Kalakou Et Al 2023 TFSC
Kalakou Et Al 2023 TFSC
Kalakou Et Al 2023 TFSC
Keywords: Technological innovations and their enabled services support business growth and promise benefits for societies.
Urban Air Mobility (UAM) In the mobility sector, technology adoption and its sustainable integration into current transport systems strongly
Citizens attitude depend on citizens' perspectives both as users and non-users. Following a bottom-up approach originating from
Technology foresight
the societal views, this study analyses the attitude of citizens towards Urban Air Mobility (UAM) and brings
Societal aspects of technologies
insights into the citizens' expectations of the role that UAM can play in inhabited environments. The views of 485
UAM impact assessment residents of Lisbon in Portugal were collected to address aspects of UAM receptiveness. Six clusters of citizens
were obtained expressing different attitudes towards UAM: open-minded, pollution sensitive, first movers,
emergency supporters, skepticals and deniers. The designated clusters require different policies and practices
from the side of policymakers and transport operators. The results indicate that positive attitudes towards UAM
are characterized by higher intention to use such services suggesting that actions need to be taken to better
comprehend each cluster's expectations. The study sheds light on societal aspects of technology deployment and
provides insights to UAM stakeholders for the sustainable inclusion of UAM in societies catering for all citizen-
related topics and contributing to the development and diffusion of the UAM ecosystem.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Kalakou), [email protected] (C. Marques).
Received 16 June 2022; Received in revised form 13 November 2022; Accepted 15 November 2022
0040-1625/© 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
S. Kalakou et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 187 (2023) 122200
companies target this new type of electrical aircraft to be on the market and their citizens, to integrate and adopt such services in their terri
until 2027 while considering timelines and implementation of relevant tories. Anecdotal evidence from the use of drones worldwide indicates
regulatory airworthiness frameworks. The developed eVTOL prototypes that certain municipalities, or local communities, have prohibited their
may have full or semi-automated systems for their flight operations (i.e. use in the absence of clear regulatory frameworks or public consulta
take-off, cruising, and landing operations), their capacity ranges typi tions prior to the deployment of drone services. In Europe, the role of
cally from 2 to 5 passengers and the trip length they are foreseen to cover local authorities has been captured in the recent regulatory framework
includes a variety of ranges, typically from to 30 km to 80 km or even (EU) 2021/664 for the airspace management for drones at low altitudes
further (Volocopter, 2021; Boeing, 2022; Airbus, 2022; Vertical Aero (U-space) (European Commission, 2021), and specifically its Article 18
space, 2021; Joby, 2022; Lilium, 2022). (f) that requires competent authorities to establish a coordination
The deployment of the cross-sectoral technological advances, and mechanism among diverse stakeholders included at local level. To this
their convergence, are making UAM(pax) a reality and they have been end, the perceptions and opinions of citizens, in a given local commu
embraced by regulators and policymakers worldwide (e.g. EASA, 2021, nity, will become a key determinant to the deployment of UAM services
2022; Agouridas et al., 2021; NASA, 2018). UAM(pax) services are whether through drones or eVTOLs. To this end, it is imperative to un
elaborated to contribute to the provision of complementary urban derstand the citizens' opinion and overall stance on the offer of UAM
mobility services that will be safe, secure, sustainable, and inclusive (pax) services enabled by a variety of new technologies, airborne
(Agouridas et al., 2021). Up to date, some studies have focused on the mobility operations, and the required infrastructure. There are many
demand estimation for UAM(pax) services (Rothfeld et al., 2018; Balac aspects to consider, ranging from technical system-oriented factors to
et al., 2019; Syed et al., 2017; Pukhova et al., 2021) while some others societal and human factors. Citizens' opinions matter not only for the
on the planning process. For example, Straubinger et al. (2020) adoption of UAM(pax) services as a mode to use but also as a mode to
reviewed the requirements for UAM(pax) implementation, ranging from welcome complementing existing ground mobility systems. At this
regulations to vehicle standards; Nakamura and Kajikawa (2018) point, research activities are called upon to research the needs, princi
focused on regulatory aspects and Rajendran and Srinivas (2020) dis ples, and expectations in societies and ensure that new mobility solu
cussed the arising issues from UAM services in the three decision-making tions to be implemented are “ethically and socially acceptable”
levels (strategic, tactical, operational). In addition to the aforemen (European Commission, 2018). The term receptiveness will be used
tioned technical and operational challenges, there are, furthermore, the henceforth for the expression of the citizen's welcoming attitude towards
citizen and user aspects to be addressed. For example, drawing lessons UAM(pax) and distinguishing the opinion of a citizen, who is a receiver
learnt from the introduction of vehicle automation on the ground, of UAM(pax)'s system impact, from the opinion of a potential user, who
several issues remain to be resolved on the side of user acceptance and is an adopter of the UAM(pax) system services.
technology adoption of automated vehicles which is always a chal Following a bottom-up approach in transport systems and operations
lenging task in technology diffusion (Gkartzonikas and Gkritza, 2019). planning, this study focuses on the analysis of the perspectives of citizens
Similar challenges should also be identified early in UAM(pax) planning on the introduction of UAM(pax) services in populated environments
and implementation activities. In an era of co-creation among policy and the identification of citizen profiles regarding UAM(pax) recep
makers, transport planners, operators, local authorities, and citizens, the tiveness that express varying expectations over this new mobility means
participation of the latter is necessary at an early stage of the design and that is being developed. To achieve this objective, a survey is designed
integration of any new mobility service in existing transport systems. and data collection in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon in Portugal
This need is also highlighted in studies analyzing impediments in the resulted to the collection of 485 responses. A clustering approach is
implementation of new mobility measures in the context of Sustainable followed to segment and better understand citizen receptiveness to
Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) (Agouridas et al., 2021, Bezzera et al., wards UAM(pax) and then a per segment characterization was made to
2020; May et al., 2017; Gil et al., 2011). address the issues. Six citizen clusters are obtained expressing different
To plan responsible and viable UAM(pax) services, it is vital to attitudes towards UAM(pax) services and requiring different policies
consider cross-sectoral actors, the socio-technical dimensions of the and practices from the side of policymakers, local authorities and their
emerging UAM business system, and the conditions that will ensure mobility planners, and transport operators. Factors such as the re
successful implementation. In this context, the EU's UAM Initiative, spondents' intention to use, adoption of new technologies, socio-
Urban-Air-Mobility Initiative Cities Community (UIC2, 2019) is sup demographics (age, gender, income, residence area, car ownership),
ported by the European Commission and highlights the need of devel basic mode of mobility were found to vary across the clusters. At this
oping UAM through the lens of a “social business ecosystem”. This UIC2 point, it is noted that this study aims to capture public opinions on a
perspective is founded on three domain pillars: (1) Regulatory and technology that is not yet available and hence, public expectations may
financing frameworks for public-private initiatives, (2) Integrated urban evolve through time and change according to the new knowledge and
mobility and planning, and (3) Co-creation with public actors (e.g. local information that will be becoming available on UAM(pax) services. The
authorities and citizens). These pillars are the cornerstones to reaching adopted approach and the results of the study shed light on societal
“sustainable and socially-embraced integration of urban air mobility” aspects of technology deployment and provide evidence that could be
(UIC2, 2019). The current study focuses on the third pillar and the employed in both transport planning and technology diffusion future
planning of future UAM(pax) services for passengers with eVTOLs by studies. Overall, the study aims to provide insights to UAM stakeholders
identifying and analyzing aspects of citizens' attitudes with the objective for the sustainable inclusion of UAM(pax) in societies catering for all
to designate important insights to mobility planners, local authorities, citizen-related topics and contributing to the development of the UAM
and regulators and hence, support the other first two pillars. The ecosystem.
