Communication Process

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1) Discuss the communication process explaining each of the key components in having a

successful communication.

a) What is the communication?

b) Draw the communication process and describe each component
c) Barriers of communication

According to the definition of Shannon and Weaver, communication is the reproducing of a message
created or selected in one place in the same or similar form in another place.

There are many elements in the communication process, among which we identify the elements of
communicator, message, encoding, barriers, media, decoding, receiver and feedback.


Communicator → Message → Encoding → Media → Decoding → Receiver



The person exchanging information with another party is the communicator or the sender of the
message, who may occasionally represent a group, organization or institution. In the communication
process, the communicator exerts a significant influence.


Encoding is the function of converting the ideas or information obtained in the communicator’s mind
into a message or message to communicate with another party. An example of this is the Bale sign
system used by blind people.


The idea generated in the mind of the communicator is processed into a message by encoding. This is
also called context. For example, in an election season, instead of telling the vote of each voter through
the media, it is possible to announce the number of votes cast in one electorate at the same time.

The media or channel carries the message from the place of communication to the intended party. It can
be through audio medium, visual medium, audio-visual medium or written medium. With the
advancement of technology, these media are expanding day by day. For example, in the past, the
decisions taken by state were presented by a crier, whereas nowadays, the announcements of
government policies, circulars can be taken through the official website.


Decoding is the process by which the receiver understands the message presented by the communicator
through the media. For example, a message received in Tamil can be understood by translating it into
Sinhala through the Google translator software.


Communication barriers are the adverse effect in the communication process. There are mainly two of
them. These are semantic barriers and technical barriers. Semantic barriers originate internally. For
example, a message received by the Bale signaling system is difficult to understand by a person who is
not familiar with that system.

Technical barriers are constantly caused by the external environment and the communication process is
interrupted due to the interruption of the telephone signal in the use of Zoom technology.


Another essential element of the communication process. No communication process can exist without
receiver. Therefore, the receiver is essential for interpersonal or group communication.


To be a successful communication process there must be feedback. But it varies from time to time. For
example, in some communication acts, it is unilateral. The receiver does not get a chance to feedback.
Although the receiver does not have the opportunity to feedback to a message presented on a television
program, the receiver can respond to an advertisement posted using social media.

In order for a successful communication process to take place, it is essential to meet the above
mentioned communication elements.

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