Project Guidelines For BBA IV Sem

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Institute of Innovation in Technology & Management

Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058

(Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi)

BBA 218 Minor Project


The methodology for carrying out the project is given in the following paragraphs. Each student is to
compile his/her study in four chapters as detailed below:

Chapter-1: Introduction of the topic.

1.1 Objective of the study: the students are required to give the
1.2 Need and Scope of the study
1.3 Literature review
1.4 Research methodology
1.5 Limitations of the study.

Chapter-2 Company profile

This chapter is to include the following aspects:

2.1 Industry Overview. Briefly explain the nature and type of industry and the business
(Example BFSI/ Retail/ IT & ITES Sector) This should be for 2-3 pages

2.2 Profile Organisation/Company: Explain the nature of the organisation and its business It should

a) Type of business in which the company is operating

b) Vision & Mission
c) Geographical & functional area of operation
d) Size of organisation & its structure – Show the organization Chart ( flow chart) mention the names
of the heads
e) Market share & position of the company in the industry
f) Product Range
g) Present Leadership
h) Best practices/USPS that the company follows in different functional areas such as MARKETING,
i) Organization Turnover

2.3 Environmental analysis of the company.

Student should use a suitable model to carry out analysis of the organisation comprising of:
a. Strengths & Weaknesses of the company.
b. Best practices/USPs that the company follows in different functional areas such as
Marketing, HR, and Finance etc.
c. Discuss variations/deviations in practices followed by the firm/company in comparison to
standard management practices.

Environment Analysis
Student need to focus on SWOT Analysis OR External EnvironmentalStudy

2.3.1 Internal Environmental Analysis Based on following

S. Characteristics Parameters Possible Source (s)

No. of Data
1 Market Share Comments on market share of the company in Annual report /
terms of: money control and
website of the org
1. Value-wise share of the market
2. Volume-wise share of the market
2 Market Identify USP/market leadership position of
Leadership company in the areas:

1. Product
2. Price
3. Promotion
4. Distribution System
3 Cost of Capital Strength/weakness in terms of cost of capital
4 Leverage Strength/weakness in terms of leverage
5 Profitability Strength/weakness in terms of net profitability
(Net Profit)
6 Organisational Unique/distinguishing features of culture &
Culture and climate of the company
7 Systems and Unique/distinguishing features of systems &
Processes processes of the company

Note : Students can focus on to discuss the

● The key strength areas of your company
● Different competitors of the business – what they do differently
● How is the organization managing the technological advancements and changes

2.3.2 External Environmental Analysis Based on following

S. Characteristics Measurable Dimensions Possible Source of

No. Data
1 Political Impact of the following factors on the
Factors company:

1. Regulatory provisions for the sector

2. Tax Structure
3. Relevant Trade & Tariff policies
4. Impact of regional & international trade
2 Economic Impact of the following factors on the
Factors sustainability of company:

1. Fiscal & Monetary Policies

2. Investment climate
3. Business cycle
4. Exchange Rate volatility
3 Social Factors Social factors influencing the company:

1. Demographic changes
2. Cultural & life style changes
3. Availability of manpower
4. Social structure and its stability
5. Changes in the perception of the
4 Technological Influence of technology on the operations of
Factors the company:

1. Intensity of use of technology

2. Changes in relevant technology
3. Ease of availability of technology
4. Cost of replacement of technology
5 Environmental Impact of following environmental factors
Factors on the operations of the company:

1. Special Ecological & Environmental

provisions for the sector
2. Impact of climate and seasonality
3. Issues of pollution and waste
6 Legal Factors Impact of following legal factors on the
operations of the company:

1. General & specific business laws for the

2. Special provisions in international laws
& WTO for the sector
3. Corporate Governance issues

NOTE: Students should cover minimum 4 parameters


Analysis and Interpretation of Data for different functional Domain guidelines of which is as below
based on the functional domain or department in which you have worked upon.