development and deployment of a mobility system that makes use of the The rest of this work is organized as follows. After this introductory
urban airspace and relies on the operations of new advanced automated section, Section 2 reviews first trends in mobility planning processes,
air vehicles in urban transport systems, requires the early involvement and then, basic concepts and research performed in the context of urban
of urban planners and regional and local authorities (e.g. prefectures, air mobility. In Section 3, the methodology is described, and the
municipalities) that are typically involved in the planning and man collected data of the conducted survey are presented. The next section,
agement of transportation systems. In this context, UAM(pax) has to be Section 4, deals with the process of citizen clustering while in Section 5
seen as a complementary element of transportation systems with a clear the discussion of the results and some planning and managerial impli
purpose and public benefit (Agouridas et al., 2021). To this end, the cations for future urban air mobility operations are presented. Finally,
actual use cases of UAM(pax) will be established not only by the offered Section 6 concludes the key remarks of the study and suggests steps for
technological capabilities but also by the willingness of local authorities, future work stemming from the presented analysis.
S. Kalakou et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 187 (2023) 122200
2. Literature works of pertinent task forces through networks such as the UIC2 (UIC2,
2022). The aforementioned reflection aligns with other works found in
Urban air mobility (UAM) is a concept coined by industrial and the literature that highlight the importance of bringing in the citizen
institutional actors (e.g. Airbus, NASA) in mid-2010 with the ambition perspective to pave the way towards the development and establishment
to leverage the possibilities offered by distributed electric propulsion of demand-pulled governance models that can contribute to “avoid
systems towards the introduction of a new vehicle utilizing the very low technological lock-ins and dependence of city governments on techno
altitude airspace over metropolitan areas. The long-term target is that logically produced knowledge” (Jiang, 2021). Further previous work
drones and the newly designed electric air vehicles of vertical take-off has designated action transparency, citizen-authority collaboration,
and landing (eVTOLs) will be of advanced automation, and they may participation and partnership, and communication as key pillars of cit
or, in the case of eVTOLs, may not require a pilot. Various applications izens' quality of life in smart cities (De Guimarães et al., 2020).
can be envisioned for the deployment of these vehicles with great po Citizen views and forthcoming engagement is imperative in future
tential as currently seen in the agricultural (Mahroof et al., 2021) and cities and, in this context, the terms “co-creation” and “urban living
medical (Ayamga et al., 2021) sectors. labs” are commonly used in current literature (e.g. Alexandrakis, 2021;
In parallel, in the urban and wider metropolitan context, the popu UIC2, 2022) to express the active collaboration of stakeholders with
lation is increasingly growing in inhabited environments while transport citizens in the introduction of new mobility and transport solutions
geographical inequalities remain and the quality of life is being chal abandoning the well-established top-down transport planning approach
lenged. Under the prospect of the promising UAM(pax) technologies, that positions the citizen as a passive receiver (Steen and van Bueren,
there is the opportunity to explore the potential contribution of UAM 2017). Barr et al. (2021) argue that up to date, the planning of mobility
(pax) to cities' life. There is also the chance for a change in planning solutions, in the context of smart cities, has been encouraging behavioral
processes as, with the advent of drones and eVTOLs, insights can be shifts of citizens who have been merely passive receivers of solutions and
given by citizens to identify the potential of these vehicles in mobility. In choice makers. In this context, currently, there is a shift of research to
this section, new approaches in citizen-centred transport planning are the direction of exploring more actively citizens' mobility needs and co-
discussed followed up by the current knowledge on UAM(pax), from the creating solutions with them. Through such studies, for example, the
mobility viewpoint with the objective to explore in the current study characteristics of MaaS (Mobility as a Service) technologies that trav
how citizen perspectives on UAM(pax) can feed the emerging citizen- elers desire in Madrid have been designated through focus groups data
centered transport planning approaches. collection and analysis (Lopez-Carreiro et al., 2021); this study identi
fied new types of information that were previously unexplored and
2.1. Transitioning to citizen-centered city and mobility planning passengers would like to have access to, such as real-time travel con
ditions on passenger-crowding, urban pollution levels, route facilities,
The term smart cities has arisen to describe the transition to cities vehicle condition, and urban security. Such activities that could provide
that are driven by technological developments which can serve people more insights into citizen needs and views should be incentivized by
and their well-being (Zhu et al., 2022). New technologies in energy, Public Authorities as citizens seem to trust them more than the industrial
mobility, digitalization, and advanced communications are expected to sector. Evidence of this preference has been given by an international
pave the way towards this type of future cities while some applications study in fourteen cities worldwide regarding the introduction of driv
have already demonstrated their potential (ex. Dubai (Mohammed et al., erless mobility services which indicated that citizens attribute higher
2014), Belgrade (Ilic et al., 2022)). Within the urban environment, trust levels to governments than industrial agents possibly because they
several applications of drones have been envisioned that could enhance believe that in this way their interests are heard and safeguarded (Chng
the functioning of smart cities from several perspectives (e.g. health, et al., 2021).
