This document provides the monograph for ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. It defines the drug substance and provides tests for identification, assay, impurities, pH, water content and additional packaging and storage requirements. The assay uses HPLC with UV detection to quantify the drug substance at 278 nm. Tests are also provided for inorganic and organic impurities including limits for individual and total impurities. The document specifies USP reference standards for the drug substance and impurities.
This document provides the monograph for ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. It defines the drug substance and provides tests for identification, assay, impurities, pH, water content and additional packaging and storage requirements. The assay uses HPLC with UV detection to quantify the drug substance at 278 nm. Tests are also provided for inorganic and organic impurities including limits for individual and total impurities. The document specifies USP reference standards for the drug substance and impurities.
This document provides the monograph for ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. It defines the drug substance and provides tests for identification, assay, impurities, pH, water content and additional packaging and storage requirements. The assay uses HPLC with UV detection to quantify the drug substance at 278 nm. Tests are also provided for inorganic and organic impurities including limits for individual and total impurities. The document specifies USP reference standards for the drug substance and impurities.
This document provides the monograph for ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. It defines the drug substance and provides tests for identification, assay, impurities, pH, water content and additional packaging and storage requirements. The assay uses HPLC with UV detection to quantify the drug substance at 278 nm. Tests are also provided for inorganic and organic impurities including limits for individual and total impurities. The document specifies USP reference standards for the drug substance and impurities.
rS = peak area response from the Standard solution CS = concentration of USP Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride RS in the Standard solution (mg/mL) CU = concentration of Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride in the Sample solution (mg/mL) Acceptance criteria: 98.0%–102.0% on the anhydrous C17H18FN3O3 · HCl · H2O 385.82 basis 3-Quinolinecarboxylic acid, 1-cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-1,4- IMPURITIES dihydro-4-oxo-7-(1-piperazinyl)-, monohydrochloride, Inorganic Impurities monohydrate; • RESIDUE ON IGNITION 〈281〉: NMT 0.1% 1-Cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-7-(1-piperazinyl)- • CHLORIDE AND SULFATE, Sulfate 〈221〉: A 375-mg portion 3-quinolinecarboxylic acid, monohydrochloride, monohy- shows no more sulfate than corresponds to 0.15 mL of drate [86393-32-0]. 0.020 N sulfuric acid (0.04%). DEFINITION • HEAVY METALS, Method II 〈231〉: NMT 20 ppm Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride contains NLT 98.0% and NMT Organic Impurities 102.0% of C17H18FN3O3 · HCl, calculated on the anhy- • PROCEDURE 1: LIMIT OF FLUOROQUINOLONIC ACID drous basis. Standard solution: Transfer 5.0 mg of USP Fluoroqui- nolonic Acid RS to a 50-mL volumetric flask containing IDENTIFICATION 0.05 mL of 6 N ammonium hydroxide, add water to • A. INFRARED ABSORPTION 〈197K〉 volume, and mix. Transfer 2.0 mL of this solution to a • B. The retention time of the major peak of the Sample 10.0-mL volumetric flask, and dilute with water to solution corresponds to that of the Standard solution, as volume. obtained in the Assay. Sample solution: 10 mg/mL of Ciprofloxacin Hydro- • C. IDENTIFICATION TESTS—GENERAL, Chloride 〈191〉 chloride in water Chromatographic system ASSAY (See Chromatography 〈621〉, Thin-Layer Chromatogra- • PROCEDURE phy.) Solution A: 0.025 M phosphoric acid. Adjust with trieth- Mode: TLC ylamine to a pH of 3.0 ± 0.1. Adsorbent: 0.25-mm layer of silica gel mixture Mobile phase: Acetonitrile and Solution A (13:87) Application volume: 5 µL Standard solution: 0.5 mg/mL of USP Ciprofloxacin Hy- Developing solvent system: Methylene chloride, drochloride RS in Mobile phase methanol, acetonitrile, and ammonium hydroxide System suitability solution: 0.025 mg/mL of USP (4:4:1:2) Ciprofloxacin Ethylenediamine Analog RS in Mobile