Alpha Frequency, Cognitive Load and Memory
Alpha Frequency, Cognitive Load and Memory
Alpha Frequency, Cognitive Load and Memory
Summary: EEG-signalswere recorded from subjects as they performed a modified version of Schneider's and Shiffrin'smemory search paradigm.
The hypothesis was tested whether individual (centreof gravity) alpha frequency,termed IAF,is related to memory performance and/or attentional
demands. The results show that memory performance exerts the strongest effect on IAF. As compared to a resting period, the difference in IAF
between age-matchedgood and bad memory performersreached a maximumwhen subjectswere actuallyretrieving information from their memory.
During retrieval, the IAF of good performers is 1.25Hz higher than for bad performers. Attentional and task demands also tend to reduce IAF,but
-as compared to memory performance - to a much lesser degree. The results of amplitude analyses demonstrate further that during retrieval,alpha
desynchronizationis more pronounced for bad performers than for good performers. Taken together, the results indicate that a decrease in IAF is
always related to a drop in performance.
with the observation that interhemispheric frequency memory set on the next trial will contain. Under the
differences of more than 0.2 Hz are usually associated varied mapping condition, on the other hand, each
with a pathological process in one hemisphere. As an memory set contains new characters. Thus, when decid-
example, after an ischemic attack of one hemisphere the ing whether a frame is a target or distractor, subjects must
frequency in the affected side is lowered. be careful not to confuse characters between the current
The level of attention and alertness also seems to be and the previously shown memory set. According to
related to alpha frequency. Arguments against this view Shiffrin and Schneider, selective (or focused) attention
come from an interesting study of Treisman (1984) who refers to those control mechanisms which allows a sub-
has shown that fluctuations in alpha frequency are too ject to encode a sensory input into short-term memory.
small to account for fluctuations in attention. However, The concept of selective attention is closely linked to that
when interpreting shifts in alpha frequency with respect of limited capacity. If processing capacity is overloaded,
to shifts in cognitive a n d / o r attentional demands, care attention becomes divided and performance is reduced.
must be taken not to assume a simple linear relation. As an example, if the m e m o r y set comprises only a single
Studies focusing on p o w e r related frequency shifts character, attention is "focused" on the target. But with
demonstrate a rather complex relationship between increasing memory set size, attention also becomes in-
alpha amplitude and frequency (Kawabata 1972). Earle creasingly "divided" and processing capacity over-
(1988) has shown that under certain circumstances alpha loaded.
frequency becomes even slower when task difficulty is Schneider and Shiffrin's design allows us to vary ab
increased. tentional demands (as manipulated by the two mapping
Despite the variety of studies using alpha band ac- conditions) and task difficulty (as manipulated by
tivity as an indicator of cognitive performance and memory set size) in an orthogonal design and to use
despite the evidence outlined earlier, no consistent selected groups of good and bad m e m o r y performers as
reports on a relationship between alpha band activity subjects. If we proceed from the hypothesis that the
and m e m o r y can be found in the literature (cf. Bauer 1976; higher alpha frequency of good m e m o r y performers is
Andersen and Andersson 1968; Saletu and Gr/inberger primarily due to a superior attention performance rather
1985). However, clear evidence for a positive relation- than better memory performance per se, we would ex-
ship between m e m o r y performance and mean alpha pect alpha frequency to vary primarily with attentional
(center) frequency was reported by Klimesch et al. demands a n d / o r task difficulty. On the other hand, if we
(1990b). The results of this study have shown that alpha adopt the hypothesis that alpha frequency reflects
frequency varies as a function of m e m o r y performance. m e m o r y p e r f o r m a n c e , w e m u s t a s s u m e that the
As interesting as this relationship between alpha fre- manipulation of attentional demands a n d / o r task dif-
quency and m e m o r y performance is, the question arises ficulty does not blur or abolish the frequency difference
whether an increased alpha frequency does not simply between good and bad memory performers.
