Year 6
Year 6
Year 6
Along the bottom are different tabs for the different tasks
1) Code breaker- the pupils need to separate sheet with the cell references and a box for the letter
in order to find which letter the cell it is referring too contains.
2) Find the picture- the pupils need to colour each cell referred to a different colour in order to
make the picture. They need to select the cell and then click on the fill button and select the
colour. They may need to use the more colours button in order to add pink.
EXT: pupils to create their own code and write sentences using it for a partner to complete.
AA: Pupils are able to complete both tasks and create their own code showing a high level of confidence
with cell references
A: Pupils are able to complete both tasks and can confidently tell you what each cell is referring to
BA: Pupils are able to complete the code task and know how to find the name of each cell
Year 6 Autumn ICT Planning
Plenary: Use Impero to demonstrate all who managed to create the flower picture and reward pupils.
What other uses can pupils think of for using spread sheets from what they have already seen? Pupils to
save in M Drive under lesson 1
I can use a spread HOOK: Who can create a picture by giving their partner cell reference numbers to fill in and what I can enter data
sheet to create a colour? correctly
Explain that today we are going to be using excel in order to make a graph. This is something that the I can use excel to make
pupils may have done before or be familiar with using different software. a graph
Explain that we first need to create our own table to enter our data. Conduct a survey of the classes I can manipulate data
favourite chocolate bars taking the first 5 options as the possible ones. and my graph once I
have made it
Demonstrate together how to type these in ensuring you provide a title and number of children
options,. Explain that when they first do this you will not be able read all the options as the row is to
small. Model how to expand this to make it larger so they can read both row A and B
Have the 5 different options underneath and type up the total figures from the class survey.
Show the pupils now how to highlight all the data they have entered. Can anyone see where the graph
button might be? Give pupils a few minutes to investigate the toolbars to try and find it.
Under Insert there are varius graph (or chart) options.
Pupils to select the graph that they want to make and it should automatically insert it into the spread
Year 6 Autumn ICT Planning
Provide pupils with time to see if they can make their spread sheet more effective eg, different
colours/3D etc.
Bring all the pupils back and ask what they think will happen if you were to change one of the numbers
in the data? Pupils to talk, pair, share as to if it will change or not. Get the pupils to try it out? What If
they wanted to change the chocolate bar name? Does that work? What if they wanted to add an extra
column with another chocolate bar?
Give the pupils 5 mins to see if they can work out how to do these- especially the last one!
it down.
3) Inset a row in-between existing options and it will automatically be included
Year 6 Autumn ICT Planning
(NB: If pupils find any other ways I would love to know about them and put them on G&T list!)
AA: Pupils are able to enter data, create an effective graph and are confident with manipulating that
data including adding and removing rows
A: Pupils are able to enter data, create a graph and have an awareness of how to manipulate the data
and the effect it has one the graph
BA: Pupils are able to enter data and create a graph from them
Plenary: What is better about using excel to make graphs than other graphing software?
Pupils to save in M Drive under lesson 2
I can use a spread HOOK: Who can make a bar graph about number of girls and boys in the class quickest? I can use a spread sheet
sheet effectively to effectively
work out calculations Open up lesson 2- packed lunches and explain that you are going to give them 10 mins to see how many
of the problems they can work through. Get the pupils to load up both lesson 2 excel spread sheet and I can confident write
the lesson 2 questions from Curriculum Shared Year 6 ICT . Demonstrate to pupils how to print formula for + and – in a
screen and make the image smaller so that the document is not too large. Pupils to save their work into spread sheet
their M drive for now under their name.
I can start to write
Explain that this works because Excel allows you to enter formula that works out maths for you a bit like formula using / and * in
a calculator I the lunch box example it was multiplying the cost of the item by the quantity that you a spreadsheet
provided. Have a look at the end cell to see what the formula is. They should see =CELL REFERENCE *
Year 6 Autumn ICT Planning
Note that for spread sheet sums the = goes at the start not at the end. Discuss what operation the * has
been used to represent? X.
Demonstrate that we can change the sign to make the formula do different things. Demonstrate + and -.
How would we do divide? With /
Move onto the next tab on the spread sheet file which is about food groups. Complete all the columns
as if it were a tally chart with the class. Explain that you want to get the spread sheet to find the totals.
Choose and AA pupil to demonstrate what the formula would be =CELL REFERENCE + CELL REFERENCE.
Show the pupils that they can click on the cell to get the reference rather than have to type it in.
Pupils to fill in the other columns and total up all the other rows.
Show the pupils the final tab where they have to work out he correct formula to get the answer. Put the
children into groups of 3 or 4 and provide with part of the worksheet for one colour. See which team
can complete the formula to match the sheet they have been given. (the task gets harder the further
down the sheet you go as greater maths knowledge is required)
AA: Pupils to be able to confidently write formula using + - * and / for two or three cells
A: Pupils to be able to confidently write formula using + for two or three cells
BA: Pupils to write formula using + for 2 cells
Plenary: How could we use the knowledge we have of spread sheets to help us in the future? Pupils to
save to M:drive lesson 3
Year 6 Autumn ICT Planning
I can use a database HOOK: Get pupils to load purplemash and go to creative tools 2graph compare it to excel- why is excel I can group the data in a
to sort data and carry better? Person with most reasons wins 5 stickers! database
out searches
Explain that we are going to be using a different 2 purplemash program- 2investigate. I can add a record to the
Explain that this is a simple database piece of software. Explain that we are going to use one of their database
databases already created today . Start with the class one and they should see lots of individuals loaded:
I can perform a search
using the database
Explain that this is class and each person has been entered with their details. Click on one of the pupils
for more information about them as a record
They should be able to see his Name, Age and hair colour.
