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Food Chemistry 93 (2005) 273–278

Antioxidant activity of water-soluble Maillard reaction products

a,* b
Yusuf Yilmaz , Romeo Toledo
Department of Food Engineering, Pamukkale University, Çamlık 20017, Denizli, Turkey
Department of Food Science and Technology, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-7610, USA

Received 10 May 2004; received in revised form 22 September 2004; accepted 22 September 2004


Maillard reaction products (MRP) results from a condensation reaction between amino acids (or proteins) and reducing sugars
or lipid oxidation products, and MRP exhibit in vitro antioxidant activities. The objective of this study was to determine antioxidant
activities of water-soluble MRP from the reaction between histidine (His) and glucose (Glu) by using the oxygen radical absorbing
capacity (ORACPE) assay with phycoerythrine. Heating His–Glu mixture at 100 C up to 30 min did not generate MRP with anti-
oxidant activity. However, significant formation of MRP with ORACPE values of 0.25, 0.43, and 0.44 lmol Trolox equivalent/mg
reaction mixture was observed when the mixture was heated at 120 C for 10, 20, and 30 min, respectively. Heating the mixture at
120 C over 30 min reduced the peroxyl radical scavenging activity of the MRP, possibly due to the degradation of antioxidant MRP
formed in the earlier stages of the reaction. In conclusion, MRP obtained from His–Glu mixture possesses peroxyl radical scaveng-
ing activity, and this activity can be quantified by the ORACPE assay.
 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Keywords: Maillard reaction; ORAC; Antioxidant activity; Peroxyl radical scavenging activity; Glucose; Histidine

1. Introduction MRP, and the role of lipids in the Maillard reaction is

similar to the role of reducing sugars (see Hidalgo & Za-
The Maillard reaction, a well-known non-enzymatic mora, 2000). A group of compounds in the final prod-
browning reaction involving a reducing sugar and an ucts of the reaction includes high molecular weight
amino acid, may produce colored or colorless reaction melanoidins, which are furan ring and nitrogen contain-
products depending on the stage of the reaction as well ing brown compounds. Little is known about their phys-
as other factors such as pH, type of reactants, tempera- ical, chemical and physiological properties because of
ture, water activity, etc. Condensation reactions between their complex structures. This complexity in MRP struc-
amino acids and lipid oxidation products may also form tures limits the determination of antioxidant activity for
each compound in the whole group of MRP. Therefore,
the recently developed ORACPE assay can be used to
Abbreviations: AAPH, 2,2 0 -azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydro-
determine the total antioxidant capacity of MRP
chloride; DPPH, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl; Fru, fructose; Glu, g- formed during thermal processing of foods.
lucose; Gly, glycine; His, histidine; HMF, 5-hydroxymethyl-2- The Maillard reaction plays an important role in the
furaldehyde; Lac, lactose; Lys, lysine; MRP, Maillard reaction prod- production of quality bakery products. Color of bread
ucts; ORACPE, oxygen radical absorbing capacity with b-phycoeryth- crust and pasta products is determined particularly by
rine; b-PE,b-phycoerythrine.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 258 212 5532; fax: +90 258 212
MRP. Dehydrated food, baked and grilled meat prod-
5538. ucts, and thermally processed foods may contain vari-
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y. Yilmaz). ous levels of MRP. Since various factors such as type

0308-8146/$ - see front matter  2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

