Applied I-III - Final Assessment
Applied I-III - Final Assessment
Applied I-III - Final Assessment
Interpretation and Very little meaningful Stylistic accuracy is Stylistic accuracy is Stylistic and accurate Stylistically accurate and
Expression (Musicality) stylistic interpretation of demonstrated some of demonstrated most of overall. Some passages consistent throughout.
musical passages. Style the time. Stylistic the time. Stylistic may lack stylistic Excellent, expressive
is undeveloped and interpretation is interpretation is interpretation but do not phrasing and interpretation.
inconsistent. Musical demonstrated some of demonstrated most of detract from the
phrasing is mostly the time, but is often the time,. Musical performance. Musical /5 /5
mechanical and non- rigid and mechanical. phrasing is mostly phrasing is mostly
musical. Musical phrasing is always expressive. expressive.
basic but not always
/ 20 / 20
Etudes/Studies marking rubric.
* ONLY the coordinator will merge both marks to get the Actual Marks of 50%
Signature of Examiner 1 / Examiner 2