Drip Irrigation Handout

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Drip Irrigation

1- Draw a neat sketch showing the basic components of a drip irrigation system.
Also describe the functions of each of them in brief.
[IFS (Mains) AG 2017: 10 marks]

2- Discuss the major components of a drip irrigation system with necessary

drawing. [IFS (Mains) AG 2016:10 marks]

3- Explain the design procedure of a drip irrigation system.

[IFS (Mains) AG 2015: 10 marks]

4- Define drip irrigation. Give some other names of drip irrigation. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of drip irrigation?

AL [IFS (Mains) AG 2014: 10 marks]
5- Distinguish between the following: [IFS (Mains) AG 2013:2 marks]

(i) Trickle Irrigation and Drip Irrigation

6- Write in brief about the management of clogging problems in drip irrigation.


[IFS (Mains) AG 2007: 10 marks]


7- Explain different filtration systems used in drip irrigation.


[IFS (Mains) AG 2019: 10 marks]

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