Mizuko's Ice Jutsu Compendium
Mizuko's Ice Jutsu Compendium
Mizuko's Ice Jutsu Compendium
Ice Razors
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 60 feet
Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 4 chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Water Release, Wind Release
You create 2 motes of freezing air and moisture in your hands and throw them at a creature
within range, exploding upon impact. Make 2 Ranged Ninjutsu Attacks against a creature within
range. These attacks deal 1d4 Cold damage on a hit.
At Higher Ranks:
For each rank you cast this jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and
increase the amount of damage dice by 2, and the damage die size by 1 (d4>d6>d8>d10>d12).
Polar Claws
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Minute
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 5 chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Water Release, Wind Release
Your fists freeze over with ice, creating icy claws. For the duration of this Jutsu, your unarmed
attack damage becomes 1d6 + Ninjutsu Ability Modifier Cold Damage.
At Higher Ranks:
For each rank you cast this jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, the damage
by 1d6.
Permafrost Rasengan
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: C-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Duration: Concentration up to 1 Minute
Components: CM
Cost: 8 chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Water Release, Wind Release
You collect ice release chakra into your hand, generating a powerful sphere of spiralling ice
chakra to strike an enemy with. This jutsu does not cost any additional chakra while
concentrating. Starting next turn, you can spend your Action to make a Melee Ninjutsu Attack
against a creature within range. On a hit, the target takes 5d8 Cold Damage and makes a
Constitution Saving Throw. On a failed save, they are knocked back 30ft., gaining 1 rank of the
Chilled Condition. This jutsu then ends. If a creature knocked back by this jutsu collides with a
source of water, they gain 1 additional rank of the Chilled Condition.
At Higher Ranks:
For each rank above C-Rank, increase the cost by 3. If this jutsu is upcasted to at least B-Rank
you immediately make the Melee Ninjutsu Attack. For each rank you upcast this jutsu, increase
the damage done by 3d8 and the knock back by 10ft.
Ice Blossom
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: B-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 60 feet (15 foot radius)
Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 14 chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Water Release, Wind Release
You create a blossom pattern of ice on the ground or floor that explodes into a burst of icy
shards in a 15 foot radius sphere centered on a point you choose within range. Creatures in the
radius must make a Dexterity Saving Throw, taking 6d8 Cold Damage and gaining 2 ranks of
Bleeding on a failed save, or half as much damage and no ranks of Bleeding on a successful
At Higher Ranks:
For each rank above B-Rank that this jutsu is casted at, increase the cost by 3 and the damage
by 2d8.
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: B-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 250 Feet Cloud
Duration: Concentration up to 1 Minute
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 14 chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Water Release, Wind Release
A swirling cloud of snow forms centered on a point you can see and spreads out in a 250-foot
cloud as hail begins to pelt the area. Creatures of your choice under this cloud must succeed a
Dexterity saving throw at the end of each of its turns taking 4d6 cold damage and gaining 1 rank
of chilled on a failed save, or half as much damage and no ranks of chilled on a successful one.
Rejuvenating Frost
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: B-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 16 chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Water Release, Wind Release, Medical
You touch a creature and begin channeling your ice release chakra to cover up wounds and
prevent them from bleeding out. A creature you touch gains 3d6 Temporary HP. While they have
Temporary HP granted by this Jutsu, they do not take damage from the Bleeding condition.
At Higher Ranks:
For each rank above B-Rank that this jutsu is casted at, increase the cost by 3 and amount of
Temporary HP granted by 2d6.
Icicle Swallow
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: B-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 60 feet
Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 16 Chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Water Release, Wind Release
You launch ice needles at the enemy, freezing them upon impact. Choose a point you can see
within range. You throw ice needles at the chosen space, and 4 other consecutive spaces. Make
a ranged ninjutsu attack roll against all creatures in the selected spaces. On a hit, the targets
take 3d8 Cold damage and must succeed on a Constitution Saving throw or be restrained as ice
freezes their feet and legs to the ground. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of
each of their turns, ending the effect on a success.
