How Do I Replace A Form I-94, Arrival-Departure Record?: Iama Nonimmigrant C3
How Do I Replace A Form I-94, Arrival-Departure Record?: Iama Nonimmigrant C3
How Do I Replace A Form I-94, Arrival-Departure Record?: Iama Nonimmigrant C3
nonimmigrant C3
How do I replace a
Form I-94, Arrival-
Departure Record?
In order to increase efficiency, reduce operating costs and streamline What if my Form I-94 has been lost, stolen, mutilated, or
the admissions process, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) destroyed?
has automated Form I-94, Arrival-Departure Record, at air and sea If you need to replace a paper Form I-94 that was issued to you
ports of entry. This automated system will create an electronically upon admission to the United States or that was issued to you by
generated arrival-departure record with all the data elements found USCIS, you must apply for a replacement Form I-94 with USCIS by
on the paper form. The paper form will no longer be provided upon using Form I-102.
arrival, except in limited circumstances. You will be provided with
a CBP admission stamp in your travel document showing the date If you entered the United States after I-94 automation (April 30,
of admission, class of admission and admitted until date. If you 2013) and you were not issued a paper I-94, your I-94 record of
need a copy of your I-94 record of admission for verification of alien admission can be obtained by visiting
registration, immigration status or employment authorization, it can
be obtained at A paper Form I-94 will still
be provided at land border ports of entry and to certain classes of
aliens, such as refugees, certain asylees and parolees, and whenever
CBP determines that issuance of a paper form is appropriate.
Key Information
What if my Form I-94 has incorrect information on it?
Key USCIS forms referenced Form #
If USCIS issued your Form I-94 as part of granting you an extension in this guide
of stay or change of status, you will need to file a Form I-102,
Arrival-Departure Record I-94
Application for Replacement/Initial Nonimmigrant Arrival-Departure
Document. Application for Replacement/Initial
Nonimmigrant Arrival-Departure Record
• However, if you believe the error was our mistake, then you can
file Form I-102 or you can make an INFOPASS appointment on
our Web site to take your I-94 and evidence of the error to our Other U.S. Government Services–Click or Call
nearest local office and request that we issue a corrected Form General 1-800-333-4636
I-94. If we are not convinced that the error was our fault, then Information
you will need to file Form I-102 with the correct fee.
If you were issued a paper Form I-94 when you entered the United Immigrants
States and it contains an error or there is an error on your electronic
U.S. Dept. 1-202-647-6575
I-94 that you obtained from, you will need to
of State
contact CBP or visit the CBP Deferred Inspection Office closest to
your location.
• You can visit the CBP Web site at or call CBP at
1-877-CBP-5511 (1-877-227-5511) Monday through Friday
between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time. You may bring
the incorrect Form I-94 and documentation (passport and visa)
to any CBP Port of Entry or Deferred Inspection Office. You may
also call to make an appointment.