For the purposes of the ANOVA
and graphical presentation, the months of the year were divided into three seasons.
Winter months were considered to be November, December and January; spring
months were considered to be February and March, and the remaining months were
considered to be summer months. The ANOV A's were used to investigate the effect of
depth of water (D), season of sampling (S) and year (Y), all on log of total number of
fishes (N). The total number of fishes were subjected to log (x + 1) as transformations
were necessary to ensure that means were independent of variance (Underwood
50 . J. M. Wright et al.
The long term changes in surface temperature were consistent (Fig. 2) and were
characterised by a gradual rise in surface temperature from l30e in January to a
maximum of 36°e between June and September. Surface temperature was 1 or 2
degrees warmer than bottom water during the summer months and there was no
difference between surface and bottom temperatures during the winter months (Fig. 3).
The salinity minimum usually occurred in April. The relationship between surface
and bottom salinity was more complex but surface water was 1 part per thousand
higher than the bottom water. The difference was more marked in the summer months
and may be a reflection of high evaporation on the extensive intertidal region.
The volume of weed (Viva & Entermorpha) collected in the trawl was measured
during the study period (Fig. 2). No algal volume data were collected in 1986. The
year 1988 appears atypical with a low volume of weed collected during the spring
months. A total of 47,761 fish belonging to 70 species in 38 families were captured in
the years of the monthly regime (Table 1).
TWINSPAN revealed 6 groupings (Fig. 4). Group A consists of an outlier
represented by the intertidal catches of January, 1989 and which consisted of two
small Gobius brevirostris Gunther from a total of 7 trawls. Groups B&e are summer
subtidal samples. Group D is made up of spring subtidal and summer intertidal
samples. Group E is summer intertidal samples. Group F is made up of winter
intertidal samples. Winter subtidal samples are found in groups B, e and D and
spring intertidal samples are found in groups E and F.
These groupings are more clearly seen in the DEeORANA analysis of samples that
are grouped into intertidal/subtidal and winter/spring/summer (Fig. 5). Axis 1





1 /'

Sp Su
w' Sp Su
w' SOp si.

Fig. 2. For the period February 1986 to July 1990. (a): surface temperature (O), weed volume (e). (b): mean
number of fishes for the intertidal (e) and subtidal (O), with 95% confidence limits. Numbers refer to upper
95% confidence limit. Sp, Spring; Su, Summer; and W, Winter. nd, no data.
Long term changes in the fish assemblage of Sulaibikhat Bay, Kuwait 51


36 son

Fig. 3. Salinity and temperature fluctuation. (a): temperature and (b): Salinity, surface (0) and bottom (e)
temperature and salinity in Sulaibikhat Bay.

represents the change from intertidal to subtidal and Axis 2 is more complex but is
a measure of regularity of occurrence. The division between intertidal and subtidal
is clear. The division on Axis 2 suggests an element of seasonality as well as
regularity. The distribution of the twenty most abundant species shown by
DECORANA also reflects the change from intertidal to subtidal on Axis 1 and
from summer to winter on Axis 2 (Fig. 6). Leiognathus decorus is centrally located
reflecting its presence all year round in both the intertidal and subtidal zones.
Other species with a similar distribution include Pseudosynanceia melanostigma, an
intertidal species, Sil/ago sp. and Plotosus lineatus, subtidal species. Liza carinata is
toward the upper left reflecting its exclusively intertidal spring and summer
distribution. Species showing a similar distribution, include the following: Acentro-
gob ius ornatus, exclusively intertidal and Thryssa hamiltonii, mostly intertidal.
Solea elongata is at the lower right reflecting its subtidal distribution. These
species centred around Pomadasys stridens were typically captured irregularly in
the sub tidal zone.
Significant two-factor interactions were found for the 3-way ANOVA that
examined the effect of depth (D), season (S) and year (Y) on total numbers of fish
(N) (Table 2). It was not considered worthwhile to try and isolate the effects of these
variables given that all three of the two factor interactions were significant. The
graphical presentation of the data illustrates the above two-factor interactions (Fig.
2). It should be noted that the 3-way ANOV A uses data between November 1986 and
September 1989 but that Fig. 2 illustrates data from February 1986 to July 1990. The
significant Year and Season (Y S) interaction is due to the marked differences in
numbers in any given season between years. The significant Year Depth (Y D)
interaction is due to differences in numbers between depths in both years so that
numbers in the intertidal zone are not consistent between years as shown by intertidal
numbers in all seasons of 1987 compared to 1988 (Fig. 2). The significant Depth
Season (D S) interaction is due to the inconsistent difference in intertidal numbers in
52 . J. M. Wright et al.
Table 1. Alphabetical listing of families with species captured during the sampling programme.


