Consumersact Lemonlaw
Consumersact Lemonlaw
Consumersact Lemonlaw
THE CONSUMER ACT OF THE PH The ban on the sale and distribution of a
consumer product adjudged injurious, unsafe or
CH I. Consumer Product Quality and Safety dangerous, or imminently injurious, unsafe or
ART 5. Declaration of Policy. dangerous under the preceding paragraph shall
a) to develop and provide safety and stay in force until such time that its safety can
quality standards for consumer products, be assured or measures to ensure its safety
including performance or use-oriented have been established.
standards, codes of practice and methods
of tests; ART 14. Certification of Conformity to Consumer
b) to assist the consumer in evaluating Product Standards. — The concerned department
the quality, including safety, performance shall aim at having consumer product
and comparative utility of consumer standards established for every consumer
products; product so that consumer products shall be
c) to protect the public against distributed in commerce only after inspection
unreasonable risks of injury associated and certification of its quality and safety
with consumer products; standards by the department. The
d) to undertake research on quality manufacturer shall avail of the Philippine
improvement of products and Standard Certification Mark which the
investigation into causes and prevention department shall grant after determining the
of product related deaths, illness and product’s compliance with the relevant standard
injuries; in accordance with the implementing rules and
e) to assure the public of the consistency regulations.
of standardized products.
ART 15. Imported Products.
a) Any consumer product offered for importation
ART 6. Implementing Agencies. — The provisions
into the customs of the Philippine territory shall be
of this Article and its implementing rules and
refused admission if such product:
regulations shall be enforced by:
1) fails to comply with an applicable
a) the Department of Health with respect to
consumer product quality and safety
food, drugs, cosmetics, devices and
standard or rule;
2) is or has been determined to be injurious,
b) the Department of Agriculture with
unsafe and dangerous;
respect to products related to agriculture,
3) is substandard; or
4) has material defect.
c) the Department of Trade and Industry
b) Any consumer product, the sale or use of
with respect to other consumer products
which has been banned or withdrawn in the
not specified above.
country of manufacture, shall not be imported into
the country.
ART 10. Injurious, Dangerous and Unsafe
Products. — Whenever the departments find, by
ART 18. Prohibited Acts. — It shall be unlawful
their own initiative or by petition of a consumer,
for any person to:
that a consumer product is found to be injurious,
a) manufacture for sale, offer for sale,
unsafe or dangerous, it shall, after due notice and
distribute in commerce, or import into the
hearing, make the appropriate order for its
Philippines any consumer product which is
recall, prohibition or seizure from public sale
not in conformity with an applicable
or distribution: Provided, That, in the sound
consumer product quality or safety
discretion of the department it may declare a
standard promulgated in this Act;
consumer product to be imminently injurious,
b) manufacture for sale, offer for sale,
unsafe or dangerous, and order is immediate
distribute in commerce, or import into the
recall, ban or seizure from public sale or
Philippines any consumer product which
distribution, in which case, the seller, distributor,
has been declared as banned consumer
manufacturer or producer thereof shall be
product by a rule in this Act;
afforded a hearing within forty-eight (48) hours
c) refuse access to or copying of pertinent
from such order.
records or fail or refuse to permit entry of
or inspection by authorized officers or
employees of the department;
d) fail to comply with an order issued under f) a consumer product or service can be
Article 11 relating to notifications of supplied in a quantity greater than the
substantial product hazards and to supplier intends;
recall, repair, replacement or refund of g) a service, or repair of a consumer product
unsafe products; is needed when in fact it is not;
e) fail to comply with the rule prohibiting h) a specific price advantage of a consumer
stockpiling. product exists when in fact it does not;
i) the sales act or practice involves or does
ART 19. Penalties. — a) Any person who shall violate not involve a warranty, a disclaimer of
any provision of Article 18 shall upon conviction, be warranties, particular warranty terms or
subject to a fine of not less than one thousand other rights, remedies or obligations if the
pesos (P1,000.00) but not more than Ten thousand indication is false; and
pesos (P10,000.00) or imprisonment of not less
j) the seller or supplier has a sponsorship,
than two (2) months but not more than one (1)
year, or both upon the discretion of the court. If the
approval, or affiliation he does not have.