reflect a higher level of attention a n d / o r arousal and that Finally, let us consider some methodological issues
as a consequence of this, m e m o r y performance is better which refer to the measurement of alpha frequency. It is
as well. One way of testing whether alpha frequency well known that alpha frequencies vary over the scalp,
varies as a function of m e m o r y performance or unspecific and that central m u rhythms have a frequency which is
task demands (such as attention, and cognitive load) is to somewhat lower than occipital alpha rhythms. Different
vary both variables in one and the same task. This was types of tasks (e.g., sensory and cognitive tasks) will also
done in the present experiment which is a modified have a differential effect on alpha frequencies at various
version of Schneider's and Shiffrin's m e m o r y search r e c o r d i n g sites. C o n s e q u e n t l y , in the e x p e r i m e n t
paradigm (Schneider and Shiffrin 1977). In each trial reported below, frequency shifts (as well as amplitude
subjects view a string of 5 or 10 numbers and letters shifts) are calculated separately for different recording
(termed "memory set") which they are asked to retain in sites.
memory. Then, several seconds later a single letter or Peak frequency and center of gravity frequency are the
number appears (termed frame). If the frame is a mem- most commonly used measures to calculate alpha fre-
ber of the m e m o r y set, it is called a target, otherwise a quency. However, these two measures focus on different
distractor. Subjects are asked to respond with "yes" to a aspects of rhythmic alpha band activity. Peak frequency
target and with "no" to a distractor. Attentional demands reflects only that frequency which has the highest power
are varied by using either the same memory set across a value, but ignores other aspects such as the shape of the
series of trials (termed consistent mapping condition) or alpha peak. Center of gravity frequency, on the other
different m e m o r y sets with different characters (termed hand, is sensitive to the entire shape of the alpha peak
varied mapping condition). Under the consistent map- and reflects the central tendency of alpha power within
ping condition, subjects know which characters the a selected frequency window fl - f2 (fl being the lower
Alpha Frequency,Cognitive Load and MemoryPerformance 243
and f2 the upper frequency limit). Thus, as compared to Stimuli and Experimental Design
peak frequency, gravity frequency may be considerd a
The experimental design consisted of a modified ver-
more global measure.
sion of Schneider and Shiffrin's (1977) m e m o r y search
When choosing between the two measures, it is impor-
paradigm. In contrast to their original paradigm, frame
tant to consider the type of mental activity which should
set size was kept constant and consisted of only one
be studied. If alpha frequency is studied during a resting
character (letter or number). Memory set size was either
period, a pronounced alpha peak can be expected and
5 or 10 (abbreviated M5 or M10 respectively).
peak frequency would be an appropriate measure to
A set of 15 characters (the numbers 1, 2, ... 8 and the
reflect alpha activity. If, however, alpha frequency is to
consonants B, C, F, H, K, L, R) was used to construct a
be calculated during a period in which subjects perform
total of 240 memory sets which were subdivided into 4
a difficult mental task alpha power will drop drastically
groups with 60 m e m o r y sets each. The 4 groups
and as a consequence, no or only a rudimentary broad
originated from the orthogonal combination of two fac-
"peak" will be observed. It is obvious that under these
tors, which were "mapping condition" (varied and con-
conditions, the calculation of peak frequency would be
sistent mapping, abbreviated VM and CM) and "memory
inappropriate. The calculation of gravity frequency, on
set size" (M5 and M10). In the varied mapping condition
the other h a n g offers a reasonable alternative. Because
each character of each memory set was randomly drawn
the m e m o r y search paradigm used in the present study
from the above described set of 15 characters. However,
imposes considerable cognitive load, gravity frequency
the following two sampling restrictions were used. First,
was selected in order to calculate alpha frequency. In-
in each subgroup each character had to occur with equal
spection of the power diagrams also have shown that
frequency (hence the use of 15 characters). Second, half
during the test interval, no clearcut alpha peak could be
of the characters in each m e m o r y set had to be numbers,
detected in most of the cases.
the other half letters (In the M5 condition half of the 60
The accuracy of frequency estimates improves with
memory sets had 3 numbers und 2 letters, whereas the
the length of the test interval. Consequently, it would be
other half had 2 numbers and 3 letters). In the consistent
desirable to use long test intervals of several seconds.