traffic management, logistics) and for several stakeholders such as citi
zens, industrial actors, civil protection agencies, and tourists (Mohamed 2.2. Elements of urban air mobility and citizens' perceptions
et al., 2020). Furthermore, to achieve better and targeted mobility so
lutions, the collaboration of all stakeholders and integration of systems The inclusion of new technologies in city's life is usually a long-
(e.g. information, infrastructure) are vital (Richter et al., 2020). Citizen lasting process that involves understanding their preferences and opin
consideration and participation has emerged as a planning principle of ions about the applications of these technologies. Public interests and
sustainable environments (Lanzini and Stocchetti, 2020). Taking this customer needs should be ensured before technology deployment
into account, commercial interests and prospects on leveraging cross- (Federal Aviation Authority FAA, 2020). Advanced automation or
sectoral technological advances enabling UAM(pax) services (e.g. automated vehicles are prime examples wherein issues on safety, secu
Uber, 2019) will be subject to integrated and sustainable mobility pol rity and ethics influence the level of trust of the potential users. This can
icies and practices (Agouridas et al., 2021). In this context, cross-sectoral be a determining factor in acceptance and can dictate the intention of
stakeholder collaboration and alignment should be sought after in a way using automated vehicles (Winter et al., 2020). There will be innovator
to manage the multiple layers of governance engaged in mobility. In the adopters, who will want to make use of the technology with little or no
case of UAM(pax) additional layers of governance are originating from resistance, and later some “early adopters” will also adopt, thus boosting
the aviation sector. In other words, the development of commercially, the adoption by the other groups (Pettigrew et al., 2019). Positive per
profit-driven UAM(pax) services representing the economic viability of ceptions such as the consideration of drones and eVTOLs as beneficial
such endeavors, will have to be balanced with other aspects of the triple for the society (Keller et al., 2018), the envisioned travel time saving
bottom line (Elkington, 1997; Dhiman, 2008), namely the environ (Rothfeld et al., 2018), and their contribution to improve transport
mental and social aspects (Agouridas, 2022). The tradeoffs required accessibility, especially in suburban areas (Holden and Goel, 2016) can
among the positive and negative externalities from the deployment of be favorable aspects for the diffusion of eVTOLs to the market. By
UAM(pax) services require participative governance practices (Blanco, increasing people's awareness of the improvements that these technol
2015; Gabriel, 2016; Guillard and McGillivray, 2022) in which the cities ogies can bring to their daily lives, it will be easier to move from the
and their citizens are the prime actors. This is a cornerstone in mitigating acceptance phase to the adoption phase of making use of automated air
and avoiding criticisms associated with the neoliberal governance of vehicles, and their subsequent scaled implementation in mobility solu
cities (Blanco, 2015; Gabriel, 2016; Guillard and McGillivray, 2022). For tions in the metropolitan airspace (Eker et al., 2020a).
example, in Europe, the evolving policy making and regulatory frame Emotional factors also affect people's perceptions. To this end, it is
works related to UAM(pax) take continuous, bottom-up inputs, both by important to understand, in a holistic way, the aspects that can influence
directly engaging with citizens (EASA, 2021) and local authorities in the decision-making process of prospective users (Winter et al., 2020).
S. Kalakou et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 187 (2023) 122200
Decision-making is a complex process, especially if people have little should be applied to all city-related aspects, including transport and
information available, such as in the case of eVTOLs or “air taxis”. Many mobility, to put the citizens in the center of the planning process and
potential users are unaware of or unfamiliar with high levels of auto thus promptly position the role of social change in technological fore
mation, and certain emotions may be predictors in the acceptance of “air sight activities. Local authorities (e.g. municipalities, prefectures) need
taxis” and urban air mobility systems. It is anticipated that during their to be able to make decisions based on evidence of what kind of mobility
first years of operation, safety aspects could appear as the main barriers services they want to provide to their citizens, and to define how each
in drones and eVTOLs services adoption (NASA, 2018; Al Haddad et al., mode will contribute to covering the mobility needs as well as mitigating
2020; Eker et al., 2020b; Rice et al., 2022). Concerns over the potential consequences of any negative externalities.
arising risks to the public need to be assessed (Keller et al., 2018). For Previous research on technology adoption has shown that people
this reason, high levels of safety for these vehicles are being set up, and living in the urban environment support earlier the use of automated
the means to achieve them are developed, as a top priority by manu vehicles (Saeed et al., 2020) and drones UAVs (Al Haddad et al., 2020)
facturers and regulators worldwide. To this end, significant research and but from a planning perspective, high benefits are envisioned for the use
development are undergoing to ensure the safety of unmanned aerial of urban air mobility in the rural environment. These areas are char
vehicles through the implementation, for example of advanced digital acterized by the sparse distribution of population and, as a consequence
and automated systems for pilot aids, sense and avoid communication, of social and business benefit trade-off, they usually face poorer public
and navigation systems (Holden and Goel, 2016; Mattei et al., 2021) and transport solutions and the choice of private car is attractive (Alonso
to identify possible safety risks (Ghasri and Maghrebi, 2021). et al., 2018; Li et al., 2018; Wolny, 2019) if not forced (Carroll et al.,
Apart from safety concerns, another common, less favorable aspect 2021). Smart mobility could enable the provision of more inclusive and
that concerns prospective UAM services is noise. The noise generated by efficient transport experiences (Porru et al., 2020). UAM(pax) could
UAM technologies has been identified as a critical factor in their fast and contribute with its features of speed and air connectivity with low
successful deployment (Eissfeldt, 2020). There are noise goals that must infrastructure requirements to the better coverage of citizen needs in
be met and restrict the level of decibels emitted by these air vehicles' remote areas.
propulsion units (electric motors and propellers). Regulations for man In addition, recent research presented the results of acceptance as
aging the noise footprint of aircraft and helicopters around airports and pects indicating safety, security, and pollution as the main concerns.
metropolitan areas are well in place. However, the premise of scaled Attitudes towards both adoption and acceptance of new mobility ser
UAM operations implies that new regulatory approaches need to be vices may vary across citizens. However, new sustainable solutions
developed to take into consideration the blending of the noise generated require to cater for the needs of both users and non-users so that they are
by drones and eVTOLs with the existing background urban noise. both chosen for the individual mobility of citizens and overall, socially
In addition to airspace access, operations safety, and noise impacts, accepted as part of the transport system. Hence, the level at which cit
additional regulation related to urban life, such as standards for liability, izens as users or non-users' welcome new mobility technologies in their
security, and data privacy should be established as discussed by Al transport system and services reflects how engaged they are. It is
Haddad et al. (2020) and more recently by Andritsos and Agouridas concluded from the literature review that while extensive work has been
(2022). In fact, recent studies carried out by NASA in the USA (NASA, conducted on the acceptance and the possible adoption of UAM(pax) as
2018) and EASA in Europe (EASA, 2021) indicate the need to consider a new mobility service, there is a gap in the research of citizen recep
additional factors such as privacy, cybersecurity of user data, visual tiveness in the transport planning process and UAM(pax) analysis.
pollution, wildlife protection, integration with other modes of transport, To contribute to this direction, this study by designating clusters of a
among others, apart from the typical factors of noise and environmental survey respondents' attitudes towards the UAM(pax) receptiveness
pollution attributed to aviation. For example, Al Haddad et al. (2020) while their characteristics and perceptions will be analyzed with the aim
identified that both noise and visual pollution considerations of people to gain insights into the expectations of citizens. The designation of
are determinants for the smooth inclusion in mobility systems. Other clusters paves the way for next generation studies on acceptance by
recent works have highlighted the necessity to manage environmental focusing on specific characteristics of use cases and expected benefits. To
impact through life cycle assessment approaches (e.g. Agouridas, 2022 the best of the authors' knowledge, the different views of citizens as both
and Zhao et al., 2022) and interface airspace management practices (e.g. future users and non-users have not been previously analyzed in the
designating restricted geozones for flights over heritage districts) with literature. This study is a first attempt to address the perspective of the
urban planning principles and local specificities (Agouridas et al., 2021; citizens as a whole (users and non-users) and the service aspects that
Guillard and McGillivray, 2022). need to be addressed by policy makers active in this field to ensure the
To complete the insights of technological, environmental, and soci provision of responsible services that employ innovative technologies.
etal factors related to the use of drones and eVTOLs as outlined above, The reported research is contributing to the establishment of an
socioeconomic and demographic aspects that affect citizens' perceptions analytical framework to support evidence-based policy and decision-
should be addressed as well. For example, women demonstrate lower making by shedding light on the citizens' expectations and attitudes.
willingness to be early adopters due to their higher safety concerns and
lower trust in automation (Konig and Neumayr, 2017; Al Haddad et al., 3. Methodology
2020). On the contrary, the impact of higher income and young age
seem to positively influence adoption (Eker et al., 2020a). 3.1. Survey design and collected sample
2.3. Remarks from the state of the art A survey was structured in seven topics to collect information on the
respondents' UAM(pax) receptiveness, intention of use, their attitudes
The concept of smart cities is underlined by the provision of tech towards prospective UAM(pax) services, their mobility behaviour, their
nological means to improve the quality of life, or livability, of citizens. environmental concerns and their sociodemographic characteristics.
