Bulletin 9.26.11
Bulletin 9.26.11
Bulletin 9.26.11
Seahawk Scoop
Students must wear school shirts! No money is required parents will order pictures when the proofs arrive.
**4th Grade Class PARENT MEETING: Tues, Sept. 27, in Mrs. Barbers room, 315, @ 7:00pm. **KG 2nd Grade PARENT NIGHT: Thurs, Sept. 29, from 5:00-7:00pm.- How to Help Your Child at Home.
Parents were sent a flyer with a RSVP at the bottom on 9/21/11. Parents need to send their RSVP back to the childs teacher ASAP. On the evening of the event, parents will go to their childs classroom.
**CULINARY CLASS CAFE: Fri, Sept. 30, Mrs. Creeks class opens their Class Caf for this school year.
Staff & visitors are invited to indulge in a Mexican fiesta from 10:4am to 1:30pm. Donation: $8.00
**K-5 Grade: Choice of One- Beef Nuggets, Chef Salad, or PBJ Sandwich Choice of Two- Fresh Apple, Fruit Cup, Sweet Potatoes; May Select- Whole Grain Roll
**6th-12th Grade: Choice of above or Cheese Quesadilla, Buffalo Chicken Nuggets, Salad, or Lite Alternative
-Elem & M/S Odyssey of the Mind meet in Ms. Countrymans room, 1018, 2:30-GED Test in the library @ 6:00pm -FCA meetings during M/S & H/S lunches in the gym concession area -Away JV/ Varsity Volleyball game vs Pt. St. Joe @ 6:00/7:00 -GED Test in the library @ 6:00pm -4th Grade Parent meeting in Mrs. Barbers room, 315, @ 7:00pm -ServSafe Test I the library 3 & 4 period (see student list from Mrs. Creek) -SGA meeting in the gym wrestling room during lunch -M/S & H/S Assembly Future Now - in the gym during 6th period -CLOSED Executive School Board Meeting at the Willie Speed Board Room @ -CLOSED -Future Now Presentation/ Concert in the gym @ 7:00pm for the entire family -Future
**Thur, Sept 29: -9th Grade Class Officers meeting in Ms. Mount-Simmons room, 1217, during **Thur, 29: breakfast -Senior Class Officers meeting in the cafeteria during lunch -Away M/S-JH Volleyball game vs Hosford @ 4:00pm -KG 2nd Grade Parent Night in students classrooms, 5:00-7:00pm (Parents, (Parents, please RSVP)
-Home JV/Varsity Volleyball games vs Blountstown @ 6:00/ 7:00pm -Home M/S-JH Football game vs Pt. St. Joe.@ 7:00pm **Fri, Sept 30: **Fri, 30: -Away Varsity Football game vs Wewa @ 8:00pm
**School Leadership Meeting: Wed, Sept. 28, Book Study- Section 3 in room 117 @ 2:30pm **Teachers Mandatory Book Study: Thurs, Sept. 29, during common planning period **Culinary Class Cafe: Fri, Sept. 30 - 10:45am - 1:30pm DONATION: $8.00 MENU: Mexican Lasagna, Chicken Fajitas, Corn, Stewed Mexican Veggies, Homemade Tortilla Chips w/ Queso Dip & Homemade Salsa DESSERTS: Apple Enchiladas, Besitos de Merengue, Peanut Butter Parfait **DESSERT AUCTION: Fri, Sept. 30 - NHS & CFES will have a Cake Auction for staff members. All proceeds will be donated to Relay for Life. Desserts will be in the front office lounge at 8:00am and bids will be taken until 1:15pm. Winners will be notified by phone by 2:00pm. Cookies/Pies- $5 minimum bid Cakes- $10 minimum bid
Faculty Meetings: 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month @ 2:30pm School Leadership Meetings: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month @ 2:30pm. RTI Meetings: ???
**Franklin County Oyster Festival: Oct. 7-9 5K Run on Saturday morning, Oct. 8, in the state park Fishing
Tournament and other "seafood related" activities in Eastpoint on Saturday, Oct. 8 Exhibits, food, and music will be set up in Lighthouse Park on SGI Check it out at www.oysterfestivalFC.com & click on the Oyster Festival link on the top of the page.
GED Classes are now available through the TIGERS program at the Carrabelle & Apalachicola libraries. The next GED Test will be given Mon, Sept. 26 & 27 at the Franklin County School library at 6:00pm. To register for the test contact Maxine Creamer @ 670-4481. The Franklin County Adult Education Courses do not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, National origin, age, handicap, or marital status.
**PARENTS: The Franklin County School 2011-12 Code of Conduct, Student Progression Plan, & the Local
Education Agency Letter to the Parents can all be viewed and/or printed from the school district website: www.franklincountyschools.org/schoolcodeofconduct.htm
**PARENTS register to receive automated emergency calls from the Franklin County Sheriff Dept. You will be notified of any emergency situations in Franklin County (for example; emergency
school closings, road closings). Go to www.franklinsheriff.com , on the top right of home page- click
on Franklin County Florida Emergency Notification System emblem & complete required information.