At Higher Ranks:
For each rank above B-Rank that this Jutsu is casted at, increase the Chakra cost by +3 and the
amount of targeted consecutive spaces by 1.
Ice-Breaking Fist
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: B-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self
Duration: Concentration up to 1 Minute
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 14 chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Water Release, Wind Release
You condense moisture around one of your fists to create a layer of ice around it. For the
duration of this Jutsu, your Unarmed damage becomes 3d4 + Ninjutsu Ability Modifier Cold
As a reaction to being hit by a Melee Attack, you can roll your Unarmed damage die and reduce
the amount of damage taken by the number rolled.
At Higher Ranks:
For each rank above B-Rank that this jutsu is casted at, increase the cost by 3 and the damage
die by 2d4.
Frost Clone
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: B-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 120 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 12 Chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Water Release, Wind Release
You conjure a clone made of ice and snow similar to the Shadow Clone Technique but with far
less inherent danger. The clone appears in a space it can occupy within 5 feet of you. This clone
is made of Ice Chakra and weighs half of your weight. You can create up to 2 clones, each
costing 12 Chakra to conjure. You can command the clone as a bonus action. The clone can
only take an action and a movement, but cannot use a bonus action or reaction.
The clones have 6 hit points and no chakra, an AC equal to your Ninjutsu save DC, can cast a
maximum of 3 Yuki-Clan Hijutsu of C-Rank or lower (except Jutsu with "Clone" in its name,
Fuinjutsu, or jutsu with the Combination keyword) that you know, before this jutsu ends, using
your Ninjutsu attack bonus and Save DC calculations. They have immunity to Genjutsu, and if
the clone would be the target of a Genjutsu with the visual Keyword, the original caster of the
Genjutsu must make an Illusions skill check against your Ninjutsu Save DC. On a failed check,
they become the target for the Genjutsu. They have a movement speed equal to yours, and do
not suffer the effects of difficult terrain created by ice or snow. These clones can only
concentrate on a single jutsu and only for a number of rounds equal to your Ninjutsu ability
modifier. If these clones must make a saving throw, they use your Ninjutsu ability modifier + half
of your proficiency bonus regardless of the type of saving throw made.
If one of your clones comes into contact with a source of water, the water freezes in a 15 foot
radius centered on the clone. Creatures inside of the radius must make a Dexterity saving throw
or be restrained inside of the newly frozen ice.
At Higher Ranks:
For each rank you cast this jutsu above B-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and the
number of clones you can summon by 1.
Glacial Field
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: A-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 90 feet (15 foot radius)
Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 20 chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Water Release, Wind Release
You attempt to seal an area you can see within range in ice. All targets in a 15 foot radius
sphere within range must make a Constitution saving throw, becoming paralyzed and taking 4d6
cold damage as they are frozen in ice on a failed save, or half as much damage and not being
paralyzed on a successful one. Creatures with 12 Frost Stacks make this saving throw at a
disadvantage. Paralyzed creatures can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns,
ending the paralyzed condition on a successful save or by being hit with fire damage.
As a bonus action on the same turn as the cast of this jutsu, you can make a melee ninjutsu
attack against any number of creatures within range paralyzed by this jutsu. On a successful hit,
the ice freezing the targets is split open, dealing 7d6 Cold damage and giving each creature 3
stacks of Frost.
At Higher Ranks:
For each rank you cast this Jutsu above A-Rank, increase the Chakra cost by 3, increase both
damage dice counts by 2, and increase the amount of applied Frost stacks by 2.