Apogonidae Pomadasys argenteus (Forsskal)

Apogonichthys uninotatus Smith & Radc1iffe Pomadasys maculatum (Bloch)
Ariidae Hemiramphidae
Arius tenuispinis Day Hemiramphus marginatus (Forsskal)
Batrachoididae Leiognathidae
Batrachus grunniens (Linnaeus)
Belonidae Leiognathus decorus (de Vis)
Stronglyura strongylura (Van Hasselt) Leiognathus lineolatus (Valenciennes)
Bothidae Mugilidae
Pseudorhombus arsius (Hamilton) Liza carinata (Valenciennes)
Callionymidae Liza subviridis (Valenciennes)
Callionymus hindsi Richardson Mullidae
Carangidae Upeneus sulphureus Cuvier
Alepes djedaba (Forsskal) Upeneus tragula Richardson
Scomberoides commersonnianus Lacepede Platycephalidae
Trachinotus mookalee Cuvier Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus)
Caranx sexfasciatus (Quoy & Gaimard) Grammoliptes scaber (Linnaeus)
Carcharhinidae Plotosidae
Scoliodon laticaudus Muller & Henle Plotosus lineatus (Thunberg)
Clupeidae Polynemidae
Nematolosa nasus (Bloch) Polynemus sextarius Bloch & Schneider
Ilisha melastoma (Schneider) Rhyncho ba tidae
Sardinella melanura (Cuvier) Rhynchobatus djiddensis (Forsskal)
Dussumeria acuta Valenciennes Scatophagidae
Sardinella longiceps Valenciennes Scatophagus tetracanthus (Lacepede)?
Sardinella gibbosa (Bleeker) Sciaenidae
Cynoglossidae Pennahia macrophthalmus (Bleeker)
Cynoglossus puncticeps (Richard son) Otolithes ruber (Schneider)
Cynoglossus arel (Schneider) Johnieops aneus (Bloch)
Cyprinodontidae Johnius belangerii (Cuvier)
Aphanius dispar (Ruppell) Scorpaenidae
Dasyatididae Pseudosynanceia melanostigma (Day)
Dasyatis imbricatus (Bloch & Schneider) Minous monodactylus (Bloch & Schneider)
Engraulidae Sillaginidae
Thryssa hamiltonii (Gray) Sillago sihama (F orsskal)
Thryssa dussumieri (Valenciennes) Sillago sp.
Thryssa mystax (Schneider) Soleidae
Gerreidae Solea elongata Day
Gerres jilamentosus Cuvier Euryglossa orientalis (Bloch & Schneider)
Gerres lucidus Cuvier Sparidae
Gobiidae Acanthopagrus latus (Houttuyn)
Apocryptes madurenesis Bleeker Acanthopagrus berda (Forsskal)
Acentrogobius ornatus (Ruppell) Diplodus sargus kotschyi (Steindachner)
Scartelaos viridis (Hamilton-Buchanan) Synodontidae
Acentrogobius cyanomos (Bleeker) Saurida undosquamis (Richardson)
Gobius brevirostris Gunther Teraponidae
Boleophthalmus boddarti Pallas Terapon puta (Cuvier)
Ctenogobius criniger Cuvier & Valenciennes Tetraodontidae
Trypauchen vaginata (Bloch & Schneider) Chelonodon paloca (Buchanan)
Periophthalmus koelreuteri Pallas Triacanthidae
Gymnuridae Pseudotriacanthus slrigilifer (Cantor)
Gymnura poecilura (Shaw) Trichuridae
Haemulidae Eupleurogrammus glossodon (Bleeker)
Pomadasys stridens (Forsskal)
Long term changes in the fish assemblage of Sulaibikhat Bay, Kuwait 53

r----~=::::::r===;====~1-891 _1-87S
2-895 -4-88S
_ _~=======2-88S -10-875
• 1-88S -9-87S
6-87S -5-87S B

~=~~;;;;~~;;~~11-88S_1O_88S -=-6-88S
8:aas -12_88S
~==========:=;S..-895 -11- 86S
7 88S-9-88S
3-875 -2-87S
r~==~~~t-881 -~91
. 891 -10-881
:====i9-885-88: -8-881
9-871 -10-871
4_871 -8-871
.... 1 -7-871 E
g, -5-871
4-871 -3-871
~--~==~~I ~I
_ _ _ _ _~===::=:3-881 -11-871
,... 11-881_12_875
891 -2-881
'--------:==~-871 -12-881 F
1-881 -12-861
L__~==~~311- 861_12-871
2-891 -1-871
6 N t'?