274 Y. Yilmaz, R. Toledo / Food Chemistry 93 (2005) 273–278

of reactants (Wijewickreme, Kitts, & Durance, 1997), & Prior, 1999). Antioxidant activities of foods are calcu-
temperature, pH (Monti, Bailey, & Ames, 1998), water lated in terms of Trolox equivalents. This indication pro-
activity, intermediate products (Vasiliauskaite & Wedzi- vides the means of comparison among the antioxidant
cha, 1997) and availability of oxygen can strongly affect activities of numerous foods.
the formation and properties of the final reaction prod- The objective of this study was to determine the anti-
ucts, model systems have been studied more often than oxidant activity of water-soluble MRP from glucose–
the actual food. histidine mixture by means of ORACPE assay.
MRP, especially melanoidins, have been reported to
have antioxidant activity through scavenging oxygen
radicals or chelating metals (Table 1). MRP from his- 2. Materials and methods
tidine had the highest antioxidant activity determined
by conjugated diene formation from peroxidation of 2.1. Production of MRP
linoleic acid among MRP from either dipeptides of
histidine–phenylalanine or lysine–alanine, amino acids L -Histidine hydrochloride monohydrate and D -(+)-
histidine, lysine, or ascorbic acid when glucose was glucose were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St.
used as a reducing sugar (Reische, 1994). Compounds Louis, MO). Histidine and glucose were mixed (1:2 ra-
in the MRP with amino reductone structures may tio), and approximately 30% (w/v) deionized water was
have both antioxidant and pro-oxidant activities (Pis- added to the mixture in screw-capped tubes. The screw
chetsrieder, Rinaldi, Gross, & Severin, 1998) depend- cap was kept loose to expose the reaction mixture to
ing on the reaction conditions. MRP obtained from air while heating in a vegetable oil bath at either
heated histidine and glucose exhibit copper ion bind- 100 C for 10, 20, 30, and 60 min or 120 C for 5, 10,
ing ability in oil/water mixtures (Bersuder, Hole, & 20, 30 and 60 min simulating conditions on baking.
Smith, 2001). Then the screw cap was tightened, and tubes were kept
The oxygen radical absorbance capacity assay can be at 18 C until extraction. pH was not controlled during
used to quantify the antioxidant capacity of foods by the production of MRP. Triplicates of the experiment
measuring peroxyl radical scavenging activity of the were run.
compounds present (Cao & Prior, 1999). This assay is
based on the chemical damage to b-PE caused by a per- 2.2. Extraction of antioxidant MRP
oxyl radical producing compound (i.e. 2,2 0 -azobis(2-ami-
dinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH) in this assay), Deionized water (40 ml/g mixture) was added to the
reducing the fluorescence emission of b-PE. The presence mixture and vortexed until MRP dissolved. The mixture
of antioxidants in the medium prevents the damage and was centrifuged at 26,000g for 30 min at 4 C. Superna-
prolongs the fluorescence emission. Antioxidant capacity tants were collected and subjected to ORACPE assay. At
of foods can be quantified by measuring the area under least two ORACPE assays were done on each replicate of
the relative fluorescence intensity vs. time curves (Cao the treatments.

Table 1
Antioxidative properties of Maillard reaction products obtained from model systems reported in the literature
Model system Mode of antioxidative property Reference
Sugar–amino acid
Glu–His Copper chelator Bersuder et al. (2001)
Oxygen radical scavenger Lingnert et al. (1983)
Peroxyl radical scavenger Lingnert and Eriksson (1980a,b)
Glu–Lys Copper chelator Wijewickreme et al. (1997), Dittrich et al. (2003), Wijewickreme and Kitts (1998)
DPPH radical scavenger Morales and Jimenez-Perez (2001)
Peroxyl radical scavenger Bressa et al. (1996)
Hydroxyl radical scavenger Wijewickreme et al. (1999)
Glu–Gly Copper chelator Dittrich et al. (2003)
Peroxyl radical scavenger Wagner et al. (2002)
Hydroxyl radical scavenger Yoshimura et al. (1997)
Fe2+ chelator Yoshimura et al. (1997)
Fru–Lys Copper chelator Wijewickreme et al. (1997),Wijewickreme and Kitts (1998)
Hydroxyl radical scavenger Wijewickreme et al. (1999)
Lac–Lys Peroxyl radical scavenger Monti et al. (1999)
Y. Yilmaz, R. Toledo / Food Chemistry 93 (2005) 273–278 275

