1978, SETO - Coarctatin
1978, SETO - Coarctatin
1978, SETO - Coarctatin
8q') 14.6 42
II q 57.6
9t 64.9
2d 89.3 80
4s 99.2 67
6s 119.8 63
Coorctatin (I) Radicinin
7d 138.7 42
lOs 162.6
5s 163.5 64
* In the structural studies on I , a mixed solvent
Is 164.3 81
(CDCI• supplemented with CF3CO2H) was used for
3s 169.9 67
the measurements of 13C-nmr spectra.21 In our ex-
Determined on a JEOL FX-100 spectrometer at periments, however, CF3CO_H was replaced by
25.05 MHz spectral width; 5 KHz, pulse angle; CC13CO2H (CCI3C02H - CDCI3, 1 : 1) to eliminate
- 70', data points; 16 K. strong quartet peaks due to CF3C02H.
** 13C-Nmr spectra were obtained as reported
multiplicity of off-resonance decoupling.
s; singlet, d; doublet, t; triplet, q; quartet. previously') and the chemical shifts are expressed in
ppm downfield from internal TMS. ppm from internal TMS.
of 13C-13C couplings were observed between Fig. 2. Biosynthetic pathway of coarctatin (I).
quaternary sp2 carbons. Among these, a peak
at 99.2 ppm coupling to C-3 (169.9 ppm) with
J,•_,•= 67 Hz was unambiguously assigned to C-4.
The remaining pair of resonances at 163.5 and
99.2 ppm was therefore due to C-6 and 5. C-10
was assigned to a peak at 162.6 ppm by elimina-
tion to give the total 11C assignments of I.
13C-Labeled samples of I were prepared by
separate additions of each ca. 90% enriched Thus, it has been proved that coarctatin is
CHs13COONa, '3CH3000Na, 13CH3I3COONa biosynthesized from four acetates and three
(diluted three fold with unlabeled sodium acetate) CI-units (Fig. 2) in the same manner as most
and H13COONa at the level of 15 mg/50 ml fungal metabolites.
fermentation broth on 10, 11 and 12 days after
inoculation. At the end of the fermentation,
13C-enriched I was isolated as reported pre- MARIKO SHIBAMIYA
In the 13C-nmr spectrum of the CH313COONa Institute of Applied Microbiology
enriched I, the signal intensities of C-1, 3, 5 and 7 The University of Tokyo
were increased by 8 times, whereas the resonances Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
due to C-2, 4, 6 and 8 were enriched in the 13C- (Received May 12, 1978)
nmr spectrum of I labeled with 13CH3COONa.
The label of HIVCOONa was also efficiently References
incorporated into C-9, C-10, and C-11. Several
1) For Part X see, SETO, H.; Y. MIYAZAKI, K.
attempts to label I with CD3CD2000Na
FUJITA & N. OTAKE: Studies on the iono-
(checked by mass spectrometry), however, were phorous antibiotics. X. The assignments of
unsuccessful. In the 13C-nmr spectrum of I label- 13C-nmr spectrum of salinomycin . Tetrahed.
ed with 11CH3113COONa,two pairs of 13C-13C Lett. 1977: 2417-2420, 1977
couplings, C-1,2 (J= 81 Hz), and C-7,8 (J=42 Hz) 2) BURROW, B. F.; W. B. TURNER & E. R. H.
were observed in addition to those explained WALKER: 8-Ethylidene-7,8-dihydro-4-methoxy-
previously. pyrano[4,3-b]pyran-2,5-dione (coarctatin), a