Fig. 4. TWINSPAN dendrogram of intertidal (I) and subtidal (S) samples in each month and year.

any given season, best illustrated by the huge numbers in the intertidal summer
compared to winter in 1987.
The different between years in numbers captured is particularly obvious in the high
catches in 1987 followed by lower numbers in the remaining years. Numbers in 1986,
1988, 1989 and 1990 and the distribution between depths and seasons in these years
are broadly similar. Large volumes of weed were taken by the trawl during the spring
months in 1987, 1989 and 1990, but low volumes were recorded in 1988. No data were
collected in 1986.
Of the six dominant fish species, only Leiognathus decorus is present in every season
of the sampling period (Fig. 7). This species is typically present in low numbers in

0 • • • •
0 • ••
• 0

000 o 8
cg.o o·
•• • 0
o • 0
ood' 0 cP 0
• •

0 0

•• •


• •2 • 3 4

Fig. 5. DECORANA ordination of samples grouped into intertidal (un shaded) and subtidal (shaded) and
spring (<», winter (0) and summer (0).
54 J. M. Wright et af.

Upeneus ·lIisha melastoma

3 sulphureus
.Gobius brevirostris
Liza .FOri18da~ stridens
carinata \ • ~Pseudptrlacanthus strigllifer
2 Acentrogobius. Nema Arius tenulSplnis
ornatus. Thryssa. taloS8 nasus
~s hamiltonii. .Plotosus lineatus
.Apocryptesmadurenesis. h d
• • Lelognat us acorus
Pseuoosynanceia melanostigma
5i1lagosp. •
. ' . 50lea elongata
5111ago sihama Liza subviridis
• Callionymus hindsi

• Terapon puta
-2 -1 6 1
Fig. 6. DECORANA ordination of the twenty most abundant species.

Table 2. Three-way ANOV A of year (Y), season (S) and depth (D) with log total numbers of fish.

Source of
variation ssq df Mean sq F-ratio Probability

Y 75.0 2 37.5 18.7 0.000***

S 160.8 2 80.4 40.1 0.000***
D 134.3 134.3 67.0 0.000***
YS 26.2 4 6.5 3.3 0.012*
YD 31.3 2 15.6 7.8 0.001 ***
SD 22.9 2 11.4 5.7 0.004**
YD 4.9 4 1.2 0.61 0.653
Error 720.1 359 2.0

* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** P < 0.001.

Number5 ~

o ::::::~--."~Cl--o-lo-Cl--o-o-Cl--O 'I • I • 'I



Su s'u vii Sp Su vii Sp s'u wl s'p SOu

1986 1987 1988 1989 1990
Fig. 7. Mean number of So/ea e/ongata (upper) and Leiognathus decorus (lower) for the intertidal (e) and
sub tidal (0), with 95% confidence limits. Note different scales on the V-axes. Sp, Spring; Su, Summer; and
W, Winter.
Long term changes in the fish assemblage of Sulaibikhat Bay, Kuwait 55

-: o ._() _ _
, .. .--()-()
" '


o ()--~- .......o .::::~ ..............- . - - . - - . - . - . .--.

Su wl sp Su Su W
'I •
sp Su Vi'Sp Su
1986 1987 1988 1989 1990

Fig. 8. Mean number of Pomadasys stridens (upper) and Liza carinata (lower) for the intertidal (e) and
subtidal (0), with 95% confidence limits. Note different scales on the Y-axes. Sp, Spring; Su, Summer; and
W, Winter.

both depths during the winter months with larger numbers in the intertidal region
during spring and summer. Larger numbers were found in the subtidal than in the
intertidal regions during spring 1987 and to a lesser extent in 1990. The numbers of
both Liza carinata and Pomadasys stridens reflect the exceptional catches in 1987
(Fig. 8). The catches of Liza carinata were due to shoals being taken in two spring
trawls and high summer catches. The catches of Pomadasys stridens reflect high
catches in the summer months of 1987. In 1988 to 1990, catches of these two species
were infrequent. The catches of Solea elongata have been higher in the intertidal
regions during 1986 and 1987 with low numbers almost exclusively in the sub tidal

Su Su Su Su Su
1986 1987 1988 1989 1990
Fig. 9. Mean number of Pseudosynanceia melanostigma (upper) and Thryssa hamiltonii (lower) for the
intertidal (e) and subtidal (0), with 95% confidence limits. Note different scales on the Y-axes. Sp, Spring;
Su, Summer; and W, Winter.
56 1. M. Wright et al.
regions for the remaining years of the programme (Fig. 7). Pseudosynanceia melano-
stigma, whilst present in lesser numbers, is present all year and is more abundant in
the intertidal zone (Fig. 9). Thryssa hamiltonii is characteristic of the intertidal zone
with larger numbers present in the summer months (Fig. 9).

