Lung Cancer Intro

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American Thoracic Society


Lung Cancer
If you are thinking about taking part in a lung cancer screening program
or have recently been diagnosed with lung cancer you likely have
many questions about the disease or what treatment options will be
available to you. Lung cancer is a disease that is best treated by a
multi-disciplinary healthcare team. This fact sheet provides a general
overview of lung cancer. For more about lung cancer prevention,
screening, staging and treatment see other ATS fact sheets at

What is lung cancer? What is lung cancer screening?

A lung cancer develops when cells in the lung grow This is when a healthcare provider looks for lung
abnormally and form a tumor. This can be seen on cancer in people who are at high-risk for lung cancer
chest x-rays or CT (‘CAT’) scans as a nodule or a mass. using a CT scan before symptoms arise. This is similar
Lung cancer is far more common in people who have to programs like breast and bowel cancer screening. A
smoked tobacco products. However, it can occur in CT scanner takes multiple x-ray pictures of your lungs
people who never smoked. Other risk factors for lung to create a 3D image. It uses low doses of radiation and
cancer include radon, asbestos and second-hand shows much more detail than a single chest x-ray. Many
smoke exposure as well as air pollution and genetics (a research studies have shown these scans detect lung

history of lung cancer in your family). cancer earlier and reduce deaths from lung cancer.
Most organizations including the American Thoracic
A diagnosis of lung cancer is serious, but treatments
Society (ATS) and the United States Preventive Services
have improved enormously in recent years. In general,
Task Force (USPSTF) recommend lung cancer screening
people with lung cancer do better if diagnosed in early- for eligible people. To see if you are eligible for lung
stage disease, so recognizing lung cancer symptoms is cancer screening and to learn more see the ATS fact
important. However lung cancer can often be present sheet at
without symptoms, so lung cancer screening is also an
important tool to detect lung cancer early in people What are the types of lung cancer?
who are at high-risk. It is important to know what type of lung cancer you
have as it is a major factor in the type of treatment
What are the symptoms of lung cancer? you receive. Lung cancers are divided into non-small
Symptoms of lung cancer can vary from person to cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer
person. You may have no symptoms at all or you may (SCLC). NSCLC is far more common and can be
feel like you have bronchitis or a bad cold that does divided into subtypes like squamous cell carcinoma,
not get better. Symptoms which should alert you to see adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma. The names
your healthcare provider are: a cough that gets worse reflect the different types of cells that can be seen in
or does not go away, more trouble breathing (shortness the lung cancer tissue under the microscope. Some
of breath) than usual, coughing up blood, chest pain, patients with NSCLC will also have testing for specific
hoarse voice, frequent lung infections, feeling tired all immune markers and DNA changes or “biomarkers to
the time, weight loss for no known reason, or swelling further define the cancer type. SCLC can be divided
of your face or arms. into SCLC and combined SCLC. SCLC tends to grow more
Lung cancer is most likely to be cured when detected quickly and spreads earlier to other parts of the body.
at an early stage, when it often causes no lung cancer What is lung cancer staging?
symptoms (asymptomatic). This is why lung cancer Lung cancer is staged using the TNM system, which
screening is important in people who are high risk. stages the cancer by the size of the tumor in cm (T),
Sometimes lung cancer is found when a person has an whether or not the lymph nodes also have cancer cells
imaging study done for an unrelated reason. (N), and whether or not there is spread of the tumor

Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol. 204, P21-P22, 2021

ATS Patient Education Series © 2021 American Thoracic Society
American Thoracic Society


beyond the lungs and lymph nodes, called metastasis you heal better if you need surgery, cut down on side
(M). Each letter then has a number assigned to it, the effects from systemic therapies like chemotherapy and
larger the number the more advanced the cancer is. radiation, and allow these treatments to work better.
This is explained in more detail in the ATS Lung Cancer Smoking cessation may also help you live longer,
Staging fact sheet at improve your quality of life, and lower the risk of
What does Stage I(1), II(2), III(3) and IV(4) mean? cancer coming back or you getting a new cancer. See
also the ATS fact sheet ‘Smoking Cessation and Cancer’
The TNM system helps assign your lung cancer to one
of these four stages. These stages are very complicated
because they all have sub stages depending on how Speak to your healthcare provider about taking over
large the tumor is and where it has spread. Ask your the counter and/or prescription medications to help
healthcare team to describe your lung cancer in both you stop smoking.
the TNM and Stage I-IV. Read more about your cancer
stage at Helpful links to stop smoking:
How is lung cancer treated?
The treatment options for lung cancer are complex, in tobacco/guide-quitting-smoking/nicotine-replacement-
part due to how many effective treatments we have therapy.html
for this disease. In general, these options are refined
based on the type and stage of your lung cancer, your
preferences, and any other health conditions you may OR call 1-800-QUITNOW (1-800-784-8669)
have. Many of the treatments are used in combination Healthcare Provider’s Contact Number:
either at the same time or one after the other.
Lung surgery is offered in people who have early-stage
disease where there is a high chance of removing all Authors: Suzanne Lareau RN, MS, Christopher Slatore MD,
of the cancer. The cancer, some normal lung tissue MS, Robert Smyth MD, MSc
and lymph glands (nodes) are removed. This reduces Reviewers: Hasmeena Kathuria MD, Marianna M. Sockrider
the risk the cancer will come back in the future MD, DrPH
(recurrence). Sometimes after surgery other treatments
are also recommended to reduce this risk. Resources:
Radiation uses high energy x-rays to damage the American Thoracic Society
cancer cells and cause the tumor to shrink. It is often f
used in combination with chemotherapy. A special type – Lung Cancer Staging
of highly focused radiation called stereotactic body
– Lung Cancer Screening
radiotherapy (SBRT) can be offered instead of surgery
in some people. – Treatment of Early-Stage Non-Small Cell
Lung Cancer
Chemotherapy (drugs that kill fast growing cells – Treatment of Advanced Stage Non-Small Cell
including the cancer cells) are commonly used in many Lung Cancer
different treatment plans. These drugs are usually given
– Treatment of Small cell Lung Cancer
through the vein.
– Smoking Cessation and Cancer
Immunotherapy (drugs that use your own immune – Palliative Care for People with Respiratory
system to kill the cancer) are increasingly being used in Disease or Critical Illness
a variety of lung cancer subtypes and stages. Biomarker
– Malignant Pleural Effusion
testing will help your healthcare team decide if you are
a candidate for this therapy. American Cancer Society
Targeted therapy (drugs that kill the cancer cells at the
DNA level) can also be used to treat lung cancer. These Go2 Foundation
drugs tend to be more selective for cancer cells and are f

used after biomarker testing. It is important to ask your American Lung Association
healthcare provider if you are eligible for biomarker f
testing. disease-lookup/lung-cancer
Is it too late to stop smoking?
This information is a public service of the American Thoracic Society.
Stopping smoking can improve cancer outcomes at The content is for educational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute
any stage of disease. Stopping smoking may help for the medical advice of one’s healthcare provider.

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