mapping condition, 6 blocks with 10 m e m o r y sets were
However, as is well known from the literature dealing
used. Within a single block the characters and their
with reaction times and event related brain potentials,
ordering remained identical for 10 subsequent trials. Be-
cognitive processes (such as the classification and recog-
tween the blocks, the characters varied. They were
nition of complex stimuli) are very fast, lasting not much
selected according to the same principles as in the VM
longer than several hundred milliseconds only. On this
basis, it would not make much sense to use long intervals
With the exception of the following restrictions, the
of several seconds w h e n calculating task dependent
frames were randomly drawn from the same set of 15
shifts in alpha frequency. Thus, even at the risk of getting
characters from which the m e m o r y sets were con-
only approximate frequency estimates, we use test inter-
structed. First, within each of the 4 subgroups, each
vals of I second, allowing gravity frequency resolution
frame had to occur with equal frequency. Second, half of
of only i Hz. In an attempt to compensate for this low
the frames in each subgroup required a yes response (i.e.,
r e s o l u t i o n , i n d i v i d u a l f r e q u e n c y estimates w e r e
was contained in the memory set), the other half required
averaged over a large number of trials and over several
a no response (i.e., was not contained in the m e m o r y set).
Third, the set of frames (but not their order) was identical
for all of the four subgroups.
Methods Each trial started with the presentation of the memory
set. The characters of the memory set were presented as
Subjects a string of letters and numbers which appeared for 2000
msec in the middle of a computer-controlled video ter-
Subjects were 16 right-handed graduate students (12
minal. After an interval of another 2000 msec, the frame
males and 4 females) who participated voluntarily in the
(target or distractor) appeared an the screen for 250 msec.
experiment reported below. Their mean age was 27.6
A warning signal, appearing 1750 msec after the offset of
years. Handedness was controlled by a questionnaire
the frame, reminded the subject to respond. The time
with 10 questions about hand preference in different
between the onset of the warning signal and the onset of
tasks such as handwriting, tooth brushing, throwing a
the memory set of the following trial was 5000 msec.
ball, etc. A subject was considered right-handed if
Subjects were instructed to respond verbally with
h e / s h e indicated the right hand for all of these different
"yes" if the letter or number of the frame was contained
tasks. Furthermore, only subjects with a clearly detec-
in the memory set and with "no" if it was not contained
table alpha peak were selected.
244 Klimeschet al.
in the m e m o r y set. In an attempt to avoid muscle ar- at the beginning of the 8th second. EEG was sampled
tefacts, subjects were asked to wait with their response only during the first 8 seconds of each trial.
until the warning signal appeared. After the experimental sessions and a pause of 5
Each subject was tested under all of the four ex- minutes, subjects were asked to relax with eyes closed for
perimental conditions. Presentation sequence was a resting period of 2 minutes. During this resting period
counterbalanced between subjects in such a way that in the EEG was recorded and segmented into 30 epochs of
the entire sample of 16 subjects, each of the four condi- 4 seconds.
tions appeared with equal frequency in each of the four EEG was displayed online on a high resolution color
experimental sessions. Let us denote the four conditions monitor and stored on disk. All of the 4 x 60 experimental
with "A", "B", "C" and "D". Presentation sequences then epochs (as well as the 30 resting epochs) were checked
were: A, B, C, D; B, A, D, C; C, D, A, B and D, C, B, A. individually for artefacts (eye blinks, muscle artefacts
Each of the four experimental session was preceded by etc.). After excluding epochs containing artefacts as well
a practice session of 10 trials. Memory sets and frames es erroneous epochs (in which subjects responded "yes"
were constructed in the same w a y as described for the to negative trials requiring a "no" response and vice
experimental conditions, but none of the m e m o r y sets of versa), an average of 36 epochs remained for data
the training session was identical with any of the 240 analysis in each of the four experimental conditions.
m e m o r y sets of the experimental session. The data of the EEG-data w e r e subjected to f r e q u e n c y a n d to
training session were not used for data analysis. amplitude analyses. For both types of analyses the fol-
The character strings of the m e m o r y set and the char- lowing two periods each with a length of 1000 ms were
acters of the frames appeared at the centre of the screen selected. The first period, termed "memory period", im-
of a computer controlled video terminal. Characters mediately followed the presentation of the memory set,
(words or numbers) were 3 cm in height. The length of whereas the second period, termed "retrieval period",
a 10 character-string was 23 cm. Subjects sat at a distance immediately followed the presentation of the frame set.
of 1.4 m from the video terminal. Furthermore, the first 1000 ms of each epoch were used
as a reference period. For the amplitude analysis, an
Test Performance interval of 800 ms immediately preceding the presenta-
tion of the memory set was used as reference interval.