3.1 For Functional Analysis – Marketing

S. Characteristics Parameters Possible Source (s)

No. of Data
1 Product Identify the Product Range and the sector to Observation
which it belongs. method/ Interaction
Market share of different products. with external
Product Development Process deployed by the supervisor/
company Company’s website
2 Segmentation Bases of segmentation deployed by the Organizations
company (demographic, psychographic, framework to
geographic etc.) analyse consumers
and selecting
Promising markets
of the product/
Pricing of the
product/ features of
of product at
different stores
3 Pricing Pricing methods and factors affecting pricing Price list of the
strategy of company company
4 Promotion Components of promotion mix. (Advertising, Observing different
sales promotion, etc.) types of
Sales Promotion techniques used by advertisements for
company(discounts, sale, coupons etc) different product
range/ Interaction
with external
5 Distribution Channels/ Intermediaries used by the company Observing
(wholesaler, Retailer etc.) distribution network/
list of dealers and
6 Sales Target decision making. Observing sales
Management Deployment of sales force. structure/ Interaction
Sales Organization Structure with external
7 Customer Techniques deployed for CRM Observing CRM
Relationship programmes of
Management company/ CRM
policy template of
8 Brand Equity of different brands. Observing Brand
Brand Steps for brand development (brand management
Management modification, rejuvenation etc.) strategies followed
by the company/
Interaction with
external supervisor

NOTE: Students are required to cover minimum of 4 heads from above

3.2 For Functional Analysis – Finance

S. Characteristics Parameters Possible Source (s)
No. of Data/Analytical
1 Capital Owned Funds, borrowed funds, Opportunity Capital Turnover
Structure cost of owned funds. Proportion of various Ratio, Debt-Equity
sources of financing, change (+ve or –ve) from Ratio, Total Debt
last year and reasons therewith Ratio.

2 Cost of Capital Interest on bank loan, debentures etc., dividend Cost of Equity is not
on shares (preference) pre calculated,
however can be
derived using
following equation:
Ke= D1 + g
3 Cost Fixed, Variable, Semi-variable Cost, Break-Even
Identification Administrative, selling, distribution overheads Analysis,
and prime cost Comparative
firm, % Contribution
of each head in Total
4 Leverage Financial, Operating Leverage, Contribution Changes in FL and
(Sales-VC), EBIT, PBT OL from last year
and reasons for the
same, Interest
Coverage Ratio.
5 Profit Gross profit, Net profit, operating Profit or Net Profit Ratio,
Estimation Revenue in excess of cost incurred Operating Profit
Ratio, Growth trend
as compared to last

6 Profit Retained earnings, re-investment, creation of Earnings Per Share,

Appropriation reserves, surplus, funds, provisions, tax Dividend Per Share,
payments, and dividend Proportionate
contribution in
complete profit
Comparison with
last year, changes (if
any) and reasons

7 Inventory Minimum Level, Maximum Level, Re-order Current Ratio,

Management Level, EOQ, Safety stock Working Capital
Turnover Ratio,
Quick ratio,
Inventory Turnover
Ratio, Absolute
Liquid ratio.

8 Cash Opening Cash, Sales, Collection from Debtors, Comment on deficit

Management Purchases, Payment to creditors, other or surplus at the end
expenses. (These should be the budgeted of the month and
values for at least next three months) mode of short term
9 Receivable Proportion of business done on credit basis, Debtor’s Turnover
Management terms of granting credit, follow up in case of Ratio, Average
default, change in credit policy. Collection Period.

10 Payables Bifurcation of transactions done on credit basis Creditor Turnover

Management like Accounts Payable/ Creditors/ Bank ratio, Average
Overdraft. Payment Period.

