Spcenf 45
Spcenf 45
Spcenf 45
To remind inspectors of the legal framework and provide advice on the sort of
information that they should seek when examining a duty holder’s approach to
ensuring Safety-Critical Elements (SCEs) remain in good repair and condition.
2. Health & Safety at Work Act (HSWA) s.2 requires employers to ensure that
any plant which they provide is, and is maintained, in a condition that is so far
as reasonably practicable safe and without risks to health. Provision & Use of
Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) makes more detailed provision in
respect of work equipment and requires employers to ensure that work
equipment is suitable for the purpose for which it is provided (r.4) and that it is
maintained in an efficient state, efficient working order and good repair (r.5)
[maintenance is defined by the result rather than the means]. Work equipment
will include some, but not all parts of an offshore installation which have been
identified as safety-critical under SCR.
6. SCR r.15A requires the duty holder to have a written scheme of verification to
ensure the safety critical elements are suitable and remain in good repair and
condition. A record of the SCEs identified and the proposed verification
scheme are then reviewed by an independent and competent person as a
check on the duty holder’s compliance with legal requirements described
• How often?
• What action has been taken (i.e. to whom the faults have been reported,
status of remedial work)
Further information can be obtained from OSD5.3 (VPN 522 6945 or 522 6849)
Further information and guidance can be found in the OSD Enforcement Manual Vol.
2 Chapter 1.