All of the subjects had to perform all 6 subtests of the
Lern and Ged/ichtnis Test-3 (LGT-3) as well as 4 subtests
Frequency Analysis
(logical thinking, m e m o r y span, visual memory and as-
sociative memory) of the Wechsler Memory Scale. The procedure to determine the individual mean fre-
quency by calculating the centre of gravity within the
Apparatus, Acquisition and Processing of EEG-data (extended) alpha band - termed simply "individual alpha
mean frequency" or "IAF" in the following - was already
A modified "electro cap" with 29 scalp electrodes was
used in an earlier study (Klimesch et al. 1990). In a first
used to record the EEG. Seventeen of these electrodes
step, Fast Fourier Transformation was applied to each of
were placed according to the International Electrode (10-
the selected epochs. Then, the spectra were averaged
20) Placement-system, at F7, F3, Fz, F4, F8, T3, C3, Cz, C4,
over all of the selected epochs in order to improve the
T4, T5, P3, Pz, P4, T6, O1 and 02. From the remaining
accuracy of spectral estimates. Finally, the IAF was cal-
twelve electrodes, 4 electrodes were placed over parieto-
culated individually for-each subject according to the
occipital areas (PO3, PO1, PO2, PO4), 4 electrodes were
formula: IAF = (Sum (a(f) x f))/(Sum a(f)). Power
placed over centro-parietal areas (CP5, CP1, CP2, CP6),
spectral estimates at frequency f are denoted a(f) and the
and 4 electrodes were placed over fronto-central areas
index of summation is in the range of fl to f2.
(FC5, FC1, FC2, FC6). All data were recorded monopolar-
The frequency window fl - f2 was determined in-
ly against linked ears. Before they were converted to a
dividually for each subject. By using the data of the
digital format via a 32-channel A / D converter, EEG-sig-
resting period, the power spectra for each subject and
nals were amplified by a 32-channel biosignal amplifier
each of the 29 electrodes were calculated within the total
system (frequency response: 1.5 to 30 Hz) and then sub-
frequency range of 1.5 - 30Hz. Then, by visual inspection,
jected to an anti-aliasing filterbank (cut-off frequency: 30
the bandwith of the alpha peak was determined for each
Hz, 120 dB/octave). Sampling rate was 64 Hz. The data
lead i and each subject j: fl(i,j) marks the beginning of the
were processed by a PDP 11/73 computer system.
"ascent" and f2(i,j) the end of the "descent" of the alpha
The length of a single trial was 11 sec. At the beginning
peak for electrode i and subject j. This was done for all
of the 2nd second, the m e m o r y set and at the beginning
of those electrodes, showing a clearly detectible alpha
of the 6th second, the frame set was presented. The
peak. According to this procedure, an average of 19.3
warning signal (inviting the subject to respond) appeared
Alpha Frequency,Cognitive Load and MemoryPerformance 245
electrodes could be used in calculating fl(j) and f2(j). ence interval ( A N O V A - t l ) the e n c o d i n g interval
Averaging the selected values fl(i,j) and f2(i,j) over the (ANOVA-t2) and the retrieval interval (ANOVA-t3).
electrodes gives the w i n d o w fl(j) - f2(j) for calculating ANOVA-E uses ERD-values. The factorial design com-
IAF in the experimental epochs. Note that according to prises several treatment factors and one grouping factor.
this procedure the values fl(j) and f2(j) vary between All of the treatment factors are repeated measures
subjects. Averaged over the sample of 16 subjects, fl was factors. Factors of this type having three or more levels
6.0 Hz and f2 was 14.44 Hz. Thus, the term "extended carry an additional assumption known as sphericity or
alpha band" instead of "alpha band" is more appropriate circularity. Violation of this assumption results in posi-
to denote the frequency range from 6 - 14 Hz. tively biased tests (cf. Games 1976; Vasey and Thayer
1987). In order to compensate for this effect, the Green-
Amplitude Analysis house-Geisser procedure for adjusted degrees of freedom
is used. For repeated measures factors with more than
The amplitude analysis is based on the measurement
two levels, the adjusted tail probabilities p' will be
of "event-related desynchronization" or "ERD" in the
reported together with the respective F-values.
