Landscape Schedule
Landscape Schedule
Landscape Schedule
Landscape Construction of Neighborhoods Olaisaha And Middle Al Uraija Project 02 Crushing 25-Nov-24 391 16
GR-CON-Z04-1051 Retaining walls . Steps, forming risers, treads and edges with finishes 16-May-24 01-Jun-24 13 121
Future Neighborhood Park FNP-07 07-Sep-23 03-Jun-24 220 119
Landscape Works 07-Sep-23 03-Jun-24 220 119
GR-CON-Z04-1010 Excavation (Tree Pit ) 07-Sep-23 14-Sep-23 6 246
GR-CON-Z04-1011 Aggregate Drainage layer 14-Sep-23 24-Sep-23 7 278
GR-CON-Z04-1012 Installation Geotextile 24-Sep-23 30-Sep-23 5 278
GR-CON-Z04-1013 Backfilling (Soil max for tree) 30-Sep-23 08-Oct-23 7 278
GR-CON-Z04-1014 Installation of Trees 22-Apr-24 24-Apr-24 2 119
GR-CON-Z04-1686 Installation of Shrubs 24-Apr-24 27-Apr-24 2 119
GR-CON-Z04-1696 Installation of Succulents 27-Apr-24 29-Apr-24 2 119
GR-CON-Z04-1706 Installation of Ground Covers 29-Apr-24 01-May-24 2 119
GR-CON-Z04-1716 Installation of Climbers 01-May-24 04-May-24 2 119
GR-CON-Z04-1726 Installation of Grass 04-May-24 06-May-24 2 119
GR-CON-Z04-1736 Installation of Lawns 06-May-24 08-May-24 2 119
GR-CON-Z04-1015 Backfilling (Mulch) 08-May-24 12-May-24 3 119
GR-CON-Z04-1016 Natural Boulders Installation 12-May-24 18-May-24 5 119
GR-CON-Z04-1017 Retaining walls . Steps, forming risers, treads and edges with finishes 18-May-24 03-Jun-24 14 119
Mosque M-11 07-Sep-23 09-Jul-24 247 92
Landscape Works 07-Sep-23 09-Jul-24 247 92
GR-CON-Z04-1078 Excavation (Tree Pit ) 07-Sep-23 13-Sep-23 5 255
GR-CON-Z04-1079 Aggregate Drainage layer 13-Sep-23 20-Sep-23 6 255
GR-CON-Z04-1080 Installation Geotextile 20-Sep-23 27-Sep-23 5 255
GR-CON-Z04-1081 Backfilling (Soil max for tree) 27-Sep-23 03-Oct-23 5 255
GR-CON-Z04-1082 Installation of Trees 22-Apr-24 27-Apr-24 4 92
GR-CON-Z04-3466 Installation of Climbers 27-Apr-24 01-May-24 4 92
GR-CON-Z04-3476 Installation of Shrubs 01-May-24 06-May-24 4 92
GR-CON-Z04-3486 Installation of Succulents 06-May-24 11-May-24 4 92
GR-CON-Z04-3496 Installation of Ground Covers 11-May-24 15-May-24 4 92
GR-CON-Z04-1083 Backfilling (Mulch) 15-May-24 02-Jun-24 15 92
GR-CON-Z04-1084 Natural Boulders Installation 02-Jun-24 17-Jun-24 13 92
GR-CON-Z04-1085 Retaining walls . Steps, forming risers, treads and edges with finishes 17-Jun-24 09-Jul-24 15 92
Mosque M-12 16-Sep-23 09-Jul-24 240 92
Landscape Works 16-Sep-23 09-Jul-24 240 92
GR-CON-Z04-1104 Excavation (Tree Pit ) 16-Sep-23 21-Sep-23 5 248
GR-CON-Z04-1105 Aggregate Drainage layer 21-Sep-23 30-Sep-23 6 248
