INMA-MM (MEXICO) :legal Requirement For Inflation Accounting
INMA-MM (MEXICO) :legal Requirement For Inflation Accounting
INMA-MM (MEXICO) :legal Requirement For Inflation Accounting
According to the legal requirment as mentioned in Boletin-10 for Mexico
the inflation adjustment amounts have to posted to non-inventory
accounts. The price source for inflation adjustments can be from
Purchase orders, Invoices, Contracts, Info records and Inflation Index.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>A T T E N T I O N<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Check if the following entries exist and if not then implement the same
* Make an entry in table T030A.
SE16 -> enter table name T030A
choose create entries button and enter as below.
save -> activate
( If you apply the Support Package latter, the customising needs
to be applied again )
Other Terms
The solution can be applied with the relevant support package or with the correction instructions mentioned below.
Manual Activities
Key Value
Software Components
Correction Instructions
SAP_APPL 40B 46C 324854 Wrong material unit conversion when running J1AX XX-CSC-INMA-MM
SAP_APPL 40B 46C 336073 INMA: manual price change does not work XX-CSC-INMA-MM
SAP_APPL 40B 470 499779 Wrong Alv output in case of manual change XX-CSC-INMA-MM
SAP_APPL 46B 46C 426186 INMA: incorrect update of J_1AINFMBW for mat. range XX-CSC-INMA-MM
SAP_APPL 46B 470 307791 Legally required MM-Inflation for Venezuela XX-CSC-INMA-MM
SAP_APPL 46B 470 571164 Settlement Control 3 in ML, Posting Doc. after period check XX-CSC-INMA-MM
SAP_APPL 46C 46C 401024 Inflation revaluation aborts with TABLE_INVALID_INDEX XX-CSC-INMA-MM
SAP_APPL 46C 46C 514159 INMA: J1AZ for split valuated materials XX-CSC-INMA-MM
SAP_APPL 46C 46C 530015 INMA:ERROR E 8Z 384 processing material ranges in update XX-CSC-INMA-MM
SAP_APPL 46C 46C 604520 INMA: Update of Inflation view when no error in FI document XX-CSC-INMA-MM
SAP_APPL 470 470 514159 INMA: J1AZ for split valuated materials XX-CSC-INMA-MM
SAP_APPL 470 470 530015 INMA:ERROR E 8Z 384 processing material ranges in update XX-CSC-INMA-MM
SAP_APPL 470 500 795353 INMA-MM: Invoices as source for market price determination XX-CSC-INMA-MM
SAP_APPL 470 600 604520 INMA: Update of Inflation view when no error in FI document XX-CSC-INMA-MM
Support Package
Software Component Version Support Package