specified frequency band. The quantification of the ERD
The treatment factors and their levels are: mapping
was introduced by Pfurtscheller and Aranibar (1977) and
condition (CONVAR), consistent versus varied map-
Pfurtscheller et al. (1988). According' to this procedure,
ping; number of items to remember (NITEM), 5 versus 10
ERD is the percentage band power decrease (or increase)
items; hemisphere (HEMI), left and right side of the scalp;
in a test interval (here the memory or retrieval period) as
localization (LOC), frontal (f), central (c), parietal (p),
compared to the reference interval (here: the interval
temporal (t) and occipital (o) recording sites; the frequen-
200ms to 1000ms after the beginning of an epoch). It is
cy band (FREQ), upper and lower band and different
calculated according to the following formula: ERD =
time intervals (TIME), t2, t3. Factor FREQ and TIME is
(((band power, reference interval) - (band power, test
used only for ANOVA-E which is based on ERD data.
interval))/(band power, reference interval))*100.
The grouping factor (MEMORY) refers to the distinc-
The method of processing single epochs was described
tion between subjects with good (M+) and those with bad
in detail elsewhere (Pfurtscheller et al. 1988) but will be
memory (M-). The mean summary score of the LGT-3
outlined briefly below. The data for each epoch and each
was used to cut the sample of 16 subjects into two halves.
of the 29 channels were digitally band-pass filtered,
The first hall denoted M- (bad memory) contains those
squared and averaged over trials within each of the 4
subjects falling below the mean score of the sample,
experimental conditions. Then, based on the averaged
whereas the other h a l l denoted M+ (good memory) con-
data, power values were calculated for the reference
tains the remaining subjects falling above the mean score.
interval, the m e m o r y period and the retrieval period.
Grouping factor MEMORY with the two levels M+ and
Finally, the ERD-values were calculated for each of the
M- remains identical for all of the different ANOVA
29 electrodes.
reported below.
It is important to emphasize that the alpha band was
determined individually for each subject and within the
same range fl - f2 as this was done for the frequency Results
analysis. Because the results of earlier performed studies
ANOVA-rest comprises grouping factor MEMORY
(Klimesch et al. 1988; Klimesch et al. 1990) have shown
and the treatment factors HEMI and LOC. Significant
that the lower and the upper alpha band reflect different
effects were found for LOC (F(4,56) = 18.76; p' < 0.001),
cognitive processes, two different (extended) alpha
as well as the interactions MEMORY X LOC (F(4,56) =
bands were used in this study. Furthermore, in order to
4.46; p' < 0.017) and HEMI X LOC (F(4,56) = 3.81; p' <
get compatible results with the frequency analysis, the
0.028). The results are summarized in figure 1 and 2 and
same frequency range was used for the amplitude
show that the difference in IAF between good and bad
analysis. Thus, for each subject the lower band is defined
between fl and (fl + f2)/2, whereas the upper band is performers is more pronounced at anterior as compared
defined between (fl + f2)/2 and f2. to posterior recording sites and that there is a tendency
for a left hemispheric superiority at frontal and occipital
Statistical Analyses leads (cf. figure 2).
ANOVA-tl consists of grouping factor MEMORY and
The frequency and ERD-data were subjected to several the t r e a t m e n t factors HEMI, LOC, CONVAR and
different ANOVA (analyses of variance). ANOVA-rest, NITEM. A significant main effect was found for LOC
ANOVA-tl, -t2 and -t3 use IAF, measured in the resting (F(4,56) = 8.97; p' < 0.001). Inspection of the respective
period (ANOVA-rest), and during different time inter- means shows that as compared to anterior recording
vals (tl, t2 and t3) of the experimental epochs: the refer- sites, posterior leads exhibit IAF's which are about 0.4 Hz
246 Klimesch et al.
11,1- I/~ 11 t --
lO,O- IO,B~
10,7- /~ 10,74
'~ lO.5- d
~• lO,3-
Im M+ ~ I0,4~ • r
-- 10,1-
9,9-/~ 10,2_
9,7- , / 10,1 - r
9,5" ~ - - 10-
frontal central parietal occipital temporal frontal central parietal occipital temporal
Figure 1. IAF, resting period: Interaction between factor Figure 2. IAF, resting period: Interaction between factor
higher. Out of the 25 interactions only HEMI X LOC w a y to a weak right hemispheric superiority.
