1978, SETO - Coarctatin

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Communications to the editor

UTILIZATION OF 13C-13C COUPLING IN spectrum, chemical shifts and selective proton

STRUCTURAL AND BIOSYNTHETIC decoupling experiments. In view of the difference
STUDIES. XI.' BIOSYNTHETIC of solvents used*, the result is in agreement with
STUDIES OF COARCTATIN that reported by TURNER et al.21 However, the
assignments of the remaining quaternary sp2
Sir: carbons were not so straightforward. Of these,
Coarctatin (1)2) is a metabolite of the fungus four at 169.9, 164.3, 163.5 and 162.6 ppm**
Chaetonrum coarctatum. Notwithstanding its were assigned to sp2 carbons bearing oxygen and
structural similarity to radicinin, which is formed therefore, the rest two at 99.2 and 119.8 ppm were
by the condensation of only acetic acid mole- due to those unsubstituted by oxygen.
cules," a somewhat different biosynthetic path- In the a-pyron system with oxygen substi-
way (four acetic units plus two Cl units) for the tuents at /3- and s-positions, carbonyl carbons
main framework of I has been proposed by and the oxygenated ones absorb at the same
TURNER et al.2' However, another pathway region in the 13C-nmr spectra.',', Therefore,
involving, for example, the incorporation of the differentiation of these carbons from each
propionic acid molecules into C'-9, 6 and 5, and other was made by long range selective proton
C-10, 4 and 3, may operate in the formation of 1. decoupling (LSPD) experiments" and by use of
"C -"C coupling patterns observed in I labeled
A recent report on the incorporation of pro-
pionic acid into a fungal metabolite aurovertin" with "CH313COONa.
prompted us to investigate the biosynthesis of Irradiation at H-2(d 5.95) collapsed a signal
I by 13C-nmr spectroscopy. at 164.3 ppm to a sharp singlet which appeared
The required 13C assignments for I was made as a broad peak in the proton coupled spectrum.
as follows and the chemical shifts are listed in Likewise, the unresolved resonance at 169.9 ppm
Table 1. The assignments of protonated reso- was perturbed by the irradiation at CHaO (1S„
nances due to C-2, 7, 8 and 9 were obtained easily 4.10). Thus, these signals were assigned to C-1
based on splitting patterns in the off-resonance and C-3, respectively. Saturation of H-9 (S„
5.25) led to an inconclusive result, since it elimi-
nated long range couplings from both the signals
Table L °'C-Nmr chemical shifts and coupling at 162.6 and 163.5 ppm. In the 13C-nmr spectrum
constants of coarctatin.
of 13CH.313000Na enriched 1, (Fig. 1) two pairs
Carbon Jc(ppm)h) Je-c(Hz)

8q') 14.6 42
II q 57.6
9t 64.9
2d 89.3 80
4s 99.2 67
6s 119.8 63
Coorctatin (I) Radicinin
7d 138.7 42
lOs 162.6
5s 163.5 64
* In the structural studies on I , a mixed solvent
Is 164.3 81
(CDCI• supplemented with CF3CO2H) was used for
3s 169.9 67
the measurements of 13C-nmr spectra.21 In our ex-
Determined on a JEOL FX-100 spectrometer at periments, however, CF3CO_H was replaced by
25.05 MHz spectral width; 5 KHz, pulse angle; CC13CO2H (CCI3C02H - CDCI3, 1 : 1) to eliminate
- 70', data points; 16 K. strong quartet peaks due to CF3C02H.
** 13C-Nmr spectra were obtained as reported
multiplicity of off-resonance decoupling.
s; singlet, d; doublet, t; triplet, q; quartet. previously') and the chemical shifts are expressed in
ppm downfield from internal TMS. ppm from internal TMS.

Fig. 1. Proton noise-decoupled 13C-nmr spectrum of 13CH313C02H enriched coarctatin (I).

Two strong signals at 88.6 and 166.6 ppm are due to CC13C02H.

of 13C-13C couplings were observed between Fig. 2. Biosynthetic pathway of coarctatin (I).
quaternary sp2 carbons. Among these, a peak
at 99.2 ppm coupling to C-3 (169.9 ppm) with
J,•_,•= 67 Hz was unambiguously assigned to C-4.
The remaining pair of resonances at 163.5 and
99.2 ppm was therefore due to C-6 and 5. C-10
was assigned to a peak at 162.6 ppm by elimina-
tion to give the total 11C assignments of I.
13C-Labeled samples of I were prepared by
separate additions of each ca. 90% enriched Thus, it has been proved that coarctatin is
CHs13COONa, '3CH3000Na, 13CH3I3COONa biosynthesized from four acetates and three
(diluted three fold with unlabeled sodium acetate) CI-units (Fig. 2) in the same manner as most
and H13COONa at the level of 15 mg/50 ml fungal metabolites.
fermentation broth on 10, 11 and 12 days after
inoculation. At the end of the fermentation,
13C-enriched I was isolated as reported pre- MARIKO SHIBAMIYA
In the 13C-nmr spectrum of the CH313COONa Institute of Applied Microbiology
enriched I, the signal intensities of C-1, 3, 5 and 7 The University of Tokyo
were increased by 8 times, whereas the resonances Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
due to C-2, 4, 6 and 8 were enriched in the 13C- (Received May 12, 1978)
nmr spectrum of I labeled with 13CH3COONa.
The label of HIVCOONa was also efficiently References
incorporated into C-9, C-10, and C-11. Several
1) For Part X see, SETO, H.; Y. MIYAZAKI, K.
attempts to label I with CD3CD2000Na
FUJITA & N. OTAKE: Studies on the iono-
(checked by mass spectrometry), however, were phorous antibiotics. X. The assignments of
unsuccessful. In the 13C-nmr spectrum of I label- 13C-nmr spectrum of salinomycin . Tetrahed.
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couplings, C-1,2 (J= 81 Hz), and C-7,8 (J=42 Hz) 2) BURROW, B. F.; W. B. TURNER & E. R. H.
were observed in addition to those explained WALKER: 8-Ethylidene-7,8-dihydro-4-methoxy-
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metabolite of Chaetomium coarctatum. J. Chem. cultural Chemical Society of Japan, p. 153,

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3) SETO,H. & S. URANO: Revised assignment of 5) TORT, K.: Carbon-13 nmr spectral studies of
the 13C-nmr spectrum of radicinin. Agr. Biol. aloenin and its derivatives. Carbon-13 signal
Chem. 39: 915-916, 1975 assignment problem of 4-methoxy-2-pyrons.
TANABE,M.; H. SETO& L. F. JOHNSON: Bio- Tetrahed. Lett. 1976: 1311 - 1314, 1976
synthetic studies with carbon-13. Carbon-13 6) TAKEUCHI, S.; J. UZAWA, H. SETO & H. YONE-
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J. Am. Chem. Soc. 92: 2157-2158, 1970 pentalenolactone structure. Tetrahed. Lett.
4) URAMOTO,M.; L. W. CARY & M. TANABE: 1977: 2943-2946, 1977
Abstract of the Annual Meeting of The Agri-

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