Analysis phase. Transfer 1.0 mL of this solution to a 10-mL volu- Samples: Standard solution and Sample solution metric flask, and dilute with Standard solution to Proceed as directed in the chapter. Place a beaker con- volume. taining 50 mL of ammonium hydroxide in a suitable Sample solution: 0.5 mg/mL of Ciprofloxacin Hydro- chamber, and then place the plate in the chamber. chloride in Mobile phase After 15 min, transfer the plate to a suitable chromat- Chromatographic system ographic chamber, and develop the chromatogram in (See Chromatography 〈621〉, System Suitability.) the Developing solvent system until the solvent front Mode: LC has moved about three-fourths of the length of the Detector: UV 278 nm plate. Remove the plate from the chamber, mark the Column: 4.6-mm × 25-cm; packing L1 solvent front, and allow the plate to air-dry for about Column temperature: 30 ± 1° 15 min. Examine the plate under short-wavelength Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min UV light. Injection size: 10 µL Acceptance criteria: Any spot from the Sample solution, System suitability at an RF value corresponding to the principal spot from Samples: Standard solution and System suitability the Standard solution, is not greater in size or intensity solution than the principal spot from the Standard solution [NOTE—The relative retention times for ciprofloxacin (0.2%). ethylenediamine analog and ciprofloxacin are 0.7 and • PROCEDURE 2 1.0, respectively.] Mobile phase, Standard solution, System suitability Suitability requirements solution, Sample solution, Chromatographic system, Resolution: NLT 6 between the ciprofloxacin ethyl- and System suitability: Proceed as directed in the enediamine analog peak and the ciprofloxacin peak, Assay. System suitability solution Analysis Column efficiency: NLT 2500 theoretical plates from Sample: Sample solution the ciprofloxacin peak, Standard solution Calculate the percentage of each impurity in the por- Tailing factor: NMT 2.5 for the ciprofloxacin peak, tion of Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride taken: Standard solution Relative standard deviation: NMT 1.5%, Standard Result = (rU/rT) × 100 solution Analysis rU = peak response of each impurity Samples: Standard solution and Sample solution rT = sum of the responses of all the peaks Calculate the percentage of C17H18FN3O3 · HCl in the Acceptance criteria portion of Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride taken: Individual impurities: NMT 0.2% for the ciprofloxacin ethylenediamine analog or any other individual impu- rity peak 2996 Ciprofloxacin / Official Monographs USP 36
Total impurities: NMT 0.5% Test preparation—Dilute a volume of about 10 µL of Otic
Suspension with Carrier fluid to 25 mL. SPECIFIC TESTS Procedure—(see Light Obscuration Particle Count Test • PH 〈791〉: 3.0–4.5, in a 25 mg/mL solution under Particulate Matter in Injections 〈788〉). Analyze the • WATER DETERMINATION, Method I 〈921〉: 4.7%–6.7% Test preparation using an electronic, liquid-borne particle ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS counting system that employs a light obscuration sensor • PACKAGING AND STORAGE: Preserve in tight, light-resistant with a suitable sample feeding device. Not less than 99.5% containers. Store at 25°, excursions permitted between of the particles are ≤25 µm, not less than 99.95% are ≤50 15° and 30°. µm, and not less than 99.995% are ≤100 µm. • USP REFERENCE STANDARDS 〈11〉 Osmolality 〈785〉: between 270 and 330 mOsmol per kg. USP Ciprofloxacin Ethylenediamine Analog RS Limit of ciprofloxacin formamide— 1-Cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-7-[(2-ami- Buffer—Add 6.0 mL of phosphoric acid to 2.0 L of water. noethyl)amino]-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid Adjust with 50% sodium hydroxide to a pH of 3.0. hydrochloride. C15H16FN3O3 · HCl 341.77 Mobile phase—Prepare a filtered and degassed mixture of USP Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride RS Buffer and acetonitrile (73:27). Make adjustments if neces- USP Fluoroquinolonic Acid RS sary (see System Suitability under Chromatography 〈621〉). Standard solution—Transfer about 25 mg of USP Ciprofloxacin Formamide RS, accurately weighed, to a 100-mL volumetric flask, and dissolve in and dilute with methanol to volume. Transfer 3.0 mL of this solution to a 50-mL volumetric flask, and dilute with Mobile phase to vol- Ciprofloxacin and Dexamethasone Otic .
