Research Task To Complete - 2080-81

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FY 2080/81 (Shrawan Month)

SN Task to be Completed Responsible Staffs

1 1st quarter market analysis (Fundamental and Technical ) Nishant
2 Sector Analysis Nishant
3 Stock Analysis and selection based on existing Grading Nishant/Sameer/Binod
4 Scheme Design and Annual Plan Deviation Analysis Sameer/Nishant
5 4th Quarter Mutual Fund Analysis Sameer
6 Capital Investment PLAN for estimated investment 20 crore Nishant/Sameer/Binod
7 Monetary Policy PRE ANALYSIS and Impact on Fund Management Nishant
8 IRMC Reporting Sameer

Note: Required to Conduct other tasks on ad-hoc basis

5th sharwan
8th Sharwan
10th sharwan
8th Sharwan
20th sharwan Market Sector
11th sharwan
8th Sharwan Nepse 9.24 8.84 Bank 1 0.96
10th sharwan Nepse 9.24 -11.88 MF 1 -1.29
15-Jul 15-Oct
2022 2009.46 1870.63
Inflation & Liquidity injection through different in the economy

Maintaining Foreign Reserve

Flow of Money supply

Changes in Policy Rate

CD ratio
The annual average consumer inflation will be
contained within 6.5 percent for 2021/22. Changes in Bank rate
Liquidity will be managed to support the
expansion of the economy by emphasizing on
economic recovery.

Monetary and external sector management will be

carried out to maintain foreign exchange reserves SLF
sufficient to cover the prospective imports of
merchandise and services for at least 7 months in

The growth of broad money (M2) and private

sector credit will be maintained within 18.0 Risk weightage
percent and 19.0 percent respectively for 2021/22.

Deposit collection rate as the lower bound of IRC

will be revised from 1 percent to 2 percent and
Repo rate as the policy rate will be revised from 3 Margin Lending
percent to 3.5 percent.
The IRC will be made effective through more
proactive Open Market Operation (OMO).

A provision will be made for the national level

development banks, finance companies, and
wholesale lending MFIs in addition to commercial
banks to issue debenture up to 25 percent of their
paid-up capital.

A provision will be made to provide an additional

interest rate of at least 1 percentage point on the
deposits in the BFIs, which comes from

Objectives/Programs Implementation Status 23. 101

BFIs will be required to limit the credit-deposit ratio
(CD Ratio) maximum at 90 percent by midJuly 2022.
And, the existing provision of CCD ratio will be
abolished. An arrangement will be made to adjust the
bonds and borrowings other than the capital fund and
those bonds and borrowings as a part of the capital
fund in the credit-deposit ratio
Bank rate will be changed to 7 percent adding 2
percent from existing 5 percent as the direction of
monetary policy instance.

Standing Liquidity Facility as upper bound of

interest rate corridor shall be maintained at 7
percent, policy repo rate at 5.5 percent and deposit
collection rate at 4 percent.

Risk weights of import loans including trust

receipt, personal overdraft loans, real estate loans
relating to land plotting, personal hire purchase
loan and margin loans provided by the banks and
financial institutions shall be reviewed.
Liquidity in the banking sector High
Reserve repo has been issued by NRB to take excess cash from the market Still high liquidity
Deposit high but no any creadit creation CD ratio is low

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