Mobility is a central pillar of urban life and smart mobility aims to The methodology reflects a clear distinction between “citizen-as-a-user’
leverage technological advancements in serving citizens' needs. One and ‘citizens-as-a-non-user” perspectives. Citizens as users are usually
challenge is the alignment of the technological pervasiveness of interested in functionality and convenience while citizens as non-users
emerging mobility technologies (e.g. drones) with the citizens' expec are interested in disturbance and wider impacts (positive or negative).
tations of such technologies' use and diffusion. This is core to the stra The topics were measured as follows and were introduced after asking
tegic planning and implementation monitoring of effective and efficient whether respondents knew what Automated Air Vehicles are:
urban mobility services that are citizen centered. This perspective
S. Kalakou et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 187 (2023) 122200
• UAM(pax) Public Receptiveness: To understand the participant's bias were implemented such as distributing the survey to various online
receptiveness, the respondents were asked about their level of channels to improve its visibility among respondents, adding personal
acceptance and the expected utility of UAM(pax) by trip purpose. All contacts previously the link distribution in private groups of social
sentences were answered using the same 7-point Likert scale from 1 - media, and extending the collecting period of the survey to catch more
Strongly Disagree to 7 - Strongly Agree and were adapted from infrequent users. In total 485 full and valid replies were collected from
several studies (Holden and Goel (2016), Keller et al. (2018), Al respondents residing in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area.
Haddad et al. (2020), Eissfeldt (2020) and Eker et al. (2020b)).
• Public intention to use UAM(pax): The respondents were asked to
3.2. Sample characterization
state whether they are likely to use UAM(pax) services in the future,
using sentences based on the previous topics to see if they could be
Table 1 presents the sociodemographic characteristics of the sample.
barriers to using such automated air vehicles. They were also asked
Respondents are not equally distributed regarding gender, as there are
what they would use them for (e.g. trips to work or college, leisure
activities, social activities and healthcare services). The 7-point
Likert scale of agreement was used as before. Table 1
Distribution of respondents' sociodemographic characteristics.
• Intention to use a new technology: respondents were asked to place
themselves in the adopter category that best represents them, N Valid %
ranging from 1 – Laggards (very skeptical of change) to 5 – Innovator Gender
(very venturesome and interested in new ideas) as proposed by Male 278 57.3
Rogers (2003). Female 207 42.7
S. Kalakou et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 187 (2023) 122200
more male respondents (57.3 %). The sample consists of many re Table 2
spondents under 35 years old (53.2 %) and has few replies in the oldest Distribution of UAM(pax) receptiveness items and PCA results.
age group. About 58 % of respondents have a higher degree of educa PC and items Loading Mean Standard
tion, and 38.6 % have a master's degree. A quarter lives in a household deviation
with net income between 2000€ and 3000€ per month, and almost 50 % Service use purpose (Cronbach's α = 0.840, Var. expl. = 36.3 %)
of respondents have a household monthly net income between 1000€ UAM should be used to transfer people for
and 3000€. In terms of mobility habits, almost 95 % of the respondents leisure 0.885 4.81 1.503
have a driving license and 83.0 % have a vehicle for their own use, that UAM should be used to transfer people for
social activities 0.884 4.83 1.471
is, most respondents have the possibility of freely circulating on the UAM should be used to transfer people from/
public roads without resorting to public transportation, and almost 63 % to work or school 0.698 4.44 1.655
take advantage of it. Only 30.9 % of the total sample have a monthly UAM should be used to transfer goods to
public transport pass. people 0.648 5.32 1.467
3.3. Segmentation approach Expected societal benefits (Cronbach's α = 0.774, Var. expl. = 13.3 %)
UAM will improve transport accessibility 0.818 4.84 1.512
UAM will increase the quality of life 0.733 5.31 1.249
The Cluster analysis was employed to segment the sample based on UAM will be as safe as with airplane transport 0.637 4.28 1.466
the respondents' similarities, meaning that the respondents that fit the UAM will be beneficial for the society 0.597 5.01 1.113
same group or cluster, are expected to have similar characteristics that
differentiate them from the rest of the clusters. The cluster method ag Urgent societal needs (Cronbach's α = 0.812, Var. expl. = 10.4 %)
gregates the individuals according to a set of variables which constitutes UAM vehicles should be used to respond to
the segmentation base variables. emergency cases 0.881 6.25 1.033
Before conducting the cluster analysis, a Principal Component UAM vehicles should be used to transfer
people from/to healthcare services 0.873 6.02 1.080
Analysis (PCA) was applied to reduce the number of items of public
receptiveness that were used as base variables for the segmentation
Environmental aspects (Cronbach's α = 0.796, Var. expl. = 7.5 %)
analysis. To perform the cluster analysis two different methods were
I am concerned that UAM will increase noise
sequentially employed to increase the legitimacy of the chosen solution, pollution 0.904 4.94 1.555
the hierarchical Ward and non-hierarchical K-means methods. Firstly, I am concerned that UAM will increase visual
the hierarchical Ward method with Squared Euclidean distance measure pollution 0.86 4.82 1.575
was applied for the purpose of deciding the number of clusters to use in
the K-means method. The latter method was employed to improve the Citizens' concerns (Cronbach's α = 0.703, Var. expl. = 5.9 %)
accuracy of allocating each individual within the clusters. Finally, I would not feel comfortable living in a city
clusters of the chosen clustering solution were labelled using their that offers UAM 0.818 3.19 1.556
UAM will be risky to the public 0.806 3.90 1.353
characterization in terms of the segmentation base variables. The dis
tribution of the levels of new technology adopters was also considered in
order to help labelling clusters. Subsequently, they are also character the cluster analysis, and more than one solution was found. From the
ized using other variables, such as the perceived safety, expected ben hierarchical Ward method, five to seven cluster solutions were obtained
efits, and socio-demographics. and analyzed. Sufficient differences between clusters were identified to
favor and opt for the six clusters solution, which was used as the initial
4. Segmentation results solution for the non-hierarchical K-means analysis. The K-means method
allows for a more precise distribution of the respondents in the cluster
4.1. Public receptiveness components division.
Hence, the cluster analysis resulted in a final solution of six clusters
The PCA was conducted in order to reduce the 16 variables of UAM with different levels of UAM(pax) receptiveness regarding the applica
(pax) receptiveness into a smaller set of variables (principal components tion of UAM(pax), each distinctive in size and other characteristics.