(F(4,56) = 5.52; p" < 0.004) and NITEM X HEMI (F(1,14) ANOVA-t3 comprises also the s a m e factors as
= 10.72; p < 0.006) reached significance. Inspecting the ANOVA-tl and ANOVA-t2. Most interestingly - and in
respective means for interaction NITEM X HEMI reveals contrast to the resting period, the reference interval (tl)
a left hemispheric superiority for M = 5 items but not for and the encoding interval (t2), - only in the retrieval
M = 10 Items. Interaction HEMI X LOC is shown graphi- interval (t3) factor MEMORY (F(1,14) = 5.13; p < 0.039)
cally in figure 3. Note that different scales are used for exceeded the 5%-level of significance. Comparing the
figures 2 and 3 and note that in the reference interval tl respective means for good (M+) and bad performers (M-)
(figure 3) IAF is much lower on the average than in the in the different intervals (resting period: M+ ---10.88, M-
resting period (figure 2). = 10.21, diff -- 0.67; reference interval tl: M+ = 10.67, M-
ANOVA-t2 comprises the same factors as ANOVA-tl. = 9.78, diff = 0.89; encoding interval t2: M+ = 10.74, M- =
As for ANOVA-tl, factor LOC (F(4,56) = 6.39; p' < 0.003) 9.69, diff = 1.05; retrieval interval t3: M+ = 10.77, M- =
shows a clearly significant effect, indicating an increase 9.52, diff -- 1.25) reveals two interesting effects (cf. figure
in IAF from frontal to central, temporal and parietal 5). First, the difference between good and bad per-
recording sites. However, in contrast to ANOVA-tl, oc- formers reaches a maximum when subjects are retrieving
cipital leads show a pronounced drop in IAF (figure 4 in information from memory. Here, this difference is about
contrast to figures 2 and 3). Grouping factor MEMORY twice as big as compared to the resting period. Second,
is only marginally significant (F(1,14) = 4.00; p < 0.065). the drop in IAF from the resting period to tl, t2 and t3 is
As the respective means indicate, the IAF of good per- negligibly small for good performers but pronounced for
formers is higher than that of bad performers. The only bad performers.
significant interaction is HEMI X LOC (F(4,56) = 4.02; p' Besides factor MEMORY, ANOVA-t3 shows two
< 0.01) which is shown in figure 4. Comparing the data other significant main effects, one for NITEM (F(1,14) =
of figure 4 with those of figures 2 and 3 shows that the 4.94; p < 0.043), the other for LOC (F(4,56) = 7.04; p" <
weak left hemispheric superiority (figure 2 and 3) gives 0.002). Inspecting the respective means for NITEM indi-
[~ - lO,2" / / []t
10-i~ / 10-//
0,8-p- - ~ 9,8- ~/ r
frontal central parietal occipital temporal frontal central padetal occipital temporal
Figure 3. IAF, reference interval 01): Interaction between Figure 4. IAF, encoding interval 02): Interaction between
Alpha Frequency, Cognitive Load and Memory Performance 247
11 / 11 - / /
10,8- / 10,8- / /
10,6- / /
10,6- /
10'4-/ / [ ] nlO/I
10,4 /
10,2- /
~" 1°'2-/ / ~ns1=
[] M+
-- 10//F i
9,8- /
9'6" /
[] n 5 / r
9,6- / 9,4 - / /
cates that frequency decreases with increasing memory reflecting the results of the left hemisphere and the third
load. The significance of factor LOC is due to an increase and fourth row, reflecting the right hemisphere). Second,
in IAF from frontal, central, temporal to parietal leads. this effect holds true for good and bad performers (com-
As was found for the encoding interval, the IAF shows a pare figure 6 with figure 7 and figure 8 with figure 9) as
drop at occipital leads. well as for both levels of attentional load (compare figure
The significant higher order interactions CONVAR X 6 with figure 8 and figure 7 with figure 9). Third, primari-
NITEM X LOC (F(4,56) = 3.83; p' < 0.02), NITEM X HEMI ly at parietal sites, the left hemisphere of bad performers
X LOC (F(4,56) = 3.60; p' < 0.02) and CONVAR X NITEM (compare the bars in the first and second row with the
X HEMI X LOC (F(4,56) = 6.02; p' < 0.00) form part of the third and fourth row in figure 6 and 8) - but not the left
complex 5-factorial interaction CONVAR X NITEM X hemisphere of good performers (compare the respective
HEMI X LOC X MEMORY (F(4,56) = 3.19; p' < 0.04). We bars in figure 7 and 9) - shows a reduced IAF.