Cascading Mirrors
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: S-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Reaction when you are targeted by an Attack or Jutsu from more than 10 feet
Range: Self
Duration: Instant
Components: HS, CM
Cost: 30 Chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Water Release, Wind Release
You create a series of 5 Ice Mirrors in front of yourself, to shield you from an oncoming attack
you can see. If the incoming attack uses an attack roll, roll 5d20, adding your Ninjutsu Ability
Modifier to each dice roll. For each dice roll that meets or exceeds the incoming attack roll,
reduce the damage by 10. If at least 1 roll was successful, you can spend an additional 20
Chakra to give yourself immunity against that Attack’s damage types until the start of your next
If the incoming attack requires you to make a saving throw, you can roll 2d20, adding your
Ninjutsu Ability Modifier to each dice roll. For each dice roll that meets or exceeds the saving
throw DC, reduce the damage by 15. If at least 1 roll was successful, you can spend an
additional 20 Chakra to give yourself immunity against that attack or jutsu’s damage types until
the start of your next turn.
Ice Hijutsu Taijutsu for the Yuki Clan
Snowplow Technique
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 15 Feet
Duration: Instant
Components: CM, M
Cost: 6 chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Water Release, Wind Release, Finisher
This jutsu can only be cast as a Taijutsu Finisher. As a requirement to activate this jutsu, you
must currently be in the Iron Fist Stance or Wolf Fist Stance. You extend your arms out to
your sides with your forearms prepared to clamp around creatures you run into. You move
forward in a 15 foot line. Each creature you move through or within 5 feet of must succeed on a
Strength saving throw, being pulled with you on a failed save. Creatures who fail the save take
3d6 Bludgeoning damage and gain 2 ranks of chilled.
Then, you can clamp your arms around any creatures dragged with you, and make a spinning
throw. You can throw the creatures 15 feet in a direction of your choice, taking an additional 2d6
Bludgeoning damage.
At Higher Ranks:
For each rank you cast this jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and
increase the amount of damage by 2d6 and 1d6 respectively.
Shivering Palm
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: D-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 5 Feet
Duration: Instant
Components: CM
Cost: 3 chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Water Release, Wind Release
You make a quick, single strike against a target within range, releasing ice chakra into them.
Make a Melee Taijutsu Attack against them. On a hit, the target takes your unarmed damage +
2d6 Cold damage.
At Higher Ranks:
For each rank you cast this jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and
increase the amount of Cold damage by 2d6. If this jutsu is upcast to B-Rank, the target must
also make a Dexterity saving throw, gaining 3 ranks of chilled on a failed save. If this jutsu is
upcast to S-Rank, this jutsu gains the combo keyword and the following effect;
- Until the end of your turn, you can target 1 affected creature with a Taijutsu Finisher
regardless of range, once per turn, using either an Action or Bonus action, ignoring it’s
listed casting time.
Drifting Snow
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: C-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
Range: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Components: CM, M
Cost: 11 chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Water Release, Wind Release
You channel your chakra through your body to give yourself advantages in cold climates. For
the duration of this jutsu, You gain resistance to cold damage. If you already have resistance to
cold damage, reduce all cold damage you take by 5. Additionally, While you are standing on or
near ice or snow, you can gain advantage on an attack roll you make once per turn.
At Higher Ranks:
For each rank you cast this jutsu above C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3, the cold
damage reduction by 5, and the amount of times you can gain advantage on an attack roll per
turn by 1.
Frozen Barrage
Classification: Hijutsu
Rank: A-Rank
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 5 Feet
Duration: Instant
Components: CM
Cost: 19 Chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Water Release, Wind Release, Combo
You cover your fists in ice and make multiple attacks. Make 3 Melee Taijutsu Attacks against a
target within range. On each hit, the target takes your unarmed damage + 4d6 Cold damage. In
addition, the target gains 1 rank of chilled for 1d4 rounds for each successful hit.
Until the end of your turn, you can target 1 affected creature with a Taijutsu Finisher regardless
of range, once per turn, using either an action or bonus action, ignoring it’s listed casting time.
At Higher Ranks:
For each rank you cast this jutsu above A-Rank, increase the cost by 3, and the damage by