offender is an alien, he shall be deported after ART 52. Unfair or Unconscionable Sales Act or
service of sentence and payment of fine without
Practice. — An unfair or unconscionable sales act
further deportation proceedings.
or practice by a seller or supplier in connection
TITLE III. Protection Against Deceptive, Unfair and with a consumer transaction violates this Chapter
Unconscionable Sales Acts or Practices whether it occurs before, during or after the
consumer transaction. An act or practice shall
CHAPTER I. Deceptive, Unfair and Unconscionable be deemed unfair or unconscionable whenever
Sales Acts or Practices the producer, manufacturer, distributor, supplier
or seller, by taking advantage of the
ART 50. Prohibition Against Deceptive Sales Acts
consumer’s physical or mental infirmity,
or Practices. — A deceptive act or practice by a
ignorance, illiteracy, lack of time or the
seller or supplier in connection with a consumer
general conditions of the environment or
transaction violates this Act whether it occurs
surroundings, induces the consumer to enter
before, during or after the transaction. An act or
into a sales or lease transaction grossly inimical
practice shall be deemed deceptive whenever
to the interests of the consumer or grossly one-
the producer, manufacturer, supplier or seller,
sided in favor of the producer, manufacturer,
through concealment, false representation or
distributor, supplier or seller.
fraudulent manipulation, induces a consumer
-status of contract: voidable
to enter into a sales or lease transaction of
any consumer product or service.
In determining whether an act or practice is unfair
Without limiting the scope of the above and unconscionable, the following circumstances
paragraph, the act or practice of a seller or shall be considered:
supplier is deceptive when it represents that: a) that the producer, manufacturer,
a) a consumer product or service has the distributor, supplier or seller took
sponsorship, approval, performance, advantage of the inability of the
characteristics, ingredients, accessories, consumer to reasonably protect his
uses, or benefits it does not have; interest because of his inability to
b) a consumer product or service is of a understand the language of an
particular standard, quality, grade, style, agreement, or similar factors;
or model when in fact it is not; b) that when the consumer transaction was
c) a consumer product is new, original or entered into, the price grossly exceeded
unused, when in fact, it is in a the price at which similar products or
deteriorated, altered, reconditioned, services were readily obtainable in similar
reclaimed or second-hand state; transaction by like consumers;
d) a consumer product or service is available c) that when the consumer transaction was
to the consumer for a reason that is entered into, the consumer was unable
different from the fact; to receive a substantial benefit from the
subject of the transaction;
e) a consumer product or service has been
supplied in accordance with the previous status of the contract:
representation when in fact it is not; voidable – fraudulent before perfection
valid but w/ damages to seller – fraudulent 6. The directive to the consumer to avail of
after perfection the right which accrue to the warranty;
d) that when the consumer transaction was 7. The period within which, after notice of
entered into, the seller or supplier was defect, malfunction, or failure to conform
aware that there was no reasonable to the warranty, the warrantor will perform
probability or payment of the obligation any obligation under the warranty.
in full by the consumer; and a. Full warranty - if the written warranty meets
e) that the transaction that the seller or the minimum standards for warranties.
supplier induced the consumer to enter Requisites:
into was excessively one-sided in favor 1. There should be a remedy or relief offered
of the seller or supplier. to a consumer within the reasonable time
and without charge in case of defect,
ART 53. Chain Distribution Plans or Pyramid malfunction, or failure to conform with
Sales Schemes. — Chain distribution plans or such written warranty.
pyramid sales schemes shall not be employed in 2. The warranty should give the consumer
the sale of consumer products. an option to either ask for a refund or
replacement without charge of such
ART 54. Home Solicitation Sales. — No business product or part, as the case may be,
entity shall conduct any home solicitation sale of where after reasonable number of
any consumer product or service without first attempts to remedy the defect or
obtaining a permit from the Department. Such malfunction, the product continues to have
permit may be denied suspended or revoked the defect or to malfunction.
upon cause as provided in the rules and b. Limited warranty – when the written warranty
regulations promulgated by the Department, after does not meet the abovementioned minimum
due notice and hearing. requirements.