thus focus on the explanation of this complex interaction ANOVA-E uses ERD- instead of frequency-values.
which is depicted in figures 6, 7, 8 and 9. Because tl serves as reference interval for the calculation
Because of the complexity of the interaction, we focus of ERD, only two intervals, the encoding (t2) and the
only on the following three basic results, which are of retrieval interval (t3) remain for statistical analyses.
primary interest for our hypotheses. First, memory load ANOVA-E comprises 7 factors, the grouping factor
leads to a consistent drop in IAF at all recording sites and MEMORY and the 6 treatment factors, HEMI, LOC,
in both hemispheres (the first and second row of bars CONVAR, NITEM, FREQ and TIME. Out of the 7 main
10,8- 10,8-
10,6- 10,6 - ~ /
10,4- [ ] nlO/I 10,4- " ~ / [ ] nlO/I
~ 10,2- [ ] n5/I 1 0 , 2 - ~ / ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ n6l,
v 10" [] nlO/r 10- [ ] nlO/r
~ 9,8 [] n51r - 9,6- [] nSIr
9,6 9,6
9,4 9,4
9,2 n5/r
9,2 lO/r
9 /I
frontal central parietal occipital temporal frontal central parietal occipital temporat
Figure 7. IAF, retrieval interval (t3): Interaction between Figure 8. IAF, retrieval interval (t3): Interaction between
MEMORY; displayed for good memory performers (M+) MEMORY; displayed for bad memory performers (M-)
under the varied mapping condition (vat). under the consistent mapping condition (con).
248 Klimesch et al.
Z~ 30e0 5~0~
3 .
4~08 5 c~
-3~. E)
( j I
( LJ
Figure 10. ERD-maps showing the percentage with which an alpha power decrease (hot colors) or increase (cool colors)
occurs. Firsttwo rows: lower and upper alpha band, good memory performers. Second two rows: lower ancl upper
alpha band, bad memory performers.
Alpha Frequency, Cognitive Load and Memory Performance 249
ERD during encoding (maps 1 and 3 in column 1) and load, for bad performers, lower band ERD's increase with
retrieval (map 3 in column 5 but notice the left hemis- memory load. This latter effect holds true for encoding
pheric activation at frontal sites in map 1). In contrast to and retrieval as well.
the lower band, the upper band shows a completely
different topographical pattern of activation which in Discussion
both intervals, the encoding and retrieval interval, is
The results of the present study provide evidence for
restricted to posterior recording sites (maps 2 and 4 in
a close relationship between EEG-correlates of the (ex-
column i and map 4 in column 5).
tended) alpha band and memory performance. The
Factor NITEM in the 4-way interaction with FREQ,
results of frequency analyses have shown that the IAF of
LOC and TIME reveals an interesting effect. Inspection
good performers is generally higher than the IAF of age
of the respective means show that high memory load
matched bad performers. As compared to a resting state,
leads to a more pronounced ERD but only during
the IAF of good performers remains at a comparatively
retrieval and only in the upper band. The lower band
constant level when memory related task demands in-
shows a strikingly different pattern of results. Here,
crease (figure 5). But for bad performers IAF decreases
memory load does not differentiate during retrieval but
as memory related task demands increase. The largest
instead during encoding and at posterior recording sites
difference between good and bad performers was found
only. Furthermore, in contrast to the upper band, high
during retrieval, the second largest during encoding, the
memory load during encoding is associated with a
third largest during a reference interval and the smallest
decrease in ERD whereas the opposite is true for low
in a resting state with eyes closed. This result thus
memory load.