2.3. Color calculated using the software supplied by the spectroflu-

orometer manufacturer.
Absorbances of appropriate dilutions of MRP solu- Trolox, a water-soluble analog of vitamin E, was pur-
tions (to give absorbance values <2) were measured at chased from Aldrich Chem. Co. (Milwaukee, WI). Tro-
420 nm for melanoidins with a Spectronic Genesys2 lox solution was prepared weekly and kept at
spectrophotometer (Rochester, NY). refrigeration temperature. Standard curves were ob-
tained using known concentrations of Trolox (0.5–3
2.4. ORACPE assay lmol final concentration in cuvette). Corrected areas
of relative fluorescence intensities versus Trolox concen-
We adapted the ORACPE assay developed by Cao trations were plotted. The Trolox equivalents of the
and Prior (1999) to quantify antioxidant capacity of samples were calculated by using the linear portion of
MRP. Our assay differed from the Cao and Prior the Trolox standard curve.
(1999) assay primarily in the luminescence spectrometer
used. b-Phycoerythrine (b-PE) was purchased from 2.5. Statistical analysis
Cyanotech Co. (Kailua–Kona, HI) (Lot #0215100)
and prepared according to the supplier-recommended Significant differences among the treatment combina-
reconstitution procedure for purification. Briefly, the tions were obtained using the statistical software (SAS
vial (1 mg b-PE/0.2 ml buffer mixture) was rinsed with Institute, NC). Separation of means for significant dif-
about 3.5 ml of phosphate buffer (Stock buffer/deionized ferences was conducted using DuncanÕs.
water, 1:9, v/v) (Stock buffer; 0.75 M K2HPO4/0.75 M
NaH2PO4, 61.6:38.9, v/v). Prior to passing the solution
through the column, a Sephadex G-25 column was 3. Results and discussion
cleaned with about 20 ml phosphate buffer. The red
band eluted from the column was collected, and washed The appearance of pre-melanoidins and the forma-
off with buffer. The purity of the b-PE solution was tion of melanoidins were monitored by the absorbance
determined according to the supplier-recommended pro- values of diluted MRP solutions at 420 nm (Wijewick-
cedure. b-PE was diluted further with phosphate buffer. reme et al., 1997). Corrected absorbances were obtained
2,2 0 -Azobis(2-amidinopropane)dihydrochloride (AAPH) by multiplying absorbance values of diluted MRP solu-
was purchased from Wako Chemicals (Richmond, VA), tions by their respective dilution factors. Corrected
and dissolved in phosphate buffer (320 mM). This stock absorbances data revealed that formation of melanoi-
solution of AAPH was prepared daily and kept in ice dins increases as temperature and heating time increased
until used. (Fig. 1). However, 1 h heating at 120 C reduced the
A LS-50B Luminescence Spectrometer (Perkin–El- absorbance values (Fig. 1(a)). In general, the color of
mer, UK) was used for the analyses. ÔA four position, MRP solutions was a darker brown at 120 C compared
motor driven, water thermostatted, stirred cell holderÕ to 100 C; however, heating at high temperature for a
(Perkin–Elmer, UK) was installed on the spectrometer, long time degraded antioxidant MRP formed in the
and the temperature of the water bath, which supplied early stages of the reaction. This change was reflected
hot water to the cell holder, was set to 37 C. Emission by a reduction in the corrected absorbances. Melanoidin
and excitation wavelengths were 565 and 540 nm, formation was affected by the 1 h heating at 120 C.
respectively. The stirrer was set to low. From Fig. 1(a) and (b), the appearance of complex mel-
About 50 ll of b-PE in phosphate buffer was incu- anoidins was faster at 120 C than at 100 C.
bated at 37 C for 5 min in the cuvettes located in the MRP protected b-PE from loss of fluorescence inten-
holder, and then appropriate aliquot sample (50–100 sity caused by peroxyl radicals from AAPH (Fig. 2).
ll) was added to the cuvettes. The reaction was started Trolox, a water-soluble vitamin E analogue, was used
by the addition of 150 ll of AAPH (final concentration as the standard to quantify the antioxidant activity per
24 mM) to the cuvettes at 5 min, and initial reading was Cao and Prior (1999). A lag phase in inhibiting the oxi-
taken. Total volume in each cuvette was 2 ml. Blanks, dation of b-PE by AAPH is produced for Trolox be-
which contained phosphate buffer, b-PE and AAPH cause this antioxidant displays 100% inhibition over a
only, were used for the area corrections. b-PE fluores- period of time. Certain antioxidants like Trolox are re-
cence intensities of samples and blanks were recorded ported to exhibit this lag phase (Cao & Prior, 1999).
every minute. The changes in b-PE fluorescence over Area differences in the b-PE fluorescence intensity decay
time were displayed on the computer screen. The data curves with and without Trolox were plotted against the
were collected until the fluorescence intensity was re- Trolox concentrations to obtain the standard curve.
duced to 5% of the initial reading. Intensities were nor- Histidine by itself showed peroxyl radical scavenging
malized by dividing with intensity at the time of AAPH activity. The ORACPE values of His ranged from 0.50 to
addition. The areas under the normalized intensity were 0.63 lmol of Trolox/mg His. However, neither heating
276 Y. Yilmaz, R. Toledo / Food Chemistry 93 (2005) 273–278