(PC)) as presented in Table 2. It is noted that for the facilitation of the Fig. 1 shows the distribution of standardized mean scores of the UAM
respondents the term “UAM” has been used in the survey sentences after (pax) receptiveness principal components per cluster and Fig. 2 presents
making it clear in the introduction that it concerns passenger transport. the distribution of levels of new technology adopters per cluster.
The chosen PCA solution was obtained with varimax rotation and is Cluster 1 counts for 17.9 % of the sample and has an average positive
composed of five components which explain 73.4 % of the total variance mean in every component, meaning the participants of Cluster 1 are very
(KMO = 0.819; Bartlett's test significance <0.01). Two variables were open to UAM(pax) services. They understand the possibilities of using
excluded from the analysis. The first one was the “UAM is an acceptable this mobility service and the associated benefits, but they are also aware
means of transport” which had almost no correlation with the other of the risks they might present to people. Overall, they have a welcoming
chosen variables and had a very low commonality value very. The sec attitude. Therefore, the participants of Cluster1 were named “Open-
ond one stated that “I am concerned that UAM will become a service minded”. This group entails the highest percentage of expressed in
only for the rich” and was excluded because it generated a one-variable novators (14.9 %) but also has a moderate percentage of expressed
principal component. Indicating that this concept may not be multi laggards (8 %).
phasic and multiple parts of the belief have not been measured in this Cluster 2 comprises 22.1 % of respondents. Unlike the rest of the
study but could be included in future research. The five components clusters, the members of Cluster 2 indicate a significantly higher
were named: “Service Use Purpose”, “Expected Societal Benefits”, “Ur consideration for the environment and seem worried about the potential
gent Social Needs”, “Environmental Aspects” and “Citizens' Concerns”. visual and noise pollution caused by UAM(pax). For this reason, this
Table 2 presents the items per PC and their respective loadings. cluster was named “Pollution sensitive”. They also express high con
cerns about the deployment of UAM(pax), but they recognize the utility
4.2. Cluster profile analysis on individuals' mobility and the expected benefits.
Cluster 3 entails 14.0 % of the total sample and its members have a
4.2.1. The emerging UAM-receptiveness clusters higher appreciation of the benefits that UAM(pax) services could bring
The above-described dimensions were then used as a basis to perform
S. Kalakou et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 187 (2023) 122200
Fig. 1. Mean scores of receptiveness principal components per cluster (citizen-aggregate perspective).
purpose (Fig. 5) items were used. Clusters are also characterized in terms
of socio-demographics and their mobility characteristics (Table 3).
The participants from Cluster 1, the “Open Minded”, value safety
and consider it an important factor in UAM(pax) services. Despite being
open to the deployment of UAM(pax) services, it is interesting that they
have the highest average in the analyzed concerns. Specifically, besides
having the possibility for a person on ground to take control of the
vehicle at any moment, they also emphasize the importance of the
performance of the vehicle under poor weather conditions. The “Open
Minded” members welcome the use of UAM(pax) for any purpose,
demonstrating, in general, high levels of receptiveness and intention to
use in all the stated purposes, but in comparison to the other clusters
they have the highest receptiveness level for the use of UAM(pax) ser
vices to execute leisure trips. They also expect the deployment of UAM
(pax) services to enhance the reduction of the travel times and facilitate
Fig. 2. Distribution of adoption category per cluster (citizen-user perspective). trips that serve the activities of police and ambulances. This cluster
entails people of all age groups with a higher percentage of the people
to the society for commuting, emergency, and health situations. How between 55 and 64 who represent 25 % of its members. In terms of the
ever, they are not worried about the noise and visual pollution. All the other socioeconomic characteristics, this cluster has a balanced
factors point out a group with high levels of technological acceptance, as composition (income, education) compared to the others. When
>45 % of the cluster members consider themselves to be early adopters analyzing the residence environment, it is observed that a very high
or innovators of prospective UAM(pax) services; therefore, they earn the percentage, almost half of the members live away from the urban
title of the “First Movers”. environment. Specifically, 49 % of the members of this cluster stated
Cluster 4 contains 17.1 % of the respondents. Its members expressed that they live in rural areas.
that they would only accept the use of UAM(pax) for emergency or The “Pollution Sensitive” are the participants who are more con
health cases, without demonstrating trust in the usefulness of this cerned with the noise and visual pollution that may occur due to the
technology for more purposes. Therefore, they are named the “Emer implementation of this new mode of transport. They do not firmly
gency Supporters” citizens. The members of cluster 4 do not demon believe that UAM(pax) will make transportation easier to move for the
strate strong intention to use UAM(pax) services early with the population in general but think their use for healthcare services or lei
percentage of laggards surpassing the innovators by 4.9 percentual sure and social activities is appropriate. This cluster gives much more
points. importance, compared to others, to having an operator available to give
Cluster 5 represents 15.1 % of the sample. Besides seeing some use in control to the aircraft in case of emergency. The reduction of road
emergency and healthcare for eVTOLs, these cluster members do not congestion and travel times seem to be the benefits expected from the
think the benefits for general use will overcome the risks for the society, implementation of UAM(pax) services, besides helping the police and
meaning they are not convinced about the benefits of implementing this healthcare agents. This is the cluster of balanced gender that involves
technology in the transportation sector. Thus, the participants in this many young people, as 58.9 % of the members are between 18 and 34
cluster were named the “Skepticals”. This cluster has the highest per years old. >85 % have either a bachelor's or a master's degree. In this
centage of laggards (20 %) and late majority adopters (35 %). cluster the highest percentage of respondents who walk on their daily
Members of cluster 6 express a group of “Deniers” because they have mobility either as the main mode (about 70 %) or complementary to
demonstrated a negative average value across almost all component public transport (48.6 %). It is also noteworthy that in this group the
variables. They do not even find UAM(pax) useful for emergency and highest percentage of people who have had major injuries in past acci
health situations. Most of the representatives of cluster 6 regard them dents is met (8 %).
selves as a late majority or laggards (41.0 %) when it comes to adopting The members of the “First Movers” cluster although they are not too
UAM(pax). concerned with the safety of the vehicles and potential collisions, they
are concerned with some safety aspects as they feel it would be impor
4.2.2. Cluster characterization tant that people on air to be able to communicate and give manual
To detail the cluster characterization, the average values for Ex control to operators on the ground in case of emergency. Aside from
pected Benefits (Fig. 3), Safety (Fig. 4) and Intention to Use per trip using UAM(pax) service for healthcare, these participants also see
S. Kalakou et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 187 (2023) 122200
1 - Open
Minded UAM will reduce road
6.5 congeson
UAM will offer a safe and fast
mean of transportaon
1 - Open
Minded More concerned with the
6.5 operaon over urban than
suburban areas
themselves using this mode of transport for social activities, not so much men are more likely to engage earlier in new technologies and adjust
for commuting. They expect UAM(pax) services to highly reduce road easier to technological changes.