Salinity and temperature cycles in Kuwait have been extensively reported and related
to fish and shrimp catches (Wright 1988b, 1991; Joseph & Shalash, 1991). The Shatt
aI-Arab River is the major freshwater input to the northern Arabian Gulf (Abaychi
et al. 1988). The peak input during the spring and the minimum in November
affects the salinity cycle in Sulaibikhat Bay (Wright 1989b). High annual shrimp
catches have been related to low average annual temperatures, salinities and bottom
oxygen concentrations (Joseph & Shalash 1991). It was further observed that shrimp
and commercial fish production were inversely related.
Whilst the reported temperature cycles remain broadly constant between years,
there are annual differences during the critical month of March, previously noted as
affecting the scale of the spring bloom of chlorophytes, with high temperatures likely
to result in a dieback of the bloom (Wright 1989c). The size of the bloom of
chlorophytes was markedly lower in 1988 compared to 1987, 1989 and 1990, with
no data collected in 1986. This supports the previous observation that early onset of
high summer temperatures results in a die-back of the chlorophytes.
Salinities show more inter-annual variation when compared to that of temperature.
Surface salinities in November of each year at the time of minimum input from the
Shatt ai-Arab can be used to indicate the supply of nutrients from the Shat ai-Arab to
Sulaibikhat Bay. Surface salinity in November was 46 (1986), 44 (1987), 42 (1988), 46
(1989), and probably at least 44 (1990). The poor bloom reported in spring 1988
occurred after a high input from the Shatt ai-Arab as indicated by surface salinities.
This suggests that nutrient supply from land-based sources, possibly via waste water
effluent discharged directly into Sulaibikhat Bay and therefore likely to be consistent,
was sufficient to produce the observed blooms and that temperature is the factor
determining the time of decline of the bloom.
Surface salinity is typically higher than bottom salinity with the difference more
marked in the summer. This gradient reflects high evaporation rates at the water
surface and on the extensive intertidal mud flats.
The fish assemblage of Sulaibikhat Bay is dominated by young-of-the-year fish.
During the year sampling programme 93% of the 47,761 fish were captured in the
two years between September 1986 and August 1988 (Wright 1989b). A total of 70
species from 38 families were recorded compared to 50 species in 30 families between
1986 and 1988 (Wright 1989b). The dominant families; in terms of number of species
are Gobiidae (8 species) and Clupeidae (6 species). The dominance of the Gobiidae
reflects the intertidal environment sampled with all four possible "mudskippers"
captured ..
The two numerically dominant species, Liza carinata and Pomadasys stridens,
accounted for 80.4% of the total catch in this study. Ichthyoplankton studies in
Kuwait Bay have identified the Engraulidae, Gobiidae and Clupeidae as the most
abundant families (Houde et al. 1986). A subsequent ichthyoplankton study identified
Sparidae, Clupeidae and Gobiidae as the dominant families (Grabe et al. 1992). In the
Long term changes in the fish assemblage of Sulaibikhat Bay, Kuwait 57
tropical Gulf of Carpentaria 25 species accounted for 82% of the commercial catch
dominated by Leiognathidae, Haemulidae and Clupeidae (Blaber et al. 1990). This
difference of a much higher diversity compared to the present study reflects the use of
the study area as a nursery ground. When compared to long-term beach seine studies
in a temporate Australian estuary, the familial and species numbers are similar with
71 species in 36 families (Loneragan et al. 1989).
The use of TWINSPAN and DECORANA allowed the samples to be divided into
three seasons. DECORANA split the 20 most abundant species on the ecological
criteria of water depth and seasonality. The assemblage could be divided into several
groups: Leiognathus decorus, Pseudosynanceia melanostigma, Sillago sihama, Sillago
sp. Liza subviridis and Callionymus hindsi which are found in both water depths at all
times of the year. Solea elongata is most typical of the subtidal zone. Terapon puta and
Illisha melastoma both occur irregularly in the subtidal and intertidal zone respec-
tively. Apocryptes madurenesis, Acentrogobius ornatus and Liza carinata are typical of
the intertidal zone in the spring and summer. Nematolosa nasus, Upeneus sulphurus,
Thryssa hamiltonii and Plotosus lineatus are typical of the intertidal area and are
captured irregularly, predominantly in the spring and summer. Gobius brevirostris,
Pomadasys stridens, Pseudotriacanthus strigiliJer and Arius tenuispinis are typically
found in the subtidal region, predominantly in the summer. It should be noted that of