ARTICLE 60. Penalties. — a) Any person who shall In case of breach of express warranty:
violate the provisions of Title III, Chapter I, shall upon 1. The consumer may elect to have the
conviction, be subject to a fine of not less than Five
goods repaired. Warranty work must be
Hundred Pesos (P500.00) but not more than Ten
Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) or imprisonment of not
made within 30 days. Such period may be
less than five (5) months but not more than one (1) extended by the conditions beyond the
year or both, upon the discretion of the court. control of the warrantor or his
CH III. Consumer Product and Service Warranties 2. The product or its parts may be replaced.
3. The consumer may ask for a refund from
ART 66. Implementing Agency. — The the warrantor. The amount directly
Department of Trade and Industry, shall strictly attributable to the use of consumer prior to
enforce the provision of this Chapter and its the discovery of the non-conformity shall
implementing rules and regulations. be deducted.
ART 67. Applicable Law on Warranties. — The In case of breach of implied warranty:
provisions of the Civil Code on conditions and The consumer may retain in the goods and
warranties shall govern all contracts of sale with recover damages, or reject the goods, cancel the
conditions and warranties. contract and recover from the seller so much of
the purchase price as has been paid, including
The following shall be stated in an express damages.
warranty: actio quanti minoris – retain the goods, reduction
of the price and recover damages
1. The terms of warranty, written in clear and
actio rehibitoria - reject the goods, cancel the
readily understandable language;
contract and recover price
2. The warrantor’s identity;
3. The party’s identity to whom the warranty ART 70. Professional Services. — The
is extended; provisions of this Act on warranty shall not
4. The products or parts covered; apply to professional services of certified public
5. The warrantor’s action plan in the event of accountants, architects, engineers, lawyers,
a defect, malfunction or failure to conform veterinarians, optometrists, pharmacists, nurses,
to the written warranty;
nutritionists, dietitians, physical therapists, The prohibition in this Chapter shall not apply to
salesmen, medical and dental practitioners and persons engaged in the business of wholesale
other professionals engaged in their respective or retail distributors of consumer products
professional endeavors. except to the extent that such persons:
a) are engaged in the packaging or labeling
ART 71. Guaranty of Service Firms. — Service of such products;
firms shall guarantee workmanship and b) prescribe or specify by any means the
replacement of spare parts for a period not less manner in which such products are
than ninety (90) days which shall be indicated in packaged or labeled; or
the pertinent invoices. c) having knowledge, refuse to disclose the
source of the mislabeled or mispackaged
ARTICLE 72. Prohibited Acts. — The following products.
acts are prohibited:
a. refusal without any valid legal cause by the ART 77. Minimum Labeling Requirements for
total manufacturer or any person obligated under Consumer Products. — All consumer products
the warranty or guarantee to honor a warranty or domestically sold whether manufactured locally or
guarantee issued; imported shall indicate the following in their
b. unreasonable delay by the local manufacturer respective labels of packaging:
or any person obligated under the warranty or
a) its correct and registered trade name or
guarantee in honoring the warranty;
brand name;
c. removal by any person of a product’s
b) its duly registered trademark;
warranty card for the purpose of evading said
c) its duly registered business name;
warranty obligation;
d) the address of the manufacturer, importer,
d. any false representation in an advertisement
repacker of the consumer product in the
as to the existence of a warranty or guarantee.
ART 73. Penalties. e) its general make or active ingredients;
a) Any person who shall violate the provisions of f) the net quality of contents, in terms of
Article 67 shall be subject to fine of not less than Five weight, measure or numerical count
hundred pesos (P500.00) but not more than Five rounded of to at least the nearest tenths in
thousand pesos (P5,000.00) or an imprisonment of the metric system;
not less than three (3) months but not more than g) country of manufacture, if imported; and
two (2) years or both upon the discretion of the court. h) if a consumer product is manufactured,
A second conviction under this paragraph shall also refilled or repacked under license from a
carry with it the penalty or revocation of his business
principal, the label shall so state the fact.
permit and license.
b) Any person, natural or juridical, committing any of The following may be required by the concerned
the illegal acts provided for in Chapter III, except with department in accordance with the rules and
respect to Article 67, shall be liable for a fine of not regulations they will promulgate under authority of
less than One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) but not
this Act:
more than Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) or
imprisonment for a period of at least one (1) year
a) whether it is flammable or inflammable;
but not more than five (5) years, or both, at the b) directions for use, if necessary;
discretion of the court. c) warning of toxicity;
d) wattage, voltage or amperes; or
CHAPTER IV. Labeling and Fair Packaging e) process of manufacture used if necessary.