provides evidence for the hypothesis that IAF is more
The marginally significant interaction HEMI X
closely related to retrieval as compared to encoding and
NITEM X TIME (F(1,14) = 4,78; p < 0.046) indicates a
to the non-task specific demands of the resting state and
small tendency that the degree of a left hemispheric
the reference interval. Furthermore, the fact that
advantage varies as a function of memory load and time
memory load influences IAF only during retrieval but not
interval. Inspecting the respective means reveals that
during encoding (results of ANOVA-t2 and ANOVA-t3)
during encoding the left hemispheric advantage for low
is also in line with the suggestion that IAF plays a specific
and high memory load is of comparable size. But during
role for retrieval.
retrieval high memory load is associated with a left
The specific role of IAF for memory performance and
hemispheric advantage which is larger in size than that
retrieval in particular is not questioned by the fact that
for low memory load. Factor NITEM is also involved in
IAF varies also as a function of attentional demands. This
the interaction FREQ X NITEM X TIME (F(1,14) = 8.32; p
result simply shows that memory performance is not the
< 0.012) which is embedded in the 4-way interaction with
only factor influencing IAF and that attentional demands
LOC and which replicates the findings we already have
are also capable of influencing IAF. It is important to note
discussed above (excluding the effects of LOC).
that no direct interaction was found between attentional
With respect to our hypothesis of a relationship be-
demands (factor CONVAR) and memory load (factor
tween alpha activity and memory performance the inter-
NITEM). Both factors exert comparable effects: with in-
actions MEMORY X FREQ X TIME (F(1,14) = 6.43; p <
creasing attentional demands and memory load IAF
0.024) and MEMORY X FREQ X NITEM X TIME (F(1,14)
decreases. This effect is of comparable magnitude for
= 8.01; p < 0.013) are of importance. Comparison of maps
good and bad performers (figures 6, 7, 8 and 9).
i and 3 in columns I and 5 in figure 10 shows that good
A decrease in IAF always seems to be related with bad
performers show larger ERD-values in the lower band
performance. This not only holds true for the distinction
during retrieval. However, the opposite result holds true
between good and bad memory performers but also for
for the upper band. Here bad performers show a more
increasing memory load and increasing attentional
pronounced ERD than good performers. Inspection of
demands. The latter two factors lead to a capacity over-
the respective means for the complex interaction with
load and hence to a decrease in IAF. In good agreement
NITEM documents that for good as well as for bad per-
with these results, topographical differences in IAF indi-
formers, ERD-values in the upper band increase with
cate further that those regions of the brain which are
increasing memory load during retrieval. During encod-
involved in the performance of a task show a drop in IAF.
ing, good and bad performers differ. Whereas for good
As an example, let us consider figures 2, 3 and 4. As
performers ERD-values increase as memory load in-
compared to the resting period (figure 2) and to the
creases, the converse is true for bad performers. Further-
reference interval (figure 3), IAF drops in the left hemi-
more, as compared to the upper band, the lower band
sphere at parietal and central regions (figure 4) when
shows a completely differnt pattern of results. For good
subjects are actually encoding letters and numbers,
performers, lower band ERD's decrease with memory
250 Klimesch et al.
which is a typical left hemispheric task. Another ex- alpha band, found in this as well as in an earlier per-
ample is the frequency drop at parietal recording sites of formed experiment (Klimesch et al. 1990a), most likely is
the left hemisphere which was found for bad performers the reason w h y o t h e r studies have failed to find a
(figures 6 and 8). In contrast to bad performers, good relationship between alpha correlates and memory per-
performers do not show hemispheric differences with formance. To our knowledge, the only other study,
respect to the frequency drop at parietal recording sites. which also has found a positive relationship between
These results might indicate that bad performers use only alpha frequency and memory performance is Saletu and
(or primarily) their left hemisphere, whereas good per- Gr6_nberger (1985). Although they emphasize that this
formers rely on both hemispheres when performing a relationship was confounded with the level of vigilance
memory task. which was higher for good than for bad performers, we
The results of the amplitude analysis also confirm that believe that their results are due to the following two
alpha activity correlates with m e m o r y performance. facts. First of all, they also have distinguished between
However, good and bad performers show opposite an upper and lower alpha band. Second, their large
results in the lower and upper alpha band (the maps in sample of age matched subjects may well have helped to
columns I and 5 in figure 10). When trying to interpret reduce interindividual differences in alpha frequency.
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processes. This hypothesis was confirmed by the results correct interpretation, the striking difference between the
of recently performed experiments (Klimesch et al. 1988, lower and upper band provides a challenging fact.
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