congestion and travel times and, in general, they appreciate most of the The “Emergency Supporters” individuals, as described above, are
expected benefits that UAM(pax) services could provide to society. This participants of the fourth cluster as they tend to welcome UAM(pax)
group mostly entails male participants (72.1 %) and has the lowest only when used for healthcare services and emergencies. Despite the
percentage of people younger than 34 years old (35 %). Regarding the strict attitude towards the deployment of UAM(pax), these members do
financial possessions, the members of the “First Movers” have in general not demonstrate negative behaviour on the appreciation of the expected
a higher household monthly net income when compared to most other benefits of UAM(pax) services. Compared to the other clusters, they are
clusters as 45.9 % of the respondents stated they have an income higher the most concerned with the operation of vehicles under bad weather
than 3000€. Almost all the cluster members have a car (97 %) and it is conditions and they strongly expect to have the chance to contact an
also noticed that almost two thirds of the members have been involved operator to take control of the vehicle in case of an emergency. Most of
in a car accident (67 %) which is the highest percentage among the the members of this cluster are young participants, 36 % belong to the
clusters. Finally, the mobility behaviour of this cluster is different from 18–21 age group and 65 % are between 18 and 34 years old while 26 %
the others, as 64 % of the member clusters stated that they do not of them are students. In this cluster, approximately 50 % of the members
consider walking part of their everyday mobility but 90 % of the have had an accident, which is also the average value of all the sample,
members are metro users on a daily basis. The fact that most participants but 34 % of them had minor injuries, a fact that may have affected their
are men and the age group is generally older might be an important strong support for the use of UAM(pax) options in emergency cases. The
factor in making the cluster the most prone to welcome UAM(pax) as daily mobility experience of 70 % of the members of this cluster includes
S. Kalakou et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 187 (2023) 122200
1 - Open
Trips from to work or college
6 - Deniers Polluon
4.5 Trips to leisure acvies
5- 3 - First
Skepcals Movers
Fig. 5. Average values of intention to use variables per cluster and trip purpose.
the use of bus, a percentage that is high compared to the other clusters. axis). All average values are higher than 4, meaning that all the clusters
Finally, in this cluster there are citizens who use shared bikes for their have a global mean on receptiveness and Intention to use above the
daily mobility, but the share is relatively low (4 %). median point of the scale which is very positive in terms of how the
Members of the fifth cluster, the “Skepticals”, are not convinced that groups see and feel about UAM(pax). The bubble size is proportional to
UAM(pax) will bring many benefits to society, except for the case of the cluster size while the bubble colour is applied according to the level
emergency or police-related situations, because they could act faster. of new technology adoption. Thus, the darker the green is, the more
This group is the most skeptical on the expected benefits of UAM(pax) innovative the cluster is; the darker the red is, the more the cluster is
services for the society, and they have a moderate attitude towards the composed of laggards.
risky aspects that would concern society. It can be noted that perfor The “Open Minded” (Cluster 1) members have the highest average on
mance under poor weather conditions and the safety upon their intro Receptiveness (5.49) meaning they are those individuals that more
duction to mobility are two aspects that concern this cluster more than easily welcome the implementation of UAM(pax) services in the trans
the others. Approximately one third of the members (30 %) are very port system. On the other hand, the “First Movers” (Cluster 3) are more
young (18–24); this is the highest percentage seen among the clusters prone to use these vehicles (Intention to Use average is 5.52) although
and almost equal to the equivalent age share of the pollution sensitive. they also have a high average of receptiveness. These two cluster groups
Also, there is a strong presence of women (63 %). It is noteworthy to correspond to the population segments that will not pose barriers to the
mention that approximately 26 % of the Skepticals did not own or lease a implementation of UAM(pax) services as a new and innovative mode of
car at the time they participated in the survey and that they hold the transport. “Open Minded” and “First Movers”, jointly with the “Pollution
lowest percentage of people who have experienced a car accident (46 % Sensitive” (Cluster 2), state to be more innovative and therefore, they
compared to percentages above 50 % seen in the other clusters). Daily will not need many incentives to welcome UAM(pax). However,
bike users compose 18 % of the cluster members which is a high per “Emergency Supporters” (Cluster 4), “Skepticals” (Cluster 5) and “De
centage considering that these are all the bike users who own the bikes niers” (Cluster 6) will be the citizen segments that require more
participating in the sample. Also, bike sharing systems are also used engagement measures and incentives to better understand the reasons
daily by 6 % of the cluster members which results in a total of 24 % daily behind their levels of receptiveness and Intention to Use, as they have
bike users in the sample, indicating that this micro mobility mode is average below 5. Public entities such as governments, private companies
strongly present in this cluster compared to the others. that manufacture drones and eVTOLs, and others involved in the legal
The sixth and last cluster, the “Deniers”, is among the groups with and other phases of the UAM(pax) service implementation process
the least intention to use UAM(pax) services, even in emergency and should focus on the citizen segments that pose barriers in welcoming
healthcare situations. As for expected benefits, they think UAM(pax) UAM(pax) services, such as the “Skepticals” and the “Deniers”. The
might facilitate the job of police and ambulances. However, they do not citizen segments that will be the Innovators or First Adopters will most
regard that UAM(pax) services will provide safer and faster trips than likely have a big role in turning the rest of the population onboard with
other existing means of transport. This group has the highest percentage UAM(pax) services, and their feedback and word-of-mouth communi
of participants earning <2000€/month (50 %). A clear mode use is cation will have an impact on the levels of receptiveness of the rest
observed in this cluster as all the members are daily bus users (100 %) (Pettigrew et al., 2019).
while only 11 % of them use the car in their daily mobility. The mobility To better understand the differences among the clusters that indicate
behaviour of this cluster is what mainly differentiates it from the other a positive attitude towards UAM(pax) services and among those with a
clusters characteristics. more negative attitude, the statistical differences in their replies in the
statements of the expected benefits, safety aspects, the intention to use,
4.2.3. UAM(pax) receptiveness and intention to use and the social support items were analyzed. Table 4 presents the results
Fig. 6 shows the actual UAM(pax) receptiveness level per cluster in of the multiple comparison tests conducted first for clusters 1, 2, and 3
accordance with the intention to use UAM(pax). It presents, on a scale
from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 7 (Strongly Agree), the average values for
each cluster in the items of receptiveness (x axis) and Intention to Use (y
S. Kalakou et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 187 (2023) 122200
Table 3
Clusters' sociodemographic and mobility characteristics.
