SSA - POMS - DI 42001.020 - Other Reopening Issues - 11-24-2021
SSA - POMS - DI 42001.020 - Other Reopening Issues - 11-24-2021
SSA - POMS - DI 42001.020 - Other Reopening Issues - 11-24-2021
Cases selected for the CD preeffectuation review will be reviewed by the quality control examiner before
notice of continuance or cessation is released to the claimant. These cases may, therefore, be returned by
the examiner to the DO or DDS as appropriate, using Form SSA-1774-U4 for substantive developmental,
vocational, adjudicative, and medical deficiencies.
In a PC-type notification case, route the file by SSA-559 to a CA or to the appropriate PC depending on the
type of case involved, e.g., DIB or CDB claim based on an RSI NH. On this SSA-559, indicate that no change
in the disability determination is necessary and request that the duplicate application be acknowledged.
If the duplicate application was filed by a party other than the claimant, institution, etc., who had filed the
prior application, follow the same procedure as indicated above for notifying the secondary applicant (see DI
Where an auxiliary applicant files a duplicate application on behalf of a NH and also files an auxiliary
application on behalf of self and others, and the primary claim has been or is being denied, use the language
in DI 40120.015C.3. for preparing the notice.
E. Application Filed Within 4 Years After Notice Of Initial Denial Or Cessation
Occasionally after reconsideration, a claimant, instead of requesting a hearing, will file a new application,
will submit additional evidence, or will write to the DO or PC, taking exception to the determination.
In some instances, the claimant may write to a member of Congress, union official, etc., who in turn may
write to the SSA. The PC should review the case in the light of the new application, new evidence, and/or the
information contained in the correspondence. The new application by itself is not a basis for review of the
prior decision. The claimant or other party has to specifically request such a review.
New evidence included with the SSA-16-F6, SSA-4-BK or SSA-5-F6 may provide a basis for reopening or
may simply require a determination on the new application. ODO or DRS may prepare a substantive denial
for the unadjudicated period if insured status ended before the date of the last determination on the prior
application. However, the case must be forwarded to the DDS if it appears the new claim may be allowed.
Therefore, onset of disability may be established during or after the previously adjudicated period.
If the claimant was previously denied for not meeting the QC requirement and still does not meet that
requirement, process as an administrative res judicata case per DI 40105.050. If the previous application
was withdrawn, process as an initial application.
If the claimant was previously denied for failure to furnish medical evidence (paragraph MK17) and has now
submitted evidence, process as an initial case. If no evidence has been submitted with the new application,
determine whether development is necessary and whether the claimant needs assistance in presenting 10/7/22, 9 41 PM
his/her claim. If necessary, return the folder to the DO requesting development
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3 DI 11010.520) of
claimant's ability to furnish the needed information.
If the claimant was previously denied for insufficiency of medical evidence (paragraph MK19) and new
evidence is submitted, consider reopening. If reopening is not appropriate, process as an initial case.
If the latest determination in file is a reconsideration decision and the new application meets the criteria for
reopening, the DE will process the case per the instruction in DI 42001.015E.
G. Application Filed More Than 4 Years After Notice Of Initial Denial Or
When new and material evidence is received with a subsequent application that is filed more than 4 years
after the date of the initial notice of the prior determination, the new application must be adjudicated on the
merits of the complete case. Since the earlier claim may not be reopened, under such circumstances,
payment and retroactivity must be based on the current application.
However, where the total evidence supports an onset within that prior period of adjudication, onset may be
set within it.
1. No new and material evidence submitted
If no new and material evidence is submitted, the application must be adjudicated on the basis that the
original determination was correct unless error on the face is apparent. If the current evidence or any
other evidence shows that a severe condition existed after the last adjudicated period and while insured
status was still met, an allowance will be appropriate. In all other cases, denial would be in order.
If the DDS has correctly established an onset based on new and material evidence within the last
adjudicated period, enter in Item 34 of the SSA-831-U5, “Retroactivity of benefit payments restricted to
application filed (date of later application),” and check PD in Item 10.
1. If the unadjudicated application has been considered by the ALJ, take no further action. Return the folder
to merged files.
2. If the unadjudicated application has not been considered by the ALJ, i.e., has not been listed in the “List
of Exhibits” appended to the ALJ decision or otherwise discussed in the decision, send the case (if DDS
jurisdiction) to the appropriate DDS by SSA-847-U3 for an initial determination. If DO updating of the
application is required route the case through the DO by SSA-5526-U3 with the necessary guides.
The ALJ may confine his/her determination to either the non-disability aspects (insured status, etc.) or
the disability aspects of the case; however, his/her decision will usually encompass both issues. His/her
decision is treated as binding upon ODO/PSC, and the DDS (1) in a denial through the date of his/her
decision or the date the insured status expires, whichever is earlier, and (2) in a cessation, through the
cessation date found by the ALJ.
If the ALJ has dismissed a request for hearing without deciding the issue of disability, process the case
as if the new application had been received after a reconsideration decision.
Applications received after affirming AC or Court Decisions are processed as above except that
whenever the reference “ALJ” is shown, read “A.C.” (See DI 27510.000.) 10/7/22, 9 41 PM
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