Click ok to go back to all the pupils. Explain that a data base is made up of lots of records about all the
different pupils which means we can sort them. Click on the sort, group and arrange icon
then choose grpup. This gives us the option to group by name, age or hair colour.
The three items we saw recorded in the record:
Year 6 Autumn ICT Planning
Ask the pupils what they think the computer has done? Click on the different records to check they are
grouped correctly. What do they think would happen if they changed one of the records? If they change
it straight away nothing will happen. However if they repeat the group it will then update it.
Provide the pupils with 5 mins to explore what the difference is between group and sort. Which
categories would sort but suitable for and which would it not be suitable for? (eg. When sorting by age
this is useful but pointless to sort by hair colour!)
Ask the children to add an additional member to the class using the + button and fill in all the options
known as fields. Check they are included in their searches,
Explain that all this data can also be viewed a little bit like the spread sheets we have been working on.
Pupils to click on Table icon
Year 6 Autumn ICT Planning
Show that they can perform searches on this data by clicking the search icon (then using the icon next to
This makes them enter he search using a set of criteria and see if they can create multiple criteria
searches eg. Age is over 6 and has brown hair. You may need to go over the meaning of the following
Allow pupils time to explore- who can get the search with the most results, least results etc.
AA: Pupils to be familiar with a database and to be able to sort and search the data to get the results
they require
A: Pupils to be confident using a database to be able to group, sort and search the data
BA: Pupils to be able to use a data base to group and perform a simple search
Year 6 Autumn ICT Planning
Plenary: Allow pupils who have interrogated the database further to use impero to show what they
have done on the IWB and talk it through.
I can use the HOOK: Allow the pupils to look at the other sets of data already provided in 2investigate eg, aliens, I can add fields to all
database to answer houses and world cup. Who can be the first to work out how you can add a field to all of the records? records in a database
questions through Explain that you can only do it when there are 12 fields or less by clicking on the design database button
the search facility I can work with a
partner to work out
This should load this menu: what search is needed
to answer questions
Explain to the pupils that they just have to enter the new field name, the type of data to be recorded.
The third column allows them to enter a select number of options. Why might this be useful? To make it
easier to sort the data. They then have to go into each record and add the answers for that field.
Explain that today they have a choice between 2 different databases that they can use
1) World Cup
2) Agent Z
Year 6 Autumn ICT Planning
Once they load one of these ( Select Open and then samples)
They should find an activity link in the top right hand corner:
This will load in a separate tab a sheet with a variety of questions. Pupils need to search the data base
as they learnt last lesson to answer the questions. (This task should be done in mixed ability partners to
support each other)
Remind the children there are help videos at the top right to click on if they
need support.
Year 6 Autumn ICT Planning
AA: Pupils are able to search the database effectively in order to answer all questions given.
A: Pupils are able to explain what search or sort they need to do and use this to answer questions given
BA: Pupils are able to carry out search required when they are supported to find out which is needed.
Plenary: How easy/hard was it? Which questions were the hardest and why?
I can create a blank HOOK: Play database or spread sheet. Go through a list of options of things that they may want to do on I can think of a suitable
database (to be done the computer and decide if a spread sheet or database would be best suited! topic for my database
over 2 lessons)
Explain that today we are going to be creating our own database. They have had lots of experience of I can create records to
working with databases that other people have already made and added/edited their own records. Now fit my database
they are going to start from scratch. Come up with a list of possible ideas that the database could be
about. These can be topic related or based upon the pupils own interests eg. Doctor Who baddies, I can search my
Simpsons characters etc. Pupils to work in teams of 3 or 4 choosing the same topic. Before they load up database and come up
the computers get them to record in jotters what the different fields will be that they need to create and with suitable questions
the records that they will need. for others about it
Pupils should be confident at loading 2investigate this time they are going to select new , then
collaborative. One pupil in the team needs to name it
Pupils can then work together to copy up from jotters the different field options, not forgetting the type
and if they want to limit the answers
Year 6 Autumn ICT Planning
Encourage the pupils to think creatively about options. Once it is created then more than one user can
load it up and start adding the data into their database.
To do this they need to go to Open, select collaborative and then they should see ones from our school:
This means that a lot of data can be added at the same time. Ensure pupils use the refresh icon and talk
together to make sure they are not adding the same user! Pupils can import pictures into their records
but they need to save the files onto the computer first (they can’t copy and paste)
Once all the users are added. Explain that they need to conduct a series of tests. Talk together to come
Year 6 Autumn ICT Planning
up with ideas for how to make sure all the data is added correctly and search results are as expected?
What if there is only ever one result for each search? Can they add more data in order to get better
search results?
Next the pupils are going to design a set of questions for someone else to use their database to work
out the answers to like they did previously. Pupils can use word or 2publish extra in order to complete
this task. They need to think of questions at will require people to group or search the database and
encourage them to make them increasing in difficulty the further down the questions they get.
Plenary: Print out the different questions and get people to try them out on each others databases