Citizen's clusters
Personal and mobility characteristics 1 - Open minded 2 -Pollution sensitive 3 - First movers 4 - Emergency supporters 5 - Skepticals 6 - Deniers
Female 46.0 % 50.5 % 27.90 % 45.80 % 37.00 % 43.30 %
Male 54.00 % 49.5 % 72.10 % 54.20 % 63.00 % 56.70 %
18 to 24 19.5 % 29.9 % 19.1 % 36.1 % 30.1 % 20.9 %
25 to 34 25.3 % 29.9 % 16.2 % 28.9 % 24.7 % 34.3 %
35 to 44 14.9 % 14.0 % 19.1 % 10.8 % 16.4 % 20.9 %
45 to 54 12.6 % 18.7 % 19.1 % 9.6 % 19.2 % 13.4 %
55 to 64 25.3 % 7.5 % 25.0 % 12.0 % 8.2 % 10.4 %
65 or older 2.3 % 0.0 % 1.5 % 2.4 % 1.4 % 0.0 %
Yes 44.8 % 37.4 % 54.4 % 27.7 % 37.0 % 41.8 %
No 55.2 % 62.6 % 45.6 % 72.3 % 63.0 % 58.2 %
Education level
High school 13.6 % 7.5 % 10.3 % 6.0 % 6.8 % 7.5 %
Apprenticeship with graduation 6.9 % 2.8 % 2.9 % 1.2 % 8.2 % 3.0 %
Bachelors' degree 42.5 % 43.0 % 47.1 % 57.8 % 42.5 % 40.3 %
Masters' degree 34.5 % 43.0 % 36.8 % 33.7 % 37.0 % 46.3 %
PhD 2.3 % 3.7 % 2.9 % 1.2 % 5.5 % 3.0 %
Employed 75.80 % 65.53 % 79.40 % 57.80 % 71.98 % 73.10 %
Student/Intern 13.60 % 26.33 % 14.80 % 32.50 % 22.58 % 22.40 %
Unemployed 6.80 % 6.73 % 2.90 % 6.00 % 3.38 % 4.50 %
Retired 3.40 % 1.13 % 2.90 % 3.60 % 2.08 % 0.00 %
Residence environment
Urban environment with mixed land use 17.20 % 39.30 % 32.40 % 31.30 % 28.80 % 29.90 %
Residential suburban environment 33.30 % 25.20 % 32.40 % 34.90 % 39.70 % 37.30 %
Rural environment 49.40 % 35.50 % 35.30 % 33.70 % 31.60 % 32.90 %
Car ownership
Yes 81.70 % 84.90 % 97.00 % 81.10 % 73.90 % 79.00 %
No 18.30 % 15.10 % 3.00 % 18.90 % 26.10 % 21.00 %
Driving license
Yes 94.30 % 99.10 % 97.10 % 89.20 % 94.50 % 92.50 %
No 5.70 % 0.90 % 2.90 % 10.80 % 5.50 % 7.50 %
Owning a vehicle
Yes 81.70 % 84.90 % 97.00 % 81.10 % 73.90 % 79.00 %
No 18.30 % 15.10 % 3.00 % 18.90 % 26.10 % 21.00 %
S. Kalakou et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 187 (2023) 122200
Table 3 (continued )
Citizen's clusters
Personal and mobility characteristics 1 - Open minded 2 -Pollution sensitive 3 - First movers 4 - Emergency supporters 5 - Skepticals 6 - Deniers
S. Kalakou et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 187 (2023) 122200
Table 4
Differences among clusters' perceptions.
Open minded & Open minded & Pollution Emergency Emergency Skepticals &
pollution sensitive first movers sensitive & supporters & supporters & deniers
first movers skepticals deniers
(pax) receptiveness.
The first and third clusters, labelled as “Open-minded” and “First
Movers” respectively, entail the most innovative people in the study,
both have the most participants from the age groups of 25 to 34, which
are young people with some financial possessions, and the age group of
54–65. These participants from the older age group probably no longer
worry about their children's financial care, therefore have more time and
also money to spend on themselves since when they were young, they
did not have a chance to take advantage of technological developments
as currently the younger people do. The Portuguese population, espe
cially older age groups, are very fond of air transport since it has always
been a part of the country's history and culture. In addition to that, the
Portuguese coastal area is very long, and has several aerodromes across
Fig. 7. Clusters distribution (global mean scores) based on utility appropri it, thus it does not come as a surprise that older people are one of the
ateness per trip purpose for society (x) and the individual (y). population segments that are most likely to adopt and use Urban Air
Mobility as an innovative and safe mode of transport. Regions with
hand, the “Deniers”, a segment of the population that does not believe aeronautic activity might be more receptive to UAM(pax) and its resi
that UAM(pax) will bring any sort of benefits to society, mainly dents might be more willing to use such services early after their
composed of people classified as either Laggards or Late Majority in the introduction to the mobility systems.
adoption category classes. The rest of the clusters lacked those highly Especially in the third cluster, the “First Movers”, there is a big dif
defining characteristics; however, they can be distinguished and be put ference in gender distribution, with men counting for 72 % of the par
closer to the “First Movers” or “Deniers”, in terms of their levels of UAM ticipants in the cluster. This is a differentiator factor since men are
known to better or at least more easily accept technological change (Al
S. Kalakou et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 187 (2023) 122200
Haddad et al., 2020; Hohenberger et al., 2016). On the other hand, the countries, the results could then prove beneficial to institutions at na
“Pollution Sensitive” cluster is the only one with a bigger percentage of tional and supranational levels. Moreover, such results could be used by
female participants which is aligned with the literature that indicates private stakeholders involved in the preparation of UAM(pax) services,
that women are more worried with the environment. such as urban air traffic management service providers, drone and
“Emergency Supporters”, “Skepticals” and “Deniers” are the most eVTOLs manufacturers, to inform and enrich their user-driven design
adverse groups with regard to UAM(pax) services as a mean of transport processes and strategic foresight analyses. Furthermore, when taking
and they all share a few similarities in their demographic distribution. into consideration the continuous digitalization of smart mobility and
For example, these clusters have a predominant percentage of younger smart cities governance practices, the proposed analytical framework
respondents; the only exception is the respondents in the age group of 45 can serve as a backbone support tool for data analysis and evidence
to 54 which represent 19.2 % of the Skepticals. Most of the participants generation for smart city authorities.
in these clusters regard themselves as either Late Majority or even Specific recommendations could be given for some of the clusters.
Laggards when it comes to adopting UAM(pax), yet those in the “Open- For those citizen groups that present a more reserved attitude towards
Minded” and “First Movers” (higher adoption) regard themselves more UAM(pax) services, further engagement activities need to be initiated by
as Early Adopters or Innovators. Local Authorities and the Public Administration field in general. To this
There are some factors that will have an impact on how society will end, awareness and information diffusion campaigns as well as active
feel about prospective UAM(pax) vehicles and automated driving, measures for facilitating and encouraging co-creation practices with
namely safety which according to Panagiotopoulos and Dimi citizens are examples of actions that could be taken in the context of
trakopoulos (2018) is the most important one. Al Haddad et al. (2020) participative governance. Otherwise, there is a risk, for example, of
also stated safety as the most important factor in adoption followed by providing mobility solutions to citizens who have already good mobility
cost in second and trip duration in third. Safety regards not only the accessibility and have reached a certain level of satisfaction with their
safety of the rider itself but of the vehicle and the conditions in which it current mobility experiences while others suffer lower quality services.
