Ind 5 Peer Pressure
Ind 5 Peer Pressure
Ind 5 Peer Pressure
Session 5
Peer Pressure
The Concern and its Resolution
Document prepared by UHV Team ( and adopted by AICTE NCC-IP Sub-
committee for Mentor Manual and related Materials for UHV-I
Concern How we go about it
We want to be accepted by others 1. Copying (नक़ल) – we give in to
peer pressure
– We copy their do’s and don’ts
We think that we will be accepted (appearance, language, lifestyle,
when we are like them or better etc.)
than them – in how we look, how – We let the other decide for us
we dress, how we talk, what we (though we may or may not be
eat, what we drink, etc. comfortable with their choice)
– We keep accepting wrong notions
(based on preconditioning), because
So, there is a pressure to be like we don’t have the practice, self-
them or better – in appearance, confidence of verifying things
(notions) on our own right !
clothes, language and expression
(e.g. English), etc.
2. Arbitrariness (मनमानी) – we
This is part of the peer pressure rebel (विद्रोह)
– We do our own things, do whatever
Even the other is in the same state we like
Asking for being accepted by you! – We reject the other
Resolution – Explore if This is What you Really Want
There is a third option: Verify on your own right:
3. Right Understanding (सही Language is only a means of
समझ) communication (what is
Verifying things on your own right: communicated is more important
than language, expression)
•On the basis of your natural
acceptance and Speaking in a particular language
ensures your respect?
•On the basis of validating by Continuously, with all?
living accordingly
(experiential validation) Clothes are for the protection of
the Body
If our sense of belongingness is Can you get respect by wearing a
on the basis of understanding certain type of clothes?
(human being…), then it is Continuous, from all?
permanent and with all Rather. wearing exclusive clothes
(we feel comfortable with all) may lead to jealousy
Human Being = Co-existence of Self(I) and Body
Human being is a co-existence of If we assume that happiness may
Self (I) and Body be ensured by favourable
feeling from others, we try to
get these feelings from them
Need of the Self (I) is happiness by way of:
• which is fulfilled by Right 1. Being ahead of others - (in
Understanding & Right Feelings terms of appearance, clothes,
(like feeling of respect) language & expression-
Need of the Body is physical English, money etc)
facility 2. Seeking alikeness -
• which is fulfilled by Physio- belongingness with a specific
chemical things (like food) group (because others are
Both needs have to be fulfilled doing it/ having it, so should I)
Today, we seem to be neglecting These two become the major
the need of the Self sources of peer pressure
What is Naturally Acceptable to You? What is the Solution?
Copying – adopting Arbitrariness Right Understanding
Living Living Living
on the basis of others on the basis of on the basis of
(some do’s & don’ts) one’s own natural acceptance
Assuming Human Being = Body Focus on Physical Facility
in the self
Making others Unhappy Exploiting and
Depriving others
Explore if This is What you Really Want
in the self
2 3
- Trust
- Respect
-… with human
being with rest of nature