Low Carbon Buildings Week 5
Low Carbon Buildings Week 5
Low Carbon Buildings Week 5
– Where:
– I0 = extraterrestrial irradiance on a plane perpendicular to the Sun’s rays
– ISC = the solar constant (1367 W/m2),
– n = the day of the year such that for January the 1st n = 1.
Annual Variation of Irradiance
The variation in Io over the course of a year. The dashed line shows the value
of the solar constant (Isc)
The Cosine Effect
The extraterrestrial solar spectrum (AM = 0), the theoretical black body
curve and the solar spectrum at the Earth's surface for AM = 2 and the
absorbed regions shown in black.
Estimating Solar Energy at the Earth’s
• The solar constant is the average
extraterrestrial irraidation at the
edge of the atmosphere:
– 𝐼𝑆𝐶 = 1367 𝑊
• The Earth presents a disc of area nR2
to the Sun, therefore the total
amount of extraterrestrial insolation
incident on the Earth is ISC × nR2.
• This value is then divided by half the
surface areas of the Earth, 4nR2/2,
which gives 684 W/m2, the average
insolation incident on unit area of
the Earth facing the Sun.
• Note that solar panels are calibrated
assuming that there is 1000 W/m2
Estimating Irradiation
• A rough estimate of the irradiation incident per
unit area (H) of the Earth’s surface can be made if
we assume that 30% of the Sun’s energy is lost in
the atmosphere and that a day is an average of
12 hours long at any location.
• H=0.7 x 684 x 12 = 5.75kWh/day
• If we assume that the Sun is only at an
appreciable strength for an average 6 hours in the
day (as is likely in more northerly latitudes):
• H=0.7 x 684 x 6 = 2.88kWh/day
Annual Profile of Mean Solar Radiation
Solar Intensities, Latitude 51.7N
• During a typical day in September
we will experience zero solar
radiation before sunrise up to a
maximum of about 500 W/m2 at
noon before declining again.
• At the end of June it is up to about
800 W/m2
• In December the maximum value
may be about 150 W/m2
• If you calculate the area under each
of these curves, i.e. multiply the
amount of energy coming in per
unit time against the amount of
time, you can calculate the total
amount of energy coming in per
Schematic diagram showing the variation in the solar radiation receipt on three days
with no cloud at a latitude of 52°N. This approximates to a sinusoidal function.
Solar Radiation • In the UK changes in
latitude by 10 will
effect the daily
radiation receipt.
• In the summer the
effect is small despite
intensity changes, this
is compensated by the
longer daylight.
• In the winder this
varies significantly, for
example in Penzance
we may receive 8J/m2
but in Shetland this
decreases to 2MJ/m2
• Heat gain is therefore influenced by a range of
– Geographic latitude
– Orientation of the building North or South
– Season of the year
– Local cloud conditions
– Angles between the building and the sun
– The nature of window glass and its absorbance of
solar radiation
– The nature of the building materials
Seasonal Solar Gain Through Windows
Type of Window Seasonal Heat Gain over a heating
season of 33 weeks
South Facing 680 MJ/m2
East and West windows 410 MJ/m2
North facing 250 MJ/m2
Total for a average semi detached house 7500 MJ
Solar Thermal Systems
• Solar thermal concepts
use the energy from the
sun to heat or cool the
building and usually
consist of four separate
Control Distribution
Passive Solar Buildings
Component Processes
H – Heating / C – Cooling / L - Lighting
Collection (H) Direct gain with storage
Storage (H) Indirect gain
Distribution (H) Direct gain (without storage)
Control (H) Sunspaces
(C) Night Mechanical Ventilation
(C) Natural Ventilation
(L) Windows
(L) Skylights
(L) Sawtooth Apertures
(L) Monitor Apertures
(L) Atria
Passive Energy Gain / Collection
• Passive solar technologies use sunlight without active mechanical systems
• Converting sunlight into usable heat (in water, air, and thermal mass),
• Cause air-movement for ventilating
• Passive cooling is the use of the same design principles to reduce summer
cooling requirements.
• Some passive systems use a small amount of conventional energy to
control dampers, shutters, night insulation
• Other devices enhance solar energy collection, storage, and use, and
reduce undesirable heat transfer.
• Applications include direct and indirect solar gain for space heating
• Solar water heating systems based on the thermosiphonor geyser pump
• Use of thermal mass and phase-change materials for slowing indoor air
temperature swings
• The solar chimney for enhancing natural ventilation, and earth sheltering.
Solar Gain
• Solar gain (also known as solar heat gain or passive solar gain) refers
to the increase in temperature in a space, object or structure that
results from solar radiation.
• The amount of solar gain increases with the strength of the
sunlight, and with the ability of any intervening material to transmit
or resist the radiation.
• Objects struck by sunlight absorb the short-wave radiation from the
light and reradiate the heat at longer infrared wavelengths.
• Where there is a material or substance (such as glass) between the
sun and the objects struck that is more transparent to the shorter
wavelengths than the longer, then when the sun is shining the net
result is an increase in temperature — solar gain.
• This effect, the greenhouse effect, so called due to the solar gain
that is experienced behind the glass of a greenhouse.
Solar Gain
• Windows also emit solar energy which heats the
building interior.
• The solar gain may be calculated as:
• Solar Gain = A * Transmission * Irradiation
– Solar Gain = heat gain (MJ)
– A = area of windows (m2)
– Transmission = fraction of incident solar radiation
transmitted to interior
– Irradiation = solar radiation incident on window
surface (MJ/m2)
Building Heat Gain and Thermal Mass
• A building normally has mass and the mass of the
structure will take time to store heat during
heating periods and loose heat in cooling periods.
• Effectively the building mass provides inertia
against rapid temperature changes and can be
referred to as the flywheel effect.
• Thus hour by hour changes in temperature are
reduced as the thermal mass will absorb thermal
energy when the surroundings are higher in
temperature than the mass, and give thermal
energy back when the surroundings are cooler.
Thermal Mass
Interior temperature
Thermal Mass
• Thermal mass is equivalent to thermal
capacitance or heat capacity.
• This is the ability of a body to store thermal
• It is typically referred to by the symbol Cth and
measured in units of J/°C or J/K (which are
Thermal Mass
• The calculation is done over all the layers of the construction element, starting
at the inside surface and stopping at whichever of these conditions occurs first
(including its occurrence part-way through a layer):
• half way through the construction
• an insulating layer
• a maximum thickness of 100mm
Thermal Mass Parameter
• The K value is used in the calculation of the Thermal Mass
Parameter (TMP):
• TMP = Cm / TFA
Cm = sum of (area x heat capacity) construction elements
TFA = total floor area
p* > 0
Air flow
creating dx
boundary Vapour loss of
layer moisture
ht = 0
d = l½
Air flow
Length = l
Evaporative Loss
2 hours
Water content, q
24 hours