will operate. Across all clusters, most respondents either stated to Agree Similar conclusions have been deducted from the citizens' views on
or Strongly Agree to be concerned with using an UAM(pax) in bad automated driving (Marques dos Santos et al., 2022). For the group with
weather conditions. Having the possibility to transfer manual control or more environmental concerns, Eissfeldt (2020) notices that one way to
even talk to an operator on the ground could be one method to increase combat the noise pollution factor should be the active involvement of
trust among possible users and thus increase the levels of receptiveness. the population (e.g. real-time data capture on nuisance) in developing
With the implementation of UAM(pax) the noise and visual pollution and agreeing on mitigation measures for this problem by understanding
levels will probably rise due to the circulation of Air Vehicles. However, the level of tolerance in the different communities. Determining such a
according to our study, the cluster with higher levels of receptiveness level of tolerance in communities' air corridors and routes could be
has the participants who are less concerned with visual and noise developed according to the information given by the public.
pollution with 36.8 % of “First Movers” responding Disagree to both Considering the above, the reported work contributes to balancing
questions. Urban pollution, especially noise pollution, will be a big technological forecasting activities by taking into consideration not only
barrier to implementing UAM(pax). It is a problem that should be the advancements and maturity of UAM(pax) technologies but also the
tackled early and get the population to participate in finding a solution societal expectations for the impact, usage, and adoption of such tech
to the problem. nologies and their enabling services. For example, the derivation and
description of citizen clusters for UAM(pax) services contribute to
5.2. Strategic planning for sustainable development of UAM(pax) services establishing a more balanced approach to the evolution of the UAM(pax)
socio-technical system and its transition towards more sustainable and
The reported work, first, contributes to the UAM literature with an responsible development and deployment of UAM(pax) services.
analytical typology for gaining insights into the citizens' perspectives in
a given city. Although the data collection can be enhanced to include 6. Conclusion
more people of older ages and more metropolitan areas, it provides a
solid basis for yielding insights in the context of evidence-based policy To ensure the responsible use of new technologies in the mobility
making. For example, during the early phases (Phase 1 and 2) of the sector, the public opinion should be heard and considered. Govern
SUMP process cycle (Rupprecht Consult, 2019; Agouridas et al., 2021) ments, Local Authorities and social entities can benefit and pave the way
with regard to the selection of mobility networks and services to be for the seamless integration of UAM(pax) technologies in mobility sys
complemented through UAM(pax), the involvement of citizens and the tems by delivering services that respond to the expectations of citizens
consideration of their views is fundamental. The approach of this study and are positively perceived. This study focuses on the exploration of
provides insights on citizens' perceptions on potential uses of UAM(pax) citizens' attitudes towards UAM(pax) and analyzes the aspects related to
and sheds light on the potential barriers that could impede the growth of the citizens' receptiveness of prospective UAM(pax) services. A survey
UAM(pax). At this stage mobility scenarios are envisioned and discussed was designed to address the view of people on the topic of UAM(pax)
with citizens during the strategic development of a mobility plan. and data was collected from 485 respondents who live in the Lisbon
Further, at this stage spatial implications at urban and interurban in Metropolitan Area. Then the citizens were clustered into groups
terfaces should be also addressed in the context of designated functional following a clustering process based on the receptiveness levels of the
urban areas (FUAs) (Agouridas, 2022). In addition, the proposed respondents on UAM(pax) services.
framework could be used to provide data about the definition of perti The data analysis indicates that citizens' receptiveness towards UAM
nent key performance indicators and measures for monitoring and (pax) is expressed by the perceived societal benefits, the expected cover
evaluating the deployment of UAM(pax) services as part of Phase 3 and 4 of urgent societal needs, the appropriateness of UAM(pax) per trip
of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) process cycle (see also purpose, environmental aspects and concerns. The clustering process
Agouridas et al., 2021). designated six citizen clusters that presented different views on the
Second, the designated clusters and their description, although they receptiveness components; some of the clusters seem to focus more on
represent a given sample from the Metropolitan area of Lisbon, and the positive aspects of UAM(pax) while others express overall doubts on
hence cannot be generalized to other cities and countries, they provide the contribution of UAM(pax) services on the society. Although the
insights of the attitudes of this local society. To this end, informed de clusters' views may differ on the appropriateness of UAM(pax) on
cisions can be made that will be tailored to the specificity of this locality. several trip purposes, it is observed that there is a common under
Assuming a replication of similar studies in other targeted cities and standing on the potential benefits on healthcare issues. Another key
S. Kalakou et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 187 (2023) 122200
finding that also stimulates future research is the fact that higher levels Declaration of competing interest
of receptiveness seem to be assigned to citizens who expressed higher
intention to use such services soon after they are available at the market. None.
Future studies could focus on expanding the data collection process to
more cities and citizen segments and address the sociodemographic Data availability
characteristics and mobility behaviour may influence the views of
citizens. Data will be made available on request.
Overall, the results found in this study point out the importance of
analyzing the characteristics and the citizens' perception of UAM(pax) to Acknowledgments
understand how to act towards a successful implementation of UAM
(pax) services in the sense that citizens are expected to both welcome the The authors would like to thank the reviewers for the detailed
use of UAM(pax) in the transport system and use them for their mobility reading and suggestions. They also want to thank Tomás Ferreira for his
needs. The information gathered can support Governments, Policy participation to the data collection process.
makers, and industrial manufactures to shed light on how to approach
the market structuring in the early stages of developing and imple References
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terms of the collected content, the second statement that was excluded
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Sofia Kalakou holds a PhD in Transportation Systems with specialization in Aviation from
IST in Lisbon, Portugal. She is an Assistant Professor of Operations at the Department of
S. Kalakou et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 187 (2023) 122200
Marketing, Strategy and Operations at ISCTE Business School. She is the Director of the BSc Duarte Prazeres holds an MSc in Management and a BSc in Human Resources Manage
in Industrial Management and Logistics. Her research focuses on aviation planning and ment from ISCTE Business School in Lisbon, Portugal. He is currently working in the
management, integration of new technologies in urban mobility, passenger behaviour intersection of the fields Operations and Human Resources. His research interests focus on
modeling and operations' performance analysis. the deployment of new technologies in operations and management.
Catarina Marques holds a PhD in Quantitative Methods with specialization in Statistics Vassilis Agouridas holds a PhD in Requirements Management from the University of
and Data Analysis from ISCTE in Lisbon, Portugal. She is Assistant Professor of Statistics Leeds, England, and an MBA with specialization in Aerospace Management from the
and Data Analysis at the Department of Quantitative Methods for Management and Eco Toulouse Business School, France and an MEng in Mechanical & Manufacturing Engi
nomics, ISCTE Business School, Portugal. She is the Director of the BSc in Data Science. Her neering from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. He is currently carrying out part-time
current research interests are statistical modeling and data analysis, especially structural DBA research with the Durham University Business School in England and the Lyon
equation modeling and clustering methods. She has taught Data Analysis on several Master Business School in France. His research interests focus on sustainable transitions of tech
and PhD programs. nological innovations with focus on stakeholder co-creation and governance schemes.