at 420nm 12 at 420nm
(a) (b)

Corrected Absorbance
Corrected Absorbances
35 10
20 6
5 2
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60
Time (min) Time (min)

Fig. 1. Corrected absorbances (absorbance · dilution factor) and standard deviations of melanoidin formation in MRP solutions at 420 nm, which
were obtained from a His–Glu model system heated for up to 1 h at 120 C (a) and at 100 C (b). Bars represent standard deviations.

1.00 MRP at 100˚C for 30min (diluted)
MRP at 120˚C for 30min (diluted)
Trolox (1umol)
Relative Fluorescence Intensity




0 10 20 30 40
Time (min)

Fig. 2. Relative fluorescence intensity reduction of b-PE in phosphate buffer and in the presence of MPR and Trolox.

time nor temperature significantly affected ORACPE val- histidine. At 120 C, ORACPE values of MRP increased
ues of His (P > 0.05). Glucose was also subjected to the with heating time up to 30 min, then dropped after 1 h
ORACPE assay, but it did not have antioxidant activity of heating. At 120 C 30 min of heating approximately
in ORACPE assay. doubled the ORACPE value of the MRP at 10 min.
ORACPE values of MRP are shown in Fig. 3. OR- Neither glucose nor histidine by themselves showed
ACPE values of MRP solutions per gram of mixtures browning upon heating at either 100 or 120 C for up
did not significantly change when the mixtures were to 60 min. Therefore, the brown color (from light to
heated at 100 C for 10, 20 or 30 min (P > 0.05). dark brown) that appeared upon heating glucose and
Although using DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), histidine mixture was a result from the Maillard reac-
Murakami et al. (2002) revealed radical scavenging tion. A study on the effect of caramelization on the
activities of bright color pigments from histidine and xy- Maillard browning reaction revealed that heating glu-
lose heated at 30 C up to 120 h, heating histidine–glu- cose at 100 C at pH 6 or 8 showed little or no browning
cose mixture at 100 C for 10, 20 or 30 min was while the browning of glucose and lysine mixture in-
insufficient to generate MRP with peroxyl radical scav- creased at pH 8 (Ajandouz & Puigserver, 1999).
enging activities. Heating the reaction mixture at 100 Yoshimura, Iijima, Watanabe, and Nakazawa (1997)
C for 1 h, however, increased the ORACPE significantly reported that heating glucose and glycine at around 100
(P < 0.05) to about 0.3 mmol/g mixture. Statistical anal- C for 1–6 h produced compounds that are able to scav-
yses showed that peroxyl radical scavenging activity of enge hydroxyl radicals and superoxide anion (O2 ) and
the mixture prepared at 120 C for 5 min was similar to chelate with Fe2+. Our results showed that glucose
to that of the mixture heated at 100 C for either 10, and histidine also produce MRP with oxygen radical
20 or 30 min (P > 0.05). Furthermore, the ORACPE val- scavenging activity. When tested with ORACPE assay,
ues of MRP heated <1 h at 100 C was primarily from antioxidant activity of MRP from this model system
Y. Yilmaz, R. Toledo / Food Chemistry 93 (2005) 273–278 277