the six dominant species only Liza carinata and Pomadasys stridens are pelagic. The
juvenile distribution of these two species appears to be intertidal but may be an
artefact of their increased catchability in shallow waters. When used to sample the
intertidal region, the headline of the otter trawl typically broke the surface. The trawl
therefore sampled surface waters in the intertidal region. During sub tidal sampling
the trawl was at least 4 m below the surface. Liza carinata can be seen to typically
form shoals at the water surface and the catches of this species may therefore be an
artefact of the use of an otter trawl. The observed intertidal distribution of Pomadays
stridens may also reflect this fishing method.
The complex results produced by the 3-way ANOVA reflect the marked differences
in the assemblage between years, between seasons and between depths. In general,
Sulaibikhat Bay is characterised by differences between years. These differences are
not directly related to the size of the spring bloom of chlorophytes which are
determined by spring temperatures. It is acknowledged that year-class strength is
determined in two stages with coarse control taking place during planktonic stages
and fine control taking place later in life (Gulland 1965). The particularly good year of
1987 for both Liza carinata and Pomadasys stridens has been discussed elsewhere
(Wright 1990). The catches of these two species in 1987 account of77.8% of the total
numbers captured.
Liza carinata juveniles have been shown to be closely associated to patches of
chlorophytes during the spring bloom (Wright, 1989c). However, the present study
suggests that the size of the blooms does not directly influence the success of the year
class of Liza carinata once recruited. Similarly, the success of the Leiognathus decorus
year class, whilst being associated with the chlorophytes early in the spring bloom
(Wright 1989c), is not directly related to the size of the spring bloom. This supports
previous observations made on the data from 1987 and 1988 (Wright 1990), that
blooms may alleviate predation pressure, particularly from piscivorous birds during
daylight, but that bloom size does not have a direct effect on the year-class success.
Leiognathus decorus is one of the few species that is present year round. This is a
58 J. M. Wright et al.
reflection of the fact that trawling captures adults as well as young of the year whilst
many of the other species are captured only as juveniles for a few months each year.
The larger catches in the subtidal region during the spring of 1987 and 1990 reflect a
spawning migration of larger fish (Wright 1988b, 1989b).
Long-term changes in the Southeast Gulf of Carpentaria are related to intense
trawling activity and disposal of by-catch with marked changes in abundance and diel
behaviour of species (Harris & Poiner 1991). It is suggested that the observed changes
in catches in Sulaibikhat Bay are dependent on factors other than fishing activity and
are more dependent on environmental factors. Long-term trends, such as noted in
the Gulf of Carpentaria, may be masked by the more pronounced between year
variations. These between-year variations are driven by environmental factors for
Liza carinata and Pomadasys stridens as discussed elsewhere (Wright 1990). The
consistency in catches of Leiognathus decorus in Sulaibikhat Bay suggests that fishing
pressure is not affecting this population at the present level of fishing activity.
Sulaibikhat Bay is rarely subjected to large-scale commercial trawling partly because
of the shallowness of the waters. There is a well-developed shrimp fishery in the
Northern Arabian Gulf with the typical associated by-catch disposal problems
(Harris & Poiner 1991).
The intertidal zone of the western side of the northern Arabian Gulf is charac-
terised by extensive mud flats. These flats are good nursery grounds for Liza carinata.
A number of other species are closely associated with the intertidal in this region
including: Leiognathus decorus, Pseudosynanceia melanostigma, Sillago sihama,
Sil/ago sp., Liza subviridis, Callionymus hindsi and the Clupeidae and Gobiidae
generally. The intertidal flats have also been identified as important shrimp nursery
grounds, particularly for Metapenaeus affinis (Bishop & Khan 1991).

We would like to express thanks to colleagues who helped with sampling, particularly
Tarek AI-Kanani, Dr J.V. Cl ark and Dr J. Bishop who provided many helpful
comments on the manuscript. We would particularly like to thank Aqeel for rescuing
the data presented here at great personal risk at the time of the invasion of Kuwait.

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(Accepted 12 February 1995)

60 J. M. Wright et al.

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