NOTE: Students are required to cover minimum of 4 heads from above

3.3 For Functional Analysis – HRM

S. Characteristics Parameters Possible Source (s)

No. of Data
1 Size and 1. Total no of employees (grade wise, managerial, Organisation
Structure of clerical, etc), functional area wise (HR, structure, Form 12
Human Marketing etc.), temporary or permanent, (Employment return
Capital 2. Turnover or manpower wastage rate, submission),
3. Manpower planning process, Recruitment and Contract Labour Act,
selection, Internal sources of recruitment, Construction Labour
External sources of recruitment 4.Rate of Act,
retirements/ resignations in a year, HR audit report,
5.Organisation structure. Organisation notice
boards etc.
2 Training 1. Training need analysis, 2.Types of Training Training calendar,
Systems programs (induction, refresher etc.) conducted Training notices,
grade wise, Training programs.
3. Training structure.
3 Career System followed by the company for Career Growth Chart,
Development 1. Promotion and succession, Succession Policy.
2. Job enrichment, Job enlargement & Job
3. Coaching, Mentoring & Counseling.
4 Performance 1.Monitoring, Feedback and control mechanism Blank appraisal
Appraisal and deployed by the company, forms, filled
Recognition 2. Appraisal Techniques applied. appraisal forms,
Systems Recognition boards,
5 CompensationSystem followed for deciding: 1.compensation Minimum Wages
Management package/wage fixation grade wise, Act Payment of
2. Composition of salary package, Wages Act, Payment
3. Extra benefits (social security benefits, ESOP, of Bonus Act, ESI
ESI, etc). Act, EPF Act,
Payment of Gratuity
Act, IT ACT,
Annual Accounts,
HR Manual, HR
Audit report.
6 Facilities and 1. Facilities provided (canteen, restrooms etc.), The Company Act,
Employee 2. Ergonomic Environment, Shops &
Welfare 3. Statutory support systems (Maternity leave, sick Establishment Act,
leave, etc.), 4. Unique facilities. The Partnership Act,
Factories act,
Maternity Benefit
Act, Industrial
(Standing Order
Act), Workmen’s
Compensation Act.
7 Discipline and1. System for handling defaulters, delinquency and Industrial Disputes
Grievance dispute, Act, Industrial
Handling 2. Grievance handling mechanism, Employment
System 3. Special provisions for women employees. (Standing Order
Act), HR Audit
report, Annual
accounts, Sexual
Harassment Act.

NOTE: Students are required to cover minimum of 4 heads from above

3.4 For Functional Analysis - Operations

S. Characteristics Parameter Possible Source (s)
No. of Data

1 Operational 1. Output(s)/Outcome(s) of the company Annual report of the

Systems and 2. Types of outputs (Tangible product versus company
Processes service)
3. Operational processes and sub-processes
& their integration
2 Input 1. Nature of input (Physical, Manpower, Purchase manual,
Management Information) HR hand book
2. Identify sources of input (Suppliers/in- Auditor’s report,
house assembly system) Director’s report
3. Procurement system (Just-in-time, order
processing mechanism)
4. Preparation of bill of materials
5. Vendor management system
3 Supply Chain 1. Entities of supply chain of the company Vendor list of the
Management 2. Logistics and distribution system (inbound company,
and outbound)
3. System of inventory management followed Purchase
policy, Annual
report, Store manual,
management policy

NOTE: Students are required to cover minimum of 4 heads from above

Chapter 4: Conclusions and Recommendations

NOTE: The focus of the students should be here on the functional domain that they worked
in. It is important to observe the daily working and comment/ give opinion/advice based on
the the different sub points suggested above.

This Chapter should comprise the results of the study & these are to be presented and supported by
facts & figures in narrative form and be culled out from the Chapter-3. The sequence of the results
must be consistent with the objectives of the study mentioned in Chapter-1.

Recommendations: are the final suggestions that you would like to give to company after
undertaking the study


Follow APA style of Referencing (8th edition)

If the material in the body of the text is taken from the sources mentioned below the referencing
required to be given in the style and format as explained below under each source.
Examples are given below:
1. D.L. Carney, J.I. Cochran, “The 5ESS Switching System: Architectural Overview,”
AT&T Technical Journal, vol. 64, no. 6, July-August 1985, pp. 1339-1356.
2. A. Stevens, C++ Database Development, MIS Press, New York, 1992, p. 34.


● Questionnaire (if applicable)

● Table/ Charts/ Graphs (if applicable)

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