300 ORAC at 100˚C

ORAC at 120˚C

ORAC Values ( mole Trolox/mL)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (min)

ORACPE (µmol Trolox) MRP/g mixture

Time (min) 5 10 20 30 60
100˚C - 181.9d 186.4d 205.6cd 299.1b
120˚C 180.1d 247.5cb 433.3a 444.3a 291.8b
Superscripts with different letters across the table show significant differences at α=0.05.

Fig. 3. Peroxyl radical scavenging activities of MRP per ml of solution in the graph and per g of initial mixture in the table below. Bars represent
standard deviations.

was >400 lmol TE/g mixture upon heating at 120 C for MRP formed during baking can show antioxidant
up to 30 min. activity that inhibits the lipid oxidation. Lingnert
Wagner, Derkits, Herr, Schuh, and Elmadfa (2002) (1980) successfully showed that addition of histidine
reported that MRP formed by heating glucose and gly- and glucose to cookie dough inhibited the oxidation of
cine at 120 C exhibit higher antioxidant activity in lipids in cookies. In our study, MRP from heated glu-
hydrophilic matrices than lipophilic matrices. The cose and histidine are able to scavenge peroxyl radicals
authors also found that addition of those MRP to coco- produced by AAPH. On the other hand, undesired com-
nut fat prior to frying at 200 C was ineffective for pounds like carcinogens or mutagens (Gazzani, Vagnar-
extending the shelf life. In our research, results indicated elli, Cuzzoni, & Mazza, 1987) can form at high
that water soluble MRP from a model system of glucose temperatures from mixtures of amino acid or peptides
and histidine also exhibit antioxidant activity, and fur- and sugars in overheated products, and could be a prob-
ther heating reduces the antioxidant activity of MRP. lem for human health. Moreover, acrylamide, a carcin-
Prior et al. (1998) reported that the estimated antiox- ogen and neurotoxin for humans, can form when
idant intake in terms of ORACPE ranges from 1.2 to 1.7 foods high in carbohydrate are fried, baked, or roasted
mmol TE/day in the US. Strawberry, plum, red grape at high temperatures (EC, 2002). Therefore, further re-
(whole), and orange has ORACPE values of 154, 80, search is needed in order to counteract the detrimental
36 and 52 lmol TE/g dry matter, respectively (Wang, effects of excessively heated MRP on health while taking
Cao, & Prior, 1996). Red raspberries have ORACPE val- advantage of their in vitro antioxidant activities.
ues ranged from 91 to 115 lmol TE/g dry matter (Wang
& Lin, 2000). ORACPE values of blueberries depend on
variety but the range was reported to be from 63 to 282 4. Conclusions
lmol TE/g dry matter (Prior et al., 1998). ORACPE val-
ues of MRP from histidine–glucose model system ran- In this study, we showed that MRP from heated his-
ged from 250 to 450 mmol/g His–Glu mixture; tidine and glucose have peroxyl radical scavenging
therefore, MRP formed during the thermal processing activity, an indicator of antioxidative activity in vitro.
of foods may have a beneficial effect on the total dietary ORACPE assay makes the quantification of antioxidant
antioxidant intake for humans. In our study, we demon- activity of MRP in food products possible. This advan-
strated that antioxidant activity of MRP could be quan- tage of ORACPE assay could be useful for future deter-
tified by a relatively new ORACPE assay compared with minations of the contribution of non-enzymatic
other methods. ORACPE assay can be successfully used browning reaction products with antioxidant activity
to determine the effect of dietary MRP on total antiox- to total antioxidant intake in the human diet. However,
idant intake in the human diet. precaution is needed since there is a possibility of the
278 Y. Yilmaz, R. Toledo / Food Chemistry 93 (2005) 273–278

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