ume to obtain a solution having a known concentration of
Suspension about 0.015 mg per mL. System suitability solution—Transfer about 2.5 mg of USP » Ciprofloxacin and Dexamethasone Otic Suspen- Dexamethasone RS and about 2.5 mg of USP Ciprofloxacin sion is a sterile aqueous suspension containing Formamide RS to a 100-mL volumetric flask. Dissolve in 15 mL of methanol, then dilute with Mobile phase to vol- ciprofloxacin hydrochloride and dexamethasone. ume. It contains not less than 90.0 percent and not Test solution—Transfer an accurately measured volume of more than 110.0 percent of the labeled amount freshly mixed Otic Suspension, equivalent to about 6 mg of of ciprofloxacin (C17H18FN3O3), and not less than ciprofloxacin, to a 10-mL volumetric flask, dilute with Mobile 90.0 percent and not more than 110.0 percent of phase to volume, and mix. the labeled amount of dexamethasone Chromatographic system (see Chromatography 〈621〉)—The (C22H29FO5). liquid chromatograph is equipped with a 280-nm detector and a 3.9-mm × 15-cm column that contains packing L1. Packaging and storage—Preserve in tight containers, The flow rate is about 1.5 mL per minute. Chromatograph protected from light. Avoid freezing. the System suitability solution, and record the peak responses as directed for Procedure: the column efficiency for ciproflox- USP Reference standards 〈11〉— acin formamide is not less than 2000 theoretical plates; the USP Ciprofloxacin Ethylenediamine Analog RS resolution, R, between ciprofloxacin formamide and dex- 1-Cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-7-[(2-ami- amethasone is not less than 8; and the tailing factor for noethyl)amino]-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid hydrochlo- ciprofloxacin formamide is not more than 2.0. The relative ride. standard deviation for replicate injections of the Standard C15H16FN3O3 · HCl 341.77 solution is not more than 2.0%. USP Ciprofloxacin Formamide RS USP Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride RS Procedure—Separately inject equal volumes (about 50 µL) USP Dexamethasone RS of the Standard solution and the Test solution into the chro- USP Dexamethasone Acetate RS matograph, record the chromatograms, and measure the re- sponses for the peaks at the retention time of ciprofloxacin Identification— formamide. Calculate the percentage of ciprofloxacin forma- A: The chromatogram of the Assay preparation, obtained mide in the portion of the Otic Suspension taken by the as directed in the Assay for ciprofloxacin, exhibits a major formula: peak for ciprofloxacin, the retention time of which corre- sponds to that obtained in the chromatogram of the Stan- 10(C/VL)(rU / rS)100 dard preparation, obtained as directed in the Assay for ciprofloxacin. in which C is the concentration, in mg per mL, of USP B: The chromatogram of the Assay preparation, obtained Ciprofloxacin Formamide RS in the Standard solution; V is as directed in the Assay for dexamethasone, exhibits a major the volume, in mL, of Otic Suspension taken; L is the la- peak for dexamethasone, the retention time of which corre- beled amount, in mg per mL, of ciprofloxacin; and rU and rS sponds to that obtained in the chromatogram of the Stan- are the ciprofloxacin formamide peak responses obtained dard preparation, obtained as directed in the Assay for dex- from the Test solution and the Standard solution, respectively. amethasone. Ciprofloxacin formamide is not more than 0.5% of the la- Sterility 〈71〉—It meets the requirements when tested as beled amount of ciprofloxacin. directed for Membrane Filtration under Test for Sterility of the Ciprofloxacin related compounds— Product to be Examined. Procedure—From the chromatogram of the Assay prepara- pH 〈791〉: between 3.8 and 4.8. tion, obtained as directed in the Assay for ciprofloxacin, Particle size— measure the responses for the ciprofloxacin ethylenediamine analog and the other minor peaks. Calculate the percentage Carrier fluid—Heat Purified Water to a temperature of 40° to 50°, add 100 mg of dexamethasone per L while stirring, cool to room temperature while stirring, pass through a 0.2- µm filter, and store in a clean, covered container.