GR-CON-Z04-1106 Installation Geotextile 30-Sep-23 05-Oct-23 5 248
GR-CON-Z04-1107 Backfilling (Soil max for tree) 05-Oct-23 11-Oct-23 5 248
GR-CON-Z04-1108 Installation of Trees 22-Apr-24 27-Apr-24 4 92
GR-CON-Z04-3506 Installation of Climbers 27-Apr-24 01-May-24 4 92
GR-CON-Z04-3516 Installation of Shrubs 01-May-24 06-May-24 4 92
GR-CON-Z04-3526 Installation of Succulents 06-May-24 11-May-24 4 92
GR-CON-Z04-3536 Installation of Ground Covers 11-May-24 15-May-24 4 92
GR-CON-Z04-1109 Backfilling (Mulch) 15-May-24 02-Jun-24 15 92
GR-CON-Z04-1110 Natural Boulders Installation 02-Jun-24 17-Jun-24 13 92
GR-CON-Z04-1111 Retaining walls . Steps, forming risers, treads and edges with finishes 17-Jun-24 09-Jul-24 15 92
Parking P-28 20-Sep-23 13-May-24 191 127
Landscape Works 20-Sep-23 13-May-24 191 127
GR-CON-Z04-1130 Excavation (Tree Pit ) 20-Sep-23 27-Sep-23 5 279
GR-CON-Z04-1131 Aggregate Drainage layer 27-Sep-23 04-Oct-23 6 279
GR-CON-Z04-1132 Installation Geotextile 04-Oct-23 09-Oct-23 4 279
GR-CON-Z04-1133 Backfilling (Soil max for tree) 09-Oct-23 16-Oct-23 6 279
GR-CON-Z04-1134 Installation of Trees 22-Apr-24 25-Apr-24 3 127
GR-CON-Z04-7016 Installation of Shrubs 25-Apr-24 29-Apr-24 3 127
GR-CON-Z04-7026 Installation of Ground Covers 29-Apr-24 02-May-24 3 127
GR-CON-Z04-7036 Installation of Succulents 02-May-24 06-May-24 3 127
Activity ID Activity Name Start Finish Original Total Float
GR-CON-Z03-1272 Retaining walls . Steps, forming risers, treads and edges with finishes 23-May-24 08-Jun-24 13 89
Street SS-34 23-Nov-23 08-Jun-24 159 89
Landscape Works 23-Nov-23 08-Jun-24 159 89
GR-CON-Z03-1302 Excavation (Tree Pit ) 23-Nov-23 29-Nov-23 5 192
GR-CON-Z03-1303 Aggregate Drainage layer 29-Nov-23 06-Dec-23 6 192
GR-CON-Z03-1304 Installation Geotextile 06-Dec-23 11-Dec-23 4 192
GR-CON-Z03-1305 Backfilling (Soil max for tree) 11-Dec-23 18-Dec-23 6 192
GR-CON-Z03-1306 Installation of Trees 28-Apr-24 01-May-24 3 89
GR-CON-Z03-9536 Installation of Shrubs 01-May-24 05-May-24 3 89
GR-CON-Z03-9546 Installation of Succulents 05-May-24 08-May-24 3 89
GR-CON-Z03-9556 Installation of Ground Covers 08-May-24 12-May-24 3 89
GR-CON-Z03-9566 Installation of Grass 12-May-24 15-May-24 3 89
GR-CON-Z03-1307 Backfilling (Mulch) 15-May-24 19-May-24 3 89
GR-CON-Z03-1308 Natural Boulders Installation 19-May-24 23-May-24 4 89
GR-CON-Z03-1309 Retaining walls . Steps, forming risers, treads and edges with finishes 23-May-24 08-Jun-24 13 89
Street SS-04 07-Dec-23 26-Jun-24 159 65
Landscape Works 07-Dec-23 26-Jun-24 159 65
GR-CON-Z03-1339 Excavation (Tree Pit ) 07-Dec-23 17-Dec-23 8 145
