KAMA-Employee Self Assessment & Management Evaluation Form
KAMA-Employee Self Assessment & Management Evaluation Form
KAMA-Employee Self Assessment & Management Evaluation Form
In the Performance Categories enumerated below, kindly tick-mark the appropriate rating which describes you best.
This information is an opportunity to self-assess your performance and accomplishments to facilitate an effective overall review
process. This information should be submitted to HR Personnel before your performance review. Please submit any documentation
or attachment as proof to support your comments on the questionnaire.
desire to attain goal. Are you self-starter? ___ Show little initiative; must be told what to do
___ Show no initiative
Attitude of Collaboration ___ Exceptionally collaborate; inspire high morale
Consider how well you fit into the organization, work ___ Very tactful and obliging; set good example
in harmony and collaborate with others. Are you ___ Usually congenial and helpful; good team worker
congenial, cooperative, and a team player? ___ Inclined to resist authority and oppose new ideas
___ Often tactless and quarrelsome; cause friction
Knowledge of Job ___ Have excellent understanding of duties; require few directions
Consider your understanding of all phases of the work ___ Have good overall knowledge of duties; needs little direction
matters necessary for full job performance. ___ Have acceptable knowledge of duties; need some direction
___ Have limited knowledge of job
___ Have only minimum knowledge of job
Responsibility ___ Exceptionally responsible and willing to carry out duties
Consider your sense of responsibility and willingness ___ Accept responsibility without reservation
to carry out assigned duties. Do you think and act ___ Accept responsibility for duties as assigned
reasonably? Are you able to tell right from wrong? ___ Reluctant to accept responsibility
___ Do not accept responsibility
Engage in the Organization ___ Display outstanding respect and loyalty to ATS
Understands and dedicated to ATS Mission, Vision, ___ Strive hard to incorporate ATS values to oneself
Motto, Values, History and challenges. ___ Understand ATS Mission, Vision and Motto only
___ Show little concern about ATS as a whole
___ Show no respect and loyalty to ATS values
Particulars Comments/Examples
Required Signatures