ART 76. Prohibited Acts on Labeling and ART 81. Price Tag Requirement. — It shall be
Packaging. — It shall be unlawful for any person, unlawful to offer any consumer product for
either as principal or agent, engaged in the retail sale to the public without an appropriate
labeling or packaging of any consumer product, to price tag, label or marking publicly displayed to
display or distribute or to cause to be displayed or indicate the price of each article and said
distributed in commerce any consumer product products shall not be sold at a price higher
whose package or label does not conform to than that stated therein and without
the provisions of this Chapter. discrimination to all buyers: Provided, That
lumber sold, displayed or offered for sale to the
public shall be tagged or labeled by indicating
thereon the price and the corresponding official
name of the wood: Provided, further, That if _______________________________________
consumer products for sale are too small or the
nature of which makes it impractical to place a
Lemon – US, brand-new car but later on, found out to
price tag thereon price list placed at the nearest be defective
point where the products are displayed indicating
the retail price of the same may suffice. Section 2. Declaration of Policy. – It is hereby
declared the policy of the State to promote full
ART 82. Manner of Placing Price Tags. — Price protection to the rights of consumers in the
tags, labels or markings must be written clearly, sale of motor vehicles against business and
indicating the price of the consumer product per trade practices which are deceptive, unfair or
unit in pesos and centavos. otherwise inimical to consumers and the public
ART 83. Regulations for Price Tag Placement. —
The State recognizes that a motor vehicle is a
The concerned department shall prescribe rules
major consumer purchase or investment. Hence,
and regulations for the visible placement of price
the rights of consumers should be clearly defined,
tags for specific consumer products and services.
including the means for redress for violations
There shall be no erasures or alterations of any
sort of price tags, labels or markings.
Section 3. Definition of Terms.
ART 84. Additional Labeling Requirements for
Food. — The following additional labeling (b) Collateral charges refer to the fees paid to
requirements shall be imposed by the concerned the Land Transportation Office (LTO) for the
department for food: registration of a brand new motor vehicle and
a) expiry or expiration date, where other incidental expenses such as, but not limited
applicable; to, the cost of insurance pertaining to the vehicle,
b) whether the consumer product is semi- chattel mortgage fees and interest expenses if
processed, fully processed, ready-to-cook, applicable;
ready-to-eat, prepared food or just plain (h) Lemon Law rights period refers to the period
mixture; ending twelve (12) months after the date of the
c) nutritive value, if any; original delivery of a brand new motor vehicle to
d) whether the ingredients use are natural or a consumer or the first twenty thousand
synthetic, as the case may be; (20,000) kilometers of operation after such
e) such other labeling requirements as the delivery, whichever comes first. This shall be the
concerned department may deem period during which the consumer can report
necessary and reasonable. any nonconformity, as defined in paragraph (k)
herein, to the standards and specifications of the
ART 95. Penalties. — a) Any person who shall violate
manufacturer, authorized distributor, authorized
the provisions of Title III, Chapter IV of this Act, or its
dealer or retailer, and pursue any right as
implementing rules and regulations, except Articles 81
to 83 of the same Chapter, shall be subject to a fine of provided for under this Act;
not less than Five hundred pesos (P500.00) but not (k) Nonconformity refers to any defect or
more than Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00) or
condition that substantially impairs the use,
imprisonment of not less than three (3) months but
not more than two (2) years or both, at the discretion
value or safety of a brand new motor vehicle
of the court: Provided, That, if the consumer product is which prevents it from conforming to the
one which is not a food, cosmetic, drug, device or manufacturer’s or distributor’s standards or
hazardous substance, the penalty shall be a fine of not specifications, which cannot be repaired, but
less than Two hundred pesos (P200.00) but not excluding conditions resulting from
more than Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) or noncompliance by the consumer of his or her
imprisonment of not less than one (1) month but obligations under the warranty, modifications not