GR-CON-Z03-1340 Aggregate Drainage layer 17-Dec-23 27-Dec-23 9 145
GR-CON-Z03-1341 Installation Geotextile 27-Dec-23 03-Jan-24 6 145
GR-CON-Z03-1342 Backfilling (Soil max for tree) 03-Jan-24 14-Jan-24 9 145
GR-CON-Z03-1343 Installation of Trees 28-Apr-24 02-May-24 4 65
GR-CON-Z03-9576 Installation of Shrubs 02-May-24 06-May-24 3 65
GR-CON-Z03-9586 Installation of Succulents 06-May-24 09-May-24 3 65
GR-CON-Z03-9596 Installation of Ground Covers 09-May-24 13-May-24 3 65
GR-CON-Z03-9606 Installation of Grass 13-May-24 16-May-24 3 65
GR-CON-Z03-1344 Backfilling (Mulch) 16-May-24 22-May-24 5 65
GR-CON-Z03-1345 Natural Boulders Installation 22-May-24 29-May-24 6 65
GR-CON-Z03-1346 Retaining walls . Steps, forming risers, treads and edges with finishes 29-May-24 26-Jun-24 20 65
Street SS-05 14-Dec-23 26-Jun-24 153 65
Landscape Works 14-Dec-23 26-Jun-24 153 65
GR-CON-Z03-1376 Excavation (Tree Pit ) 14-Dec-23 24-Dec-23 8 139
GR-CON-Z03-1377 Aggregate Drainage layer 24-Dec-23 03-Jan-24 9 139
GR-CON-Z03-1378 Installation Geotextile 03-Jan-24 10-Jan-24 6 139
GR-CON-Z03-1379 Backfilling (Soil max for tree) 10-Jan-24 21-Jan-24 9 139
GR-CON-Z03-1380 Installation of Trees 28-Apr-24 02-May-24 4 65
GR-CON-Z03-9616 Installation of Shrubs 02-May-24 06-May-24 3 65
GR-CON-Z03-9626 Installation of Succulents 06-May-24 09-May-24 3 65
GR-CON-Z03-9636 Installation of Ground Covers 09-May-24 13-May-24 3 65
GR-CON-Z03-9646 Installation of Grass 13-May-24 16-May-24 3 65
GR-CON-Z03-1381 Backfilling (Mulch) 16-May-24 22-May-24 5 65
GR-CON-Z03-1382 Natural Boulders Installation 22-May-24 29-May-24 6 65
GR-CON-Z03-1383 Retaining walls . Steps, forming risers, treads and edges with finishes 29-May-24 26-Jun-24 20 65
School S-04 07-Dec-23 15-Jun-24 153 93
Landscape Works 07-Dec-23 15-Jun-24 153 93
GR-CON-Z03-1200 Excavation (Tree Pit ) 07-Dec-23 13-Dec-23 5 184
GR-CON-Z03-1201 Aggregate Drainage layer 13-Dec-23 20-Dec-23 6 184
GR-CON-Z03-1202 Installation Geotextile 20-Dec-23 25-Dec-23 4 184
GR-CON-Z03-1203 Backfilling (Soil max for tree) 25-Dec-23 01-Jan-24 6 184
GR-CON-Z03-1204 Installation of Trees 28-Apr-24 01-May-24 3 93
GR-CON-Z03-5236 Installation of Shrubs 01-May-24 05-May-24 3 93
GR-CON-Z03-5246 Installation of Succulents 05-May-24 08-May-24 3 93
GR-CON-Z03-5256 Installation of Ground Covers 08-May-24 12-May-24 3 93
GR-CON-Z03-5266 Installation of Climbers 12-May-24 15-May-24 3 93
GR-CON-Z03-5276 Installation of Grass 15-May-24 19-May-24 3 93
Activity ID Activity Name Start Finish Original Total Float