A Lakóhely És Környéke Fejlődésének Problémái

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A lakóhely és környéke fejlődésének problémái

When your residence and it’s area developing you might face the problems resulted by the
development. Let’s see some example. Firstly when some cities are expanding rapidly that
can lead to the depopulation of other areas. Which is bad becaus after a while those cities
will become crowded and even the amount of green areas will decrease because in their
place they will build more properties and with that they would try to reduce the crowding.
And if we are talking about properties the we reach the second problem. Usually these
property prices are unpayable for some people, and the apartments have high rents, so they
couldn’t even rent instead of buying a house. More and more people wouldn’t have a place
to live because they can’t afford themselves and with that the number of homless people will
It’s also worth of mention that the polluting effect of a city will grow too. With more people
there will be more cars, and these cars will cause higher air pollution. The energy
consumption will grow to while the proportion of renewable energy sources decreases,
because they need the energy immediately and they don’t want to wait for it.

A természet és az ember harmóniája

Earth Day is celebrated in the 22-nd April every year around the world. This date is the
anniversary of the modern enviromental protection. The history of the movement began on
April 22, 1970 in the United States. For this day, Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, in
cooperation with American universities, announced a national day of debate about the ever-
increasing environmental pollution, and it consequences which people have already felt on
their own skin. Because this movement important enviromental protection services were
founded and laws, international agreements were made.
In 2009, the UN General Assembly declared April 22 as International Mother Earth Day. After
that, the representatives of the member states adopted a number of other resolutions, all of
which reflect the realization that the long-term survival and well-being of the humanity can
only be guaranteed if we learn to live in harmony with nature.
For a long time, the prevailing view was that nature is only a commodity and that science and
technology can provide solutions to all environmental problems. However, it must be
acknowledged that natural resources are finite and that production and consumption in their
current form are not sustainable. It is important that, in the future, decisions affecting the
natural environment (also) are not made solely on the basis of human considerations.

A környezetvédelem lehetőségei és problémái

Nowadays we have to face different opportunities and problems if we are talking about
enviromental protection. The most dangerous problem is global warming which lead us other
problems, like the the weather is chaning, ice caps are melting, forest fires, the sea level is
rising, we have less drinking water supply and the amount just decreasing, desertafication –
more area become deserts because of the long drought and not even mention that animal
species die out – and not just rare ones if we aren’t do something every animal will be in
But of course we can’t blame only the global warming because of these things, we humanity
also have a big part in it, because we pollute the enviroment with dangerous gases, nuclear
weapons, deforestation.
Fortunately we have posibilites to reduce these damages. For example we can use renewable
energy sources instead of fossil energy carriers. We also should recycle what we can, instead
of nylon bags we should use linen bags which can be used multiple time. We also can
improve the properties (solar panels) and transport (use public transport) to make them
more eco-friendly. We also should recycle what we can, instead of nylon bags we should use
linen bags which can be used multiple time. It’s an important thing that we have to protect
the animals and their natural habitats too. And we can also do reintroduction programs,
which means that captive animals are released back into the wild, of course after they have
been prepared for the life there.
(A solution to the thinning of the ozone layer has already been found in the form of the 1989
Montreal Protocol. Today, thanks to this, it has been possible to reduce the emission of
chemical substances that damage the ozone layer by 98% in the world.)

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