not more than one (1) year or both, at the discretion authorized by the manufacturer or distributor,
of the court. abuse or neglect, and damage due to accident or
-Bawal ang no return, no exchange sa stores force majeure;
basta hidden defects/ any defects
-return at the time purchase; Section 4. Coverage. – This Act shall cover
-dili kaigo, cannot force the store except kung brand new motor vehicles purchased in the
may policy and nasunod Philippines reported by a consumer to be in
nonconformity with the vehicle’s manufacturer or vehicle is not returned for repair, based on the
distributor’s standards or specifications within same complaint, within thirty (30) calendar days
twelve (12) months from the date of original from the date of notice of release of the motor
delivery to the consumer, or up to twenty vehicle to the consumer following this repair
thousand (20,000) kilometers of operation after attempt within the Lemon Law rights period, the
such delivery, whichever comes first. The repair is deemed successful: Provided, finally,
following causes of nonconformity shall be That, in the event that the nonconformity issue
excluded: still exists or persists after the thirty (30)-day
(a) Noncompliance by the consumer of the period but still within the Lemon Law rights
obligations under the warranty; period, the consumer may be allowed to avail of
(b) Modifications not authorized by the the same remedies under Sections 5 and 6
manufacturer, distributor, authorized dealer or hereof.
-Special law will prevail over general rule
(c) Abuse or neglect of the brand new motor
vehicle; and To compensate for the non-usage of the vehicle
(d) Damage to the vehicle due to accident or while under repair and during the period of
force majeure. availment of the Lemon Law rights, the
consumer shall be provided a reasonable
Section 5. Repair Attempts. – At any time within daily transportation allowance, an amount
the Lemon Law rights period, and after at which covers the transportation of the consumer
least four (4) separate repair attempts by the from his or her residence to his or her regular
same manufacturer, distributor, authorized workplace or destination and vice versa,
dealer or retailer for the same complaint, and equivalent to air-conditioned taxi fare, as
the nonconformity issue remains unresolved, the evidenced by official receipt, or in such amount to
consumer may invoke his or her rights under this be agreed upon by the parties, or a service
Act. vehicle at the option of the manufacturer,
distributor, authorized dealer or retailer. Any
The repair may include replacement of parts
disagreement on this matter shall be resolved by
components, or assemblies.
the DTI.
Section 6. Notice of Availment of Lemon Law
Nothing herein shall be construed to limit or
Rights. – Before availing of any remedy under this
impair the rights and remedies of a consumer
Act and subject to compliance with the provisions
under any other law.
of Section 5 hereof, the consumer shall, in
writing, notify the manufacturer, distributor, Section 8. Remedies for Dispute Resolution.
authorized dealer or retailer of the unresolved
complaint, and the consumer’s intention to (a) Mediation – compromise agreement;
invoke his or her rights under this Act within amicable settlement
the Lemon Law rights period. (b) Arbitration – submit issue to arbiter/ third
The warranty booklet issued by the (c) Adjudication –
manufacturer, distributor, authorized dealer or (i) Replace the motor vehicle with a similar
retailer shall clearly state the manner and form or comparable motor vehicle in terms of
of such notice to constitute a valid and legal specifications and values, subject to
notice to the manufacturer, distributor, authorized availability; or
dealer or retailer. It shall also clearly state the (ii) Accept the return of the motor vehicle
responsibility of the consumer under this and pay the consumer the purchase price
section. plus the collateral charges.
Section 7. Availment of Lemon Law Rights. Section 11. Penalty. – The manufacturer, distributor,
authorized dealer or retailer adjudged to have violated
In case the nonconformity issue remains the provisions requiring disclosure as mentioned in the
unresolved despite the manufacturer, distributor, preceding section shall be liable to pay a minimum
authorized dealer or retailer’s efforts to repair the amount of One hundred thousand pesos
vehicle, pursuant to the consumer’s availment (P100,000.00) as damages to the aggrieved party
of his or her Lemon Law rights, the consumer without prejudice to any civil or criminal liability they
may file a complaint before the DTI as provided and/or the responsible officer may incur under existing
for under this Act: Provided, however, That if the laws.